Wednesday, October 23rd, 2013


Specific Media

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Cynopsis: DIGITAL

Good morning. It’s Wednesday, October 23, 2013, and this is your first early morning digital briefing.


Clearleap has partnered with program distributor iN DEMAND (which is owned by Comcast, Cox and Time Warner Entertainment) to upgrade its video-on-demand cable distribution network. As part of the deal, iN DEMAND will also use Clearleap’s multiscreen video and digital management systems. Clearleap CEO Braxton Jarratt told Cynopsis, “This partnership provides iN Demand with the advanced management and all-IP distribution systems needed to help their cross-platform strategy.”

Amazon and MGM struck a deal to expand content for Amazon’s Prime Instant Video, allowing Prime members to stream History Channel series Vikings, as well movie titles from MGM’s library like Fargo, Platoon and Annie Hall. Prime is already the online subscription home for popular series like PBS‘s Downton Abbey and CBS‘s Under the Dome. Your move, Netflix.

In 3 short weeks, we’ll announce the winners for the inaugural Cynopsis Digital Model D Awards at the Grand Hyatt in New York City! Check out the impressive list of finalists and register your team today for the November 12th event:


Amazon may be next in line to join Google and get in on Facebook’s ad exchange network, FBX, reports Business Insider. If indeed it happens, the trio will have to exchange data with one another and consumers may be cross-targeted cross all three companies – a first.
In Other Words: It’s a smart move for Facebook, who will be collecting bucks from both giants to let them in under the tent.

Brands, advertising agencies and those who serve them gathered at the Digital Place-based Advertising Association (DPAA) Video Everywhere Summit in New York City yesterday, and discussed ways for brands to best utilize video advertising and how to improve the market as a whole, such as making the buying and selling of video ads more standardized. The Media Kitchen President Barry Lowenthal compared video out-of-home advertising to where mobile advertising was just a few years ago: the solution, he says, lies in simplifying and normalizing the ad-buying experience for brands.

As the holiday season approaches, Fisher-Price is looking to lure millennial moms in the digital space. The brand’s “Share the Joy” campaign offers consumers a $5 coupon when they hit FP’s landing page, and $5 more to share the site’s videos with friends. The effort will be supported by TV ads.

Call for Submissions: Cynopsis is producing its annual Holiday Programming Guide, which comes out on November 26 and will be sent to all Cynopsis and Cynopsis Kids subscribers. If your network has holiday-themed programming airing from November 27 through December 31, please send your listings to Lynn Leahey at [email protected] no later than Monday November 18. Please include the following information: type of program (i.e. series, special, documentary, movie or holiday-themed episode), title, dates and times of all airings (please indicate when the show first premieres and when subsequent encores will air). A confirmation email will be sent following each submission from Lynn (if you don’t receive a confirmation email, please resubmit).


Cynopsis Digital’s Video Measurement Summit
Monetizing Cross-Platform Video

November 13 | Grand Hyatt, NY | 8:30am-4:00pm

More info + registration:

Registration / Tickets: Pete Romas, 203.899.8483
Advertising / Sponsorships: Mike Farina, 203.218.6480
Sponsors: OneScreen (Silver) Mass Revelence (Social Media Partner) IAB (Industry Partner)


Comcast is divulging details of its new multiscreen video tech, VIPER. C2meworld reports the new IP video product will offer on-demand video, live TV streams and other digital media for connected devices like smartphones, game consoles and smart TVs. Although Comcast has been mostly quiet about VIPER, over the past year it has already started to integrate the tech into all of Comcast’s products.


A new report released today from Touchstorm Video Index: Top Brands Edition found that small brands are beating the world’s mega brands on YouTube. Only 74 biggies, including Nike, EA Sports, Lego and Coca-Cola, are ranked in YouTube’s top 5,000 entries. Touchstorm CEO Alison Provost told Cynopsis, “Many brands spend a lot of time trying to create new content formats, thinking ‘nothing like this exists, so let’s break through the clutter.’ In the year it takes them to figure out that the experiment didn’t work, more mindshare is lost. It’s madness.”

Unruly Media found that 40 percent of the 1,000 most shared videos on Instagramcame from brands, according to a new report released yesterday. Some specifics:

  • The most shared brand on Instagram was MTV, with 84 videos in the top 1,000, which resulted in more than 130,000 shares on Facebook, Twitter and blogs.
  • Peanuts’ Snoopgram was the most shared branded video on the platform followed by an EA Sports video and a promo for HBO’s Girls.
  • The total number of Instagram videos shared on Twitter was the equivalent to ten percent of YouTube videos shared on the same social platform.

ABC dominated half of the top ten in the DVR Playback Rankings according to a Nielsen report for the first week of October. Although CBS’s Big Bang Theory and NBC’s Blacklist were the top two, ABC’s Marvel Agents S.H.I.E.L.D, Modern Family, Grey’s Anatomy, Nashville and Scandal all took primo spots.

EXEC MOVES announced yesterday that it has hired Brian Colbert as its first Chief Revenue Officer. Colbert was previously Vice President of Mobile Advertising Sales for Pandora.

Multiplatform advertising agency Collective has hired Jaisimha Muthegere as Vice President and General Manager of India Operations and Steve Silvestri as Vice President of Television. Muthegere was a previous Yahoo executive, and Silvestri was a former DirectTV executive.

Join me and a host of experts at our November 13 Cynopsis Digital Measurement Summit! This all-day conference will bring together expert speakers on topics including measurement, TV everywhere, data, the second screen, YouTube, and much more! Register your team today:


Thank You to our Cynopsis Future TV Summit Sponsors!

Gold Sponsor: ABC Family

Silver Sponsors: A+E Networks & Rhythm NewMedia

Participating Sponsors: BrightLine, NCC Media & TruthCo.

Media Partner: IAB


Bravo’s Top Chef: Last Chance Kitchen, the multiplatform Emmy-winning digital series, will kick off its third season premiere tonight after Top Chef airs on Bravo. The digital series chronicles the kicked-off contestants fighting for another chance on the television show’s finale. Last season, the digital series brought in 9.5 million views. New episodes will be available every Wednesday at and on mobile devices. View the trailer for the new series at


Cynopsis: Digital Model D Awards
Grand Hyatt, NY | November 12, 2013 | Noon – 2:00 p.m.

A few of the categories that will be awarded are…
Connected TV Platform, Daily Series, Digital Consumer Brand, Digital Studio/Production Company, Digital Television Group,
Digital Video Technology Platform, Multiplatform Marketing Campaign and more…

Sponsorship: Mike Farina (203) 218-6480|Registration: Pete Romas (203) 899-8483

See you tomorrow,
Jessica Reese

Roberta Caploe: Editorial Director
Diane K Schwartz: Senior Vice President, Media Communications Group

Cynopsis Ad Sales: Mike Farina | VP Sales & Marketing | 203-218-6480
Classifieds Sales: Trish Pihonak | Director of Operations & Content | 888-702-3858

Cynopsis Media: a division of Access Intelligence, LLC * 10 Norden Place * Norwalk, CT * 06855 * USA

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Cynopsis CLASSIFIEDSFor More classifieds, visit the classifieds page here.

JOB OPENING: BUS DEV ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE/YUME/NY: Develop/Maintain strategic partnerships & Licensing relationships w/Publishers. 2-5 yrs sales exp req’d. Strong kwldg of advtsg tech solutions. Resumes HERE: [email protected] (10/30)

JOB OPENING: PROJECT DIR-DEST. BIO/VULCAN/SEA: Mng online dest w/multmedia cont. Responsible for strtgy devl, planning, implmnt, reprting in prjct execution. Undrstnd of bio and edu. Exp in hi lev ldrship and desgning intrctv prdct. Apply here (10/30)

JOB OPENING: INTEGRATED MKTG MGR/NYC: Ideation, proposal writing, & multi-platform prgrm execution to create high-impact integrated sales strategies for Here Media brands. See Res/salary/work samples here (10/29) 

JOB OPENING: AD SALES COORD/NY: Work w/AE & Planners w/systms. POC for agencies. Create flowcharts, handle make-good offrs. Liaison btwn traffic & agency. Self strter, mult-tskr, strong org skills.. BA+ 2yrs exp. Resumes HERE [email protected] (10/29)

JOB OPENING: DIGITAL MEDIA PLANNER/NY, NY: Develop/mng. client media plans, provide rec’s and perform analysis for ad agency. Exp. in dig. media planning/buying and client comm’s. F/T, temp to hire. Resume to [email protected] (10/29)

JOB OPENING: DIGITAL PRODUCTS ANALYST/iN DEMAND/NYC: Build financial models, conduct market research/analyze & identify/negotiate new business opportunities. Bachelors & 3-4 yrs digital exp. Apply: [email protected] (10/29)

JOB OPENING: PUBLICITY MGR/NICKELODEON/NYC: Mng/execute media relations activity nationwide for our Consumer Products & Digital Media & Interactive bus. BA. 5 yrs publicity exp req’d. Strong relationships w/nat’l/trade. Apply HERE (10/26)

JOB OPENING: AD SALES ASST/UP TV/NY: Recent grad w/previous ad sales/adv internship exp. to asst ad sales dept. Strong Excel & multi-tasking a +. Good comm, interpersonal & organzt’l skills. Res: [email protected] (10/26)

JOB OPENING: SALES PLANNER/Outcast Media/NYC: Develop and execute media proposals, Monitor Campaigns, Coordinate btwn Client & Traffic Dept, Need BS+ 2+ years planning exp, Media math, highly organized, strong excel. Apply HERE (10/26) 

JOB OPENING: HBO/FIXED-TERM-ANALYST, AUDIENCE RESEARCH w/benefits/NYC: tracks & reports performance of HBO/MAX programming. Proficient in Nielsen systems, including Galaxy, Explorer, NPower. Apply @ (10/26)

JOB OPENING: SR. DIR., SALES RESEARCH/NBCUniversal/NYC: Direct sales research for USA Network. Expertise with Nielsen, Brand Effect/IAG, Simmons/MRI, 7+ yrs rsrch exp. Apply at (#12372BR). (10/26)

JOB OPENING: SUPERVISING PRODUCER/COMEDY CENTRAL/NYC: 7+ yrs of digital strategy exp/3yrs in mngmnt. Work w/team of strategists & producers developing and executing the multi-platform strategy & prgrmng. Apply HERE (10/26) 

JOB OPENING: MGR, CONSUMER PRODUCTS MKTG/Nickelodeon/NYC: Resp for dvlpmnt of Nickelodeon Consumer Products cross-category mktg plans in support of retail agnostic campaigns including: TV, Digital, Print, Social Media 5yrs mktg exp. Apply HERE (10/26)

JOB OPENING: RETAIL MARKETING MGR/Nickelodeon/NYC: Idea generation and strategizing marketing campaigns to support CP at retail, and work hand in hand with sales teams to drive revenue. 3-5 years experience in licensing. Apply HERE (10/26)

JOB OPENING: OPS INVENTORY MNGMNT, MGR/LA: Resp for plan’g & procurement of BD & DVD finished goods to meet or exceed timeline expectations in fulfillment of all catalog bus demands for N. America. Success w/Bus & Financial Ops. (FFE0002018) Apply: HERE (10/26) 

JOB OPENING: SR DIR SALES RSCH/NBCU/NYC: Direct sales research for USA Network. Expertise with Nielsen, Brand Effect/IAG, Simmons/MRI, 7+ yrs rsrch exp. (#12372BR). Apply HERE (10/26)

JOB OPENING: MANAGER, PARTNER MARKETING/iN DEMAND/NYC: Devlp/execute consumer mktg & ptnrship initiatives, 3-5 yrs mktg exp., strong know of digital & social media. Resume & sal req to: [email protected] (10/25)

JOB OPENING: STRATEGY & INSIGHTS MGR/Univision/NYC: Find insights, build compelling presentations for advertisers/internal clients. Familiarity/knwldg of Simmons/Scarborough type tools. Min 2 yrs mktg at client/agency or media co. Res: [email protected] (10/25)

JOB OPENING: DIGITAL AE/CNN/CHI: looking for seasoned Digital AE. 5-7 yrs sales exp req’d. Support CNN & CNNMoney. Create, present proposals to secure business. Dvlp/maintain client & agency relationships. Resumes HERE: [email protected] (10/25)

JOB OPENING: SR DIR/COMEDY CENTRAL/NYC: Dvlp innovative & insightful initiatives in on-air and digital brands in mktplace. 8+ yrs in related media rsrch- linear & non-linear exp is imperative. More info apply HERE (10/25)

JOB OPENING: DIR, BRANDED ENT/ZO Newcast/NYC: 7 yrs exp’d with integrated mktg or ad mktg exp within a TV/Dig Nwk or Br. Ent. Agency. Apply via (10/25)

JOB OPENING: SCHEDULING COORD/WETV/NYC: accurate, timely input of all schedules & content related data, track viewer inquiries, conduct competitive analysis. APPLY HERE (10/24)

EXPERT SERVICES ADS: These ads are for companies or people who offer an expertise in the field of media by way of production, voice over artistry, writing, set development, etc. For information on rates and specs for posting an Expertise Service ad email Trish at [email protected]

INTERNSHIPS – These positions are for credit only – nobody gets paid here. These ads are always posted for free, and students work for school credit only. For more information on the specs for posting an Internship ad, email Trish at [email protected].

SITUATION WANTED ADS, POSTED BY THOSE LOOKING TO BE HIRED… There is no charge for placing your Situation Wanted ad… for more information contact Trish Pihonak at [email protected].

SITUATION WANTED: ASSISTANT: I want to be your assistant. Please contact me, [email protected] (10/30)

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