Wednesday, November 2nd, 2011

Cynopsis: DIGITAL

Good morning, it’s Wednesday, November 2, 2011, and this is your first early morning digital briefing.  If you would like to read this or any other Cynopsis edition online, click here

Google believes there is an inadequate use of the mobile web space, even with the booming rise of smartphones and tablet computers, reports AllThingsD. Essentially, the search giant believes that companies are not using the opportunities that a well-designed, robust mobile website can provide. To that effect, it is launching a new initiative at that seeks to not only explain if and/or why your company may need a mobile site, but also “walk companies through the decision process of building a standalone mobile site,” according to Jason Spero, director of mobile at Google. The company has partnered with about 15 to 20 vendors and agencies that can help with the various aspects of building a mobile site. In fact, the site also has an emulator that will show how your future site would look on a mobile device, along with case studies from companies in case you need more information before you decide if a mobile site is a viable option for your company. And just so it doesn’t seem Google has no cards in this game, once a company can develop a strong mobile site, the search giant would, of course, love to help out with marketing.


You can add Meredith Corporation to the list of media companies and content providers that are coming on board YouTube’s new original channel initiative. The company announced that it will launch Digs, a channel devoted to home and gardening, through Meredith Video Studios. The channel will offer seven original series of four-to-five minute episodes.
President Obama has nominated Jessica Rosenworcel and Ajit Varadaraj Pai to the FCC. If approved, both will join the five-member agency as it transitions its policies away from focusing on telecom services and towards broadband internet communications, says The Washington Post.


Mark Burnett, the producer behind popular reality fare like Survivor who changed how paid product placements were used in the TV industry, through his investment in the Vimby digital production studio, is looking to similarly reshape how brands use videos online, according to a fascinating article from the Los Angeles Times. Vimby has a house of 150 filmmakers who create short videos for multiple platforms focusing on interesting topics, people and cultures for the studio’s website and YouTube. After signing on, Burnett has led the charge to pair up these videos with interesting and big-name sponsors. And increasingly, the studio’s network of filmmakers are also being offered and used by advertisers to fill a specific need, as in the case of Aflac, where the studio produced a silent film that invited viewers to become the next voice of the Aflac Duck.
Interactive video ad company Jivox  has closed its Series B round of funding for $8.2 million led by Fortisure Ventures along with numerous existing investors. In addition to the funding, Jivox also announced that Mani Subramanian, the CEO of Fortisure, and John Squires, CEO of Akademos, will join the company’s board of directors. Jivox’s technology currently delivers more than 1,000 video ad campaigns per month across multiple screens.
Procter & Gamble is experimenting with a new way for consumers to make mobile purchases, via virtual stores in subway stations, reports Advertising Age. In Prague, the company has set up virtual stores in four of the busiest stations. Consumers can purchase P&G products by scanning a QR code of the product. The order is then submitted to Mall.Cz, the largest online store in the Czech Republic, who process the transaction and send a message to the customer’s phone confirming a delivery time. This method was first used by Tesco stores in South Korea.


SymphonyIRI Group and Legolas Media are teaming up to provide a platform that brand marketers can use to make online ad buy decisions based on user level in-store purchase behavior, and then to also use actual product sales data to measure ROI. The offering will combine Legolas’ audience marketplace, which allows advertisers to optimize guaranteed buys on premium publishers, with SymphonyIRI’s data on shopping behavior, which is culled from the company’s household purchasing base of more than 86,000 consumers.
Sony Pictures
is tapping Pandora‘s iOS app to increase sales of their film, Bad Teacher. The studio is running expandable ads that give customers the option of buying or renting the film via their mobile device, reports Mobile Commerce Daily. This isn’t the first instance of Sony using an in-app display ad to drive consumer action as they also used a similar strategy for 30 Seconds or Less, where users who tapped on the ad could preview the film and buy tickets for it.


Yahoo is set to acquire interclick, a provider of proprietary data-valuation capabilities that helps marketers wade through the data clutter to improve audience targeting. interclick’s data valuation platform is capable of managing large data volumes across multiple providers and marketplaces. “The investment underscores our focus on enhancing the performance of both our guaranteed and non-guaranteed display business across Yahoo and our partner sites,” said Ross Levinsohn, EVP, Americas region. “interclick’s innovative platform will allow Yahoo to expand its targeting and data capabilities…” Yahoo’s tab will be almost $270 million.
Adobe has bought Auditude. The video ad manager, whose client list includes MLB, Comcast and Dailymotion, will provide the monetization piece to Adobe’s integrated multi-platform video offering, which already includes video creation, publishing and optimization. As a result, Adobe will be able to offer full end-to-end video services across IP-enabled devices. Terms of the deal were not disclosed, but sources tell GigaOm that it is in the vicinity of $100 million.


Research findings from IBM show that 82% of Chief Marketing Officers surveyed worldwide will increase their technology investment in social media in the next three to five years. 81% also reported that they plan on increasing investment on customer analytics and CRM solutions. According to eMarketer, this further supports the notion that marketers are using customer data in order to reach unique segments and targets more effectively. In the study, 67% of the CMOs state a shared desire to increase engagement and loyalty with consumers, and 61% answered they already use CRM data for targeting and segmentation.


GameStop will start selling Android tablets, including some from Samsung, Acek and Asustek Computer, at 200 of its U.S. stores this holiday season, reports The Wall Street Journal. The devices will come with a set of seven pre-installed free games such as Dead Space and Madden NFL from Electronic Arts, as well as links to GameSpot’s mobile app store and the Android marketplace.
Get ready Albania, Armenia, Bulgaria, El Salvador, Greece, Guatemala, Hong Kong, Malta, Montenegro, Panama, Poland, Portugal, Romania, South Korea and New Zealand, the iPhone 4S is coming to you. Apple announced that preorders for its latest product will be available for pre-order on November 4 in most of the aforementioned countries. This will expand the phone’s availability from being offered in 29 countries to 44.



Cyn opsis Media presents:

Headlines & Highlights

Available on Monday mornings and located on our homepage, Headlines & Highlights wraps up last week’s important and ongoing topics to jumpstart your week… along with a little fun commentary for good measure.

Monday’s pre-roll and video advertising space is available.
Contact Mike Farina (203.218.6480) for additional information and to schedule your spot.


Eye-C is a mobile app for both the iOS and Android operating systems that lets you “play” a Twitter hashtag. What am I talking about, you ask? It’s pretty cool, the app basically takes a hashtag you enter and searches for any types of media associated with it from videos to music and photos. Then, it will essentially create a playlist of that media that you can enjoy. And just in case you don’t want to watch it all on your phone, the content can be streamed from not only your tablet, but also connected TVs, PCs, gaming consoles and set-top boxes using DLNA or AirPlay.

Later – Sahil
 Sahil Patel, Access Intelligence, filling in for Wayne Karrfalt for Cynopsis: Digital

Cynopsis Ad Sales:
Mike Farina – VP/Business Development & Sales – 203-218-6480 / [email protected]
Classifieds – Trish Pihonak- 203-381-9096 / [email protected]

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JOB OPENING: ENTERTAINMENT MGR/NY or LA: Oversee material deliveries for int’l entertainment distribution. Assist with program sales related needs. 2-3 yrs. Exp. More info or to apply   job# OTH79-12 (11/9)

JOB OPENING: PUBLICIST-FUSE/NY: PR for brand, prgrmng & campaigns. Daily PR activies- inc writing publicity materials & pitch projects. Support content distro, oversee press efforts, & execute PR initiatives. (11/9)

JOB OPENING: DIR POST OPERATION/DC: Oversee post production and technical operational functions for Creative Services & other facility occupants. Apply: (11/9)

JOB OPENING: ACCT EXEC PARTNER MKTG/bottlerocket mktg group/NY: Pitch/neg. partnerships; dvlp/execute promotions; full campaign delivery. 6+ yrs part. mkt & strong proj mgmt exp req’d Res: [email protected] (11/9)

JOB OPENING: RSRCH CONSULTANT/ABC/Bur: Track/analyze performance prog across all platforms. Solid PC skills, orgnzd & detail oriented, media rsrch exp pref. Knwldg Nielsen sftwr & BA/BS pref’d. Resumes: [email protected] (11/9)

JOB OPENING: SR MGR – AD SLS MRKTG/Discovery/NY: Mng dvlpmnt & fulfillment of solutions/sponsorships/Value-Earned Mrktg opportunities for DCI ntwrks; 7+yrs integrated mrktg exp; exp in TV/Cable & ad sls mrktg plus;   #4659  (11/9)

JOB OPENING: SR DIR CLIENT DEVELOPMENT/E-POLL MARKET RESEARCH/LA: Dvlp new biz & expand/cross-sell existing relationships for rsrch products & full service custom rsrch srvcs. More info click here (11/8)

JOB OPENING: PROGRAM SCHEDULER/EPIX/NY: Schd promos; upd prog logs ; sched’g on-going series, movies & specls into PTS; updt grids in sched syst for EPIX, EPIX 2 & EPIX 3;1-2yrs prog exp; Col Grad EOE (11/5)

JOB OPENING: POST PRODUCTION SUPERVISOR/NYC: Competition-reality show seeks organized Post Production Supervisor. Large volume of footage. Will oversee loggers, supervise AE’s 12/19/117/27/12 Email : [email protected] (11/5)

JOB OPENING: SUPERVISING POST PRODUCER/NYC: Competition-reality show seeks experienced, creative Supv Post Producer Oversee post; give notes to Post Producers, APs and Editors 1/2/12-6/29/12 Email: [email protected] (11/5)

JOB OPENING: LICENSING SALES EXEC/LA: Growing kids entertainment company in LA needs experienced, creative sales exec for high profile brands. Proven sales record, self-motivated, passionate, driven for success [email protected] (11/5)

JOB OPENING: MEDIA ADMIN/L.A. TV PRODUCER-DISTRIB: Prep commercial integration, flowcharts, invoices & ad buyer requests. Office, Project, Contract & CEO admin. Media, Ad Agency, Nielsen exp pref. Res/Salary reqs: [email protected] (11/5)

JOB OPENING: Citybuzz BUS. DVLPMNT MGR/NYC: Online, in-flight, taxi TV ntwrk seeks media savvy sales talent to drive sales of branded content & tradit’l spots on dig, out of home & brdcst platforms. Resume/cvr: [email protected] (11/5)

JOB OPENING: MGR PR/SUNDANCE/NY: Devlp/excute publicity campagns/events/netwrk premums/pres junkets resultng in media coverage of SUN brand. Creatve w/excllt comm skills/Media contcts. 5yr PR exp in TV indstry [email protected] (11/4)

JOB OPENING: ANALYST, PRIMARY RESEARCH USA/NYC: Plan, design, analyze consumer research (custom and syndicated). Passion for TV & strong writing and math skills. Apply: (11/4)

JOB OPENING: HEAD OF STAFFING & EXEC REC/AMC NETWORKS/NY: Oversee strategic design & execution of staffing plans for all networks & corp. departments. Needs 10+ yrs in house & search firm experience: Apply: [email protected] (11/4)

JOB OPENING: DISTRIBUTION COUNSEL/A+E Networks/NY: Min 5 yrs cable-carriage distribution/affiliate deals. More info & Apply: #103642 (11/4)

JOB OPENING: SALES PLANNER/CBS Television Distribution/Chicago: Sales Planner needed with3-5 years media experience. BA Deg.  Strong contacts. Position reports to SVP of sales. Contact [email protected]  (11/4)

JOB OPENING:   EXP’D PROD Daytime talk show/NYC: MUST have talk show/human interest booking exp. Resp for developing stories, Booking, writing, copy editing. Must have strong leadership skills. Apply to [email protected] (11/3)

JOB OPENING:  SR. WRITER/PRODUCER/NEW YORK: Writing/producing & conceptualizing onair promos that articulate History brands with creative flare (11/3)

JOB OPENING:  DIG MEDIA SALES PLN’R/NCC/ATLANTA: Grow territory/acct rev to meet & exceed rev goals. BS/BA deg or equiv training & exp req’d. 2-3 yrs advertising & digital sales related exp. Resume: [email protected] (11/3)

JOB OPENING:  VP, PRIMARY RESEARCH/NY:Conduct strategic research on key industry issues & company-wide initiatives & imperatives.10+yrs exp in media/market research. Apply at job# 3321BR (11/3)

JOB OPENING:  BUSINESS ANALYST/iN DEMAND/NYC:  Identify, analyze & document bus req. Back-end testing.  Strong command of SQL.  Bachelors Computer Science & 5-10 years in cable.  Apply:  [email protected] (11/3)

JOB OPENING:  SR MANAGER, DIGITAL MKTG/ Nickelodeon/NYC:  5+yrs Exp:Oversee DIG. Mktg strategy, tactics, planning and execution. Prepare DIG Mktg Plans and Lead Prod. EOE/M/F/D/AAP.Apply (11/3)

INTERNSHIPS – These positions are for credit only – nobody gets paid here. These ads are always posted for free, and students work for school credit only. For more information on the specs for posting an Internship ad, email Trish at [email protected] .

FALL/WINTER INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY:  INTERNSHIP SOCIAL MEDIA: Sports mobile app company seeks social media intern. Must have experience in sports writing/social media management. Unpaid/Credit Only. Send resume to:  [email protected] (11/3)

SITUATION WANTED ADS, POSTED BY THOSE LOOKING TO BE HIRED …  There is no charge for placing your Situation Wanted ad … for more information contact Trish Pihonak at [email protected]

SITUATION WANTED: INTEGRATED COPYWRITER. Marketing campaigns, promotion, collateral, positioning, naming. TV, print, digital. Trade, consumer. Upfront anyone? I hear brand voices. Fast + fun. (11/9)

SITUATION WANTED:  CREATIVE MIND AT WORK Seeking to assist at Entry-Junior level. B.A.  Mass Comm/Media backgrnd, 3-5 years experience, NY based, but, open to warmer climates. Please email, [email protected] (11/9)

SITUATION WANTED: MBA professional with 4 years of experience, looking for opportunities in sales, business development, or research. Motivated self-starter and team player. [email protected] (11/8)

SITUATION WANTED: AD SALES ASSISTANT: (CHICAGO) Interned at Comcast Sports Net in Ad Sales, Works as Sales Assistant at NBCUniversal. Has B.A. from DePaul in PR/Advertising. Resume upon request. Contact [email protected] (11/8)

SITUATION WANTED: Seeking Media/Marketing/Brand Strategy Assistant position in L.A. I have a MBA in Marketing, 7+ years work experience. Interned at Starwood Hotels. Interested in all things creative. Contact [email protected] (11/8)

SITUATION WANTED:  Seeking PR,MEDIA,MARKETING,EXECUTIVE assistant positions in LA. I have a B.A. in Media Relations.4+yrs exp in Media/PR. Please contact: [email protected] (11/3)

SITUATION WANTED:   Domestic syndication SALES CONSULTANT. Twenty + years selling / clearing off net, 1st run, EI, features etc. Have experience in all markets, willing to travel. Contact [email protected] (11/3)

E-mail [email protected] or call Trish Pihonak at 203.381.9096 for rates and specs for Job Openings.

Are you looking for a job? Post your Situation Wanted Ad here — Email [email protected] for specs.

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