Wednesday, May 18th, 2011

Cynopsis: DIGITAL


Good morning, it’s Wednesday, May 18, 2011, and this is your first early morning digital briefing.  If you would like to read this or any other Cynopsis edition online, click here

As broadcasters continue to unveil their fall slates for Madison Avenue, most of the focus has been on the programs themselves, but networks are also stepping up apps, social media and other digital offerings to support those new shows. For instance, Telemundo is introducing a bilingual Novelas app for iPhone, iPod touch and iPad that lets users watch telenovela episodes currently on-air and in the network’s archives. That builds on the network’s other digital efforts, including the launch earlier this year of a strategic social media unit to help grow the number of Facebook and Twitter fans and enhance engagement on those platforms with the network’s shows. Finally, the network re-upped its deal with Billboard to present the Billboard Latin Music Awards. The new multi-year deal calls for Telemundo Digital to launch a new online and mobile channel at that makes Billboard content accessible in Spanish. Meanwhile, Fox Hispanic Media said it’s launching its Web site with insights, best practices, and creative solutions for advertisers aiming to reach the Hispanic consumer – ABC presented yesterday to buyers and drew much more attention for the sheer volume in its lineup with 13 new shows, than for digital tie-ins. Still, the network has been an innovator on the digital front so will likely roll out multiplatform offerings for the new fare.



Univision Interactive Media launched an original Webnovela No Me Hallo produced by Univision Studios and running online at and on Smartphones. After the digital launch, the show will run as a primetime special and on VOD.
Online TV network Revision3 landed a new show for its lineup in SoldierKnowsBest, a popular tech demo and review show that generates 3 million monthly views. The show joins Revision3’s stable and runs on Tuesdays and Saturdays, covering phones, tablets, computer and must-have gadgets.


Next time you’re on Twitter, just waft your hand through the feed and see if it gives off a scent. If not, then maybe you’ll want to check out CrowdGather‘s new scent “Erox” a unisex fragrance that will be will be launched, sold and marketed through the use of social media. The fragrance will be developed via CrowdGather’s online forums and through a partnership CrowdGather struck with technology and fragrance company Human Pheromone Sciences.


Digital content network Digital Broadcasting Group is now adding The Pool-approved ASq online video ad format to its offerings. ASq was deemed an optimal format for online video by a Starcom-led industry consortium that developed and tested ad formats for online video. The ad format lets viewers pick between different ads before the content runs. The Pool said that to date 26 advertisers have been running 91 campaigns with the ASq format since it was selected.
Tech firm SeaChange introduced the latest version of its advanced ad platform for service providers to manage centralized ad insertion across many channels. The software can help support regional and national ad systems managed in a Web centric or virtual fashion, SeaChange said.
WPP company Real Media rolled out a new offering that claims to roll up the best parts of an exchange, a network and a marketplace in one. Called m.e.n.u, the platform is designed to help brands, agencies and publishers navigate media and marketing partnerships.


In a decision that paves the way for an infringement trial, a federal court in Virginia ruled that Verizon’s two patent counterclaims against tech firm ActiveVideo Networks were invalid. The court also ruled that Verizon’s patent claims against ActiveVideo Networks customer Cablevision were similarly invalid. ActiveVideo said it expects to proceed with a trial against Verizon for infringement over the delivery of interactive services and the trial is set to begin July 12.
Advanced advertising technology firm BlackArrow landed a cash infusion from Time Warner Cable. As part of the strategic investment, TWC’s Joan Gillman, President of Media Sales at the cable operator, has been named to BlackArrow’s board. To date, BlackArrow has raised $27 million in its series C round and $65 million total.


Got a 3D TV yet? You better get moving if you want to keep up with the Joneses. The market will grow nearly 6 times this year to about 22 million, up from 3.8 million shipped worldwide in 2010, according to new research from b. The research firm predicts that by 2015 the number of homes with 3D sets will hit 300 million.


Publishers that want a little help with tablet layouts should check out the Mag+Review App. It has been released in the iTunes App store and it lets publishers review layouts to see how their content looks on a tablet. The app can be used to build magazines, catalogues, books, brochures and other materials, the company said.
Which apps should you check out this week? App-ranking company MobileWalla listed Magic Piano, Crime Inc., Frisbee Forever, Device Booster and Six-Pack App as some of the best-rated and buzziest new apps for the most recent week. Check ’em out before your friends are all talking about them at the watercooler.
Kids have gone bananas for Nickelodeon‘s massively multiplayer online game and virtual world Monkey Quest, which garnered 2 million registered users and 3.6 million unique visitors in its first month, according to comScore numbers shared by Nickelodeon. The site launched April 2.


Do these jeans make my butt look big? No need to ask a friend that question anymore. You can upload a photo of yourself to to see how various clothes look on you, or a model of your choice, in a virtual dressing room.

Later – Daisy
Daisy Whitney, new media reporter, author of The Mockingbirds and Cynopsis contributor, filling in for Wayne Karrfalt for Cynopsis: Digital

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JOB OPENING: SENIOR MEDIA PLANNER/BUYER w/ Digital Experience/El Segundo:  Media Buying Agency seeking a media buyer/?planner with 3+?years of media experience. Please send resume to [email protected] (5/25)

JOB OPENING:  ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT/Hallmark Channel/LA: 3+ yrs exp supporting senior execs. MS Office proficiency + TV/Production/Studio exp a must. See full posting and apply @ (5/25)

JOB OPENING: DIRECTOR SCHEDULING/Hallmark Movie Channel/LA: 3 yrs exp w/Cable/Broadcast TV. Prior program scheduling + Inventory/Asset mgt exp a must. See full posting and apply @ (5/25)

JOB OPENING:  DIRECTOR PROGRAMMING/Hallmark Channel/LA: 5 yrs exp w/Cable/Broadcast TV. Prior program scheduling + Inventory/Asset mgt exp a must. See full posting and apply @ (5/25)

JOB OPENING:  SALES ASSISTANT- AD SALES/Hallmark Channel/NY: Exp w/ad sales/advertising pref to asst Acct Execs/Sales Planners to svc clients. Prof w MS Office req. See full posting and apply @ (5/25)

JOB OPENING:  4 JOBS: DIRECTOR/SUPPROD (FIELD); SHOWRUNNER, POST PRODUCERS & EDITORS/NY: needed immediately for cable docu soaps. Major series credits required, docu soap preferred. Resume, reel, references to [email protected] (5/25)

JOB OPENING:  MANAGER, INTERNATIONAL MEDIA & AFFILIATE RELATIONS/WWE/Stamford CT: 4+ yrs exp with client relations (TV, media, knowledge of EMEA, etc.) Apply: (5/25)

JOB OPENING:  COMEDY WRITER/PROD/NAT’L SYNDIE DAYTIME TALK SHOW/NY:  For show/segment ideas & celeb hot topics segments. Exp: writer or comedy prod on talk show req’d.& strong knwldg  celebrity pop culture. [email protected] (5/25)

JOB OPENING: PROJ MGR RSRCH/ATL: Mng rsch proj to support ent prgmng on TBC & TNT. BA/BS deg. 5+yrs mktg/media rsrch exp req’d. Prof in basic statistics/analysis. Res & C/L: [email protected] (5/24)

JOB OPENING: INTEGRATED SALES PLANNER /NEW YORK: Assist A&E Networks AE’s w/creating plans, integrated presentations & steward accts (5/24)

JOB OPENING: MEDIA ANALYST/Ebiquity/NYC: Analyze media plans on both a cost & quality basis. 4-6 Yrs Media Buying/Planning Exp Req; Strong Excel and analytical skills reqd; resume: [email protected] (5/24)

JOB OPENING: iPhone/iPad GAME APP DEVELOPER/NYC: Family entertainment co seeks creative programmer w/ 2 years minimum SDK, Objective-C and Cocoa skills; gaming experience a must; Email cover letter/resume to: [email protected] (5/24)

JOB OPENING: SALES PLAN’G ANALYST/NYC: prepare budgets & forecasts. Provide sales strategy & advise sales team on revenue & reporting. Apply (5/24)

JOB OPENING:  SR. ANALYST/TV Land Programming Research/MTVN/NYC: 2+ yr cable/bcast exp. Strong analytical/numeric skills Advanced Nielsen systems. Attn to details. BA/BS. EOE/M/F/D/AAP (5/24)

JOB OPENING:  AE DIR RESPONSE/ION/NY: 4 yrs DR TV Sales, strong oral/written skills, duties: pricing, billing & develop new bus. client/agency contacts reqd. EOE full ad (5/24)

JOB OPENING:  ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE/WTIC/WCCT/Hartford: Seeking two AE’s: 3+ yrs, 1+ yrs sales/media exp  multi-media experience preferred; excellent negotiation skills; strong work ethic; desire to win. Resumes to [email protected] (5/24)

JOB OPENING: DIRECTOR MEDIA/Food Network/NY: Establish comm strategy & positioning for netwk priorities. 8-10 yrs exp in agency and/or ent media exp pref’d. Exp managing multi-million dollar budgets. #2345. (5/21)

JOB OPENING: PRODUCTION COORDINATOR/BURBANK: 3+ yrs exp in TV production mgmt; resp for managing production office, PA runs & interns, stage crew, prod reports, day to day office mgmt. Send resumes to [email protected] (5/21)

JOB OPENING: LEAD PRODUCTION ACCOUNTANT/BURBANK: 5+ yrs exp in TV acctng/finance. Oversee daily hot costs & weekly cost reporting on multiple budgets for a daily talk show. Please send resumes to [email protected] (5/21)

JOB OPENING: PRODUCTION MGR/The Ellen DeGeneres Show/BURBANK: 5+yrs exp in prod mgmt for tv. Resp for creating & tracking multiple budgets, overseeing stage crew & day to day prod on stage. Resumes to [email protected] (5/21)

JOB OPENING: COORDINATOR, PROGRAM SCHEDULING & STANDARDS/GSN Santa Monica: Coordinator, Program Scheduling and Standards. BA req. 1-2 yrs tv exp. Please send res and CL to [email protected] (5/21)

JOB OPENING: COORDINATOR CORP COMMUNICATIONS & PUBLICITY/Hallmark Channel/NY: 2+ yrs exp w/ PR/Communications. Exp pitching/booking/covering media interviews. Prof w MS Ofice. See full posting & apply @ (5/21)

JOB OPENING: VP, TRENDS & PRIMARY RESEARCH/NY: #1826BR Exp in traditional & non-trad quantitative & qualitative research;well versed in generational insights & societal trends. 7+ yr exp. (5/21)

JOB OPENING: DIR, MEDIA RESEARCH STRATEGIC INSIGHTS/NY: #1827BR Provide strategic & analytical guidance for integrated mrktng div. sales research w/new ROI research methods. 5+ yr exp. (5/21)

JOB OPENING: EXEC ASST, PRES CABLE AD SALES/NYC: 5+ yrs exp. supporting Sr. level execs; Phone coverage; calendar mgmt./meeting coord.; Coord. complex domestic travel & expense mgmt. (5/21)

JOB OPENING: SALES COORDINATOR/TV Guide/ NY: Excel skills a +, Organized, Strong comm skills, Work w/AEs/Planners/Sales/Traffic/P&P Marketing. Weekly allocations, deal maintenance, daily comm w/agencies. [email protected] (5/21)

JOB OPENING: SALES PLANNER /TV Guide Network/NY: Build media plans, steward deals, assist AE in sales process, 3+ yrs agency/network exp. Competitive salary commensurate w/ exp & excellent benefits program [email protected] (5/21)

JOB OPENING:  DIR OF SALES/Cynopsis Media/NY/LA (2): 5+ yrs ent media sales exp w/established contacts within industry; able to dvlp new biz for all Cynopsis Media brands, exc comm skills. Resume and salary req: [email protected] (5/20)

JOB OPENING:  RESEARCH MANAGER/Vh1 SUITE AD SALES/NY: Collect & analyze Nielsen, MRI, & other rsch data. BA, 5+ yrs rsch exp reqd. Strong Mcrsft Excel & PP & writ/comm skills. EOE/M/F/D/AAP. Apply (5/20)

JOB OPENING:  DIRECTOR, PROGRAMMING RESEARCH/MTV 2/NYC. 7 + yrs TV ratings research/data analysis; Expertise in research methodology, competitive TV landscape & industry trends; B.A req. EOE/M/F/D/AAP apply (5/20)

JOB OPENING:  PRODUCTION MGR/GLENDALE, CA: 5+yrs prod mngmnt/coordination exp. Field prod exp a must. Vendor negotiations, budget creation/oversight, field & studio crewing, cost reporting. Res/CL to [email protected] (5/20)

JOB OPENING:   TEMP MKTG MGR/Rainbow-Global/NY: Execute mktg strategy. Partnr w/Intl affiliates. Deliver assets for distribtn. 5+yr digital mktg exp in Tv indstry. Rez:[email protected] (5/20)

JOB OPENING:   SR COUNSEL/ABC/BURBANK: Work w/ co. execs on mktg/promotions matters (incl contests & sweepstakes) & assist w/ reality TV projects. Unscripted Prging, Mktg & Promotions 290563 (5/20)

JOB OPENING: VP, BUS AFFAIRS/NY, LA or CLEVELAND/AGP:  Resp for negotiating, reviewing & drafting agreements surrounding all of AGP’s ent, dig, & new partner relationships.  More info: (5/19)

JOB OPENING: DIRECTOR, INTEGRATED MARKETING/NBCUniversal/NYC:  Looking for a Director, Integrated Marketing with Telemundo. Please visit for more information and go to Req#1687BR (5/19)

JOB OPENING: SALES PLANNER/Food Network & Cooking Channel/Detroit: 2 yrs exp. in advertising, buying and/or planning or w/ ad sales Co. Proficient in MS EXCEL/PP. Full details, Req. 2266 (5/19)

JOB OPENING: VP RESEARCH/ATL: Min. 10 yrs cable/tv exp. Report writing skills. Staff mgt & budget exp. Strategic & tactical exp req.Expert at Nielsen sys & software. See job posting at Res: [email protected] (5/19)

JOB OPENING: PART-TIME MARKETING CONSULTANT/NYC/Global Multimedia Co.: Experienced, director-level proj. mgr. to oversee advertising, promotions, PR, soc. media, agency/vendor mgmt. 5 half-days in office. [email protected] (5/19)

JOB OPENING: WRITER/PRODUCER/SPORTSMAN CHANNEL/NY OR WI: Seeking an innovative thinker with strong writing skills and a keen eye to create and manage cutting edge promotional campaigns. Apply: (5/19)

JOB OPENING: DELIVERABLES MANAGER/OWN: Oprah Winfrey Network/LA: MUST HAVE exp managing show deliverables, logs & QC. Detailed oriented, production & post expert. 6-month project. Apply at: (5/19)

JOB OPENING:  EXECUTIVE IN CHARGE/NEW YORK:  Heavy hitter to run a portfolio of reality & doc series. Budgets, Schedules, Mgt — and more. Huge opptny at top prodco. [email protected] (5/19)

JOB OPENING: EXPERIENCED PRODUCERS/NYC: Needed for New Daytime Talk Show. MUST have Talk Experience. Looking for committed, detail-oriented, driven, multi-taskers. Must be a Team Player! APPLY TO: [email protected] (5/19)

JOB OPENING: AP’s and PA’s/NY: Needed for Daytime Talk Show. Must be great bookers, multi-taskers and team players.APPLY TO:  [email protected] (5/19)

INTERNSHIPS – These positions are for credit only – nobody gets paid here. These ads are always posted for free , and students work for school credit only. For more information on the specs for posting an Internship ad, email Trish at [email protected].

SUMMER INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: INTERNSHIPS/OWN: Oprah Winfrey Network/LA: SCHOOL CREDIT ONLY. Opportunities in Research/Ratings, Legal & Scheduling. Must be a College Junior, Senior or Grad Student. Apply at: (5/19)

ROOMMATE WANTED: Need Roommate,2Be/2Ba condo,Hollywood,$1250mth+util. Garage Pkg, Security, Pool, Gym, Laundry, AC,W-in Closets, Partially furnished. F, 29 w/sm dog, seeks professional/clean/friendly. July 1st [email protected] (5/19)

SITUATION WANTED ADS, POSTED BY THOSE LOOKING TO BE HIRED …  There is no charge for placing your Situation Wanted ad … for more information contact Trish Pihonak at [email protected]

SITUATION WANTED: VO TALENT Rebecca Michaels – Confident, Caring, Quirky Voice Over talent delivers high-quality VO from home studio for all lengths of corporate & commercial gigs. Visit for demos & details. (5/25)

SITUATION WANTED: RESEARCH DIR – 20+ yrs Media, Nielsen, Hispanic Mkt, Research, Sales, and Presentation experience. Will Telecommute. Email: [email protected] (5/25)
SITUATION WANTED: BRAND MARKETING/SOCIAL MEDIA ROCKSTAR/NY: Highly versatile marketing pro. proficient in social media strategies, brand mktg &consumer engagement. Full time/Freelance. BBA Marketing [email protected] (5/25)

SITUATION WANTED: Executive level PUBLICITY position – well respected/solid publicity pro seeks position in NY/LA or wherever the opportunity arises. Willing and eager to relocate. Please contact [email protected] (5/25)

SITUATION WANTED:PRODUCTION ASSISTANT/NY:recent reliable, and hardworking,college grad looking to work on a movie set for the summer, numerous experience under belt like dancing with the stars. [email protected] (5/24)

SITUATION WANTED:PRODUCTION ASSISTANT/NY:determined, dependable, film major looking to work on a movie set for the summer. various production experience. [email protected] (5/24)

SITUATION WANTED: CREATIVE MEDIA MIND  Seeking to assist, Entry- Junior level positions, B.A. & Communications/Media background, 3-5 years of experience domestically & internationally. NY based. Please contact, [email protected] (5/20)

SITUATION WANTED: PRIME TIME EMMY DOCUMETARY. PRODUCER, DIRECTOR, WRITER in L.A. Credits: National Geo, PBS, Discovery, History CH, TLC and MSNBC. Contact email: [email protected] (5/19)

SITUATION WANTED: Fun, hard-working, quick-thinking domestic & international LINE PRODUCER/PRODUCTION MGR (NYC) w/12+years experience in Live Event, Competition/Reality, Formatted Series & Sports production. [email protected] (5/19)

E-mail [email protected] or call Trish Pihonak at 203.381.9096 for rates and specs for Job Openings.

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