Wednesday, July 31st, 2013


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Cynopsis: DIGITAL

Good morning. It’s Wednesday, July 31, 2013, and this is your first early morning digital briefing.


Viacom continues to be upset that video from many of its shows, such as Comedy Central’s Daily Show, can easily be found on YouTube without their permission, so Viacom wants a new judge on the case. The Hollywood Reporter has dug up documents filed Friday that ask the Second Circuit Court of Appeals to assign a new judge to check out Viacom’s suit against YouTube, a suit that has been twice dismissed by the court system already over the last seven years. “Given the protracted nature of this litigation and the evident firmness of the district court’s erroneous views regarding the [Digital Millennium Copyright Act], this Court should exercise its discretion to remand the case to a different judge ‘to preserve the appearance of justice,'” Viacom states in the papers.
In Other Words: Viacom isn’t sitting back on this one. It appears it will continue to throw cash at this one and heaven help the Viacom employee who is discovered watching old Daily Shows episodes on YouTube.

A+E Networks wants consumers to watch its programming anywhere and everywhere so it has now added Kindle Fire HD devices to its watch apps offerings. A&E, History, and Lifetime network apps are available on both the Amazon App store and Google Play. A+E already has apps available on iPad, iPhone, and Android.

Is your social media strategy up to par? Learn from the best! Join us on Aug. 14 in NY at the Cynopsis Sports Business Summit for our social media panel featuring Lockerdome’s Gabe Lozano, CSE’s John Mitchell, AEG’s Scott Carlis, Sports Illustrated’s Jim DeLorenzo and Michael Spirito from YES Network. The session will be moderated by Bloomberg’s Rob Shaw. Register at

Political news show The Young Turks is about to lose its spot on cable channel Current TV, so what does it do? Launches a channel on Roku, of course. Apps for iOS and Android are also in the works. The content will be similar to what’s available on the show’s YouTube channel, part of the site’s paid-subscription program. Young Turks currently have fewer than 1,000 paid subscribers, according to VentureBeat, so the new channel may help to bring in some revenue. Roku, which has sold more than five million streaming players in the U.S., has also added a channel for Toon Goggles, which features ad-free on-demand content for kids.


Cynopsis: Kids Webinar
How to (Really) Increase Kid Brand Revenue through Licensing
Tuesday * August 27, 2013 * 1:30-3:00 p.m. ET

Hosted by: Cathy Applefeld Olson, Editor, Cynopsis Kids
Daisy Kline –
VP, Marketing & Brand Management at Scholastic
Pete Yoder –
VP, U.S. Consumer Products at Cartoon Network Enterprises
Melissa Segal – EVP, Global Consumer Products at The Jim Henson Company
Sean Gorman –
President at American Greetings Properties


Opera Mediaworks has released its second-quarter report on the state of mobile advertising and the first thing to jump out is that iOS is much more where the money is. Some findings from the study of a platform that serves more than 60 billion ad impressions each month are below:

  • iPhone generated 36.4% of revenue compared to Android’s 27.8%.
  • 3 out of every 4 dollars of all mobile transactions happen in the U.S.A.
  • Even though advertising spend tends to drop in January, mobile use continues because of consumers receiving new devices over the holidays.
  • Rich media in-app campaigns outperform banners and mobile web. Brand advertisers shifting their mobile ad dollars to rich media creative campaigns get an average click-through rate of 1.53%.
  • Sports was the No. 1 generator of revenue in the quarter, thanks to professional baseball. However, Music, Video & Media again received the highest volume of impressions at 22.4%.

In Other Words: People love music, but they’ll pay to watch their team or get info that will help them have some kind of sports bragging rights.

Fashion app Pose has been around for two and a half years, but the two million people that have used it are getting a new experience: one with ads. The app started its second in-stream ad campaign Monday, this one for Juicy Couture Fragrances. Its first ad ran last month with eBay Fashion. The ads appear within the poses that make up the majority of the app’s content. The company plans to offer targeting capabilities to advertisers in the future so that they could reach consumers who may have stored away images of competitor’s products or reach certain geographic areas.

YieldMetrics, which aims to bring more transparency to digital advertising, is rebranding to Adomic. The two-year-old company’s PathSource technology provides advertisers and their agencies with data to help them invest. Company founder Gabe Gottlieb said last week that 70% of the top 1,000 brands online are incorporating real-time buying into their media plans. He also noted, thought, that transparency concerns are keeping some advertisers from fully using RTB for branding versus lower funnel or transactional goals. “Adomic better describes our company and the energy that we bring to providing transparency to the display advertising space,” Gottlieb told Cynopsis. “YieldMetrics, while a great name, didn’t describe all of the value that we provide to publishers, agencies, brands and ad-tech providers.”

Ad-management company WideOrbit Inc. now has more than 2,500 stations and networks are operating on its advertising traffic software platforms. WideOrbit serves TV stations, radio stations, media networks, non-linear video, digital display and mobile.


Most folks don’t use their mobile devices for TV viewing. According to a study from the Council for Research Excellence, mobile devices account for just 2% of all TV viewing. However, the group that the study calls “early adopters” and “opinion leaders” are far more active on mobile TV than that. Still, if TV execs want watchers to actually be paying attention to their content, they should hope they are watching on smartphones. Smartphone TV watchers were multitasking on other electronic devices while viewing only 14% of the time while tablet viewers were doing other things 27% of the time and those watching on computers were doing other things 31% of the time. The number actually goes up on regular old broadcast TVs with viewers multitasking 34% of the time. Another piece of data supporting smartphone viewership as the strongest is that 39% of those viewers looked up show information, posted about the show on social networks or engaged in some other kind of online activity relating to the TV programming. Meanwhile, those who actually watched the show on TV only had 21% of viewership do those things, lower than both tablet viewers (27%) or those that watched on computers (31%).
In Other Words: Focus your mobile efforts on smartphone users.


UKF, the largest electronic dance music-focused network of channels on YouTube with 5.6 million subscribers, has partnered with next-generation media company Collective Digital Studio in order to help bolster UKF’s already strong content production as well as to secure brand deals that will help support independent musicians and record labels. Viewers should expect new music videos and interviews, among other things, to come out of the relationship.

For those who can’t wait for Halloween to get the blood flowing, there is a streaming-video service that’s with you: Hulu. Horror-movie news site Bloody Disgusting and production company The Collective have teamed up to offer free streaming horror films from now till October 31, including such classics as Yellow Brick Road, Exit Humanity, and Crawl. Why wait till October to freak yourself out when you can do it now for free?

For all those who love HBO’s Girls, another parody web series, LA Girls, is on its way. Set to premiere August 7, the five-episode first season features actresses Kylie Sparks and Tiffany Ariany, who also appeared in cult web series Squaresville. Sparks is also working on another parody series, The Walking Tedd, which combines The Walking Dead with Ted and will now be produced after reaching its Kickstarter goal.


Mobile and social gaming company Cie Games has appointed Matt Nutt as vice president of business development and operations and Chong Ahn as executive producer. Nutt worked previously with Square Enix, Blizzard Entertainment, and Microsoft’s Expedia. Ahn also worked with Square Enix as well as Ubisoft’s Digital Publishing Group… Computational linguistics analytics company Persado has added four execs in the U.S.: CFO Matthew Novick; Lawrence Whittle, senior vice president of sales and business development; Xinyu Huang, vice president of engineering; and Leila Modarres, vice president of marketing.


Cynopsis: Sports Presents…

Women of Action                      Sports Business Summit

      AUG. 13 | YALE CLUB | NYC                 AUG. 14 | GRAND HYATT | NYC
                  REGISTER NOW                                REGISTER NOW

For sponsor information, please contact Mike Farina at (203) 218-6480.
For registration information, please contact Pete Romas at (203) 899-8483


One of the most read (and reviled) pieces of fanfic, My Immortal, which took the Harry Potter series and infused it with vampires, poor spelling, goth teens, and a touch of Satanism, has been turned into a web series. Mirroring its written counterpart, the series is filled with some pretty bad writing and acting, but is kind of oddly fascinating at the same time.


Cynopsis: Sports Women of Action

A sampling of the powerful line-up of speakers:
Susan Cohig – SVP, Integrated Marketing (NHL)
Erin Harvego – VP, Marketing (Big Ten Network)
Mary Lobbestael – VP (Octagon)
Laura Gentile – VP (espnW)

View the complete list of speakers & register:

See you tomorrow,
Mark Miller 

Roberta Caploe: Editorial Director
Diane K Schwartz: Senior Vice President, Media Communications Group

Cynopsis Ad Sales: Mike Farina | VP Sales & Marketing | 203-218-6480
Classifieds Sales: Trish Pihonak | Director of Operations & Content | 888-702-3858

Cynopsis Media: a division of Access Intelligence, LLC * 10 Norden Place * Norwalk, CT * 06855 * USA

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JOB OPENING: DEV EXECS: Magnetic LA. Fast-growing TV prodco looking for dvlpment execs. Strong writers, knwldg of current prgrmng/trends, dvlpmnt casting, sizzle reel production, format dvlpmnt, Photoshop, AVID. Send resume HERE (8/13) 

JOB OPENING: SR ACCT EXEC AD SALES/NY: Expanding Ad Dept. 70m+ Sports Net. 10+ yrs. TV ad sales exp. Excellent agency relationships. Send resume and cov ltr ATTN: ROSE: [email protected] (8/13)

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JOB OPENING: GRAPHIC DESIGNER/NY: Design/animate graphics for TV network. Digital exp. a plus. Sports background a plus. Send res and cov ltr: ATTN: ROSE [email protected] (8/13)

JOB OPENING: BUSINESS DVLPMNT/NY: 10yrs Pay TV Channel Exp. Exp’d in affil. agreements, content acquisitions, evaluating deal structures, drafting, negotiating w/sr level lawyers & exes. Sports background a +. Res/cvr to Rose: HERE (8/13)

JOB OPENING: FREELANCE PA/Viacom/NY: 1 yr exp. digi content, prod & CMS. Resp. incl. tracking schedules, gathering assets, CMS content entries & launching wkly content updates across mult-plat. site. Note: not a video prod role.  Apply to: [email protected] (8/7)

JOB OPENING: FREELANCE PA INT’L MUSIC AWARDS/Viacom/NYC: 1 yr exp. digi content, prod & CMS. Resp. incl. tracking schedules, gathering assets, CMS content entries & launching daily content updates across mult-plat. site. Resume: HERE (8/7) 

JOB OPENING: DIRECTOR, AD OPERATIONS/Crown Media Family Networks/New York: Oversee all aspects of digital advertising operations for Hallmark Channel and Hallmark Movie Channel. 4 year degree and 5 yrs experience.  Apply HERE (8/7)

JOB OPENING: DIR. PRICING AND PLANNING/El Rey Ntwks/NY: Ad/Media netwk experience preferred strong exp with Ad Sales. Must be detailed/analytical/able to multi-task. BS/BA Deg req,must have strong analytical & math skills.  Apply HERE (8/7)     

JOB OPENING: MGR, DIGITAL METRICS & ANALYTICS/Discovery/NY: Critical thinker to turn data into insights with expert-level analytic capabilities & best practices. 6-8 yrs digital analytics exp req’d. Omniture preferred. Apply HERE (8/7) 

JOB OPENING: MGR. PRIMARY RESEARCH/NBCU/NYC: 3+ yrs exp in media research w/brdcast or cble ntwrk or agency. Passion for TV & exp in qual & quan research. Apply HERE (8/3)

JOB OPENING: LOG COORD/TVONE/MD: Mng On-air prgm log, playlist delivery & reconciliation of logs. Resp. meeting delivery sched deadlines & directing sales/promo dept. BA pref’d. 2 yrs exp brdcst cable log ops. Apply: (8/3)

JOB OPENING: DIR, SOCIAL MEDIA MKTG/Fandango/West LA: Implement social media strategy/best practices across various platforms & SM communities. 4-6? yrs mktg exp w/demonstrated exp in & passion for the SM space. Apply HERE (8/3)

JOB OPENING: MARKETING COORDINATOR/Crown Media Family Networks/New York: Support the Marketing Dept. (Consumer, Affiliate, Ad Sales). 4 year degree and 2 yrs exp entertainment/cable. Full info/apply HERE (8/3)

JOB OPENING: AD SALES RSCH MGR/NBC UNIVERSAL/NYC: 4+ yrs exp in media (cable ntwk pref’d) incldng ntnl TV ratings analyses & sales positioning. Expertise in Nielsen, TV Toolbox & MRI/Simmons Apply HERE (8/3)

JOB OPENING: MGR, MKTG SOLUTIONS/CLEAR CHANNEL/Sherman Oaks CA: Help support ideation/dvlpmnt of strategic sales prgrms & provide acct mngmnt for advrtsing clients. 6yrs relevant work exp Media, mktg or a related field. Apply HERE (8/2) 

JOB OPENING: DATA & INSIGHTS ANALYST/The Weather Channel/NYC: Preferred candidates should have knowledge of Ad Campaigns, ad sales, ad systems and technologies including DoubleClick. Send resumes to [email protected] (8/2)

JOB OPENING: ANALYST RESEARCH CONTENT/TELEMUNDO/NYC: support programming team with audience insights and measurements. 2 yrs using Nielson req’d. Apply HERE (8/2)

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JOB OPENING: AD SALES RESEARCH DIR/GSN/NY: V. strong ind. exp.; 7+ yrs TV/Dig. rsch: ratings/primary & synd.: Mastery of Comscore, Nielsen data (Npower, FOCUS, MktBrks, Startrk/StarEst & Gabriel), Simmons. Presentation skills req’d. Res HERE [email protected] (8/2)

JOB OPENING: WRITER/PRODUCER/Jupiter Ent.: Writers and Field Producers needed for true crime series. Resume: [email protected] (8/1)

JOB OPENING: AD SALES DIR/GSN/NY: V. strong ind. exp.; 7+ yrs TV/Dig. rsch: ratings/primary & synd. Mastery of Comscore, Nielsen data (Npower, FOCUS, MktBrks, Startrk/StarEst & Gabriel), Simmons. Presentation skills req’d. Res HERE (8/1)

INTERNSHIPS – These positions are for credit only – nobody gets paid here. These ads are always posted for free, and students work for school credit only. For more information on the specs for posting an Internship ad, email Trish at [email protected].

FALL INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: INTERNSHIP/Jigsaw Prods NYC: Assist producers @ Oscar-winning filmmaker Alex Gibney’s prod co. Major/minor in film, TV, media or journalism a +. Submit resume/cover letter to [email protected] (8/7)

SITUATION WANTED ADS, POSTED BY THOSE LOOKING TO BE HIRED… There is no charge for placing your Situation Wanted ad… for more information contact Trish Pihonak at [email protected].

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