Tuesday, September 6th, 2011

Cynopsis: DIGITAL


Good morning, it’s Tuesday, September 6, 2011, and this is your first early morning digital briefing.  If you would like to read this or any other Cynopsis edition online, click here

Starz walked away from a $300 million content deal with Netflix. Pushing for a tiered pricing system that would have required Netflix subscribers to pay more than the $8 charge for streaming Starz’s content, the premium cable channel wanted to maintain favorable relations with multiplatform video programming distributors like Time Warner Cable and DirecTV, who are wary of Netflix undercutting their profits by providing fresh content at cheaper rates. Netflix is unwilling to raise prices for access to certain content, and instead offered the $300 million sum ten times the rate it currently pays to gain access to Starz properties.


Starting this month, Sarah Palin’s controversial film, The Undefeated, documenting her rise to political prominence, will be available to 75 million homes via Video on Demand and Pay-Per-View channels. The release of the film coincided with planned Tea Party rallies in Iowa and New Hampshire this past Labor Day Weekend.

Gaia Interactive, the brains behind the Gaia Online social gaming community, will now be bringing its games to multiple platforms. The company announced a spinoff version of its popular “Monster Galaxy” Facebook game that is now available for the iPhone at no cost.

Achieving a total of 15.9 million unique visitors, A+E Networks and A+E Digital Media report having their best month ever across all metrics in August. Led by AETV.com, History.com and myLifetime.com, the network of sites accumulated 28.5 million visits, 162.7 million page views and 48.1 million video views.

Rovi Corporation, armed with its DivX Plus Streaming service that enables adaptive streaming and offers advanced programming features, has its sights set on bringing the fight to Adobe Systems and Microsoft in the Internet video-streaming marketplace.

Google wasn’t kidding. Kindly say goodbye to Aardvark; Google Desktop; Fast Flip; the Google Maps API for Flash; Google Pack; Google Web Security; Image Labeler; Google Notebook; Sidewiki and Subscribed Links as they all have been shut down.


Miso, a Google-backed social TV startup, launched the first social TV app that is synchronized with your viewing experience. The app taps into DIRECTV’s HD set-top boxes over a shared Wi-Fi network to let you share what you are watching. You can check-in to the TV shows and movies you watch and find out which friends have watched the same shows. The app is available for free on all iOS platforms.


MarketWatch reports that newspaper online ad spending has risen 8% to $803.4 million in Q2 of 2011, making it the sixth consecutive quarter of advancement. Online advertising now represents 14% of all newspaper ad dollars, up from 12% in 2010.


WiLAN, a technology innovation and licensing company that has become notorious for being a patent troll, announced it has filed a lawsuit against Apple, HP, Dell, HTC and five others accusing them of violating two wireless patents: No. RE37,802 (covers CDMA and HSPA technology) and No. 5,282,222 (covers Wi-Fi and LTE). The lawsuit was also filed in a Texas court known to be very favorable to plaintiffs in patent-related suits.


GigaOm takes a look at data from a recent Ericsson survey that finds that, while more than 80% of people in countries with access to high-speed broadband still watch broadcast TV, 25% of people stream video to their TVs from the Internet. However, it does not signal the end for broadcast television in any way. The survey also focuses on current issues affecting the Internet-to-TV delivery platform, namely monetization. Social engagement might be able to play a big role in monetizing the platform as the survey found that people tend to like their TV content more when they can comment on it with their friends.

According to Trendrr.tv data, NBC had the highest broadcast social share (at 28%) during this summer. This victory was largely attributed to the network’s successful singing competition, The Voice, which has built-in social components. FOX (26%), CBS (24%), ABC (18%) and CW (4%) fill out the top 5. Meanwhile, MTV dominated the cable list with 37% social share. For comparison, BET, the runner-up, brought in 7%. In fact, the top 2 social shows of the summer were both MTV properties: the MTV Video Music Awards and the Jersey Shore.

Three separate online research companies indicate that daily-deals sites took a hit this summer, according to a report from USA Today. Web tracker Experian Hitwise said that overall site visits are down 25% from the first week in June; analytic company Compete revealed that Groupon suffered its first month-over-month drop in traffic this past July; ComScore also found that both Groupon and LivingSocial were receiving less traffic when compared to the beginning of the summer. However, the tracking companies disagree on the specific percentages and rates of decline for the two biggest daily-deals sites, Groupon and LivingSocial.

An eMarketer report, detailing an August 2011 survey of U.S. Twitter users by market research firm Lab42 , reveals that only 10.9% of U.S. Twitter users claim that they find Promoted Tweets annoying. Furthermore, 24.8% responded that they have noticed Promoted Tweets from brands they find relevant, while 21.2% found out about a new brand through a Promoted Tweet.


Zynga has unveiled a new Facebook game, called “Adventure World,” that is an Indiana Jones-style adventure where you work to uncover secrets in a world littered with them. True to Zynga form, the gameplay is simple and accessible for mass audiences. The game will launch in a couple weeks and will be Zynga’s third game launch this year following “Empires & Allies” and “Pioneer Trail.”

SHAPE Services has launched its first video chatting app, “IM+ Video.” Available for free on iTunes, the app allows you to video chat with your Facebook friends, even if they themselves don’t have the IM+ app. Furthermore, its VoIP technology ensures that you don’t have to be in a Wi-Fi enabled area to make video calls, unlike the iPhone’s FaceTime feature. An Android version is in development right now. [Via TechCrunch]


IntoNow from Yahoo!” is Shazam for TV shows. Essentially and awesomely, you just tap a green button while you’re watching something on TV and it will identify the TV show right down to the episode that’s on your tube even if it’s being aired for the first time. Since I’ve already convinced you that this is the greatest thing ever, here are some nuggets to bring you even more unbridled joy: it only requires 4-12 seconds of audio to make a match; it has data for 130 channels of live TV; and it has an index of 266 years of videos; it’s available on the Android Market and Apple App Store for free.

Later – Sahil
 Sahil Patel, Access Intelligence, filling in for Wayne Karrfalt for Cynopsis: Digital.

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JOB OPENING: AD SALES/DIGITAL MKTG MGR/ BrightLine/NYC: Interactive TV company seeks mgr with 5+ years exp to lead creative team, and launch cutting edge iTV campaigns for Top 100 TV clients. Res to [email protected] (9/13)

JOB OPENING: NEW BIZ DEV VP/BrightLine/LA-based: Interactive TV company seeks TV client-savvy LA VP to lead New Biz Dev group for Industry-leading company. Res to [email protected] (9/13)

JOB OPENING: PUBLICIST /Nickelodeon/MTVN, NYC 3+Yrs Exp. Manage & execute media relations act for Nick. Develop campaigns and strategies to secure press coverage. Dev & write press kit EOE/M/F/D/AAP Apply www.mtvnetworkscareers.com (9/13)

JOB OPENING: TRAFFIC MGR, VERSUS NTWRK/NBCU/NY: Resp: Accuracy & day-to-day ops, procedures & staff of commercial log scheduling & commercial continuity funct.for Versus Ntwrk. 5+ yrs exp. Apply: www.nbcunicareers.com job#2507BR (9/13)

JOB OPENING: DIGITAL SALES PLANNER /Discovery/NY: 2+ yrs advertising exp., Digital a +; Build plans/presentation for digital ad sales platform at Discovery – vod, podcast, mobile. http://careers.discovery.com/, req.4434 (9/13)

JOB OPENING: DIRECTOR/NY: 5-7 yrs.-commercial inventory/traffic, media sales planning and pricing exp. w/ Dealmaker/VCI, EXCEL) [email protected] (9/10)

JOB OPENING: INVENTORY ANALYST/Scripps NTWRK/NY : 1-3 yrs. Cable or Broadcast Adv. Sales exp. Daily approvals & tracking of commercial inventory, changes/requests, report tracking. Full details, www.scrippsnetworks.com # 2379 (9/10)

JOB OPENING: DIR, NETWORK DIST. OPS/NBCU/NY: Manage & devp strat & supprt net ops in Skypath Ops Ctr. Ability to define, manage satellite/encoding infrastructure for facil’s in Tech Ops Div. Apply at nbcunicareers.com (job#2852BR) (9/10)

JOB OPENING: SR MGR AD SALES MKTG/New York: Dev & direct strategy & execution of mktg/promo efforts in support of A+E Networks NAS business goals https://secure.sterlingdirect.com/jobboard/Default.aspx?JOBBOARDID=618&JobDetail=107837 (9/9)

JOB OPENING: RESEARCH ANALYST/STYLE NETWORK/LA : 1  2 years exp in program research. Familiar w/ Nielsen, Simmons, MRI programs. Apply: http://tbe.taleo.net/NA6/ats/careers/requisition.jsp?org=ENETWORKS&cws=1&rid=999 (9/9)

JOB OPENING: ASSOC PROD/BOOKER/TV talk show/NY: 5 yrs of strong booking exp. Book personal and breaking news stories, prep guests for shows, strong rsrch/written & comm. skills. [email protected] (9/9)

JOB OPENING: TRAFFIC REPORTER/Westchester NY: Experienced Traffic Reporter position available at a news station in Westchester, NY. At least 2 years experience and BA degree required. Forward resume and reel link to [email protected] (9/9)

JOB OPENING: DIRECTOR, OXYGEN SALES RESEARCH/NBCU/NY: Job#2732BR Manage all top line and detailed analyses/ratings reporting and audience profiling. 6-8 yrs experience required. APPLY ONLINE at http://www.nbcunicareers.com/ (9/9)

JOB OPENING: SENIOR RESEARCH ANALYST/CAFEMOM/NY: Monitr. & coord. proprietary res. stdies, anlyze & frmt raw data, updte reprts for mgmt insight. 3 exp; w/ SPSS req’d; exp w/Nielsen NetRtg a +; More @ www.cafemom.com/about/jobs.php (9/9)

JOB OPENING: INTEGRATED AD SALES MKT DIRECTOR/Discovery/NY: 10+ yrs ad sales mkt exp., Oversee RFP’s, brainstorming and execution for on air mkt campaigns for Discovery Channel. http://careers.discovery.com/ req.4431 (9/8)

JOB OPENING: DIRECTOR, BUS AFFAIRS & LEGAL/iN DEMAND/NYC: Provide legal analysis/counsel. Draft, negotiate, review contracts. Standards & Practices. JD + 4 yrs cable exp. Apply: [email protected] (9/8)

JOB OPENING: DIG SALES FULFILLMENT COORD/Universal/NBC Sports/NY: Efficiently trafficking assets for media campaigns; interface w/intrnl/extrnl clients; 1+yr online media/sls ops exp; BA/BS req’d. Res: [email protected] (9/8)

JOB OPENING: DIRECTOR, COMMUNICATIONS/Universal Sports/Westlake Village, CA: Generate awareness for the network & promote the sports programming; 5+yrs publicity/communications exp; BA/BS req’d. Res: [email protected] (9/8)

JOB OPENING: INTEGRATED MKTG MGR/ OWN/LA: Dvlp/mng custom advertising oppts for dig. & on-air sales & their clients 6+ yrs exp. Dig.sales strategy, cross-platform mktg prgms, strong comm skills req. Details: http://careers.own.tv (9/8)

JOB OPENING: SR SALES PLNG ANALYST/WB/NYC: Maint contracts, inventory mgnt, traffic coord, stewardship eval, budget & plan review & approval, rate card dev, wkly rev reports gen, ratings impact. Apply www.warnerbroscareers.com (9/8)

JOB OPENING: DIGITAL AE/CHICAGO: Sell BET Networks suite of dig advertising opportunities within assigned territory to agencies/clients [email protected] (9/8)

JOB OPENING: STORY PRODUCER/NYC: Producer w/ extensive post exp working on Avid in serial documentary or reality TV needed for award-winning doc series WORLD OF JENKS, to start asap. resume to [email protected] (9/8)

JOB OPENING: DIR MKTG/IFC/NY: Stratgize/excute impactfl live evnts/promo campgns/prtnrships-for buzz & rating growth. 8+yr relvnt exp in Tv/Ent indstry Creatve w/attn to detail of devlpmt & preservtn of brand. [email protected] (9/7)

JOB OPENING: POLITICAL SALES OPS SUPERVISOR/DC: Responsible for interviewing/hiring/mngng & conducting training of support staff. BA req’d; 2-3 yrs Operations or Sales Coord exp pref’d. Resume to:  [email protected] (9/7)

JOB OPENING: ACCT DIR /Health Club Media Network/CHI: Drive ad sales for emerging health club ntwrk. Creative media sales professional w/ strong work ethic & est’d agency/client relationships pref’d. Apply: [email protected] (9/7)

JOB OPENING: DIGITAL SALES MGR/KABC-TV/LA: Lead in developing, maintaining and growing revenue for our digital properties. Experience & knowledge of the digital and mobile industries required. Apply at www.ABC7JOBS.com EOE (9/7)

INTERNSHIPS – These positions are for credit only – nobody gets paid here. These ads are always posted for free, and students work for school credit only. For more information on the specs for posting an Internship ad, email Trish at [email protected] .

FALL INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: Remote Ops Intern/CBS Sports Network. Participate in &prepare for on-location sports events. Duties incl. operational, creative, &admin. tasks related to delivery of remote broadcasts. Apply: www.cbscorporation.com (9/10)

FALL INTERNSHIPS CREDITS ONLY: Media firm/Beijing: 40 hrs wkly. Unique/exciting media internship overseas.Includes RT flight to Beijing. Fluent Chinese reqd. Fluent English reqd. Apply: [email protected] (9/9)

FALL INTERNSHIPS CREDITS ONLY: AFFILIATE SALES INTERN/CBS Sports Network/NYC: Lead grassroots mktg campaigns; manage inventory & distribution of affiliate premiums; research non-affiliate small systems. Apply: www.cbscorporation.com select CAREERS (9/9)

FALL INTERNSHIPS CREDITS ONLY: CAMPUS MKTG INTERN/CBS Sports Network/NYC: Will assist in campaign mgmt, devise innovative campus/grassroots promos, & utilize social media to network w/ college student. Apply: www.cbscorporation.com select CAREERS (9/9)

FALL INTERNSHIPS CREDITS ONLY: SALES/MARKETING FALL INTERNSHIP/PLUM NTWRK/NYC:Gain practical experience in the communications industry by working with a top-notch sales & marketing team at a multi-platform media company. Resume to [email protected] (9/9)

SITUATION WANTED ADS, POSTED BY THOSE LOOKING TO BE HIRED …  There is no charge for placing your Situation Wanted ad … for more information contact Trish Pihonak at [email protected]

SITUATION WANTED: MULTI-MEDIA JOURNALIST/NYC BA-Broadcast Journalism. MFA-Media Arts. Thesis documentary awarded by Directors Guild of America, Amnesty Intl & 20 film fests. Worked in news since age 15! Seeks job! [email protected] (9/10)

SITUATION WANTED: WRITER/PRODUCER : Did exec level marketing in sports, fiber optics & telecom. Ent. industry 5 yrs . Can write what you need fast! Scripts, press, corporate overviews, etc. BS Biology; MS Journalism. Ph: 818-585-8760 (9/10)

SITUATION WANTED: Script Doctor/PROD w 16 yrs as Brdcst exec can consult/edit/polish your TV/film/web pitch/bible/screenplay. Credits inc. DeGrassi, DaVinci, Dragon Boys [email protected] (9/9)

SITUATION WANTED: WEB PRODUCER/NYC: 5+ years exp. Familiar w/ Prod Mgmt, Project Mgmt, Social Media, SEO, CMS. Exp working with developers & creatives. Client & agency exp. Passionate w/ a sense of humor. [email protected] (9/9)

SITUATION WANTED:- Creative Producer with 5+ years production and business finance background looking for new full time job opportunities. Please contact [email protected] (9/9)

SITUATION WANTED: MANAGER/DIRECTOR FINANCIAL PLANNING AND ANALYSIS/LA. 10+ yrs exp in corporate entertainment finance. Extensive background in financial budgeting, planning, modeling and executive presentations. [email protected] (9/9)

SITUATION WANTED: DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHER. Tell your story in images with a twist. David Goorevitch – [email protected] – see his stuff at http://bit.ly/DGlimbo (9/9)

SITUATION WANTED: Business Development (L.A./Phoenix) CPG/media. 15 yrs exp. global sales & marketing (retail/media), content dev., licensing and acquisitions. Strong negotiator. Exp. w/Disney, Warner, NFL. [email protected] (9/8)

SITUATION WANTED: Stand In for Kids, SAG/AFTRA, Height 4’7, Weight 95 lbs, Blonde, Blue Eyes, [email protected], or 818 200 7431 (9/8)

SITUATION WANTED: Jeanne Intile Burns, VOICE-OVER ARTIST, Cell: 845-721-9681 Websites: http://jburns.voices.com , www.allegro-music.com : Specializes in unique character voices for various animated productions (9/8)

SITUATION WANTED: Dedicated & Experienced ADV. SALES PLANNER/NYC: Sales proposals, resolving client discrepancies, quarterly post analysis, special sales service projects, expert computer skills. Contact- [email protected] (9/7)

E-mail [email protected] or call Trish Pihonak at 203.381.9096 for rates and specs for Job Openings.

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