Tuesday, October 1st, 2013

Cynopsis: DIGITAL

Good morning. It’s Tuesday, October 1, 2013, and this is your first early morning digital briefing.


Facebook will now provide even more TV conversation tracking data to broadcasters like ABC, NBC and FOX. The site announced it will supply detailed analytics of likes, comments and shares from private posts, keeping users’ anonymity intact.
In other words: Twitter and Nielsen have been delivering this data for a while, but Facebook claims their info is more relevant because of its wider user demographic.



The latest Vanity Fair digital short, The 1939 New York World’s Fair, was released on the magazine’s YouTube channel Monday. Directed by Oscar winner Barbara Kopple (Harlan County, USA), the short includes first-hand interviews with those at the original fair, and is the latest in a collection of ten designed to celebrate the magazine’s 100th anniversary. Don Cheadle and Bryce Dallas Howard are among the shorts’ directors.

PCWorld Magazine went entirely digital on Monday, tech media publisher IDG Consumer and SMB announced. The digital magazine is available on iPad, Kindle Fire and Android tablets. PCWorld has more than 119,000 digital subscribers and was ranked tenth in most digital subscribed consumer magazines in the U.S. by Alliance for Audited Media.

Alloy Digital is celebrating the first anniversary of its SMOSH Games YouTube channel, which provides content on the video game industry, reviews and game trailers. It was the fastest growing channel in YouTube’s history when it first debuted, snagging one million subscribers in just 24 hours. It now boasts 3.2 million subscribers and 425 million views.

Networks (both Cable & Broadcast) are faced with eroding ratings and ad dollars shifting from TV to Digital. That’s why Cynopsis is presenting a conference on what networks are doing – and what they need to do more of – to aggressively evolve to compete, and profit in this shifting landscape. Join us as our experts share the latest business and advertising models for success at the Cynopsis Future TV Summit!



TODAY is the Cynopsis Digital Webinar

Next Generation Digital Programming Models
October 1 | 1:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. | Register Now

Moderator: David Tochterman: Head of Digital Media {Innovative Artists}
Evan Bregman: Director, Digital Media {Electus}
Stuart McLean: Founder and CEO {Content & Co}
Daniel Tibbets: SVP, Digital Media {Bunim/Murray Productions}
Scott Nocas: Global Head of Distribution & Marketing/GM {Vuguru/Vuguru-POW}


Volkswagen is venturing off the beaten path with its new tablet advertising campaign that promotes TDI Clean Diesel technology. The ad uses video and geo-location to map a 795-mile test drive – equivalent to how far a driver can go on one tank with the Volkswagen Passat TDI. The ads are running on Motor Trend and Automobile Magazine tablet editions.

AOL is planning to return to television with commercials for its new partner service Gathr, the company announced yesterday. All Things D reports this is the first commercial since CEO Tim Armstrong took over in 2009. The TV spots will run in the Seattle, Minneapolis and Atlanta markets next fall.

Call for Submissions: Cynopsis is producing a Halloween Programming Guide which comes out on October 17 and will be sent to all Cynopsis and Cynopsis Kids subscribers. If your network has a Halloween-themed programming, please send your listings to Cathy Applefeld Olson at [email protected] no later than Friday Oct 4. Please include the following information: type of program (i.e. series, special, documentary, movie or holiday-themed episode), title, dates and times of all airings (please indicate when the show first premieres and when subsequent encores will air). Cathy will send you a confirmation email following each submission (if you don’t receive a confirmation email, please resubmit).



Apple has drained the fizz from Coca-Cola as it assumes the mantle of the world’s most valuable brand, according to Interbrand’s Best Global Brands report. The company is valued at $98.4 billion, taking over the now third place Coca-Cola, worth a sizeable $79.2 billion. This is the first time in Interbrand’s 13-year history of the annual study that the soft drink brand has been bumped from the top. Google blew into second place at $93.3 billion, with IBM at $78.8 billion and Microsoft at $59.5 billion. Interestingly, Interbrand found that Facebook is the fastest-growing brand, with a 43 percent value increase over last year.

Breaking Bad broke some serious social media records during Sunday’s season finale episode. The 75-minute AMC show generated 5.5 million Facebook interactions from three million of the site’s users. The entire 5th season saw 11 million people creating 23 million conversations and likes… Nielsen reports that the BB finale also broke records for Twitter, with 1.24 million tweets from more than 600,000 users. Twitter hit a peak at 22,373 tweets-per-minute when the episode began on the East Coast.

Digital advertising spending will top all advertising expenditure at $109.7 billion by the end of 2013, according to ZenithOptimedia. Mobile advertising is leading the way, with a growth rate of 77 percent – that’s seven times that of desktop internet ad spending.

PlayStation 4 apparently has an edge on Xbox One sales, according to a recent Reuters poll. The survey asked U.S. shoppers what gaming console they were interested in buying during the holiday season, and 26 percent favored the PS4 over 15 percent for the Xbox One.
In other words: The times, they are a-changin’. The Xbox 360, which has been the top console in the U.S. since it was released, will probably be taking a 360-degree look to see what can be tweaked and improved.


ABC News Digital hired Erie Norton as its new Executive Producer. Norton was previously the Executive Editor of Reuters Digital. ABC News Digital has the bigger web operation than rivals CNN, NBC and CBS, thanks to its partnership with Yahoo.

BBC.com has promoted KJ Shockey and Matthew Archambault as Vice President of Digital Ad Sales. Michael Graf has been promoted to Vice President of Cable Ad Sales of BBC World News, and Danielle D’Angelo has been promoted to Digital Account Executive.

Demand Media announced its new Senior Vice President and manager of Registrar Services Steve Banfield. Previously, he was leader of Demand Media’s Name.com and eNom teams.


Cynopsis Future TV Summit:
Content Innovation and Next Gen Advertising Models
Oct.17| Grand Hyatt NYC | REGISTER NOW

Speakers Include:
Keith Clinkscales
: CEO (Revolt Media)
Danielle Mullin: VP, Marketing (ABC Family)
Borja Perez: SVP, Digital and Social Media (Telemundo Media)

A Special Thank You To Our Sponsors:
Gold: ABC Family | Silver: A+E & Rhythm | Participating: NCC, BrightLine & TruthCo. | Media: IAB



The White House released an online animated video that outlines the benefits of the Affordable Care Act, which goes into effect today. The video, titled White House White Board: What ObamaCare Means For You, targets younger Americans by detailing ObamaCare’s provisions for those under 26. Given the fighting over a government shutdown, this video is more timely than ever. Watch it at www.cynopsis.com.


Cynopsis eReport Series: Demographic Viewing Patterns
Cynopsis Editors will take a look at the viewing patterns of various Demographics. Each of these Special eReports will uncover the Who, What and the Where – who these people are, what they are watching, where they are watching… and more!
OCT 3 // African Americans
OCT 6 // Women (sold out)
OCT 16 // Millennials
OCT 31 // Kids, Tweens & Teens
NOV 5 // Hispanics

Advertising space is limited. Contact Mike Farina: 203.218.6480

See you tomorrow,
Jessica Reese

Roberta Caploe: Editorial Director
Diane K Schwartz: Senior Vice President, Media Communications Group

Cynopsis Ad Sales: Mike Farina | VP Sales & Marketing | 203-218-6480
Classifieds Sales: Trish Pihonak | Director of Operations & Content | 888-702-3858

Cynopsis Media: a division of Access Intelligence, LLC * 10 Norden Place * Norwalk, CT * 06855 * USA

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JOB OPENING: FULFILLMENT SPECIALIST/A+E Networks/NY: Account mgmt. & customer service. Non-staff position. Full Info/Apply: http://www.aenetworks.com/careers (10/8)

JOB OPENING: SR TECH OPS DIR/CSI SPORTS/NY: Min 10 yrs TV Network exp. Resp. incl. overall workflow mgt, liaison to orig. facility/operator ops, tech & prod staff. Transmission/distribution exp req. Res/cvr to Rose: HERE (10/8) 

JOB OPENING: DEVELOPMENT EXECUTIVE/PRODUCER: Established NY prodco. Develop, cast, shoot, edit sizzles. Proven hit making ability at network and/or prodco. Amazing opportunity. [email protected] (10/8)

JOB OPENING: SR PRDCR NONFCTVDVLPMNT/NYC/LA: Talented dvlpr w/general cable exp. 5 yrs dvlpmnt/prod exp pref’d. Strong kwldg of Net Mandates. Will produce tapes, cast talent, prep pitches and manage systematic development. Resumes HERE (10/8)

JOB OPENING: SALES COORDINATOR, SALES PLANNING/Fox Broadcasting Co/NYC: Commercial inventory coordinator. 1-3 years network or agency experience required. http://bit.ly/1ask5CV (10/8)

JOB OPENING: ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR, DIGITAL SALES PLANNING/Fox Broadcasting Co/NYC: 5+ yrs linear &/or digital sales planning exp req. Campaign & invent management of VOD & digital platforms, forecasting, reporting. http://bit.ly/11MJTHL (10/8)

JOB OPENING: AD SALES ASST/Sportsman Channel/WI: Provide support to Account Exes for Network Cable Commercial Spot Sales, maintain spot schedules, work with Traffic Dept. Strong Excel skills req’d. Agency/TV Sales exp helpful. Apply: www.thesportsmanchannel.com (10/5)

JOB OPENING: DIR NON-FICTION PRGM/Lifetime/NY: Develop & pilot new non-fiction programming & oversee current prods. 5+ yrs exp in prgmng at cable/brdcst co or prod co. Apply: www.aenetworks.com/career.html (10/5)

JOB OPENING: EXEC DIRECTOR/CINE/DC: Strategy, fundraising & oversight of film/TV awards & education nonprofit. 5+ years leadership exp in media, w/marketing exp pref’d. Resume to [email protected] (10/5)

JOB OPENING: DIR MKTG STRATEGY/Discovery Channel/MD: Innovator w/strategic 360 approach to ad cmpgns. Strong brand mgt/consumer mktg exp.Work w/rsrch to identify prtnrshps/manage mktg events. Exp. driving top TV brands. APPLY HERE (10/5) 

JOB OPENING: SENIOR AD SALES RESEARCH ANALYST/ESPN/NYC: 1-2 Yrs exp in media research. Candidate must have strong analytical and problem solving ability. Apply HERE (10/5)

JOB OPENING: UniRey-NY: TV AE’s, NYC-based: Needed to drive general market advertisers to new English Language network/Robert Rodriguez Net, EL REY. Min 2 yrs network/AE selling exp. Resumes to [email protected] (10/4)

JOB OPENING: PRODUCTION TEAM for Live Show, Secaucus, NJ: Veria Living is hiring: Exec. Producer, Producers, Asst. Producers, Director & Media Manager. 3-5 yrs exp. incl. live work. Resume & position sought to [email protected] (10/4)

JOB OPENING: ANCHORS for Live Show, NY Metro Area: Veria Living is seeking energetic, fun, friendly & compassionate hosts able to improvise & engage with audience. Resume, picture & show reel links to [email protected] (10/4)

JOB OPENING: DIR AFFIL MKTG/Vubiquity/LA, CA: Dvlp/maintain mktg relationships w/Cable & Telco customers. Exp pkg’g & promoting and driving use of VOD svc. Apply. HERE (10/2) 

JOB OPENING: ADMIN ASSISTANT/A+E Networks/NY: Provide support to two busy executives. Non-staff position. Full Info/Apply: http://www.aenetworks.com/careers (10/2)

JOB OPENING: CLIENT SOLUTIONS DIRECTOR/USA TODAY/NY: Seasoned leader to generate revenue through insight-lead integrated mark sol & strat dev w/strong dig background. 10+ yrs insight-lead media solutions w/ 5+ yrs mgmt exp req’d. Apply: HERE (10/2)

EXPERT SERVICES ADS: These ads are for companies or people who offer an expertise in the field of media by way of production, voice over artistry, writing, set development, etc. For information on rates and specs for posting an Expertise Service ad email Trish at [email protected]

INTERNSHIPS – These positions are for credit only – nobody gets paid here. These ads are always posted for free, and students work for school credit only. For more information on the specs for posting an Internship ad, email Trish at [email protected].

FALL INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: RLTV (NYC): seeks intern to support the Ad Sales and Marketing departments with research, marketing ideation, presentations and sales materials. Min 10 hrs/week. Submit resume/cover letter to: [email protected] (10/8)

SITUATION WANTED ADS, POSTED BY THOSE LOOKING TO BE HIRED… There is no charge for placing your Situation Wanted ad… for more information contact Trish Pihonak at [email protected].

Are you looking for a job? Post your Situation Wanted Ad here — Email [email protected] for specs.

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