Tuesday, March 19th, 2013


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Cynopsis: DIGITAL

Good morning. It’s Tuesday, March 19, 2013, and this is your first early morning digital briefing.

Crackle is partnering with comScore to provide advertisers with unduplicated audience size and demographics across all screens and platforms the streaming service is available on. This “Video Everywhere” audience measurement initiative includes online, mobile/tablets, connected TVs, and game consoles, all together covering more than 20 Crackle apps. “Before this new capability, there had been no audience measurement of connected TV and game consoles, so publishers and networks could not provide an unduplicated audience number,” said Eric Berger, GM of Crackle and EVP/Digital Networks for Sony Pictures Television. Using comScore’s census-level measurement capabilities, Crackle hopes to change that. The partners say the data will be available during the second quarter 2013.


Looking to discover the next YouTube star, Simon Cowell is launching a new yearlong talent competition series called The You Generation. Starting tomorrow and led by Cowell’s Syco Entertainment in partnership with YouTube, the series will span 26 competitions, each of which will last two weeks. The competitions will be judged by a panel of Syco executives and experts, with winners being crowned every other Friday. The bi-weekly champs will not only receive a cash prize, but will also become finalists for the grand prize awarded at the end of the series. Those who want to audition can submit a video across a range of talent categories, from singing and stand-up comedy to makeup/style and cooking.

Reddit and YouTube are coming together for a new video series called Explain Like I’m Five, according to The Hollywood Reporter. Based on the eponymous sub-reddit, the web series features actors Michael Kayne and Langan Kingsley (of UCB Theatre) explaining complex topics like “The Crisis in Syria” and “Existentialism and Friedrich Nietzsche” to children. This doesn’t appear to be a new YouTube original channel though. Per THR, the series only consists of three episodes, all of which are available now. Each episode ends with a prompt directing viewers to DonorsChoose, a charity that supports school supplies.

The My Damn Channel Comedy Network has launched a new series called Eric Schaffer: Life Coach? Starring actor/writer Eric Schaeffer (Starved, FX and I Can’t Believe I’m Still Single, Showtime), the show was initially developed as seven half-hours for TV. He has since re-cut them into 40 short-form clips, which will roll out every Monday on the My Damn Channel Comedy Network as well as the show’s new YouTube channel. He will post companion vlogs on both My Damn Channel and YouTube; fans can purchase the full-length versions of the seven episodes, as well as the complete season, on his website.

New additions to Acorn TV, a British streaming service for North American audiences, include: The complete Foyle’s War Marathon collection, which features all 22 feature-length mysteries from series one through seven; and the miniseries Lost Empires, which stars a much younger Colin Firth.


Video ad server VINDICO is launching Adtricity, a new ranking system that provides online advertisers with reports that assess and contextualize how well publishers are delivering video ads. These reports include grade-level ratings on ad viewability, quality of site content, ad environment and execution, site safety, and traffic quality. Adtricity is also scalable, allowing advertisers to measure complete campaign performance, according to VINDICO President Matt Timothy. 

SpotXchange has unveiled a new suite of tools to help publishers sell their inventory for programmatic video advertising. They feature a bid activity report, to focus on which inventory is in most demand; price floor optimization, to raise or lower prices based on inventory demand; and pricing rules, to establish “if-then” guidelines that automatically change ask prices based on placement quality, demand level, player size, URL, and advertiser. The tools will be available on April 3.

FilmDistrict is using Twitter’s short-form video app, Vine, to promote its upcoming action film, Olympus Has Fallen. Via a pre-opening screening program in select cities nationwide, the studio has been collecting six-second Vine video reviews from moviegoers. The reviews can be watched here. Fans can submit their own reviews by tweeting out the Vine video with an #OlympusReviews hashtag. The film opens nationwide on March 22.


Virgin Media is tapping Concurrent’s MediaHawk VX content delivery network (CDN) solution to support its TV Everywhere service going forward. It will simplify multi-screen content delivery and reduce operational costs for Virgin Media’s TV Anywhere product by adapting source content “on-the-fly” to meet the requirements of the device to which the video is being.

Hillcrest Labs’ Freespace Motion Engine software will be embedded into Intel’s reference design kit (RDK) for IPTV set-top boxes and media servers. This will enable TV operators using the Intel RDK to provide their customers with the ability to control the TV screen via a remote-operated cursor. The goal is provide a better navigational experience by arming the remote control with mouse-like point-and-click capabilities. Hillscrest’s Freespace software is currently used in smart TVs from LG and TC, as well as Roku players.


There are now more than half-a-billion devices in US homes that are connected to the web and offer access to apps, according to The NPD Group. Overall, NPD’s report says the number of connected devices per “US internet household” has grown from 5.3 devices three months ago to 5.7 devices today. This growth was fueled by increases in the installed base of tablets (nearly 18 million) and smartphones (nearly 9 million). This doesn’t mean it’s time to close the coffin on the PC, though, as John Buffone, Director/Devices at NPD Connected Intelligence, says PCs are still the most prevalent connected device in US internet households. “However, when you look at the combined number of smartphones and tablets consumers own, for the first time ever it exceeded the installed base of computers.”


HyperTV, a start-up that helps broadcasters build second-screen experiences, is launching in the US. The start-up’s work with X Factor Italy in December 2012 led to 358,000 app downloads, with 96% of those who downloaded the app using it on average for 24 minutes per session. HyperTV says it’s currently in talks with several major broadcasters and producers across the US to bring interactive, second-screen functions to their TV programs. Its platform enables users to engage with TV content (like voting) in real time, instead of serving them “related content” such as videos, photos, or show information. HyperTV says it provides transactional capabilities for broadcasters and advertisers to convert these highly engaged audiences.


NBCNews.com has made several additions to its editorial and management teams in NYC, the first in what will be a series of new hires since NBC News attained full ownership of its digital properties from Microsoft last summer. The new talent includes: Hillary Frey, Yahoo News’ former Editor-in-Chief as NBCNews.com’s new Editorial Director/News; Danielle Friedman as Senior Editor; Rachel Rique as Senior Planning Editor; and Hasani Gittens and Megan Friedman as News Editors. NBCNews.com has also promoted Dick Belsky to Managing Editor/News.

The Weather Company (TWC) has appointed Jeremy Hlavacek to the newly created role of VP/Operations and Strategic Partnerships for WeatherFX. He will oversee all tech partner relationships for the WeatherFX business. TWC has also appointed Steve Kelley to the newly created role of VP/Architecture and Research and Development, WeatherFX. He will make TWC’s weather data available to marketers as part of the tech platform that powers WeatherFX across all TWC channels. Both will be based in NY and will report to Vikram Somaya, GM of WeatherFX.








As announced last week, comedic genius Ricky Gervais has a deal in place with YouTube to produce original video content for his YouTube channel. For the channel, Gervais will post original sketches, clips of his podcasts, and behind-the-scenes footage from the upcoming Muppets movie he’s starring in, among other sharp and sometimes uncomfortable-but-still-hilarious video clips. Speaking of which, Gervais has already brought his most famous creation back, David Brent from The Office. Check out The Return of Brent; it’s 10 minutes of greatness.

Later – Sahil
Sahil Patel, Associate Editor for Cynopsis Digital

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JOB OPENING: EXECUTIVE PRODUCER/THE WEATHER CHANNEL/ATL: 8+ yrs live TV/copy edit/write/produce. 2 opngs: 1.Oversee morning programming/Network Exp a must. 3am-12pm 2. Wknd EP/cable or ntwrk bckgrnd. Apply: www.weather.com/careers (3/26)

JOB OPENING: VP BRAND MKT/COMEDY CENTRAL/NYC: Oversee off-channel mktg & dvlp strategic/innovative/creative mktg plans for key launches. 10-15 yrs mktg exp + BA deg. Dig mktg background a must. More info/apply here. (3/23)

JOB OPENING: VP, AD SALES OPERATIONS/TVONE/NY or MD Base TBD: BA req’d. Min 10 yrs exp TV Sales Ops & min 3 yrs exp Sales Ops Mgmt. Strategic & Tact Mgmt. Resp for execution of ad sales orders. Mng/oversee traffic sys. Visit www.TVONEjobs.com (3/23)

JOB OPENING: MGR, BRAND MKTG/NASCAR/Daytona Beach: Asst w/ dvlpmnt & implementation of the annual Brand mktg & Comm Plan. BA degree five (5) + yrs exp Brand/Advertising/Marketing/Sports Mktg. Apply http://employment.nascar.com (3/23)

JOB OPENING: VP DIGITAL/VIACOM INT’L/NYC or LONDON based: Mng overall central Y&M Prod Portfolio, Content & Creative dir. BA deg w/10-15 yrs of functional exp Brand or Product Mngmnt. Full info/apply: viacomcareers.com (3/23)

JOB OPENING: ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE/ION Media Networks/NY: National network sales; 5+ yrs exp TV adv, proven track record of increasing revenue at high CPM. Est client base; team player. Apply at [email protected] EOE (3/23)

JOB OPENING: LOG COORD/TV ONE/MD: BA pref’d. 2 yrs exp brdcst cable log Ops. Mng On-air prgm log, playlist delivery &reconciliation of logs. Resp, meeting delivery sched deadlines & directing sales/promotion dept. Det-oriented, MS Office. Visit www.TVONEjobs.com (3/23)

JOB OPENING: AD SALES PARTNERSHIPS MGR/A&E/A+E Networks/NY: Persuasively sell ideas & value based propositions to agencies, clients, planner & internal network stakeholders. Full Info/Apply: http://www.aenetworks.com/careers (3/23)

JOB OPENING: SR MGR PRODUCTION/Lifetime Mktg/A+E Networks/NY: Oversee projects from conception to delivery for Lifetime Brand Creative marketing team. Full Info/Apply: http://www.aenetworks.com/careers (3/23)

JOB OPENING: COUNSEL, BUS & LEGAL AFF/MLBNtwrk/NJ: Strong undrstndng of legal issues related to media & IP. Strong negotiation & drafting skills.Min 3 yrs exp in legal media/entrtnmnt reqrd. JD requird. Resume: [email protected] (3/23)

JOB OPENING: SR SUPERVISING PRD/SFO: – Oversee/manage a variety shows. Must hv 10 yrs exp in producing TV +3 years managing prod teams. Must be strong leader, organized, able to inspire [email protected] (3/23)

JOB OPENING: MGR AD SALES OPS/Taxi Magic/Alexandria, VA: Mng sales ops for in-taxi video provider.  Resp all sales ops, rep interface, agency reptg. Exp in ad sales ops req’d, pref’bly in DOOH.  Apply here: https://taximagic.com/en_US/about/careers (3/22)

JOB OPENING: DIGITAL ACCT EXECUTIVE/A+E Networks/NY: Sell A+E Networks suite of multi-platform advertising opportunities within assigned territory to agencies/clients. Full Info/Apply: http://www.aenetworks.com/careers (3/22)

JOB OPENING: DIR, AD OPS/AMC/NYC: Drive Digital Ad Ops strategy, yield mgmt, identify/build dig sales platforms partners. Technical & marketplace knwldg of Dig/Advd Platform ad products. Submit res @ http://tinyurl.com/cmq799m (3/21)

JOB OPENING  MGR, CLIENT SOLUTIONS/USATODAY/NY: Develop integrated marketing solutions for USATODAY. Must be creative, with big ideas, digital. Resume to: [email protected] (3/21)

JOB OPENING  REGIONAL SALES MGR/Santa Monica: Self-starter who can jump in, learn the business, work collaboratively w/the team, own key relationships and start closing deals. Details & to apply: http://www.Click2Apply.net/q27bhkw (3/21)

JOB OPENING: AD OPS EXECUTIVE/DISH Sales/Denver: Lead traffic and ops efforts of DISH Media Sales, incl. scheduling, insertion, and delivery of linear and digital advertising spots. Apply at – http://tinyurl.com/agg87v3 (3/20)

JOB OPENING:  NETWORK SALES COORD/TVGN/NY: Ad sales coord. Work w/AEs, planners, sales, traffic, mrktg, price & plan teams. Deal maintenance; allocations; move reqsts; communicate w/agencies. College degree pref’d [email protected] (3/20)

JOB OPENING: VP, DVLPMT/LA: Solid writing skills/sharp intellect a must as well as 5-7 years exp. w/netw, prod, agts, & talent. Exp mgr. dvlpmt team, sincere interest in non-scripted tv. Send res: [email protected] (3/19)

INTERNSHIPS – These positions are for credit only – nobody gets paid here. These ads are always posted for free, and students work for school credit only. For more information on the specs for posting an Internship ad, email Trish at [email protected].

SITUATION WANTED ADS, POSTED BY THOSE LOOKING TO BE HIRED… There is no charge for placing your Situation Wanted ad… for more information contact Trish Pihonak at [email protected].

SITUATION WANTED: Ambitious PUBLICIST in LA: seeks F/T position in promotions, film, entertainment, music, brand or lifestyle firm. Solid pitching, writing and results. Please Contact: [email protected] (3/23)

SITUATION WANTED: SENIOR MARKETING EXEC with 15+ years experience; 8 in the digital space. Seeks Director or VP Marketing opportunity, F/T or freelance. [email protected] (3/23)

SITUATION WANTED: REALITY/DOCU-SOAP/COMEDY SHOW RUNNER/NY-STAMFORD: TV/Digital team leader with proven track record with MTV, HGTV, BET, SHO, TV LAND is available for a new project. Contact: [email protected] (3/23)

SITUATION WANTED: STRONG WRITER/EDITOR/PRODUCER & MMA GEEK: L.A. seeks FT position with cable network or prod. company. Passionate about MMA, also interested in working for UFC or Bellator. Willing to relocate. [email protected] (3/23)

SITUATION WANTED: TALK SHOW FIELD PRODUCER/L.A. Credits include THE JEFF PROBST SHOW and KATIE. Email: Jason White — [email protected] (3/22)

E-mail [email protected] or call Trish Pihonak at 888.702.3858 for rates and specs for Job Openings.

Are you looking for a job? Post your Situation Wanted Ad here — Email [email protected] for specs.

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