Tuesday, January 24th, 2012


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Cynopsis: DIGITAL

Good morning. It’s Tuesday, January 24, 2012, and this is your first early morning digital briefing. If you would like to read this or any other Cynopsis editions online, click here.

Research In Motion’s Co-CEOs, Jim Balsillie and Mark Lazaridis have decided to step down from their shared executive positions at the company. Replacing them at CEO will be the BlackBerry-maker’s current chief operating officer, Thorsten Heins, who will also serve as the company’s new President. The appointment is effective immediately. The company also announced that board member Barbara Stymiest has been named RIM’s new independent Chairman of the Board. As a result of the shuffle, Lazaridis will slide over to become Vice Chair of RIM’s Board of Directors, as well as Chair of the Board’s new Innovation Committee. At his new position, Lazaridis will provide strategic counsel for the company’s new CEO and will help promote the BlackBerry brand worldwide. Balsillie will also remain on at RIM as a member of the Board. In a conference call with analysts and the media on Monday, Heins said that he doesn’t expect to make any “drastic changes” to RIM’s strategy.


As part of their ongoing coverage of the 2012 election, Yahoo! News and ABC News have launched a new daily web series headlined by an assortment of both organizations’ political anchors and correspondents. Called Power Players, the series features five titles: “George’s Bottom Line,” featuring political analysis from Stephanopoulos; “Political Punch with Jake Tapper,” providing inside access to the White House press corps.; “Spinners and Winners with Jonathan Karl,” focusing on political spin and rhetoric from campaign ads and speeches; “Top Line,” offering coverage from Amy Walter, Rick Klein and Yahoo! News Washington Bureau chief David Klein; and “Politically Foul with John Berman,” which will “referee” campaign news. The shows will air weekly here, and on Yahoo!’s Livestand and Screen mobile platforms beginning on February 8.

Investigation Discovery has launched IDAddicts.com, a social website that offers the opportunity for fans of the shows on the network to engage with other fans in real-time via live-streams of conversations being had on Facebook and Twitter. Users can also create their own profiles and follow each other on the site. To promote the new offering, ID will host weekly watch-and-win giveaways centered on the network’s new “Red Hot Saturdays” programming lineup.


Polar Mobile, a Toronto-based start-up that offers a digital media distribution platform, has raised a $6 million in funding, led by Georgian Partners. Polar Mobile builds apps for many of the largest media companies including Conde Nast, Sports Illustrated, CBS Interactive and The Wall Street Journal. The new funds will be invested toward launching its MediaEverywhere platform, an HTML5-based solution for content distribution across multiple devices. The start-up’s current SMART white-label solution supports native apps for a wide range of mobile devices, including the iPhone, iPad, Android devices, BlackBerry OS and Windows Phone 7 and Nokia devices. MediaEverywhere is meant to extend Polar Mobile’s reach even further. The funds will also be used for doubling the Polar Mobile team from 40 to 80 in 2012 as the company expands to New York City and London.

BuzzDoes is a marketing solution for mobile app developers who want to get their app noticed in a crowded marketplace, according to TechCrunch. The solution provides developers one line of code that adds a word-of-mouth recommendation feature to their app. It also allows developers to offer rewards (such as points that can be redeemed for cash via PayPal) in exchange for users recommending their app to friends and peers. And just for good measure, BuzzDoes’ technology recognizes when a user downloads an app because of a recommendation. TechCrunch reports that the start-up has raised $750,000 in seed funding from Proxima Ventures and angel investors.


NFL’s decision to live-stream the Super Bowl on NBC and NFL websites also means it will request high ad dollars for brands looking to advertise on the video stream, reports MediaPost. Specifically, the cost to advertise on the platform will be $55 cost per thousand viewers (CPM), and existing NFL sponsors will get top priority. Comparatively, the cost for advertising on the television broadcast of the game is $35 per thousand viewers. The Super Bowl is expected to attract 100 million television viewers, making the price for airing a 30-second commercial during the telecast a nifty $3.5 million. The live-stream will also be available on Verizon phones. MediaPost also states that external display ads running outside the video frame will be priced at $14 CPM and $12 CPM. If any of the NFL’s sponsors elect not to participate in web advertising, the spots will be opened up to brands running TV spots during the big game, and then to non-Super Bowl TV advertisers.


Add Facebook’s director of product Blake Ross to the list of people who are not fans of Google’s new “Search plus Your World” feature. Lambasting the new service that prioritizes Google+ search results over any other social network, Ross has launched a new campaign called “Focus on the User” and accompanying website that seeks to combat Google’s integrated social and search offering. Ross and a team of engineers from Facebook and other social media sites have developed a browser plug-in, cheekily called “Don’t Be Evil,” which integrates results from other social networks into Google’s search results. Users can install a bookmarklet available on the initiative’s website into their browser (available for Chrome, Firefox and Safari). After doing a Google search with personalized results turned on, you click on the bookmarklet to get revised search results that offer content from more social media sites.


4 billion online videos are being viewed on YouTube every day, which is a 25% increase in the past eight months, according to data revealed by Google to Reuters. According to the company, around 60 hours of video is being uploaded to YouTube every minute, up from the 48 hours the video site was averaging this past May. However, even though it is streaming 4 billion videos every day, most of them do not bring in revenue for the company; Google says that only three billion videos a week on YouTube are monetized. The Reuters report also mentions the recent launch of Reuters TV, featuring ten news commentary and analysis shows, as part of YouTube’s original programming initiative.

The share of U.S. adults who own tablets jumped from 10% to 19% between mid-December and early January, according to data from the Pew Research Center. The surge was driven by consumers with high education levels, as well as households with incomes higher than $75,000. Among the latter, 36% of those living in households earning more than $75,000 a year now own a tablet computer. Similarly, 31% of consumers with at least a college-level education now own a tablet device. The results come from Pew Research Center’s ongoing Internet & American Life Project, which tracks ownership and growth of tablets and e-readers as a way to understand how people consume media on such devices, how people use them to access the internet and what kind of effect mobile connectivity has had on users.

A study from online ad management platform provider Marin Software finds that the average click-through rate on paid search advertisements on Google decreased from 2.53% in Q3 2011 to 2.36% in Q4 2011. Yahoo! and Bing also experienced a decline over the same timeframe, from 1.66% to 1.61%. According to eMarketer, this decline can be attributed to a rise in paid search ads during the holiday season, citing the rise in cost-per-click (CPC) during this time period as evidence of more advertisers competing on these search engines. However, the findings from Marin Software also reveal a year-over-year decrease in the average CPC for Google in the U.S., falling from $1.11 in the fourth quarter of 2010 to $1.02 in the fourth quarter of 2012. Yahoo! and Bing, on the other hand, witnessed an increase in the U.S. from $0.78 to $0.85.


SkyGrid has launched Touchtv, a free app that delivers recent programming and video content from an array of TV channels to a user’s iPad. The channel guide is presented via a scrollable grid view, on which users can select one to watch by touch. SkyGrid’s network partners include Fox, CBS, NBC, ABC and ESPN, among others. The company has also inked a deal with LG Electronics to integrate the Touchtv technology into the 40 million LG connected TVs to be in the market in the next year and a half. SkyGrid is the company behind the popular news aggregation app of the same name, which was spotlighted by Apple as one of the best apps of 2011.


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President Barack Obama will sit down for an interview with YouTube users on January 30. And, as YouTube is owned by Google, and Google has been focusing on building out its social network, Google+, Google will invite a select group of people (who have submitted questions of course) to participate in a live Google+ Hangout with the president during the interview. If you would like to submit a question, or two or seventy to the president, you can do so at the interview’s official YouTube page. The deadline for submissions is January 28 at midnight ET.

Later – Sahil
Sahil Patel, Associate Reporter for Cynopsis Digital

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JOB OPENING: ASSOC PRODUCER/NYC: Conflict daytime talk show in search of AP – Must have exp booking conflict/resolution stories. 3+ yrs exp of booking real people for talk shows . Resume: [email protected] (1/31)

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JOB OPENING: MTVN TECH PRODUCER/DEVELOPER: BA; 4yrs intractve dev exp.Dev/adv knwlg of JSP, HTML, XML, XSL, JavaScpt, Visio. Str comm sk. Prior wrk music,games,ent.Biling a+. EOE/M/F/D/AAP.Ap www.mtvncareers.com (1/28)

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JOB OPENING: VIDEO EDITOR/PRODUCER/Omega Institute/Rhinebeck NY: shoot, edit, produce video, b-roll & graphics for web/social platforms; Final Cut Pro 7, Adobe Creative Suite, HTML, Photoshop, CMS. 1-3 min exp. http://eomega.org/ (1/25)

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SITUATION WANTED: MEDIA RESEARCH EXPERT/NY: but will relocate: Seek management opportunity. Ad sales,/prgrming/ mgmnt w/expertise in interpret/anal quant/qual & spearhead custom. Team leader & team player. [email protected] (1/31)

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SITUATION WANTED: Jeanne Intile Burns, VOICE-OVER ARTIST/VOICE COACH, Cell: 845-721-9681, E-Mail: [email protected], Web Links: www.castingnetworks.com/jburns, http://jburns.voices.com, www.allegro-music.com (“American Biographies”) (1/25)

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