Tuesday, February 9th, 2010


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Cynopsis: DIGITAL

Good morning, it’s Tuesday, February 9, 2010, and this is your first early morning digital briefing.

There’s reach and then there’s reach. CBS‘ telecast of Super Bowl XLIV set a new record for viewership, according to preliminary Nielsen figures. Fifty-one million households or 106 million viewers tuned in, topping the M*A*S*H finale as most watched U.S. telecast ever. The game also broke an ad load record with 48 minutes of ads. The most buzzed-about sponsor during and after the game was Doritos, with an 11% share of Super Bowl brand buzz. Google’s much blogged about Parisan Love ad, a Valentine’s romance told in search queries, placed the company second with 10.2%. Doritos’ House Rules ad was the most liked on Hulu’s AdZone, while Megan Fox’ s Motorola spot was the most viewed. The best ad according to the USA Today‘s annual Ad Meter poll – which tracks the second-by-second responses of a panel – found the Snickers ad starring Betty White to be the crowd favorite.


Benefiting from the built up anticipation of Lost’s final season, ABC.com delivered more than 580,000 episode starts of Lost’s season 6 debut last Wed., an increase of over 34% from last year, according to internal ABC data. Visitors recorded another 2.2. million views of Lost-related content. The Lost site features a number of interactive, community-driven features this year including user-created Top 5 lists, Episode Commentary and a planned Fan Art Wall, enabling fans to upload, view and rate “Lost”-themed art created by fellow fans.
In what’s become an annual feature, CNBC.com put together a special section on Love & Money offering practical advice on how top cope with financial issues that might lead to marital strife.


In a move already being positioned as a Facebook or Twitter killer, Google may be working on adding status-update profiles to Gmail, according to reports. Gmail would archive status messages and display them on a user profile page. The new feature could go live as early as this week.
Meanwhile, Facebook is developing its own web-based email service to compete with Gmail, per TechCrunch.


Nielsen has announced plans to aggregate viewership data for shows running both online and on TV leading up to Feb. 2011 media buying negotiations, per Ad Age. Analysts say the move could lead to a healthy increase in the commercial loads on premium video sites such as Hulu and TV Everywhere sites.
The IAB launched a members only “Interactive Insider” section on its website featuring a selection of tools, case studies research and insights, beginning with the release of an interactive sellers guide for the Auto industry.
Top U.S. Online Video Ad Networks by Potential Reach of Unique Viewers – Dec. 2009
Property                                                    Unique Viewers (000)  Viewer Penetration
Total Internet : Total Audience                                  177,851               100.0
Tremor Media – Potential Reach                                  103,672                58.3
BBE – Potential Reach                                                101,124                56.9
Advertising.com Video Network – Potential Reach           83,619                47.0
SpotXchange Video Ad Network – Potential Reach           81,290                45.7
YuMe Video Network – Potential Reach                           76,356                42.9
ScanScout Network – Potential Reach                             70,976                39.9
Break Media Video Ad Network – Potential Reach             61,269                34.4
BrightRoll Video Network – Potential Reach                     55,227                31.1
Adconion Video Network – Potential Reach                      55,027                30.9
TidalTV – Potential Reach                                               46,563                26.2
Source: comScore Video Metrix


After an inquiry from federal regulators, Google has lowered the service termination fee on its self-distributed Nexus One handset from $350 to $150. The change was announced on Google’s online terms of service page for the Nexus One. Yet breaking up is still hard to do – the fee is charged on top of the $200 T-Mobile requires if you break your contract.
Electronic Arts benefited from healthy sales on digital platforms such as the iPhone but experienced a drop in traditional video games. Overall sales fell by 25% to $1.243 billion. EA’s online division finished Q4 with 1.9 million subscribers while EA Mobile generated $57 million in net revenue with 7 of the top 11 games on the iTunes store.
Netflix is warning the FCC that a combined Comcast/NBCU would make it difficult for game changing companies like the streaming media provider to get a foothold in the market, reports the Washington Post. Comcast customers have long complained that the company routinely throttles their internet connections when using the Netflix Watch Instantly service.
Sports-tech firm XOS Technologies, Inc has rebranded itself XOS Digital, Inc.


Portland, OR-based Rentrak signed a major client to its set top box-based TV ratings service. EchoStar’s Dish Network (15 million subscribers) will be added to Rentrak’s “TV Essentials” service, making it the first set-top box based solution to operate in all 210 TV DMAs. Until now, the company relied on data from AT&T U-verse homes in only 36 markets.
Google Sites continued to rule the online video space in December delivering 13.2 billion total videos, according to ComScore, with YouTube.com accounting for nearly 99% of all videos viewed at the property. Hulu ranked second with more than 1 billion videos viewed – an all-time high – representing a 3% market share. Hulu’s users tend to be heavy viewers, watching an average of nearly 23 videos each totaling 2.2 hours in Dec. Nearly 178 million viewers watched an average of 187 videos per viewer during the month as 86.5% of the total U.S. internet audience viewed online video.
Top U.S. Online Video Content Properties by Videos ViewedDec 2009
Property                           Videos (000)     Share (%) of Videos
Total Internet: Total Aud.      33,242,835             100.0
Google Sites                        13,242,487              39.8
Hulu                                     1,013,494                3.0
Microsoft Sites                          561,052               1.7
Fox Interactive Media                550,505               1.7
Yahoo! Sites                             539,416               1.6
Viacom Digital                           372,641               1.1
Turner Network                         366,987               1.1
CBS Interactive                         297,298               0.9
Megavideo.com                         210,294               0.6
AOL                                         209,957               0.6
Source: comScore Video Metrix


Former Google CIO Douglas Merrill has joined the Board of Directors of digital content recommendation start-up The Filter.
Video ad network Tremor Media has hired former Reed Business executive Angelo D’Agostino as VP/Human Resources. He will be based in Tremor’s New York City headquarters, replacing Kyle Carter who has left the company.
UK-based Horse & Country TV appointed Sir Roger Jones, Chairman of the Committee for Wales of the National Trust, and Mark Young, SVP/Entertainment Sales and Acquisitions at IMG, as Non-Executive Directors to its Board.


Twitter has become a revolutionary tool for media companies as a place to share news and monitor fans’ conversations, but it can be a blunt instrument that can seem like a lot of noise to the untrained ear. Digital agency Wiredset (parent company of real-time metrics service Trendrr) is launching a new service dubbed Curatorr publishers can use to filter and publish targeted twitter conversations. The platform allows you to search for properties and filter them by related topics then group and monitor conversations that relate directly to what you’re searching for. Such a tool may be handy for showrunners trying to prevent their show from “jumping the shark,” or marketers who are trying to deal with finicky public perception. The tool allows you to save past conversations and searches to compare notes over time. Curatorr also offers the ability to skin Curatorr pages in order to share them with an audience. MTV used Curatorr to monitor and publish tweets during its George Clooney-organized Hope for Haiti telethon.
Correction: We suggested that Tales2Go’s new recorded books iPhone app can record and stream kids’ own stories ­- it can’t, but what an idea for an update.


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JOB OPENING: SENIOR PRINT DESIGNER/(BRAVO)/NBCU/NY: Creative lead in off-air advertising, promotion and marketing, from concept to development, of Bravo projects.BA, 6 yrs exp in print design. www.nbcjobs.com , #1142233(2/17)

JOB OPENING: SR RES ANALYST/AMC/NYC: Prep & maintain network analysis to support Ad Sales, Affil Sales & Mktg. 2+ years exp & related systems (MRI, Simmons). res to www.cablevision.jobs ref# 10513BR (2/17)

JOB OPENING: COORD, ANIMATION DVLPMNT & PROD/MANHATTAN BEACH CA: Entry-level. Support dvlpmnt & prod across all shows & supports dept personnel in all functions- licensing, mktg, & dist.Resume to: [email protected] (2/13)

JOB OPENING: MGR, ANIMATION, DVLPMNT & PROD/MANHATTAN BEACH CA: Support dev, prod & dist w/day2day coord of assets/scheds/vendors. Emphasis co-prod & intl prod. 3+yrs exp animation prod is req’d. Res to: [email protected] (2/13)

JOB OPENING: DIR & ACCT EXEC/RMG NETWORKS AD Sales/NY: Join the leading away-from home TV ent sales team.Dvlp/grow new & existing AD Sales across our platforms. 5-8 yrs TV and/or dig/OOH ad sales exp. Resume: [email protected] (2/13)

JOB OPENING: LEGAL ASSISTANT/Hallmark Channels/Los Angeles: Great opp. for exp’d Admin Asst with legal bkgrnd. Will support 3 Attorneys in Studio City. View full job posting & apply: www.hallmarkchannel.com “Jobs” (2/13)

JOB OPENING: ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE/CABLEVISION/Hoboken, NJ:   Seeks AE for local ad sales.2+ yrs ad sales exp. pref cable TV, radio, e-media adv.  Valid NJ DL.  See full posting and apply to www.cablevision.jobs req 9453BR (2/12)

JOB OPENING: ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE/CABLEVISION/OAKLAND NJ:   Seeks AE for local ad sales.2+ yrs ad sales exp. pref cable TV, radio, e-media adv.  Valid NJ DL.  See full posting and apply to www.cablevision.jobs req 9446BR (2/12)

JOB OPENING:  IPC CONTENT MGR/NY/MTVN International: Req: Program scheduling, programming acquisitions & budgeting exp. Attention to detail. Production mgmt exp. Apply: www.mtvnetworkscareers.com . An EOE/M/F/D/AAP  (2/12)

JOB OPENING:  DIRECTOR, INTEGRATED MARKETING/Nickelodeon/NYC: 8+yrs Integ Mrktg/Sales exp @ a TV Network, Strng Packged Goods exp, Strng Ideation/Acct Mgmt exp, Stng Projct Mgmt skills EOE/M/F/D/AAP. Apply www.mtvnetworkscareers.com (2/12)

JOB OPENING: SR WRITER/PROD/EDITOR/WSFL-TV/Miami: Seasoned creative team player to create on-air mktg campaigns for ent, sports & untradit’l morn newscast. Res/reel: [email protected]    Info:  www.sunsentinel.com/employment (2/11)

JOB OPENING: RECRUITER : NYC Entertainment Executive Search Firm/media or recruiting experience req’d/motivated/research skills/excellent communication skills/computer proficiency/self-starter/BA email: [email protected] (2/11)

JOB OPENING: NBCU/NY: USA and Syfy have four open RESEARCH positions supporting Sales, Primary and Digital efforts. Visit www.nbcunicareers.com for more info and to apply (2/11)

JOB OPENING:  SR RSRCH ANALYST/A&E TV Networks/NY: Dvlp strats, presentations & other relevant data to best position Lifetime Net in mktplace. 3yrs+ rsrch exp. Knwldg of Nielsen data & systems. Apply: www.aetn.com/careers.html (2/10)

JOB OPENING:  DIR AD SALES RSRCH/A&E TV Network/NY: Drive primary Ad Sales Rsrch initiatives & build insight based strategies across all AETN nets. 7+ yrs media rsrch exp, pref 3+ yrs in TV rsch.Apply: www.aetn.com/careers.html (2/10)

JOB OPENING:  DIR PROG DAYTIME, ABC/LA: Netwk creative liaison for “General Hosp”. Give story outline notes; Manage show activities. 5-10 yrs netwrk prog; orgnzd, strategic, diplomatic, exec leadership; www.disneycareers.co m #225205 (2/10)

JOB OPENING:  SALES PLANNER/Fox Sports Espanol/NY: Exciting opp to work in ad sales & sports. Build proposals & work w/ AEs in NY, Miami, Dallas, LA. Seeking Ad agency bkgrd & 2 yrs+ media ad sales www.foxcareers.com ref. FNG17870 (2/10)

JOB OPENING:  CONTENT SALES MGR (3)/Thought Equity Motion/NY, LA, CHI: World leader in video licensing. Expert ideation, consultative & relationship sales exp. More info visit: thoughtequity.com; Resumes to: [email protected] (2/10)

INTERNSHIPS – These positions are for credit only – nobody gets paid here. These ads are always posted for free , and students work for school credit only. For more information on the specs for posting an Internship ad, email Trish at [email protected] .

SPRING/SUMMER INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY:  INTERACTIVE SALES INTERN Assist Rainbow Advertising Sales team. Woodbury NY Pref. Majors Ad./Comm./Film/Tv/Mktg./Bus. Apply to www.cablevision.jobs req 10523BR (2/12)

SPRING INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: PRODUCTION INTERN/NYC: Looking for motivated intern to assist producers @radical.media w/ all aspects of prod. for science/tech docu-series. 2-3 days/wk. Paid MetroCard. Cover/resume to [email protected] (2/12)

SPRING INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: EDITING/DEVEL INTERNSHIP LA- spring sem for credit/written commitment of 2-3 days. Edit and development unscripted/docs/promo at small production company. Edit on FCP a must. Email: [email protected]  (2/12)

SPRING INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: TV DISTRIBUTION INTERN: Learn how to market and sell factual series and specials to cool broadcasters in the US & Canada.  Must be interested in the business of TV. Cover/resume to: [email protected]    (2/10)

SITUATION WANTED ADS, POSTED BY THOSE LOOKING TO BE HIRED …  There is no charge for placing your Situation Wanted ad … for more information contact Trish Pihonak at [email protected]

SITUATION WANTED: “BIG Ideas” MARKETING SPECIALIST/NY:5 yrs exp. creating and executing integrated print and digital platform programs across multiple categories, presentation writing & event management. Contact: [email protected] (2/17)

SITUATION WANTED:   ART DIRECTOR (NYC) Highly experienced working concept through completion. Portfolio: www.baerdavis.com Email: [email protected]  (2/13)

SITUATION WANTED:   PRODUCTION ASSISTANT/ENTRY-LEVEL POSITION/NY or LA:’09 Hampshire College Grad, 4+ Years Exp Producing, Writing, Directing, Editing. Extremely Hard-Working, Optimistic and Dedicated. Contact: [email protected]  (2/13)

SITUATION WANTED:  Dedicated & Experienced ADV. SALES PLANNER. Sales proposals, resolving client discrepancies, quarterly post analysis, special sales service projects, expert computer skills. Contact- [email protected] (2/13)

SITUATION WANTED:  WRITERS/RESEARCH ASST/LA: WIF Mentee in Screenwriting. Hands-on, web/print research, 1 on 1 interviews, & structured investigation of issues/historic events. Experience in prod/screenwriting. [email protected] (2/13)

SITUATION WANTED:   Female VOICEOVER ARTIST with full studio. Versatile sound & styles. Experience in TV, film, radio, games, phone systems, websites, narration, promos, more… Contact [email protected] or visit www.marciheit.com (2/13)

SITUATION WANTED:   SALES/RESEARCH DIR/STRATEGIST: 20+ yrs media, Nielsen, Hisp, research, sales, and presentation experience. How can I help you? Email: [email protected] (2/13)

SITUATION WANTED:   20+ yrs. experience in TV Broadcasting & Cable ACCOUNTING/FINANCE. Seeking FT/PT or Temp-to-Perm position:   [email protected] (2/13)

SITUATION WANTED: SENIOR ADV SALES/MARKETING EXEC experienced in Domestic cable/syn and International cable. Successful track record in Biz Dev and Strategic Media Implementation- refs/contacts available. [email protected] (2/12)

SITUATION WANTED: PRODUCTION ASSISTANT/DEVELOPMENT/ENTRY-LEVEL/NY : Intern exp. in development & post production. Past Assoc. Prod. for A&E Biography. Creative, passionate, fast-learner. Willing to relocate. [email protected] (2/12)

SITUATION WANTED: FREELANCE ACCOUNTING/BOOKKEEPING/LA:set-up, rebuild or update on QuickBooks and Excel on a ‘per project’ basis. Email: [email protected] (2/12)

SITUATION WANTED: DEVELOPMENT PRODUCER/LA: to dive in, develop, and create presentation materials for your unscripted/factually based ideas-from concept to pitch on a ‘per project’ basis. Email: [email protected] (2/11)

SITUATION WANTED: Creative COPYWRITER . Award-winning, all media, affordable. [email protected]. To choose your FREE samples, visit https://freebeaaron.wordpress.com (2/11)

SITUATION WANTED: SEO & SEM Expert (NY/Remote): 7+ yrs exp – AdWords Qualified, Google Analytics Qualified, Experience improving comScore and Quantcast rankings. Social Media exp as well – Freelance or P/T: [email protected] (2/10)

SITUATION WANTED: SENIOR COPYWRITER/PRODUCER/NY: Experienced package goods writer for TV and radio commercials. 
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3PC3iZW8o48 Plus expert interviewer for testimonials.  [email protected] (2/10)

SITUATION WANTED: MERCENARY WRITER – Marketing/Publicity/Pitches/Scripts. Theatrical, television, cable and interactive. You name it, I write it. Writer of FoxPop content for Fox. Contact [email protected] (2/10)

SITUATION WANTED: MKTG or ADVERTISING/EXEC-ASST or COORDINATOR/NYC: 2008 UPenn grad, 2 yrs experience as Exec-Asst, internship experience with VH1 and Lincoln Center; Innovative, articulate, creative & meticulous; [email protected] (2/10)

SITUATION WANTED: UAlbany 2010 grad, looking for PROGRAMMING/RESEARCH ANALYST, MEDIA BUYING, OR SALES POSITIONS. I am currently interning at Viacom MTV Networks(Spike TV).Held the marketing position in my sorority. [email protected] (2/10)

E-mail [email protected] or call Trish Pihonak at 203.926.9878 for rates and specs for Job Openings.

Are you looking for a job? Post your Situation Wanted Ad here — Email [email protected] for specs.

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