Tuesday, February 8th, 2011

Cynopsis: DIGITAL


Good morning, it’s Tuesday, February 8, 2011, and this is your first early morning digital briefing.  If you would like to read this or any other Cynopsis edition online, click here

AOL continued its buying spree of digital brands, this one designed to upgrade its aging audience to a younger, more affluent crowd. The company agreed to acquire liberal-leaning news site Huffington Post for $315 million in cash and stock ($300 in cash, actually, depleting some 37.5% of its $800 million cash reserve.) Adding the popular site to the AOL mix “will create a next-generation American media company with global reach that combines content, community, and social experiences for consumers,” wrote AOL Chief Tim Armstrong in a memo to AOL staffers announcing the deal. The acquisition is expected to close by the end of this quarter or early next. Founder Arianna Huffington, who will relocate from LA to New York, will serve as President and Editor in Chief of the Huffington Post Media Group within AOL, overseeing all AOL content including recent acquisitions TechCrunch.


Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) is partnering with IPTV technology provider NeuLion to launch a new online service that brings a new level of interactivity to the PPV fight arena. The new UFC TV interface, which will be on display for the Feb. 26 bout between BJ Penn and Jon Fitch in Sydney, Australia, features the ability to toggle between 6 camera angles and audio feeds with picture-in-picture capabilities and DVR functionality. Live chat and UFC-tagged Twitter feeds can also be monitored on the right hand side of the viewing module.
Sony launched its Qriocity streaming video service in Canada this week, offering HD films online from NBCU, Paramount, Disney, Fox, Warner Bros. and Sony for $4.99-$5.99. The service has also launched in the U.S., UK, France, Germany, Italy, Spain and Japan.
Sony Pictures
is also offering access to actual content within its Oscar banner ads for The Social Network, providing direct links to Aaron Sorkin’s screenplay, tracks from the original Trent Reznor/Atticus Ross score and even a 4-part documentary on the film’s making hosted by IMDB.com


Online video creation service Animoto launched a redesign enabling users to see their HD-quality video creations processed 10 times faster than in the past, according to the start-up. The Animoto interface has also been simplified to make it more intuitive to select photos and video styles and add music to video slideshows. The site maintains 3 levels of service: a free option limited to 30-second videos, a $30/year service allowing videos of any length and a $39/month pro service geared toward photographers, realtors and other professionals.


Following its purchase of streaming ad server ScanScout, online video ad network Tremor Media has acquired video advertising solution provider Transpera for an undisclosed amount, reports TechCrunch. Transpera customers include MTV, CBS News, MSNBC.com and Discovery.


Continuing its goal to become a dominant player in the IPTV space, Cisco Systems acquired Raleigh, N.C.-based Inlet Technologies for $95 million in cash. Inlet, which had raised a total of $20.5 million in three rounds of funding, provides hardware and software that enables video streaming applications to eat up less bandwidth as they are delivered over IP networks.
executive and Egyptian political activist Wael Ghonim was scheduled to be released from prison on Monday more the week after disappearing, reports the WSJ. Mr. Ghonim is Google’s head of marketing for the Middle East and North Africa and was part of a small group of digitally savvy activists who put social networking and other tools to work in the movement to foment political change in Egypt.


U.S. consumers spent more buying/renting movies online last year ($385 million – up 38% y/y) then they did renting and purchasing online TV shows, for the first time, according to research from IHS Screen Digest. Apple’s iTunes continues to dominate the business (although it has seen its market share shrink somewhat,) accounting for 64.5% of all digital movie spending in 2010, down from 74.4% in 2009. Apple is now facing competition not only from Microsoft’s Zune and Sony’s PS3 store, but also from newer players (represented by IHS in an “others” category) such as Amazon and Wal-Mart. The latter, which acquired online movie streaming service Vudu last year, could quickly become a major player in the sell-through space as it builds out that part of its business – Wal-Mart registered more than $3.5 billion in physical sales of movies on Blu-ray and DVD last year, notes IHS Screen Digest.
U.S. Movie Elec. Sell Through and Internet Video On Demand Movie Mkt. Share Ranking
2009 and 2010
Rank  Company        2009    2010
1        Apple             74.4%  64.5%
2        Microsoft        11.6%  17.9%
3        Sony                5.7%   7.2%
4        Others              8.3%  10.4%
Source: HIS Screen Digest
Google’s Android smartphone platform overtook Apple’s iPhone during Q4 last year, according to the latest data from ComScore‘s MobiLens service. But the smartphone trend helped both players increase their share of the growing market, which saw its user base increase 60% over a year ago. Android was second only to RIM’s BlackBerry platform in terms of market share, jumping to a 28.7% share of the 63.2 million smartphone users now in the U.S., up from 21.4% at the end of Sept. Usage of downloaded apps and social networking sites increased by 1.3 and 1.5 percentage points, respectively, over the last quarter, utilized by over 1/3 of all mobile subscribers.
Top Smartphone Platforms
3 Month Avg. Ending Dec. 2010 vs. 3 Month Avg. Ending Sep. 2010
                                                    Share (%) of Smartphone
                                               Sep-10    Dec-10    Point Change
 Total Smartphone Subs                100.0%    100.0%        N/A
RIM                                           37.3%     31.6%       -5.7% 
Google                                      21.4%     28.7%        7.3
Apple                                        24.3%     25.0%        0.7
Microsoft                                      9.9%      8.4%       -1.5
Palm                                            4.2%      3.7%       -0.5
Source: comScore MobiLens                                          


Cablevision Systems Corp.
has promoted John Trierweiler to EVP/Product Management. John will continue to oversee all of Cablevision’s advanced television, high-speed internet and voice products, reporting to Cablevision’s President of Cable & Communications, John Bickham. 
Former STRIVE International CEO Eric Treworgy will join business software provider Marketron as VP/Sales.
Los Angeles-based multiplatform entertainment company Shout! Factory hired Keff Ratcliffe as the Director of E-Commerce. He will report to Melissa Boag, VP/Marketing


CBS Interactive-owned Last.fm announced in a blog post that the ad supported Last.fm app for iPhone, iPad and Android is going to start charging $3/month to access its licensed music. (Interestingly, the app will remain free on the web and via the Xbox Live the Windows Phone 7 platforms, perhaps because of a subsidy arrangement with Microsoft.) The company had already been charging a subscription fee in foreign countries outside of the U.S., UK and Germany and now they’re asking an extra mobile/home music player fee from these foreign users. The post claims that the fees put it in line with “other music services” that already charge for mobile services, but dozens of angry posts from loyal users beg to differ (you can read them by scrolling beneath the post.) Pandora remains free in the U.S. and the popular UK-based Spotify service charges £9.99/$9.99 per month, but allows listeners to request specific tracks to play on demand (an option not available on Last.fm.) Consider this conflict between Last.fm and its loyal user base a microcosm of what will play out across the digital landscape as services which launched for free to try and establish an audience transition to a pay-for-play model.


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JOB OPENING: ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE/NESN/MA: Reporting to the Local Sales Manager, this position requires a team oriented, creative sales professional adept at growing existing accounts while developing new business www.nesn.com (2/15)

JOB OPENING: VICE PRESIDENT OF MARKETING/NESN/MA: Responsible for developing and overseeing the successful implementation of NESN’s marketing strategy throughout New England and nationally throughout the U.S. www.nesn.com (2/15)

JOB OPENING: SPRVSNG PROD/Bravo reality cooking competition show/NYC: Head up story dept on set & through post. Sprvs mult prod in mult edit rooms under deadlines. Bravo exp taking show thru post. Email: [email protected] (2/12)

JOB OPENING: ADVRTSNG MGR/Disney FamilyFun Mag/NY: 5yrs sales/1yr mgmt exp print.Estab’d relations- NY, NE, & SE. Grow rev. by mngng 3 sellers w/direct sales resp. for key accts. Multi-plat. sales exp a + [email protected] (2/12)

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JOB OPENING: MEDIA SCHEDULING COORDINATOR/The Hub/Burbank: Long term temp role. Must have exp in on-air promo scheduling & scheduling systems. Exp in 2E a +. Strong detail-orientation. Apply at http://thehub.catsone.com/careers (2/12)

JOB OPENING: GENERAL MANAGER/Danny Lipford Media/AL: Expanding media company needs very organized GM, exp. in national adv. sales, generating web revenue, production. More info: www.dannylipford.com/GM (2/12)

JOB OPENING: SR PREDITOR/CREATIVE SERVICES/NY1 & NY1 Noticias: Must be fluent in Spanish. Write,produce & edit promos for 24hr news channels in NYC. Exp.rqd. For more info: www.timewarnercable.com/careers ref job #123562BR (2/12)

JOB OPENING: DIRECTOR, ORIG PROG/HGTV & DIY/KNOXVILLE,TN  6+ yrs exp in prog prod or mgmt for cable TV. Manages relationships w/prod companies, ad sales, and internal depts. Showrunning exp req’d. scrippsnetworks.com, ref #2148 (2/12)

JOB OPENING: MGR PRIMARY MKT RSRCH/ABC FAM/NY: Initiate, execute primary mkt rsrch to support Ad Sls & Mktg; oversee linear & digital rsrch.Exp in executing digital rsrch studies essential. Apply at disneycareers.com ID# 280275 (2/12)

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JOB OPENING:  PRODUCT DEVELOPER/Nickelodeon/NYC: 3+ yr exp. Must have built interactive digital products. Acting knowledge of presentation layer technologies. Creativity and desire to innovate. Apply www.mtvnetworkscareers.com (2/11)

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JOB OPENING:  CG MANAGER/NYC: 5 yr post exp. Manage/Schedule 3D artists, crew jobs, resource talent. Must understand VFX prod & artist skill sets. http://bit.ly/dLzdOS (2/11)

JOB OPENING:  MANAGER REVENUE PLANNING/DIRECTV/New York, NY: Assist the VP & SVP of Ad Sales with all revenue forecasting relating to the DIRECTV Ad Sales business. For additional info: www.directv.com/careers job # 1001837  (2/11)

JOB OPENING:   DIR, PRODUCTION & DEVELOPMENT UNSCRIPTED: Develop, create & exec.-produce new shows for ION TV. 10+ yrs exp TV prod. Gen Entertainment. See full ad http://www.ionmedianetworks.com/page.php?p=careers&job=1263 EOE  (2/11)


JOB OPENING:  SR. ANALYST DIGITAL RESEARCH/NBC/NYC: Provide top line & detailed analyses, reports, presentations, & highlights covering Bravo online properties & competitors. Apply @ www.nbcunicareers.com req. 942BR (2/10)

JOB OPENING:  AFFILIATE SALES ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE/RLTV: support affiliate distribution sales initiative w/i geographic region, create, sell & manage aff campaign,travel 50%+,industry contacts preferred, 2+ yr exp.,apply: [email protected] (2/10)

JOB OPENING: INV ANALYST/BET/NY: Manage inventory and pricing.Detailed-oriented, org’d, multitasker, exc comm &knowledge of excel, BA req. Email resume: [email protected] (2/10)

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JOB OPENING:  ASST MKTG MGR/NY: create strategic mktg. materials, manage comm. Various mktg. programs, oversee strategies/creative BA/BS Mktg & 4 + yrs sales/mktg env. Prof. Office Suite Apply: www.nationalcinemedia.com (2/9)

JOB OPENING:  ASSOCIATE PRODUCER/ Scholastic/NYC: Short term pos avail to ass’t in all aspects of developing high-quality console games for kids. 1-3yrs interactive exp req’d. Apply: [email protected] (2/9)
JOB OPENING:  EXEC DIR, VIDEO/RODALE/NY or Emmaus PA: oversee video ops. 10+ yrs exp with a strong rolodex, great mngmnt chops & extremely creative. Demonstrated ability to teach & influence others. Resume:  [email protected] (2/9)

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INTERNSHIPS – These positions are for credit only – nobody gets paid here. These ads are always posted for free , and students work for school credit only. For more information on the specs for posting an Internship ad, email Trish at [email protected].

SPRING/SUMMER INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: Cablevision Local Interactive Sales Internship: Provides practical experience in the communications industry and teaches daily operations within Optimum Homes and Auto Sales- Send resumes to [email protected] (2/15)

SPRING/SUMMER INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: UNIVISION SALES MARKETING INTERNSHIP: Provides practical experience in the communications industry and teaches daily operations within sales and marketing for Univision.com. Send resumes to [email protected] (2/12)

SPRING INTERNSHIP CREDIT ONLY:  DIGITAL MEDIA INTERN/assistant W LA Digital company seeking a capable intern to work directly with CEO.  Mobile apps, web development, film/vid Production and social media. Resume to [email protected] (2/9)

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SITUATION WANTED: EXPERIENCED TV PRODUCER WITH MBA – I have an MBA and 9 years experience as a TV Producer. Ideally looking for a position that integrates content and brands. Also open to other opportunities. [email protected] (2/15)

SITUATION WANTED: ASSISTANT/INTERN L.A.: Looking to learn from 1/2hr comedy director, sitcom preferred. 4yrs experience in L.A. Would love to shadow/intern or be hired as assistant. Email: [email protected] (2/15)

SITUATION WANTED: MEDIA SALES/MARKETING MANAGER/LA: 17+ years experience in educational, documentary, advertising media sales, content development,biz development True Closer!!!!! [email protected] (2/15)

SITUATION WANTED: ASSOCIATE PRODUCER/ASSISTANT in TV, FILM, MEDIA/LA: 5+ years production experience (writing, producing, coordinating) including pre-production, live tapings, and post. Efficient, organized, self-motivated. Contact [email protected] (2/12)

SITUATION WANTED: PRIME TIME EMMY DOCUMETARY. PRODUCER, DIRECTOR, WRITER in L.A. Credits: National Geo, PBS, Discovery, History CH, TLC and MSNBC. Contact email: [email protected] (2/10)

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