Thursday, October 7th, 2010

Cynopsis: DIGITAL

Good morning, it’s Thursday, October 7, 2010, and this is your first early morning digital briefing.  If you would like to read this or any other Cynopsis edition online, click here

The long wait could soon be over for Verizon customers who’d like to get their hands on Apple’s iPhone. Verizon will ramp up to begin selling the iPhone by early Jan., according to reports in Bloomberg and the WSJ, ending AT&T‘s 3-year exclusive lock on the device that has helped it earn record profits. (Apple confirmed its original deal with AT&T was for 5 years earlier this summer, but one can only assume a renegotiation has taken place.) Apple’s about face has no doubt much to do with the desire to get on Verizon’s officially announced 4G LTE network, which will launch in 38 major metro markets and to more than 110 Americans by the end of the year. The launch will include large section of the northeast corridor including New York, Washington D.C. and Boston, where iPhone users have complained the most about poor network coverage.


‘s Crackle online video portal is putting together its first mobile app initially for the Android platform. The free Crackle app, which charges $5/month for access to premium fare, will offer movies such as “La Femme Nikita,” (Coppola’s) “Dracula” and “Taxi Driver” (“Are you talking to me?,) sourced from Columbia, Tri-Star, Screen Gems and Sony Pictures Classics, among other studios. Episodes from classic Sony TV series will also be available via Wi-Fi or 3G. Free content (no subscription required) includes Sony’s minisodes and original Crackle shows.
Time Warner
is close to cementing TV Everywhere distribution deals with Dish, DirecTV and AT&T U-verse to enable subscribers to go online to view Time Warner cable channels they subscribe to, per the WSJ. Current online programming deals with Comcast and Verizon extend online viewing to 25 million homes, with that number expected to grow to 70 million by next year.
Trying to increase its market share of eBooks across the pond, Amazon launched its Kindle Digital Text Platform in the UK offering the same 70% share of royalties earned to publishers or authors that it offers in the U.S., minus download delivery costs.
MSNBC launched a new website out to capture the celebrity appeal of politics. BLTWY, produced with the BermanBraun company, takes a very much visual approach, offering access to stories through snarky-labeled photos – each with a real-time poll asking readers to label it “LOL,” “I Like,” “OMG,” or “VETO.”


The NAB and the CEA are both investing in a new location-authenticated platform called Syncbak that will help local TV stations distribute their feeds over the internet, reports TVNewsCheck. The technology, designed by entrepreneur Jack Perry (founder of Titan TV), will enable broadcasters to insure that its live streaming can only be seen by viewers within its DMA in order to preserve rights of syndicated programs as well as its local appeal to advertisers.
Location-based social networking service foursquare suffered two major outages this week related to amendments to its database system and the launch of its new status update site. The company, which just celebrated its 200th millionth “check-in,” says it is working to install safeguards to prevent further problems.
Call for Content: Time to dust off that script in your drawer. The 13 Annual Scriptapalooza screenplay competition is on once again from online coverage service Scriptapalooza. The first place winner, chosen by the site’s professional filmmakers and readers, receives a $10,000 along with help in the effort to sell it to a production company.


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Comcast Spotlight, the ad sales division of the nation’s largest MSO, announced that its interactive ad products now reach 10 million homes and that more than 160 advertisers have run a total of more than 340 request-for-information-enabled campaigns, delivering close to 280 million impressions.
Interactive ad formats grew from 12% to 30% of ads served by online ad network AdoTube from ’09 to ’10 and the success and adoption of interactive ad formats has resulted in an increase of 59% in overall click-throughs from ’09 to ’10, according to AdoTube’s new In-Video Ad Format Index. Drawn from analyzing some 1.2 Billion impressions across its network, the index divides formats into Branded Overlays, Interactive Overlays, Standard Pre-rolls and the company’s new Polite Pre-Roll, analyzing trends in adoption and metrics regarding click-through and retention rates.


Here we go again. Motorola has filed a series of complaints against Apple for infringing upon more than a dozen mobile service patents, days after Microsoft leveled similar complaints against Motorola. The company says infringing technologies include wireless communications apparatus, antennae design and key smartphone applications such as email, location-based services and multi-device synchronization. Motorola filed a similar suit against Research in Motion and ended up settling for a one-time payment and continuing royalties.
Tivo came out on the winning side once again in its longtime dispute with EchoStar as the U.S. Patent Office upheld the validity of its patent claims over its “time-warp” DVR technology. Tivo is claiming the matter is settled once and for all this time.
Writers Guild of America, East issued a new proposal to address the issue that the Comcast/NBCU merger will likely adversely impact the diversity of outlets providing news and public affairs programming. The idea is to increase funding in public affairs TV on public television by requiring the merged entity to devote a share of its resources.


Logitech unveiled the market’s first product powered by the new Google TV interface yesterday. The Logitech Revue ($300 or $179 with a subsidy from Dish Network) is yet another plug-an-play box that will ship with a palm-sized remote, equipped with a full keyboard and touchpad to enable directional navigation and full typing and texting. Pre-installed apps will include offerings from Netflix (subscription required), Twitter, Pandora and Turner but Hulu or CBS has not yet committed to the platform. The company is also selling a bunch of accessories with the unit, including a $130 6-inch mini-controller and a $150 TV camera to enable HD video calls. Expect to see it Best Buy by the end of the month.
The Steel Curtain is proving to be digitally savvy, launching its own Steelers Game Day Plus smartphone app for Android, iPhone/iTouch and Blackberry. The $1.99 app, created by YinzCam Inc., provides real-time news, drive-by-drive stats, video streaming of Steelers press conferences and, of course, access to the team’s aggregated Twitter feed.


New York-based Screenvision named Robert Formentin as its new VP/Web Operations and Digital Sales. He reports to Michael Chico, EVP of Sales, Marketing and Research.
Ascent Media promoted Igor Vezmar to SVP/Product and Service Development. Igor is charged with overseeing the company’s digital media supply chain solutions, including digital asset management services and tools for repurposing and distributing content.


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Hearst Magazine Digital Media‘s cooking site, a partnership with web portal MSN, has launched a new cooking app that allows you to call on the knowledge of both expert chefs and fellow users who frequent the site. The CookChat app, powered by Hearst’s “Answerology” platform, allows you to ask a cooking-related question of up to 100 characters. Answers will be provided by editors or fellow users, viewable on the site or in your email box. I tried pinging the crowd to find out how long and at what temperature I should bake pork loin, only to discover that you must first register for the site to participate and that even after registering, you must wait an inordinate amount of time (hours, days?) for the answer to arrive in your inbox. (To compare, I tried the same question on mobile/web Q&A service ChaCha and got an answer right away – cover and bake for 90 minutes at 350 degrees.) Response times could improve as the database grows, but requiring registration is a deal breaker for many. And having to wait makes the app unusable if you’re in your kitchen and need to know now., which ranks among the top among food destinations in visitors and came out tops in average minutes/user in August according to ComScore, has a nice collection of recipes and feature articles. But it may want to rethink this app, particularly when migrating to mobile and tablet computers (a move currently in the works, according to a Hearst spokesperson.) 
Later — Wayne
Wayne Karrfalt for Cynopsis: Digital
[email protected]

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ATTENTION JOB RECRUITERS FOR THE TELEVISION AND ADVERTISING INDUSTRY – send us your contact information so we can begin to build a database for referrals.  We get people all the time around the country asking us for names of local recruiters.  Help us out – send us your contact information, name, company, address, phone, email and fax.  NY and LA are great, but we also need names of firms in Chicago, Dallas, Miami, Atlanta, DC, and elsewhere.  We have people to send you!   Email your info to [email protected].

JOB OPENING: RESEARCH ANALYST/Dallas: Resp for mkt/client projects, data verif, dvlp systems. Prof. media knowledge (Nielsen, Claritas, etc.) [email protected] (10/14)

JOB OPENING: DIRECTOR OF MKTG/Dailymotion/NYC: Savvy digital marketing expert w/5-6 yrs exp needed to spearhead mktg efforts, drive audience development for leading online video site. Email resume to [email protected] (10/14)

JOB OPENING: ACCT MGR/Dailymotion/NYC:  Mng post-sales process to drive addit’l rev & overachieve on team goals. 3-5 yrs exp. online media sales/ 2+ yrs as Acct Mgr req.  Leading online video site.  Res: [email protected] (10/14)

JOB OPENING: SALES ADMIN & FINANCE MGR/Dailymotion/NY:  Provide analyses of key sales metrics/KPIs, month closes & rev share reports. 2-3 yrs finan’l  analysis/reporting exp. online media pref’d. Res: [email protected] (10/14)

JOB OPENING: DIR SALES MKTG/Dailymotion/NY:  Creative thinker w/ knwlg customized online media mktg campaigns to create ideas for pre-sales process. 6-8 yrs exp w/ 4-5+ yrs Sales Dev/Sales Mktg.  Res: [email protected] (10/14)

JOB OPENINGNickelodeon/ SR RESCH ANALYST: 2 yrs TV ratings resrch; comp Nielsen (Startrak, NPower, MarketBreaks); adv Excel.Str analy sk; knwlge TV ind/Nielsen ratings/media math. Apply EOE/M/F/D/AAP (10/13)

JOB OPENINGDIR, PRICING & PLANNING/Sprout/NY: 7+ yrs exp w/strong analytical skills; strategic thinker. Resp; managing pricing, stewardship, revenue analysis, inventory mgmt.|278 (10/13)

JOB OPENINGDIRECTOR OF RESEARCH/National Geographic Channel/DC: 8+yrs TV /other media rsrch. Expertise in Nielsen, MRI, Simmons & primary/sec research. Programming/Mktg focused. Apply:, FNG0000024 (10/13)

JOB OPENINGACCT EXECUTIVE/TV Guide Online/NY: AE w/ 3+ yrs online sales exp. Passionate about TV & ENT. Multi-platform sales exp preferred. Competitive salary commensurate w/ exp & excellent benefits prgm [email protected] (10/13)

JOB OPENINGSALES ACCT DIR/CHICAGO: Seasoned Account Exec/Dir to work with established alternative digital advertising company. 5+ years in media sales, established agency relationships a must. Apply to [email protected] (10/13)

JOB OPENINGSTORY PRODUCERS/NYC: 5yrs+ exp in reality. Bal logistics of shooting w/creative storytelling.Strong writer, value rsrch a must. Wrangle talent & tackle any prod challenge. Dir. exp a +. Res: [email protected] (10/13)

JOB OPENING: ACCOUNT DIRECTOR LOGO AD SALES/NYC: 7+yrs TV ad sales exp. Oversee sales efforts and team. Major agency exp. Understanding & appreciation for LOGO content. Apply (10/12)

JOB OPENING: AFFILIATE SALES DATA COORDINATOR/WGNA/NYC: Maintain, mng & organize affil sales database. Assist w/ implementation of new and ongoing sales mktg prgrms & spec projects. More info and apply: (10/12)

JOB OPENING: DIR BASIC CBL SLS ADMIN/20th TV/LA: 2+yrs TV, Pay or Cable exp. Resp. for documenting and system input of all cable deals. Also resp. for legal rights and clearances. BA &/or Lgl exp. req. Resumes: [email protected] (10/12)

JOB OPENING: TRAFFIC COORD/CABLEVISION/Jericho NY: Min.1 to 3yrs Ad Traffic exp. Process/schedule orders for Ad time in heavy deadline environment. See full posting and apply to req (10/9)

JOB OPENING: ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE/West Nyack/NY: Seeks AE for local ad sales.3 to 5 yrs ad sales exp. pref cable tv, radio, e-media adv. Valid NY DL. See full posting and apply to req 12277BR (10/9)

JOB OPENING: COMMUNITY MGR/Edelman/NY: 2+yrs pr/mrktg related exp in soc media/WOM; digi savvy; strong soc media footprint; up2date w/ emerging trends/tech; comm/writing skills A+ Resume2: [email protected] (10/9)

JOB OPENING: SALES DVLPMNT MGR/DAILYCANDY/NYC: Work w/ad sales execs to create custom online/email & other multi-platform mktg solutions.2+yrs writing proposals (advrtsng sales, women’s lifestyle a focus a +) Res: [email protected] (10/9)

JOB OPENING: ACCT EXEC/Disney Interactive NYC: Online media, branded ent. over 20 sites incl. & the Disney Mom’s & Women’s Ntwrk of sites. online Ad Sales exp a must. [email protected] (10/9)

JOB OPENING: DIRECTOR, AD SALES/Disney Interactive NYC: Come from top tier online/new media company with 5+ yrs in online Ad Sales an absolute must. [email protected] (10/9)

JOB OPENING: PRIMARY RSRCH MGR/DISNEY ABC/CA: min 4+ yrs in ent. research, strong qual testing background req’d, questionnaire software/tab processing, ratings a plus. Apply at: (ID265400). (10/9)

JOB OPENING: SR PROJ MGR, RSRCH/ATL: Provide strategic, insightful & timely analyses in support of orgnztion’s goals, dvlpg estimates. 6+yrs exp nat’l media/prgrmng rsrch. Prior cable or ntwk rsrch exp. Res: [email protected] (10/8)

JOB OPENING: DIR, INTEGRATED MARKETING/MTV2/mtvU/NYC: 7+ yrs exp. creating multiplatform marketing programs at a TV/media company. EOE/M/F/D/AAP. Apply (10/8)

INTERNSHIPS – These positions are for credit only – nobody gets paid here. These ads are always posted for free , and students work for school credit only. For more information on the specs for posting an Internship ad, email Trish at [email protected].

FALL INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY:  PR INTERN/THE JIM HENSON COMPANY/L.A:   Assist with press releases, pitches, character appearances & marketing initiative support of our licensing & consumer products business. Send resumes [email protected] (10/13)

SITUATION WANTED ADS, POSTED BY THOSE LOOKING TO BE HIRED …  There is no charge for placing your Situation Wanted ad … for more information contact Trish Pihonak at [email protected]

SITUATION WANTED:  EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT position film/TV (NY) 10 years experience: Interned for a President, Executive Assistant to SVP/VP/film director/celebrity [email protected] (10/14)

SITUATION WANTED: EIC/LINE PRODUCER with 10+ yrs exp. Variety, Docu-Reality, Game Show, Scripted, Competition/Elimination- Mngd biz of Prod. Co’s. for major TV & cable nets. Looking for next project.  [email protected] (10/14)

SITUATION WANTED: POWERHOUSE SALES in MEDIA, TV & FILM.(NY) 7+ years of Domestic and International in FILM & TV SALES very successful at MIPCOM, MIPTV an “outside the box” approach generating new clients, email [email protected] (10/14)

SITUATION WANTED:  RESEARCH DIR/SALES STRATEGIST – 20+ yrs media, Nielsen, Hisp, research, sales, and presentation experience. Email: [email protected] (10/13)

SITUATION WANTED: MEDIA SALES/MARKETING MANAGER/LA: 15+ years experience in educational, documentary, advertising media sales,product,biz development. True Closer!!!!! [email protected] (10/13)

SITUATION WANTED: NEED A BUDGET DONE?? LINE PROD/EIC – 10+ yrs. exp- budgets done in all formats. Accurate budgets, Reasonable rates, fast turn around Email: [email protected] (10/12)

SITUATION WANTED: Dedicated & Experienced ADV. SALES PLANNER (NY) Sales proposals, resolving client discrepancies, quarterly post analysis, special sales service projects, expert computer skills. Contact- [email protected] (10/8)

E-mail [email protected] or call Trish Pihonak at 203.381.9096 for rates and specs for Job Openings.

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