Thursday, November 7th, 2013

Cynopsis: DIGITAL

Good morning. It’s Thursday, November 7, 2013, and this is your first early morning digital briefing.


All eyes are on Twitter today, as it opens up for trading on the New York Stock Exchange at 9:30 a.m. Cynopsis spoke with CNBC’s Business Day reporter Kayla Tausche about the IPO, who will be covering the first day of trading at the NYSE.
Cynopsis: The latest AP-CNBC poll found 49 percent of active investors don’t see Twitter as a good investment. Why?
Tausche: Twitter for a long time was viewed as simply hosting others’ streams-of-consciousness. The company has only begun to develop its infrastructure and engage its users in a way that helps them discover different parts of the platform, as Facebook did a long time ago.
Cynopsis: What are the major differences between this IPO and Facebook’s?
Tausche: There are two: No Twitter executives or investors are cashing out in the IPO, unlike Facebook. And Twitter’s IPO will be offered mainly to Wall Street investors, whose professions are to assess risk. Some 20 percent of Facebook’s IPO went to retail, or rank-and-file, investors, and they were bruised when the stock traded down.
Cynopsis: What are the biggest challenges Twitter faces now?
Tausche: Spam and fake accounts dilute the experience, and don’t help users take the platform seriously as a place to engage with friends and companies. Also, the majority of Twitter’s users are outside the U.S., but it’s not clear how the product translates there. Companies haven’t jumped onto the advertising bandwagon at the same speed either, meaning Twitter makes less money on those users.

Amazon Studios has launched Amazon Preview, to entice to participate more in the creative programming process. The Verge reports that Preview gives access to pilots, test footage, concepts and storyboards while asking users for feedback on shows. Although Amazon has invited a select few customers to join, anyone can take part – for free.

No more thumbs-up for Facebook thanks to its new “like” button, which scrapped the original 2010 version. The new button is more subtle: a rectangular blue block, and the word “like” next to Facebook’s logo. The share button also got the same treatment. All the little thumbs-up on sites will slowly morph to the new button.

Join me and a long list of experts at our November 13 Cynopsis Digital Measurement Summit! This all-day conference will bring together expert speakers on topics including measurement, TV everywhere, data, the second screen, YouTube, and much more! Register your team today:


National Geographic‘s newest original film, Killing Kennedy, will feature a second screen digital component and additional content on its site for the Nov. 10 premiere. Behind-the-scenes exclusives, historical photos and articles will be available at www.NatGeoTv/KillingKennedy. A second screen feature on Nat Geo’s app and at will have a live sync experience that unveils pertinent content as a viewer watches the film. “This is the most robust multi platform experience we’ve ever developed and believe it is the first-of-its-kind interactive documentary,” said Senior Vice President of Consumer Marketing for National Geographic Channels Hayes Tauber.

Netflix announced the second season premiere of its original series Lilyhammer on Dec. 13. The show’s hour-long eight episodes chronicle a mob fixer who enters the witness protection program in Lillehammer, Norway.

Eva Longoria is getting animated in her newest adult comedy cartoon, Mother Up!, which debuted yesterday on Hulu. The season includes 13 episodes, each a half-hour long, about a mother transitioning from the city to the suburbs. Two episodes are currently available, and a new episode will launch every Wednesday until January.

British TV streaming service Acorn TV premiered new episodes for several series on its Roku channel. The latest additions include episodes of Midsomer Murders Set 23, Helen Mirren’s Prime Suspect, and Brideshead Revisited. Acorn TV also debuted the movie Injustice, a miniseries The Crimson Petal and the White, and Blue Murder.

YouTube’s Intelligent Channel announced a new original documentary called Russia’s Open Book: Writing in the Age of Putin to premiere Dec. 28 on PBS stations. The film is directed by Peabody winner Paul Mitchell, and will be available for a digital sneak peak on the YT channel on Dec. 13.

In just six days, we’ll announce the winners of the inaugural Cynopsis Digital Model D Awards at the Grand Hyatt in New York City! Just added to the roster: a special moment with Joan Rivers and two presenters from Daily Candy: Editor-in-Chief Ashley Parrish and Senior Editor Lauren Lumsden. Check out the impressive list of finalists and register your team today for the event on November 12th:


Cynopsis: Digital Model D Awards
Grand Hyatt, NY | November 12, 2013 | Noon – 2:00 p.m.

A few of the categories that will be awarded are…
Branded Web Series & Solo Video
Digital Consumer Brand
Digital Studio/Production Company
Digital Video Ad Platform
Multiplatform Marketing Campaign

Sponsorship: Mike Farina (203) 218-6480|Registration: Pete Romas (203) 899-8483


Yahoo introduced the updated Yahoo Finance app, yesterday, for iPhones and iPads. The redesigned app allows a user to follow certain stocks or get push notifications on breaking stories. It can be downloaded for free at the app store.

Microsoft gave a taste of the first 20 games to launch when the Xbox One console hits shelves on Nov. 22 at an event in San Francisco this week. ArsTechnica reported on the most anticipated games, which ranged from kid-friendly titles like Zoo Tycoon, Powerstar Golf or the Kinect’s Sports Rivals. The web was also buzzing about Call of Duty: Ghosts, which already sucked up $1 billion from one day of sales. More revenue should come once it’s released for both Xbox One and PlayStation 4.

Call for Submissions: Cynopsis is producing its annual Holiday Programming Guide, which comes out on November 26 and will be sent to all Cynopsis and Cynopsis Kids subscribers. If your network has holiday-themed programming airing from November 27 through December 31, please send your listings to Lynn Leahey at [email protected] no later than Monday November 18. Please include the following information: type of program (i.e. series, special, documentary, movie or holiday-themed episode), title, dates and times of all airings (please indicate when the show first premieres and when subsequent encores will air). A confirmation email will be sent following each submission from Lynn (if you don’t receive a confirmation email, please resubmit).


Cynopsis Digital’s Video Measurement Summit
 NOV. 13| GRAND HYATT, NY | Register Now

Speakers Include:
James Rooke, GM of Business Solutions, FreeWheel
James Smith, SVP, Digital Media Sales, Crackle
Cheryl Stump, Director of Video, Audience On Demand
Jeff Fluhr, Co-Founder & CEO, Spreecast

Sponsorships: Mike Farina, 203.218.6480|Registration: Pete Romas, 203.899.8483
Sponsors: OneScreen (Silver) Mass Revelence (Social Media Partner) IAB (Industry Partner)


A little boy and his dad building Lego creations are charming the hearts of soon-to-be holiday shoppers in the newest Lego spot. If the shot of the father and son in goofy sweaters doesn’t say it all, then it’s the ad’s flawless writing and the voiceover that takes it home. Check out the commercial at Lego’s YouTube channel.


Developing & Distributing Kids Content in the Digital Age
November 12, 2013 | Time: 1:30-3:00 p.m. ET |

Hosted by: Cathy Applefeld Olson  Editor, Cynopsis Kids
Stephen Hodge: Managing Director (Toon Goggles)
Susanna Pollack: Head of Strategy & Partnerships (yummico)
Dane Boedigheimer: Filmmaker (Annoying Orange)
Brandon Cole: Manager, Media & Business Development (Peanuts Worldwide + Iconix Brand Group)

See you tomorrow,
Jessica Reese

Roberta Caploe: Editorial Director
Diane K Schwartz: Senior Vice President, Media Communications Group

Cynopsis Ad Sales: Mike Farina | VP Sales & Marketing | 203-218-6480
Classifieds Sales: Trish Pihonak | Director of Operations & Content | 888-702-3858

Cynopsis Media: a division of Access Intelligence, LLC * 10 Norden Place * Norwalk, CT * 06855 * USA

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Contact Trish Pihonak to spotlight your company’s job openings today.

[Check out the job board on our Facebook page – updated daily!]

Cynopsis CLASSIFIEDSFor More classifieds, visit the classifieds page here.

JOB OPENING: SR DIR PRGRMNG/MTV/NY: Analytics exp & passion for TV prgrmng, pop culture & understanding of millennial viewing habits. 7-10 yrs. exp working @cable/brdcst ntwrk, w/career emphasis on prgrmng res. Nielsen exp. a must. Apply HERE (11/14)

JOB OPENING: MGR/SR MGR PUBLICITY/History/A+E Networks/NY: Launch/sustain comprehensive publicity campaigns for scripted & reality/nonfiction prog. Full Info/Apply: (11/14)

JOB OPENING: MNGR AD SALES MRKTNG/NYC: Develop/execute rev-generating marketing solutions to meet client objectives and support HGTV/DIY prgrmng initiatives. BA, 5 yrs agency/media/sales mrktg exp #3918 (11/14)

JOB OPENING: RESEARCH ANALYST/Music Choice/NYC: Prgm/Ad Sales research. NPower exp a must. MRI/Rentrak a plus. Standard reports, custom requests & competitive analysis. BA/BS, plus 1-3 yrs relevant research exp. Required. Apply HERE (11/14) 

JOB OPENING: VP CONSUMER MKTG/MTV/NYC: Dvlp/implement strategic mktg plans to promote MTV priority initiatives. Resp for oversight of strategic analysis of MTV competitors. BA 10-15yrs relevant consumer mktg media exp.  Full info/Apply HERE (11/13)

JOB OPENING: DIR CORP COMM- ENT GROUP/Viacom/NYC: Dvlp/execute corp comm prgrms that shape awareness amongst all Ent group Employees, consumer press, trade media, advrtsrs, etc. BA/BS Eng + 8-10yrs PR exp.  Full info & Apply HERE (11/13)

JOB OPENING: DIR MUSIC MKTG/Nickelodeon/NYC: Resp: strategic mktg (both short and long term) of music as it lives on all Nick platforms.  BA with 8-10yrs mktg exp req’d. Music industry/radio background a +.   Full info & Apply HERE (11/13)

JOB OPENING: ACCT MGR/CHICAGO: AE w/5+ yrs exp to dvlp new biz for ad sls at client & agcy lvls on all SXM channels. Sell sports for all major brands and famous talk/ news brands. Some travel. [email protected] (11/13)

JOB OPENING: SR. MGR, AD SLS MKTG/NY: Dvlp & implmnt cstm ad sales mktg solutions and promotion plans, major emphasis on famous sports brands. [email protected] (11/13)

JOB OPENING: ACCT EXEC/NCC MEDIA/LA: Represent NCC affiliates in the sale of cable advrtsng time to nat’l clients. Thorough knwldg of cable industry Clear understanding of quantitative/qualitative data. BA Deg. Resume: [email protected] (11/13)

JOB OPENING: PROMOS WRITER PRODUCER/NYC/Metro Area: Expertise in entertainment/reality. Topical and brand image promotion. Minimum of 4 years writing and producing experience. Resume to: [email protected] (11/13)

JOB OPENING: MNGR PLANNING, PRICING/NYC: Price and analyze upfront and scatter plans and work/Sales to internally negotiate mark pricing of deals. 2yrs tv exp in pricing/planning. 2 yrs media buying exp. Apply: (11/13)

JOB OPENING: TEMP TO PERM SOCIAL MEDIA MGR/SUNDANCE/NYC: develop, coordinate & implement social media initiatives. Create & manage editorial calendar. 4+ yrs. social media exp. Apply HERE (11/13)

JOB OPENING: SR DIGITAL SALES DIR/NYC/LA/CHI/SFO/DALLAS: All locations. Generate new bus. rev from advertisers & their agencies. Min 4 yrs Online sales exp w/track record exceeding rev. goals. Apply HERE (11/12)

JOB OPENING: STRATEGIC MKTG MGR/fuse/NYC: Strategic dvlpmt & execution of multi-platform integrated mktg opportunities for potential/existing Ad Sales clients. Exp: Mktg/ad sales/comm/mgmt/media/ crtv writing. Apply HERE (11/12) 

JOB OPENING: MKTG MANAGER/MailOnline/NYC: Drive innovative partner marketing solutions for growing fast-paced sales team. Self-Starter. Build & present compelling presentations. BA 3-5Y mkt exp. Apply
HERE (11/12)

JOB OPENING: DIR, INTERNAT’L PRGRM SALES & RELATIONS/Viacom/NYC: 5-8 yrs’ exp in competitive or publicly listed sales, dist or acquisitions/rights co. BA Degree. build a strong network of internal relationships More info/apply: HERE (11/9)

JOB OPENING: COMEDY WRITER/Variety TV Show/LA: looking for exc joke & comedy writer for observational-style monologues. Must be a flexible, fast, & positive person with a unique take on life. 2+ yrs of writing exp req’d. [email protected] (11/9) 

JOB OPENING: Broadcast/Cable Director ADWEEK NYC: Integrated Sls – dvlp custom prgms to clients across print, dig, editorial. 10+ yrs Sls media & adv exp. Strong kwldg of brdcst & cable sales. RESUMES TO: (11/9)

JOB OPENING: DIRECTOR  MARKET RESOURCES/Discovery/NY: Strong leader to guide team in analyses of advertiser mtkg strategy & spending to find revenue growth opps. Devel insightful client presentations. 6+ yrs media rsrch exp req’d. Apply (11/9)

JOB OPENING: MGR SALES MKTG/NCC Media/NY: NCC Media seeks TV rsch & mktg savvy candidate to write strategic presentations/collateral to support biz dev sales teams. See for more company info. Resumes HERE (11/9)

EXPERT SERVICES ADS: These ads are for companies or people who offer an expertise in the field of media by way of production, voice over artistry, writing, set development, etc. For information on rates and specs for posting an Expertise Service ad email Trish at [email protected]

INTERNSHIPS – These positions are for credit only – nobody gets paid here. These ads are always posted for free, and students work for school credit only. For more information on the specs for posting an Internship ad, email Trish at [email protected].

SITUATION WANTED ADS, POSTED BY THOSE LOOKING TO BE HIRED… There is no charge for placing your Situation Wanted ad… for more information contact Trish Pihonak at [email protected].

Are you looking for a job? Post your Situation Wanted Ad here — Email [email protected] for specs.

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