Thursday, November 10th, 2011

Cynopsis: DIGITAL

Good morning, it’s Thursday November 10 2011, and this is your first early morning digital briefing. If you would like to read this or any other Cynopsis edition online, click here .

Adobe officially confirmed in a blog post that it would no longer be developing Flash for mobile devices. Once the Flash Player 11.1 for the Android and BlackBerry PlayBook has been released, the company will no longer create updates that coincide with new mobile configurations such as a new version of an operating system. Instead, the software company will focus its PC web browser business on tools that allow Flash developers to package mobile apps with Adobe’s AIR Platform. According to AllThingsD, this is a huge blow for Google and Research In Motion, as both companies have frequently held up Flash-compatibility as a major point of differentiation between their products and Apple‘s mobile devices. On the other hand, AllThingsD also points out that Adobe’s decision to discontinue Flash will be good news for companies that provide alternative ways to deliver Flash content on to mobile devices.


New Jersey Governor Chris Christie will be interviewed by Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg as he visits the social network’s headquarters, reports TechCrunch. The interview will be broadcast live via Facebook Live on November 14, at 5 pm ET. Users can submit questions to the Governor here.

In preparation for its upcoming miniseries inspired by the best-selling Stephen King novel Bag of Bones, the A+E Network has launched a prequel online called Dark Score Stories. The site will combine animated images, photographs and audio interviews to provide a more in-depth preview of the characters and setting of the miniseries. Site visitors will be able to unearth additional information in the rich detail of under the images.

After Halloween, Jimmy Kimmel Live! ran a YouTube contest where the late night host encouraged parents to pretend that they had eaten all of their kids’ candy, record their reactions and then post it on the video site. The late night host shared the results in a video, and it has gone viral amassing 14 million views, which is triple what the show’s YouTube channel averages per week. And as a bit of goodwill, Kimmel has also invited two kids at the end of the montage to be guests tonight.

Your Dungeon, My Dragon is a multi-platform series that has been launched across the web, mobile and Xbox Live. The show is a five-episode animated comedy  voiced by the talent from Aqua Teen Hunger Force  that will air through November and December. The series is also accompanied by two mini-games that are also available across web, mobile and Xbox Live.

Tr3s: MTV, Musica y Mas has produced an original web-based sitcom entitled El Spooky Show that follows the adventures of a life-sized Mexican hamster and his owner. The 12-episode series will debut on November 11 on the channel’s website and will release two new webisodes each week.


Zibaba, a Facebook “preferred developer” company, is launching F-Commerce Ads Direct, an ad solution that is integrated with Facebook storefronts in order to offer retailers a way to manage ad campaigns for their product catalog. The ads solution enables campaign optimization according to target group, day, product and social metrics. The service also provides analytic tools and dashboards so store owners can accurately assess their ad campaigns.


Triveni Digital has signed an agreement with Electroline to offer a new video quality assurance solution. The Triveni Digital StreamScope DMS allows for centralized management and monitoring of many of Electroline’s Digital Video and Network Monitor (DVM) systems, which help users diagnose where in the distribution system the problem is occurring. Essentially, it makes it easier for service providers to troubleshoot issues in the network distribution system and avoid expensive service truck rolls.

CSR is linking its Bluetooth technology with Livio Radio‘s Connect API and pool of radio content providers to create a new wireless in-car radio entertainment system that can be delivered via a smartphone and controlled without needing to use a handset.

Sega Europe has appointed FreeMantle Enterprises to be its official licensing partner for the Sonic the Hedgehog brand in Germany, Switzerland, Austria and Eastern Europe. The agreement will cover all Sonic properties and products outside of the main video games, including mobile phones and accessories.


U.S. Hispanics are more receptive to ads than non-Hispanics, says research findings from comScore. Specifically, 35% of Hispanics remembered products they saw advertised (as opposed to 31% of non-Hispanics who indicated the same) and on top of that, 31% indicated that they enjoyed watching ads (non-Hispanics: only 19%). eMarketer asks, what kind of ads appeal to this segment, which according to a recent study conducted by the Selig Center for Economic Growth, possessed over $1.02 trillion in purchasing power in 2010 and will spend $1.48 trillion in 2015? Agencies and brands who have been successful in reaching Hispanics answer that ads must look beyond age, gender and language, and towards acculturation.

New In-Stat research predicts that digital satellite set-top box (STB) shipments will grow by almost 14% in 2012. “New technology in many ways is powering the expected uptick in unit shipments,” says Michelle Abraham, Research Director. “Increasingly powerful processors enable a more personalized viewing experience with downloadable apps and recommendation engines.” Other relevant findings from the research include:

  • Pace was the top supplier satellite STBs in 2010 and 2009, followed by Technicolor and EchoStar.
  • The move to a server/client model impacts STB shipments because not all client models are STBs.
  • The Indian market has experienced huge growth with six platforms competing for subscribers.


Guinness World Records has launched the Record Player app for the Chrome Web Store. Created by Tokyo Digital using HTML5, the app offers users access to video archives of world records and other amazing feats. Since the app’s launch on October 26, it has accumulated 30,000 downloads and has been selected as a featured app in both the U.S. and U.K. version of the Google browser’s web store. The introduction of the app is also the latest in Guinness’ drive towards expansion into digital, as it also recently unveiled a new website and online record submission platform.

Great Lakes Data Systems announced that it will demonstrate the WinForce Tech, its new mobile workforce management platform for small-to-medium global broadband providers, and the WinCable in the Cloud, its cloud-based subscriber management and billing system, at the Society of Cable Telecommunications Engineers’ (SCTE) Cable-Tec Expo 2011. The WinForce Tech will be available for field technicians on any smartphone, tablet, netbook or laptop, so they can use it to fix problems remotely without needing to double back to the office.


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*Fernando Gaitan *iJustine *Jeff Gaspin *Jeff Shell
*Jonathan Miller *Kevin Beggs *Mark Itkin
*Matthew Weiner *Ted Harbert *Ted Sarandos
  And much more to come…

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Want to join your favorite celebrity in donating to an important cause? eBay‘s got a website for that. Launched this week, this shopping site features celebrity auctions, tickets to concerts, celeb-sponsored merchandise, sports memorabilia and more, where proceeds from the sales go to global charities. eBay Celebrity is also offering several unique opportunities for fans to meet celebrities via auction items. For example, a meet & greet with Brad Pitt will support the Make It Right Foundation; a red dress worn by Katy Perry will help the American Red Cross; and the proceeds for the right to have a private acting workshop with Robert Duvall (yes, Tom Hagen) will go to the Robert Duvall’s Children Fund. Participating celebrities in this initiative include the aforementioned three, along with Jeff Bridges, Christina Aguilera, Sienna Miller, Jimmie Johnson, Troy Polamalu and more.

Later – Sahil
Sahil Patel, Access Intelligence, filling in for Wayne Karrfalt for Cynopsis: Digital

Cynopsis Ad Sales:
Mike Farina – VP/Business Development & Sales – 203-218-6480 / [email protected]
Classifieds – Trish Pihonak- 203-381-9096 / [email protected]

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JOB OPENING:  PROMO COORD, INT’L/NY: Coordinate promo materials, prep video source materials for Producer/Editors in A+E Networks Int’l Mktg (11/17)

JOB OPENING:  SHOWRUNNER /20 West Productions/CHICAGO:  Seeking a qualified Show Runner w/ prior experience supervising reality, design and lifestyle shows. Must work out of Chicago office. Send resume & credits to [email protected] (11/17)

JOB OPENING:  MANAGING DIR/RETRO REPORT/NYC: Searching for a solidly established leader. Build a staff, & oversee all day-to-day admin & operations. 10yrs exp journalism.Create/mng budget. Resume: To apply: [email protected] (11/17)

JOB OPENING:  SR ASSOC PRODUCER/NYC:  Conflict driven daytime talk show in search of.  Must have exp booking conflict/resolution stories. 3+ yrs exp of booking real people for talk shows . Resume: [email protected] (11/17)

JOB OPENING:  GEN MGR AD SALES/DISH Network/Chicago: Resp. for developing & growing new & existing cable/iTV Ad Sales revenue in Midwest region & managing staff of 2-3.Agency & client relationships req’d. 5+ yrs exp. Apply here.  (11/17)

JOB OPENING:  VP, TEN AD SALES RESEARCH/TURNER BROADCASTING/NY: Lead sales strategist and member of Turner Ent. Networks (TEN) ad sales & marketing leadership team. TBS, TNT & truTV. To apply, visit (11/17)

JOB OPENING:  VP, CNN AD SALES RESEARCH/TURNER BROADCASTING/NY: Essential member of the CNN Ad Sales Mgmt team providing research support of sales strategy for news. To apply, visit (11/17)

JOB OPENING:  ASSOCIATE PRODUCER/New York: Producer needed immediately for syndicated daytime talk show. Experience booking real ppl in conflict a MUST. Resume: [email protected] (11/17)

JOB OPENING:  ACCT EXEC DIG MEDIA/NY Jets/Florham Park NJ: Create /sell integrated dig media advrtsng& promotional prgrms. Dvlp buying relationships w/ agencies & advrtsrs. 3-5 yrs related exp. Apply: (11/17)

JOB OPENING:  SR RSRCH ANALYST/ Discovery/ NY: Closely monitors Discovery Ntwrks’ rating/demo performance; interact w/all lvls in response to client specific requests; 4+yrs cable media/ad sls rsrch; # 4584  (11/17)

JOB OPENING:  MGR, AD SLS REVENUE/HUB/Discovery NYC: Mng inventory & assist in deal approval process for ntwrk. Compile/analyze various strtgic reports.3+ yrs media pricing & plnng exp. # 4727 (11/17)

JOB OPENING:  BUSINESS FINANCIAL ANALYST/AMC/NYC: Prepare budgets including operating expense, revenue, capital, quarterly forecasts & expense accruals. 2+yr ad sales/agency financial analysis exp. [email protected]  (11/16)

JOB OPENING:  COORD PROD/NYC: For new DT conflict/relationship talk show. Mng sev depts, be a strong writer, able to write show scripts, oversee final edits on shows. Motivate prods by dev show idea. Res: [email protected] (11/16)

JOB OPENING:  TELEVISION AD SALES REP/LA & San Diego: 5yrs+ station, cable, network sales or agency exp. Strong DRTV & Per Inquiry exp w/ current contacts. BizDev a +. Resume & comp req to: [email protected] (11/16)

JOB OPENING:  ON-AIR PROMO PREDITOR/NY: Write, produce, edit & direct promos, short form, BTS or interstitial segments. Utilize writing skills and present multiple concepts for each assignment. Apply: #9923 (11/16)

JOB OPENING:  DIGITAL AD OPS COORD/Sony Pictures TV/NY: work with AE on traffic, creative  apply at (11/16)

JOB OPENING:  DIR SCHED/Lifetime/NY: Organize the timely plng & scheduling of Lifetime Movie Network. 4+ yrs sched exp in cable or brdcst tv. Strong knowledge of ratings & sched strategies. Apply: (11/16)

JOB OPENING:  POST SUPERVISOR/Prod. Co./NYC: experienced post professional, familiar w/cable deliverables, can edit & technically savvy, manage facilities & personnel  facility w/Symphony & Unity, detailed.Apply [email protected] (11/15)

JOB OPENING:  PUBLICIST /Comedy Central/Santa Monica: Create/execute PR plans for new series and season launches BS/Comm, PR or related area or equivalent exp.Min 3 yrs PR TV a +. Apply: (11/15)

JOB OPENING:  VIDEO EDITOR PT/University of Albany/Albany NY: Exp FCP/Premiere, dslr wrkflw. Shooting, Adobe AE, & greenscreen exp a ++, Coll. Deg & 2+yrs editing exp, demo site req’d. 1 yr appointment only. Send: [email protected] (11/15)

JOB OPENING: SALES ASST/The Hotel Networks/NY: Seeks motivated, self-starter w/ exc comm skills. Req exceptional comp skills; pp, word, excel. Media Math skills a +; College Degree prefer. Resumes: [email protected] (11/15)

JOB OPENING:  CLIENT SERVICE ASSOCIATE/NYC: Client svc role incl interpreting TV audience data, reporting & training & troubleshooting sfw. Min 2yrs media exp. Apply/res & sal req: [email protected] (11/15)

JOB OPENING:  EDITORS/NYC: Editors exp’d. with Work-Place docu-soap series and proficient with AVID and Boris. Submit resumes/credits to [email protected] (11/15)

JOB OPENING:  EDITORS/NYC: Editor exp’d withtrue crime documentary series. Must be available Jan. and proficient with AVID and Boris. Submit resumes/credits to [email protected] (11/15)

JOB OPENING:  SUPERVISOR, PRODUCTION & STORY PRODUCER/NYC : for work place docu-soap. Must have a strong sense of story. Submit resumes/credits to [email protected] (11/15)

JOB OPENING:  PROD/DIR/NYC: Prod./Dir. for work place docu-soap.Must have a strong sense of story, exp. directing talent and availability to work on location for 4-6 wk stints.Submit resumes/credits to [email protected] (11/15)

JOB OPENING:  PROJECT MGR, RSRCH/NYC: Provide support for NBA-TV & NCAA Ad Sales, Prgrmng & mktg rsrch needs; 3-5 yrs media rsrch w/a Nat’l cbl or brdcst ntwrk. Apply: , req# 127680BR (11/12)

JOB OPENING:  ASSOC DIGITAL MKTG MGR/Mattel/L.A.: Lead the devel/mgmt strategic/tactical dig mktg prgrms for Mattel’s girls brands.BA deg 3-5+yrs exp. dig mktg & dvlpmt/mgmt websites. Email resume: [email protected] (11/12)

JOB OPENING:  FINANCE ADMIN ASSOCIATE/SUNDANCE/NYC: Manage payment, coding, reporting of expenses, reconciliation/accruals processes for depts. 2+yr budget/expense tracking exp, bachelors in business field. [email protected] (11/12)

JOB OPENING:  MGR, DIGITAL PRICING & INVENTORY/ Resp for pricing & yield mgmt across web, mobile & digital platforms to drive revenue. REQMNT: Mgmt/Media/Analytical/Excel/SQL/PERL APPLY: [email protected] (11/12)

JOB OPENING:  SR. MGR, RESEARCH/Music Choice-Sales/NYC:  Mktg& prog rsrch across multiple platforms. BA/BS, plus 6-8 yrs relevant sales/mktg/prog/VOD media research exp. Req’d.Res/cvr: (11/11)

JOB OPENING:  ACCT EXEC/Intersport/NY:  America’s leading independent sports TV company seeks NY based VP, Sales for growing media sales division. BA and 5+ years broadcast/cable network sales exp.  Resume: [email protected] (11/11)

JOB OPENING:  GRAPHIC ARTIST/NYC:  Seeking P/T graphic artist to work with live tv Deko operator. Must have knwldg of Photoshop, after-effects & Illustrator. PC/Mac a must. Work from home potential. Apply: cvandyk (11/11)

JOB OPENING:  FIELD PRODUCERS, POST PRODUCERS & AP¹s/ATLAS MEDIA CORP/NYC: for a reality/make-over series & a true crime series. Must have strong story/writing skills, prior related experience. Res to: [email protected]    (11/11)

INTERNSHIPS – These positions are for credit only – nobody gets paid here. These ads are always posted for free, and students work for school credit only. For more information on the specs for posting an Internship ad, email Trish at [email protected] .

FALL/WINTER INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY:  PR/MKTG & GRAPHIC DESIGN/SOCIAL MEDIA/L.A. Painter Tomer Peretz/LA Seeking an undergraduate student studying Graphic Design or Comm and Media.  Resume to: [email protected] (11/16)

FALL/WINTER INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY:  SOCIAL MEDIA INTERNS/LA: interested/passionate about our bus. focus.. Not paid. P/T with the potential for a F/T position  based on the level of interest and eagerness to join us full-time. Apply: (11/16)

SITUATION WANTED ADS, POSTED BY THOSE LOOKING TO BE HIRED … There is no charge for placing your Situation Wanted ad … for more information contact Trish Pihonak at  [email protected]

SITUATION WANTED:  INTEGRATED COPYWRITER. Marketing campaigns, promotion, collateral, positioning, naming. TV, print, digital. Trade, consumer. Upfront anyone? I hear brand voices. Fast + fun. (11/17)

SITUATION WANTED:  Jeanne Intile Burns, VOICE-OVER ARTIST, Cell: 845-721-9681, E-Mail: [email protected], Web Links: , , (11/16)

SITUATION WANTED:  CORPORATE CONCIERGE (LA) Years of experience with Los Angeles A-List companies and celebrities. Looking for new assignment. [email protected] (11/16)

SITUATION WANTED:  MISS CREATIVELY Singer, Voice-overs, Actress, w/media production background Seeking to assist on various projects that would require talent & cooperation. Please contact, [email protected] (11/15)

SITUATION WANTED:  CASTING DIRECTOR/PRODUCER 15+yrs exp.reality-TV casting & producing.Celebrities, Real People, Experts, etc. . Intelligent, hardworking, creative and great sense of humor! Available immediately, link to resume: , [email protected] (11/12)

SITUATION WANTED:  I’ve written a 1-hour dramedy entitled, Tree House, which is loosely based on my life story. It’s, ” A Contemporary, Edgy, Multiplatform Show “. I’m looking for studio executive assistance. [email protected] (11/12)

SITUATION WANTED:  LA-B.A.Super hard-working,great attitude,”go-getter”. Seeking PUBLIC RELATIONS/PROMOTIONS/MARKETING positions.E-mail [email protected] (11/12)

SITUATION WANTED:  Field Producer/20+yrs LA Own HD/3D/Jib/Steadicam. “Red carpets, launches, behind scenes & automotive productions”. Cannes, 48HR Film, Racing Exp. [email protected] (11/11)

SITUATION WANTED:  Excellent writer and seasoned publicist seeks freelance or consulting opportunities. Please contact [email protected] or 303-399-3834 (11/11)

SITUATION WANTED:  GERMAN COMEDY WRITER  (not an oxymoron) w/ 4 yrs. exp is looking for writing position. Dvlpd writing & producing background at network, works well with talent. Please send resume requests to [email protected] (11/11)

SITUATION WANTED:  CONTENT DISTRIBUTION, ACQUISITION, BUS. AFFAIRS ATTORNEY 15 yrs exp w/ Nat Geo Ch, Weather Ch, XM Satelllite, TCI, Cablevision. US & intl via cable, sat, IPTV, mobile and Internet. Consult or FT. [email protected]  (11/11)

E-mail [email protected] or call Trish Pihonak at 203.381.9096 for rates and specs for Job Openings.

Are you looking for a job? Post your Situation Wanted Ad here — Email [email protected] for specs.

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