Thursday, June 10th, 2010


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Cynopsis: DIGITAL


Good morning, it’s Thursday, June 10, 2010, and this is your first early morning digital briefing.  If you would like to read this or any other Cynopsis edition online, click here.

Apple‘s new data collection policy for the iAd platform is beginning to ruffle some feathers. In a strategy to promote the new iAd platform, the fine print of the rules Apple released governing the development of applications and content for the new iPhone/iPad operating system will prevent developers from utilizing AdMob’s ad serving technology (recently purchased by Google) and AdMob founder (current Google VP) Omar Hamoui for one is crying foul. “Let’s be clear. This change is not in the best interests of users or developers, he writes in a blog post. “In the history of technology and innovation, it’s clear that competition delivers the best outcome. Artificial barriers to competition hurt users and developers and, in the long run, stall technological progress.”


Determined to wean users off all that free milk, Hulu is only a month or two away from launching a subscription service viewable on multiple devices including Microsoft’s Xbox 360 and Apple’s iPad, reports Reuters.
Upon wrapping up the latest half season of Glee, Fox has launched a new Glee Superfan video player on powered by Coincident TV to keep fans engaged throughout the summer months. In addition to viewing full-length episodes, fans can access their Glee-themed social media sites, purchase merchandise and access bonus material including music from the show, actor bios and a “photo booth” tool that puts your face in still shots with Glee stars.
Univision kicks off its coverage of the World Cup at 2 pm ET today, broadcasting and webcasting a special concert starring Shakira, Juanes, Black Eyed Peas, Alicia Keys, among others.
The CBS Evening News With Katie Couric debuted a new interactive segment called “Ask CBS NEWS” this week in which Katie answers pre-selected viewers’ questions previously submitted via Twitter and Facebook. will bring back its Fan Favorite online vote for the fifth season of HGTV Design Star, premiering Sunday, June 13, at 10 pm ET. Beginning Friday, June 11, online visitors to can vote for a Fan Favorite designer who will win an online show on New this season, famed mommy blogger Heather Armstrong of will post comments about each episode to the HGTV Design Star blog.


Social gaming company Zynga launched its latest Facebook game – a wild west themed virtual world dubbed FrontierVille that allows users to create avatars, hang around dude ranches with their friends and complete frontier tasks to improve their lot. Zynga’s FarmVille appears to have peaked in terms of users, dropping from 252 million in April to 216 million in May.
Conectados is a new live daily show to be featured as part of TV Chile‘s new programming line-up that features online and mobile elements such as Skype and text messaging to connect with its audience. The network is also adding English subtitles to many of its programs to try and attract a broader audience.
The Nashville, TN-based Doorpost Film Project announced the Top 5 Finalists for its 2010 Short Film Contest. Each of the 5 finalists, who are currently 2 months into a mentorship program, are vying for a chance to win up to $100k in prizes.


Online video monetization specialist FreeWheel unveiled a new Monetization Rights Management product that will support HTML5, Android, Cocoa, Flash, and Silverlight. The technology will enable publishers to deliver and manage video ads on PC’s, mobile applications, connected TV’s and mobile devices such as the Flash-resistant iPad. The company also recently announced an advancement of its integration with Brightcove to bring HTML5 ads to its player.


A brouhaha is brewing over a security breach that has revealed the email addresses and AT&T user IDs of 114,000 iPad users, many of them heavy hitters in finance, politics and media. (Victims mentioned include Rahm Emanuel, Diane Sawyer, Harvey Weinstein and Michael Bloomberg.) The story was broken by Gawker, which says it learned of the breach from a company called Goatse Security.
DVR pioneer Tivo lost a ruling before the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (PTO) over rights to its recording technology, the subject of a endless legal dispute with and EchoStar’s Dish Network. The agency issued a final rejection on June 4 of two aspects of a patent (pertaining to what TiVo calls its “time warp” technology that lets users record and playback program simultaneously.) Tivo released a statement saying it will continue to plead its case to the PTO.
Music publisher Universal Music Publishing Group (UMPG) and TuneSat, LLC struck a deal to utilize TuneSat’s audio fingerprint technology to monitor performance use of UMPG’s extensive copyrights across U.S. broadcast television. The technology automatically tracks when copyrighted songs appear in broadcast shows across the country, even after additional audio elements have been added to a media production, such as in commercials, voiceovers and dialogue.
Cheetah Technologies has introduced a new cable network monitoring system that checks the visual quality of video and the integrity of MPEG and IP streams. The company’s new “Intelligent Decode” feature checks for blockiness, blackout, frozen video and jerkiness as video leaves the headend.


Although more and more users turn to the internet and other digital tools to keep up on what’s happening locally, face-to-face contact with others remains the primary way people stay informed about community issues, according to a new Pew Internet & American Life survey.  Last year 22% of all adults (representing 28% of internet users) signed up to receive alerts about local issues via email or text messaging and 20% of all adults (27% of internet users) used digital tools to talk to their neighbors and keep informed about community issues. The most common ways to stay informed were:

  • 46% of Americans talked face-to-face with neighbors about community issues
  • 21% discussed community issues over the telephone
  • 11% read a blog dealing with community issues; Community blogs are particularly popular among residents of urban areas, as 17% of wired urbanites read local blogs
  • 9% exchanged emails with neighbors about community issues and 5% say they belong to a community email list
  • 4% communicated with neighbors via text messaging on cell phones
  • 4% joined a social network site group connected to community issues
  • 2% followed neighbors using Twitter



The upcoming iPhone 4’s “FaceTime” video calling app has quickly become the most anticipated new feature of the handset, with more than a few analysts praising Apple‘s decision to offer up the technology as an open standard for other device makers. The company is going to utilize the technology to emphasize the handset’s human element – check out this commercial for the feature, directed by Sam Mendes. Apple also plans to port FaceTime over to other products including the iPad and iPod Touch.
As promised (and a little early, no less), Microsoft introduced free, fairly robust versions of its Office productivity apps for users in the US, UK, Canada and Ireland to compete with Google’s free online offerings, including Word, Excel, PowerPoint and OneNote. Go to to create or edit existing collaborative documents. The ability to edit offline or ad co-author editing marks is not offered on the free Office version.
TV Guide, which has registered 1 million downloads of its iPhone app since introducing it in Oct., has launched a TV listings app for Android developed with Roundbox, Inc. In addition to localizing listings, the app features breaking entertainment news, scoops, TV episode recaps and daily TV hot lists.


Mobile video ad network Transpera, which closed on a $9 million round of series C financing last week, has hired former Glu Mobile executives Greg Ballard (CEO) and Alex Galvagni (CTO) to take over the company as CEO and COO, respectively. Current Transpera CEO Frank Barbieri will assume the role of Chief Product Officer. Both Ballard and Barbieri will serve on the company’s Board of Directors.   
Jason Klarman has been promoted to President of Oxygen Media, continuing to report to Lauren Zalaznick, President, NBC Universal Women & Lifestyle Entertainment Networks. Jason, former EVP of Marketing and Digital at Bravo, became the GM of Oxygen last Jan. and oversaw the launch of Oxygen’s rebranding campaign and the roll out of the OxygenLive interactive product.
has promoted two key executives from its team: Josie Ventura has been upped to VP/Primetime Production,, while Robert Angelo was named VP/Late Night, Daytime & Mobile, Both report to Stephen Andrade, SVP and GM,
Yahoo has hired columnist Mark Lisanti to be Deputy Editor of Yahoo!’s new Entertainment Blogs division.


Among its many uses YouTube acts as a support group, attracting folks looking for a community of like-minded users who share their unique challenges. But finding such specialized videos on YouTube is an inexact science at best. Susan Stephens, the grandmother of a six-year-old diagnosed with cerebral palsy, and Nathan Charlan, the father of a three-year-old diagnosed with the same disease, have founded a new web series documenting stories of families with special needs children to kick off the community website Weekly videos will profile different families who wish to share their experiences – highlighting treatments and resources or sharing stories and words of encouragement. The videos, produced with local Memphis-based TV production company Warm Springs Productions and web developer BridgeWorks Creative, are polished, compassionate and intelligently curated. For instance, Nathan himself explores the benefits of Physical and Occupational Therapy used to treat their son Zach in a recent 2-part episode.
Later – Wayne
Wayne Karrfalt for Cynopsis: Digital
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JOB OPENING: DIGITAL AD SALES/MTV Networks/NYC: Mgr Consu Insights. BA, 4-6 yrs exp. Exp mng quan/qual primary resch. ComScore, MediaMetrix, Omniture; knwl brand sol. Str ldrship/proj mgmt. EOE/M/F/D/AAP (6/17)

JOB OPENING: SR. BUYER-LOCAL TV/Active Int’l in Pearl River, NY: (15 miles from NYC): Min 3 – 5 yrs exp. in negotiating and buying local TV req’d. Resumes to: [email protected] or call 845-732-8943  (6/17)

JOB OPENING: DATA STEWARD/Univision/NY: Ongoing mgmt of adv/agcy data in sls systems. Biz POC for CRM sys support. Detail oriented/ work ind/ comm. skills. 2+ yrs exp in adv sls pref. EOP  email to:  [email protected] (6/17)

JOB OPENING: PROMOTIONS & PR SPECIALISTS/ElectricArtists/NY: Dev/pitch/execute online contests/promotions. Expert ideation 2-4+ yrs mktg, PR. Online media, TV, or major consum brand. [email protected] (6/16)

JOB OPENING: DEPT. ASSISTANT, NICK PRESCHOOL CREATIVE/Nickelodeon/NYC: 1+yrs Admin Exp, MSOffice skills, Able mult-task, ProActive A MUST, Strng Comm skills, Strng Proj Mgmt exp A+ EOE/M/F/D/AAP. Apply: (6/16)

JOB OPENING: GRAPHICS PRODUCER, NICKTOONS/ Nickelodeon/NYC: 3+yrs Post Production Exp in TV/ADV, Knwlg TV Prod/Graphics, Strng Org Skills, Pro Active A MUST, Multi Projects/Fast Paced, EOE/M/F/D/AAP. Apply: (6/16)

JOB OPENING: MANAGER RETAIL SOLUTIONS/ NICK/Viacom CP/NYC: 5+yrs exp Retail Sales/Promo Marktng, Trck record Successful Retail Prgms, Build Creative brief, Kwnlg of Retailers/Trade Cat’s EOE/M/F/D/AAP. Apply: (6/16)

JOB OPENING: MGR CONS MKTG/Fuse/NY: Oversee multiplatform promo & branding efforts. Drive awareness & execute consumer mktg initiatives. Proficient in online mktg, min 5 yrs exp. Send rez to: [email protected] “MCM” in subj (6/16)

JOB OPENING: DIR. PROG/FOOD NET & COOKING/NY: Manage all aspects of commissioned shows. Long form storytelling exp in competition, docusoap and/or reality TV req’d plus 5 yrs TV prod exp for cable nets. #1317 (6/16)

JOB OPENING: SR RSRCH ANALYST/Syfy, USA & Emerging Brands Primary Research/NYC: Plan, design, analyze& report consumer rsrch projs. 2+yrs exp surveys, focus groups &synd rsrch srvcs req’d. BA/BS. Apply: #1197114 (6/16)

JOB OPENING: FREELANCE WRITER/PROD ONAIR PROMOS/ABC DAYTIME/LA: 5+yrs writ/prod exp. OnAir Promos/TV/Adv, Strng concept abilities & storytelling, Knwldge of daytime a plus. Apply [email protected] (6/16)

JOB OPENING: WRITING ASST/NYC: Kids Ed TV co. seeks admin asst. to execute demanding writing schedule. Must be organizational wiz, detail oriented w/ability to multitask. Email cover letter/resume to: [email protected] (6/16)

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JOB OPENING: MANAGER INTERNATIONAL PROGRAM SALES: 24-hr cable/satellite network dedicated to holistic health. Over 500 hours of original content, backed by successful international media company. Apply to: [email protected] (6/15)

JOB OPENING:  RSRCH MGR/Charlotte NC: PRIOR EXP ONLY. Rsrch/write reports: viewership, demographics, mkt trends, etc. using data from Nielsen, Rentrak, MRI, SNL-Kagan. Christian TV ntwrk. http://www. insp .com/position.aspx?id=165 (6/15)

JOB OPENING: VIDEO ARCHIVE SALES REP/NYC:  Resp for growing existing stock & historic footage sales & est new biz opps for targeted markets. 5+ years in advertising, PR or archive sales.  Apply [email protected]   (6/12)

JOB OPENING:  SALES COORD/Univision/NY: Highly motivated. Mng tasks/srvcng agencies/clients daily basis. Det. oriented/comm/PC & math skills. 1-2 Yrs Media Exp, Deal Maker exp a +, Spanish a +. EOE. Res: [email protected]  (6/12)

JOB OPENING: EXECUTIVE PRODUCER/TRIBUNE/Chicago: Execute a dramatically different TV morning show. Lead technology/hiring/building/development & implementation from the ground up. Details at (Job ID 2010-14375) (6/12)

JOB OPENING: SR MKTG BRAND MGR/Cisco Consumer Prod/San Fran: Dvlp mktg plans for Flip Video, Valet & Linksys bus & new prod launches in Canada. French speaking/knwldg of Quebec mkt. 5-8 yrs exp. More info:  www. (6/12)

JOB OPENING: SUPR, PROG INVENT/Rainbow/NYC: Mng projs related to inventory admin for cable nets. Anlyz/review contracts& inv data. Exp in invent admin, Fam w/contracts& solid analytical skills a mus. #11403BR (6/12)

JOB OPENING:  EXEC ASST/AMC/NYC: Supp sr mktg exec w/special projects& gen admin needs. 2-3 yrs mktg/admin exp.Cable/Agency exp & mktg degree pref.Superior comm,org, problem solving a must. res: #11408BR (6/12)

JOB OPENING:  SR RSRCH ANALYST/Turner Broadcasting System Inc/ATL:  3+yrs TV or other media rsrch. Profic. media math & analyzing TV measurement data Extremely proficient MS EXCEL. & knwlg word/Ppt. BA deg. Res: [email protected]   (6/11)

JOB OPENING:  NAT’L LONG FORM SALES/ION Media Networks/LA: Highly motivated & creative acct executive with established relationships & proven track record. EOE. Full ad (6/11)

JOB OPENING: MGR STRATEGY & BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT/Nickelodeon/NYC: 2+yrs InvestBank/Consult/related Strat exp in Ent/Media, Stng Finance Analysis (models,etc), Xceptionl Math skills EOE/M/F/D/AAP Apply (6/11)

JOB OPENING: DIGITAL RSRCH MGR/DISNEY/CA: Min 4 yrs exp digital research, apt at media analytics tools, strong analytical & written skills, BA/BS req. Apply at: (ID250326) (6/11)

JOB OPENING: MGR PRIMARY DIGITAL RSRCH/Nickelodeon: 5 yrs exp incl proj mgmnt, quan/qual. Understd digital tech; exp child-related area a +. Strong analy/present sk; PC prof; industry knwldge. EOE/M/F/D/AAP (6/11)

JOB OPENING: MGR RESEARCH/Comedy Central/Spike/NY: 5+ yrs exp; strong present sk. Prof Nielsen,(MultiTrak, N-Power/Audience Watch, Market Breaks). Exper w/ MRI, Simmons, Forrester, Roper, JD Power. EOE/M/F/D/AAP (6/11)

JOB OPENING:  FORMATIVE RESEARCHER/NICKJR’S DORA/NY: post-grad degree Psych/Media. TV + field research exp, kids, managerial exp. Responsible for dev instruments/reports, strong written skills. Email CL/R to [email protected] (6/11)

JOB OPENING:  DIGITAL INTERACTIVE SALES EXECUTIVES/SINCLAIR BROADCAST several locations across the country. For more info and to apply online  please go to and click on Employment. EEO/Drug Free (6/11)

INTERNSHIPS – These positions are for credit only – nobody gets paid here. These ads are always posted for free , and students work for school credit only. For more information on the specs for posting an Internship ad, email Trish at [email protected] .

SUMMER INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY:TV DISTRIBUTION INTERN/NYC: Learn how to market and sell factual series and specials to cool broadcasters in the US & Canada.Must be interested in the business of TV. Cover/resume to: [email protected] (6/17)

SUMMER INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: Hallmark Channels (LA) has summer internship opportunities for enthusiastic student. Must be eligible to earn college credit. Send resume to [email protected] (6/16)



Cyn opsis Media presents:
Before the Ballots: Actors & Actresses
Daisy Whitney explores the Primetime Emmy® Categories, pre-nominations.
This Monday, June 14

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SITUATION WANTED: Dedicated & Experienced ADV. SALES PLANNER (NY) Sales proposals, resolving client discrepancies, quarterly post analysis, special sales service projects, expert computer skills. Contact- [email protected] (6/17)

SITUATION WANTED:  DOCUMENTARY. PRODUCER, DIRECTOR, WRITER in L.A. Five prime time Emmys. Credits: National Geo, PBS, Discovery, History CH, TLC and MSNBC. Contact email: [email protected] (6/17)

SITUATION WANTED: ACCOUNTING/FINANCE – 20+ yrs. experience in TV Broadcasting & Cable. Seeking FT/PT or Temp-to-Perm position: [email protected] (6/16)

SITUATION WANTED: CINEMATOGRAPHER (LA, NYC, or ATL): Cinematographer focusing in high quality micro-budget new media production. Steven Swigart portfolio: email: [email protected] (6/15)

SITUATION WANTED: PRODUCER/DIRECTOR/WRITER (LA & NYC): Award-winning, creative, organized, team-building veteran reality producer expert at all stages of production.  Seeking FT/PT position.  Email [email protected] for resume (6/15)

SITUATION WANTED: MEDIA, TV & FILM SALES STRONG TRACK RECORD. 8+ years of experience in media sales with strong knowledge of contracts and sharp professional relationship with clients, email [email protected] (6/15)

SITUATION WANTED: WRITER (NY) Experienced in TV/web/print. Skilled in many formats & styles:from treatments to scripts, magazines to blogs. Available full time or freelance.Contact: [email protected] (6/15)

SITUATION WANTED:Hard working, self-starter PRODUCTION MANAGER(NY)with Field Producing and Post Supervisor experience seeks challenging new position. Past companies include HBO, MTV, A&E, Thirteen & Nat Geo. [email protected] (6/12)

SITUATION WANTED:BRANDED CONTENT/MEDIA PARTNERSHIPS SALES PRO: Problem solver who specializes in negotiating multi-platform media partnerships and custom branded content solutions. Contact: [email protected] (6/12)

SITUATION WANTED:REALITY PRODUCER. NBC,VH1,Disc.,TLC,CMT,E!,CNN,ESPN. Docu-soap and competition. Field and post. Shoots/Writes.  [email protected] (LA based.) (6/12)

SITUATION WANTED:  MEDIA SALES/MARKETING STRATEGIST: Extensive experience in all forms of media..print/OOH/digital. Profitably re-purpose content. Seeking FT/PT or Temp-to-Perm position. [email protected] (6/11)

SITUATION WANTED:  MARKETING AND PR LEADER/LA: 5+ years of expin the entertainment industry: home entertainment, film, broadcast, gaming and licensing. Member of Women in Film, Los Angeles. Email [email protected] for resume (6/11)

SITUATION WANTED:  MOBILE MARKETING SPECIALIST (LA) Strategy, development, design, implementation of SMS texting campaigns, mobile web and apps. Deep traditional and new media experience. Free consultation. [email protected] (6/11)

E-mail [email protected] or call Trish Pihonak at 203.926.9878 for rates and specs for Job Openings.

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