Thursday, August 1st, 2013


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Cynopsis: DIGITAL

Good morning. It’s Thursday, August 1, 2013, and this is your first early morning digital briefing.


Right on the heels of getting booted off the air in various locales across America because of a contract dispute with Time Warner Cable, Showtime has introduced live east and west coast feeds of the network that allow the network’s authenticated subscribers to watch it on their computers and mobile devices. All folks have to do is click on the “Live TV” button on Showtime Anytime and then choose between east and west coast content. The computer or device will then immediately stream what’s currently on the air.
In Other Words: The cable channel has found a quick and easy way to satisfy all those subscribers who suddenly don’t have access. Nobody has to miss an episode of Ray Donovan.


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It’s likely that Mom and Dad don’t always like the same movies as Daughter and Son, no matter what their ages. Dad may love The In-Laws with Peter Falk and Alan Arkin while Son can’t get enough Freddie Krueger. So Netflix has been teasing us all for months about a new Profiles feature that allows different members of the same account to track their films separately and receive individualized recommendations. The word is that the feature is now being tested on some Apple TVs and should be rolled out before summer reaches its official end on Sept. 21.

Visitors to Miami International Airport no longer have to rely on the mounted TVs throughout the terminals to get a gander at CNN Airport Network. The news channel is now streaming the channel as well as Spanish-language programming throughout the terminals so folks can pick up the content on their laptops and mobile devices, thanks in part to the work of Advanced Wireless Group, which provides wireless for Miami International and 16 other U.S. airports.

The Weather Channel has launched a new mobile website, debuting a new look, new navigation, and straightforward access to localized hourly forecasts. It also prominently displays the exact timing of when any rain or snow in the area is expected to start and stop and provides video offerings, such as the channel’s web series, Weather Films.

Qwilt, the three-year-old company that helps online providers deliver video, has just received $16 million in new funding. The plan for the cash, according to the San Jose Business Journal, is to “expand its international sales and engineering teams.”


Netflix isn’t the only streaming service throwing some cash into original programming. Hulu‘s owners — 20th Century Fox, Disney and silent partner NBCUniversal  could have raked in more than $1 billion in a sale a few weeks back, but then called it off and said they’d stick another $750 million into the business. After all, Hulu had $695 in revenue in 2012, a 65% jump from the previous year. CEO Andy Forssell told the Hollywood Reporter that fans of the streaming service should expect some more original series in addition to the four new ones it is rolling out in the next six months. Those originals include Seth Meyers’ animated series The Awesomes (which launches today), action/comedy/thriller The Wrong Mans, mascot reality series (you read that right) Behind the Mask, and a half-hour western comedy called Quick Draw. Forssell told the Reporter that one genre Hulu would like to get into is “smart sci-fi,” saying, “There’s a thirst for it that’s not being met.” In order to balance out its risk, Hulu also announced that it is also launching several new exclusive shows later this year, including Run, a four-part drama about inner city life; Fugget About It, an animated sitcom about a former mob boss who enters witness protection in small-town Canada; and The Strange Calls, which tells the story of bizarre late-night phone calls in a place where people turn to chickens.
In Other Words: Like Netflix before it, Hulu wouldn’t mind getting some Emmy nominations, too.

Amazon Studios already has three original kids’ series in full production and airing on Amazon Prime. Now, it’s planning to try out five more shows later this year and early in 2014. The viewing public will decide which ones get to have full seasons. The five pilots will include Gortimer Gibbon’s Life on Normal Street, Grid Smasher, Hard-Boiled Eggheads, The Jo B. & G. Raff Show, and Wishenpoof!

Acorn TV, the first British TV focused streaming service, is offering up the U.S. premiere of new detective series Jack Irish, based on the novels of Australian writer Peter Temple and starring Guy Pearce, who has starred in such films as L.A. Confidential, Memento, and The Hurt Locker. The series will hit home video on October 1. Until then, streaming is your only way to see Pearce acting as a private detective/debt collector.

The 40 episodes of Mondo Media‘s Dick Figures series has generated more than 350 million views on YouTube over three years, so somebody thought it would be a brilliant idea and take the crude animated characters and stick them into a new full-length movie. The whole shebang will be released online on Sept. 17.


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Broadcast TV has long been the big kahuna in the advertising world, but digital keeps making inroads on its turf and Facebook is about to take a big step toward ending its dominance. Facebook, which has 1.15 billion members, will begin to air 15-second advertising spots later in the year, according to the San Francisco Chronicle. As for how many of those members are actually using the social-networking site, the word is that 61% of them checked it daily last quarter. The new ads will “initially be sold on a full-day basis and can only be targeted to users based on age and gender,” the Chronicle reports, and no one will see the spot more than three times on one day.
In Other Words: More dollars will flow to video advertising, and more advertising jobs will involve digital video skills.

Programmatic buying has come to digital video. LiveRail, a video monetization platform for publishers, has introduced Deal ID for video, which eliminates the need for manual insertion orders, and enables transactions for video content to happen programmatically. According to the most recent comScore, LiveRail is only behind Google in the video ad-impression category, pulling in 2.4 billion impressions in the month of June.

Is your social media strategy up to par? Learn from the best! Join us on Aug. 14 in NY at the Cynopsis Sports Business Summit for our social media panel featuring Lockerdome’s Gabe Lozano, CSE’s John Mitchell, AEG’s Scott Carlis, Sports Illustrated’s Jim DeLorenzo and Michael Spirito from YES Network. The session will be moderated by Bloomberg’s Rob Shaw. Register at


Facebook is getting pro-active about its mobile-games business. The pilot program, Mobile Games Publishing, aims to help up-and-coming game developers while also giving Facebook a cut of whatever they make. The plan is for Facebook to provide promotional support for the games in placements across its mobile apps. The social-media kingpin has had a long relationship with games-maker Zynga, but the pair are less dependent on each other than they have been in the past and now Facebook is very actively looking to build up its game business from other sources.
In Other Words: Young game designers will be flocking to FB. And it sounds just a little like the YouTube model, no?

Analytics company App Annie has now got an app of its own. The company has launched a mobile version of its tracking service, giving mobile game developers and publishers a new way to access and analyze metrics for their games, including download quantity, revenues, rankings, ratings, reviews and featured tracking. The app is currently only available in iOS but will launch in Android later this year.

For those who don’t have the ability to skip commercials while watching TV, a new iOS app is in development for you. Users of the Commercial Break app tell it what channel they’re watching and the app informs them when commercial breaks are over and their program is getting underway again. It’s in public beta on 10 New York City channels  ABC, CBS, CNN, ESPN, ESPN2, Fox, NBC, TNT, TBS, and USA. It works outside of NYC on CNN, ESPN, and ESPN2. Once the test concludes, the geography will spread and the app will also be available in Android.

Fans of Microsoft Office should be happy to hear that it will soon have an app on Android. The word from Microsoft, however, it that it will only work for those who subscribe to Microsoft’s Office 365 Home Premium and ProPlus service. Office Mobile includes access to Word, Excel, and PowerPoint, but the goal isn’t to provide a way to create new docs, spreadsheets, or presentations, but to provide a way to make changes to already existing ones.
In Other Words: Just before you go on, you can insert relevant targeted copy into your PowerPoint.


Kids in middle school are pretty hip to using mobile devices and downloading apps, but 68% of them still need to get permission from their folks before downloading, according to a new study from Grunwald Associates. The study, based on a survey of about 1,000 families, also shows that kids as young as 3 are downloading content onto mobile devices. Additionally:

  • 51% of high schoolers carry a smartphone to school daily
  • 25% of all students K-12 carry a smartphone to school daily


ION Media Networks has promoted Blaine Rominger to executive vice president of long form, direct response, and digital sales.He has been with ION since 2009.


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Nobody knows if the next version of the iPhone (or even the one after that) will have a fingerprint scanner or not, but that hasn’t stopped the folks at Taiwan’s TomoNews from going right ahead and making an animated “news” item about it. Owned by Next Media Animation, Tomo has been cranking out classic animation of the top news for years. But things have gotten much more efficient. Next Media’s Jamie Cheng told Forbes that typical videos now take about an hour and a half to create from start to finish.


How to (Really) Increase Kid Brand Revenue through Licensing
August 27, 2013 | Time: 1:30-3:00 p.m. ET | Price: $295/site

Hosted by: Cathy Applefeld Olson – Editor, Cynopsis Kids

Daisy Kline – VP, Marketing & Brand Management (Scholastic)
Pete Yoder – VP, U.S. Consumer Products (Cartoon Network Enterprises)
Melissa Segal – EVP, Global Consumer Products (The Jim Henson Company)
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JOB OPENING: DEV EXECS: Magnetic LA. Fast-growing TV prodco looking for dvlpment execs. Strong writers, knwldg of current prgrmng/trends, dvlpmnt casting, sizzle reel production, format dvlpmnt, Photoshop, AVID. Send resume HERE (8/13) 

JOB OPENING: SR ACCT EXEC AD SALES/NY: Expanding Ad Dept. 70m+ Sports Net. 10+ yrs. TV ad sales exp. Excellent agency relationships. Send resume and cov ltr ATTN: ROSE: [email protected] (8/13)

JOB OPENING: CREATIVE DIRECTOR/PROMO PRODUCER/NY: Min 10 yrs TV Network exp. TV Promo & Avid/AE exp req. Sports background a plus. Send res and cov ltr: ATTN: ROSE [email protected] (8/13)

JOB OPENING: EDITOR/NY: Min 10 yrs TV Network exp. Post production, Avid, Adobe AE exp. req. Sports background a plus. Send res and cov ltr: ATTN: ROSE [email protected] (8/13)

JOB OPENING: GRAPHIC DESIGNER/NY: Design/animate graphics for TV network. Digital exp. a plus. Sports background a plus. Send res and cov ltr: ATTN: ROSE [email protected] (8/13)

JOB OPENING: DIR, CREATIVE SERVICES/NBCU/EAST COAST: Description: Develop and work with Creative Services Team to identify and define brand identity for Comcast SportsNet Chicago. Apply HERE (8/8) 

JOB OPENING: SR DIR, BRAND & MEDIA STRATEGY/History/NY: Oversee & guide all facets of HISTORY’S consumer mktg & paid media strategy. Min 6 yrs exp on client side or at an agency working w/cable of brdcst client. Apply:  HERE (8/8)

JOB OPENING: PREDITOR/WUSA/DC: Proficient on Avid Media composer & Adobe Creatve Suite. Min 3 yrs. producing/editing/writing promos. After Effects & Photoshop skill pref. Need prvn track rec. of success creating finished promos Resume to: [email protected] (8/8)

JOB OPENING:  DIR, SCRIPTED SERIES DEVEL/MTV/Santa Monica: 7 yrs exp  scripted series. Solicit/dvlp new ideas for scripted series dev/mng current series. Supervise existing devel/production from paper-prod, post prod & del. Apply HERE (8/8)  

JOB OPENING:  VP, ORIG PRGRMNG & DEVEL/Comedy Central/Santa Monica. 8+ yrs exp. Maintain strong relationships w/talent comm, representatives & prod. Oversee paper dvlpmnt, hiring producers, casting, staffing & prod supervision. Apply: HERE (8/8) 

JOB OPENING: FREELANCE PA/Viacom/NY: 1 yr exp. digi content, prod & CMS. Resp. incl. tracking schedules, gathering assets, CMS content entries & launching wkly content updates across mult-plat. site. Note: not a video prod role.  Apply to: [email protected] (8/7)

JOB OPENING: FREELANCE PA INT’L MUSIC AWARDS/Viacom/NYC: 1 yr exp. digi content, prod & CMS. Resp. incl. tracking schedules, gathering assets, CMS content entries & launching daily content updates across mult-plat. site. Resume: HERE (8/7) 

JOB OPENING: DIRECTOR, AD OPERATIONS/Crown Media Family Networks/New York: Oversee all aspects of digital advertising operations for Hallmark Channel and Hallmark Movie Channel. 4 year degree and 5 yrs experience.  Apply HERE (8/7)

JOB OPENING: DIR. PRICING AND PLANNING/El Rey Ntwks/NY: Ad/Media netwk experience preferred strong exp with Ad Sales. Must be detailed/analytical/able to multi-task. BS/BA Deg req,must have strong analytical & math skills.  Apply HERE (8/7)     

JOB OPENING: MGR, DIGITAL METRICS & ANALYTICS/Discovery/NY: Critical thinker to turn data into insights with expert-level analytic capabilities & best practices. 6-8 yrs digital analytics exp req’d. Omniture preferred. Apply HERE (8/7) 

JOB OPENING: BUSINESS DVLPMNT/NY: 10yrs Pay TV Channel Exp. Exp’d in affil. agreements, content acquisitions, evaluating deal structures, drafting, negotiating w/sr level lawyers & exes. Sports background a +. Res/cvr to Rose: HERE (8/6)

JOB OPENING: MGR. PRIMARY RESEARCH/NBCU/NYC: 3+ yrs exp in media research w/brdcast or cble ntwrk or agency. Passion for TV & exp in qual & quan research. Apply HERE (8/3)

JOB OPENING: LOG COORD/TVONE/MD: Mng On-air prgm log, playlist delivery & reconciliation of logs. Resp. meeting delivery sched deadlines & directing sales/promo dept. BA pref’d. 2 yrs exp brdcst cable log ops. Apply: (8/3)

JOB OPENING: DIR, SOCIAL MEDIA MKTG/Fandango/West LA: Implement social media strategy/best practices across various platforms & SM communities. 4-6? yrs mktg exp w/demonstrated exp in & passion for the SM space. Apply HERE (8/3)

JOB OPENING: MARKETING COORDINATOR/Crown Media Family Networks/New York: Support the Marketing Dept. (Consumer, Affiliate, Ad Sales). 4 year degree and 2 yrs exp entertainment/cable. Full info/apply HERE (8/3)

JOB OPENING: AD SALES RSCH MGR/NBC UNIVERSAL/NYC: 4+ yrs exp in media (cable ntwk pref’d) incldng ntnl TV ratings analyses & sales positioning. Expertise in Nielsen, TV Toolbox & MRI/Simmons Apply HERE (8/3)

JOB OPENING: MGR, MKTG SOLUTIONS/CLEAR CHANNEL/Sherman Oaks CA: Help support ideation/dvlpmnt of strategic sales prgrms & provide acct mngmnt for advrtsing clients. 6yrs relevant work exp Media, mktg or a related field. Apply HERE (8/2) 

JOB OPENING: DATA & INSIGHTS ANALYST/The Weather Channel/NYC: Preferred candidates should have knowledge of Ad Campaigns, ad sales, ad systems and technologies including DoubleClick. Send resumes to [email protected] (8/2)

JOB OPENING: ANALYST RESEARCH CONTENT/TELEMUNDO/NYC: support programming team with audience insights and measurements. 2 yrs using Nielson req’d. Apply HERE (8/2)

JOB OPENING: RESEARCH MGR/SPROUT/EAST COAST: Responsible for supporting kids network with audience research metrics and reporting. 3 years of TV research exp req’d. APPLY (8/2)

JOB OPENING: AD SALES RESEARCH DIR/GSN/NY: V. strong ind. exp.; 7+ yrs TV/Dig. rsch: ratings/primary & synd.: Mastery of Comscore, Nielsen data (Npower, FOCUS, MktBrks, Startrk/StarEst & Gabriel), Simmons. Presentation skills req’d. Res HERE [email protected] (8/2)

INTERNSHIPS – These positions are for credit only – nobody gets paid here. These ads are always posted for free, and students work for school credit only. For more information on the specs for posting an Internship ad, email Trish at [email protected].

FALL INTERNSHIPS CREDITS ONLY: INTERNSHIPS/Norwalk CT: Video/Post prod/Content & story dvlpmnt/social media/PR/Editorial/Advrtsng & mkgt + others. Full & PT hrs avail & Open to Jr & Sr yr undergrad or grad students. Res/cvr: [email protected]  (8/8)

FALL INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: INTERNSHIP/Jigsaw Prods NYC: Assist producers @ Oscar-winning filmmaker Alex Gibney’s prod co. Major/minor in film, TV, media or journalism a +. Submit resume/cover letter to [email protected] (8/7)

SITUATION WANTED ADS, POSTED BY THOSE LOOKING TO BE HIRED… There is no charge for placing your Situation Wanted ad… for more information contact Trish Pihonak at [email protected].

E-mail [email protected] or call Trish Pihonak at 888.702.3858 for rates and specs for Job Openings.

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