Monday, August 5th, 2013


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Cynopsis: DIGITAL

Good morning. It’s Monday, August 5, 2013, and this is your first early morning digital briefing.


Brian Volk-Weiss was promoted to the role of president of production at New Wave Entertainment just a few weeks ago, but he’s already taking the company in a new direction. Known for its seemingly endless parade of comedy content (it is scheduled to shoot 48 standup specials this year and release more than 40), New Wave has started to diversify its portfolio a bit. It turned out a documentary, That Guy … Who Was in That Thing, which tells the story of actors everybody knows but can’t name, earlier this year and will release two more later in 2013, a sequel to That Guy and a Mercury astronaut-related one, Zero G. “iTunes is so used to us being a comedy company that when we released our documentary, they put it into the comedy section until we told them it wasn’t a comedy,” Volk-Weiss told Cynopsis Digital. The company’s most interesting news is that it will go in a whole new direction later this month and start shooting its first horror movie, Volk-Weiss shared with Cynopsis exclusively. Called Redstone (after the space program that led up to Mercury), it is scheduled for release early next year digitally. If all goes well, New Wave will shoot two more horror films next year under the New Wave Embilical label and then four a year after that. “We want to be known as a quality content company and not just as a comedy company. That’s the goal.”

Actress Allison Paige is apparently getting a lot of work in the web-series world. Her current series, Welcome to Sanditon, is finishing up, but she can be seen already in another, Gloss: A Digital Series, which follows its teen protagonist as she tries to figure out just how a supermodel died in 12 episodes that run about 10 minutes each.

Another new web series is one that follows three young women who are “over love” called Jaded. One thing the show has going for it as far as building buzz comes in the form of Sal Stowers, a winner of America’s Next Top Model.

This week marks the Discovery Channel‘s annual Shark Week and the network is playing it up for all its worth and using every way of touching its viewers that it can. A few include #SharkWeek tweets being broadcast live on-air from 8 p.m. to midnight for five nights, a Google Hangout coming from the bottom of a tank at the National Aquarium in Baltimore, audio-synched extras on the Discovery Channel HD App, and a webisode following an underwater cameraman as he tests out a mobile shark cage, among plenty of other things.


Every Wednesday since May, there are some folks on the Internet who just can’t seem to help themselves. They’ve got to go ahead and share Geico’s Hump Day commercial, which features a camel walking around an office full of slack-jawed employees reminding them of what day it is. That has helped the insurer maintain its spot on top of Unruly Media’s Top 10 Social Video Brands list for July. Geico had a 13.5% increase in shares since June. Honda, O2, and Reprieve all made into the Top 10 for the first time ever in July, and Playstation, which was the second most shared brand in June, fell all the way down to 43rd in July. Ouch. The top 10 are as follows:

1. Geico  981,089 shares
Biggest campaign of month: Hump Day
Position last month: 1st, increase of 13.5%
2. Rockstar Games (Grand Theft Auto)  544,802
Biggest campaign of month:Grand Theft Auto V Official Gameplay Trailer
Position last month: Not in top 100
3. Honda  366,549
Biggest campaign of month: Hands
Position last month: Not in top 100
4. Dove  166,537
Biggest campaign of month: Camera Shy
Position last month: 12th, increase of 58.4%
5. O2  157,569
Biggest campaign of month: Be More Dog
Position last month: Not in top 100
6. Reprieve  155,028
Biggest campaign of month: Mos Def Force Fed
Position last month: Not in top 100
7. Evian  152,767
Biggest campaign of month: Baby&Me
Position last month: 6th, decrease of 56.2%
8. Red Bull  146,158
Biggest campaign of month: Danny MacAskill’s Imaginate
Position last month: 5th, decrease of 58.5%
9. Melbourne Metro  122,297
Biggest campaign of month: Dumb Ways To Die
Position last month: 7th, decrease of 52%
10. Samsung  107,197
Biggest campaign of month: Galaxy Note 8.0  The Creative Process
Position last month: 3rd, decrease of 83.3%

Is your social media strategy up to par? Learn from the best! Join us on Aug. 14 in NY at the Cynopsis Sports Business Summit for our social media panel featuring Lockerdome’s Gabe Lozano, CSE’s John Mitchell, AEG’s Scott Carlis, Sports Illustrated’s Jim DeLorenzo and Michael Spirito from YES Network. The session will be moderated by Bloomberg’s Rob Shaw. Register at

Three months ago, YouTube began allowing those with just 1,000 subscribers to live stream, but now the site is opening up the option to a slew of smaller creators. The number has been lowered to just 100 subscribers. If that weren’t enough, YouTube is also offering new features to that same group, such as the ability to link out to online stores or other sites in video annotations, among other things. In other YouTube news, the company that opened a studio space for its creators to produce new content in L.A. late last year, and now it is doing the same in New York City. As of October 2014, top YouTube creators will have a location that is tricked out with all the latest technology to help them both create new content and learn new techniques and best practices.
In Other Words: You can stream your wedding, bar mitzvah, and next family reunion on YouTube if you can get everybody to subscribe.

DISH Network and GetGlue have partnered so that the network’s customers can have community-building second-screen experiences. DISH’s iPad app now allows DISH Explorer app users to interact with the more than four million GetGlue users. It marks the first time that GetGlue has allowed a third party app access to its media feed.

The site that is thought to be China’s biggest, the video-hosting site Youku, says it is getting a boatload of its daily traffic through mobile. The company says it had 14 million daily unique mobile visitors in June. Those visitors accounted for 180 million hours of videos watched during the month and its apps were used 1.3 billion times. In July, the site was seeing 200 million daily mobile views, up from 150 million daily in May.
In Other Words: It’s worth pursuing any deals that could have you distributing mobile video in China. The audience is clearly there.


Cynopsis Kids Webinar – REGISTER TODAY
***Just Announced***

How to (Really) Increase Kid Brand Revenue through Licensing
August 27 ~ 1:30-3:00pm ET ~ $295/site

Expert Speakers:
Daisy Kline:
VP, Marketing & Brand Management [Scholastic]
Pete Yoder: VP, U.S. Consumer Products [Cartoon Network Enterprises]
Melissa Segal: EVP, Global Consumer Products [The Jim Henson Company]
Sean Gorman: President [American Greetings Properties]


Square Enix‘s video game Final Fantasy 7 appeared back in 1997 and has proceeded to sell more than 10 million copies on various platforms. Somebody had the bright idea to make a Final Fantasy 7 web series and opened up an account on Kickstarter to get it underway. Square Enix, though, was not into the idea and now the whole thing is on hold while the two sides settle their intellectual-property dispute.
In Other Words: Don’t be thinking you can just use anybody’s trademarked name for your web series, unless of course you’re Alabama Ghostbusters, which seems to be getting away with it.

Zynga is getting into the social-messaging space, Pando Daily reports. The company that was made famous for developing games for Facebook has a new game, 1 Word, for mobile-messaging platform Kik, which has 60 million users. Players compete against one another to solve clues based on images. It also allows for in-app purchases.


The rise of mobile is helping digital push aside the old TV set. According to a recent report from eMarketer, American adults this year will for the first time spend more time each day using digital media than watching the boob tube. Five hours and nine minutes a day are given to digital media by U.S. adults, the study shows, compared with the four hours and 31 minutes that were spent daily last year and the three hours and 50 minutes spent every day in 2011. Meanwhile, TV watching by adults has stayed between four hours and 31 minutes this year and four hours and 38 minutes last year. The rise has mostly come from mobile, which now accounts for two hours and 21 minutes per day of U.S. adults. That number doesn’t account for the amount of time on phone calls, either, and it’s up 46 minutes from 2012. Some other data from eMarketer’s study is below:

* The amount of time spent on all media  digital, TV, radio, and print  is up 13 minutes from last year to 11 hours and 52 minutes.

* Time on smartphones, tablets, and feature phones is higher than that spent on PCs.
In Other Words: The folks over at the National Day of Unplugging have got a difficult task ahead of them.


The New York Times is about to put a lot more effort into digital video. The paper has been gaining digital subscribers and losing ad revenue. In the second quarter there was a 6% decline in ad revenue. The hope with the increase in digital is that it will create more opportunities to bring in advertising bucks. Of course, digital ad revenue declined 2.7% in the second quarter. Some digital content that will be pushed include a new branded documentary series as well as content from another company, Retro Report, which puts together videos about big new stories in recent history. “The appetite, specifically from advertisers, for opportunities to do video advertising on The New York Times is so great that we think the chance we have to grow our share of the video ad market is large indeed, even if rates over time, come down,” said Mark Thompson, president and CEO of the Times Co., in the call.

P&G is shifting a lot of dollars into digital. According to the Wall Street Journal, more than a third of its domestic marketing budget is now being poured into digital. Execs at the company tell the Journal that the fact that digital is “a faster and cheaper way for P&G’s brands to reach consumers” in addition to the fact that it gives the company faster feedback all make digital marketing extremely attractive.
In Other Words: Where P&G goes, others follow. Expect other major marketers to shift more dollars to digital as well.


Cynopsis Future TV: Content Innovation and Next Gen Advertising Models
October 17| Grand Hyatt | NYC
**More Info/Website Coming Soon**

This summit will examine what networks are doing – and what they need to do more of – to aggressively evolve to compete, and profit in this shifting landscape. Join us as our experts share the latest business and advertising models for success.

For sponsor information, please contact Mike Farina (203) 218-6480.
For registration information, please contact Pete Romas (203) 899-8483.


Adam Goldman scored a big hit last year with this six-episode web series The Outs, which followed two young men in Brooklyn as their relationship completely fell apart. Now Goldman is back with Whatever this is, a series about young New Yorkers doing jobs they hate for not a lot of cash in the hopes that someday the jobs will turn into something they love that pays well.


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For sponsor information, please contact Mike Farina at (203) 218-6480.
For registration information, please contact Pete Romas at (203) 899-8483

See you tomorrow,
Mark Miller 

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JOB OPENING: DEV EXECS: Magnetic LA. Fast-growing TV prodco looking for dvlpment execs. Strong writers, knwldg of current prgrmng/trends, dvlpmnt casting, sizzle reel production, format dvlpmnt, Photoshop, AVID. Send resume HERE (8/13) 

JOB OPENING: SR ACCT EXEC AD SALES/NY: Expanding Ad Dept. 70m+ Sports Net. 10+ yrs. TV ad sales exp. Excellent agency relationships. Send resume and cov ltr ATTN: ROSE: [email protected] (8/13)

JOB OPENING: CREATIVE DIRECTOR/PROMO PRODUCER/NY: Min 10 yrs TV Network exp. TV Promo & Avid/AE exp req. Sports background a plus. Send res and cov ltr: ATTN: ROSE [email protected] (8/13)

JOB OPENING: EDITOR/NY: Min 10 yrs TV Network exp. Post production, Avid, Adobe AE exp. req. Sports background a plus. Send res and cov ltr: ATTN: ROSE [email protected] (8/13)

JOB OPENING: GRAPHIC DESIGNER/NY: Design/animate graphics for TV network. Digital exp. a plus. Sports background a plus. Send res and cov ltr: ATTN: ROSE [email protected] (8/13)

JOB OPENING: SALES PLANNER/NYC: 1 yr exp in dig sales/plnng/trafficking. Generates dig media plans under AE & VP Sales. Ensures campaign delivey, makes adjustments, optimizations, & makes recs when approp. Assiss w/RFP’s & new biz. Apply HERE (8/10) 

JOB OPENING: RESEARCH ANALYST/E! NY: TV Research Analyst for E! Ent for report requests, viewership interpretation, study design. Nielsen Media Research, Star Media, MRI, Simmons preferred. 1-2 yrs experience. APPLY HERE (8/10) 

JOB OPENING: DIGITAL RESEARCH ANALYST/Freelance for E! and Esquire Network/LA: Ad hoc reporting. KPI measurements across VOD, mobile & cross platform. Rentrak, comScore, Omniture tools ideal. Apply HERE (8/10)

JOB OPENING: SALES STRATEGY LEADER/NY or VA: 10+ yrs exp, pref media. Develop sales strategies, implement sales incentive and performance across all Gannett. High Profile! Email: [email protected] (8/10)

JOB OPENING: RIGHTS & CLEARANCES SUPERVISOR/Leftfield/NY: Generates/tracks/compiles net deliverables. Watches down cuts, flags clearance/S&P issues. Estab/facilitate proper depart. workflow. Min 3 yrs exp. Res: [email protected] (8/10)

JOB OPENING: FX Networks/VP BROADCAST DESIGN/LA: Resp for the creative broadcast design, mging the design staff, and the daily maintenance of On-Air graphic. BA/BS, 10yrs exp, AVID/Cinema4 knowledge. (8/10)

JOB OPENING: MGR AD SALES RSRCH & BUS IN/NYC: 4+yrs exp in media rsrch w/brdcst or cble ntwk. Provide insight on sports media & sponsorship industry trends. APPLY HERE (8/10)

JOB OPENING: DIRECTOR, PUBLICITY/A&E/A+E Networks/NY: Develop/implement effective PR strategies, campaigns & execution resulting in positive media For A&E. Full info/Apply: (8/10)

JOB OPENING: SPECIALIST, AD SALES ADMINISTRATION/A+E Networks/NY: Training new employees ranging from Sales Service Rep to Acct Exec. Full Info/Apply: (8/10)

JOB OPENING: PRODUCER/NBCU2013/NYC: Producing content for all SNY Original programming. Apply HERE  (8/10)

JOB OPENING: SR. MGR INTEGRATED MARKETING/ABC FAMILY/BURBANK: Manage creative of integrated mktg for Nat’l Ad Sales and affiliates. 5yrs exp OAP/4yrs exp Wrt/Prod. Include reel/cover letter. Visit REQ 120594 (8/9)

JOB OPENING: ASSOC PROD, ON-AIR PROMO/FOOD NETWORK/NYC: Write and produce on-air promotions, oversee graphics and VO talent. Must demonstrate creative sensibility. 1-2 years of relevant exp required. Apply HERE (8/9) 

JOB OPENING: TV PRGRM HOST/QVC Inc/West Chester PA: Female or male w/background in hosting TV, internet brdcsts, radio or live events. Resume, phone #/headshot &/or current photo/Video links of your hosting work to: HERE [email protected] (8/9)

JOB OPENING: GSN/NY/FRONT DESK/RECEPTIONIST/ASST: Administrative duties; Supporting Ad Sales and Affiliate groups. Knowledge of Microsoft office. Send res + CL to [email protected] (8/9)

JOB OPENING: FREELANCER/Mahwah, NJ: 5+ yrs nat’l media buying exp. needed to steward fall nat’l TV buys. 4-6 mths may lead to perm pos. Strong comm; excel; analytic skills. Resumes to: [email protected] (8/9)

JOB OPENING: MEDIA ASSIST/Mahwah, NJ: Leading kid media buyg/plng agcy looking for media plng assist, inputter, & day-to-day maint of kid buys. EXCEL WIZ A MUST. Great bnfits. Resumes to: [email protected] (8/9)

JOB OPENING: DIR. RESEARCH/REVOLT/LA: Mng resrch dept. Create analysis for prog/sales/digital. Req: Bach deg. 6-9 yrs experience TV/Resrch. Strong kwldge of millennials. Resume to: [email protected] (8/9)

JOB OPENING: DIR. PROG/PROMO SCHED/REVOLT/LA: Plan/execute prog/promo sched. Dev. strategies. Mng day-to-day sched. Mng live ntwk sched. Req: Bach deg. 5-7 yrs experience TV prog. News/music exp a +. Resume to: [email protected] (8/9)

JOB OPENING: DIR, CREATIVE SERVICES/NBCU/EAST COAST: Description: Develop and work with Creative Services Team to identify and define brand identity for Comcast SportsNet Chicago. Apply HERE (8/8) 

JOB OPENING: SR DIR, BRAND & MEDIA STRATEGY/History/NY: Oversee & guide all facets of HISTORY’S consumer mktg & paid media strategy. Min 6 yrs exp on client side or at an agency working w/cable of brdcst client. Apply:  HERE (8/8)

JOB OPENING: PREDITOR/WUSA/DC: Proficient on Avid Media composer & Adobe Creatve Suite. Min 3 yrs. producing/editing/writing promos. After Effects & Photoshop skill pref. Need prvn track rec. of success creating finished promos Resume to: [email protected] (8/8)

JOB OPENING:  DIR, SCRIPTED SERIES DEVEL/MTV/Santa Monica: 7 yrs exp  scripted series. Solicit/dvlp new ideas for scripted series dev/mng current series. Supervise existing devel/production from paper-prod, post prod & del. Apply HERE (8/8)  

JOB OPENING:  VP, ORIG PRGRMNG & DEVEL/Comedy Central/Santa Monica. 8+ yrs exp. Maintain strong relationships w/talent comm, representatives & prod. Oversee paper dvlpmnt, hiring producers, casting, staffing & prod supervision. Apply: HERE (8/8) 

JOB OPENING: FREELANCE PA/Viacom/NY: 1 yr exp. digi content, prod & CMS. Resp. incl. tracking schedules, gathering assets, CMS content entries & launching wkly content updates across mult-plat. site. Note: not a video prod role.  Apply to: [email protected] (8/7)

JOB OPENING: FREELANCE PA INT’L MUSIC AWARDS/Viacom/NYC: 1 yr exp. digi content, prod & CMS. Resp. incl. tracking schedules, gathering assets, CMS content entries & launching daily content updates across mult-plat. site. Resume: HERE (8/7) 

JOB OPENING: DIRECTOR, AD OPERATIONS/Crown Media Family Networks/New York: Oversee all aspects of digital advertising operations for Hallmark Channel and Hallmark Movie Channel. 4 year degree and 5 yrs experience.  Apply HERE (8/7)

JOB OPENING: DIR. PRICING AND PLANNING/El Rey Ntwks/NY: Ad/Media netwk experience preferred strong exp with Ad Sales. Must be detailed/analytical/able to multi-task. BS/BA Deg req,must have strong analytical & math skills.  Apply HERE (8/7)     

JOB OPENING: MGR, DIGITAL METRICS & ANALYTICS/Discovery/NY: Critical thinker to turn data into insights with expert-level analytic capabilities & best practices. 6-8 yrs digital analytics exp req’d. Omniture preferred. Apply HERE (8/7) 

JOB OPENING: BUSINESS DVLPMNT/NY: 10yrs Pay TV Channel Exp. Exp’d in affil. agreements, content acquisitions, evaluating deal structures, drafting, negotiating w/sr level lawyers & exes. Sports background a +. Res/cvr to Rose: HERE (8/6)

INTERNSHIPS – These positions are for credit only – nobody gets paid here. These ads are always posted for free, and students work for school credit only. For more information on the specs for posting an Internship ad, email Trish at [email protected].

FALL INTERNSHIPS CREDITS ONLY: INTERNSHIPS/Norwalk CT: Video/Post prod/Content & story dvlpmnt/social media/PR/Editorial/Advrtsng & mkgt + others. Full & PT hrs avail & Open to Jr & Sr yr undergrad or grad students. Res/cvr: [email protected]  (8/8)

FALL INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: INTERNSHIP/Jigsaw Prods NYC: Assist producers @ Oscar-winning filmmaker Alex Gibney’s prod co. Major/minor in film, TV, media or journalism a +. Submit resume/cover letter to [email protected] (8/7)

SITUATION WANTED ADS, POSTED BY THOSE LOOKING TO BE HIRED… There is no charge for placing your Situation Wanted ad… for more information contact Trish Pihonak at [email protected].

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