Friday, September 23rd, 2011

Cynopsis: DIGITAL

Good morning, it’s Friday, September 23, 2011, and this is your first early morning digital briefing.  If you would like to read this or any other Cynopsis edition online, click here

Facebook, or perhaps disdain for many of its new features, may have dominated your news feed on the social network itself this week. Now, the news is official as to how Facebook is tweaking its site. At the f8 Facebook developer’s conference in San Francisco, Facebook chief Mark Zuckerberg said the site will now include integration from Spotify, Rhapsody, Rdio and MOG with custom apps as well as video from Vevo, Netflix and Hulu. The Netflix integration will start in Canada and Latin America before a U.S. rollout. Facebook also plans to transform the news feed into more of a “front page” newspaper look, with certain items tagged with a blue earmark (that’s the feature Facebook users reacted to negatively to earlier this week). A news ticker also offers a real-time updates on friends’ activities. Facebook also introduced a Timeline feature that culls your older posts to create a snapshot of your life on Facebook.


Over-the-top provider Roku struck a deal to add videos to the digital programming service. That includes Disney Channel animated shorts, clips, behind-the-scenes videos and other content. Disney said it will add more content in the months ahead. The deal is noteworthy because Disney has traditionally been cautious about deals it strikes for new media platforms.
Also on the alternative TV front, GoogleTV inked a deal to include TV Everywhere content from TNT and TBS in its service, according to a NewTeeVee report. The story said Turner will launch apps for those networks to deliver full-length episodes of many of their shows, provided the users are authenticated pay TV subscribers.


Online display ad provider Tribal Fusion inked a new agreement to more deeply integrate data from data targeting and management firm BlueKai into online media buying. The deal calls for Tribal Fusion to tailor online campaigns based on purchase intent in real time with data gleaned from BlueKai.
Google said it will add enhancements to AdWords to help advertisers optimize mobile search traffic. Google has predicted that about 44% of all shopping-related searches in the U.S. will come from mobile phones during the holiday season.


Less is more. Tablet owners who have downloaded only a few apps are much more likely to use them regularly. By contrast, about 37% of tablet owners who have downloaded 10 or more apps regularly use them, according to an eMarketer report.

About 180 million U.S. Web users watched an average of 18 hours of online video last month, about the same as the month before, according to measurement service comScore. In August Americans watched 5.6 billion ads in online video.


Video advertising and analytics measurement service Visible Measures raised $13 million in a series D round of funding led by DAG Ventures and strategic partner Advance Publications. The company has raised $45 million to date.



The Daily rolled outs its social news app  on Facebook, announced at the developer’s conference yesterday. The app includes The Daily’s reporting and commentary on the top news of the day.
Univision Interactive Media introduced its Univision Cocina App for iPhone and iPod touch with recipes, cooking videos, and tips on Latin cuisine from Univision chefs and users.
Global news agency AFP launched an English-language version of its iPad app. The app is free of charge and includes all the latest news updated with links to pictures and videos. Spanish and Portuguese language versions are coming in November. The iPhone app launched last year and is now available in English, Spanish, Portuguese, German and Arabic.
Bravo Media rolled out a new Facebook game called Turtle Time in which users can dress a virtual turtle in an empty tank each week. The goal is to make the most fabulous outfit and the winning look will be recreated on a live turtle on “ Watch What Happens: Live” each week, in accordance with American Humane Association guidelines. 


The Weather Channel Companies named Bill Drolet VP Digital Ad Sales. He will oversee, develop and manage ad opportunities for in the New York region. He joins from Time Inc.


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Zipcar and comedian Dan Levy teamed up to create a series of videos called One Crazy Day that will showcase Levy performing crowdsourced missions and errands in New York with the help of a Zipcar and online fans. Fan can submit ideas on the Facebook page and then vote on the three mission he will perform on Oct. 14 in Manhattan.

Later – Daisy
 Daisy Whitney new media reporter and author of The Mockingbirds, filling in for Wayne Karrfalt for Cynopsis: Digital.

Cynopsis Ad Sales:
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Classifieds – Trish Pihonak- 203-381-9096 / [email protected]

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JOB OPENING: NAT’L ACCT EXEC/AT&T AdWorks/Chicago: Natl Acct Exec-Uverse (IPTV). 2+ yrs natl adv sales exp. Apply- (9/30)

JOB OPENING: DIRECTOR OF COMMUNICATIONS/NBC Universal/Burbank: Bravo is looking for a self-starting, experienced communications professional experienced in crisis management and talent relations. job#2932 (9/30)

JOB OPENING: DIR, ORIG PRGRMG/Vevo/NYC: Resp for all aspects of the creation of orig prgrmng from producing in the field through post production. Create/mng prod budgets. More info & apply:   (9/30)

JOB OPENING:  SR DVLPMNT MGR/MILITARY CHANNEL/NY: Identify new prgms & acquisitions/coord overall dvlpmnt process for ntwrk to meet business initiatives;+4yrs exp non-fiction production/dvlpmnt; #4476  (9/30)

JOB OPENING:  DIR AD SALES MKTG/NY:  Mngs mrktg dpmt; interface w/all key ad sls grps through US; budget forecasting/annual upfront dlvpmt & special projects; +10yrs exp mrktg management; #4431  (9/30)

JOB OPENING:  NEW BIZ VP/BrightLine/LA: Interactive TV design firm seeks TV ad sales, client-savvy, LA VP for new client acquisition. Exp. selling to West Coast Nat’l clients a must. Res to: [email protected] (9/29)

JOB OPENING: ACCT EXECUTIVE/TV AE w/ 2+ yrs digital ad sales exp a must. Consumer exp preferred. Competitive salary commensurate w/ exp & excellent benefits prgm. [email protected] (9/29)

JOB OPENING: MGR, INTL MKTG/SONY PICTURES TELEVISION/LA: Intl Distribution/Production role requires knowledge of dist. business, ability to develop mktg strategies and sales collateral. / Job code: 205237-033 (9/29)

JOB OPENING: SR COORD MEDIA RIGHTS & LISC/Fuse/NY: Researches copyright and tm info and works on overall design, support, and implementation of clearance info. 2 yrs clearance/legal exp. in ent Industry. (9/29)

JOB OPENING:  MEDIA AD SALES PLANNER/Fuse/CA: Prep sales proposals, deal analysis, assist in client presentations, & monitor deals . 2+ yrs media/advertising exp. (9/29)

JOB OPENING: DIRECTOR/PR/FERENCOMM/NY: Develop and execute trade & consumer campaigns for leading series & specials. Prior TV publicity exp req’d. Resume and cover to: [email protected] (9/29)

JOB OPENING: DR ACCT MGR. (WEST)/LA:  Sell BET Networks NEW Direct Response biz. Build relationships w/ DR agencies & clients. Build & create sales strategies. [email protected] (9/29)

JOB OPENING:  RESEARCH ANALYST/nuvoTV/LA:  Nielsen rating analysis, collect/evaluate audience & market research data, 1-3 yrs TV media research experience, familiar w/ American Latino mrkt +, EOE/M/F/D/AAP (9/29)

JOB OPENING:  COMEDY WRITER/Comedy/Variety TV Show/Burbank:  For observational-style monologues. Must be a flexible, fast, & positive person w/ unique take on life. 2+yrs of writing exp req’d. Resume:  [email protected] (9/29)

JOB OPENING: VP, DIST COUNSEL/A+E Networks/NY: 8+ yrs. exp. Sr Aff Sales Atty providing legal &strategic support for U.S., Canadian & Caribbean dist of 10 A+E ntwrks. More info & Apply: #103642 (9/28)

JOB OPENING: PR ACCT SPRVSR/VP/DKC/NYC: Join the firm’s tech, media & Creative Properties practices.Strong publicity exp in 1 or more of following: tech, video gaming, licensing, kids/family ent. Apply to: [email protected] (9/28)

JOB OPENING: DIR MARKETING/RLTV/NYC: Min 10 yrs exp in ad sales/cons/aff marketing at agency, cable or broadcast. Exp w/ brand partnerships/client relations/on-air promotions necessary. Apply: [email protected] (9/28)
JOB OPENING: DESIGNER /HGTV/Knoxville: Broadcast designer w/ 1-2 yrs exp in concept, design & animating graphics for on air promos. After Effects exp a must. Demo reel req’d. #2589 (9/28)

JOB OPENING VP, PRODUCTION MGMT & OPS/IFC/NY: Dvlp/mng production ops for IFC TV original productions. 7+ yrs exp maximizing complex prod. budgets & overseeing plnning;industry connections a must. Apply: [email protected] (9/27)

JOB OPENING CONTENT SALES MGR (2)/Thought Equity Motion/NY & LA: World leader in video rights mgmt. Expert ideation, consultative & relationship sales exp. More info: Res: [email protected] (9/27)

JOB OPENING DIRECTOR/PR /TRAVELCHANNEL/NY. Seasoned pro to support key series and network initiatives w/focus on show publicity & talent relations. Prior TV publicity exp. req’d. Full details, – Req 2607 (9/27)

JOB OPENING MANAGER/PR /TRAVELCHANNEL/DC: Develop & implement program publicity plans for programming & digital initiatives. Prior TV publicity exp. required. Full details, & select req 2591 (9/27)

JOB OPENING AD SALES ASST/gmc/NY: Seeking a recent grad w/ previous ad sales/advertising internship exp to asst ad sales dept. Strong Excel & multi-tasking a +. Apply: [email protected] (9/27)

JOB OPENING: SYNDICATION SALES ACCOUNT EXEC/NYC: Looking for a passionate, self-starter for Junior level sales territory. Strong negotiation and communication skills needed. Travel required. Send resume’ to [email protected] (9/27)

JOB OPENING: MEDIA PLANNING MGR/Discovery/FL: 8+yrs exp. Lead team in strategic network planning. Exp w/in media metrics. Guide & gauge campaign perf with effect pre/post report efforts. Mngment exp a must. #4312 (9/24)

JOB OPENING: DIR, PROG ADV/HBO/NYC: manages the development and execution of consumer adv and promo plans for HBO Orig Prog. Min 8 yrs brand mktng exp. in entertainment. Apply: (9/24)

JOB OPENING: ON-AIR PROMO PREDITOR/NY: Write, produce, edit & direct promos, short form, BTS or interstitial segments. Utilize writing skills and present multiple concepts for each assignment. Apply: #1250  (9/24)

JOB OPENING: DIR, MKTG/ABC/NY: Lead mktg role for news digital products; leverages consumer insights to drive usage & revenue growth; finds new ways to reach & communicate with our audience. Apply: #1243  (9/24)

JOB OPENING: SR. DEVELOPMENT PRODUCER/Discovery/FL: 7+yrs exp. Resp for mngng & expanding dev slate for DSC LATAM Networks, seeking new factual, lifestyle prog ideas, talents & formats, Speak Eng/Sp a must #4505   (9/24)

JOB OPENING: ANALYST, DIGITAL AD OPS AD NETWORK/Sony Pictures Television/Culver City CA: Manage ad networks and remnant partnership deals for Crackle, Dr Oz, Nate Berkus and more. Go to sonypicscareers .com /Job code: 205378-033  (9/24)

JOB OPENING: SPONSORSHIP SALES PROFESSIONAL/WRNN-TV/RyeBrook NY: Drive new bus. Dev corp partnerships. 3-5 yrs brdcst sales mngmnt/sponsorship exp w/ a strong analytical, strategic & tactical background.Resume: [email protected]  (9/24)

INTERNSHIPS – These positions are for credit only – nobody gets paid here. These ads are always posted for free, and students work for school credit only. For more information on the specs for posting an Internship ad, email Trish at [email protected] .

FALL INTERNSHIPS CREDITS ONLY: Media firm/Beijing: 40 hrs wkly. Unique/exciting media internship overseas.Includes RT flight to Beijing. Fluent Chinese reqd. Fluent English reqd. Apply: [email protected] (9/29)

FALL INTERNSHIPS CREDITS ONLY: Fast-paced boutique ent PR firm/NYC: Seeks smart, hard-working & reliable self starter. Starts Sept thru fall semester &, possibly, beyond. Jr/Sr only.Travel stipend offered. Res/cov let: [email protected] (9/29)

FALL INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: SOCIAL MARKETING INTERNS/STEALTH PICTURES LLC/NYC: Cutting edge entertainment company needs social networking wiz for fall/winter film and tv slate. Open to college credit. Apply: [email protected] (9/28)

FALL INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: Interactive Sales intern duties will include assisting teams with Optimum Homes & Autos. College credit only, internship unpaid. See full posting and apply to req 15503BR (9/27)

SITUATION WANTED ADS, POSTED BY THOSE LOOKING TO BE HIRED …  There is no charge for placing your Situation Wanted ad … for more information contact Trish Pihonak at [email protected]

SITUATION WANTED: Seeking position in Adv/ Traffic. Strong background in sales, traffic and as a liaison btw depts. Perform under pressure/ deadline-orientated/communication skills/ month-end billing reports. Contact:[email protected] (9/30)

SITUATION WANTED: ASSISTANT/COORDINATOR : 4 years experience on Talk, Game, Court/Reality shows. Looking for full time corporate media/entertainment employment in the NYC Area. [email protected] (9/29)

SITUATION WANTED: WRITER FOR TEENS/TWEENS: 10+ years of experience creating online content for high-profile clients. Areas of expertise: TV-related blogs/quizzes/interviews/social media. [email protected] (9/29)

SITUATION WANTED: Jeanne Intile Burns, VOICE-OVER ARTIST, Web Links: , , Cell: 845-721-9681, E-Mail: [email protected], Specializes in unique character voices for various animated productions (9/29)

SITUATION WANTED: SALES EXECUTIVE w/extensive sports mktg & sales exp seeking a sports mktg/sales opportunity. Proven track record, strong new biz development, account mgmt & C Level exp. Resume upon request. Email: [email protected] (9/27)

SITUATION WANTED: CONTENT DISTRIBUTION, ACQUISITION, BUS. AFFAIRS ATTORNEY 15 yrs exp w/ Nat Geo Ch, Weather Ch, XM Satellite, TCI, Cablevision. US and intl via cable, sat, IPTV, mobile and Internet. Consult or FT. [email protected] (9/27)

SITUATION WANTED: Enthusiastic recent Radio and Television Arts grad eager to take on anything in the industry. Seeking entry-level position. Experience in programming, production, etc.  [email protected]   (9/24)

E-mail [email protected] or call Trish Pihonak at 203.381.9096 for rates and specs for Job Openings.

Are you looking for a job? Post your Situation Wanted Ad here — Email [email protected] for specs.

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