Friday, November 1st, 2013

Cynopsis: DIGITAL

Good morning. It’s Friday, November 1, 2013, and this is your first early morning digital briefing.


Amazon Studios has greenlit its first hour-long original dramas for testing with Amazon consumers. The After is written by X-File’s Chris Carter. The second, Bosch, is from the writers of The Wire and Law & Order. If the two pilots receive enough positive feedback when they’re made available in early 2014, full seasons will be produced and available on Prime Instant Video and LoveFilm.

YouTube creator Hannah Hart has been chosen to host the YouTube Music Awards pre-show. The special’s Creative Director, Spike Jonze, will combine interviews conducted by Hart and music video clips to create a documentary style pre-show to stream an hour before the November 3rd ceremony. Hart’s already off to a good start; her Miley Cyrus interview is in the bag.

Luxury lifestyle pub for African Americans, Uptown Magazine, announced its new YouTube channel – Uptown Unplugged. The entry will include original shows like Uptown Studio, Uptown ProFiles and The H List. Lexus, Marriott and Ciroc will also produce branded content.

Disputes between YouTube channel partners and multi-channel networks now can be mediated by YouTube itself. Creators wanting to disband from a MCN will soon be able to click a link to notify the site to initiate the move. YT will also require MCNs to provide information on the value and benefits of keeping a partnership intact for both YouTube and a creator.

Millennial TV network Pivot has selected Comcast Wholesale to distribute its linear and on-demand content. Pivot’s original offerings include Raising McCain and Please Like Me.


Hulu released the first trailer for its original comedy series The Wrong Mans, yesterday. The latest addition is the second partnership with BBC WorldWide Americas, and stars James Gorden and Matthew Baynton. The show premieres Nov. 11 and the trailer can be watched on Hulu.

VEVO’s site overhaul went live today, unveiling a cleaner look and simplified navigation for the site’s desktop and mobile platforms. The biggest change is to the VEVO TV live music feed, which features three channels categories of pop, R&B/rap and country. TechCrunch reports the move is meant to set the foundation for an even bigger redesign that will include content discovery and personalization.

ABC News will cover the 50th anniversary of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy with a hybrid digital-television event starting Nov. 17. ABC News Digital will live stream a ceremony from Dallas, Texas on Nov. 22. Also available throughout the week will be LIVE: Blogging a Nation’s Tragedy, which will incorporate social media, video and photos.

Revision3 games YouTube channel Rev3Games will live stream a day-long gaming marathon to raise money for children’s hospitals on Nov. 2. The charity gaming event, called Extra Life will feature the company’s personalities playing games like Assassin’s Creed 4 or Battlefield 4.

YouTube isn’t giving discount deals for TV network content anymore, reports AdAge  nets will get the same ad split as online video producers (with the video-sharing web site collecting 45 percent). A bright spot for the nets: in YouTube’s new model, the company will set a threshold, so content partners can get a bigger share if they collect a higher price for ads. 


TiVo Research and Analytics and digital measurement firm comScore announced a deal with Procter & Gamble for single source research to track the effectiveness of P&G’s cross media campaign. The agreement covers the company’s U.S. media spend for TV and digital, matching media exposure with purchase behavior – designed to give the consumer good giant a better handle on how well, and where, its marketing efforts are working.

Nielsen and CBS announced a trial measuring cross-media campaigns on local radio and television. “In today’s multi-platform advertising environment, it is not enough to set full campaign reach and frequency targets,” said David Poltrack, Chief Research Officer, CBS Corp. “The advertiser must distribute the exposure to their message over time – and in a manner that assures that each potential purchaser is exposed to that message in a consistent manner.”

In 2 short weeks, we’ll announce the finalists for the inaugural Cynopsis Digital Model D Awards at the Grand Hyatt in New York City! Check out the impressive list of finalists and register your team today for the November 12th event:


Cynopsis Digital Measurement Summit
| Register Now

Speakers Include:
Larry Lieberman, CMO, ooVoo
Nick Pahade, CEO, Poptent
Kevin Arrix, Chief Revenue Officer, Viggle
Michael Hussey, CEO, PeekAnalytics

Sponsorship: Mike Farina (203) 218-6480|Registration: Pete Romas (203) 899-8483
Sponsors: OneScreen (Silver) Mass Revelence (Social Media Partner) IAB (Industry Partner)


Bloomingdales has launched an Instagram campaign called #BloomieSelfie that asks fans to submit photos of themselves capturing their own styling tips. The campaign hopes to boost Bloomingdales’ social media pages and get a sharper idea of what consumers want out of its products.

Call for Submissions: Cynopsis is producing its annual Holiday Programming Guide, which comes out on November 26 and will be sent to all Cynopsis and Cynopsis Kids subscribers. If your network has holiday-themed programming airing from November 27 through December 31, please send your listings to Lynn Leahey at [email protected] no later than Monday November 18. Please include the following information: type of program (i.e. series, special, documentary, movie or holiday-themed episode), title, dates and times of all airings (please indicate when the show first premieres and when subsequent encores will air). A confirmation email will be sent following each submission from Lynn (if you don’t receive a confirmation email, please resubmit).


MTV launched the music app, MTV Artists, for the iPhone yesterday. The app aims to help fans discover new music and artists, connect fans with those artists and act as a hub for daily music content. The app is a mobile extension to


24/7 Media announced the new Vice President of Media Development Max Jaffe. He previously was the company’s Director of Real Time Trading and Optimization since 2009.

Join me and a long list of experts at our November 13 Cynopsis Digital Measurement Summit! This all-day conference will bring together expert speakers on topics including measurement, TV everywhere, data, the second screen, YouTube, and much more! Register your team today:


Cynopsis: Digital Model D Awards
Grand Hyatt, NY | Nov. 12, 2013 | Register Now

Among the nominees are…
ABC, Accelerated Media, Alloy Digital, AOL, Break Media, Bunim-Murray, CBS Interactive, Comedy Central, Content&Co., Daily Candy, E!, Epix, FOX, FreeWheel, HBO, Martha Stewart Omnimedia, NASCAR, NBC Universal, OMD, Saban Brands, Sony, Turner Broadcasting Systems, Univision, VEVO, Walt Disney Company, WIGS & many more…

Sponsorship: Mike Farina (203) 218-6480 | Registration: Pete Romas (203) 899-8483


Virgin America is bringing some sass to its newest flight safety video, #VXSafetydance. Taking a hint from the success of shows like Glee, the video that will play before every flight’s takeoff uses dance moves and music to instruct passengers in safety practices. The video has already garnered more than two million views on YouTube since it was released earlier this week. Who knew someone would actually want to watch those videos for fun? Check it out at


Cynopsis Kids Webinar
Developing & Distributing Kids Content in the Digital Age
November 12 ~ 1:30-3:00pm ET

At this Webinar, we’ll address the reality that some of today’s most innovative kids programs aren’t playing on traditional television screens. With lower production costs and speedier development time, digital platforms have become a creative cauldron bubbling with long- and short-form content. You’ll hear how you can get in the game.


See you tomorrow,
Jessica Reese

Roberta Caploe: Editorial Director
Diane K Schwartz: Senior Vice President, Media Communications Group

Cynopsis Ad Sales: Mike Farina | VP Sales & Marketing | 203-218-6480
Classifieds Sales: Trish Pihonak | Director of Operations & Content | 888-702-3858

Cynopsis Media: a division of Access Intelligence, LLC * 10 Norden Place * Norwalk, CT * 06855 * USA

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Cynopsis Webinar
Leveraging Social Media to Drive Tune-In and Ratings
Thursday * November 21 * 1:30-3:00 p.m. ET

Moderator: Lynn Leahey, Editor  Cynopsis Media
Sumeet Kanwar, Managing Director, Midwest & Strategy  OMD
Deirdre Bannon,
VP, Product Nielsen SocialGuide
Jake Katz, VP, Audience Insights & Strategy REVOLT
Dana Ortiz, VP, Brand Marketing Syfy
Register Here.

Cynopsis CLASSIFIEDSFor More classifieds, visit the classifieds page here.

JOB OPENING: ACCT MANAGER/INVISION/NYC: Become part of INVISION’s NYC team responsible for building our clients business thru leading edge technology and professional client relationships. Exp in Media & DealMaker a plus! APPLY HERE (11/7)

JOB OPENING: DIG. INVENTORY & PRICING SR ANALYST/THE WEATHER CHANNEL/NY: Resp for supporting Sales. Mng pricing/inventory continuously helping maximize dig advrtsng rev. 3+ yrs dig media exp yield mngmnt, ad ops, &/or data analytics Res. HERE [email protected] (11/7)

JOB OPENING: FINANCIAL ANALYST AD SALES/THE WEATHER CHANNEL/NY: Report to Sr. Dir Ad Sales Finance. Support Ad Sales orgnztn. 5+yrs relevant financial modeling analysis. Dvlp full financial assessment of sales activities. Res here: [email protected] (11/7)

JOB OPENING: SR WRITER/PRODUCER/HGTV & DIY/Knoxville: crafts & directs on-air promotions including on/off-channel, episodic & convergent campaigns. Key point of contact for creative requests. 7 yrs exp. Click HERE to apply (11/6)

JOB OPENING: ACCT SERVICE REP/Hallmark Channel/NY: Sales development. 3+ yrs Ad Sales exp. Prior planner or buyer exp. Apply: (11/6)

JOB OPENING: SR RSRCH ANLYST/MGM TV/LA: Use quant & qual rsrch tools to track & anlyze compet TV lndscpe. Create nat’l, local and cable present. Rsrch sftwre + 1 yr exp w/nat’l & local NR anlysis. Apply/more info: HERE (11/6) 

JOB OPENING: MGR CSR & SUSTAINABILITY/NBCU/NYC: NBCU seeks key staffer for the devlpmnt of strategy and sustainability projects. Strong pm skills and high energy. BA + 5+ yrs exp. Digital a must! Apply HERE (11/6) 

JOB OPENING: UNIT MGR/MTV/NYC: Create/mng smaller scale budgets, schedules/show calendars and daily prod reports. Support Prod Mgr & Line Prod by managing specific areas BA & 4-5 yrs exp within Prod Mngmnt. More info & apply HERE (11/6) 

JOB OPENING: FULFILLMENT SPECIALIST/A+E Networks/NY: Account mgmt. & customer service. Non-staff position. Full Info/Apply: (11/6)

JOB OPENING: ACCOUNT DIRECTOR/WB/NYC: 5+ yrs dig media sales. Drives web & mobile sales. Develop relationships w/clients, deliver mrkting solutions & client service. Apply HERE (11/6)

JOB OPENING: EXEC DIR, BRAND MKTG, HOME ENTERTAINMENT/LA: Lead all activity related to optimizing performance for a portfolio of live action new release titles. Apply: (FFE0002012) (11/5)

JOB OPENING: TRAFFIC COORDINATOR/NY: Create/manage logs and allocate inv. Schedule promos, ads & coord. w/Ad Agencies. Traffic software exp. & excel skills req. Res/cvr to Rose: HERE [email protected] (11/5)

JOB OPENING: SR. ANALYST MARKET RESOURCES/DISCOVERY/NY: Sharp mind to track advertiser/category spending and utilize rsrch to gather market intelligence. Turn findings into thoughtful reports/presentations. 3+ yrs media rsrch. Apply. (11/4)

JOB OPENING: SUPERVISING PROD/CONDE NAST/NY: produce & manage innovative content for CNE Digital Channels.Execute on the vision set by the dev lead & EVP on new programs, genres & ways of engaging audiences cross platform. Apply here (11/1)

JOB OPENING: DEVELOPMENT PROD/VULCAN/SEA: Devlp new non-fctn contnt. 5 yrs exp in prgrming at cable ntwrk. Prcjt mgmt., dev exp, undrstnding of TV/production technq. Apply: (11/1)

JOB OPENING: STRATEGY & INSIGHTS MGR/Univision/NYC: Find insights, build compelling presentations for adv/internal clients. Knwldge of Simmons/Scarborough type tools. Min 2 yrs mktg at client/agency or media co. Res: [email protected] (11/1)

EXPERT SERVICES ADS: These ads are for companies or people who offer an expertise in the field of media by way of production, voice over artistry, writing, set development, etc. For information on rates and specs for posting an Expertise Service ad email Trish at [email protected]

INTERNSHIPS – These positions are for credit only – nobody gets paid here. These ads are always posted for free, and students work for school credit only. For more information on the specs for posting an Internship ad, email Trish at [email protected].

SITUATION WANTED ADS, POSTED BY THOSE LOOKING TO BE HIRED… There is no charge for placing your Situation Wanted ad… for more information contact Trish Pihonak at [email protected].

SITUATION WANTED: DIGITAL MEDIA: Senior Account Management professional looking to break into the digital media industry. All opportunities welcome. Contact, [email protected] (11/4)

SITUATION WANTED: PRODUCTION ASSISTANT/ASSISTANT: I am recent graduate with a BA in communications. Hardworking and a quick learner. Please contact me, [email protected] (10/31)

Are you looking for a job? Post your Situation Wanted Ad here — Email [email protected] for specs.

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