Friday, June 10th, 2011


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Cynopsis: DIGITAL

Good morning, it’s Friday, June 10, 2011, and this is your first early morning digital briefing.  If you would like to read this or any other Cynopsis edition online, click here

It’s not every day that Steve Jobs willingly relinquishes even a modicum of control. Apple has quietly reversed course on its In-App subscription policy three weeks before the June 30 deadline for adhering to the new rules first introduced in February. In a change first noticed by the Mac Rumors blog, Apple amended a rule that required apps that sell (magazine, newspaper, book, audio, music or video) subscriptions or a la carte content within their apps to offer them at the same price or less than they are offered outside the app. Apps can also now offer access to content purchased outside of Apple’s paywalls, as long as the app doesn’t feature a purchase link (like Amazon’s Kindle app) that connects consumers directly to an external store. Business newspaper the Financial Times was one of the first big publishers to push back at the guidelines earlier this week in order to retain more control over pricing while several large scale publishers are reportedly looking to make a major move to Android to avoid Apple’s draconian policies. (No doubt publishers will continue to look for ways to avoid sharing 30% of their revenue with Apple.)


Role Playing fantasy series Final Fantasy from Square Enix announced a major milestone this week. The game, about to release its 12th sequel, “Final Fantasy XII-2” has sold over 100 million units worldwide since its launch in 1987.
Meanwhile the Wall Street Journal Network is continuing to expand its digital reach. In addition to its 1-million+ paid subscribers to the WSJ online, the company has signed up over 200k subscribers via mobile apps, tablets and eReaders, according to a Beet TV interview with GM Alisa Bowen.


The International Academy of Web Television (IAWTV) announced the details of its inaugural IAWTV Awards, to be held at next year’s CES at The Venetian on Jan. 12, 2012 in Las Vegas. The awards, organized by former AOL and Babelgum exec Amber J. Lawson and Digitas VP, Group Director of Brand Content Paul Kontonis, will consist of 33 categories honoring web series and talent, both in front of the camera and behind the scenes. Submissions for the IAWTV Awards will be open to individual producers, production teams and companies.


Marketers at Digitas‘ 4th annual NewFront conference, streamed live via Ustream and organized to help line up sponsors for online shows the agency is involved in, mulled over the difficulty of managing their brands online now that consumers are empowered to tell their own stories using social media tools and platforms. (For instance, Delta found itself in an unwelcome spotlight after a YouTube video posted by some disgruntled American soldiers who had to pay $200 a piece to check extra bags and a Facebook page boycotting the airline popped up this week.) Beth Comstock, CMO of GE, noted that social media is helping to reinvent customer service and to resolve issues in a venue that can help other customers. (The soldiers’ video, by the way, led to a quick response from Delta, which apologized and upped its limit for bags checked by soldiers.)
Contextual ad specialist Vibrant introduced a new tool called a “Social Bar” which delivers contextually relevant social media content to users and offers greater interaction for brands beyond a “like” button. The branded bar displays the brand logo, social buttons and real-time social feeds from such outlets as Facebook, Twitter and YouTube while offering the option to like, follow or subscribe to the brand’s social feeds.
Grab Networks has struck a partnership with video ad solutions provider AdoTube to deploy AdoTube’s technology platform and formats such as its “Polite Pre-roll,” which enables viewers to close out video ads before they’re finished.


An investment group “possibly” including Activision Chairman and CEO Bobby Kotick is close to striking a deal with News Corp. to acquire a majority share in social networking site MySpace, reports AllThingsD. Major label music video site VEVO, once a front runner in MySpace acquisition talks, has reportedly dropped out due to conflicts with its music label ownership. News Corp. would retain a 20% share in the site if the deal goes through.  
Google’s YouTube is in talks with major telcos including France Telecom SA and Telefonica SA to get together on better optimizing the ever-increasing flow of data across their networks, per Bloomberg. Network operators have long complained that major content distributors such as YouTube and Apple are overloading their systems without contributing a dime to their upkeep.
If it’s a nice day in New York you can now take your laptop and move your workstation to the park. AT&T and Mayor Bloomberg unveiled a 5-year plan to provide free Wi-Fi service at 26 locations in 20 New York City parks across the five boroughs. Networks are already up and running in Battery Bosque in Battery Park, the north-end playground in Joyce Kilmer Park in the Bronx and around the recreation center at Thomas Jefferson Park in East Harlem with 23 locations to be added throughout the summer.
Hearst Corp. opened the doors on a new state-of-the-art media lab and interactive learning center on Thursday dubbed “The App Lab at Hearst Tower” in New York City. The lab/think tank will conduct research, host roundtables and showcase Hearst’s digital content across all tablet and smartphone device platforms. The publisher has launched nearly 100 apps to date.


Total online display ad spending, including online video, banner ads, rich media and sponsorships, is closing in on search revenues, expected to jump 24.5% this year to reach $12.3 billion, according to a new forecast from eMarketer. In comparison, advertisers are expected to spend $14.4 billion on search ads, a jump of nearly 20%.
Advice attained from experts is more valuable than input from friends online, according to a new Meebo study presented yesterday during New York’s Internet Week. Fifty-three percent of people say said they want to get advice from someone who is knowledgeable about a topic but whom they don’t know, while that number drops to less than half that amount in a number of areas when asked if they would query people they already know. Almost half (48%) of the nearly 1,500 users surveyed want to meet others with whom they share a common interest.


Motorola Mobility
unveiled The Photon, its first 4G smartphone designed for the Sprint network yesterday. The Android-based phone, debuting this summer, will feature a 4.3″ screen, a 1 GHz processor, 8 megapixel dual cameras and an optional accessory dock that will give users the ability to view and edit Microsoft Office documents via cloud-based web apps.
Dining deal search engine BiteHunter launched a free iPhone app that aggregates local restaurant deals from multiple sources including Groupon, Living Social and restaurant tweets and displays them in a GPS-powered map. You can search by specific restaurant, cuisine, neighborhood or type of deal.
CBS’s site is launching a new online player from that will offer users the ability to create their own online stations, populated by the nearly 12 million tracks and 4.5 million artists in’s library.


Richard Green, Chief Technology Officer of Finnish handset maker Nokia and the architect of the company’s now abandoned MeeGo OS, is taking a leave of absence for an unspecified amount of time to attend a “personal matter.” He will be replaced by Henry Tirri, head of the Nokia Research Center.
Carrie Frolich
, former head of digital for MEC, has joined Apple to head its iAd Agency Relations division, reporting to iAd chief Andy Miller, according to AdAge.
Cambridge, MA-based online marketing specialist ChoiceStream appointed former ComScore CPO Eric Bosco as COO, along with a quartet of additional new hires. Aidan Cardella joins as VP/Research and Development; William Guild comes aboard as Director, Product Management; Peter Keane joins as Sales Executive; and Clarizio CEO Lynda Clarizio has agreed to join the company’s Advisory Board.


Join in on the funny business…

Cynopsis Media presents:

Primetime Emmy® Awards Special Editions

Before the Ballots: Comedy
Publishing Monday, June 13

To promote your Comedy Program, contact Mike Farina | 203.218.6480

~ WEBSITE OF THE DAY ~ (an amalgamation of “Grow” and “Vocation”) is an online university of sorts launched last October and built to help educate folks on how to get the most out of today’s popular web applications in the realms of social media, cloud computing and online marketing. Free to use for the first 7 days (registration required and some of the content is available even after the trial is up,) the site features more than 600 video tutorials on everything from how to master the Kafkaesque Facebook privacy settings to how to use Google’s enterprise spam blocker – one of 8 Google Apps video courses. The videos are straightforward and concise – they don’t waste your time with unnecessary lingo or details. The Grovo widget allows you to embed up to 10 Grovo tutorials on your personal or company site if you want to share the knowledge. Determined to maintain its educational integrity, the site’s videos are devoid of ads. And to promote usage, the site awards users with certifications to show off on your LinkedIn profile once you’ve completed a course of videos. After your trial is up, a subscription to site costs $9 per month, or $99 annually.

Later – Wayne
 Wayne Karrfalt for Cynopsis Digital

Cynopsis Ad Sales:
Mike Farina – VP/Business Development & Sales – 203-218-6480 / [email protected]
Classifieds – Trish Pihonak- 203-381-9096 / [email protected]

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JOB OPENING: VP AD SALES FIN OPS/AMC/NY: Oversee budgets/forecasts/plnning for Ad Sales depts. of AMC/IFC/WE.Needs 10+ yrs industry/financial analysis exp, TM1. MBA a +. Resume to [email protected] (6/17)

JOB OPENING: NETWORK MEDIA NEGOTIATOR/DALLAS, TX: 5+ yrs. exp. network/cable, scatter/upfront, strong rep relationships, collaborative, innovative thinker, cross-platform/emerging tech/digital a plus. [email protected] (6/17)

JOB OPENING: DIG. DND MGR/ HBO/NY: 5 yrs ent and/or digital media exp. MBA pref’d. Strategic thinker. Exceptional interpersonal, orgnzt’l, presentation/comm skills. Resumes: (6/17)

JOB OPENING: DIGITAL SALES PLANNER/CHICAGO/NBC Universal : Must be able to work directly w/clients, sales account execs & ad operations. Visit (#1905BR) (6/16)

JOB OPENING: DIRECTOR, CREATIVE DEVELOPMENT RESEARCH/MTV/NYC: 5-7 yrs hands on exp. in TV research; Pilot testing and pilot-optimization exp.(including scripted) a must; B.A req. EOE/M/F/D/AAP apply (6/16) 

JOB OPENING: DIGITAL AE/A & E NETWORKS/NY:  Sell A&E Networks suite of digital ad opportunities within assigned territory to agencies & clients (6/16)

JOB OPENING: ACCT EXECUTIVE/TV AE w/ 2+ yrs digital ad sales exp a must. Consumer exp preferred. Competitive salary commensurate w/ exp & excellent benefits prgm. [email protected] (6/16)

JOB OPENING: SALES ASST/CT:  BA/BS deg, 1-2 yrs support exp; strong writ/comm skills, efficiency, multi-tasking, attention to detail, exp w/ sales presentations, MS Off, travel arrngmnts & scheduling all a must.  [email protected]  (6/15)

JOB OPENING: DIR, DIGITAL RSRCH/AETN/NY:Direct Dig Rsch initiatives for AETN Strategic Insights. Expert online quant rsch; knwlg of comScore, Nielsen Online, Omniture prefd. 8+ yrs exp, pref Ad Sales.  (6/15)

JOB OPENING: SR RESEARCH MGR/Ipsos OTX/NYC: Manage projects for media focused studies. Survey dev’t, sample design, & report preparation. 4-6 yrs supplier/client-side experience in market research. Apply: [email protected] (6/14)

JOB OPENING: MEDIA ASSIST/Beacon Media Grp/Mahwah NJ: Leading kid media buyg/plng agcy looking for media plng assist, inputer, & day-to-day maint of kid buys. Excel a must. Great bnfits. Send resumes to: [email protected] (6/14)

JOB OPENING: RSRCH MGR/NJ: NJ media agcy looking for exp’d Rsrch Mgr with strong Television bkgrd. Proficient in Nielsen, Kantar, IMS, Simmons & Excel. Strong communication skills a must. Contact: [email protected] (6/14)

JOB OPENING: ASST. TRAFFIC MGR/Vme TV/NYC: Mng prgrmng sched, commercial inventory & traffic instructions; coord/create/edit & reconcile logs; monthly billing; 2+ yrs exp; knowledge of ProTrack a big + Res:   [email protected] (6/14)

JOB OPENING: DIRECTOR, ADVERTISING & STRATEGY/Food Network/NY: Est comm strategy & positioning for netwk priorities. 8-10yrs exp agency and/or ent media exp pref’d. Exp Mng multi-million $ budgets. #2345. (6/14)

JOB OPENING: BRAND COMMUNICATIONS MANAGER/Global Multimedia Co./NYC: Manage PR strategy, agencies. Proactive outreach to target trade and consumer media. Extensive media contacts, strong writer. 5+yrs exp. [email protected] (6/11)

INTERNSHIPS – These positions are for credit only – nobody gets paid here. These ads are always posted for free , and students work for school credit only. For more information on the specs for posting an Internship ad, email Trish at [email protected].

SUMMER INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: Digital Media Intern/ Digital Media Management: Good understanding of digital and social space. Assisting Digital Managers working across sites and pages for high profile individuals. Strong attention to detail. [email protected] (6/17)
SUMMER INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: Spanish-Language Television Network/NYC Sales Department, learn marketing and all ad sales functions. Marketing/Advertising Major ([email protected])  (6/15)

SUMMER INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: Media firm/Beijing: 20 hrs wkly. Unique/exciting media internship overseas. Fluent Chinese reqd. Fluent English reqd. Apply: [email protected] (put “Beijing” in subject).  (6/15)

SUMMER INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: Entertainment firm/NYC: 15-25 hrs wkly. Fluent read/write Chinese reqd. Fluent read/write English reqd. Apply: [email protected] (put “Internship” in subject).  (6/15)

SITUATION WANTED ADS, POSTED BY THOSE LOOKING TO BE HIRED …  There is no charge for placing your Situation Wanted ad … for more information contact Trish Pihonak at [email protected]

SITUATION WANTED: SALES MANAGEMENT LEADER: Available to grow revenue, build winning teams, improve sales performance. 15+ yrs of Local/Nat’l stn & rep exp. Details: Contact: [email protected] (6/17)

SITUATION WANTED: I’ve written a 1-hour dramedy entitled, Tree House, which is loosely based on my life story. It’s a contemporary, edgy, multiplatform show. I’m looking for studio executive assistance. [email protected] (6/17)

SITUATION WANTED:SENIOR. WRITER/EDITOR16 yrs Brdcst exec can develop your pitch + script. Credits inc. DeGrassi, DaVinci, Dragon Boys. Exp w/ convergence models 8500+ scripts! [email protected] (6/17)

SITUATION WANTED:Hardworking, dedicated NY based Producer/Editor seeking a production related position in TV or film, 14 years of experience in field & studio production. . Contact: Craig at [email protected] (6/17)

SITUATION WANTED: Dedicated & Experienced ADV. SALES PLANNER/NYC: Sales proposals, resolving client discrepancies, quarterly post analysis, special sales service projects, expert computer skills. Contact- [email protected] (6/17)

SITUATION WANTED: I recently relocated to LA and looking for FT work in ANY Media/Communications/TV Production/Asst related fields. 5+ yrs experience in my field. Very loyal and dedicated! Please contact: [email protected] (6/16)

SITUATION WANTED: AP/ WRITER with producing, writing, casting, researching experience.  Organized team-player for reality and scripted formats. Self-starter and out-of-the-box thinker ready for next challenge. [email protected] (6/16)

SITUATION WANTED:  CREATIVE PROJECT MGR/DESIGNER in LA looking for freelance/consulting work. I have an outstanding track record working with brands & successfully dvlpng them in the mobile & online space. Contact: [email protected] (6/16)

SITUATION WANTED:  I’ve written a 1-hour dramedy entitled, Tree House, which is loosely based on my life story. It’s, “It’s a contemporary, edgy, multiplatform show “. I’m looking for studio executive assistance. [email protected]  (6/15)

SITUATION WANTED:  SENIOR COPY DIRECTOR/EDITOR – clever, award-winning writer/editor seeks staff position. Strong entertainment background. Experienced in print, radio, on-air and interactive. Email [email protected]  (6/15)

SITUATION WANTED: RIGHTS CLEARANCE PROFESSIONAL/NY: 20+yrs exp. researcher & contract negotiator Intellectual Property commercial licensing: Music/Clips/Photos/People/etc.Copyright/TM/PD research specialist [email protected] (6/14)

E-mail [email protected] or call Trish Pihonak at 203.381.9096 for rates and specs for Job Openings.

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