Friday, July 19th, 2013

Cynopsis: DIGITAL

Good morning. It’s Friday, July 19, 2013, and this is your first early morning digital briefing.

Goooooool! Join us on Aug. 14 when we present Telemundo staple Andres Cantor with the Lifetime Achievement Award at the Cynopsis Sports Business Summit. Cantor, of course, is an internationally known star behind the microphone, calling countless soccer matches all over the world and his goal calls have become iconic for both Telemundo and sports culture in the United States. Telemundo Executive Vice President of Sports Jorge Hidalgo will present the honor. Tickets are on sale now at


Netflix made history Thursday when its House of Cards and Arrested Development became the first digital-only television shows to be nominated for Emmy Awards. Cards finished the day with nine nominations, including one for Outstanding Drama, and Development pulled in three, including one for Outstanding Lead Actor in a Comedy Series for Jason Bateman. It may have been a banner day for Netflix, but research firm GfK also released info showing that Cards doesn’t draw as strongly as old episodes of Mad Men and Breaking Bad. Netflix doesn’t release viewership numbers, but GfK studied the viewing habits of about 500 users of major online video services and discovered that Cards, in which Netflix has invested about $100 million to create two seasons of original programming, accounted for less than 1% of TV shows viewed by regular Netflix users during the week in April that was studied, while Breaking Bad and Mad Men each pulled in 3% of total viewership. Fox’s Family Guy got 2%. Star Trek-branded shows collected 4% of the shows viewed on Netflix during that short time frame. Other findings of the study:

  • 21% of Netflix viewers reported watching less programming on cable channels and 58% reported lower viewership of video on-demand services from pay-TV operators
  • For Hulu viewers, 72% report lower viewership of video-on-demand services from pay-TV operators.
  • More than half of the respondents view streaming video through their TV instead of on other devices.
  • Streaming video viewing on tablets took place just 8% of the time, even though tablets can be found in a third of U.S. households.

YouTube launched subscription channels about two months ago, but it hasn’t meant any kind of big influx of revenue for those involved. There are about 50 sub channels on the site, none of which are allowed contractually to share subscriber data. But the National Geographic Society‘s Adam Sutherland, senior VP of global strategy and business development, said that his company was a little disappointed: “We had hoped to set the world on fire,” he told Variety. “We are not setting the world on fire right now.” Others, such as Mark Cuban the owner of AXS TV, also told Variety things were just OK. Sesame Workshop, however, told Variety it is “pleased at this point” about the performance of its $3.99/month channel.
In Other Words: YouTubers are still used to getting their content for free and it’s going to take a while before companies can really expect any real revenue from a paid-subscription model.



Cynopsis: Sports Business Summit
Engage Fans. Integrate Brands. Make Money.
August 14: Grand Hyatt NY

Thought-provoking Sessions | Robust Panel of Speakers | Legendary Lifetime Achievement Award Recipient | Superb Networking Opportunity



In case you haven’t noticed, there’s a massive heat wave going on all over the US, so a new campaign from Uber, featuring ice cream on demand, couldn’t have been better timed. For the second year in a row, the San Francisco startup’s app allows users to order up an ice cream truck on demand for one day only – today. In 35 cities across the globe, including New York, Philadelphia, London, Singapore, and Rome, you can cool off in style. Your chances of the truck showing up, apparently, increase with the more cones you order. Six ice creams cost between $20 and $35, depending on the city. Get your friends together and let the frozen fun begin…

Gaming site IGN wanted to know what exactly people are interested in using their second screens for: Is it asynchronous multiplayer games? Maps? Inventory, asymmetrical multiplayer, controller functionality? After 30,000 IGN readers shared their views, the winners are maps and inventory. Asynchronous multiplayer was the big loser.
In Other Words: Game players using second screens would prefer that it be used as a reference for more passive tasks than active ones.

How to Use? Er… not really. says that more than 100 fake apps have somehow gotten into Microsoft’s Windows Store, and they all seem to have the same last three words: “how to use.” For example, there’s an app called Cut the Rope Game for Windows 8: How to use. The last three words aren’t visible on the app-store screen so it appears to simply be the Cut the Rope Game. Numerous other falsies were found with How to Use at the tail end of the title. Microsoft tells that it routinely checks the apps in its store and removes those it finds lacking.

Mobile game players who are into building worlds on their devices now have a new app to keep them entertained. Tunnel Town for iOS, which lets players create underground worlds for rabbits, has launched. Clark Stacey, the CEO of the game’s developer, Smart Bomb Interactive, calls it a combo of Minecraft and The Secret of NIMH. This is Smart Bomb’s first game for mobile phones and tablets, and an Android version is coming soon. The developer has had great success online with the game Animal Jam, which has more than 12 million registered users.

The cult-hit TV series Firefly has snagged its own video game, which will be launched next summer. Fox Digital Entertainment says the game will be a social experience in which players create their own captain, find a crew to work with, customize their boat, and then go on adventures together. Just make sure you’re manly and impulsive!


Folks who’ve always wanted to be in a steampunk fantasy web series, now have their chance. Steampunk, for those not in the know, is a form of science fiction that is set in a time that involves steam-powered machinery, such as Victorian England or a post-apocalyptic era that has caused society to return to steam power. If this kind of thing gets you steamed up, you’ll probably love the new web series Aurelia: Edge of Darkness. Launched by, the series invites its audience to create characters and help tell the story in video, images, and text. Over twelve weeks, fans are urged to continue posting ideas and characters in order to help create the city of Aurelia, which is dealing with an energy crisis. Each week, viewers will receive new calls to action that invite them to react to plot twists and tell the story from their character’s point of view.


The Wall Street Journal is moving Sara Murray from her job as Congressional Reporter in D.C. to her new role as a multimedia producer and fulltime anchor/reporter. Murray, who starts her new gig in September, will continue writing for the Journal as well about women in the workforce as well as Washington’s influence on business life… Lynn Kestin has been promoted to Director, Content Development,of Random House Children’s Books, reporting to John Adamo. Kestin’s team will focus on the creation of digital assets and will manage production of websites, trailers, and videos, and e-newsletter outreach. Newly reporting to her are Mike Herrod, Producer, and Julie Leung, Marketing Assistant.


Cynopsis: Sports Business Summit

A sampling of the powerful line-up of speakers:
Juan Carlos Rodriguez, President, Univision Deportes [Univision Comm.]
John Kosner, EVP and GM, Digital & Print Media [ESPN]
Gabe Lozano, Co-founder & CEO [LockerDome]
Eric Weinberger, Executive Producer [NFL Network]

View the complete list of speakers & register:


The Amazing Spider-Man 2 won’t hit U.S. screens before May of next year, but a new teaser trailer released Thursday and featuring Jamie Foxx as the archvillain Electro has got superhero lovers’ hearts all a-flutter. The subject of the film will surely come up at a Spider-Man panel at the Comic-Con International set for today. And fans of the genre will surely be quoting Electro for the next few months: “I feel it in my veins. No matter what you do, doc, you can’t contain it.”

See you tomorrow,
Mark Miller 

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JOB OPENING: MANAGER, CONSUMER MARKETING/National Geographic Channel/ Washington D.C.: Develop ads & media strategies. Manage off-air campaign schedules. 5 yrs exp min. Entertainment/agency exp a must. Apply: (7/26)

JOB OPENING: GRAPHIC DESIGNER/NBC UNIVERSAL/MID WEST: Design/animate show & live event graphics (opens, lower thirds, transitions, bumps, boxes, billboards, snipes, etc.) Fulfill daily news/live event requests for graphics APPLY HERE: (7/26)

JOB OPENING: NEWS & EDITORIAL PRODUCER/NBC Universal/NYC: Description: As the News & Editorial Producer for Weekend TODAY you will be responsible for writing opens and teases. You will also produce live segments and write segment intros. Apply HERE (7/26)

JOB OPENING: RSRCH ANALYST AD SALES/NBC Universal/NYC: Description: 1-3 yrs media rsrch exp, support Sports & Olympics sales rsrch, proficient w/rsrch software, able to visually comm insights, provide mktplce insights. Apply HERE (7/26)

JOB OPENING: SENIOR ANALYST, AD SALES RSCH/FX/NYC: 2+ yrs exp online or other new media research. Knwldg of Nielsen & ComScore reqd. Strg knwldge of Adobe/Omniture anlytics pref (7/26)

JOB OPENING: SENIOR ANALYST, DIGITAL AD SALES RSCH/FX/NYC: 2+ yrs exp online or other new media research. Knwldg of Nielsen & ComScore reqd. Strg knwldge of Adobe/Omniture anlytics pref (7/26)

JOB OPENING: MANAGER, AD SALES RSCH/FX/NYC: 3+ yrs cable research, exp. w/Nielsen products & MRI, Star Media. Strong analytical, writing & verbal skills (7/26)

JOB OPENING: NAT’L SALES COORD/NBC UNIVERSAL/WEST COAST: Assist VP of Sales and Syndication, Maint nati’l sales orders, revisions, pre-emptions/make goods, post-logs, and discrepancies for the dept. Apply HERE (7/26)

JOB OPENING: MGR, PRGRMNG & ORIG DVLPMENT/FOX INT’L CHANNELS/LA: Identify writers/ prod’s for TV dvlpmnt & TV formats/books/other source material. 5 yrs relevant work exp w/Min 2yrs exp dvlpmnt &/or current prgrmng @ studio. Apply HERE (7/25)

JOB OPENING: DIRECTOR OF TALENT/VIACOM/NYC: Coord talent booking, strategy, plan’g logistics, & oversight at quarterly tentpole events and throughout the year for specific ntwks needs. 5-7 yrs related job exp. Full info/apply: HERE (7/25)

JOB OPENING: SALES PLANNER/Fox Broadcasting Co/Chicago: 2+ years digital media buying exp req, strong Excel skills req, knowledge of Comscore & media sales systems (7/25)

JOB OPENING: RESEARCH DIRECTOR/Nashville or KC: You choose. Support GM/Sales/News for multiple stations. Requires strong working kwldg of Nielsen. Ability to estimate/make projections & 1 sheets. Apply online at EOE (7/25)

JOB OPENING: EDITOR/Cynopsis/NY: Write daily Digital e-pub covering news for dig. TV ind; write special reports & help produce webinars and award shows. Excellent news reporting& writing & exp in digital industry a must. Resume HERE (7/24)

JOB OPENING: SR DIR RSCH & INSIGHTS, YOUTH & MUSIC/VIACOM INT’L/NY: Overseeing Youth & Music brand rsrch & insights  BA degree. Min 5+yrs media rsrch exp, pref analytical exp TV- ratings & dig data. Full info/apply: HERE (7/24)

JOB OPENING: COORD, ADVRTSNG, DIG & EMERGING MEDIA STANDARDS & PRACTICES/VIACOM/NYC: Daily review of scripted/filmed advertising material to ensure compliance with laws, regulations & ntwk policies. Min 2yrs exp TV/ent. Info/apply: HERE (7/24)

JOB OPENING: COUNSEL/Viacom/NYC: Negotiate/draft/review for execution by mngmnt, intellectual property license agreements for the consumer products bus. Min 3yrs legal practice and a current license. Full info/apply HERE (7/24)

JOB OPENING: LEGAL COORD/A&E Networks/NYC: Provide admin support to 3 attorneys & 1 mgr with focus on Litigation and Trademark matters. 5-6 yrs min legal exp highly orgnz’d & team player. #165878, (7/24)

JOB OPENING: DIGITAL AD SALES RESEARCH ANALYST/NYC: MUST have 1 yr dig rsrch exp. Analyze digtl and crss-pltfrm metrics. Exp. w comScore, Nielsen @Plan, NPower and/or Omniture. Apply: HERE (7/24)

JOB OPENING: INVESTIGATIVE REPORTERS and a DEPUTY EDITOR /The American Independent/DC: Candidates must be based in Washington, DC. Strong investigative and narrative writing skills are a must. Send resume to: [email protected] (7/23)

JOB OPENING: ADVERTISING ACCT MGR/Revolution Media/Woodland Hills CA: must have 6+ years of proven experience in retail advertising and retail marketing environment. To respond to this opportunity, go HERE (7/23)

JOB OPENING: DIGITAL AE/GSN/NY: 2yrs digital sales/gaming; Promote and sell casual/core games across digital properties incl expanding advertiser relationships. Please send res + cl to [email protected] (7/23)

JOB OPENING: INTERACTIVE & ADVANCED TV RESEARCH ANALYST/DISH MEDIA SALES/NYC: Rsch exp. w/TV & digitalmeasurement.Research brands, analyze data, identify trends & findings. Presentation skills needed. Apply: [email protected] (7/23)

JOB OPENING: FRLNC PHOTO COORD/NYC: Long-term to edit/curate/archive photos; support photo needs for all depts; photo asset mgmt. Reqs: 1-2 yrs exp, strong asset mgmt/comm skills, great creative eye. Full descpt (7/23)

JOB OPENING: CONTROL ROOM DIRECTOR/CHI: Key member of digital sports netwrk. Direct prod team w/Prod, EP, Talent daily.Ability to call a show is a must. 5+ yrs exp: Digital, Broadcast, Prod. Resume: (7/23)

JOB OPENING: CONTROL ROOM TECHNICAL DIRECTOR/CHI: Key member of digital sports netwrk. Partnr w/Prod, EP, Talent daily.Control tech prod of programming blocks. 5+ yrs exp: Digital, Broadcast, Prod. Resume: (7/23)

JOB OPENING: LIVE STUDIO GRAPHIC OPERATOR/CHI: Key member of digital sports netwrk.Able to work indep. Kwldg of variety of prod control room & studio op. 4+ yrs exp; Chyron Duet or equiv. Resume: (7/23)

JOB OPENING: FOX MGR STD & PRACTICES/LA: Resp for ensuring that guidelines & procedures are adhered to for programming content & advertising. BA/BS. 3+ years exp in entertainment. Read & write Spanish pref. (7/23)

JOB OPENING: SR ADMIN ASST/AMC/LA: Provide full admin support to Bus Affairs Exec and team. Handle heavy phones, sched, etc. Must be able to multi-task and prioritize. Entertainment or business affairs exp req’d. Submit res (7/20)

JOB OPENING: MGR, RESEARCH/IFC/NY: 3+ yrs cable/brdcst research, exp. w/Nielsen products & MRI, Simmons, Star Media. Strong analytical, writing & verbal skills. CLICK HERE (7/20)

JOB OPENING: DIGITAL SALES PLANNER/AMCN/NY: Create/maintain digital sales proposals, presentations & analyses across all AMCN, exp. w/ DART, 1-2+ yrs. digital sales planning exp. CLICK HERE (7/20)

JOB OPENING: MGR MKTG/THE PROMOTIONAL EDGE/LA: Dvlp/excte strategic B2B & B2C mktg campaigns in ent indstry; strng wrtng/presentation skills; direct digital asset dev’t. 5-8 yrs. mktg exp. w/major brands. Rez. To: HERE (7/20)

JOB OPENING: MGR, PARNTER MKTG/Viacom/NYC: Develop, recommend and implement strategies to secure distribution and drive distributor revenue. 3-5 yrs exp mktng. Apply: (7/20)

JOB OPENING: NAT’L ACCT SALES MGR/WORLDNOW/NYC: Support/function as sales lead through constant internal & external customer comm while multi-tasking. Min 2yrs online media, advrtsng &/or acct mngmnt exp. Cvr letter/res: HERE (7/20)

JOB OPENING: DIRCTR LICENSING/CREATA/CHGO/IL: Ownership of IP, Exec leadership, min of 15 yrs ent licsng, cpg, merch & mktng exp. Min 2 yrs digtl exp essntl. Ability to ID new biz; exp negotiatr. Resume to [email protected] (7/20)

JOB OPENING: MGR., CONSUMER CONNECTIONS/Anheuser-Busch/St Louis: Develop/implement strategic media plans for specific A-B brands such as Bud Light, Bud Light Lime, & Lime-a-Rita! Apply here: (7/20)

JOB OPENING: MANAGER, MEDIA & ON-AIR PROMO SCHEDULING/Sportsman Channel/NY: Strategic On-Air Promo Planning & Scheduling to meet ratings goals; media buying & placement. Analytical & organized. 5+ Years Network exp. Apply: HERE (7/20)

JOB OPENING: ASSOC MGR, DISTRIBUTION & MKTG/Universal Sports Network/Woodland Hills: 3+ yrs marketing exp., affiliate exp. preferred. Strong analytical, writing & verbal skills. For details and to apply: CLICK HERE (7/20)


JOB OPENING: MGR, DIGITAL INTEGRATED MKTG/MTV/NYC: 5 yrs exp mktg major brands. Conceptualize digital and convergent marketing opportunities in response to RFPs and to proactively take to market . Full info/apply HERE (7/20)

JOB OPENING: HBO/MGR, DATA SCIENCES/NYC: Perform statistical and data mining analyses to support HBO digital properties. 5+ yrs of exp performing analytics in media, mkting or digital analytics. Apply: (7/20)

JOB OPENING: HBO/DIR, PROG. STRATEGY & PLANNING/NYC: Programming strategies for HBO and Cinemax Org Prog. 8+ yrs of strategic and tactical exp in prog planning, scheduling or mkting & audience rsrch. Apply: (7/20)

INTERNSHIPS – These positions are for credit only – nobody gets paid here. These ads are always posted for free, and students work for school credit only. For more information on the specs for posting an Internship ad, email Trish at [email protected].

SUMMER INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: PR INTERN/MPRM Communications/LA: Ability to interact in a fast-paced PR office. Exce organz’l skills, oral & written comm skills mandatory. Juggle several tasks at once a must. Email: [email protected] (7/25)

SITUATION WANTED ADS, POSTED BY THOSE LOOKING TO BE HIRED… There is no charge for placing your Situation Wanted ad… for more information contact Trish Pihonak at [email protected].

SITUATION WANTED: REALITY/DOCU-SOAP/COMEDY PRODUCER/NY-STAMFORD: TV/Digital team leader with proven track record with MTV, HGTV, BET, SHO, TV LAND is available for a new project. Contact: [email protected] (7/24)

SITUATION WANTED: WRITER/PRODUCER/EDITOR/ASPEN, CO: 10+ years exp shooting & editing documentaries, commercials & lifestyle living programs for PBS, NBC, PlumTV and more. Speaks fluent Japanese. email: [email protected] (7/24)

SITUATION WANTED: PRODUCER: Talented, creative and reliable producer equipped with excellent AVID and FCP story editing skills looking to get busy in the NYC area. I will work within your budget – email at [email protected] (7/24)

SITUATION WANTED: SR PRODUCER: In non-profit/educational field seeks opportunities as producer, segment producer, production coordinator in cable, prod house, etc. NYC–based, open to any and all new challenges. [email protected] (7/24)

Are you looking for a job? Post your Situation Wanted Ad here — Email [email protected] for specs.

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