07/17/14: Conde Nast Entertainment launches video hub, AOL goes behind the scenes of digital creators in new series, Facebook to start sending data to Nielsen


Good morning. It’s Thursday, July 17, 2014, and this is your first early morning digital briefing.


Conde Nast Entertainment launched the new digital video hub The Scene yesterday. Previewed at this year’s Digital NewFronts, The Scene will premiere the second season of Glamour’s The Single Life starring YouTube’s Taryn Southern, Teen Vogue’s Strictly Ballet, Wired’s Teen Technorati and weekly videos from BuzzFeed. Procter & Gamble’s Gillette Deodorant is sponsoring the debut of the platform that include more than 12,000 videos with more than 200 shows from 20 CN brands.
AOL’s new behind-the-scenes digital creator series Follow Me will debut on July 29. Mashable reports the first two episodes of the ten-eps will first hit the AOL Originals home page and then its YouTube page 24 hours later. The show will feature Brittani Louise Taylor (1.1 million subs), the filmmaking team behind 5 Second Films, two members of video boy band Our 2nd Life (O2L), gaming YT channel ScrewAttack! and more. New episodes will premiere every Tuesday.
With Yahoo’s Marissa Mayer “not satisfied” with the company’s second-quarter earnings report this week, Yahoo also stifled a rumor that they were looking to acquire AOL. Variety reports Yahoo’s Chief Development Officer Jackie Reses said they would not be snatching up the media company in the next two years (or at all). Yahoo’s revenue was $1.1 billion in Q2, which is down from four percent from the year prior, with its average price for display advertising falling 24 percent and revenue declining eight percent.


Yahoo news’ global anchor Katie Couric landed one of the first interviews with former New York Times editor Jill Abramson since she was fired in May. During the interview today (Thursday), the two will “discuss life at The New York Times, challenges facing women in the workplace and the changing media landscape,” Yahoo told The Hollywood Reporter. Fox News’ Van Susteren also scored an interview with the former NYT editor that aired yesterday, on On the Record.
Relativity Media
and FilmOn are making the web series YouTube Assassin into a feature film, called Bob Thunder: Internet Assassin. The two companies teamed up with show creator Joe Nation and other YT stars for the movie to play fictional versions of themselves as they attempt to take down their killer. The movie will be released next January.

If you’ve got happy news, weddings, babies, engagements you’d like shared with your industry colleagues for a new feature going up soon on our web site, send to [email protected].


will start sending age and gender data of TV viewers to Nielsen in the fall. “The world is shifting radically, so we had to evolve our measurement so that we could captures all this fragmented viewing…it’s all anonymous and privacy-protected,” Nielsen’s Executive Vice President Cheryl Idell told The Los Angeles Times. A Facebook spokesperson also told the Times, “We have worked with Nielsen under strong privacy principals, and we don’t believe that audience-measurement systems should be used to adjust targeting; they should only be used for measurement.”


Adult Swim is teaming with its advertising partners for on-air, on-site and online fan experiences at Comic-Con. Among the efforts are a campaign with State Farm featuring Super Steve Frost, a superhero invented for the occasion; free rides in Adult Swim and Lexus-branded CT Hybrid vehicles and a site from Intel showing full-length panels at the event. Each video will feature Intel pre-roll messaging and will be housed in a branded environment presented by Intel. “Advertisers recognize Adult Swim’s relationship with young adults and look to us to better align themselves with marquee events like Comic-Con,” said Joe Hogan, EVP, young adult ad sales for Turner Broadcasting.


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Adap.tv secured a patent for its programmatic TV platform and its ability to tie consumer sales in-store and online to TV ad airings. “The industry is just in the beginning stages of applying automated, data-driven approaches to TV,” Senior Vice President of Programmatic TV Dan Ackerman said. “This patent is a recognition of the work our teams have done to develop technologies that will accelerate this shift towards more efficient TV advertising predicated on ROI and accountability. The ultimate goal is to tie TV closer together with digital, and provide a more holistic view of marketing investments across all online and offline channels.”
Mobile supply side platform SponsorPlay rebranded to Fyber yesterday. “We’ve been enhancing our product offerings over the past eighteen months, and it’s our mission to unify the fragmented mobile advertising ecosystem,” Co-founder and CEO Andreas Bodczek said. Fyber reaches 100 million unique users a month, and enables publishers like GREE International, Inc., Glu Mobile Inc., Cie Games, Inc. and more.
Nielsen reports its expanded Online Campaign Ratings have been met with “significant client adoption,” including Adap.tv, BrightRoll, Torrential and YuMe, among others. “With this adoption, the enhanced Nielsen Online Campaign Ratings stands to transform the mobile advertising industry,” said president, US Media Lynda Clarizio.
ReactX announced updates to its platform to offer advertisers 100 percent viewability on ad units, and access to real time pre-auction impression qualification. “This gives advertisers peace of mind when turning to high impact custom ad units, and guarantees only high quality impressions reach the exchanges,” CEO Chip Meyers said. “It [assures] advertisers that budgets achieve the highest yields without the usual loss due to inferior traffic prevalent with standard RTB formats.”
Sizmek’s Audience Suite will now integrate data from comScore vCE and Nieslen Online Campaign Ratings. “This ability to easily merge demographic and ad server performance metrics such as video completion rate will be an enormous advantage for our platform users,” Senior Vice President of Strategic Business Development Andrew Bloom said.


One of the original TV-web services, Slingbox, has introduced the Slingbox M1 and the SlingTV. Slingbox M1 can be purchased as of July 20 for $150; it zaps a live TV signal to a phone, tablet, computer or other TV. The SlingTV will be available in August for $300, and includes the other device’s features plus a new on-screen interface to choose shows and control a user’s TV.


Maker Studios
appointed Charles Gabriel as Chief Advertising Officer and Executive Vice President of Global Sales. He was previously the Senior Vice President of Video Sales at AOL.
A+E Networks
created the new division A+E Research & Analytics Team, which will be comprised of four divisions: Brand Research, Digital Analytics & CRM, Multiplatform Analytics and Revenue Research. Joining the new team are Marcela Tabares as Senior Vice President, Revenue Research, Tom Pellegrino as Senior Vice President, Brand Research, Lee Boykoff as Vice President, Digital Analytics and CRM and Julya Fridman as Vice President, Multiplatform & Distribution Analytics.
Ogilvy Public Relations named Jennifer Banovetz as Senior Vice President, Brand Marketing Group Director. Most recently, Banovetz was the Senior Vice President in the Consumer brand Practice at Edelman Los Angeles.
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Once a coveted gaming device, Nintendo’s classic Game Boy is now just a relic to today’s tech-savvy kids. In a new video from Fine Brothers Entertainment, the duo presented the 25-year-old device with the game Tetris, which one child went as far to say, “I kind of feel sad for the people in the past.” Since it was released on July 6, the vid has hit more than 7.5 million views. Check out their hilarious reactions at www.cynopsis.com/#video.

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Jessica Reese  @JMarieReese

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JOB OPENING: DIRECTOR, RSRCH/NYC: Assist in dvlpmnt/mainte of strong client relationships. 7+ yrs of media /agency exp req’d w/5+ yrs of sprvsory exp. In-depth understanding of media research resources and capabilities. Full info/apply HERE (7/24)

JOB OPENING: SUPERVISOR RSCH/NYC: Asst in dvlpmnt/maint of strong client relationships. 5-7 yrs exp  media/ad agency, TV network, publisher, or mktg position. Strong knwlg Nielsen Npower/Ad Views/MRI/Comscore, Rentrak. Full info/apply: HERE  (7/24)

JOB OPENING:  SR SCHEDULER/Science/MD: Energetic critical thinker to contribute in devel/executing scheduling strategies. Long-range planning, aud research. 2-3 yrs programming/scheduling exp, TV & Broadview exp preferred.  APPLY HERE (7/24) 

JOB OPENING: CORP COMMS SPECIALIST/THE WEATHER COMPANY/ATL: Promote Weather Channel live prog incl AMHQ w/Sam Champion, int comms. Skilled w/Cision, intranet, basic CMS. 3 yrs exp.Send resume to: [email protected] (7/23)

JOB OPENING: MGR OF RIGHTS ACQUISITIONS/Tennis Channel/Santa Monica: Resp for prgrm acquisitions activities incl program identification, evaluation, negotiation, & acquisition. Min 3 yrs exp. [email protected] Subject line must: Mgr Rights Acquisitions (7/23)

JOB OPENING: MGR SOCIAL MEDIA MKTG/NBC/Univ. City, CA: Manage the strategy and daily presence across social media platforms for NBC programming. www.nbcunicareers.com Job#16590BR (7/23)

JOB OPENING: SR RESEARCH ANALYST/ESPN/CT: Resp for analyzing tv ratings for ESPN Deportes to assist with programming, production, sales and strategic planning. Proficiency in MS Office/Nielsen data req’d. Apply: [email protected] (7/23)

JOB OPENING: VIDEO EDITOR/MOTION GRAPHIC ARTIST/DC: The American Enterprise Institute is looking for an integral member of the video team to help AEI create engaging video products for the web. Please submit an online application HERE (7/23) 

JOB OPENING: AE-CNN INT’L/NY: Dev/maintain global ad sales of TV/digital/mobile properties to agencies, clients in North America. Collaborate w/CNN US & global sales teams. BA Deg, 3-5 yrs sales exp req’d. New bus dev exp a + Apply HERE (7/22)

JOB OPENING: DIR, DEVELOPMENT & ORIG PROGRAMMING/VH1/NYC: Identify new concepts & talent w/strong emphasis on ability to generate successful internal ideas. Min 7 yrs dvlpmnt @ Network &/or Prod co. Full info/apply HERE (7/22)

JOB OPENING: ACCT MGR/WO Network/NYC TELECOMMUTE: Manage large cable network client for growing VC backed co. 3+ yrs exp in cable network, pref in sales or pricing. Able to spend signif. time in NY. Full info/apply HERE: http://www.wideorbit.com/careers/ (7/22)

JOB OPENING: IMPLEMENTATION SPECIALIST/WO Network/TELECOMMUTE: Travel to clients to implemnt softwre and train usrs. 2+ yrs exp in cable network, pref in traffic dept. Able to travel up to 70%. Full info/apply HERE: http://www.wideorbit.com/careers/ (7/22)

JOB OPENING: DIR BRANDED ENT/INTEGRTD MKTG/TLC/MD/LA/NY: Rock star creative to guide ideation/strategy/execution of breakthrough Branded Ent Solutions. Cross-net synergy, 360 cmpgns, Upfront, Crtve Svcs spprt. 5-7 yrs Integrtd Mktg reqrd Apply HERE (7/19)

JOB OPENING: DIR RSCH/WME/LA: Drive consumer & mkt rsch initiatives & strategy. Min 6 yrs media rsrch exp. Strong analytical & quant skills req’d. Exp w/rsch sys (ie Nielsen, Simmons & Scarborough). Resume: [email protected] (7/18)

JOB OPENING: SUPERVISING PRODUCER/LXTV Talk Stoop/NYC: Dvlp/maintain creative strategy & communicate creative direction to all members of production and post-production process. 3+ yrs min exp TV production. Apply: HERE (7/18)  

JOB OPENING: SALES ASSISTANT/Crown Media/Midtown, NY: Ideal opportunity for new grad to work w/AEs and Planners to service and maintain agencies and clients. To apply go to www.hallmarkchannel.com/jobs (7/18)

JOB OPENING: ANALYST/MLS/NYC: Provide quantitative/qualitative support for commercial units. BA/BS quantitative field (Finance, Economics, Statistics) 1 yr exp rsch, consumer insights, or bus analytics. Full info/apply HERE (7/18)

JOB OPENING: BEAUTY HOST, EXPERT or TV HOST/Major Beauty Brand/MID EAST COAST: Interest in either beauty & skin care or Dermatology as Doctor or NP. Req’s freq travel to PHL area. Should be located w/in 2 hrs of West Chester, PA. Res/recent photo HERE (7/18)

JOB OPENING: SR MGR, CONSUMER MKTG/VH1 & VH1 Classics/NYC: Mng execution of 360 mktg campaigns. BA Deg w/5 yrs relevant consumer mktg exp. Exp w/ad agencies & media buying. Full info/apply HERE (7/18)

JOB OPENING: FINANCIAL ANALYST/A+E Networks/NY: Invoicing, Int’l exp a +/Full Info/Apply: http://www.aenetworks.com/careers (7/18)

JOB OPENING: DIR OF OPERATIONS WC/RNN TV/Rye Brook NY: 5-10 yrs. exp managing teams in brdcst operations, B.S., Deliver exceptional service by providing organization-wide leadership for all production & operating staff. Resumes to: [email protected] (7/18)

JOB OPENING: INTEGRATED SALES MGR/Meredith Video Studios/NY: Drive rev for branded ent programs leveraging Meredith assets. Conceptual seller across all platforms with strong client and agcy contacts. Resume: [email protected] (7/18)

JOB OPENING: MGR, STRATEGIC MKTG/NYC: Dvlp proposals in response to RFPs & execute mktg campaigns for USA. 5+ yrs integrated mktg exp required in broadcast media/agency. Digital exp req’d. Full info/apply HERE (7/18)

JOB OPENING: DIR, LIVE ACTION DVLPMNT/Nickelodeon/Santa Monica: Oversee development process from script phase through pilot prod. 5+ yrs min exp in TV PROD and/or dvlpmnt, preferably w/in children’s prgrmng. Full info/apply HERE (7/18)

JOB OPENING: HR MANAGER/CNBC/NYC: Provide day-to-day support for 200 staff employees in the Tech & Digital depts to facilitate growth in a dynamic environment. Full info/apply HERE (7/18)

JOB OPENING: MGR BUSINESS AFFAIRS/Sundance/NY: Serves as internal bus. contact for owned orig prods. Process weekly prod & payroll funding for owned orig prods. Confers w/key internal depts on all contract points/budgets. Apply HERE: http://tinyurl.com/phpa9ws (7/18)

CASTING CALL: Companies can showcase their casting notices/casting calls here. For information on rates and specs for posting a casting notice, please email Trish at [email protected]

EXPERT SERVICES ADS: These ads are for companies or people who offer an expertise in the field of media by way of production, voice over artistry, writing, set development, etc. For information on rates and specs for posting an Expertise Service ad email Trish at [email protected]

INTERNSHIPS – These positions are for credit only – nobody gets paid here. These ads are always posted for free, and students work for school credit only. For more information on the specs for posting an Internship ad, email Trish at [email protected].

SITUATION WANTED ADS, POSTED BY THOSE LOOKING TO BE HIRED… There is no charge for placing your Situation Wanted ad… for more information contact Trish Pihonak at [email protected]

SITUATION WANTED: Digital media position wanted. 10 yrs biz experience across multiple industries and writer/editor/photog for print & online. Masters in journo from Columbia. NYC-based, willing to travel/relocate. [email protected] (7/22)

SITUATION WANTED: Junior Motion Designer position wanted. BFA in Motion Design. Hard-working, resourceful, team player. Portfolio: www.aleckaedwards.com. Willing to freelance/relocate. Email: [email protected] (7/19)

SITUATION WANTED: Casting/Talent/ TV Production/Audience position wanted-NY. 20 years experience casting and producing a myriad of projects including Talk, Game, Award, Reality and Episodic programs. Email barb.casting@gmail.com (7/18)

E-mail [email protected] or call Trish Pihonak at 203-899-8459 for rates and specs for Job Openings.

Are you looking for a job? Post your Situation Wanted Ad here — Email [email protected] for specs.

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