03/13/15: Disney/ABC extend deal with Yahoo; MSNBC announces two Facebook first series; CAB blames Netflix, Amazon for cable TV viewership decline


Good morning. It’s Friday March 13, 2015, and this is your first early morning digital briefing.


Disney/ABC struck an expanded deal with Yahoo, which consists of a Yahoo-branded segment to Good Morning America and clips of ABC programs on Yahoo. Yahoo Your Way will feature Yahoo experts – such as style editor Joe Zee, beauty editor Bobbi Brown and food editor Kerry Diamond – in a daily segment on GMA; Tumblr will integrate with GMA’s Social Square; and Flickr images will land on the morning show’s weather reports. Additionally, Katie Couric’s coverage of the 2016 election will be distributed on ABC News. “We’re well aware that we need to be putting our journalism in front of a new generation of viewers and readers which comes at storytelling in different ways and finds our work in different ways…we see this as a giant step forward in making that happen,” ABC News President James Goldston said. Yahoo-ABC News Network reaches more than 129 million users across combined digital platforms monthly (comScore), and has been the top online news source for the past 34 months.
MSNBC will produce two daily videos to appear on Facebook with NowThis, a distributor of digital video under NBCUniversal. The first series, called Sound Off, will focus on breaking news in the morning; while FacePalm will appear at the end of the news cycle with the most shocking events. The vids will appear on MSNBC and NowThis FB pages.
NBCU’s financial network CNBC will also ramp up its digital video slate with two new series: Speakeasy with John Harwood and Retire Well with Sharon Epperson. CNBC had 24.2 million total unique desktop visitors in January (comScore), behind competitors such as Yahoo Finance (57.8 million uniques), Forbes (37.7 million), Business Insider (37.5 million) and Dow Jones & Co. (34.0 million). CNBC’s most successful digital series, Cramer Remix, reeled in 1.1 million views as of January.


YouTube star Kandee Johnson (2.5 million subscribers) transformed into pop-star Rita Ora in the latest episode of the second season of Glamour’s digital video series Beauty ReCovered on Conde Nast Entertainment’s platform The Scene.
For the fourth day of MTV’s first-ever Break the Record Week, the network kicked off the #EpicWin Day across the web. All day yesterday, Charlamagne Tha God and The Challenge’s Johnny Bananas and Jordan Wiseley dared each other back and forth, pushing each other to break various personal records. Fans were encouraged to top themselves, too, and share the moments on social media channels, with some picked by MTV to broadcast on air. #EpicWin Day concluded with the premiere of MTV’s special, Epic Win, a half-hour reality-comedy that follows three competitors training for an upcoming cup stacking event, which premiered last night at 11p ET.


Cynopsis Digital Business Summit
Sponsored by: TubeMogul
Featured Speakers Include:
RYAN BONIFACINO, SVP, Digital – Alex and Ani, LLC
DAVID BEEBE, VP, Creative & Content Marketing – Marriott International
ARIA FINGER, COO – DoSomething.org
LINDA DESCANO, CFA® Managing Director & Head of Content + Social, Global Consumer Bank – Citi

Thursday, April 23, 2015 | Astor Center, NYC | REGISTER NOW.


Zealot Networks, the digital start-up from former Maker Studios CEO Danny Zappin, acquired digital marketing agency Threshold Interactive. Threshold has created digital campaigns for its major client Nestle, including the viral mash-up of Snoop Dog and YouTube celebs in Hot Pockets spots. Threshold Interactive joins Zealot’s recent acquisitions Neighbor Agency and Idea Farmer.
Video advertising and publisher platform Teads released its mobile SDK for outsream video. Teads’ partners Reuters, Forbes, The Washington Post, The Guardian and Nikkei will now have the ability to use outstream video ad formats within their apps. Outstream video ads sit outside of a video player, adding more video ad inventory for publishers.
We know that you’re busy, so we’re asking for just one hour of your time to join Cynopsis on Tuesday, March 31 for a webinar that will get your team up to speed on how to effectively sell digital assets. At the How to Sell Digital Advertising in a Fragmented Media World webinar, you’ll learn the difference between display and mobile phone ad unit format and the role data is expected to play in the programmatic playground. Register your Sales team today at http://cynopsis.com/webinar/need-know-now-programmatic-ad-buying 


According to the Cabletelevision Advertising Bureau, cable TV viewership is down because consumers are spending more time watching subscription streaming video services such as Netflix, Amazon and Hulu. The CAB estimates that 40 percent of the 10% decline in Q3 and 9% decline in Q4 TV ratings is due to SVOD services. In Q1 2015, analyzed data from Nielsen shows viewership down 12 percent. Scripps Networks Interactive President of National Ad Sales and Marketing Jon Steinlauf told the Wall Street Journal that his takeaway from the CAB meeting is that the biggest contributor to the drop is SVOD, and the second is the increased use in mobile devices to watch TV (not yet measured by Nielsen).
U.S. branded entertainment, or event sponsorship and TV/media/digital product placement, grew 7.3 percent to $34.53 billion in revenue last year. According to PQ Media, the growth is due to an increase in consumer sponsorship across international sporting events, including the World Cup. The global market hit $73.27 billion in revenues, a 6.3 percent increase from last year. Brands are seeking better methods to engage with younger target audiences in this age of ad-skipping technology and on-demand media consumption, and branded entertainment offers them multiple channels with which to more effectively reach the Millennials and i-Gens,” PQ Media CEO Patrick Quinn said. Global branded entertainment is expected to reach $108.04 billion in 2019.
and YuMe released a joint research study on ad effectiveness on different devices, and how brands can make up on mobile for lost ad views on TV. Key takeaways:
– For multi-taskers in the study, TV was still the initial medium of choice, but some participants quickly switched their attention, opting to begin seeking out content on other devices. Millennials multi-tasked 33 percent more than those over 35; and men and women multi-tasked the same amount.
– When a participant found content they were interested in watching on television, they were much more likely to maintain their focus on the TV set.
– While television was the most used device (used 53% across all respondents) during the experiment, the participants spent only 39 percent of that time paying attention to it while it was on.
– Respondent’s attention to TV dropped significantly after four minutes.


Shira Lazar, Co-Founder and Host of What’s Trending, was named Contributor to HLN. In her new role, she will participate in the network’s dayside flagship show The Daily Share, which aggregates the best social media news and lifestyle content from the day. Lazar also hosts the VH1 and WT series Huge on the Tube.


Webinar: What You Need to Know Now About Programmatic Ad Buying
Wednesday, March 18, 2015 | 1:30PM to 3:00PM

– Jason Lopatecki,
Chief Strategy Officer for TubeMogul
– Lon Otremba, CEO for Bidtellect
– Brendan Condon, CEO for Media Properties Holdings
– JoAnna Foyle, SVP of Client Services & Operations at Adap.tv (a division of AOL Platforms)




Samsung recently premiered a heartwarming ad promoting its call center for the hearing impaired, which went viral at 6.6 million views since last week’s release. Hearing Hands was created with Leo Burnett Istanbul, and follows a deaf man who is surprised to find out that everyone is conversing with him in sign language. Get ready for a tug at your heartstrings, and check it out at www.cynopsis.com/#video.

See you Monday,
Jessica Reese  @JMarieReese

Roberta Caploe: Editorial Director @robertacaploe
Diane K Schwartz: Senior Vice President, Media Communications Group

Cynopsis Ad Sales: Mike Farina | VP, Sales | 203-218-6480
Classifieds Sales: Trish Pihonak | Director of Operations | 203-899-8459

Cynopsis Media: a division of Access Intelligence, LLC * 10 Norden Place * Norwalk, CT * 06855 * USA

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JOB OPENING: JR MEDIA COORDINATOR/NYC: For major broadcaster. 0 -2 yrs exp. to assist in reviewing video content, mng data/media storage & prod deadlines, prod/edit video metadata, support client req’s. Attention to detail & problem solving skills req’d. Full info/apply HERE (3/20) 

JOB OPENING: MANAGER PROMO MUSIC SERVICES/NBC/Univ City, CA: Role will be responsible for creative music services for NBC. 3 yrs of exp with music clearances and music supervision req. Full info/apply HERE (3/20)

JOB OPENING: PUBLICIST/NBC SPORTS/NASCAR/NYC: Role will serve as the principal publicist for NASCAR coverage and programming on NBC and NBCSN. Full info/apply HERE (3/20)

JOB OPENING: DIR, SCHEDULING/WE tv/NYC: Strategic prog planning & sched for WE tv linear & non-linear pltfrms. Oversee stunt initiatives, content & metadata. Identify needs & make recommendations for acquisitions. 5+ years exp. Full Info/Submit resume HERE (3/19) 

JOB OPENING: DIR DEV/NYC or LA: Prod co seeks self-starting Dir w/hustle & vision for industry trends. 5+ yrs creds & prev exp req’d. Create content, sizzles, casting tapes, presentn reels, support sales process. Resume HERE (3/19) 

JOB OPENING: VP FINANCE/Tribune & WGN/LA: Analyze/present business results & initiatives, building & aggregating long term financial data to support the continued growth of our business. BA/finance. 7+ yrs resp exp working at major ent co. Full info/apply HERE (3/19)

JOB OPENING: MGR INT’L CONTENT DISTRIBUTION/Viacom/NYC: Resp for driving rev w/new & existing digital & Affil /Commercial partners thru dist of Viacom Internat’l Media Networks. 3-4 yrs exp w/VOD, mobile, tablets and/or other dig. platforms. Full info/apply HERE (3/19)

JOB OPENING: SR COMMS MANAGER/Discovery/MD: Manage corp comms & program pub for Discovery Nets International. Develop original written content, track corp facts/figures, event planning, exec visibility, media relations. 5-7 yrs exp, TV exp +. Full info/apply HERE (3/19)

JOB OPENING: SR DIR AFFIL RELATIONS & MGR ADMIN (2jobs)/NYC: In srch of exp’d self-starters. Public TV & Japan or Int’l TV exp a +. Sr Dir Affil needs mktg exp. Admin to run office, billing, conf sponsorship set up. Travel req’d. List job title sub line. Res HERE (3/19)

JOB OPENING: DIGITAL SALES PLANNER/Discovery/San Fran: Team oriented sales professional to support Digital AE/team. Help to deliver proposals, ensure campaign’s success, and meet client’s needs. 2+ yrs media ad sales exp. Full info/apply HERE (3/18)

JOB OPENING: SALES PLANNER/SCRIPPS NETWORKS/LA: Highly motivated ad sales professional, min 2 years media sales planning. For more detail, click here (3/18)

JOB OPENING: DIGITAL ART DIRECTOR/NBCU/NYC: Exp. w/UX/UI, resp. for online branding. 100% digital. 5+ yrs of design exp., (digital + new media) agency or in-house. Mac Creative Suite CS5/CS6. Full info/apply HERE (3/17)

JOB OPENING: SR DESIGNER/NBCU/NYC: Conceptualize and execute creative. 5+ yrs relevant exp. Proficiency w/Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Microsoft PPT/presentation experience a must. Full info/apply HERE (3/17)

JOB OPENING: EVENT MARKETING MGR/NYC/CT: Mng integrated mktg campaigns to attract audience for events. BA Deg/Mktg & 1-3 yrs mktg exp. Exp using social media tools & able to devise/execute a plan in support of events. Full info/apply HERE (3/17) 

JOB OPENING: SR COORD, DIGITAL OPS/NBCU/NYC: Looking for a senior digital trafficker to join the Telemundo team. 1+ yrs exp; bilingual a plus. Exp. w/DFP & Freewheel a plus. Full Info/Apply HERE (3/17)

JOB OPENING: DIR INTEGRATED SALES MARKETING/ION/NY: Provides marketing support for Network Sales to help achieve additional revenue for ION. Manage executions. Create client proposals. Min. of 5 years exp marketing required. EOE Resume to: [email protected] (3/14)

JOB OPENING: MGR, TALENT/LA: identify and create opportunities within the existing and with new members of the talent network. 4-8 yrs exp major talent agency managing digital talent. Creative thinker w/out of box ideas to attract key talent. Apply HERE (3/14)

JOB OPENING: DIR, BUSINESS ANALYTICS/Machinima Network/LA: Lead Bus. Analytics team. Proactively align bus. goals & operations to identify relevant opps for analytics solutions. 5+ yrs mngmnt exp & 7+ yrs video advrtsng, e-commerce, or subscription models. Apply HERE (3/14)

JOB OPENING: CREATIVE DIRECTOR, ON AIR/NBCU/East Coast: Works closely with the Sr. Director of Marketing & Creative Services and Sr. Marketing Manager to create and define the network brand, in accordance with the NBC Sports Group full info/apply HERE (3/14)

JOB OPENING: DIR, SCHEDULING/AMC/NYC: Strategic prog plan’g & sched for AMC/AMC On-Demand pltfrms. Active in short & long term prgrm planning, creation of stunts, branded blocks, tentpole events, daily movie sched, orig series placement & support, etc. 5+ yrs sched exp. Submit res http://tinyurl.com/ly6wmkg (3/14)

CASTING CALL: Companies can showcase their casting notices/casting calls here. For information on rates and specs for posting a casting notice, please email Trish at [email protected]

EXPERT SERVICES ADS: These ads are for companies or people who offer an expertise in the field of media by way of production, voice over artistry, writing, set development, etc. For information on rates and specs for posting an Expertise Service ad email Trish at [email protected]

INTERNSHIPS – These positions are for credit only – nobody gets paid here. These ads are always posted for free, and students work for school credit only. For more information on the specs for posting an Internship ad, email Trish at [email protected].

SITUATION WANTED ADS, POSTED BY THOSE LOOKING TO BE HIRED… There is no charge for placing your Situation Wanted ad… for more information contact Trish Pihonak at [email protected]

Are you looking for a job? Post your Situation Wanted Ad here — Email [email protected] for specs.

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