02/20/15: Hulu snags exclusive SVOD rights to CSI; Defy Media plans to ‘react’ to Oscars with YouTubers; PBS Digital Studios announce LGBTQ series


Good morning. It’s Friday February 20, 2015, and this is your first early morning digital briefing.


Hulu landed exclusive subscription video-on-demand rights to all 14 seasons of CBSCSI: Crime Scene Investigation, adding more than 300 episodes to its network. “The original series from the most successful franchise in television history has been licensed to the SVOD market for the first time,” CBS Corporation’s Chief Corporate Content Licensing Officer Scott Koondel said. The news comes just in time for the March 4th debut on CBS of the newest addition to the franchise, CSI: Cyber. Hulu will also become the exclusive SVOD home to all previous seasons of the CBS crime drama Elementary.
Defy Media’s Clevver (5 million YouTube subscribers, 120 million monthly video views) will gather some of YT’s biggest celebs to watch and react live to the best moments from this Sunday’s 2015 Academy Awards ceremony. The cast will include Kingsley (2.9 million subs), Spoken Reasons (1.7 million subs), Lisa Schwartz (1.3 million subs), Meghan Rienks (1.3 million subs), Mamrie Hart (748K subs), Davey Wavey (829K subs), and Traci Stumpf (1.2 million subs), with special appearances by the Clevver and Screen Junkies (3.9 million subs). Watch Party episodes will run Sunday on ClevverTV and Clevver.com as well as Yahoo, AOL and Hulu.
PBS Digital Studios and the New York City PBS flagship station WNET will launch an original web series exploring sexuality and gender identity. Called First Person, the show will feature LGBTQ YouTuber Kristin Russo as she examines issues in the LGBTQ community. Additionally, First Person will incorporate comments from viewers, discussion prompts and viewer engagement to continue the conversation through its social media channels. The first episode will premiere on Feb. 26 on the PBS Digital Studios YouTube network, with new eps released biweekly.
The Huffington Post will take a swing at a satirical news broadcast with The HuffPost Show, set to debut on March 27 at 9p ET. HuffPost Live President Roy Sekoff and current HPL host Marc Lamont Hill will host the series, commenting on news stories, conducting celebrity interviews, and moderating panels. The show will shoot in front of a live studio audience, and stream on the front page of The Huffington Post every Friday.
Vice announced a new weekly talk show called On The Line, which will stream live on YouTube before a limited window on Samsung’s Milk Video service. The show will highlight stories from Vice News and air every Thursday from 12-12:30p ET on the Vice News YT channel (1.2 million subscribers).


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Netflix continues to beef up its Marvel series Jessica Jones with three new additions: actress Erin Moriarty (The Kings of Summer) and actors Eka Darville (Power Rangers R.P.M.) and Wil Traval (Primal). Netflix recently added David Tennant (Doctor Who) alongside Krysten Ritter (Breaking Bad) and Mike Colter (American Horror Story) to the cast. The 13-episode show will be released on the streaming service later this year, along with other Marvel series Daredevil, Luke Cage and Iron Fist.
Got the February sniffles? The Weather Channel and Flonase Allergy Relief teamed up to keep tabs on when weather may affect nasal symptoms in the Allergy Tracker on Weather.com. The new section includes measures of mold, various types of pollen, and a breathing index. It also offers a Three-Day Outlook to forecast how overall conditions are expected to change from day to day.
British TV streaming service Acorn TV will debut BBC’s Jamaica Inn, starring Downton Abbey’s Jessica Brown Findlay on March 16. The additional two installments to the three-part series will hit Acorn TV on both Monday, March 23 and March 30. Most recently, the service premiered the final season of Foyle’s War and Jamie Dornan’s (Fifty Shades of Grey) period drama New Worlds. The service is available at Acorn.TV, Roku, iTunes app and more.
Multi-channel network Complex added a new 16-minute special to its docu-series Magnum Opus, featuring rapper LL Cool J dishing on life and hip-hop. Complex boasts 51 million video views, 2.1 million subscribers and 45 million monthly unique visitors (Comscore).


introduced the Mobile Developer Suite at its first Mobile Developer Conference yesterday. Designed to help developers measure, advertise, monetize, and enhance their apps, the suite includes five products including Flurry Analytics Explorer, Yahoo App Publishing, Yahoo App Marketing, Yahoo Search in Apps, and Flurry Pulse. Yahoo acquired Flurry six months ago.


Multi-channel network StyleHaul named Olivier Delfosse as Chief Operating Officer. He joins the MCN from FremantleMedia, where he previously worked on TV properties and integration for global brands.
Blinkx appointed Sudhi Herle as Chief Product Officer. With more than 15 years of product development experience, Herle was most recently Global Head of Enterprise Products at Samsung.
Pregnancy and parenting web destination BabyCenter hired Lora Ma-Fukuda as Executive Producer to lead the Digital Video Content Team. She was previously Executive Editor of TeachingChannel.org.


Webinar: Generation Edge – Catching the New Wave of Viewers
Thursday, February 26, 2015 | 1:30PM to 3:00PM | Register Today

Featured Panelists:
Andrea Russett,
Gen Edger, YouTube Star + Twitter Influencer
  Jasmeet Gill, Brand Strategist, Omelet
Bill Carter, Partner, Fuse Marketing
Robert O’Neill, Vice President, Programming & Promotion Strategy, Comedy Central



In anticipation of the Oscars this Sunday on ABC at 7p, Screen Junkies (3.9 million subscribers) uncovered old clips of nominees Reese Witherspoon, J.K. Simmons, Bradley Cooper and Emma Stone for its latest episode. Little nuggets such as which star asked Sean Penn a question on Inside the Actors Studio while studying at The New School is just one pre-Oscar morsel. Find out the others at www.cynopsis.com/#video.

See you Monday,
Jessica Reese  @JMarieReese

Roberta Caploe: Editorial Director @robertacaploe
Diane K Schwartz: Senior Vice President, Media Communications Group

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JOB OPENING: AD SALES PLANNER/TENNIS CHANNEL/NYC: Support all aspects of the ad sales process. A team-player & ability to work under pressure meeting deadlines to fulfill client req’s. 2-5 yrs exp media sales plan’g or agency buying req’d Res/salary req’s: [email protected] (2/27)

JOB OPENING: ACCT MGR, CABLE AD SALES/ONE World Sports Network/NY: 5+ yrs exp selling founding partner sponsorships. Solid knwlg of benefits of advrtsng, proven prospecting track rec, exc presentation & public speaking skills. Sports sales ind knwlg a +. Resume HERE (2/27)

JOB OPENING: DESIGNER/NBCU/LA: The position requires an experienced, creative, talented and motivated Designer to provide art and design support to the team. Full info/apply HERE (2/27)

JOB OPENING: PROJECT MGR/WideOrbit/NYC: Lead planning/execution of large, complex implementation projects. Media ind exp & exp working for or w/cable network channel is highly pref’d. Organized and show sharp attention to detail a must. Full info/apply HERE (2/26)

JOB OPENING: IMPLEMENTATION SPECIALIST/WideOrbit/NY: Educate customers on configurations &/or customization options; conduct web based training sessions to support new customers. 2+ yrs exp cbl ntwrk in sales/pricing/plan’g, or inv mngmnt dept. Apply HERE (2/26)

JOB OPENING: IMPLEMENTATION MGR/WideOrbit/NYC: Conduct workshops w/clients; determine needs & scope of their project. Mng overall project from beginning thru execution. 3+ yrs exp in dig. advrtsng ops & intermediate use of at least one online ad. Full info/apply HERE (2/26)

JOB OPENING: PROMO PRODUCER/KNBC/LA: NBC LA seeks a skilled, creative Promo Producer to join the team. Min 3 yrs On-Air Promo and 4yrs news industry experience required. Full details HERE (2/26)

JOB OPENING: DIG AD OPS TRAFFICKER/A+E Networks/NY: Execute daily tasks as part of Ad Ops team incl testing, exec, optimization & troubleshooting of all A+E non-linear ad campaigns. 1-2 yrs. dig. ad operations as campaign trafficker. Full Info/Apply HERE (2/26)

JOB OPENING: DIGITAL CONTENT MGR/NBCU/NYC: Manage editorial ops for Syfy digital. Ideate/create content & help build strategy. 3+ yrs digital content mgmt exp. Highly organized pop culture fan. APPLY HERE (2/25)

JOB OPENING: MGR RSCH/IMG/NY: Drive global sports & fashion mkt rsch analysis & reporting. Min 4 yrs media rsrch exp. Strong analytical & quant skills req’d. Exp w/rsch sys (ie Nielsen, Simmons & Scarborough). Resume: [email protected] (2/25)

JOB OPENING: MGR RESEARCH/(CMT, LOGO, TV Land)/NYC: Channel/Industry/Expertise. Serve as an expert on target audiences to all clients-Sales, Research, co-workers & agencies. 4 yrs+ of media research exp. Ad sales rsch exp a + Full info/apply HERE (2/25)

JOB OPENING: AD SALES ACCT EXEC/UPTV/NY: Implements approved ad sales strategies. Sell benefits & features of new ad programs to agencies & clients. Prospect new clients and key contacts. 3-5 yrs selling exp. Res: [email protected] (2/24)

JOB OPENING: GSN TV/Santa Monica/SCHEDULING COORDINATOR: BA Degree and 1-2 yrs exp tv industry exp req. Distributing program schedule grids, research, heavy data entry. Excellent communication skills and detail orientation. Send resumes and CL to [email protected] (2/24)

JOB OPENING: FAN STRGY MKT MGR /NFL/NY: Develop, collect, & share best practices in sport, ent & consum mkting field. Mng ptnr datbses; suppt NFL & prtnr strgy, 5-7 yrs Mkt/Agency exp. More info/apply, Fan Strategy & Mktg Manager (2/24)  

JOB OPENING: DATABASE MKTG MGR/NBCU/LA: The Database Marketing Manager will manage Email and Mobile marketing channels and lead cross-functional teams towards building the infrastructure needed to fully support CRM. Full info/apply HERE (2/24) 

JOB OPENING: SR DIRECTOR, TALENT & CASTING/TV One/LA: Identify/procur talent. Mng all talent-related initiatives for network. BA Deg or 7+ yr’s progressive exp in casting and/or talent relations. Full passion/knwlg TV One aud. Full info/apply HERE (2/24)

JOB OPENING: DIR, PRGRMNG & PROD/SCRIPTED/TV One/LA: Oversee scripted prgrm dvlpmnt & prod mngmnt. Mid to high-level exp w/dvlpng &/or prod’g feature length films &/or scripted comedies & dramas. 5+ yrs exp dvlpmnt/prod of movies or scripted TV prgrms. Full info/apply HERE (2/24) 

JOB OPENING: DESIGN DIRECTOR/TV One/Silver Spring: Maint quality/brand control for all elements created by TV One & external partners. BA req’d graphic design, advertising, media or other TV related. 10+ yrs working exp. Full info/apply HERE (2/24)

JOB OPENING: DIR BRAND MKTG/CNBC/East Coast: CNBC seeks strong strategic marketing leader to develop overall network/brand positioning for dayside news programming & drive positioning/promotion for network priorities Full info/apply HERE (2/24)

JOB OPENING: MGR, ACCOUNT SVCS/Sony Pics/LA: 5-7 yrs experience; Develop media plans, sales planning, campaign management (post-sales). Supports Crackle & Playstation. Learn more & apply HERE (2/24)

JOB OPENING: ACCOUNT SVCS MGR/Sony Pics/NYC: 1-3 yrs experience; Develop media plans, sales planning, campaign management (post-sales). Supports Crackle & Playstation. Learn more & apply HERE (2/24)

JOB OPENING: PARALEGAL/Screenvision/NYC: 5+ yrs certified paralegal exp, entertainment & advertising industry, drafting docs, corp state filings, transactional, intellectual property, trademarks, court proceedings, insurance. Apply HERE (2/21)

JOB OPENING: ANALYST/Viacom Ent Group/NYC: Work on projs assigned by rsrch dept. Collect, analyze & interpret Nielsen data & other TV consumer tracking sources BA Deg. 1yr nat’l Ad Sales rsch exp. Internship acceptable. Full info/apply HERE (2/21)

JOB OPENING: MGR DEVELOPMENT/NYC: NYC based Prod co seeks forward thinking Mgr w/bold ideas & vision for industry trends. 3+ yrs creds & prev exp req’d. Mng devt slate, create content, sizzles, castng tapes, presentn reels, support sales process. Resume HERE (2/21)

JOB OPENING: F/T HOST/QVC: Exp w/hosting TV, web or live events. Candidate must be intelligent, enthusiastic about new products as well as ability to act quick on their feet w/improve & engage. Friendly & sophisticated demeanor & fashion sense. Resume HERE (2/21)

JOB OPENING: VIDEO PRODUCER/NBCU/LA: Description: The Producer will develop and produce original online video, interactive, and static content for Fandango reporting directly into the Head of Video Production. HERE (2/21)

JOB OPENING: SOCIAL MEDIA MGR/NICKELODEON/NY: Create social activation ideas to drive engagement with social content & client campaigns. 3-6 yrs of exp working in social media content dvlpmnt or social media mngmnt. BA degree. Apply here (2/21)

JOB OPENING: SENIOR RESEARCH ANALYST/20th Television/NYC: 20th Television seeks an individual to support quantitative and qualitative research for the syndicator’s off-network and original programming and competition. Apply here (2/21)

JOB OPENING: ACCT EXEC. AD SALES/CSI SPORTS/NYC: NY Expanding Ad Dept. 70m+ Sports Net. 5+ yrs. TV ad sales exp. w Nielsen. Nat’l DR and Digital exp. preferred. Res/cvr to Rose: HERE (2/21)

JOB OPENING: AD SALES COORDINATOR/Estrella TV/NYC: Support sales & planning in all aspects of acct maintenance. Schedule changes, allocations, stewardship. Daily interaction w/traffic dept. Some admin. TV/Ent Media exp a + but not required. Resume HERE (2/21)

JOB OPENING: INTEGRATED AD SALES MARKETING SPECIALIST/Discovery/NYC: Client oriented auto enthusiast to create & support dvlpmnt & execution of mktg & sponsorship initiatives for the Velocity ntwrk. 3-5 yrs mktg exp req’d. sports/auto exp a +. Full info/apply HERE (2/21)

JOB OPENING: ASSOC MGR, ON-AIR MEDIA STRAT/NAT GEO Channel/DC: point person for all On-Air promo initiatives for NGC & WILD. Manage strategic planning & execution of on-air. Full info/apply HERE (2/21)

JOB OPENING: SEGMENT PROD/MSNBC Shift/NYC: Determine and produce for assigned Shift programming, Communicate daily story development with Managing Editor, Participate in control room during live segments: Full info/apply HERE (2/21)

CASTING CALL: Companies can showcase their casting notices/casting calls here. For information on rates and specs for posting a casting notice, please email Trish at [email protected]

EXPERT SERVICES ADS: These ads are for companies or people who offer an expertise in the field of media by way of production, voice over artistry, writing, set development, etc. For information on rates and specs for posting an Expertise Service ad email Trish at [email protected]

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