Wednesday, September 19th, 2007

Cynopsis: DIGITAL


Good Morning, it’s Wednesday, September 19, 2007 and this is your first early morning digital briefing. 

Paid content on the internet continues to be a tough sell. The New York Times officially dropped its subscription-based TimesSelect service, which charged $7.95 a month/$49.95 a year to access the paper’s archives and the work of its highest profile columnists. TimesSelect had 227,000 paying subs as of August, generating $10 million in annual subscription revenue. Archives back through 1986 will now be available for free. Meanwhile Rupert Murdoch, in the process of buying Dow Jones & Co., has said he will make free as well, betting that increased ad revenue will make up for the loss of subscription fees.


CBS Corp. CEO Les Moonves was quoted as saying CBS will stay out of the industry’s pricing battle with iTunes at the Merrill Lynch Media & Entertainment Conference. He said that while the Apple digital outlet fails to provide significant revenue, it is successful as a promotional vehicle.
will launch a hi-def simulcast version of its business cable channel in October, signing an initial carriage agreement with DirecTV. CNBC HD+ will feature a full line up of programming shot in HD including Power Lunch, Street Signs and Closing Bell.
Mobile and broadband content provider GoTV Networks introduced the initial chapter of a 10-episode made-for-broadband series with Tide laundry detergent called Crescent Heights (as in the West LA neighborhood). Available on and through many major wireless providers, the series is exec. produced by Christopher May, Chris Greenleaf and Chris W. King enlists the talents of writer Mike Martineau (Rescue Me).


Reuters introduced a new cutting-edge facial-recognition feature powered by Viewdle to search for famous people within internet video streams. Type in a name and the system searches thorough 609 hours of indexed video.
Veoh Networks launched an NCAA Football Channel with Collegiate Images LLC, the licensing and clearance agency focusing exclusively on college sports. The channel will be updated with fresh highlight clips twice a week throughout the season. Veoh also added a free accelerator tool powered by Swarmcast boosting streaming rates for videos hosted on the site.
ROO Group
will launch three online TV channels on U.K.-based Shiny Media‘s network of websites dedicated to technology, fashion and lifestyle content. Syndicated video players will be distributed across some of Shiny Media’s 40 tech and lifestyle blogs including, and
Metacafe introduced Director’s Cut showcasing comedy, action, drama, animation and documentary videos nominated by Metacafe users and approved by company editors.


Apple said it will offer the iPhone in the U.K. as of November 9, just in time for the Christmas rush. Telefonica’s O2 unit won the rights to be the exclusive mobile provider in a multiyear deal. The phones will retail for £268 ($536-quite a hike from its new $399 price tag over here) and will be available in Apple, O2 and Carphone Warehouse online and retail outlets. The launch includes a deal with wireless provider The Cloud, allowing iPhone users to connect for free through its 7,500 hot spots to help make up for O2’s limited “Edge” network coverage.
Gemstar-TV Guide International signed a licensing agreement with Qualcomm’s MediaFLO USA for rights to its mobile FLO TV interactive program guides. MediaFLO provides mobile TV services for both Verizon Wireless and AT&T in the U.S.
Interactive Corp. took a majority stake in game developer and launched a private beta version the gaming site IAC plans to expand into the online casual gaming market with more robust offerings, featuring better graphics and more 3D imagery.
Alaskan Airlines plans to be the first airline in the US to offer satellite-based Wi-Fi internet access in the air. It is currently testing a system provided by Row 44 Inc. and planning to equip its entire fleet of 114 planes by the end of 2009.


is expanding its mobile advertising inventory, launching a version of AdSense for mobile phones and devices. The system will place contextual ads with relevant mobile web content, running on the same auction-style model that earns publishers revenue based on the number of click-throughs received. Google is hosting a webinar today at 11 am PT to discuss more of the details. Go to the AdSense Blog to enroll.
Google also introduced a new interactive ad format currently in beta with a group of advertisers including Honda, Intel and Pepsi. Google Gadget Ads enable advertisers to target audiences with HTML or Flash banner ads that dynamically update data, images and video information, providing “websites within websites” of creative content.


Podcast distributor Wizzard Software announced it will implement Nielsen/NetRatings’ SiteCensus measurement solution to certify download data of its podcasts for advertisers. Podcast advertising has been slow to develop due to lack of accepted third party measurement. Wizzard says it had more than 85 million download requests from more than 8,000 podcast publishers in July, according to internal tracking data.
New series and seasons (full eps only) released online since September 11, 2007:
”The Big Bang Theory” (CBS; Unbox, iTunes): current season (1)
”Blazing Dragons” (ITV; Unbox): complete series
”Cadillacs and Dinosaurs” (CBS; Unbox): complete series
”Dog City” (Fox; Unbox): complete series
”Dumb Bunnies” (CBS; Unbox): seasons 1 & 2
”House” (Fox; Unbox): current season (4)
”iCarly” (Nick; iTunes): current season (1)
”It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia” (FX; Unbox, iTunes): current season (3)
”Josie and the Pussycats” (CBS; Unbox): complete series
”K-ville” (Fox; Unbox): current season (1)
”Mr. Bean” (ITV; iTunes): complete series
”Mr. Bean: The Animated Series” (ITV1; iTunes): complete series
”NFL GameDay” (NFL Network; iTunes): current season
”The Neverending Story” (HBO; Unbox): seasons 1 & 2
”Out of Jimmy’s Head” (Cartoon Network; iTunes): current season (1)
”Prison Break” (Fox; Unbox): current season (3)
”Sin City Law” (Sundance; iTunes): current season (1)
”Stargate: Atlantis” (SciFi; iTunes): season 2
”Street Fighter II” ( Unbox): V
”Tum Yeto Sk8” ( iTunes)
”Upright Citizens Brigade” (Comedy Central; Unbox, iTunes): season 2
”Virus” ( Unbox): volume 1
“Wildcats Covert Action Teams” (CBS; Unbox): complete series
Source: Trivial TV


Omnicom Group interactive services firm Critical Mass named John Stichweh to the post of SVP/GM. John will oversee management of the Critical Mass’ Toronto Offices and contribute to the company’s global operations, reporting to Dianne Wilkins, CEO.


Virgin Mobile USA has launched a website to raise awareness and resources to combat teen homelessness. “The RE*Generation” and partners were able to convince Congress to designate November National Homelessness Youth Awareness Month and have already raised thousands of dollars and clothing items through text-messaging donation programs and by donating proceeds from online ringtones and wallpaper sales. Virgin Mobile is also offering preview clips of a new film just submitted to Sundance about a young runaway from Fresno directed by David Sauvage and executive produced by Davis Guggenheim (An Inconvenient Truth). It’s called Carissa.

Later — Wayne
Wayne Karrfalt for Cynopsis: Digital

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JOB OPENING: ADMIN DIST/Chicago: 2 yrs exp. min. in TV/media; some travel req. MS exp. Budget, mkt rsrch, trade show event coord, etc. Res/Cover Letter w/ sal hist. to: [email protected]. Admin-CH in subject for immed consid. (9/26)

JOB OPENING:  ACCOUNT DIRECTOR (AFFILIATE SALES).MTV Networks, NY NY: 5yrs Exp in Affiliate/Cable Sales & Mktg/Manage & Coach Direct Rpts./apply on-line EOE/M/F/D/AAP (9/26)

JOB OPENING:  PROMOTIONS COORDINATOR/Classic Media, NY: Min 2-3 yrs exp in Mkting/Promos/Licensing/Adver. Youth/family exp a plus. Strong interpersonal, communication, organization. Send resume to [email protected] (9/26)

JOB OPENING:  RESEARCH MGR/Screenvision Cinema/NY: 6-8 yrs media rsch, Nielsen exp req., primary rsch a plus, TV bkgnd pref, 2-3 yrs mgmt exp req. Apply online at (9/26)
JOB OPENING:  DIRECTOR OF NEW MEDIA/New England Sports Network/Boston: Newly-created position to lead the dvlpmnt, mngmnt & strategic dir of and NESN’s other new-media ventures. See full posting and apply at (9/26)

JOB OPENING: JR POST PRODUCTION/XSAN ENGINEER/iN DEMAND Networks/NY: Asst in maintaining/building out post prod facility. Req: Engineering/Post Prod degree, 1-2 yrs eng exp, Final Cut Pro, Xsan exp. Apply at: [email protected]. (9/25)

JOB OPENING: SENIOR DIGITAL PROD/AD SALES/ 4+yrs Online Producer,1 yr Ad Sales exp, Strg communication/org skills, Ability to multi task in high pressure deadline env EOE/M/F/D/AAP. Apply (9/25)

JOB OPENING: COORDINATOR, LICENSING/MTVN/NYC: 2+yrs consumer prod lic. exp, Strng written/oral skills. Knwldge of finance & acct. Strng Microsoft office prgms skills, BA/BS A+ EOE/M/F/D/AAP. Apply (9/25)

JOB OPENING: SR DIR COMMUNICATIONS/VH1/NYC: 7yrs Entertainment/Programming PR exp, Strg written/oral skills, experience in troubleshooting, Strng Leadership/Teamwork role. EOE/M/F/D/AAP. Apply (9/25)

JOB OPENING: MANAGER MARKETING 2 (SPOTS)/MTV/NYC: 4+yrs marketing in Media or Ent, Strg Nego & Writing skills, Knwldge of TV landscape/Internet/Online mkting, MediaBuy exp A+. EOE/M/F/D/AAP. Apply (9/25)

JOB OPENING: SR PRODUCER, PRODUCT DEV/ 5+yrs exp in Ent/TV industry w/in digital media, Strng Proj Mgmt exp, Knwldg of current digital products, Inventing digital prod A+ EOE/M/F/D/AAP. Apply (9/25)

JOB OPENING: Seeking top notch SR AE for Channel One News-NYC:Must have min. 7+ yrs consultative sales,proven Biz Dev exp; ideally in Broadcast/TV, and/or non-traditional space. see full desc and apply: (9/25)

JOB OPENING: DIR OF PARTNERSHIPS/FOOD NETWORK/NY Seeking strategic thinkers w/ 5-7 yrs of ent and/or integrated mktg exp to dvlp alliances w/ nat’l advertisers & others to support FN’s brand mktg goals. Email: [email protected] (9/25)

JOB OPENING: ASSOCIATE /NYC: Entertainment Consulting Firm/BA/strong research, project mgmt, organizational & administrative skills/motivated, self-starter, media experience a +/email resume: [email protected] (9/22)

JOB OPENING: CONTRACTS ASST/ SCHOLASTIC NYC:Seeks detail oriented person to support Legal/Bus.Affairs:Admin., Contract Maint., Data Mgmt. BA/Strong org. & comm. skills. Full posting & apply at: (9/22)

JOB OPENING: DIRECTOR OF PROMOTIONS MARKETING/Cartoon Network/[adult swim], NY: Must have 5-7 yrs of exp in promos/mkting, advertising. Strong project mgmt, client service. Apply online via , Req# 86449. (9/22)

JOB OPENING: RESEARCH ANALYST/Superstation WGN/NY: Pgrm trends, estimates, sales promotion, pgm maintenance.1+ years in Cable, Spot, or agency. Proficiency in Xcel, Pwpt, Nielsen software,& MRI. Send resume to [email protected] (9/22)

JOB OPENING: PUBLICIST /TURNER BROADCASTING/NYC: Support ad sales/marketing PR & publicity efforts for CNN & New Media groups. Business & new media press contacts a +. 4 yr degree, 3-5 yrs exp. Apply: [email protected] (9/22)

JOB OPENING: BROADCAST MEDIA BUYER/LA Weight Loss/Suburban Philly-Horsham: Min 5+ yrs exp w/ TV. Resumes to: [email protected] (9/22)

JOB OPENING: SR MGR, WEB ANALYTICS & SR CAMPAIGN MGR ADVERTISING OPERATIONS/WWE/Stamford, CT: Both needed. Benefits: Med, Dntl, 401k, stock purch, gym, discounted merch, and tix to live events. Apply: (9/22)

JOB OPENING: RESEARCH MGR/Media & Ent Insights OTX/NY: Mng day to day ops of TV Dailies, knwldg of Quant rsrch mthods, TV ind playrs prgmng & trnds, 3yrs client side TV/media/ent exp req’d. send rsme: [email protected]   (9/22)

JOB OPENING: FREELANCE SCHEDULER/Nicktoons Networks/NY: Schedule episodes, interstitials, graphics, etc.1 yr media/prgrm plan’g, or traffic experience pref’d; strong interest in programming. Send resume to [email protected] (9/21)

JOB OPENING: VP, ORGANIZATION & STAFFING/Silver Spring MD: Provide strategic leadership in the acquisition and development of talent globally. Min 10 yrs HR/OD/recruiting exp. Apply: position 5463 (9/21)

JOB OPENING: DIGITAL ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE NYC/Dailymotion: 5+ yrs sales experience, 2+ online preferred, proven track record meeting aggressive goals. Email cover letter & resume referencing DAILYMOTION AE to [email protected]   (9/21)

JOB OPENING: DIRECTOR, CONTENT PARTNERSHIPS/Building B/Santa Monica: We seek a candidate that is familiar with the latest in content platforms & interactive deal structures. View the full listing & apply at (9/21)

JOB OPENING: EXEC PROD/NY: Temp Oct- March. Execing two established shows: Some development work. 15 yrs TV exp; proven exp of reality prgrmng in female skewed lifestyle arena fashion, int design etc. Res: [email protected] (9/21)

JOB OPENING: ONLINE PRODUCER/ Nickelodeon/NYC: 2+ yrs online producer exp in kids/family or community sites; Solid knowledge of the internet and related technologies. EOE/M/F/D/AAP. Send Resume to: [email protected] (9/21)

JOB OPENING: WRITER’S ASSISTANT/Los Angeles: Very fast paced TV production office seeks highly skilled Writer’s Assistant. Must have previous experience. Please email resumes to [email protected] (9/21)

JOB OPENING: SALES PROFESSIONAL/ Sorpresa!/LA: 3 yrs. exp. selling a non-traditional advertising medium, a BA/BS degree & must have exp. in at least one of these areas: Kids, Cable, or Hispanic Media. [email protected] (9/20)

JOB OPENING: BUSINESS AFFAIRS/ Sorpresa!/NY: 4 yrs. exp. to oversee legal affairs across all depts. Ability to structure, negotiate & draft a variety of agreements. Must have Media Experience & BA/BS & J.D. [email protected] (9/20)

JOB OPENING: PROD. & DEVELOPMENT MGR/ Sorpresa!/NY: 3-5 yrs. exp, Bilingual, handle all aspects of development of ideas from concept to pilot, including creative & prod. matters. Degree in Comm./Business. [email protected] (9/20)

JOB OPENING: SR. DIR. AFFILIATE RELATIONS/ Sorpresa!/NY: 7 yrs. exp., Bilingual, 4-yr Degree in Marketing or Business, support key affiliate sales, marketing initiatives & priorities for distribution. [email protected] (9/20)

JOB OPENING: SR. DIR. AFFILIATE RELATIONS/ Sorpresa!/LA: 7 yrs. exp., Bilingual, 4-yr Degree in Marketing or Business, support key affiliate sales, marketing initiatives & priorities for distribution. [email protected] (9/20)

JOB OPENING: EDITOR-ONLINE MARKETING MGR/ Sorpresa!/NY or DFW: Creating an online & mobile destination for Hispanic kids. Writing, editing, & proofreading in Spanish & English, web technology knowledge. [email protected] (9/20)

JOB OPENING: PBS Creative Services is currently soliciting FREELANCE WRITER/PRODUCER resumes and reels for upcoming on-air promo work in our Primetime area. Please submit to [email protected] (9/20)

JOB OPENING: SALES PLANNER/AETN, NY: Create Plans, steward accts, designate ADUs&recaps, coord make goods&post analysis prep. 2yrs exp pln’g or buyer.Exc comm skills.Client service mindset. Apply: (9/20)

JOB OPENING: MEDIA BUYER/NYC with min. 1-2 yrs.experience. Allocate Buys & maintain schedules. Excellent benefits. Send resume [email protected] (9/20)

JOB OPENING: SR DIRECTOR OF DIGITAL BIZ DEV/(NYC): AWE is looking for seasoned new media executive to serve as the lead account director for AWE’s portfolio of high profile technology clients. Apply: [email protected] (9/20)

JOB OPENING: DIRECTOR OF PROGRAMMING/Firebrand NY: Dev Programming Strategy. Oversee In house production of program hrs. Strong Production Bkgd, exp scheduling at network level. Resume and cover letter to [email protected]   (9/20)

JOB OPENING: SEGMENT WRITER/Firebrand NY: Script & storyboard hosted segments. Exp writer/prod for On-Air promos preferred. Knowledge of pop culture and strg research skills. Resume & 2 writing samples to [email protected] (9/20)

 JOB OPENING: POST SUPERVISOR/Firebrand NY: Coord post prod & delivery of Program Hrs. Oversee & Schedule Studio, Graphic Designers, Composite Editors & Sound. Prod & Post Prod exp required. [email protected]   (9/20)

JOB OPENING: ACQUISITIONS MANAGER/Firebrand NY: Identify material that supports network brand. Exp negotiating rights & clearances for domestic & int’l material. Advertising bkgrd a plus. Send resumes to: [email protected]   (9/20)

JOB OPENING: SEGMENT PRODUCER/Firebrand NY: Responsible for daily production of playlists. Knowledge of Pop Culture, Music and advertising a +, Exp as PA/AP preferred. This is an entry level position. [email protected] (9/20)

JOB OPENING: SUPV, INTEGRATED MARKETING AND PROMOTION/SOAPnet/BURBANK: Devlp customized sponsorship opps, manage promotional agency, assist in sponsorship execution. 3+ yrs exp needed. Apply at KEYWORD 105589 (9/20)

JOB OPENING: MARKETING MGR/Reelz Channel LA: Handles consumer and brand initiatives including creative development, supervision, execution. Min 5 yrs relevant exp, preferably in broadcast. Submit resume to [email protected] (9/20)

JOB OPENING: ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE/ABC O&O/Chicago: Develop new business partnerships, sell & execute internet & digital projects, promotions, sponsorships & packages. Self starter & highly motivated. Apply at (9/25)

SUMMER or FALL INTERNSHIPS – These positions are for credit only – nobody gets paid here. They are posted for free, and students work for school credit only. For more information on the specs for posting an Internship ad, email Trish at  [email protected] .

FALL INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY:  Interns needed for MARTHA! Office procedures, runs, research, logging, audience handling. Must be detail oriented, personable, computer literate, reliable, and dedicated. Email resumes to [email protected] (9/26)

FALL INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY:  Post Production Intern, Liberation Entertainment/LA: Gain experience in post production and be part of a fun, creative team. Must know Word, Excel & Outlook. Email [email protected] (9/26)

FALL INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: NYC-based media talent representation company with clients in news, sports and entertainment programming, looking for 2 interns to join us for the fall or spring. Contact: [email protected] (9/25)

FALL INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: MKTG/Food Network/NY: , Learn developing/brainstorming creative ideas to market Food Network. Email resume/cover letter to [email protected], # 10118 in sub (9/21)

FALL INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: Brand new fashion/lifestyle talk show on a major cable network seeks motivated interns for the fall. The internship will start ASAP and will run till Mid-October. Please email your resume to [email protected]   (9/21)

FALL INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: Firebrand NY: Job includes screening and meta-tagging entries in Firebrand Asset Mgmt system. General office & production support. Hands on Prod and Post exp. [email protected] (9/20)

FALL INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: MKTNG/ON-AIR Fox Reality Channel L.A. seeks fall intern to assist w/ & learn TV mktg and promo thru inner-workings of entertainment brand. Resume to [email protected] (9/20)


Interested in posting your Video Resume?  Contact [email protected] for more information ….

SITUATION WANTED:  DYNAMIC & EXP’D AD SALES RESEARCHER/NYC: FT Analyst or Mgr position sought to facilitate return to Industry. Superb Nielsen, organization & analytical skills; effective communicator. CONTACT: [email protected] (9/26)

SITUATION WANTED: TV PRD/L.A. Seeking Asst/dvlpmt position, ideally Producers Asst. Knowledge & exp in TV/Film industry, hard wking, dedicated, willing to work long hours. Reality or Scripted, Cable or Network. [email protected] (9/25)

E-mail Trish Pihonak for rates and specs for Job Openings.  
Interested in posting your Video Resume?  Contact [email protected] for more information ….
Are you looking for a job? Post your Situation Wanted Ad here — Email Trish Pihonak for specs.

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