Wednesday, September 17th, 2008

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Cynopsis: DIGITAL


Good morning, it’s Wednesday, September 17, 2008, and this is your first early morning digital briefing.

Time Inc. launched Maghound, a new web-based magazine subscription service hoping to do for magazine consumption what Netflix did for DVD rentals. Maghound’s 3 tiers of service are priced as such: $4.95 gets you 3 titles per month, $7.95 for 5 titles, $9.95 for 7 titles and every title beyond that costs an extra $1 per month. The best thing about the service is that you can switch titles at anytime. There are 240 magazines to choose from initially from the vaults of Time, Conde Nast, Rodale and other publishers, but don’t look for any Hearst books such as Cosmo or Esquire. Other standbys including The Economist, National Geographic, Business Week and The Atlantic are also missing.

Most Watched Cable Network  The Weather Channel, Your Hurricane Authority



Planning to expand upon past successes announced a new digital line-up of programming built around the fall television season. Here’s a sampling of what’s to come:

  • Heroes will feature more micro-sites delving into secrets revealed on air, more graphic novels, more cast commentaries and more webisodes beginning in December. A special heroes vs. villains social network launches in October
  • Knight Rider fans will be able to investigate the back stories of some of their favorite characters, play an all-new KITT game and interact in Attack KITT and the KITT cave
  • The Dunder Mifflin Infinity social network built around The Office will feature new branches, new tasks and new prizes. New features include Meredith’s blog, Angela and Andy’s wedding planning microsite, a Serenity by Jan microsite and a second installment of webisodes slated for November struck a distribution deal with Starz Media’s Manga Entertainment, making a number of feature-length and episodic anime titles available to viewers for download rental. Genre classics such as Ghost in the Shell, Robotech, Astro Boy, Street Fighter II-V, Noein, Karas and Tactics are available for $2.99 for feature length and $1.99 for episodic length.
MoMedia International has licensed animated series Empire Square and clips of Kamikaze Videos, described as a “Funniest Home Videos meets Jackass” series, to sevenload, one of Europe’s largest social media networks for internet television and UGC.


Web show studio For Your Imagination unveiled its own comedic video portal Axis of Comedy at the New York Television Festival’s Digital Day yesterday per tubefilter, bringing together 8 popular shows under one roof. Anchoring the lineup is Hayden Black’s Abigails X-Rated Teen Diary and Goodnight Burbank, rounded out by FYI’s Break a Leg, The Patrice Oneal Show and Kyle Piccolo.
Amazon‘s handy but Spartan movie database has turned the web 2.0 corner adding a video hub of its own, enabling full length movies, TV shows and shorts to be accessed directly from the site. Its collection includes rotating content from a library of over 6,000 titles ranging from classic movies such as Billy Wilder’s Some Like It Hot to episode of 24 and The Office.
P2P based online video distributor and services company BitTorrent raised $17 million in 3rd round financing from previous backers Sand Hill Road, DCM and Accel Partners, reports peHUB.


Online music service Slacker introduced the G2 Personal Radio player, allowing listeners to access 25 or 40 of the site’s 100 pre-programmed radio stations from the portable device. (Users can also program, share and export their own stations to the portable slacker player.) The radio connects to the internet using a WiFi connection. The 4GB model stores 2500 tracks and goes for $1.99 while the 8GB version holds 4000 songs and costs $249. The unit comes with a USB cable to enable transfer of personal data from PCs only.
will start selling the first handsets running the Android operating system next month manufactured by Taiwan-based HTC Corp., according to The WSJ. HTC expects to ship 600-700,000 “Dream” phones by the end of the year, nearly double initial analysts’ estimates for the smart phone. The Google powered devices will feature both a touch screen like the iPhone and a trackball like the Blackberry.
Note to iPhone users: don’t forget to synch your phone to take advantage of the new iPhone 2.1 software update. The software patch promises (among other things) to decrease call failures and dropped calls, reduce backup time to iTunes and improve the horrible battery life performance for most users.


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* Source: Nielsen Media Research/Npower. 9/12-9/13/08, 6a6a, P2+ (000),1 min. qualifier, prior 4 week unification.
** Source: SurveyUSA, 9/13-9/14, national survey of 1500 respondents *** Source: TWCi/Omniture Site Catalyst, 9/12


Fallout from the credit crunch and the market crash on Wall Street is beginning to affect the tech sector:

  • Although there was some bounceback yesterday many tech stocks including Apple, Dell, Yahoo and Google are down 15-20% in 2008
  • HP said it will eliminate over 24,000 jobs as pat of its integration with Electronic Data Systems
  • Spending on IT in the U.S. will grow just 4% this year, according to revision from Goldman Sachs, a downgrade from its earlier prediction of 6% growth

Newspaper publisher McClatchy joined the bad news parade announcing the elimination of 1,150 jobs or 10% of its workforce, its second major job trimming initiative this year. The company also reported that consolidated revenues in August 2008 decreased 15.7% and advertising revenues were down 17.8% compared to revenues in August 2007.


Comcast’s thePlatform announced that it will bolster its roster of advertising integrations with the additions of 24/7 Real Media, Microsoft’s AdManager, DoubleClick In-Stream, Tremor Media, Kiptronic, and LiveRail. That makes more than 50 companies participating in thePlatform Framework, which covers ad campaign management systems, ad sales networks, content delivery networks, content protection, media formats, transcoding engines, payment processors, syndication outlets and video search.
With an eye toward capturing a piece of the growing local online ad market podcasting network Wizzard Media signed its first regionally targeted sponsorship deal. Wizzard will serve ads embedded in podcasts to Florida users with a plug for the annual Halloween Horror Nights event at Universal Orlando Resort sponsored by Coke. Nielsen Online will certify the results of the campaign.


CBS stayed atop of Hitwise‘s website broadcast network rankings last week and The CW increased its market share by 4 percentage point but NBC’s America’s Got Talent grabbed the top spot among the broadcast network show sites. Political commentary (both faux and “real”) proved to be the biggest draw on cable sites as The Daily Show site ranked #1 among cable network sites, The O’Reilly Factor came in at #2 and MSNBC’s Keith Olbermann Show moved into the top 10 for non-children’s programming.
Top Visited US Top Visited US Broadcast Network TV Sites (Week ending Sept. 13 2008)
Rank                Network Website    Market Share of Visits
   1  CBS                         30.20%
   2  NBC                         24.01%
   3  ABC                          19.97%
   4  FOX*                        16.59%
   5 The CW                           8.40%
   6 MNTV                      .83%
Source: Custom report from Hitwise, *includes traffic aggregated from stand alone websites,,, and
Top Visited US Broadcast Network TV Show Sites (Week ending Sept. 13, 2008)
Rank   Network       Website                      Market Share of Visits
   1          NBC          American’s Got Talent         15.70% 
   2          CBS          Big Brother                         14.81%
   3          NBC          Deal or No Deal                    6.19%
   4          ABC          Dancing With The Stars         5.41%
   5          FOX          America’s Most Wanted          4.37%  
   6          FOX          Fringe                                   3.84%
   7          FOX          American Idol                        3.11%
   8         The CW      One Tree Hill                         2.62%
   9          CBS          NCIS                                     2.02%
  10         NBC          Heroes                                  1.83%  
Source: Custom report from Hitwise
Top Visited US Cable Network TV Show Sites -Excluding Children’s Programming (Week ending Sept. 13, 2008)
Rank   Network                   Website                   Market Share of Visits
  1    Comedy Central       The Daily Show                 6.30%
  2    Fox News                O’Reilly Factor                   4.30%
  3    Food Network          Paula’s Home Cooking        4.07%
  4    Comedy Central       South Park                        3.73%
  5    MTV                        The Hills                           3.60%
  6    BET                        106 & Park                        3.10%
  7    CNN                        Lou Dobbs Tonight            2.49%
  8    Food Network          Everyday Italian                2.34%
  9    Bravo                      Project Runway                 2.24%
  10  MSNBC                    Countdown w/Keith O.       2.20%               
Source: Custom report from Hitwise


Lance Podell
is leaving his former post as head of Seevast to become CEO of online video producer/syndicator NextNewNetworks (NNN), succeeding Herb Scannell, who vacated the post in June to assume the role of Executive Chairman of NNN. Seevast is an online marketing services company specializing in search engine maximization.
TiVo Inc. appointed Anna Brunelle as CFO. Anna has been with TiVo for almost four years, most recently serving as VP/Finance, Controller & Treasurer. She will report directly to Tom Rogers, President and CEO of TiVo. hired Tunku Varadarajan as Opinions Channel Editor, reporting to Managing Editor Carl Lavin. Tunku will oversee the re-launch and restructuring of the Opinions Channel, which has been expanded with the addition of several new columns.
Jason Gottlieb has joined Heavy as an Account Executive, to be based out of Heavy’s New York office. Jason was formerly Advertising Sales Director for Ecast, Inc.
Marketing firm BrightLine iTV named Audrey Marco to the role of VP/Business Development in BrightLine’s L.A. office. Audrey spent 11 years at Sony Pictures Entertainment where she helped found its Digital Division.


A new video messaging service called Outshouts has introduced some cool updates, allowing users to create video mash-ups combining a personalized message with online video clips then send it to folks via email, an embeddable widget, or as an SMS. The player widget has been improved to make it easy to export to Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, Hi5, etc.  A new twist on video card sites, Outshouts does a great job of combining video editing tools with social networking functionality. Building a “shout list” from the address book on your profile page makes it easy to send messages to your circle of friends that incorporate your favorite goofy web videos.
Later — Wayne
 Wayne Karrfalt for Cynopsis: Digital

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