Wednesday, November 23rd, 2011

Cynopsis: DIGITAL

Good morning, it’s Wednesday, November 23, 2011, and this is your first early morning digital briefing. If you would like to read this or any other Cynopsis editions online, click here .

Comcast is set to unveil a live TV offering for subscribers who have iPads, reports CNN. The program will be called AnyPlay, which will encompass a live TV app and companion device, will deliver every channel on a subscriber’s package to their iPad as well, as long as they remain near their home cable boxes. The way it works is that customers will receive a device that they can plug into their cable boxes in order to transmit a specialized wireless signal to their iPads. The service is set to launch to Comcast customers in two cities in the coming weeks, said a spokesperson for the cable operator. The company did not disclose in which cities the trials will begin or the cost, if any, of the service.


3net, a round-the-clock 3D television network from Sony, Discovery and IMAX, has launched an online arm at Built by California-based digital agency BLITZ, the website provides 2D and 3D video, a 3D “101” and Q&A section, channel and industry news and an interactive program guide through a fluid navigational design that seeks to “mirror how today’s consumers interact and consume content.” As part of the channel’s online initiative, the launch includes dedicated Facebook, Twitter and YouTube pages.

Paramount Pictures has announced that it will offer all three Mission: Impossible movies for rent on Facebook via the franchise’s fan page. Fans will also be able to play a new game on the social network with the first 200 players who locate a hidden Easter egg in the game receiving a code to rent one of the movies for free. The movies can be rented separately for a 48-hour period for 30 Facebook Credits each ($2.99).

Konami Digital Entertainment and Twentieth Century Fox Consumer Products have announced that the Karaoke Revolution GLEE: Volume 3 video game is now available to be purchased for the Nintendo Wii and Xbox 360. The game features more new hit songs, memorable performances and other exclusive footage from Season 2 of GLEE. The retail price for the bundle including a microphone is $49.99, while the software-only version of the game is tagged at $39.99. Downloadable content is available on Xbox Live, including new songs available to be purchased individually or in a bundle.

BRB Internacional is launching an international version of, a family entertainment website that can be accessed on multiple platforms in order to gain access to the company’s library of movies, games and soon-to-be-launched online store with licensed content and products. BRB’s animation catalog includes David the Gnome, Iron Kid and Around the World with Willy the Frog, amongst others.


A technology from 140 Proof, a social stream media platform company, connects interest-based keywords and sentiments with targeted ads. 140 Proof’s CEO Jon Elvekrog defines interest-based targeting as the ability to harness publicly available consumer interest data from various social streams and then targeting ads to people or groups most likely to respond. According to a MediaPost report, the company worked with digital agency TargetCast to help AMC TV brands successfully reach audiences on Twitter and other social media channels. In fact, both The Killing and Breaking Bad campaigns achieved a click-through rate of 0.4%, which is double the normal Twitter average. For The Killing, the technology was used to target the 18-to-34 male demographic, and resulted in a ratings increase of 25% within this demographic during the campaign.

Vitrue’s SaaS social marketing platform has helped its clients surpass a grand total of 1 billion social relationships across Facebook, Twitter and Google+ (defined as “likes,” “follow” or “plus”). It is the latest banner in what has been a year of banners for Vitrue as it has signed 200 clients in the past 15 months and was selected by Google as a launch partner in the Google+ API.


Yoon Boo-keun, the president of Samsung’s TV division, told reporters yesterday that Samsung is planning to unveil a version of Google TV at an event next year, but did not specify which event it will be or when it will take place.

Microsoft has acquired VideoSurf, a California-based video discovery technology company that has already received funding from Al Gore, Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg, SurveyMonkey CEO David Goldberg and Israeli investment fund Pitango. VideoSurf’s technology makes it easier for viewers to search for videos by analyzing the frames and visual content of a video, and not simply just metadata (or tags, video title and description, which are used by video sites such as YouTube to perform their searches). Microsoft announced that it will seek to integrate VideoSurf’s technology into Xbox Live and Bing. The reported price tag of the purchase is $70.


Apple remained the leading manufacturer on Millennial Media’s platform for the month of October, according to the independent mobile advertising and data company’s October 2011 Mobile Mix report. In addition, the iPhone was still the top mobile phone; and Android was still the top operating system when combining smartphone and connected device impressions. Other interesting findings from the report include:

  • Impressions coming over a Wi-Fi network increased 19% month-over-month, and accounted for 35% of all impressions.
  • Impressions from touch-screen devices rose 44% year-over-year and accounted for 69% of all impressions on Millennial’s platform.
  • 40% of developers indicated that developing new apps was their top goal for 2012.

NM Incite, a Nielsen/McKinsey company, took a look at the online buzz generated by Black Friday and Cyber Monday over the past two years. The results found that web discussion of Black Friday peaked at 2.5% of daily buzz in 2010, up from 1.9% in 2009. To gauge the level of discussion regarding the shopping holiday, the report offers a comparison in the Women’s World Cup, which represented 1.1% of total buzz. In terms of Black Friday vs. Cyber Monday, Black Friday captured a significant majority of the share of online conversations revolving around these topics as it accounted for 79% of the buzz in 2010. However, the report notes that the share of buzz for Cyber Monday in 2010 more than doubled over 2009.

According to market research consultancy Parks & Associates, 51% of broadband households intending to buy a consumer electronic product this holiday season would choose the Kindle Fire, and 49% would choose the iPad. However, among holiday shoppers most likely to purchase a tablet by the end of 2011, 62% favor the iPad, as opposed to the 38% who would select the Kindle Fire. Furthermore, the numbers shift when demographics are taken into consideration. Consumers 45 and older prefer the Kindle Fire, while households with higher incomes prefer the iPad.


LogMeIn Ignition is a popular iOS app that lets users remotely access their PCs and Macs through Apple’s mobile devices. The app has received an update that now brings Dropbox and Google Docs integration onto the platform. Due to the integration, users will be able to remotely access, save, transfer and edit files from mobile devices, computers and/or cloud storage and sync services. The app can be purchased for a one-time fee of $29.99.

Konami Digital Entertainment has unveiled a free version of Frogger, an app now available on the iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch. The game brings back all the characters from the popular arcade game and features three new modes: Turbo, NightTime and Inferno. Users can also connect with other players through Facebook Connect, allowing them to compete against friends on the Game Center leaderboards.


From Cynthia Turner, Publisher/Founder of Cynopsis Media:

  • Wayne Karrfalt, who has been with Cynopsis Digital since its inception in 2006, has made the decision based on medical reasons to step down from his post as Contributing Editor. “I feel so fortunate to have had the opportunity to work with a phenomenal team at Cynopsis to help our readers understand and perhaps even get ahead of a period of what’s understatedly called disruption within our industry,” said Wayne. “It’s been a memorable ride through some wild times!” On behalf of myself and the staff at Cynopsis Media, let me say Wayne has been the driving force behind Cynopsis Digital. And while we are all terribly saddened to see him leave Cynopsis, we hope to work with him again in the future and wish him all the very best in the weeks, months and years ahead. For those wishing to reach out to Wayne, you may contact him via email at [email protected].
  • So what happens next? Well, we’re very happy to tell you Sahil Patel, who has been covering for Wayne Karrfalt four days a week these past couple of months, has accepted the full time post as Associate Editor for Cynopsis Digital. You can reach him with your press information and anything pertaining to Cynopsis Digital at [email protected]. Congratulations Sahil and welcome aboard!

Digital Broadcasting Group (DBG) has hired Matt Baxter as Vice President of Content Development. At his new post, Baxter will be in charge of the creation and production of branded entertainment initiatives for the producer/distributor of web video content, as well as evaluating and implementing creative strategies for the one-tier brands in DBG’s clientele.


Upcoming Specials + Events for Cynopsis Media

Special Editions
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2011 Cynopsis Year in Review [1/1/12] | NATPE Shopping Guide [1/19/12]

Award Programs
Cynopsis: Kids !magination Awards
Call for Entries [1/11/12] | Awards & Event [June 2012]

To reserve your ad space or sponsor an upcoming program, contact Mike Farina, 203.218.6480


So tomorrow is Thanksgiving. Most of us are about to embark on epic dietary journeys that will inevitably (and hopefully) end with spectacular turkey comas as we watch the Cowboys lose to Miami (calling it), Green Bay remain undefeated (ditto) and Harbaugh’s team beat the other Harbaugh’s team (guaranteed). But before we get there, and because this is Cynopsis Digital after all, let me present to you Mashable’s Top 9 Thanksgiving Apps for the iPhone. The list ranges from apps that provide step-by-step tutorials on preparing the feast to turkey-bashing (literally) games; it has you covered for the holiday weekend. No word on whether this means Android users are anti-Thanksgiving…


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Later – Sahil
Sahil Patel, Access Intelligence, filling in for Wayne Karrfalt for Cynopsis: Digital

Cynopsis Ad Sales:
Mike Farina – VP/Business Development & Sales – 203-218-6480 / [email protected]
Classifieds – Trish Pihonak- 203-381-9096 / [email protected]

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JOB OPENING: SENIOR SOFTWARE PRODUCER/NYC: Major children’s publisher seeks producer to oversee day to day production of cross-platform software, including PC and mobile. 5+yrs prod exp. Resume: [email protected] (12/2)

JOB OPENING: SHOWRUNNER for HGTV series in MPLS (willing to work in MN for production). Reality TV sprvsng prdcr credits req’d.Start Dec, 7-8 wks for pilot w/brk bfr continuing the series. [email protected]  (12/2)

JOB OPENING: DIR PROGRAMMING & DIST STRATEGY/Marvel Animation/LA: Mng/strategize global prgrmng & distribution with internal & 3rd party partners. 5+ yrs prgrmng & distribution exp, highly organized. Resume to: [email protected] (12/1)

JOB OPENING: PRODUCER, ASSOCIATE PRODUCERS/Los Angeles: Must have talk or court show experience. Send resume and cover letter to [email protected] (12/1)

JOB OPENING: DIRECTOR, CONSUMER INSIGHTS RESEARCH/MTV/NYC. 5-7 yrs TV research/pilot testing & pilot optimization at a network is a must; B.A req EOE/M/F/D/AAP apply (12/1)

JOB OPENING: COORD STANDARDS & PRACTICES/Nickelodeon/NYC: BA, 2yrs work exp; knwldg children’s media. Strong communic/written sk. Detail-oriented, good editorial judgement. Apply EOE/M/F/D/AAP (12/1)



JOB OPENING: DIGITAL SALES INVENTORY ANALYST/ABCFAM/NY: inventory mgmt, analytics ABCFam digital properties, ensure campaign delivery, report inventory sellouts & selling estimates. Apply at D#11573BR (11/30)

JOB OPENING: VP, COMMUNICATIONS/Nat Geo Channel/Nat Geo Wild: Washington, DC-Mng PR, communications, network efforts, & relationships for Nat Geo Channel & Nat Geo WILD. BA/BS & 8+ yrs ent exp. FNG0000811 (11/30)

JOB OPENING: SR NEWS PRODUCER (WEEKENDS) /Westchester, NY: Excellent writing skills, supervisory and news producing experience. Res/cvr: [email protected] (11/30)

JOB OPENING: EXECUTIVE PRODUCER (NEWS)/Westchester, NY: Supervise writing, plan story selection, graphics selection, editing, production and execution of daily newscasts and special programming. Res/cvr: [email protected] (11/30)

JOB OPENING: LINE PRODUCER (NEWS)/Westchester, NY: Line and stack daily news broadcasts. Must have news experience. Res/cvr: [email protected] (11/30)

JOB OPENING: JR BROADCAST IT/TECHNICIAN/Westchester, NY: Knowledge of Windows XP/NT/2000/2003 server & workstation and troubleshoot and problem solve at the component level. Res/cvr: [email protected] (11/30)

JOB OPENING: ASSIGNMENT EDITOR/Westchester, NY: Research and story development and crew logistics. Assist in development, planning and follow up of all news stories. Res/cvr: [email protected] (11/30)

JOB OPENING: WEB DESIGNER/BBC/NY: Oversee design/redesign & prod wide range of online mktg graphics. Strong orgnztl/comm skills a must. Sftwr knwlg: MacOSX, Photoshop, illust, flash.  Res/cvr: (11/29)

JOB OPENING: MGR PRGRM PLANNING/SCHED/ATL:  5+ yrs prgrm planning/sched; TV exp req. Strong organizational skills. Attention to detail. Self-starter. Support VP w/ short & long-term prgrm planning. Res: [email protected] (11/29)


JOB OPENING: PROJECT MANAGER, AD SALES MARKETING/NBCUniversal/LA:  Exp w/ ad sales marketing in broadcast or cable TV highly preferred. Apply: (11/24)

INTERNSHIPS – These positions are for credit only – nobody gets paid here. These ads are always posted for free, and students work for school credit only. For more information on the specs for posting an Internship ad, email Trish at [email protected] .

WINTER INTERSHIP CREDITS ONLY: INTERNSHIPS for school credit only: forward resume to: [email protected] (11/30)

SITUATION WANTED ADS, POSTED BY THOSE LOOKING TO BE HIRED … There is no charge for placing your Situation Wanted ad … for more information contact Trish Pihonak at  [email protected]

SITUATION WANTEDI’M ALL YOURS – Seeking to Assist, Currently an E.A. to Chief of Dept. 5 Yrs. work exp. B.A. Mass Comm. Contact, [email protected] (12/2)

SITUATION WANTEDJeanne Intile Burns, VOICE-OVER ARTIST/VOICE COACH, Cell: 845-721-9681, E-Mail: [email protected], Web Links:, , (“American Biographies”)  (12/2)

SITUATION WANTEDDedicated & Experienced ADV. SALES PLANNER (NYC) Sales proposals, resolving client discrepancies, quarterly post analysis, special sales service projects, expert computer skills. Contact- [email protected] (12/2)

SITUATION WANTEDAward-winning WRITER/PRODUCER is looking for his next job. Shows I’ve written and produced have aired on TLC, Discovery, ESPN,and PBS, among others. Please contact [email protected] or 626-437-2698 (12/2)

SITUATION WANTED:   PRODUCTION/OFFICE ASSISTANT: Recent grad with a BFA in Arts Management seeks entry level position in NY. Interested in all departments of entertainment and media. Dedicated & passionate- [email protected] (12/2)

E-mail [email protected] or call Trish Pihonak at 203.381.9096 for rates and specs for Job Openings.

Are you looking for a job? Post your Situation Wanted Ad here — Email [email protected] for specs.

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