Wednesday, May 23rd, 2012


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Cynopsis: Sports

Good morning. It’s Wednesday, May 23, 2012, and this is your first early morning Sports briefing.

For its broadcast of the Indianapolis 500 this Sunday, May 27, ABC said it will rely on more than 80 cameras, including four cameras per car in at least nine of the 33 cars running the race. ESPN is producing the telecast, and for the first time in an IndyCar broadcast ESPN will use what’s called “dual-path technology” to show views from two cameras in the same car at the same time, ABC said. Online, ESPN3 will carry the car camera feeds, letting viewers choose which ones to watch on the broadband WatchESPN service and via ESPN3 will also carry replays of the event after it concludes. Finally, ESPN plans to use the “Batcam” in its production. That camera can move at more than 80 mph, which is not a bad skill for a racing camera. Ultra Hi Motion cameras will also be used on the track.

On the Air

NBA TV has nabbed Chicago Bulls guard Richard Hamilton as a guest analyst for its live studio show GameTime tonight and tomorrow (May 24) at 7:30p. He joins host Rick Kamla and analysts Greg Anthony and Dennis Scott to analyze the finals.

As part of the All-Star Weekend festivities in July in Kansas City, former Royals stars George Brett, Bo Jackson, Mike Sweeney and others will play in the Legends & Celebrity Softball Game on July 8. It’s slated to air on July 9 on ESPN at 10:30 p following the 8p broadcast of the State Farm Home Run Derby. The softball game will also include in the lineup: Ernie Banks, Joe Carter, Andre Dawson, Rollie Fingers, Rickey Henderson, Mike Piazza, Ozzie Smith, and Dave Winfield.

ESPN 3D is broadening its coverage of Wimbledon in 3D with an expanded schedule that includes live telecasts of the final five days of the tournament from July 4 through July 8. ESPN 3D carried the first televised 3D tennis game last year at Wimbledon, the network said.

Outside Television inked a partnership with Volvo Ocean Race to carry the regatta in hi-def starting next month. Outside Television said this year’s race is the first to include teams from China and the United Arab Emirates, and it’s also one of the closest Volvo Ocean Races ever so far. The network recently forged a distribution deal with Comcast XFinity and will be launched in some of those markets in time for the race.






Sponsorship & Promotion

Olympic organizers are cracking down on businesses that are using guerilla-style marketing to capitalize on the upcoming London Olympics, according to an Associated Press report. Big brands such as McDonald’s, Coca-Cola and Samsung have shelled out as much as $100 million each to be official sponsors, the story said.

In other Olympics news, NBC reportedly said at the National Cable & Telecommunications Association conference that it’s planning a promotional campaign to let viewers know about the availability of the Olympics online this summer, said an LA Times report.

ESPN’s Scott Jenkins, Director of Customer Marketing and Sales in ESPN’s Controller’s Department, received the BCCA Member Contributor Award at the Opening General Session for Media Finance Focus 2012 that recognizes contributions to the media credit and collection industry.

Digital Fields

Recreational tennis players will have the chance to honor coaches this summer in a Tennis Channel online initiative to name “America’s Hottest Tennis Coach.” The network said it’s aiming to recognize coaches who are physically fit, motivational, inspiration and promote healthy lifestyles. The top female and top male coach will be announced in August, with winners receiving their own instructional videos to be produced by and to air on the network in 2013. Voting is open now through June 22. The network said three-quarters of its viewers play the sport recreationally, and the award is a chance for viewers to give kudos to their coaches.

The Main Event

Devils/Rangers at 8p on NBC Sports Network.

ON THIS DAY in 1978: The American League approves the transfer of the Red Sox to Jean Yawkey for $15 million.

Answer to Our Last Sports Trivia Question: A New York Yankees jersey worn by Babe Ruth sold this weekend for $4,415,658 at auction, reportedly the highest price ever paid for sports memorabilia. Before the Ruth jersey, what item of sports memorabilia had claimed the highest price title? The prior record was the $4,338,500 for James Naismith’s founding rules of basketball. Kudos: David ; Synda Kollman-Charter Marketing Group/Boca Raton; Marc Wollis-NBC Sports Group/Orlando; Aaron Beitler-DIRECTV/NY; Michael Lao-NBTY/Ronkonkoma, NY; Sarah; Evan Perlmutter-One Line Sports Agency/NY.

In The Know: The Oklahoma City Thunder relocated from Seattle to Oklahoma in 2008. Prior to the Thunder, name the two most recent NBA franchises to relocate, counting only permanent, not temporary relocations. (Email [email protected] with your answer and be sure to include your name, company, city and time zone. Unofficial rules: Only the second four correct answers from each time zone will be mentioned; and once you’ve been mentioned in any of the Cynopsis editions, you can’t be mentioned again that calendar week.)

Later — Chris
Chris Pursell for Cynopsis | Sports

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JOB OPENING: DIGITAL SALES MGR/OWN/Oprah Winfrey Network/CHI: 5 yrs exp in Ad Sales, xlnt biz dev/client & agency mgmt skills, great team player. Apply at: (5/31)

JOB OPENING: SALES PLANNER/OWN Digital/ 2 yrs exp in Online Ad Sales, oversee rfp requirements & price/cpm analysis, develop proposals and presentations, team player. Apply at: (5/31)

JOB OPENING: FLASH DVLPR/DESIGNER/NYC: 2-5 yrs related work exp in high-end, fast paced, graphic design & prod stdio or agency. Exc comm skills w/strong client srvce & proj mngmnt. BA deg/ graph des pref’d. Res: [email protected] (5/31)

JOB OPENING: PUBLICITY ASST/LA: Asst maint’g press lists/press set visits/event plan’g/press junkets & escorting talent to events/media apprncs. 1-3yrs ent pub. exp pref’d. Strong written comm skills a must. [email protected]  (5/31)

JOB OPENING: DIR, PR/LA: 7+YRS TV publicity exp. at a ntwrk, studio or agency & a comprehensive knwlg of ent, cbl industry & unscripted ser. Strong relations w/key print, brdcst & online media outlets is key. [email protected] (5/31)

JOB OPENING: SHOW PRODUCER/REELZ/ABQ, NM: Entertainment news bckgrnd/strong writing skills/on deadline. Staff position with benefits; At least 5 yrs on daily/weekly pop culture shows. Please apply to [email protected] (5/31)

JOB OPENING: PROMO EDITOR/(PT)/New Orleans: Exp w/ final cut pro and recent topical promos a must. Need a sense of comedy and exp with graphics.  8 wk position, Could become staff position.  Contact – [email protected] (5/31)

JOB OPENING: SR DIRECTOR OF PROGRAM SCHEDULING/THE WEATHER CHANNEL/ATL or NYC: 7-10 years TV programming, strong knowledge TV & digital platforms. Solid program planning/scheduling exp a must. Resume to: [email protected] (5/31)

JOB OPENING: PROGRAMMING COORDINATOR/HGTV & DIY/NY: maintain materials related to the programming production process. 2 yrs exp in production or programming req. Apply: (5/31)

JOB OPENING: ANALYST, TV RESEARCH/FX-LA: Support sr execs w/ data anlys of perf of on-air & competitive ntwrks. BA Fin., Math, Acct’g pref. Sup skills MS Excel. 1yr exp in data/media relatd field pref. FNG0001112 (5/31)

JOB OPENING: PROD MGR, PRINT CREATIVE/FOX/LA: Oversee aspects of print prod incl. schedlng; vendor mgmt; sprvise prod staff; etc. 5+ yrs advtsng & print prod. Mac, Photoshop, InDesign exp a must. FNG0001141 (5/30)

JOB OPENING: TV One/NY: TRAFFIC COORD. BA pref’d and/or 2 yrs of exp TV Ops & Traffic. Build daily comm. log within parameters to ensure accuracy. Wrk w/Ad sales mgmt, traffic mgmt. and agencies. More info: (5/30)

JOB OPENING: MGR, FINANCIAL PLANNING & ANALYSIS/THE WEATHER CHANNEL/ATL: 7+ years finance or acctng. Experience with media company a plus, financial metrics/modeling, OLAP tools. MBA preferred. Resume to: [email protected] (5/30)

JOB OPENING: PROD COORD/LA: Animated TV series looking for full-time PC/APM to start ASAP. Prior television animation coordinating/ team management exp a must. Resume to [email protected] (5/30)

JOB OPENING: DIRECTOR PROGRAMMING & COMPLIANCE INT’L. NETWORKS/NBCUniversal/LA: Oversee programming from strategy to execution. Min. 5 yrs exp in TV program scheduling in cable. Apply at Job#5539BR (5/26)

JOB OPENING PROJ MGR RSRCH/NY: 5+ yrs TV rsrch brdcst/cable exp required. Expertise in data analysis, comp TV landscape & ind trends. Kwldg of Star/Nielsen sys. BA deg req’d. To apply, contact: [email protected] (5/26)

JOB OPENING SENIOR DIRECTOR COMMUNICATIONS/NBCUniversal Oxygen/NYC: supervise series publicity/campaign management and press team. Unscripted/TV experience a must. Apply: #5659 (5/26)

JOB OPENING: PROJ MGR ANALYTICS & SOCIAL MEDIA/ATL: 5+ yrs TV rsrch/2+ social media, passion for animation & kids prgrmng +, primary rsch & strong knwldg of dig. platforms. Kwldg of anlytcl tracking systms. [email protected] (5/25)

JOB OPENING: INV MGR-PLANNING/Uni Cable Nets/NY: Support Dir. on invntry mgmt/stewardship/revenue rptg. Must be detailed/analytical/able to multi-task. Exp. in media/DM/VCI/Spanish a +. Apply: [email protected] (5/25)

JOB OPENING: SALES EXEC/PLAINVIEW NY: 2+ yrs Latin America media/tech sales with content delivery network company  e-mail resume to [email protected] (5/25)

JOB OPENING: AE-DIGITAL/NYC/Discovery: Dvlp/maint strategic accts/sponsorship deals for Discovery’s dig. portfolio. Exc agency/client relationships & proven track rec. Dig. bckgnd a +: (5/25)

JOB OPENING: SR LEV PRINT GRAPHIC DESIGNER/MOTION MEDIA ARTIST/Denver (area): Design mktg materials, PwrPnt, prod. illustrations, & 2D & 3D animations. Maya, AfterEffects & Photoshop exp a must. Res: [email protected] (5/25)

JOB OPENING: VP POST PRODUCTION/BBC AMERICA/NYC: Oversee daily ops NY post prod facility. Create long term tech strategy supporting various channel initiatives incl: digital, EST and TVE. Cable VOD fulfilment exp. [email protected] (5/24)

JOB OPENING: DIRECTOR AD SALES RESEARCH/Style & Sprout/NY: Manage sales estimates & forecasting processes, drafting sales messaging and helping with custom research efforts. Apply to: (4976BR) (5/24)

JOB OPENING: MGR, STRATEGIC MKTG, SYFY/NBCUNIVERSAL/NYC: Create cross-platform marketing packages. Min. 2 years experience at an agency, media company or sales org required. Apply online at (#5545BR) (5/24)

INTERNSHIPS – These positions are for credit only – nobody gets paid here. These ads are always posted for free, and students work for school credit only. For more information on the specs for posting an Internship ad, email Trish at [email protected].

SUMMER INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: Sony Music seeks NYC MBA summer intern to assist the global Biz Dev team in analyzing new digital opportunities. MBA strongly preferred. Excel proficiency & love of music required. Res: [email protected] (5/31)

SITUATION WANTED ADS, POSTED BY THOSE LOOKING TO BE HIRED… There is no charge for placing your Situation Wanted ad… for more information contact Trish Pihonak at [email protected].

SITUATION WANTED:  WRITER’S/PRODUCTION ASSISTANT/LA:  Worked as a Page on The Big Bang Theory, Mike & Molly, etc. Attending UCLA’s TV writing program. Very experienced with Final Draft. Has BS in journalism. [email protected] (5/31)

SITUATION WANTED:  TAKE ON ME, TAKE ME ON: NY based: willing to travel and/or relocate. Mass Comm, Media head, super organizer, creative, seeking dynamic org./individuals to work with. Pls contact, [email protected] (5/31)

SITUATION WANTED: LEGAL/BUSINESS AFFAIRS OUTSOURCING: Experienced attorneys; will handle legal for production companies or business affairs depts ( [email protected] (5/30)

SITUATION WANTED: WRITER/SHOW RUNNER ASSISTANT/SCRIPT COVERAGE/WRITING: Has worked in development/writing for iTV studios and NightFlight Studios. Experienced script reader w/great coverage and analysis skills. [email protected] (5/26)

SITUATION WANTED: SPORTS/ENT SPONSOR/PARTNER SALES. Very creative activations for diverse mrktg/event challenges. Award Shows; Sports; Venues; Media. Award Winning Events Producer w/ sponsor integrations. Contact: Sarah at [email protected] (5/25)

SITUATION WANTED: CHILDREN’S MEDIA/LA: Willing to relocate. Producer and Segment Producer w/ Child Ed & journalism background, & over 12 yrs working w/children. [email protected] (5/25)

SITUATION WANTED: SALES ASST/NYC: Interned for 3 consecutive semesters at Scripps Networks in Ad Sales Mktg, Works as upfront asst. B.A. from Fordham University in Comm/Business. Resume upon request. Contact [email protected] (5/25)

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