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Cynopsis: DIGITAL
Good morning, it’s Wednesday, December 17, 2008, and this is your first early morning digital briefing.
Mac fanboys will have a hole in their social calendars from 2010 – Apple announced that next month’s Macworld conference in San Francisco will be its last. They can no doubt blame the success of social networking, blogs and other digital mediums that make it much cheaper for the company to keep its community abreast of new developments. CES for one should be happy; Macworld has been held at the same time as the consumer electronics confab for years, drawing the Mac faithful away from Las Vegas. Further, Steve Jobs has declined to give the keynote to the last Macworld. (Prepare for reports of Steve’s declining health to begin flying around the net …)
CBS College Sports Network, MaxPreps and CBS Sports will team to offer multiplatform coverage of the T-Mobile Invitational High School Basketball Tournament to be held at Ball State Univ. Dec. 29-30. CBS Interactive’s high school sports site Max Preps will offer replays of the full broadcast of all tournament games, available on-demand 48 hours after the conclusion of each contest. CBS Interactive is reporting significant traffic gains across many of its sites, citing Nielsen Online and comScore census data for November. CBS says CBS.com and CBSSports.com both led competitors in engagement, for instance, registering 11.9 minutes/user and 62.8/user respectively for the month.
MTV Networks’ Nickelodeon Kids and Family Group proclaimed its dominance in the kids and family digital space claiming a monthly average of 131 million visits and an aggregate 2.4 billion minutes spent at the close of 2008, sourcing comScore numbers. Several of the group’s sites set traffic records this year including Nick.com, Neopets, NickJr.com, iCarly.com, Addicting Games, Shockwave and The-N sites (The-N.com and Quizilla.)
Action sports lifestyle network Fuel TV launched a new full episode HD-quality streaming video player on Fuel.tv, powered by Move Networks. (Brightcove continues to manage the standard def video on the site.) Available HD shows include the entire second season of The Great Ride Open.
And the winner is … CMT.com has named 33-year-old Kurt Thomas the winner of its third annual Music City Madness contest, beating out 16-year-old Maddie Georgi of Allison Park, Penn. Over 22 million total votes were cast this year, an increase of 439% vs. total voting last year.
Spanish-language movie channel Cinelatino reveals plans today to launch a comprehensive on-and off-air rebranding initiative beginning on January 1 that will include a new logo, a new on-air look and a new broadband website to launch in early 2009.
Call for Votes: WLNY TV10/55 in New York is down to 4 finalists vying for the top INDIMUSIC TV independent artist of the season. Go to indimusic.com to view the finalists’ videos and vote for your choice. The Dec. 27 telecast of WLNY’s late night music video show will reveal the winner.
Video streaming company BitTorrent, which was forced to return $17 million in venture financing this past June, completed a refinancing round of $7 million that has drastically reduced its valuation to $28 million, reports TechCruch. The company’s investors include Accel Partners, DCM and DAG Ventures.
Web storage service Wuala, which provides users up to 1GB of free storage for photos, videos and music, released a new web API in alpha format allowing third party developers to create applications for the platform.
Online video venture Strike.TV struck a deal with portal KoldCast TV to allow its professionally-created internet shows to be broadcast on the ad supported portal.
Online video sharing site Dailymotion says it audience has doubled this year, citing metrics from comScore. Dailymotion is averaged 7.3 million U.S. uniques as of Oct. and 36 monthly unique visitors worldwide – each of whom average 10.8 minutes per session.
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Ottawa-based online video ad provider Overlay.tv raised an additional C$4.6 million ($3.8 million) in second round financing led by returning investors Celtic House Venture Partners, Tech Capital Partners and EdgeStone Capital Partners. The funding will be used to produce overlays for higher profile content producers. Recent Overlay.tv clients include Nettwerk Music Group, Hollywood Records, KidzBop and Transcontinental Media.
Network Digital Signage will be a bright spot in an otherwise down ad market in 2009, according to a new research report from MultiMedia Intelligence. The medium expanded to reach 1.1 million displays in 2008, many of them providing network connections from servers to set top boxes or digital media adapters. Digital signage is being buoyed by the ability to moderate the health of each display, schedule content and advertisements, allow for single-point remote management of a network and provide proof of play to advertisers.
The Chinese government is back to its old tricks of blocking access to web sites that it had allowed access to during the Olympic Games including Voice of America and the BBC, according the Reporters Without Borders group. Furthermore, internet cafe clients are being required to submit to having their pictures taken before using a computer.
AT&T’s U-Verse IPTV service reached a milestone, signing its 1 millionth subscriber across 79 markets in 16 states.
B2B-focused web 2.0 solution provider WorkLight and widget/customizable home page creator Netvibes are teaming up to provide companies with an enterprise-grade widget solution to interface with customers, partners and employees. Tools range from providing secure RSS feeds and targeted promotional widgets to enabling secure transactions.
Google remained the top internet parent company and brand for November, according to Nielsen online attracting an overall unique audience of 135.2 million. AOL remained tops in terms of time spent per person, averaging 3 hours and 43 min. per user for the month.
Top 10 Parent Companies/Divisions for November 2008
Parent Unique Audience (000) Time Per Person (hh:mm:ss)
1. Google 135,267 2:02:03
2. Microsoft 126,027 2:25:02
3. Yahoo! 119,142 3:16:44
4. AOL LLC 86,308 3:43:45
5 News Corp. 82,388 1:36:50
6. InterActiveCorp 66,767 0:16:26
7. Amazon 65,550 0:27:33
8. eBay 65,302 1:42:14
9. Wikimedia 58,917 0:18:37
10. NY Times Co. 55,021 0:19:47
Source: Nielsen Online
Top 10 Web Brands for November 2008 (U.S., Home and Work)
Brand Unique Audience (000) Time Per Person (hh:mm:ss)
1. Google 127,656 1:23:40
2. Yahoo! 117,656 3:17:36
3. MSN/Windows Live 104,090 2:13:19
4. Microsoft 95,543 0:45:44
5. AOL Media Network 86,308 3:43:45
6. YouTube 81,882 1:01:33
7. Fox Interactive Media 69,838 1:39:31
8. Wikipedia 58,335 0:18:39
9. Amazon 57,682 0:25:33
10. eBay 55,438 1:43:41
Source: Nielsen Online
Seattle-based outdoor gear coop REI launched a new iPhone app powered by Zumboi geared toward skiers and snowboarders. It provides up to date temperatures, snow conditions and the number of open lifts at over 1800 GPS accesses ski resorts worldwide. There’s also an e-commerce component.
Music streaming app Pandora released a version of its software for Windows Mobile devices.
Prolific mobile games producer Glu Mobile launched a pair of new games for the iPhone and iPod Touch: The Dark Knight: Batmobile Game, co-published with Warner Bros. Digital Distribution, and Bonsai Blast, an original Glu title. (Our two cents: the Batmobile game, which utilizes the devices’ accelerometer to control steering and features some pretty amazing graphics, pales in terms of playability in comparison to other iPhone driving games like Cro-Mag Rally. But it’s only 99 cents, vs. $9.99 for Cro-Mag Rally)
Texas-based Midway Games announced it will lay off 180 full time employees or 25% of its work force, shutter its studio and suspend development of several game titles.
Current TV is upping executive Ofer Shaked to Chief Technology Officer, per Variety. Ofer, whose previous title was CTO, Online, will remain in the company’s San Francisco office and report to CEO Joel Hyatt.
ESPN is ready to roll out a freshly redesigned web portal on Jan. 5 and the network has released the beta version of the site to the general public. Let’s say the move is not a moment too soon for the undisputed leader in U.S. sports, as its traffic numbers have remained relatively flat for the past year according to ComScore’s Media Metrix. The first thing you’ll notice is that there is far less jammed onto the home page, giving your eye an actual fighting chance to absorb the content. The endless number of tabs at the top have been replaced with 7 principle categories (subcategories come up when you wave your mouse over them.) Each major sport still has its own tab below the main menu, with minor ones being relegated to the More Sports category. The old school video player has been swapped out with a 16×9 formatted one and, thank goodness, the autoplay video on the home page is finally gone. You can browse for video by latest (the default setting) by TV show, by sport or by original video. The myESPN option gives you much snazzier customization features, including a cool Flash roll-over that allows you access to your favorite teams, players, sports, or custom headlines. It also provides one-click access to fantasy games – a necessity in keeping fantasy nuts loyal. The redesign was a long time coming; ESPN’s digital team has been working on it for more than a year. But it’s been worth the wait. Users will find the site much easier to navigate and advertisers should enjoy much more impact from their ad placements.
Later — Wayne
Wayne Karrfalt for Cynopsis: Digital
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