Wednesday, August 1st, 2007



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Cynopsis: DIGITAL


Good Morning, it’s Wednesday, August 1, 2007 and this is your first early morning digital briefing. 

In the end, money talked. News Corp. earned the votes needed to win control of Dow Jones & Co. after a key Bancroft trust changed its mind and decided to accept the company’s $60/share offer, reported The Wall Street Journal. Part of the deal calls for a Bancroft family member to join the News Corp. board of directors to help insure Dow Jones’s journalistic independence. Check out the Journal’s website for more coverage of the deal you can shake a mouse at.


It appears the Republican candidates are not quite ready to jump into the YouTube debate format after all. To date only three candidates – Texas Rep. Ron Paul, Arizona Sen. John McCain and former Wisconsin Gov. Tommy Thompson – have committed to the Sept. 17 CNN/YouTube event, according to reports, while Rudy Giuliani and Mitt Romney have already begged off. The Billiam the Snowman clip created by Minnesota twentysomethings Nathan and Greg Hamel has become the focus of a backlash against the “silliness” of using user-generated video to pose questions to men who fancy themselves presidential. Republican internet consultants are worried candidates’ reluctance to play in this space will create a new digital divide the party can ill-afford.
Nine new NBC Universal channels were added to Verizon Wireless’ V Cast mobile TV service, including offerings from NBC’s prime time and late night shows, NBC News, NBC Sports, Access Hollywood, Telemundo, Mun2, Bravo and iVillage. Clips from Heroes, Friday Night Lights, The Office, Late Night with Conan O’Brien and Project Runaway are featured. The short form videos are available on demand to V Cast subscribers, who pay a monthly fee of $15 for an all-you-can-eat subscription.
Amazon signed a non-exclusive deal with The National Archives and Records Administration to begin selling digital copies of the archive’s thousands of historic films and videotapes on California-based subsidiary CustomFlix Labs is creating DVDs of some of the most famous footage, making them available for purchase on the site.
Apple announced the iTunes store surpassed 3 billion songs sold and downloaded. The iTunes catalog now includes over 5 million songs, 550 TV shows and 500 movies for purchase, making it the third largest music retailer in the U.S., according to the NPD Group’s MusicWatch survey.
iN Demand Networks
is launching Mojo Mix, a new HD VOD service available to all Mojo affiliates. It features five hours of music videos, concerts, episodes of Mojo original series and specials, refreshed on a monthly basis. Time Warner will add the service across its footprint this summer. Comcast has been carrying Mojo’s Mix music service – just relaunched as Mojo Music – for over a year.
Multiplatform kids service Kabillion unveiled a new pre-school block of programming today available online and on demand across Comcast systems nationwide. New 2-5 year-old targeted shows include 3D CGI-animated Dive Olly Dive, based on the dolphin series “Flipper & Lopaka.”
Rainbow Media’s VOD service Sportskool announced two new instructional on demand series. “Football with Doug Flutie” offers step-by-step instructions on quarterbacking. “Baseball with Harold Reynolds” offers tips on playing both infield and outfield defense. Sportskool programming is currently in over 23 million digital cable homes.

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Consumer generated product review site ExpoTV received additional funding from DFJ Gotham Ventures, joining previous investors Masthead Ventures Partners and Prism VentureWorks. ExpoTV reported a quarterly growth rate of 132% in “Videopinions” during the second quarter, hitting a milestone of more than 100,000 video reviews posted.
Endemol USA’s relaunched with tons of new flash-based cartoons and games but the same twisted sense of humor. The Frog in a Blender concept has been advanced to include an interactive sketch where users get to torture the poor guy on a rack, one of many in the “press ‘n ‘splode” series.
Online recommendation community site TrustedOpinion integrated Netflix queing into its system. DVD review pages within subgroups on the site now link directly to the Netflix selection engine. 


Wireless industry observers are wondering exactly what Google plans to do with the wireless spectrum it pledged to bid as much as $4.6 billion for next year, according to a CNET feature. Google executives claim their goal is to offer internet access in remote locations. Others say Google’s plan is to hedge its bets in case high-speed providers begin restricting access to bandwidth-consuming sites like YouTube.
Swarmcast released a new live streaming solution that enables distribution of HD-quality video over the net. The company says the solution works seamlessly with existing Digital Rights Management Systems and can integrate with a number of popular media players.


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Start up ad firms such as JiWire are selling ad space in municipal Wi-Fi internet hubs, according to the Wall Street Journal, giving advertisers another online option. Instead of paying a fee to get online the user agrees to watch an ad instead. JiWire also sells space in airports and hotels; Charles Schwab and Dell have bought ads this year targeting business travelers on the go.


Hitwise has built a new category measuring broadcast network TV Show microsites, reporting weekly visits in terms of market share within this custom category. Initial results have shown a high concentration of reality shows, but The Simpsons obviously benefited this week from the 20th Century Fox movie release, which earned over $70 million at the box office last weekend.

Top Visited US Broadcast Network TV Show Websites (Week ending July 28, 2007)  
Rank   Network   Website                            Market Share Of Visits
1       FOX         The Simpsons                              21.90%
2       CBS         Pirate Master                                7.15%
3       NBC         America’s Got Talent                      6.88%
4       FOX         American Idol                                6.19%
5       FOX         So You Think You Can Dance           5.81%
6       FOX         America’s Most Wanted                   4.23%
7       NBC         Deal Or No Deal                              3.17%
8       FOX         Hell’s Kitchen                                 2.69%
9       ABC         Greys Anatomy                               2.21%
10     NBC         Age of Love                                   1.85%
Source: Hitwise Rankings based on market share of US visits among custom category of television network websites among six major broadcast networks (ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX, The CW and MyNetwork) for the week ending July 28, 2007 (Sunday ­ Saturday) from the Hitwise sample of 10 million US Internet users.

New series and seasons (full eps only) released online since 24 July 2007:

The Adventures of Tintin (Unbox): season 1

Damages (FX; iTunes): current season (1)

The Fashionista Diaries (SoapNet; iTunes): current season (1)

Flipping Out (Bravo; iTunes): current season (1)

General Hospital: Night Shift (SoapNet; iTunes): current season (1)

Human Weapon (History; iTunes): current season (1)

The Immortal (Syndicated; Akimbo): complete series

Johnny Bravo (Cartoon Network; iTunes): season 4

Mind Control with Derren Brown (SciFi; iTunes): current season (1)

The Rock Life (VH1; iTunes): current season (1)

Saving Grace (TNT; iTunes): current season (1)

Short Circuitz (MTV; iTunes): season 1

SOB: Socially Offensive Behavior (BET; iTunes): current season (1)

Welcome to the Parker (Bravo; iTunes): current season (1)

Who Wants to Be a Superhero? (SciFi; iTunes): current season (2)

Source: TrivialTV


Nickelodeon/MTV Kids and Family Group upped Antonious Porch to SVP/Business and Legal Affairs within the division’s Digital Media Group. She will oversee business and legal affairs relating to the creation and distribution of content across all digital platforms for Nickelodeon, Nicktoons Network, NOGGIN, The N, Neopets, ParentsConnect, GoCityKids, Quizilla, Shockwave and AddictingGames, continuing to report to Andra Shapiro, EVP/Business Affairs.
MultiDyne Video and Fiber Optic Systems hired Bob McAlpine as VP/Global Sales and Business Development. He will be responsible for promotion and development of markets for MultiDyne products and applications worldwide, reporting SVP/Sales & Marketing Jim Jachetta.


ESPN launched a Fantasy Football Hall of Fame site to recognize and honor players who have been a godsend for fantasy leagues – even if they’re not destined to be enshrined in Canton. (The burly Tampa Bay RB Mike Alstott is a prime example). Users can nominate their favorite players under the categories “wavier wire wonders,” “unheralded rookies,” “touchdown vultures,” “the studs,” “out of nowhere” and “handcuff heroes” and will soon be able to submit their own videos. The whole thing is a bit tongue-and-cheek, but fantasy fans will no doubt take it very seriously!
Thanks to: Amy Phillips ESPN
Later — Wayne
Wayne Karrfalt for Cynopsis: Digital

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JOB OPENING: RESEARCH DIR/Screenvision Cinema Net, NY: 8-10 yrs; Run sales research, strong know of resch resources, Nielsen exp req, prim resch exp plus, TV bkgnd pref, Mgmt Exp req.Apply online at (8/8)

JOB OPENING: RESEARCH ANALYST/Comcast Spotlight/BOS: 2+ yrs exp cable, radio or newspaper ad sales or mktg. Knwldg of ind. research tools/sftwr; willing to learn research concepts, sftwr/apps. Apply at EOE (8/8)

JOB OPENING: MEDIA RESEARCH ANALYST/Univision/NY: Develop/maintain inventory, estimates, viewing trends & presentations with NSI/NHSI ratings for Spot Sales. Detail oriented, analytical. Email res: nyc- [email protected] EOE (8/8)

JOB OPENING: MGR. RPTG & ANALYSIS-/MTV Networks, NY NY: 3yr Exp Media/Ad Hoc Rpts./Strong XL/Sales & Content Analysis/Mng.Dir Rpts./ or [email protected] EOE/M/F/D/AAP (8/8)

JOB OPENING: DIR OF RESEARCH/MTVN/NYC: Strong project management with 7+ years of market research exp. Working knowledge of business analysis and qualitative consumer research. Please apply . EOE/M/F/D/AAP (8/8)

JOB OPENING: MANAGER, PRICING & PLANNING/Comcast Ntwrks/NY: 4+ yrs exp w/ strong analytical skills; Resp for overall inventory management with focus on sales planning & reporting. Contact [email protected] (8/8)

JOB OPENING: COORD, PROGRAMMING OPS/VERSUS/Stamford CT: Maintain time buy & ad sales inventory tracking system for fast growing sports cable net. 1-2 yrs related exp req’d; traffic/ sales asst exp pref’ d. Apply: EOE (8/8)

JOB OPENING: PLANNER /Oxygen/NY: Support 2 AEs in Direct Response w/ all aspects of sales. Must be detailed oriented w/strong comp skills and a team player. 2+ yr cable exp or advertising agency. Resume to: [email protected] (8/8)

JOB OPENING: MARATHON MEDIA/SANTA MONICA: For an Online Buyer/Planner w/1-2 years exp. E-mail resume: [email protected] (8/7)

JOB OPENING: RESEARCH MGR/E-POLL MARKET RESEARCH/LA: Mng custom/syndicated research. Prepare proposals, questionnaires, banner & tab specs, sample, analysis & reports. Knwldge of ent industry +. Resume/salary hist [email protected] (8/7)

JOB OPENING: TV SALES EXEC: Devlp/sell integrated sponsorship pkgs (eg digital/onair exp +contacts nec media/plan etc. base+$$incentive pkg apply: [email protected] (8/7)

JOB OPENING: IRE: Investigative Reporters and Editors seeks an executive director to oversee the nonprofit’s programs and to serve as a faculty member at the Missouri School of Journalism. Details at (8/7)

JOB OPENING: SR RESCH ANALYST-MTV NETS: 2-4 yrs exp in analytical role. Strong writing/presentation sk. Knwlg of TV and online metrics and systems. BA/BS in a related field. Apply: EOE/M/F/D/AAP (8/7)

JOB OPENING: MGR OF AD SALES MARKETING/MTVN/TVLand/NYC: Knowledgeable Project Manager with 5 yrs experience in Marketing. Passion for brand. Creative thinker /Strong communication skills. EOE/M/F/D/AAP (8/7)

JOB OPENING: V.P. AD SALES MTVu/MTV Networks, NY: NY/5-7Exp Media Sales/Strategic ldr/Focus on yth cllge mkt/grss roots mktg exp/ or [email protected] /EOE/M/F/D/AAP (8/7)

JOB OPENING: DIR . -RESEARCH/PLAYBOY ENT.-LA: Dev. market research and evaluation to support marketing initiatives and product investment decisions. 7 yrs exp. with research in the entertainment industry.Apply to [email protected] (8/7)

JOB OPENING: NETWORK & CABLE SR RESEARCH ANALYST/SPT: Analyze Nielsen ratings, write daily analyses for TV series, assist w/nat’l program sales presentations & analyze primary research initiatives. (8/7)

JOB OPENING: SALES PLAN’R/BET, NY: Prepare Sales Plans, Mng mult Accts, 2 yrs exp in Cable Sales or buying a must.Detailed-oriented, org’d, multitasker, exc comm & math skills, BA req. Email resume: [email protected] (8/4)

JOB OPENING: MGR, PROGM PLANNING/ABC FAMILY/BURBANK: 3+ yrs exp, well versed in TV programming. Create sched grids, view series/movies for acquisition. Must know Microsoft Office. Apply at KEYWORD 103697 (8/4)

JOB OPENING: RESEARCH MGR/Music Choice-Support sales, mrktng& prgrmng initiatives across multiple platforms w/accurate & actionable research. BA/BS 4-6 yrs media rsrch exp. req./1 yr VOD rsrch strongly pref. [email protected] (8/4)

JOB OPENING: ACCT MGR/Eclipse Mrktng Services/NJ: 5 yrs exp mktg/acct mngmnt in cable TV, advtsg or programming network. Direct Mail exp pref’d. Exc comm, project mngmnt & client serv. skills. BA req’d. Res: [email protected] (8/4)

JOB OPENING: PRODUCTION – ALL POSITIONS – Atlas Media, NYC: Every position, multiple projects. Writers, producers, AP’s, researchers, PA’s. Apply [email protected] (8/4)

JOB OPENING: SALES ASSISTANT/BET, NY. Detailed-oriented, organized, multi-tasker, exc comm & math skills.1 yr exp &bachelors degree req. Email resume: [email protected] (8/4)

JOB OPENING: MARKETING AND PR MGR/Ascent Media/Northvale NJ/Stamford CT: Work w/ key media contacts, brand management, produce marketing materials, plan/attend industry events. , job code(s) 1771 or 1775 (8/4)

JOB OPENING: MID-LEVEL TV/RADIO BUYER/KSL Media/NY: 4+ yrs exp in Spot TV, Radio and Cable. Detail oriented, ability to multitask, strong interpersonal/communication skills. Knowledge of DDS a plus. Fax resumes to 212 352-5935. (8/3)

JOB OPENING: COUNSEL /NBCU TV Nets Distribution NJ: Draft, review, negotiate agreements. 3 yrs exp law firm/in-house. Exp in contracts. Gen corp bckgnd. JD req’d. Apply: #614239 (8/3)

JOB OPENING: NBC NEWS AD SALES MKTG ANALYST – NYC: Dev proposals,added value,ad sales materials, premiums, coord. events. 2-4 yrs exp tv/agency. Sales Mktg exp pref. Apply: #604969 (8/3)

JOB OPENING: ANALYST, SLS RESEARCH & MARKETING/Fox/NY: Provide audience data, reports and marketplace info; 1+yr ad/media research; knowledge of Nielsen; understanding of media concepts & sources; strong comm; (8/3)

JOB OPENING: PUBLICIST/ACCT EXEC/Studio City: 2-4 yrs Public Relations exp w/ strong focus on ent/ television specialty. Excellent pitching and writing skills. BA degree MS Kwldg a must Res to: [email protected] (8/3)

JOB OPENING: EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT, CURRENT PROGRAMMING AND SPECIALS/Court TV NY, NY: For full job description please visit req ID # 82411BR. Previous experience required. (8/2)

JOB OPENING: COORD, ONLINE ADVERTISING/VERSUS -Stamford, CT: Coordinate all online advertising activities for experience w/in sales or traffic req’d.Please visit EOE (8/2)

JOB OPENING: FE/MFO: Fantastic assistants to support founder & NY office staff of talent mgmt/tv prod firm. Young profess’ls interested in ent. careers wanted. College grad,1yr personal asst exp req’d. Resume: [email protected] (8/2)

JOB OPENING: COORDINATOR / Media Plng/Toys “R” Us/ Wayne, N.J: Media plng + analy, comm.+ mgmt.Req. BA-Mktg, Bus or Comm + 2yrs exp with an Ad Agency or Marketer. Send res + sal req.) as WORD or .PDF attach to [email protected] (8/2)

JOB OPENING: SR COORD/MTV Networks Int’l/NY: BA, 2-3 yrs digital tech & prod exp; strong orgz’l, relationship, multitasking, creative thinking skills. Rights knwldg & foreign lang a plus. EOE/M/F/D/AAP. Apply (8/2)

JOB OPENING: DESIGN MANAGER/Santa Monica: Yahoo is looking for an experienced & passionate Design Manager for the Kids Property. 7+ year of online exp. Understanding the kids Internet market a must. Contact [email protected] (8/2)

JOB OPENING: REGIONAL MGR/Scripps Network/Affiliate Sales- NY: Dvlp MSO relations/ensure distribution for NE region/3+ yrs affiliate sales experience/BA equiv work exp/Apply at (8/7)

SUMMER INTERNSHIPS – These positions are for credit only – nobody gets paid here. They are posted for free, and students work for school credit only. For more information on the specs for posting an Internship ad, email Trish at  [email protected] .

SUMMER INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: Pokemon USA, Inc/NYC: Asst Retail Dir. to track, maint retail info i.e. retail database, sales rep info, buyers, prod rollout, retail sales sell-in, sell-thru. Media, ind, Pokemon knwlg, exp. a +. Email [email protected] (8/4)


SITUATION WANTED: REALITY PRODUCER & SHOW RUNNER: Seeks employment. Extensive Development, Production, Story and Field experience. Network and Cable credits. (Reality, Lifestyle, Docusoap) [email protected] (8/4)

SITUATION WANTED: CREATIVE EXEC: Screenwriter w/MFA and+7 yrs exp in ent &media seeks to transition into fast-paced enviro& join a team of like minded individuals. Dvlpmnt, On-air promos, Branding, Etc.Contact: [email protected] (8/2)

SITUATION WANTED: ENT MRKTR, STRATEGIST & CREATIVE DIR/LA/SAN DIEGO: 12 yrs exp in promoting TV product for major studios. Looking for mid or sr level mktg position in a dynamic ind. [email protected] or (818)694-2900 (8/2)

SITUATION WANTED: Recent Carnegie Mellon grad. Fine arts degree with a concentration in ELECTRONIC MEDIA. Seeking for an entry level production or PR related job in LA. Please contact [email protected] (8/2)

E-mail Trish Pihonak for rates and specs for Job Openings.

Are you looking for a job? Post your Situation Wanted Ad here — Email Trish Pihonak for specs.


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