Wednesday, April 24th, 2013


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SOURCE: Nielsen. Click here for the full source data

Cynopsis: Kids!

Good morning. It’s Wednesday, April 24, 2013, and this is your first early morning briefing.

Today’s Top Headlines
We’ve got kids news covered for you daily during Upfront season…

Zodiak Kids has signed a new acquisition deal with Nickelodeon for a second season of the CG-animated preschool television series, Tickety Toc. The series will be broadcast on Nickelodeon channels around the world including Nick Jr. in the U.S. and UK.

Nickelodeon has picked up 26 x 11 minute episodes of Tickety Toc, bringing the total number of episodes available to 78 x 11 minutes. In addition, Nickelodeon has ordered 3 x 30 minute specials as part of the agreement.

“We’re delighted to continue our creative and broadcast partnership with Nickelodeon in producing a second season of Tickety Toc,” said Nigel Pickard, CEO Zodiak MEAA/UK Family and Kids. “The show is unique in both its look and content and the humor contained within the show has already resonated with children around the world – making it a ratings success for the channel.”

Tickety Toc follows the comedic adventures of twins Tommy and Tallulah and teaches kids about friendship, social responsibility, problem-solving and teamwork.


Annoying Orange creator Dane Boedigheimer continues his conversation with CynKids about future projects and a whole lot more. Here’s Dane in his own words about…

What’s ahead for Annoying Orange, and future non-AO projects

We’re definitely working on a lot more songs, big movie spoofs, and lots of other fun things. As far as characters, we’ve never had a lot of luck trying to force new characters into the gang. Most of our new recurring characters pop up because they really resonate with the audience after an episode. That’s how Midget Apple, Marshmallow, Passion Fruit and many other characters became part of the gang. As far as new AO content, we upload episodes every Friday. As far as brand new non-AO content, we’re already in production and will most likely start debuting within the next couple months.

Kids say the darndest things

Simply put, if the audience reacts extremely positively about something, we will repeat it or include it in future episodes or videos. Same goes with extremely negative feedback. If the audience hates something, we most likely won’t do it again… unless we’re trying to drive the audience crazy!

His favorite TV show and musical inspiration

Breaking Bad is my favorite show right now. So good. I also enjoy Walking Dead, Game of Thrones, Mad Men, Justified, The Killing. You wouldn’t think it, but I like shows with a dark side. My favorite band at the moment is Sponge. In fact, my favorite band is always Sponge. I think Sponge is one of the most underrated bands ever.

His mentor, and lessons learned

One would definitely be Evan Spiridellis from JibJab. Evan gave me my start in the online world of video. He taught me how to refine my work and how to manage a team of people in the best way possible. The things he taught me will stick with me for the rest of my life.

Time Out With… is a regular Cynopsis Kids! Q&A with a children’s entertainment thought leader. Part One of our conversation with Dane Boedigheimer ran in yesterday’s edition.


Cynopsis: Digital Webinar
Tuesday * May 21, 2013 * 1:30-3:00 p.m. ET

Hosted by
Sahil Patel, Editor, Cynopsis Digital
Joann Wolferman
– Product Leadership, Ad Effectiveness, Nielsen
Matt Timothy
– President at Vindico!
Robin Wilson
– VP, Operations, Blip


Nickelodeon’s Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Rooftop Run global mobile app in its first week of release has skyrocketed to the number-one spot on the paid iPad app lists and number three spot on the paid iPhone app lists in the U.S. Released on Thursday, April 18, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Rooftop Run is an endless runner ninja combat game in which players run, jump and fight their way across New York rooftops in an attempt to save the city from the invading Kraang and ultimate destruction. Eek!


Free Comic Book Day is around the corner. On Saturday, May 4 comic book retailers will be giving away specially-produced free comics from major publishers including DC Nation Super Sampler, which will feature the DC Kids line, Beware The Batman and Teen Titans Go!. Based on Warner Bros. Animations new series, the line will soon be airing on Cartoon Network’s DC Nation Saturday morning programming block. Other TV-related funnies given away that day include Sesame Street and Strawberry Shortcake, Spongebob Comics Freestyle Funnies, and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles New Animated Adventures.

South Africa based Triggerfish Animation Studios, the company behind the worldwide 3D Animated hit Adventures in Zambezia has added the voice talent of Steve Buscemi to join the cast of their new 3D Animated feature Khumba. Buscemi (Boardwalk Empire) plays the colorful vagabond character “Skalk” in the film. Khumba tells the story of a half-stripped zebra (voiced by Jake T. Austin) who is blamed for a severe drought by his superstitious herd.


Top 10 Basic Cable Ratings for the week of April 15-22, 2013

K2-11 Total Programming Day
Network        Rating          (000s)
NICK             2.6                 854
DSNY             2.5                 834
DSJR             1.3                  227
TOON           1.2                  412
NAN              0.7                  221
NKJR             0.7                  190
DXD              0.5                  151
ADSM            0.4                  140   
SPRT             0.4                   69
NKTN             0.3                  65

K2-11 Prime (Monday  Sunday 8-11p.m.)
Network         Rating               (000s)
DSNY               3.7                    1221
DSJR                1.6                     283
NAN                 1.2                     405
NKJR                1.0                     268
DXD                 0.7                     208
ADSM               0.6                     204
SPRT                0.5                       88
FAM                  0.4                     129
A&E                  0.4                     116
NKTN                0.4                       83

K2-11  (Monday-Sunday 6 a.m.-11 p.m.)
Network                    Rating                (000s)
DSNY                          2.7                      892
NICK                           2.6                     854
DSJR                           1.5                     261
TOON                          1.2                     412
NKJR                           1.0                      253
DXD                            0.6                      172
SPRT                           0.4                       80
NKTN                          0.3                        63
FAM                            0.2                        78
TNNK                          0.2                         57

K6-11 Total Programming Day
Network               Rating                       (000s)
DSNY                     2.6                             515
NICK                      1.9                            385
TOON                     1.4                            269  
NAN                       0.8                            154
DXD                       0.7                            117    
ADSM                     0.5                              91
DSJR                      0.4                              38
FAM                       0.3                              50
NKTN                     0.3                              41
TNNK                     0.2                              33

K6-11 Prime (Monday  Sunday 8-11p.m.)
Network               Rating                      (000s)
DSNY                     4.5                             881
NAN                       1.4                             288
DXD                       1.0                             166 
ADSM                     0.6                             127
FAM                       0.5                               87   
DSJR                      0.5                               49
USA                       0.4                               76
A&E                       0.4                               74  
NKTN                     0.4                               59
APL                       0.3                                57

K6-11  (Monday-Sunday 6 a.m.-11 p.m.)
Network              Rating               (000s)
DSNY                    2.6                     515
NICK                     1.9                    385
TOON                    1.4                    269
DXD                      0.8                    134
DSJR                     0.4                      43
FAM                      0.3                      52
NKTN                    0.3                      41
TNNK                    0.3                      40
NKJR                     0.2                      37
APL                       0.2                      33

Source: Disney from Nielsen Media Research National MIT, ranked on coverage ratings
Viewing Type: Live +SD

K2-11  Top 10 Programs for the week of April 8-15, 2013

Date               Program                         Network       Time                      (000s)
4/19/13          Gravity Falls                    DSNY           9-9:30 p.m.            1906
4/20/13          Spongebob                      NICK          10-10:30 a.m.         1775
4/20/13          Spongebob                      NICK          10:30-11 a.m.         1759
4/16/13          Spongebob                      NICK          7-7:30 p.m.             1724
4/19/13          Jessie                              DSNY          8:30-9 p.m.             1689
4/16/13          SpongeBob                      NICK          6:30-7 p.m.             1647
4/18/13          Spongebob                      NICK          6:30-7 p.m.             1645
4/18/13         SpongeBob                       NICK          6-6:30 p.m.             1614
4/19/13         Phineas and Ferb              DSNY         9:30-9:45 p.m.        1563
4/18/13         SpongeBob                       NICK          7-7:30 p.m.             1561

K6-11  Top 10 Programs for the week of April 8-15, 2013
Date             Program                        Network        Time                        (000s)
4/19/13        Gravity Falls                  DSNY              9-9:30 p.m.             1470
4/19/13        Jessie                            DSNY              8:30-9 p.m.             1347
4/19/13        Phineas and Ferb          DSNY              9:30-9:45 p.m.        1163
4/20/13        Spongebob                    NICK             10-10:30 a.m.          1087
4/20/13        Spongebob                    NICK             10:30-11 a.m.          1081
4/19/13        Dog with a Blog             DSNY             10-10:30 p.m.          1076
4/20/13        Jessie                            DSNY              11-11:30 a.m.         1043
4/19/13        Good Luck Charlie          DSNY             10:30-11 p.m.         1041
4/20/13        Shake It Up                    DSNY              9:30-10 p.m.          1039
4/19/13        Austin & Ally                   DSNY              7:30-8 p.m.            1000
4/16/13        Spongebob                    NICK               6-6:30 p.m.            1000

Source: Turner Research from the Nielsen Co. data, Preliminary Live + SD


– – – S A V E   T H E   D A T E – – –

Cynopsis: Kids !magination Awards Luncheon
Hosted By: Megan Alexander from Inside Edition!

June 4, 2013 | 8:00 – 10:00a.m.
The Yale Club of NYC

*Coming Soon: Award finalists will be announced mid-April

Answer to Yesterday’s Trivia Question:
Who is Twilight Sparkles’ mentor in the TV series My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic? Princess Celestia. Kudos to: Ed Dall’Aste-Uproar/NY; Henricka Barbour-Hub; Avery Cobern-The Hub/Burbank; Sabrina Sparlin-CESD/LA; Tegan Molloy-The Hub TV Network/Burbank; Elaine Ho-MediaCorp Pte Ltd/Singapore.

Today’s Trivia Question: Which character from various television animated incarnations of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles has been voiced by actors Townsend Coleman, Greg Cipes, and Wayne Grayson? (Email [email protected] with your answer and be sure to include your name, company, city and time zone.)

Cheers — Cathy
[email protected] for Cynopsis Kids!

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Denise O’Connor: Group Publisher, Cynopsis Media
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Cynopsis Ad Sales: Mike Farina | VP Sales & Marketing | 203-218-6480
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JOB OPENING: POST SUPER/Jupiter Ent./NYC: Hire/schedule/manage post for multiple series. Oversee workflow/output, communicate w networks&senior mgmt. 5+ yrs in post, mgmt. exp. Resume: [email protected] (5/1)

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JOB OPENING: ACCT MGR/NYC: Bilingual Spanish AE to dvlp new biz for ad sls @ client & agcy lvls on all SXM channels, incl Latino. Own sls process from pitch to close & acct mgmt thru-out campaign. Some travel. [email protected] (4/30)

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JOB OPENING: SALES DIR WO NETWORK/NY: Exp selling to large cable nets, solid understanding of plan’g/buying/stewardship & systems that support this. Sftware sales exp is a +. Must be in tri-state area. Apply here (4/27)

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JOB OPENING: MGR-PARTICIPATION & RESIDUALS/IFC Films/NY: PT position, manage participation reports for all P&Ls, residual processing, primary guild contact, 4-7 yrs exp accounting. Click here (4/27)

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JOB OPENING: DIR MEDIA RELATIONS/FX/LA: Resp: planning & implementation of PR campaigns, launch of new shows, cultivate Media support & awareness. 5+yrs Media/PR exp (Network/Studio) (4/26)

INTERNSHIPS – These positions are for credit only – nobody gets paid here. These ads are always posted for free, and students work for school credit only. For more information on the specs for posting an Internship ad, email Trish at [email protected].

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SITUATION WANTED: NYC Based Former ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT at CBS and Customer Service Rep seeks entry-level position. Degrees in TV Production and Media. Knowledge of linear editing and social media. Contact: [email protected] (4/30)

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