Wednesday, April 21st, 2010

Cynopsis: DIGITAL



Good morning, it’s Wednesday, April 21, 2010, and this is your first early morning digital briefing.

Apple reported its best non-holiday quarter ever on the back of stupendous iPhone sales, posting revenue of $13.5 billion and net quarterly profit of $3 billion. Apple sold over 8.75 million iPhones during FY Q2 – 131% more than a year ago – and nearly 3 million Mac computers. The company also set a hard date of April 30 for the launch of the first wave of 3G-enabled iPads in stores and to the homes of those who have made pre-orders. Finally, Mark Fiore’s 99 cent NewsToon app, featuring some of the Pulitzer Prize winner’s best political cartoons, has been cleared by the iTunes gatekeepers after being rejected for ridiculing public figures. Steve Jobs himself reportedly called the rejection a mistake in an e-mail response to a user. Mark utilizes the controversy in his marketing results for the app, of course: “see the app Steve Jobs was talking about!”


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Returning fire in the increasingly competitive High-Def race, DirecTV announced it will add 30 additional channels to its HD line-up in May, topping the 160 channel mark for HD feeds. New launches will include MSNBC HD, ESPNU HD, Travel Channel HD, Hallmark Channel HD, Lifetime HD and Univision HD. Dish Network announced it will be the first provider to reach 200 HD channels this week, but a closer look at the fine print reveals that 57 of the offerings are only available to SlingLoaded DVR customers as VOD offerings. New linear Dish HD channels include EPIX HD, G4 HD, HLN HD, History International HD, Nat Geo Wild HD, ShortsHD, Style HD and TCM HD.
celebrated 4/20 with a new special report on how many greenbacks the Marijuana industry pulls in per year ($40 billion is the number it comes up with.) The report includes more than 50 separate features including opinion pieces from figures such as Ed Koch, an analysis of law enforcement costs ($14 billion annually) and a look at medical marijuana successes and failures. CNBC also released the results of a new poll it conducted with the AP sampling 1001 adults stating that 55% of Americans still oppose legalization of the drug, with 63% of women opposing vs. only 48% of men. will stream the “Inside the Draft Live” show on NFL Draft Day tomorrow, originating from the CBS College Sports Network’s NYC studio with live segments shot from Radio City Music Hall, where the draft is being held.
To promote the second season of Food Party, is hosting two live interactive shows on April 27 enabling fans to interact with the show’s creator Thu Tran and her guests. UStream is powering the event.


CBS Interactive’s CNET announced the launch of three new webshows. “Tap that App,” profiles mobile apps; “CNET Tech Review” is a CNET video review show; and “preGame,” demonstrates new games a week before they’re released. Each show premiers this week.
Social news service Digg is hosting an exclusive interview with former President Bill Clinton on Earth Day tomorrow in which he will answer user-submitted environmental questions.


Yahoo also experienced a positive quarter as Q1 earnings nearly tripled to $310 million in the company’s best performance since CEO Carol Bartz took the reigns 15 months ago. Display ad revenue increased by 20% from a year ago as results were partly bolstered by transitional reimbursement funds received from Microsoft to help set up a new search outsourcing arrangement. Yahoo received $78 million in net reimbursements from Microsoft all told.
Extending out-of-home screens to theme parks is Six Flags Media Networks, a new Six Flags division to provide advertisers with integrated marketing programs across a total of 550 in-park monitors. The company is also launching a new network of 220 digital menu boards located in restaurants in 19 of its theme parks. 
Dunkin’ Donuts received nearly 90k submissions to its UGC “Create Dunkin’s Next Donut” video contest this year. The top vote getter will receive $12k in cash and see their creation rolled out at Dunkin’ Donuts stores across the country.


The Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement wrapped up negotiations in New Zealand last week, the results of which will be made public today. The multi-nation commission was founded during the fall of 2007 to try and standardize intellectual property protections across borders but has been criticized for leaving out some of the countries where digital piracy is most rampant including China and Indonesia.
In another ploy to tackle internet censorship around the globe, Google launched a new Government Requests tool to reveal requests it receives from government agencies to remove content around the globe. Google attorney David Drummond notes that a “vast majority” of the requests are legitimate, but that sharing the requests with the public will likely lead to less government censorship down the road.
The Tribeca Film Festival has selected KIT digital to power its new virtual platform that will stream 8 select feature films and 18 shorts in HD to premium digital pass holders, beginning today and available for $45 from the Tribeca website. Twelve feature films will also be available as cable VOD offerings day-and-date with their premieres at the festival through a deal with Comcast Media Center.
Google increased its lobbying spending by 57% during Q1 to $1.3 million according to advocacy group Consumer Watchdog, citing public records. The company’s lobbying expenses for all of 2009 totaled $4.03 million.


Recall among targeted ads on Facebook that incorporate “authentic social context” have greater effect than standard display ads on the internet, according to the first Nielsen BrandLift study mined from opt-in polls on Facebook. Normal banner style “engagement ads” were compared with the same ads than included lists of friends who were fans of the given brand. While exposure to the homepage ad itself increased ad recall somewhat, those users exposed to both the “paid ad” and an organic impression remembered the ad at three times the rate of those just exposed to the paid homepage ad. The report, which Nielsen says leverages six months of research, more than 800,000 Facebook users and more than 125 individual Facebook ad campaigns, shows a 1.6x increase in ad recall, a 2x increase in brand awareness and an increase in purchase intent among ads with social context.


The new iPhone prototype that Gizmodo has been featuring, appears to be the real thing. Apple, which is usually masterful at keeping it products a secret before launch, has asked the tech blog to return the device. Gizmodo says it got its hands on the phone after it was left at a bar on March 18. Oops. The person who found it sold it to the blog for $5,000.


Pepperdine Univ. professor Blake Irving was named Chief Product Officer for Yahoo, appointed to lead the company’s products organization. The company also announced that Prabhakar Raghavan will continue to lead innovation efforts at Yahoo! Labs as Chief Scientist. Both will report directly to CEO Carol Bartz.
Carmi Zlotnik and John Penney have been named to the new positions of Managing Director of Starz Media, and EVP, Strategy & Business Development for Starz, LLC. Both will be based in Starz’ Beverly Hills offices and report to President and CEO Chris Albrecht.
France-based IPTV application provider Netgem hired Yann Courqueux as Chief Marketing Officer. Yann will be responsible for Netgem’s global marketing and communications and will report to Christophe Aulnette, Managing Director.
Kantar Media North America has appointed Richard Fielding to the newly created position of Chief Client Officer. Richard most recently served as VP, Director Global Research Group for Starcom MediaVest Group USA.


Dedicated applications are thought to be the best way to deliver content on “smart” mobile devices but the browsers are still heavily used on iPhones and Android handsets. After all, you don’t always have time to stop and download a new app and your handset quickly becomes cluttered with dozens of apps that make it cumbersome to find the one you’re looking for. The return of the browser was demonstrated when Norway’s Opera Software’s Opera Mini Mobile browser quickly became the top free iPhone app around the world shortly after being released last week – downloaded over 1 million times on its first day in the iTunes store. The Opera browser delivers faster web browsing using compression technology and by relying on its own servers to deliver web data. One of the coolest things about it is that Opera Mini alloys you take snapshots of your favorite pages for fast access and view multiple open web pages at the same time. Advanced settings enable you to prioritize things like image quality to make it hum on slower networks. The browser takes some getting used to – for instance, instead of pinching, zooming in and out is accomplished by tapping your finger on the screen. But the improved speed it delivers is a godsend that should revitalize “surfing” on mobile handsets.
Correction : Evolve Media hire Paul Santello worked previously for Carat not Fox, although Fox was one of his clients.


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JOB OPENING: DRCTR TECH & OPS/NYC:  Prjct mngmnt for Local Media- Define/dcmnt, best practices for local ops  ch. chain structure/ops, non-news content acqston/dstrbtn & sub-channel ops. Apply @, # 1171502 (4/28)

JOB OPENING: DIR BRAND MKTG/SUN/NYC: Provide creative strat for ntwrk. Dvlp voice of brand & brand content for cons, affils, sponsors & partners. 5-8 yrs ent/media or agency mktg. Strong writing skills. ref#11076BR  (4/28)

JOB OPENING: DIR, PRODUCTION/Oxygen/NYC: Serve as the brand-mngr & executive producer on all current shows, acting as a liaison to the marketing, publicity, ad sales, & digital teams. Please apply –; #1170171 (4/27)

JOB OPENING: PRODUCERS /REELZCHANNEL/ABQ: Producers needed with daily show or newscast exp., entertainment pref. to work in #1 city in the U.S. to make movies. Resumes to [email protected]   (4/27)

JOB OPENING: COORD SALES DEV & PROMOTIONS/NICK/Viacom Consumer Products/NYC. 1+yrs Marketing/Cons Prod exp, Strng Comm/Org/Detail skills, Strng knwlege NICK brand, popculture, MS Office skills Apply (4/24)

JOB OPENING: RESEARCH COORDINATOR/The Hub/LA:  Must have at least one year experience in television and/or media research. Apply at (4/24)

JOB OPENING: SR MGR DIG MEDIA MKTG/A&E TV Networks/NY: Increase AETN web properties on key srch engines. Asst w/ dvlpmt of  brdr (non-search) dig. aud. dvlpmnt strategy. Apply: 7-10 yrs mktg exp 5+ digital (4/24)

JOB OPENING: EXEC PROD/Charlex/NYC: ( )  Mng prod dept. Dvlp executive level client relationships. Identify & expand strategic dvlpmnt of new business. Proven exp building/managing accts  Apply to: [email protected] (4/24)

JOB OPENING: DIR MEDIA RELATIONS/CABLEVISION /LI:  Implement PR strat for cable, phone, internet services. Needs 5+ yrs in PR including skills in social media. Journalism or political exp a +. Apply:  [email protected] (4/23)

JOB OPENING: MGR, iVillage AD SALES MKTG/NYC:  will be rspnsble for leading the dvlpmnt of mrktng that drive advrtsng revenue for the iVillage Network and oversee prgrm executn.  Pls submit a resume: job# 1166777 (4/23)

JOB OPENING: SALES MGR/KQCA TV/SACRAMENTO: Strong leadership, motivational & organiz’l skills. Successful track record prod’g new direct bus by dvlpng/selling multi-plat advrtsng campaigns. LSM exp pref’d. Res: [email protected]  (4/23)

JOB OPENING: MGR RSRCH TEMP/ABCTV/NY: Execute Sr lvl stats analysis, excellent written verbal presentation skills in exec environment min of 4 yrs exp w/Nielsen ratings, MS Office # 240392 (4/23)

JOB OPENING: SR ANALYST, RESEARCH/Music Choice/NY: Support multi-platform sales, mrktng & prgrmng initiatives w/accurate & actionable research. BA/BS 3-5 yrs media rsrch exp. req./1 yr VOD rsrch strongly pref. [email protected] (4/22)

JOB OPENING: RESEARCH DIRECTOR/Tennis Channel/NYC: 3+ years Ad Sales at Nat’l Cable or Local B’cast. In depth Arianna exp. req’d, Mendelsohn and MRI pref’d. Strong Excel/P’point. Resumes to [email protected] (4/22)

INTERNSHIPS – These positions are for credit only – nobody gets paid here. These ads are always posted for free , and students work for school credit only. For more information on the specs for posting an Internship ad, email Trish at [email protected] .

SUMMER INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: Trylon SMR (, a NYC PR agency, is seeking a Summer intern that has familiarity with the media industry and tech sector, and strong writing and internet skills. [email protected] (4/28)

SUMMER INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY:  PROD INTERN/NAHB PROD GROUP: Seeks orgnzd, resourceful & confident Intern- looking for hands on training at busy prod group. Good PC skills & tech knwldg +. Min 12 hr/wk. Cover-letter & resume: [email protected] (4/24)

SUMMER INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY:  Turner Ad Sales/Detroit: 10 wk internship. Work closely with all positions in support of the overall ad sales process. Gain exposure to all aspects of TV and Digital National Sales.Send resumes: [email protected] (4/22)

SITUATION WANTED ADS, POSTED BY THOSE LOOKING TO BE HIRED …  There is no charge for placing your Situation Wanted ad … for more information contact Trish Pihonak at [email protected]

SITUATION WANTED:  PRODUCER : 8+ yrs Enter & Music TV shows for MTV, Mun2 & others Creative writer & Field Prod Strong Mng, people skills, ethics, talent, artists & celebs intvs Eng/Spanish FCP, Photosh, Mini DV Cam. [email protected]  (4/28)

SITUATION WANTED:  MERCHANDISE & CONSUMER PRODUCTS/L.A.: 4 yrs. exp. at Endemol USA, oversaw product approval process from concept to packaging on brands including Deal or No Deal,1 vs 100,Fear Factor. [email protected] (4/28)

SITUATION WANTED:  EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT position film/TV (NY):  7 years experience: Interned for a President, Executive Assistant to SVP/VP/film director/celebrity [email protected] (4/28)

SITUATION WANTED: Development Consultant with track record of hit shows to mold your reality/docu-soap concept into marketable show from concept to sizzle reel to cable TV “reality.” Email: [email protected] (4/28)

SITUATION WANTED: Dedicated & Experienced ADV. SALES PLANNER. Sales proposals, resolving client discrepancies, quarterly post analysis, special sales service projects, expert computer skills. Contact- [email protected] (4/28)

SITUATION WANTED: SENIOR PROMO WRITER/PRODUCER(NYC & CT)20+ yrs. experience in On-Air TV Broadcasting & Cable promotion experience. Includes Print, Radio, Outdoor and Web Promotion. Seeking FT/PT or Temp-to-perm. [email protected] (4/27)

SITUATION WANTED: ART/CREATIVE DIRECTOR (NYC)Concept through completion. Portfolio: Email: [email protected] (4/27)

SITUATION WANTED:  Dedicated & Experienced ADV. SALES PLANNER. Sales proposals, resolving client discrepancies, quarterly post analysis, special sales service projects, expert computer skills. Contact- [email protected]  (4/27)

SITUATION WANTED: DIGITAL JOURNALIST (NY): Extensively trained by NBC News to shoot in HD & SD, edit in FCP & Avid, write, track and report. Hardworking and eager to be part of a great news organization. [email protected] (4/24)

SITUATION WANTED:  MEDIA SALES/MARKETING MANAGER/LA: 15+ years experience in educational, documentary, advertising media sales,product,biz development True Closer!!!!! [email protected] (4/24)

SITUATION WANTED: PRODUCER/WRITER/DIRECTOR (NY): Ultra-creative, award winning, all formats, all genres, all major networks and major cable. Fast, frugal and fun! [email protected] (4/23)

SITUATION WANTED: PRIME TIME EMMY DOCUMENTARY. PRODUCER, DIRECTOR, WRITER in L.A. Credits: National Geo, PBS, Discovery, History CH, TLC and MSNBC. Contact email: [email protected] (4/22)

SITUATION WANTED: UAlbany 2010 grad, looking for PROGRAMMING/RESEARCH ANALYST, MEDIA BUYING OR SALES POSITIONS. I am currently interning at Viacom MTV Networks(Spike TV).Held the marketing position in my sorority. [email protected] (4/22)

SITUATION WANTED: AVID/FCP VIDEO EDITOR (NY): Creative, Award-winning Editor. Short-form and long-form  comedy, drama, music, sports. Many years in TV and Advertising. For resume and website contact: [email protected] (4/22)

SITUATION WANTED: PRODUCTION MANAGER(NY): Hard working, organized, self-starter with 18 years production experience. Companies include HBO, A&E, MTV, National Geographic [email protected] (4/22)

SITUATION WANTED:  DIRECTOR/CREATIVE DEVELOPER:   Animation. Dynamic, award-winning, fun-filled, 10+ years experience. Clients include Warner Brothers, ABC Family, Nick JR, HBO Family, MTV2, The Tornante Company. [email protected] (4/22)

E-mail [email protected] or call Trish Pihonak at 203.926.9878 for rates and specs for Job Openings.

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