Tuesday, September 20th, 2011

Cynopsis: DIGITAL

Good morning, it’s Tuesday, September 20, 2011, and this is your first early morning digital briefing.  If you would like to read this or any other Cynopsis edition online, click here

In a blog post on Sunday night, Netflix CEO Reed Hastings apologized for lacking “respect and humility in the way [Netflix] announced the separation of DVD and streaming and the price changes,” and then revealed that the company will be separating its streaming and DVD-by-mail services into two separate entities. The company’s streaming-only offering will still retain the Netflix moniker, but the DVD-by-mail option will now be offered under the new Qwikster brand – complete with its own website that is slated to be up and running within the next few weeks. Moreover, Qwikster will also offer a video grade upgrade option, similar to the Blu-Ray upgrade option the company offers right now. There will be no further price changes (unless, of course, you make some upgrades); however, if you choose to subscribe to both services, you will receive two different statements towards each service.


As Microsoft prepares for the launch of Xbox TV this coming holiday season, it is also looking into possible distribution partnerships with cable distributors such as Comcast and Verizon Fios. According to DigiDay, Microsoft might not want to compete directly with cable, but instead present Xbox TV as a new distribution device for cable TV. Through this avenue, instead of installing set-top boxes, consumers would simply subscribe to Comcast or Verizon by purchasing the respective cable packages through their Xbox consoles.
The myriad of factors that seem to be slowing down the bidding process for Hulu include complicated digital rights, a significant disparity between the bids and the asking price, Yahoo!’s struggles forcing it out of competition and even the lack of a full commitment to sell by its current group of owners. According to Reuters, a new round of bids is due next week and price may play an integral role in whether or not the auction process moves forward.
The news doesn’t get any brighter for Netflix here as numerous reports indicate that on September 23, Dish Network will announce plans for a Blockbuster streaming service to go head-to-head with Netflix. The satellite TV provider had purchased the video rental company this past April for $320 million. The service will be available to Dish subscribers as part of their monthly plan, while a separate offering for non-subscribers will be rolled out in the future.
Contestants who are eliminated from the ninth season of Bravo Network‘s Top Chef will get a chance at redemption through Top Chef: Last Chance Kitchen. The web-only series will serve as a companion piece to the popular TV show and will document an alternate round of cook-offs featuring the TV show’s cast-offs.
A new content agreement between NASCAR and ESPN will now allow racing fans to watch live streams of the Chase for the NASCAR Sprint Cup on the sports network’s “WatchESPN” mobile and web apps. Nine out of the ten total races in the Chase will be available for streaming on mobile devices.



The Association of National Advertisers, Internet Advertising Bureau and American Association of Advertising Agencies are banding together with 40 marketers, agencies and publishers to launch a new project called “Making Measurement Make Sense (3MS).” Essentially, it is an effort to develop new standards for how digital advertising is measured, bought and sold. Viewing that the current online measurement landscape is flawed, the project aims to redefine how online ad impressions are quantified, develop a third-party online audience-measurement system that can be used as currency in media deals, define a common set of display ad formats and possibly even create an independent body that polices issues relating to digital media measurement.
Trendrr has launched an enterprise version of Trendrr.TV that provides real-time social media measurement services for TV networks and advertisers. The platform offers many social media analytical tools including the ability for users to gauge the anticipation around upcoming pilots and the level of engagement and voice share on social networks. It is currently being used by more than half of the top 25 cable networks, along with numerous broadcast networks and research, marketing and advertising teams.
An active and significant social media presence has become a major selling point for which celebrities advertising and PR agencies want to hire for brand campaigns. “Advertising agencies are asking more and more, ‘How many Facebook fans do you have? What’s your Klout score?” said George Ruiz, head for digital media at International Creative Management. With that in mind, the PR firm PMK-BNC has developed the FanDNA measurement tool that rates, matches and measures a celebrity’s appeal and impact to different groups. [Via AdAge]
Scvngr” is a location-based game in which players can check-in and complete other challenges to earn points and unlock rewards. Kmart has been using the app to attract in-store customer traffic through promotions, giveaways and discounts for players who compete in different challenges in the store.


Google has purchased German-based daily deal site called DailyDeal. According to the site post announcing the deal, the DailyDeal team will join their new colleagues at Google Offers to bolster the search giant’s daily deals offering.
Evviva Brands
, the firm behind Marriott International’s “Find Your World” brand campaign and “ My Marriott Hotel” Facebook game, will sell 20% of the company to The Liquid Agency, an international branding agency. While the two agencies will begin their collaboration immediately, Evviva will continue to operate independently with its existing management team. Evviva’s previous brand campaigns also include work for Microsoft and Coca-Cola, while Liquid’s client base includes Sony, Microsoft, HP, Adobe, Intel and Meebo.


While the TV still sits comfortably at the top as the preferred viewing device for watching videos, a PwC study, as reported by MediaPost, finds that consumers are more welcoming of alternative devices for watching videos, specifically tablets. However, the consumers’ good will towards alternative video devices does not extend to smartphones, largely due to smaller screens and generally slower network connection rates. In fact, the study made a point to note that people considered tablets to be “a wholly different mobile viewing experience,” and the opinion was corroborated as data indicated that only 23% showed interest in watching movies or TV shows on their smartphones.


Jollyspot” is a new free app available in the App Store that describes itself as “a social Yelp.” It foregoes the use of pre-inserted advertisements by instead putting a focus on information that is populated by your friends, following the theory that word-of-mouth recommendations from the people you trust is more valuable than other forms of promotions.


Vitrue has hired Phillip Evans as its Regional Vice President, EMEA. Based out of London, Evans will lend a helping hand in expanding the social marketing SaaS solutions company’s international business, including new business growth, sales and channel development. Reporting to Richard Beattie, Vitrue’s VP, EMEA, Evans will also help build the company’s international team, starting with Vitrue’s new London offices.


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Picturing America on Screen, a series of 25 short films that explore the United States’ artistic history, will air on public television channels nationwide. Produced by THIRTEEN, the public access television channel in the New York City tri-state area that focuses on art and culture, the series is a companion to the National Endowment for the Humanities Picturing America project. You can take a look at the 25 films and the program on their site. Take a peek; it’s a pretty neat initiative if, like me, you’re a geek about American history, and would be fascinated looking at it through a different lens.


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Later – Sahil
 Sahil Patel, Access Intelligence, filling in for Wayne Karrfalt for Cynopsis: Digital.

Cynopsis Ad Sales:
Mike Farina – VP/Business Development & Sales – 203-218-6480 / [email protected]
Classifieds – Trish Pihonak- 203-381-9096 / [email protected]

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JOB OPENING VP, PRODUCTION MGMT & OPS/IFC/NY: Dvlp/mng production ops for IFC TV original productions. 7+ yrs exp maximizing complex prod. budgets & overseeing plnning;industry connections a must. Apply: [email protected] (9/27)

JOB OPENING CONTENT SALES MGR (2)/Thought Equity Motion/NY & LA: World leader in video rights mgmt. Expert ideation, consultative & relationship sales exp. More info: http://corporate.thoughtequity.com/ Res: [email protected] (9/27)

JOB OPENING DIRECTOR/PR /TRAVELCHANNEL/NY. Seasoned pro to support key series and network initiatives w/focus on show publicity & talent relations. Prior TV publicity exp. req’d. Full details, www.scrippsnetworks.com – Req 2607 (9/27)

JOB OPENING MANAGER/PR /TRAVELCHANNEL/DC: Develop & implement program publicity plans for programming & digital initiatives. Prior TV publicity exp. required. Full details, http://www.scrippsnetworks.com & select req 2591 (9/27)

JOB OPENING AD SALES ASST/gmc/NY: Seeking a recent grad w/ previous ad sales/advertising internship exp to asst ad sales dept. Strong Excel & multi-tasking a +. Apply: [email protected] (9/27)

JOB OPENING: SYNDICATION SALES ACCOUNT EXEC/NYC: Looking for a passionate, self-starter for Junior level sales territory. Strong negotiation and communication skills needed. Travel required. Send resume’ to [email protected] (9/27)

JOB OPENING: MEDIA PLANNING MGR/Discovery/FL: 8+yrs exp. Lead team in strategic network planning. Exp w/in media metrics. Guide & gauge campaign perf with effect pre/post report efforts. Mngment exp a must. www.Discovery.com #4312 (9/24)

JOB OPENING: DIR, PROG ADV/HBO/NYC: manages the development and execution of consumer adv and promo plans for HBO Orig Prog. Min 8 yrs brand mktng exp. in entertainment. Apply: http://bit.ly/pyw3xe (9/24)

JOB OPENING: ON-AIR PROMO PREDITOR/NY: Write, produce, edit & direct promos, short form, BTS or interstitial segments. Utilize writing skills and present multiple concepts for each assignment. Apply: disneycareers.com #1250  (9/24)

JOB OPENING: DIR, MKTG/ABC/NY: Lead mktg role for news digital products; leverages consumer insights to drive usage & revenue growth; finds new ways to reach & communicate with our audience. Apply: disneycareers.com #1243  (9/24)

JOB OPENING: SR. DEVELOPMENT PRODUCER/Discovery/FL: 7+yrs exp. Resp for mngng & expanding dev slate for DSC LATAM Networks, seeking new factual, lifestyle prog ideas, talents & formats, Speak Eng/Sp a must www.Discovery.com #4505   (9/24)

JOB OPENING: ANALYST, DIGITAL AD OPS AD NETWORK/Sony Pictures Television/Culver City CA: Manage ad networks and remnant partnership deals for Crackle, Dr Oz, Nate Berkus and more. Go to sonypicscareers .com /Job code: 205378-033  (9/24)

JOB OPENING: SPONSORSHIP SALES PROFESSIONAL/WRNN-TV/RyeBrook NY: Drive new bus. Dev corp partnerships. 3-5 yrs brdcst sales mngmnt/sponsorship exp w/ a strong analytical, strategic & tactical background.Resume: [email protected]  (9/24)

JOB OPENING: PRICING/PLAN’G ANALYST/Fox Cable Networks/NY: Asst in prod of analytical reports, reconcile prgrmng grids & sales, confirm deal invent. BA/BS & 1-2+ yrs Sales Admin or Plan’g exp pref. Adv Excel req. www.foxcareers.com (9/23)

JOB OPENING: EXEC DIR PRGRM PLANNING & SCHEDULING/ENGLEWOOD CO: Direct all sched. & creative planning activities for Starz & Starz Multiplex. Lead in maximizing brand identity & devlp. scheduling strategies. Apply at www.starz.com (9/23)

JOB OPENING: CREATIVE SVCS PAID INTERNSHIP/truTV/NY: The Creative Services dept seeks a fall intern. Resp include handling tape dub/footage ingest requests & quality control of all promos on ISIS. Apply: www.turnerjobs.com (9/23)

JOB OPENING: RSCH ANALYST/NCM MEDIA NETWORKS/NYC: Prepare sales materials using syndicated & primary rsrch based around ad effectiveness & audience positioning; 1 yr media/agency exp. a +, but not required. Apply:  www.ncm.com (9/23)

JOB OPENING: STORY PRODUCERS & WRITERS/20 West Productions/CHICAGO:  Qualified story prods/writers w/ prior exp scripting reality series. Specifically interested in Spanish-speaking candidates. Res/credits:  [email protected] (9/23)

JOB OPENING: JR. PUBLICIST SYFY/NBCUNIVERSAL/NY: Generate maximum, positive press for Syfy programming. Strong consumer/trade press contacts is a must. 2-3 years of publicity exp is required.Apply: www.nbcunicareers.com (#2970BR) (9/22)

JOB OPENING: MGR, CLOO/CHILLER SALES RSRCH/NBCUNIVERSAL/NY:Mng on-air sales rsrch for Cloo & Chiller cable ntwrks. Knwldg NielsenGalaxy Explorer, TVToolbox, Simmons, MRI, CMR, Excel/PP req’d.Apply: www.nbcunicareers.com (#2970BR) (9/21)

JOB OPENING: EXEC ASST/DT talk show/NY: Orgnzd! Work well under pressure/For show: liaise between control room & studio/maint calendar, show boards & show logs/efficiently handle admin tasks. ABLE START IMMED. [email protected] (9/21)

JOB OPENING: TECH MGR (Freelance)/New York: Develop internet tech based solution for A+E Networks Int’l B2B sites, mobile offering & consumer sites  https://secure.sterlingdirect.com/jobboard/Default.aspx?JOBBOARDID=618&JobDetail=108917 (9/21)

JOB OPENING: SR.DIG/PRNT DESG/EPIX/NY: Prod,design & conceptualize print & web graphics & promo materials. In-Design,Quark,Illustrator, Photoshp & printing process a must.Poster exp a +. BA & 5+yrs exp. http://corp.epixhd.com/EOE (9/21)

JOB OPENING: FREELANCE PR COORDINATOR/Travel Channel/NY: Highly organized, master juggler, exp. working in TV publicity. Submit resume to: [email protected] (9/21)

INTERNSHIPS – These positions are for credit only – nobody gets paid here. These ads are always posted for free, and students work for school credit only. For more information on the specs for posting an Internship ad, email Trish at [email protected] .

FALL INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: Interactive Sales intern duties will include assisting teams with Optimum Homes & Autos. College credit only, internship unpaid. See full posting and apply to www.cablevision.jobs req 15503BR (9/27)

FALL & SPRING INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: PROD INTERN/WESTCHESTER: will see all facets of tv news production, must be avail 2-3days/week. In News dept, Final Cut exp a +. Must receive credit. Send resume to [email protected] (9/23)

FALL & SPRING INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: GRAPHICS INTERN/WESTCHESTER: will learn editing and graphic design, must be avail 2-3days/week. Must receive credit. Send resume to [email protected] (9/23)

FALL & SPRING INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: HR INTERN/WESTCHESTER: will see multiple functions of HR dept, must be avail 2-3days/week. Must receive credit. Send resume to [email protected] (9/23)

FALL INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY. START ASAP: RESEARCH INTERNS/NYC/Production Co: Interns wanted. One for PBS Doc. Other to rsrch and dvlp new TV show ideas. Please send cvr ltr & resumes [email protected] (9/22)

FALL INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: Media firm/Beijing: 40 hrs wkly. Unique/exciting media internship overseas.Includes RT flight to Beijing. Fluent Chinese reqd. Fluent English reqd. Apply: [email protected] (9/22)

FALL INTERNSHIP CREDIT ONLY: Interactive SALES INTERN duties will include assisting teams with Optimum Homes & Autos. College credit only, internship unpaid. See full posting and apply to www.cablevision.jobs req 10523BR (9/21)

SITUATION WANTED ADS, POSTED BY THOSE LOOKING TO BE HIRED …  There is no charge for placing your Situation Wanted ad … for more information contact Trish Pihonak at [email protected]

SITUATION WANTED: SALES EXECUTIVE w/extensive sports mktg & sales exp seeking a sports mktg/sales opportunity. Proven track record, strong new biz development, account mgmt & C Level exp. Resume upon request. Email: [email protected] (9/27)

SITUATION WANTED: CONTENT DISTRIBUTION, ACQUISITION, BUS. AFFAIRS ATTORNEY 15 yrs exp w/ Nat Geo Ch, Weather Ch, XM Satellite, TCI, Cablevision. US and intl via cable, sat, IPTV, mobile and Internet. Consult or FT. [email protected] (9/27)

SITUATION WANTED: Enthusiastic recent Radio and Television Arts grad eager to take on anything in the industry. Seeking entry-level position. Experience in programming, production, etc.  [email protected]   (9/24)

SITUATION WANTED: PRIME TIME EMMY DOCUMETARY. PRODUCER, DIRECTOR, WRITER in L.A. Credits: National Geo, PBS, Discovery, History CH, TLC and MSNBC. Contact email: [email protected] (9/23)

SITUATION WANTED: Dedicated & Experienced ADV. SALES PLANNER (NYC) Sales proposals, resolving client discrepancies, quarterly post analysis, special sales service projects, expert computer skills. Contact- [email protected] (9/23)

SITUATION WANTED: WRITER/Script Doctor w 16 yrs as Broadcast exec can consult/edit/polish your TV/film/web pitch/bible/screenplay. Credits inc. DeGrassi, DaVinci, Jozi H [email protected] (9/22)

SITUATION WANTED: DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHER. Illustrate your story in digital images with a twist. David Goorevitch – [email protected] – see his stuff at http://bit.ly/DGlimbo (9/22)

SITUATION WANTED: Jeanne Intile Burns, VOICE-OVER ARTIST, Web Links: http://jburns.voices.com , www.allegro-music.com , Cell: 845-721-9681, E-Mail: [email protected], Specializes in unique character voices for various animated productions (9/21)

SITUATION WANTED: I’ve written a 1-hour dramedy entitled, Tree House, which is loosely based on my life story. It’s, ” A Contemporary, Edgy, Multiplatform Show “. I’m looking for studio executive assistance. [email protected] (9/21)

SITUATION WANTED: Producer, Culinary Television 6+ years experience in reality cooking competition and cooking demo shows, including work with Food Network, Martha Stewart Living, Bravo. Contact: [email protected] (9/21)

SITUATION WANTED: PASSION for CHILDREN’S TELEVISION.  Exp/skills: tv segment producer, interviewer, writer, researcher, Child dev education and over 12 yrs working with children, including Internationally. Email: [email protected] (9/21)

E-mail [email protected] or call Trish Pihonak at 203.381.9096 for rates and specs for Job Openings.

Are you looking for a job? Post your Situation Wanted Ad here — Email [email protected] for specs.

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