Tuesday, November 23rd, 2010

Cynopsis: DIGITAL

Good morning, it’s Tuesday, November 23, 2010, and this is your first early morning digital briefing.  If you would like to read this or any other Cynopsis edition online, click here

As expected, Netflix officially introduced a streaming-only plan in the U.S. for $7.99/mo., sending the company’s share price to an all-time high and reigniting debates about how established media should combat its effect and who should pay the cost of its bandwidth. (Despite frequent public assurances that cord cutting is not affecting the bottom line, Time Warner Cable for one announced last week it will test a new lower priced “TV Essentials” package to try and stem further basic cable subscriber losses.) Netflix also raised the prices of its two most popular snail mail DVD plans by a $1/month.


Viacom jumped on the growing list of network parents to block full episode access to the struggling Google TV platform, joining News Corp., NBCU, Disney and CBS.
As part of a recent announced agreement, Bright House Networks customers who receive ESPN as part of their TV packages now have access to a live simulcast of ESPN on their computers as well as access to ESPN3.com.   
European streaming subscription service LOVEFilm struck a one-year exclusive deal with indie distributor Momentum Pictures to offer digital versions of over 30 feature films on the service including the popular Swedish film trilogy, “The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo,” “The Girl Who Played with Fire,” and “The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet’s Nest.”


AdGent Digital, the technology start-up formerly known as AdGent 007, stirred a new agreement with TV One co-owner Radio One to launch its Tweetology tweet-curating widget on the homepages of 49 websites in 15 markets operated by the African American-targeted media company. The application integrates with publisher’s Content Management Systems to capture tweets based on chosen contributors or keywords and can be monetized by selling geo-targeted sponsorships. The company also launched a widget tab last month dubbed “The Skinny” that allows publishers to pull and display relevant Tweets on their sites.


introduced a new ad format called “TrueView” that gives video viewers the choice to watch, skip or toggle between three different video ads, reports AdAge.
Video ad platform Adap.tv announced the addition of several new publishers to its network including FUNimation Entertainment, hi5, MrMovieTimes.com and Wetpaint. Adap.tv reached over 60 million unique viewers and delivered more than 435 million ad views in October, according to ComScore.


Telemundo announced a partnership with Paula Abdul-endorsed start-up AuditionBooth to provide an online audition platform for Telemundo’s full line-up of shows. The partnership goes into effect in Jan. 2011.
has tapped RecipeBridge.com to power its recipe database and search engine, bringing over 1.7 million recipes to its community.


Political sites, online gambling sites and humor sites grew as categories in Oct. according to ComScore with Movie, Travel and Computer software retail sites also registering double digit gains. Comedy Central led the comedy category with 10.8 million visitors, a 26% increase from the prior month, leading up to Jon Stewart’s and Stephen Colbert’s “Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear” on the mall in Washington, DC. Break.com ranked second in the category with 7.5 million visitors (up 65%), followed by Cracked with 5.1 million visitors (up 3%) and FunnyOrDie with 4.4 million visitors. Google Sites ranked as the #1 property overall with 180.8 million visitors, followed by Yahoo! Sites with 179.6 million and Microsoft Sites with 170.6 million. Facebook.com ranked #4 with 151.1 million visitors, the first time it has surpassed the 150 million visitor mark.
Top 10 Gaining Site Categories by Percentage Change in Unique Visitors (U.S.)
Oct. 2010 vs. September 2010
                                                      Total Unique Visitors (000)
                                              Sep-10     Oct-10     % Change
Total Internet : Total Audience     212,874    212,788         0
Gambling – Online Gambling             14,957     31,967       114
Entertainment – Humor                  48,696     60,743        25
Retail – Computer Software            35,800     41,255        15
Services – e-cards                        16,229     18,622        15
Retail – Flowers/Gifts/Greetings       27,720     31,469        14
Entertainment – Movies                  87,440     98,583        13
News/Information – Politics             24,370     27,367        12
Retail – Toys                                17,888     19,962        12
Services – Photos                       128,372    143,165        12
Travel – Ground/Cruise                  12,263     13,597        11
Source: comScore Media


Apple unveiled version iOS 4.2 of its mobile operating system for the iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch, adding over 100 new features for iPad including:

  • The ability to drag and drop apps into folders
  • Game Center application allowing users to challenge friends and save top scores
  • AirPlay music and video streaming functionality
  • the ability to rent TV episodes via an iTunes App with a 30-day viewing window and a 48-hour session window once playback is started

Following upon several pay TV providers, Tivo announced it is launching a new iPad app that will enable Tivo Premiere users to use the tablet as a gesture-based remote control to browse the program guide, schedule recordings, explore cast and crew info and search for movies and shows based on actor, director and title.
Just in time for Black Friday, Amazon launched a new price-comparison app for the iPhone that allows you scan barcodes from items you come across to see if you can beat the price online. The online retailer already started its Black Friday deals on Monday.



Cyn opsis Media presents:
Demographic Viewing Patterns Special Edition Series

Upcoming Issues: Baby Boomers (12/6), Across Ethnicities (12/13)

Exploring the latest research on viewing patterns and evolving media preferences of specific
demographic groups, and identifying the newest trends networks and ad agencies are using to reach each of these demos.

Click to view specials on Kids, Tweens, & Teens, Women, & Men
For advertising opportunities contact Mike Farina, [email protected] , 203.218.6480


Call it a marriage between Kindle, Facebook and Oprah’s Book Club. Copia is a new social reading platform launching this week in public beta that allows you to connect with friends and other readers to rap about the books you’re reading and share recommendations and ratings. Released as a desktop e-reading client (for Mac or PC) and an iPad app, the interface is intuitive and does some wonderful things to help push good books up the grapevine. A community value scoring system rates eBooks based on how they’re received by the crowd. The Library Compare feature allows you to scan the booklists of your friends or other users to see which titles you have in common. It integrates with your existing Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin contacts and a real-time list keeps track of every club or discussion thread you join, making it easy to look back upon past discussions. Other platforms like the Nook Color already perform some of these social features, but Copia is an elegant solution to the problem of how to connect readers on multiple devices. Its success will largely depend upon how quickly it integrate with other gadgets and eReaders.

Later —
Wayne Karrfalt for Cynopsis Digital
[email protected]

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Classifieds – Trish Pihonak- 203-381-9096 / [email protected]

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ATTENTION JOB RECRUITERS FOR THE TELEVISION AND ADVERTISING INDUSTRY – send us your contact information so we can begin to build a database for referrals.  We get people all the time around the country asking us for names of local recruiters.  Help us out – send us your contact information, name, company, address, phone, email and fax.  NY and LA are great, but we also need names of firms in Chicago, Dallas, Miami, Atlanta, DC, and elsewhere.  We have people to send you!   Email your info to [email protected].

JOB OPENING: DIR CORP COMMUNICATIONS/RAINBOW-NATL TRADE PR/NY: 7+yr publicity exp in Cble indstry. Creative w/ strg writing, ppl & projct mgmt skils. Must have Trde/Biz/Media contcts. Rez to: [email protected] (12/2)

JOB OPENING: SALES PLANNER/LIBERMAN BROADCASTING (ESTRELLA TV)/NY: 3+ years experience with network sales planning, Dealmaker, building proposals, maintenance, stewardship, and revenue analysis. [email protected] (12/1)

JOB OPENING: AE /Burbank, CA/ION: Sell national half-hour time, 2-3 yrs TV/Cable/DR exp, Outlook/Excel/Word/PP, must have reliable transportation. Submit resume w/salary to [email protected]. EOE (12/1)

JOB OPENING: ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE AD SALES/NYC/REELZCHANNEL: 3+ yrs media ad sales exp. Exp cable, network, online, mp biz, strat integ mktg solu. Resp for ad sales & sales activity of EC ofc. Send res: [email protected]   (12/1)

JOB OPENING: Sr RESEARCHER IFC/SUN/NYC: 3+yr ad sales resrch exp w/Cble/Brdcast indstry. Desgn/prep presntations, enhce sales/prgm effrt. MRI/Simmons/Omniture/Comscore/BrgtCove/NielsenTolbx/AdViews/Arianna. [email protected] (12/1)

JOB OPENING:  MGR, PROGRAM RESEARCH/Oxygen/ NYC:  Min 4 yrs exp in media research. Supports mgmt, programming, development, scheduling, press/publicity, marketing & pricing/finance. Apply@ www.nbcunicareers.com (Job #1282882) (11/30)

JOB OPENING: FREELANCE P.A-ON-AIR PROMO/ABC/LA:Update status sheets/screen shows/pull shots for VOD. Bach deg/int. in TV mktg/promos req. Excellent org & comm skills. Final cut pro a +. Resumes: [email protected] (11/30)

JOB OPENING:  MGR, CONSUMER INSIGHT DIGITAL/WWE/Stamford, CT: 4+ yrs exp media research; exp w/ with Omniture Site Catalyst & Search Center, HitWise, comScore Media/Plan Metrix, and Forrester required. Apply: wwe-careers.com/ (11/30)

JOB OPENING:   DIRECTOR INTERACTIVE ADVERTISING/Newsday/NY: 7+yrs adv sales exp driving sales/strategy w/in dig. media space. Exp selling to Nat’l & Local accts/agencies & staff mgt req’d. Email resumes to: [email protected] (11/30)

JOB OPENING:  RSRCH MGR/NFL/NY: Mng and  support design & execution of primary and secondary rsrch relating to NFL fan & brand.  4-7 yrs of mkt rsrch exp.  More info/apply: NFL – Research Manager Position (11/30)

JOB OPENING: ASSOC DIR, BUS DVLPMNT/Luminosity Marketing/NY: Seeking a dynamic, well-rounded leader who has a keen understanding of account service to lead our new business program. Send resume & CL to [email protected] (11/25)

JOB OPENING: PRODUCER  FREELANCE/NEW YORK: Int’l Freelance FT Format Producer. Format HD/SD masters for global distrib; support Int’l production. https://www.abso.com/jobboard/Default.aspx?JOBBOARDID=618&JobDetail=83825 (11/25)

JOB OPENING: MGR, CONTENT PROD & TECHNOLOGY MGMT/MTV/NY: 5 yrs exp, Manage post ops and tapeless wkflo’s, post supes, file mgmt. Expert underst’g of AVID, FCP & digi media. Budget & acct mgmt skills. Proj Based [email protected] (11/24)

JOB OPENING: DIR CULINARY EDITORIAL/FOOD NETWORK/NY: Creatively operate/dvlp culinary content. 5-10 yrs exp, culinary editing, publishing &/or website experience needed. Thorough culinary knwldg. www.scrippsnetworks.com # 1977 (11/24)

JOB OPENING:  SR EDITOR/FOOD NETWORK/NY: Edit recipes for accuracy, grammar, style & suitability for ntwrk website & other initiatives. 4+yrs prior editorial exp in culinary publishing. www.scrippsnetworks.com # 1976 (11/24)

JOB OPENING: EXEC PRODUCER/Seattle: Oversee content & dir of a daily sales driven daytime talk show on KING5 TV. Exp producing daytime TV, live events, creating content w/ advertiser clients. View job/apply: www.king5.com (11/24)

INTERNSHIPS – These positions are for credit only – nobody gets paid here. These ads are always posted for free , and students work for school credit only. For more information on the specs for posting an Internship ad, email Trish at [email protected].

WINTER/SPRING INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: NYC production co. seeks SOCIAL MEDIA EXPERT. Grow web presence for popular YouTube act prepping TV network pitch. Intern starts ASAP. Res/Cov Ltr to [email protected] (12/1)

SITUATION WANTED ADS, POSTED BY THOSE LOOKING TO BE HIRED …  There is no charge for placing your Situation Wanted ad … for more information contact Trish Pihonak at [email protected]

SITUATION WANTED:  SALES CLOSER in TV, FILM & NEW MEDIA 6+ years International experience in Film & TV sales, a true closer w/ strong sales record and solid management skills. email [email protected] (11/30)

SITUATION WANTED: PRIME TIME EMMY DOCUMENTARY. PRODUCER, DIRECTOR, WRITER in L.A. Credits: National Geo, PBS, Discovery, History CH, TLC and MSNBC. Contact email: [email protected] (11/30)

SITUATION WANTED:  FIELD DIRECTOR/DIRECTOR OF PHOTOGRAPHY (NY/LA): 33+ years in every production situation imaginable. Few have the experience, references and reels like I do in Reality, Field Production, Docs. [email protected] (11/25)

SITUATION WANTED: CONTENT CREATOR:  Entertainment, Docs, Kids, Specials.  Major network/studio/interactive credits in long and short form.  [email protected] or [email protected] (11/25)

SITUATION WANTED: Dedicated & Experienced ADV. SALES PLANNER (NY) Sales proposals, resolving client discrepancies, quarterly post analysis, special sales service projects, expert computer skills. Contact- [email protected] (11/25)

SITUATION WANTED: NEW MEDIA SPECIALIST: Journalist & FCP certified editor w/ experience in Flash, Photoshop & social media; open to full-time, part-time, contract, or freelance; based in central CT. Please email: [email protected]  (11/25)

SITUATION WANTED: MARKETING MANAGER:Smart, consultative, strategic, team marketer. Extensive sponsorship development & multi-platform branding experience across all media (on-air, online, off-air). Contact: [email protected] (11/24)

SITUATION WANTED: NEED A BUDGET DONE?? LINE PROD/EIC – 10+ yrs. exp- budgets done in all formats TV & Feature. Accurate, Reasonable, Thorough- fast turn around. Email: [email protected] (11/24)

SITUATION WANTED: VERY SR WRITER. Very Reasonable Rates. Copy, content, concepts, creative + strategic, all media. Hire me and you will be happy. Visit https://freebeaaron.wordpress.com for FREE samples. [email protected] (11/24)

SITUATION WANTED:  Dedicated & exp’d SR TRAFFIC COORD seeks a challenging new position.8 yrs media (6+ yrs traffic) & rec’d 4 NBC Ovation Awards for going above & beyond, as well as demonstrating excellence. [email protected] (11/24)

E-mail [email protected] or call Trish Pihonak at 203.381.9096 for rates and specs for Job Openings.

Are you looking for a job? Post your Situation Wanted Ad here — Email [email protected] for specs.

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