Tuesday, November 12th, 2013


Co. Confidential

Mng IP rights enforcement; negotiate licensing/merchandising deals; assist w/prod legal. JD from ABA school with at least 2 yrs law firm, network or prod co exp.

Resume HERE

Cynopsis: Classified Advantage

Good morning. It’s Tuesday, November 12, 2013, and this is your weekly issue of Cynopsis: Classified Advantage!

Welcome to Leadership Lessons, the column that focuses on conversations with senior managers and leaders in the TV world, speaking candidly about their professional journeys and how that informs what they look for when hiring new employees. Today, Gavin Harvey, CEO, Sportsman Channel.

What was your first leadership position?
I crossed the Rubicon from “brand/marketing guy” to President, Outdoor Life Network (later Versus) in 2004.

What do you wish you’d known then that you know now?
I wish I had known earlier in my career how much I would enjoy the responsibilities and role of being the chief executive of a business. Working with a board, and directing a well-coordinated, highly-competitive executive team is a great job.

What does being a leader mean to you?
I identify strongly with General David Petraeus’s 12 Rules for Leadership. In particular, I work hard to be a good listener – listening to customers, to associates, the board, my staff, our people in the trenches. Listening is not just respectful – it provides fuel for good decision-making, it pulls everybody into the action, and it unifies the team.

If you could be in a profession besides TV, what would it be?
TV saved me from a mediocre career on the professional bull-riding circuit. That being said, if I were to start over today, I would be working on innovative technology and programs that utilize media, content and interaction to help educate the increasing numbers of children with learning “disabilities.” There are so many kids who are really smart, have all the potential in the world, but do not respond well to “the standard curriculum.”

What advice do you give jobseekers?
No selfies. And  be confident – be focused – we want to know you will get the job done for us.


Cynopsis: Digital Model D Awards is Today!
Noon – 2:00pm | The Grand Hyatt NYC

A terrific line-up of finalists will be honored at this inaugural event!

Preview the list of finalists: http://www.cynopsisdigitalsummit.com/model-d-awards/

Don’t forget to join us tomorrow for the: Digital Video Measurement Summit

Nov. 13 | Grand Hyatt, N

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JOB OPENING: MGR CORP LEGAL AFFAIRS/Co. Confidential/LA: Mng IP rights enforcement; negotiate licensing/merchandising deals; assist w/prod legal. JD from ABA school with at least 2 yrs law firm, network or prod co exp. Resume HERE (11/16)

JOB OPENING: EXEC PRDCR/AMERICAN MASTERS/THIRTEEN/WNET New York Public Media: Develop, manage, and supervise the series in all its broadcast and non-broadcast forms. 10 yrs exp Full details/apply: HERE (11/16)

JOB OPENING: RETAIL MKTG MGR/Nickelodeon/NYC: Idea generation & strategizing mktg campaigns to support CP at retail, & work hand in hand with sales teams to drive revenue. 3-5 yrs exp in licensing, consumer products, mktg. Apply HERE (11/16)

JOB OPENING: SALES ASST/Discovery/Troy, MI: Highly driven recent grad or 1-2 yrs exp to support Ad Sales team. Resp. for client comm/deal upkeep: sched. units, mnge prgrm changes, traffic issues. Great opp to learn ad sls biz. APPLY HERE (11/16) 

JOB OPENING: SALES PLANNER/WB/LA: 1-3 yrs exp. Sales planning or trafficking exp required. Generate dig media plans, RFP responses, prospecting of new biz, optimization changes as needed. To Apply HERE (11/16)

JOB OPENING: RESEARCH MGR/El Rey/NY: Min 4 yrs exp at cable/bdcst net with heavy Nielsen (NPower, Galaxy Explorer). Track and analyze competitive landscape, assist in positioning net for sales. Resume to [email protected] (11/15)

JOB OPENING: PROD ASSISTANT/NY: Extremely detailed admin person needed to keep track of dubbing files for various languages for cable TV channel. Excel skills + Exp in production and/or using FTP a plus. Res/cvr to Rose: HERE (11/15) 

JOB OPENING: DIR VENDOR MANAGEMENT/Scripps Networks/NY: Resp for w/w digital prdct+tech teams to id and eval vends in mobile/soc media/digital spaces. 5+yrs dig media exp. Apply @ [email protected] (11/15)

JOB OPENING: DIGITAL SALES PLANNER/CNN/LA: Looking for Digital Sales Planner to join CNN sales team in LA. 2+ yrs sales exp required. Support CNN & CNNMoney. Digital or ad agency experience preferred. Resumes HERE (11/15)

JOB OPENING: SALES ASST, AD SALES/Crown Media Family Networks/NY: Work with Acct Execs and Sales Planners to service/ maintain agencies and clients for Hallmark Channel and Hallmark Movie Channel. BA deg req’d. Apply HERE: http://www.hallmarkchannel.com/jobs/ (11/15)

JOB OPENING: DIR PRGMMG RESEARCH/Showtime/NYC: Eval and interpret data relating to ratings perf./monitor comp. bcast/cable TV. 10 yrs. media research/Nielsen ratings/NPower exp req. Submit resume at www.sho.com/sho/about/careers (11/15)

JOB OPENING: AD SALES PLAN’R (FREELANCE)/NUVOtv/NY: Exp’d sales plnr to dvlp customized plans/presentations for Ad Sales clients. Great opp for person looking to join fast growing bus w/future growth opps.Res/sal history: [email protected] (11/15)

JOB OPENING: RES. ANALYST(MEDIA)/Latitude/BOS: Join innovative media and technology research firm  research/adv. expertise, project mg. skills, planning & execution, 2+ yrs relevant exp & 4 yr degree. More info: HERE  Apply HERE (11/15)

JOB OPENING: SR DIR PRGRMNG/MTV/NY: Analytics exp & passion for TV prgrmng, pop culture & understanding of millennial viewing habits. 7-10 yrs. exp working @cable/brdcst ntwrk, w/career emphasis on prgrmng res. Nielsen exp. a must. Apply HERE (11/14)

JOB OPENING: MGR/SR MGR PUBLICITY/History/A+E Networks/NY: Launch/sustain comprehensive publicity campaigns for scripted & reality/nonfiction prog. Full Info/Apply: http://www.aenetworks.com/careers (11/14)

JOB OPENING: MNGR AD SALES MRKTNG/NYC: Develop/execute rev-generating marketing solutions to meet client objectives and support HGTV/DIY prgrmng initiatives. BA, 5 yrs agency/media/sales mrktg exp www.scrippsnetworks.com #3918 (11/14)

JOB OPENING: RESEARCH ANALYST/Music Choice/NYC: Prgm/Ad Sales research. NPower exp a must. MRI/Rentrak a plus. Standard reports, custom requests & competitive analysis. BA/BS, plus 1-3 yrs relevant research exp. Required. Apply HERE (11/14) 

JOB OPENING: VP CONSUMER MKTG/MTV/NYC: Dvlp/implement strategic mktg plans to promote MTV priority initiatives. Resp for oversight of strategic analysis of MTV competitors. BA 10-15yrs relevant consumer mktg media exp.  Full info/Apply HERE (11/13)

JOB OPENING: DIR CORP COMM- ENT GROUP/Viacom/NYC: Dvlp/execute corp comm prgrms that shape awareness amongst all Ent group Employees, consumer press, trade media, advrtsrs, etc. BA/BS Eng + 8-10yrs PR exp.  Full info & Apply HERE (11/13)

JOB OPENING: DIR MUSIC MKTG/Nickelodeon/NYC: Resp: strategic mktg (both short and long term) of music as it lives on all Nick platforms.  BA with 8-10yrs mktg exp req’d. Music industry/radio background a +.   Full info & Apply HERE (11/13)

JOB OPENING: ACCT MGR/CHICAGO: AE w/5+ yrs exp to dvlp new biz for ad sls at client & agcy lvls on all SXM channels. Sell sports for all major brands and famous talk/ news brands. Some travel. [email protected] (11/13)

JOB OPENING: SR. MGR, AD SLS MKTG/NY: Dvlp & implmnt cstm ad sales mktg solutions and promotion plans, major emphasis on famous sports brands. [email protected] (11/13)

JOB OPENING: ACCT EXEC/NCC MEDIA/LA: Represent NCC affiliates in the sale of cable advrtsng time to nat’l clients. Thorough knwldg of cable industry Clear understanding of quantitative/qualitative data. BA Deg. Resume: [email protected] (11/13)

JOB OPENING: PROMOS WRITER PRODUCER/NYC/Metro Area: Expertise in entertainment/reality. Topical and brand image promotion. Minimum of 4 years writing and producing experience. Resume to: [email protected] (11/13)

JOB OPENING: MNGR PLANNING, PRICING/NYC: Price and analyze upfront and scatter plans and work/Sales to internally negotiate mark pricing of deals. 2yrs tv exp in pricing/planning. 2 yrs media buying exp. Apply: http://goo.gl/kHR2cf (11/13)

JOB OPENING: TEMP TO PERM SOCIAL MEDIA MGR/SUNDANCE/NYC: develop, coordinate & implement social media initiatives. Create & manage editorial calendar. 4+ yrs. social media exp. Apply HERE (11/13)

JOB OPENING: DIR, INTERNAT’L PRGRM SALES & RELATIONS/Viacom/NYC: 5-8 yrs’ exp in competitive or publicly listed sales, dist or acquisitions/rights co. BA Degree. build a strong network of internal relationships More info/apply: HERE (11/9)

JOB OPENING: COMEDY WRITER/Variety TV Show/LA: looking for exc joke & comedy writer for observational-style monologues. Must be a flexible, fast, & positive person with a unique take on life. 2+ yrs of writing exp req’d. [email protected] (11/9)

JOB OPENING: STRATEGIC MKTG MGR/fuse/NYC: Strategic dvlpmt & execution of multi-platform integrated mktg opportunities for potential/existing Ad Sales clients. Exp: Mktg/ad sales/comm/mgmt/media/ crtv writing. Apply HERE (11/9) 

JOB OPENING: SR DIGITAL SALES DIR/NYC/LA/CHI/SFO/DALLAS: All locations. Generate new bus. rev from advertisers & their agencies. Min 4 yrs Online sales exp w/track record exceeding rev. goals. Apply HERE (11/9)

JOB OPENING: Broadcast/Cable Director ADWEEK NYC: Integrated Sls – dvlp custom prgms to clients across print, dig, editorial. 10+ yrs Sls media & adv exp. Strong kwldg of brdcst & cable sales. RESUMES TO: http://bit.ly/1hzBe2D (11/9)

JOB OPENING: DIRECTOR  MARKET RESOURCES/Discovery/NY: Strong leader to guide team in analyses of advertiser mtkg strategy & spending to find revenue growth opps. Devel insightful client presentations. 6+ yrs media rsrch exp req’d. Apply (11/9)

JOB OPENING: MGR SALES MKTG/NCC Media/NY: NCC Media seeks TV rsch & mktg savvy candidate to write strategic presentations/collateral to support biz dev sales teams. See nccmedia.com for more company info. Resumes HERE (11/9)

JOB OPENING: ACCT MANAGER/INVISION/NYC: Become part of INVISION’s NYC team responsible for building our clients business thru leading edge technology and professional client relationships. Exp in Media & DealMaker a plus! APPLY HERE (11/7)

JOB OPENING: DIG. INVENTORY & PRICING SR ANALYST/THE WEATHER CHANNEL/NY: Resp for supporting Sales. Mng pricing/inventory continuously helping maximize dig advrtsng rev. 3+ yrs dig media exp yield mngmnt, ad ops, &/or data analytics Res. HERE [email protected] (11/7)

JOB OPENING: FINANCIAL ANALYST AD SALES/THE WEATHER CHANNEL/NY: Report to Sr. Dir Ad Sales Finance. Support Ad Sales orgnztn. 5+yrs relevant financial modeling analysis. Dvlp full financial assessment of sales activities. Res here: [email protected] (11/7)

JOB OPENING: SR WRITER/PRODUCER/HGTV & DIY/Knoxville: crafts & directs on-air promotions including on/off-channel, episodic & convergent campaigns. Key point of contact for creative requests. 7 yrs exp. Click HERE to apply (11/6)

JOB OPENING: ACCT SERVICE REP/Hallmark Channel/NY: Sales development. 3+ yrs Ad Sales exp. Prior planner or buyer exp. Apply: www.hallmarkchannel.com/jobs (11/6)

JOB OPENING: SR RSRCH ANLYST/MGM TV/LA: Use quant & qual rsrch tools to track & anlyze compet TV lndscpe. Create nat’l, local and cable present. Rsrch sftwre + 1 yr exp w/nat’l & local NR anlysis. Apply/more info: HERE (11/6) 

JOB OPENING: MGR CSR & SUSTAINABILITY/NBCU/NYC: NBCU seeks key staffer for the devlpmnt of strategy and sustainability projects. Strong pm skills and high energy. BA + 5+ yrs exp. Digital a must! Apply HERE (11/6) 

JOB OPENING: UNIT MGR/MTV/NYC: Create/mng smaller scale budgets, schedules/show calendars and daily prod reports. Support Prod Mgr & Line Prod by managing specific areas BA & 4-5 yrs exp within Prod Mngmnt. More info & apply HERE (11/6) 

JOB OPENING: FULFILLMENT SPECIALIST/A+E Networks/NY: Account mgmt. & customer service. Non-staff position. Full Info/Apply: http://www.aenetworks.com/careers (11/6)

JOB OPENING: ACCOUNT DIRECTOR/WB/NYC: 5+ yrs dig media sales. Drives web & mobile sales. Develop relationships w/clients, deliver mrkting solutions & client service. Apply HERE (11/6)

JOB OPENING: EXEC DIR, BRAND MKTG, HOME ENTERTAINMENT/LA: Lead all activity related to optimizing performance for a portfolio of live action new release titles. Apply: http://tinyurl.com/ltg6djs (FFE0002012) (11/5)

JOB OPENING: TRAFFIC COORDINATOR/NY: Create/manage logs and allocate inv. Schedule promos, ads & coord. w/Ad Agencies. Traffic software exp. & excel skills req. Res/cvr to Rose: HERE [email protected] (11/5)

JOB OPENING: SR. ANALYST MARKET RESOURCES/DISCOVERY/NY: Sharp mind to track advertiser/category spending and utilize rsrch to gather market intelligence. Turn findings into thoughtful reports/presentations. 3+ yrs media rsrch. Apply. (11/4)


TODAY is the Cynopsis: Kids Webinar
Developing & Distributing Kids Content in the Digital Age
Register Now * November 12, 2013 * 1:30-3:00 p.m. ET

Hosted by: Cathy Applefeld Olson, Editor, Cynopsis Kids

Stephen Hodge: Managing Director (Toon Goggles)
Susanna Pollack: Head of Strategy & Partnerships (yummico)
Dane Boedigheimer: Filmmaker (Annoying Orange)
Brandon Cole: Manager, Media & Business Development (Peanuts Worldwide + Iconix Brand Group)


manage the current team that implements and optimizes Facebook’s partnerships and programs with news broadcasters and content creators
Lead, Strategic Partner Development – New

act as a key partner to US and Canada Sales Leaders to ensure that the product mix for priority clients reflects strategic goals of the business
Manager, Regional Product Marketing

proactively identify opportunities to accelerate growth or improve profitability through operational excellence, and lead tactical initiatives
Manager/Director of Operational Excellence
Media Math

lead the ideation, technical development, and launch of innovative features and products
Senior Product Manager, TerminalOne
Media Math

lead the recruitment process for C-level and other senior key hires; prospect and generate leads for new employees
Vice President, Global Human Resources

partner with business and functional leaders across the AOL Brands Group to develop and lead an effective People strategy and execution for the group
Senior Director, Human Resources

developing a comprehensive and effective learning and development strategies for all of AOL Advertising functions
Director, Head of Sales Training, AOL Advertising

assist Analytical Solutions team in new product development, particularly in the digital media space
Senior Statistical Analyst

responsible for recruiting, developing and leading the Enterprise Sales team to meet team hiring and revenue goals while promoting a culture of execution, excellence, and accountability
Regional Vice President

establish Blue Kai partnerships with Marketers directly, and agencies
Sales/Business Development Manager

provide mentoring to new hires and responsible for training schedule for new hires. Design and implement training tools that will assist new hires
Sr Revenue Operations Analyst
Bedford MA

drive the standardization of financial business analysis that enable a consistent, global, view of the PS Business
Director Finance
Hopkinton MA

help improve the daily IT operator data checks to ensure the accuracy and completeness of all initial data processing
Senior Quality Control Analyst
Portland OR

cultivate new partnerships on the west coast
Director – Platform Sales
San Francisco CA

prospecting, reading, making calls, setting up meetings
Senior Account Executive
Adconion Direct
San Francisco CA

drive the product roadmap for both the finance and operations platforms
Director of Product Management, Finance and Operations
San Francisco CA

develop and implement all retention marketing strategies and programs to meet or exceed revenue and engagement targets
Head of Retention Marketing
San Francisco CA

meet the ongoing needs of our internal clients in a consultative manner, delivering just in time learning for real issues in real time
Talent Development Senior Manager – Training
Santa Monica CA

oversee all paid media channels including search, display, affiliate, and offline to achieve targeted acquisition goals that will be defined quarterly
Director,  Customer Acquisition
Santa Monica CA

develop and execute Public Relations and Marketing strategies that support core marketing communication strategies and initiatives for the company and its key products
Sr. Public Relations & Marketing Manager
Adconion Direct
San Diego CA


Cynopsis Digital’s Video Measurement Summit
Monetizing Cross-Platform Video

NOV. 13| GRAND HYATT, NY | Register Now

More info + registration: http://www.cynopsisdigitalsummit.com

Registration / Tickets: Pete Romas, 203.899.8483
Advertising / Sponsorships: Mike Farina, 203.218.6480
Sponsors: OneScreen (Silver) Mass Revelence (Social Media Partner) IAB (Industry Partner)


Joanne Virgo is joining Canada’s Proper Television (MasterChef Canada) as an executive producer. Virgo had been an executive producer for Cineflex Media (American Pickers).

Julian P. Hobbs was upped to Vice President Scripted and Non-Fiction Development and Programming for History. Hobbs had been VP Programming and Development for the net.

NBCUniversal promoted Bill McGoldrick to the position of Executive Vice President, Original Content at Syfy, replacing Mark Stern. Jackie de Crinis has been upped to Executive Vice President, Original Programming at USA Network. Previously, McGoldrick was EVP, Original Scripted Programming for USA, while de Crinis had served as Senior Program Executive at USA.

Michael O’Neill has been named Vice President, Unscripted Development for Essential 11 Television Los Angeles. O’Neill has been head of unscripted television in the company’s Sydney office.

Stage3 Productions has hired Jordan Mallari as Vice President of Development. Mallari was previously an executive producer who oversaw shows like Mudcats and BBQ Pitmasters.

Gigi Sohn has resigned as President of Public Knowledge to join the FCC as special counsel for external affairs, for new FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler.

FremantleMedia appointed Stefan De Keyser to the role of Co-Managing Director of its Belgian production arm. Previously, De Keyser worked for SBS Belgium NV.

Sue Vaccaro has been named Comcast’s Senior Director of Government Affairs for California. Vaccaro had been Senior Area Municipal Services Manager at Republic Services Inc.

Multi-platform studio Vuguru hired Lauren Corrao as Chief Creative Officer. Corrao was most recently President of A Very Good Production.

Leftfield Pictures hired Ashley Adams as Vice President, Production and upped Shawn Witt to Vice President, Current Programming. Adams had been VP, Production at Hoff Productions; Witt is Executive Producer of History’s Counting Cars.

Marc Mannino has been appointed Director of Business Development & Client Services for Mammoth Advertising. Previously, Mannino ran a creative services team at Imagem Music Publishing.

Mitch Barnes was appointed CEO of Nielsen Holdings, effective January 1, 20014. Barnes is currently President, Global Clients Service for the company. He will replace David Calhoun.

Mass Relevence hired Jesse Redniss to serve as Chief Strategy Officer. Redniss had been head of digital for USA Network.

Sports network beIN SPORT upped Antonio Briceno to Deputy Managing Editor for North America. Briceno has been with the company since its launch in August, 2012.

John B. Penney has been promoted to Chief Strategy Officer for Starz, LLC. Penney had been Executive Vice President, Strategy and Business Development.

Jodi Flynn is exiting the position of Executive Vice President of Programming in Cineflex‘s unscripted division to launch her own production company. Flynn will continue working as a co-executive producer on Cineplex pilots, according to the Hollywood Reporter.

Mirella Breda will join U.K. production company Initial as Creative Director in February. Breda is Executive Editor of BBC Entertainment Commissioning.
ZOO appointed Joe Kahle to the position of Sales Director, North America. Kahle had worked at Deluxe Entertainment Services and SDI Media.


Cynopsis Classified Advertising… We’re not a job board!
“Easy & Hassle Free”
Send your ad to a real person who will handle it with elite customer service.
Contact Trish Pihonak to spotlight your company’s job openings today.

[email protected]


Later — John
John Cox for Cynopsis: Classified Advantage
[email protected]

Roberta Caploe: Editorial Director
Diane K Schwartz: Senior Vice President, Media Communications Group 

Cynopsis Ad Sales: Mike Farina | VP Sales & Marketing | 203-218-6480
Classifieds Sales: Trish Pihonak | Director of Operations & Content | 888-702-3858

Cynopsis Media: a division of Access Intelligence, LLC * 10 Norden Place * Norwalk, CT * 06855 * USA

Copyright Cynopsis 2013

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