and onto the Web.
We’ll take it from here.
Tremor Media
Cynopsis: DIGITAL
Good morning, it’s Tuesday, March 1, 2011, and this is your first early morning digital briefing. If you would like to read this or any other Cynopsis edition online, click here.
Publishers are beginning to set limits on libraries’ e-book lending practices. HarperCollins announced that beginning March 7 e-books purchased by libraries may be checked out only 26 times before their licenses expire. (The seemingly random limit was determined after considering a number of factors, including the average lifespan of a printed book and typical wear and tear inflicted on circulated copies, according to Library Journal.) A pair of librarians, Brett Bonfield and Gabriel Farrell, have already organized a website encouraging library users to write to and/or boycott the publisher.
Hulu entered into a partnership with media conference group TED to feature a collection of more than 50 of the most popular TEDTalks from the last few years. The video site is a perfect match for TED as most addresses run 20 minutes or less.
Tribeca Enterprises, the media company that oversees the Tribeca Film Festival in New York, announced it is expanding its film division to release 26 independent features over the next year across multiple platforms – more than double its output from a year ago. Films such as Vincent D’Onofrio’s feature debut “Don’t Go in the Woods” and “Beware the Gonzo” from “Basketball Diaries writer Brian Goubuloff will be released theatrically, via VOD and through digital platforms including Amazon, iTunes, Vudu and Netflix streaming.
The issue of online privacy is being monetized by an increasing number of web security firms who offer to help protect users from marketing firms looking to mine their personal information, reports the WSJ. Start-ups such as TRUSTe, Albine Inc. and IntelliProtect have raised millions to launch consumer products that offer another layer of protection from online tracking software.
Former NBCU Digital Chief George Kliavkoff introduced a new free online billpay/account management service from Hearst called Manilla (as in manilla folder.) The site allows you to consolidate your credit card accounts, utility bills, magazine subscriptions, etc. into a single online account. Ads will be placed around consumers’ info to monetize the site. Mr. Kliavkoff notes that more than 85% of US households continue to receive paper bills and statements through the US postal system, at an annual cost of over $30 billion.
Paramount‘s campaign with online card company JibJab to promote Insurge Pictures flick “Justin Bieber: Never Say Never” was a user-generated content hit, resulting in over 400k personalized videos created.
A new effort between the Interactive Advertising Bureau, the Association of National Advertisers, and the American Association of Advertising Agencies (aka the 4A’s) is underway to develop easier-to-comprehend definitions and standards for measuring online media. “The absence of a consistent approach to measuring and assessing the effects of digital media has resulted in a cacophony of competing and contradictory measurement systems, contributing to a complex and costly supply chain for the industry,” read an alliterative statement from the groups. The “Making Measurement Make Sense” initiative includes creating methodology for cross media measurement and establishing a governing body to provide oversight of the standards-setting process.
Outgoing Google CEO Eric Schmidt, who delivered the keynote at the IAB’s annual ad conference in La Quinta, CA, noted that mobile video playback (over 2 million YouTube mobile views/day) is ramping up faster than expected and that the union of display ads and mobile will be a key ad component moving forward. He also agreed that the industry will not reach its potential until the process of executing a digital campaign across multiple platforms and devices is simplified.
A glitch in Google‘s Gmail system wiped out the inboxes, contact lists and settings of thousands of users on Sunday. (A note in Google’s Apps Status Dashboard says less than .08% of the Google Mail user base were affected.) Google Engineers continue to investigate the problem and say they have already restored the service for some users.
JPMorgan is pursing a deal that would give it a 10% share in microblogging site Twitter, according to the NYTimes. The deal would value the company, which has yet to turn a profit, at close to $4.5 billion. The bank is also reportedly interested in acquiring a stake in social gaming giant Zynga.
iTV software company FourthWall Media is unveiling a new EBIF-based solution at the CableLabs Winter Conference in Atlanta this week to link mobile devices to cable and satellite industry set-top boxes. The AirCommand system enables a range of two-screen applications such as smartphone-based DVR control apps, social media tie-ins and T-commerce applications.
L.A.-based Encompass Digital Media completed its purchase of Ascent Media Corp.‘s global content distribution business. The transaction includes broadcast facilities in the New York metro area, Minnesota, Burbank, London and Singapore. Encompass operates a variety of global broadcast services including network origination; satellite and fiber transmissions; a satellite uplink truck fleet; and digital media manipulation, archive and distribution services.
Online users are much more amenable to tracking and targeting practices if they are notified upfront about exactly what is being tracked and made to understand that behavioral tracking helps pay for free online content, according to a new study from Knowledge Networks commissioned by sell-side online ad platform PubMatic. Users are predictably far more accepting of interest-based advertising when they understand that 3rd party data is anonymous.
A new two-way video Facebook app called SocialEyes (think of it as a cleaned up version of Chatroulette) was launched at the Demo Spring conference by RealNetworks founder Rob Glaser and his former SVP Rob Williams. Video chats can be struck up based on mutual interests (users can create a video greeting to introduce themselves) and the interface supports multiple user teleconferencing. You can even send video messages to friends who are not logged in.
Denver-based online video ad network SpotXchange has appointed 20-year Procter & Gamble veteran Bob Dees as SVP/Strategy. Bob will be responsible for developing and managing new video ad initiatives, reporting to Michael Shehan, co-founder and CEO.
Beginning March 22, a 5-part, 8-week Cyn opsis Media Special Series
Cyn opsis Media’s Upfront 2011 Special Edition Series will provide an in-depth look at the Upfront selling season, by category, from both the Buyer & Seller perspectives.
Upfront 2011 Special Edition Schedule: Kids! – March 22, Cable – April 6,
Syndication – April 19, Spanish Language – May 3, Broadcast – May 16
Contact Mike Farina to reserve today: [email protected], 203.218.6480
A new news site dubbed One Minute News is launching later this morning with the goal of providing snack-sized overviews of what’s happening in the world in the format gen Y users prefer – video, of course. The interface couldn’t be simpler, making it easy to navigate – even through a smartphone web browser. (The start-up also plans a series of mobile apps in the coming weeks.) Video clips are broken down into five content channels – Trending News, Tech, Entertainment, Lifestyle and Sports – and news snippets are delivered by a team of 8 young journalists such as Vanessa Rae, who has worked for Today and MSNBC.com. The emphasis is on quality and interactivity, says correspondent and co-founder Mackinley Greenlaw. Many of the pieces will throw questions at the audience to provoke debate and try to restore relevance for young users. “Our generation has been through a lot,” he said of gen Y’s general attitude toward news content. “It’s hard for us to get on board.”
Clarification: AdWords and the algorithm changes made by Google are separate issues. I meant to make reference to the issue of Google benefitting by getting users to click on text or display ads on sites that manage to climb to the top of its search results, but the AdWords program is unrelated.
Later – Wayne
Wayne Karrfalt for Cynopsis: Digital
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JOB OPENING: AD SALES AC/NYC/BBC sales support, research, asset prep for mtngs, ensure delivery of advertising programs, manage creative delivery & track delivery process. www.bbcamerica.com/employment.jsp (3/8)
JOB OPENING: CONTENT MGR-DIG/NYC/BBC: 1st point of contact for dig media syndication partners (itunes/amazon VOD etc), dev relationships, determine strong line-up, negotiate promo/marketing plan. www.bbcamerica.com/employment.jsp (3/8)
JOB OPENING: ASSOC ED BBCA.COM/NYC/BBC: Define spirit & tone of BBCA.com. Maintain editorial vision, acquire/dev content, mng blogs, grow audience. www.bbcamerica.com/employment.jsp (3/8)
JOB OPENING: AFFILIATE SALES ASST/NYC/BBC: Sales & mrktng for BBCA distribution on cable/sat/alt tech plat. Work closely w/ EVP to mng sls process and clients. www.bbcamerica.com/employment.jsp (3/8)
JOB OPENING: DIRECTOR, CURRENT SERIES /Nickelodeon/Burbank: mgmt of series prod & creative talent; Liaison b/t production & Network. Knowledge of Nick brand & audience. See full posting & apply: www.mtvnetworkscareers.com (3/8)
JOB OPENING: SR.PUBLICIST/MTV/LA: Devel & Implement Comm Strat; 3-5yrs tv,pr,media exp; understanding of MTV Brand. See full posting & apply @ www.mtvnetworkscareers.com (3/8)
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JOB OPENING: MANAGER, CONTENT & PROGRAMMING/ NICK DIGITAL/Nickelodeon/NYC: 4+ yrs exp in digital media. Strng interest in kids entertainment. Multi-task in deadline driven environment EOE/M/F/D/AAP.Apply www.mtvnetworkscareers.com (3/8)
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JOB OPENING: CASTING DIRECTOR, NYC needed ASAP. Cast real people/families for a travel-style show. 5+years exp mandatory. You should be the best researching most convincing person on earth. [email protected] (3/5)
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JOB OPENING: SALES ASSISTANT DIRECT RESPONSE AD SALES/Hallmark Channel/NY: Exp w/ad sales/advertising preferred to asst Direct Response team. Prof w MS Office req. See full posting and apply @ www.hallmarkchannel.com (3/4)
JOB OPENING: TRAFFIC COORDINATOR AD SALES/Hallmark Channel/NY: 2+ yrs related exp. Experience w/databases & proficiency w MS Office req. See full posting & apply @ www.hallmarkchannel.com (3/4)
JOB OPENING: SALES ASSISTANT AD SALES/Hallmark Channel/NY: Exp w/ad sales/advertising pref to asst Acct Execs/Sales Planners to svc clients. Prof w MS Office req. See full posting and apply @ www.hallmarkchannel.com (3/4)
JOB OPENING: COORD PROD/NYC Prod Co: Mng three casting dir/3 diff series. Highly orgnzd. Exp in either prod management, production, or development positions in TV. TV exp a must & casting exp a +. Resume/cover: [email protected] (3/4)
JOB OPENING: MULTIMEDIA DESIGNER/QVC/WEST CHESTER PA: has immediate Multimedia Designer opportunities to support mobile apps, interactive TV, etc. Exp w/mobile a must. View job descr & apply at www.qvc.com/careers (3/3)
JOB OPENING: CORP COMM MGR/Univision/NY: 5+ yr exp. TV background pref’d. Generate ratings releases & coverage. Dvlp & execute press materials & strategic media plans. Interest & exp in sports media a +. [email protected] (3/3)
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JOB OPENING: DIRECTOR/NAT’L ACCTS/AFFILIATE/Scripps Networks/KNOXVILLE, TN. Support neg primary agreements/renewals, lead neg on new media/non-linear agreements, collaborate on strategy on Key Acct’s, www.scrippsnetworks.com #2171 (3/3)
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JOB OPENING: SENIOR MANAGER, CRM/WWE/Stamford, CT, As critical strategist, drive evolution of CRM programs & capabilities, including targeted advertising & audience marketing, customer retention/loyalty, etc.- www.wwe-careers.com (3/2)
JOB OPENING: AD SALES ASST DIR RESPONSE/GMC Cable/NY: We are seeking a recent grad w/ previous ad sales/advertising internship exp to asst direct response & pd prgrmng dept. Strong Excel & multi-tasking a +. Apply: [email protected] (3/2)
JOB OPENING: DIRECTOR COMMUNICATIONS & MEDIA RELATIONS/Hallmark Channel/New York: 12 yrs exp w/PR/Communications. Prior leadership exp managing PR/Communications function. See full posting and apply @ www.hallmarkchannel.com (3/2)
JOB OPENING: SR MGR ADVERTISING SALES RESEARCH /DIRECTV/New York, NY or El Segundo, CA and AD SALES RSRCH ANALYST/DIRECTV/ New York, NY or El Segundo, CA For add’l info: www.directv.com/careers Job# 1100255 and Job# 1100319 (3/2)
JOB OPENING: SR EXEC. WEB PRODUCER/Owings Mills, MD: Mng web proj. & people. Exp: 5+ yrs web prod, online tech for formal/informal education, interactive dev using Flash, online course dev. using Moodle. www.mpt.org/careers (3/2)
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SUMMER INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: SALES MARKETING INTERNSHIP/Univision: provides practical experience in the communications industry and teaches daily operations within sales and marketing for Univision.com. Send resumes to [email protected] (3/5)
SPRING/SUMMER INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: TALENT/DEV/LA: High paced digital content co. spec. in mobile & online platforms.Detail orientd/str written/oral comm skills.Mac, Excel, PP. Interface w/prod/sales/distrb. Contact 310-806-6410 [email protected] (3/4)
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SITUATION WANTED: 10xEmmy winning CREATIVE PRODUCER in ATL seeking freelance. Great with clients. 16yrs in promo/creative TV. Also award winning ON-AIR HOST/EMCEE-see www.theacc.com/roadtrip email: [email protected] (3/5)
SITUATION WANTED: PRIME TIME EMMY DOCUMENTARY, PRODUCER, DIRECTOR, WRITER in L.A. Credits: National Geo, PBS, Discovery, History CH, TLC and MSNBC. Contact email: [email protected] (3/4)
SITUATION WANTED: WRITER’S ASSISTANT: Aspiring TV writer new to LA from NYC. Excellent Variety/USA Today reviews; Austin Film Festival/Nicholl quarter finalist. Work references available. [email protected] (3/4)
SITUATION WANTED: MANAGER/DIRECTOR FINANCIAL PLANNING AND ANALYSIS/LA. 10+ yrs experience in entertainment. Extensive background in managing people, sophisticated financial modeling and executive presentations. [email protected] (3/3)
SITUATION WANTED: Experienced TV PRODUCER WITH MBA – I have an MBA and 9 years experience as a TV Producer. Ideally looking for a position that integrates content and brands. Also open to other opportunities. [email protected] (3/2)
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SITUATION WANTED: ANALYTICAL AE FOR DIGITAL or TV Ad Sales/NY: I assure you that I am qualified, and will prove to be a valuable addition to your firm. 3 yrs in Finance & 9 yrs in Ad Sales. Let’s grow together. [email protected] (3/2)
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