Expanding Ad Dept 70m+ Sports Net. 7+ yrs TV ad sales exp. Excellent agency relationships. Send resume and cov ltr Attn: Rose to [email protected].
Cynopsis: Classified Advantage
Good morning. It’s Tuesday, June 19, 2012, and this is your weekly issue of Cynopsis: Classified Advantage!
A Hiring Manager told me that if you want that second interview, it’s easier than you think. Just make his job easier.
I asked him what that meant.
He said, “fill out all of the forms properly, have a professional resume and cover letter, know about our company and industry and be enthusiastic and polite. That’s it.”
“Doesn’t everyone do that?” I asked.
His reply was almost no one.
How can this be?
He continued that as soon as an applicant made his job harder, usually improperly filled out forms or a hard to read resume, they were done.
I asked how often this happened. He said over 90% of the time.
So if 100 people apply for a position, less than 10 do what they are supposed to do?
If this is true, do you realize what this means? It means getting a job just got a whole lot easier. Take your time, do your homework, do things right, be personable and you’ll be in the ten percent.
No guarantee, but still, a whole lot better than most of you were doing yesterday.
Anyone with any work experience kind of already knew this. How many times have you said to yourself, “if people would only do things the way they were supposed to, I could accomplish so much more.”
What you were feeling at that moment is the exact feeling the Hiring Manager gets when forms are not filled out properly, when your career highlights are not the first thing that grabs the reader’s attention on your resume, when you don’t know about the company that you want to work for.
I guess it comes down to this, don’t frustrate the person who may hire you, and your frustrations will be alleviated sooner.
We are always on the look out for more Experts to advise our readers – if you’re a headhunter, job coach, career advisor, etc., and may be interested in contributing to this edition from time to time, please contact me at [email protected].
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NECESSARY ROUGHNESS Who Pats You on the Back For Persevering?
by Jessica Sitomer
Psychotherapist Dr. Dani Santino throws herself into her work when she finds her husband cheating on her. This works out well for the New York Hawks, a football team with high-maintenance players, like Terrence King, who needs a strong support system.
Let’s face it, it’s not always easy to pursue a dream with no promise for pay-off, a dream that only a small percentage fully achieve. Therefore you need a solid support team. Becoming a professional athlete is a long shot, but if you have the focus to train, and the heart to succeed, it’s worth it to take the shot.
In sports, having the physique and talent definitely increases your odds. However, in the entertainment industry, while you would think having talent would increase your odds, it doesn’t always. There are thousands of talented people who never made their mark for one reason or another. Should this discourage you? Heck no! What kind of article about perseverance would this be? I do want to draw your attention to the common theme in sport stories about perseverance such as Rocky, Rudy, and The Blind Side, they have “people in their corner.” Notice, I didn’t say “family.” Rudy’s father didn’t support his dream, Adrian wasn’t thrilled with the love of her life having his face beat to a pulp, and Michael’s mom cared more about crack than her son. But Rudy had a priest and a tutor, Rocky had Mickey, and Michael had the Tuohys in their corners. TK has Dr. Dani.
Back to you; time to evaluate who’s in your corner and who’s not. Take a piece of paper and draw a line down the center.
At the top of the left column write: IN
At the top of the left column write: OUT
Then list people who are in your corner under the IN column (you can include me there) and list the people who don’t support you fully under the OUT column.
Now here’s the catch, this is an evaluation. Just because someone is under the OUT column, doesn’t mean they don’t love you, or want success for you. It simply means they don’t know how to support you in a way that meets your needs. Which means you are going to focus your energy by sharing success stories, challenges, and stories of your journey with the IN column.
And Action!
1. Make a conscious effort to turn to your support team when you need them and to resist the urge to share with the non-supporters (the later being a greater challenge then most anticipate).
2. Read quotes about perseverance by your role models.
3. Evaluate what you need to feel supported and share it with your support team, so they can fulfill your needs.
By surrounding yourself with a support team, you give yourself the gift of encouragement, motivational talks, and a pat on the back (or a hug) when you need it! Your support team will keep you going as the long haul gets shorter and shorter.
Jessica Sitomer,The Greenlight Coach,is a top Entertainment Industry Speaker and Coach and is the author of And…Action! Powerful, Proven, and Proactive Strategies to Achieve Success in the Entertainment Industry. To learn more about her, visit, www.TheGreenlightCoach.com
Questions from our Readers
Answered by Jessica Sitomer
If I ask my boss for more responsibilities and he agrees, should I, and if so, when can I expect greater compensation?
This question is grammatically confusing. Are you asking should you take on the responsibilities if he agrees? If so, you’d better. Don’t ask for more responsibilities and then refuse them. If you’re asking should you ask for greater compensation vs should you expect greater compensation, the answer is, never expect greater compensation if you offered to take on more, and didn’t discuss being compensated for it in the future. If you’ve asked for greater compensation and you’re wondering when to expect it, you have to ask. I would recommend discussing compensation and when it will “kick in” at the same time, before you start your new responsibilities, but if it’s too late for that, after three months, ask for a review. Show your employer the list of responsibilities you’ve taken on and how you’ve executed them. If there’s a monetary increase due to your work that can be evaluated, demonstrate that information to your employer as well. Prove your value.
I just got hired and know almost no one. How do I identify a good mentor and what’s the best way to approach them?
I must start by saying that there’s no reason to limit yourself to one mentor. I have an entire program dedicated to helping people in entertainment get mentors, because of how important they are. The more mentors you have in your career the better! The best way to identify a good mentor is to 1. Make a list of qualities you want in a mentor. 2. Create relationships with people and see who possess the qualities you’re looking for.
Your approach should be clear to you once you’ve created the relationship. It will differ by personality type, which you will determine once you know them. Different ways of asking them are: face to face, making a formal request in a letter or email, or calling them on the phone. The most important part of asking is to be clear what you want from them as a mentor. Give them something they can say “yes” to.
Jessica Sitomer, The Greenlight Coach, answers an entertainment industry question daily at www.AndActionBook.blogspot.com.
Have a question for our experts? Send it to [email protected]
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JOB OPENING: DOCU-SERIES SHOWRUNNER & EIC/NEW YORK: Immediate openings on prime project for top prodco. Need runner and an EIC. Must have proven track records. [email protected] (6/23)
JOB OPENING: MEDIA SPECIALIST/Taco Bell/Irvine, CA: Asst Dir Media in dev of annual Nat’l Media Plans to ensure Mktg Calendar priorities are supported. 4 yr Nat’l media plan’g/buying & dig exp. must. Apply: [email protected] (6/23)
JOB OPENING: IN-HOUSE COUNSEL/VP, LEGAL & BUS AFFAIRS/LA: Attorney for TV prod co to manage agreements, releases, employment, negotiations. JD + 5 yrs TV/film legal experience req’d. Apply: [email protected] (6/23)
JOB OPENING: PROD COORD/GSN/Santa Monica: 3+ yrs exp in Production – Studio & Field Prod. Finance a plus. Organized, Excel a Must. PC/Mac proficient. Send Res & CL to [email protected] (6/23)
JOB OPENING: KC MGR STUDIO PROGRAMMING: Oversee Metro Sports’ studio programming and on-air content. Responsible for planning and executing of content for channel and other news programming. Apply @ http://bit.ly/MdQimT (6/23)
JOB OPENING: EDITORIAL DIRECTOR/NYC: Lead Oxygen’s Digital site & oversee day-to-day publishing. Will be managing Project Manager, Design Lead, Editorial Team & an Emerging Media Producer. Apply: www.nbcunicareers.com #5809BR (6/23)
JOB OPENING: PROJECT MANAGER, SYFY DIGITAL/NBCUNIVERSAL/NYC: Manage diverse creative and Adsales projects for Syfy.com sites & products. Min 3-5 yrs exp as a Project Mgr in the digital sphere. Apply: www.nbcunicareers.com (5997BR) (6/23)
JOB OPENING: MTKG SPECIALIST/Discovery /NYC: support Integrated Ad Sls Mktg team in dvlpmnt/execution of mktg elements & sponsorship initiatives for Discovery Channel; 3+yrs exp. https://careers-discovery.icims.com/jobs/5876/job (6/21)
JOB OPENING: ASSOC PROD/Fuse/NY: Assoc Prod will support producers, pitch stories, field shooting, writing, editing, work w/talent, & acquire footage. Must have 2-4 yrs prod. exp at cable news org. Apply: http://goo.gl/WktZX (6/21)
JOB OPENING: EDITOR/Fuse/NY: Editor will create stories, maximize content, edit content & work w/Post Production dept. Must know Avid/Final Cut Pro & have 9+ yrs editing exp in multiple formats. Apply: http://goo.gl/VWvlW (6/21)
JOB OPENING: PRODUCER/Fuse/NY: Prod. will pitch segments, go on a field shoot, write/edit a package, interact with talent & manage staff. Must have exp writing TV news & 7 yrs news producer exp. Apply: http://goo.gl/0GqUr (6/21)
JOB OPENING: SUPV PROD/Fuse/NY: Supv Prod. will oversee entire news team, work with Exec Prod. to decide stories/platform, & manage staff. Must have 10 yrs journalism & 7 yrs news room exp. Apply: http://goo.gl/RYoqJ (6/21)
JOB OPENING: WRITER/Fuse/NY: Writer will write content for multiple formats, keep up on news/trends & contribute new ideas. Must have 5 yrs writing exp & exp in live broadcast/multiple TV formats. Apply: http://goo.gl/KaRuU (6/21)
JOB OPENING: ACCT SERVICES EXEC/NY: 5+ yrs working in Media Industry a MUST! Passion 4/selling. Assist AD w/all aspects of sales cycle. Asst In driving revenue growth. BA/BS pref in mktg/comm. Apply: www.ncm.com / #12-0065 (6/21)
JOB OPENING: RSRCH DIR/MEREDITH CORP/PHOENIX: 5+ yrs exp brdcst TV station or cbl operator. Rsch/mktg dept req’d. WideOrbit Sale pref’d. BA Deg Bus/Mktg. More info/appl: http://www.meredith.com/meredith_corporate/careers.html (6/21)
JOB OPENING: DIR, CONSUMER MKTG/NICKELODEON/NY: Oversee day-to-day consumer mktg; Support VP in the dvlpmnt/implementation of campaign strategies. 7-10 yrs exp as leader. More info/apply: http://www.mtvnetworkscareers.com/ (6/21)
JOB OPENING: MGR, DIGITAL PROJECTS & TECH/IFC/NYC: Extensive knowledge of web development and web production. Seeking highly motivated project mgr with Dev. background. 3-5 yrs. project mgmt. Resumes to: [email protected] (6/20)
JOB OPENING: VP AFFIL. RELATIONS & COMM/CW Network/LA: Mng routine aff relatns respons for 100 mkts. ID rev opps & effectuate change on individ local mkt basis. Enforce contracts. 15yrs exp. More info: www.warnerbroscareers.com (6/20)
JOB OPENING: EXECUTIVE ASST/Lifetime Networks/NY: Will report to EVP, Programming. Req. Experienced, 5+ yrs Sr level w/admin exp. excel comm, orgnztnl skills. Full Info/Apply: www.aenetworks.com/career.html (6/20)
JOB OPENING: RESEARCH STRATEGIST/Latitude/BOS: Join innovative media rsrch firm: quant analyst in mkt rsrch field, ideally w/exp in rsrch vendor/agency-side ad research, 2-4 yrs exp See: http://bit.ly/JAUJmO Apply: [email protected] (6/20)
JOB OPENING: MARKETING MANAGER/LODGENET/NYC: Dvlp/execute hotel guestroom mktg plan. Support advertising/mobile/VOD businesses. 4+ yrs mktg & TV exp. Presentation dev and ppt skills a plus. Apply: www.lodgenet.com/careers (6/20)
JOB OPENING: SR RSRCH ANALYST/ATL: 2+yrs TV rsrch brdcst/cable.Prof in basic statistics/analysis. Exp w/primary rsrch methods & Nielsen rsrch software. To apply, contact: [email protected] (6/19)
JOB OPENING: DIGITAL ANALYTICS MANAGER, OWN: Oprah Winfrey Network/LA: Min 5 yrs exp in web analytics, expert in Omniture and Excel, strong analytical,written and verbal skills. Apply at: http://careers.own.tv/ (6/18)
JOB OPENING: FOCUS GROUP MODERATOR/LA-based research co: seeking LA-based moderator as in-house or indep. Contractor. TV research exp. a must. Apply: [email protected] (6/18)
JOB OPENING: SR ACCT EXEC./ACCT EXEC. AD SALES/NY: Expanding Ad Dept 70m+ Sports Net. 7+ yrs TV ad sales exp. Excellent agency relationships. Send resume and cov ltr Attn: Rose to [email protected] (6/18)
JOB OPENING: DESIGN MGR/HGTV & DIY/Knoxville: Manages a team of graphic designers/animators for Network visual elements. 5 years experience req at Design Firm or TV. Apply: http://www.scrippsnetworks.com/careers.aspx?code=careers (6/18)
JOB OPENING: VP, REALITY PRGMG/Lifetime/NY: Oversee the devel & prod of unscripted series & specials. 10+ yrs exp at a tv net, prod co or equiv. Full Info/Apply: www.aenetworks.com/career.html (6/18)
JOB OPENING: EXEC PROD, CREATIVE/Nat’l Geo Channels/Washington DC: Resp for creating & producing mkt’g/promotional campaigns. 7-8 yrs brdcast/cable production exp. in mktg/promos. www.foxcareers.com FNG0001190 (6/18)
JOB OPENING: AE/ADSALES/TENNISCHANNEL/NYC: Sales pro, Cable TV bgrd, 5-7 exp; sell commercial inventory; negot. Spons’ship deals; sell a select, affluent audience to nat’nal adv. Res + sal.hist. to [email protected] (6/15)
JOB OPENING: DIRECTOR DIGITAL SALES/OUTDOOR CHANNEL/CHICAGO OR NY: Incrs digtl advtsg; create leads, qlfy prospects, genrt new biz, grow sls perfrmnc, close biz; media sls exp, degree prfd; Apply: www.outdoorchannel.com/Employment. (6/15)
JOB OPENING: COORD, AD SALES MKTG/MUSIC CHOICE/NYC: Support ad sales team w/mktg materials & development/execution of sponsorships. 3+ yrs exp in mktg/media w/strong writing & PowerPoint. http://musicchoicecareers.iapplicants.com (6/15)
JOB OPENING: SALES PLANNER, DIRECT RESPONSE/The Weather Channel/NYC: The Sales Planner is accountable to the DR Account Managers servicing Cable and Cross-Platform business. BA Deg req’d. Resume: [email protected] (6/14)
JOB OPENING: SR. RESEARCH ANALYST E! & G4/NBCUniversal/NY: Evaluate audience, ratings, market and sales data. Min 3 yrs exp in Media Research. Exp w/ Nielsen, Star Media, MRI preferred. www.nbcunicareers.com Job#5776BR (6/14)
JOB OPENING: DIG RSCH ANALYST-Freelance/A+E NETWORKS/NY: Use synd resources (Nielsen Online, comScore) for ad sales rsch reqs; analyze data for reports & sales presentations. 1+yr dig med. exp www.aetvn.com/careers/html #132996 (6/14)
JOB OPENING: DIRECTOR, BUSINESS AFFAIRS/NBCUniversal/Universal City, CA: Please visit our career site for more information www.nbcunicareers.com job #5486BR. (6/14)
JOB OPENING: DIRECTOR, MARKETING AND AFFILIATE RELATIONS/NBCUniversal/NY: Please visit our career site www.nbcunicareers.com job #5354BR for additional info. (6/14)
JOB OPENING: RESEARCH ASSISTANT/Sportsman Channel/NY: Wkly reprts, analyses, research. 1 yr exp or internship w natl rated cable network. Full info/apply: www.thesportsmanchannel.com (6/13)
JOB OPENING: MGR, NETWORK NEWS PRICING & REV FORECASTING/NBC/NYC: Responsible for sales forecasting; analyzing pricing & efficiency trends. 5+ yrs exp. w/financial management/analysis required. Apply www.nbcunicareers.com, #5865 (6/13)
JOB OPENING: SR COORD, AD SALES MARKETING/NY: Provide strategic ad sales support, develop mktg programs, and execute corporate branding initiatives. 3-5 YRS exp pref’d. Apply at www.screenvision.com (6/13)
JOB OPENING: EXEC ASST/Lifetime/NY: Admin support to EVP, Prgmng. Calendar mgmt., coord travel, plan mtgs, track expense reports. 5+ yrs Sr level admin exp. exc comm, orgnztnl skills. Full Info/Apply: www.aenetworks.com/career.html (6/13)
JOB OPENING: MGR CONTENT DEVELOPMT, USA/NBCUNIVERAL/NYC: Responsible for all aspects of content creation for USANetwork.com. Min 3 yrs exp in interactive media req. Editing/writing exp desired. Apply: www.nbcunicareers.com (5731BR) (6/13)
JOB OPENING: MGR, PROD-INTERNAL COMMUNICATIONS/NBC/NY: Responsible for creating content for company intranet & newly developed employee channel. Must know Final Cut Pro and Photoshop. Apply www.nbcunicareers.com, #5760BR (6/13)
JOB OPENING: DIGITAL RESEARCH ANALYST/Scripps/Knoxville, TN: Analyze Home category web traffic trends and competitive activity. Min 3 yrs research exp.Omniture required. Info: http://www.scrippsnetworks.com & select req #3050 (6/13)
JOB OPENING: FREELANCE SALES MKTG MGR/EPICURIOUS/NY: Develop/execute digital mktg solutions. Work w sales to develop media plans + sales materials. Manage RFPs + event exts. Min 5 yrs digital mktg exp. Apply: [email protected] (6/12)
JOB OPENING: DIR, CREATIVE DVLPMNT/TIME WARNER GLOBAL MEDIA GROUP/NYC: 5+ yrs creative dev/writing/packaging for multi-platform. Agency/media exp a +. Dig a MUST. Apply: www.timewarner.com/careers & refer to requisition # 129369 (6/12)
oversee product strategy and execute the continued technical development of NBC Local Media’s digital and mobile platforms.
Vice President, Product Development 6010BR
NBC Universal
oversee the creation of and participation in presentations, one-sheets, client calls, reports for executive management and other general research work for the sales staff
VP, Ad Sales Research FNG0001202
Fox Networks
oversees ideation and art direction for 1) custom ad sales campaigns anchored on Nickelodeon digital platforms across kids and family demographics, and for 2) the digital creative elements of custom convergent campaigns across all of Nickelodeon’s platforms
Executive Director, Digital Advertising Creative
act as the primary driver around the development and production of music and talent-driven properties
Director, International Music and Talent Program Development
oversees all efforts relating to what airs on BBC America
VP, Scheduling
BBC America
oversees production operations personnel and facilities in support of live studio shows, specialty productions and network operations; oversees a combination of domestic and international production, network control, edit operations and the assignment of personnel and facilities
Senior Director, Production Operations 47648BR
Bristol CT
provide strategic and creative leadership to drive best-in-class marketing across multiple platforms to drive awareness and build viewership for US-based National Geographic Channel and Nat Geo WILD
SVP, Consumer Marketing FNG0001199
Fox Networks
Washington DC
oversees scheduling for all Discovery Channel programs and optimize ratings by leveraging programming inventory and premieres
VP – Programming 6099
Discovery Communications
Silver Springs MD
responsible for the supervision of the Standards & Practices department for Discovery Communications
VP- Standards & Practices 6085
Discovery Communications
Silver Springs MD
support team in the month end close process, working with budget managers on accruals and reclasses and identifying variances to forecast and budget
Senior Financial Analyst 6080
Discovery Communications
Silver Springs MD
initiate all phases of the marketing, advertising and branding outreach efforts to maximize the business and programming objectives of the network
SVP – Marketing – Discovery Channel 6053
Discovery Communications
Silver Springs MD
negotiating and drafting employment contracts and other employment-related contracts (independent contractor agreements, termination agreements, confidentiality agreements)
Turner Broadcasting
Atlanta GA
work closely with our internal award winning design group to develop on brand, dynamic materials for clients and contribute to the design and creative execution on pitch work
Information Designer LEO000557
Leo Burnett
Chicago IL
manage the creative and technical workflow of highly conceptual interactive and experiential work for our clients
Senior Digital Producer LEO000553
Leo Burnett
Troy MI
responsible for assisting in shortcode provisioning, vendor relationship management, reporting and audit resolution and management
VP of Marketing
Chicago IL
develop the key insights that will drive smart interactive marketing campaigns through a deep understanding of the consumer and the client’s business
Senior Account Planner 11325
Chicago IL
work closely with scheduling executives to determine long range usage plans for existing and future acquired series and movies
Senior Vice President of Strategic Programming FNG0001252
Fox Networks
Los Angeles CA
responsible for overseeing all aspects of Fox Soccer’s on air studio productions, reporting directly to the SVP of Production
Coordinating Producer FNG0001234
Fox Networks
Los Angeles CA
confer with personnel concerned to ensure successful functioning of newly implemented systems or procedures
Senior Director, Engagement Management FOX0000VY
Fox Networks
Los Angeles CA
work with Hulu Marketing team to define goals and tailor the message
Senior Interactive Designer
Los Angeles, CA
contributes to defining and implementing a Human Resource strategy which aligns and integrates with the client’s business strategy
Director – HR Business Partner 44303BR
Walt Disney Company
Burbank CA
works with broad discretion as to work details on assignments of a varied and difficult nature
Senior Consultant, Financial Operations
Universal City CA
responsible for advising NBC Universal production and distribution businesses regarding the company’s rights in its entertainment content
Senior Rights Counsel 6033BR
NBC Universal
Universal City CA
responsible for the cash forecasting process that the Treasury Department requires on a weekly basis
Sr. Financial Analyst 11975BR
CBS Corporation
Studio City CA
manage all accounting functions including budgeting, annual audit as well as complex accounting issues. In this “roll up your sleeves” role you will be a key partner to the VP Finance and management team
Senior Accounting Manager
Tube Mogul
Emeryville CA
Newly established Vancouver-based production company, Remedy Canada named veteran producer Toby Dormer as President. Toby will manage development, production and all business operations. In 2003, Toby founded Remedy Productions with his business partner Juliet Borges. London-based media company, Argonon purchased Remedy Productions in May 2011. Argonon is additionally making an investment in Remedy Canada.
The Hollywood Foreign Press Association elected Dr. Aida Takla O’Reilly as President for the 2012-2013 year at the organization’s annual election meeting held last Friday. Also elected were Jorge Camara as Vice President; Serge Rakhlin as Executive Secretary; and Ali Star as Treasurer. The new Board of Directors consists of Helen Hoehne, Yoram Kahana, Yukiko Nakajima, Ruben Nepales (Chairman) and Dierk Sinderman (alternate).
Short movie entertainment company, Shorts International hired Philip Mordecai in the newly-minted role as Shorts International President EMEA. Philip will head all SHORTSTV channel network activities and manage all group commercial development in the regions. He reports to CEO/Founder Carter Pilcher.
Toronto-based full-service entertainment production company and custom distributor, Peacock Alley Entertainment has just launched. Peacock Alley Entertainment is helmed by content executives Carrie Mudd and Neil Court serving as President and Chairman respectively.
Independent producer and distributor Entertainment Studios, Inc. added Mark DeVitre as EVP/General Counsel. Mark will have responsibility over business and legal affairs involving all Entertainment Studios broadcast syndication operations, cable networks, content, online efforts, financing, talent and programming license deals. Mark joins from Warner Bros. Domestic Television Distribution where he served as SVP/Business Affairs and Operations.
Showtime Networks Inc. tapped Robin Gurney as SVP/Original Programming to head development and creative oversight of SHOWTIME original series. In her new role, Robin will report to Gary Levine, EVP/Original Programming. Prior to this appointment, Robin was with Imagine TV as SEVP/Development and Production.
Jen Neal was appointed EVP/Marketing with E! where she oversees and guides all marketing efforts for the brand including advertising, media strategies, creative, brand alliances, promotion and integrated marketing across all platforms. Jen joined E! as a consultant in February of this year and will now report to E! President Suzanne Kolb.
Rosemary Mercedes was elevated to VP/Corporate Communications at Univision Communications Inc. Rosemary heads the company’s NY-based communications team involved in strategy defining activities, providing communications counsel to senior executives and developing and implementing programs that help spur coverage for UCI. She has been with UCI since 2006. Congratulations, Rosemary!
PromaxBDA, the worldwide organization for marketing, promotion and design professionals in the entertainment industry elected Joe Earley to be Co-Chairman of the PromaxBDA Board of Directors. Joe is currently President/Marketing and Communications for the Fox Broadcasting Company. This announcement was made yesterday at the PromaxBDA: The Conference 2012 in Los Angeles.
Steven J. Pontillo advances to EVP/Chief Technology Officer with AMC Networks, up from SVP/Broadcasting, Information Systems and Technology. Steven will now have oversight on the strategic use and execution of technologies across AMC Networks in addition to scouting new opportunities for technology to assist with the planning, decision-making and operations of the company’s business divisions. Based in New York, Steven reports to Sean Sullivan, EVP/CFO, AMC Networks.
Current TV named Mary Murano as EVP/Distribution to head the network’s distribution activities and to manage its relationships with current partners. Mary will supervise an affiliate sales team while based in New York.
Nickelodeon Consumer Products (NCP) hired Julie McKenzie as SVP/Apparel, Accessories & Home where she will manage NCP’s apparel, accessories and home furnishings licensing. She reports to Sarah Levy, COO, Nickelodeon Group.
Starcom MediaVest Group bolstered its executive ranks by naming Brian Terkelsen as CEO of New York-based MediaVest USA, effective immediately. Brian succeeds Bill Tucker in this position who has been appointed to a global position as President/Global Client Operations, Starcom MediaVest Group. Brian, who began with MediaVest in 2003, will report to Laura Desmond, CEO, Starcom MediaVest Group.
Effective immediately, Twentieth Century Fox Television Distribution elevated Evan Scheffel to SVP/Worldwide Pay Television and Subscription Video on Demand. Evan is charged to expand the growth of the subscription VOD business and will continue to head licensing for the studio’s film and television content to pay television channels and subscription VOD services throughout North America, South America, France, Spain, Scandinavia, Africa and the Middle East. Based in Los Angeles, Evan will continue to report to Gina Brogi, EVP/Worldwide Pay Television and Subscription Video on Demand.
National Geographic Channels (NGC) promoted Andy Baker to SVP/Group Creative Director and Allison Mitchell to Director/Ad Sales and Cause Creative. Andy reports to Courteney Monroe, CMO while Allison reports to Andy Baker.
Marc Lehner has joined the Sponsorship Group for Public Television (SGPTV), the top sales organization for PBS programming in the role as Managing Director/Sponsorship Sales. Prior to this appointment, Marc was a Regional Sales Manager at Gannett Broadcasting in Portland, ME.
PR News tapped Jamar Hudson as Senior Editor of the PR News Group. Jamar joins PR News from ESPNNewYork.com where he was associate editor.
Oxygen Media elevated Trisha Espinoza to VP/Program Planning, Scheduling and Acquisitions. Trisha will have responsibility over the network’s daily episodic scheduling in addition to identifying and analyzing all acquisition opportunities for the network. Trisha reports to Sarah Tomassi Lindman, SVP/Program Strategy.
Former Yahoo! executive, Alex Linde joined The Weather Channel Companies (TWCC) as VP/Mobile and Digital Apps. In his new position, Alex creates, manages and executes all facets of TWCC’s mobile strategy. He reports to Cameron Clayton, EVP/Digital, TWCC.
National Geographic Channels (NGC) named Franklin Walker as VP/Legal and Business Affairs where he will work in tandem with Vin D’Ambra, SVP/Legal and Business Affairs for National Geographic Channel International (NGCI). Franklin reports to Howard T. Owens, President, NGC.
Later — John
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