Tuesday, June 14th, 2011

Cynopsis: Classified



Good morning – it’s Tuesday, June 14, 2011, and this is your weekly issue of Cyn opsis: Classified Advantage! 

Dear Boss:

I know times are still tough, and that we have yet to hit our pre-recession numbers, but I’ve been doing more work for the same amount of money for almost three years now.

I deserve a raise.  I know it, you know it.  But I also know that the company isn’t in a strong enough financial position to give me the raise I so richly deserve.  Once the economy bounces back, you want me and the other employees to feel good about sticking it out with you when times were tough, otherwise we may jump ship.  So let’s talk about some alternatives.

Obviously, I would love to have more comprehensive benefits and educational/job training reimbursements.

Stock options and discounts on our products would be welcomed too.

More vacation time would be greatly appreciated.

How about helping me pay for things that makes me healthier, like a gym membership?

How about a more flexible schedule?  With today’s communications, why can’t I work from home twice a week?

You know those perks you get for being the boss, how about you give me tickets to a couple of NY Giant games each year?

A new title accompanied with new business cards would be a step in the right direction.

What about putting all the employees on the company’s cell phone plan?  If that is too much money, perhaps you could negotiate a company plan that is less expensive than mine, so I have a choice.

What about a free lunch every couple of weeks for my department and me?

Maybe a Friday afternoon raffle, even for something small will help the morale, especially the Friday afternoon in the summer morale.

And speaking of Friday afternoons, how about we work from 8-2 on Fridays during the summer?  Studies have shown that more work is accomplished during those six hours than over the course of the normal eight on Friday, so it’s a win win.  I’ll bring a bagged lunch, you let me go at 2p.  Deal?

A better computer, mine stinks.

How about once a month you put aside twenty minutes to ask me how things could be better with the job, and really listen?  I promise I won’t ask for techno music blaring throughout the company, but I have some good ideas that might even save you money.  Even if my ideas are not incorporated, these monthly twenty minute meetings demonstrate my value to you.  Hey, there might be some months were I am happy as a clam and won’t need to take up your time.  But the opportunity to talk about the company with you would mean a lot to me.

Next Issue: 39 Days to a Job

We are always on the look out for more Experts to advise our readers – if you’re a headhunter, job coach, career advisor, etc., and may be interested in contributing to this edition from time to time, please contact me at [email protected] .

Desperate Housewives: Are You Acting Desperate When You’re Looking For Work?
by Jessica Sitomer

We’ve watched so many Desperate Housewives throw themselves at men. The original Desperado on Wisteria Lane was Edie Brit. She was followed by desperate acts by Katherine who was after Mike and then Susan when she wanted Mike back. This season brought us a desperate act on Renee’s part as well as Beth Young who was trying to save her marriage.
I always say that pursuing work in the entertainment industry is just like dating, and Desperate Housewives is a perfect example. First of all, the multiple characters intertwine with each other’s love life, the same way that our industry is so small, that most of the time you’re 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon from anyone to whom you want to know. Second, the show reveals how couples break-up and make-up based on the pressures and expectations of marriage. How many times have you blown a meeting because you put so much pressure on it, or had such high expectations for a project that winds up going no where?

But those issues are not the ones I want to address today. Getting back to our “Desperate Housewives”, I want to ask you: do you throw yourself at potential employers the way Katherine threw herself at Mike? How easily do you ask people for work? Here’s the typical scenario:

Job Seeker: It was great to meet you. I’m available, so will you keep me in mind?

Job Holder: Sure. I’ll put you on our list.

Then the Job Seeker walks away feeling like he/she just made headway. But is that accurate? Does being on some elusive list that may or may not actually exist really count for anything (other than making the Job Holder feel like he/she just got off the hook)? To put a spin on Katherine’s situation, let me ask you:

ME: Do you want to just be on someone’s “list”? Or do you want to be “top of mind”?

Because let’s face it, we all knew Mike’s true love was Susan. She was number one on his list.

Here are 3 ways to get them to KNOW they want to hire you and keep you TOP OF MIND:

1. Put yourself in the Job Holder’s shoes. If their job, reputation, and/or money is on the line, they want to hire people they already know. If you don’t know someone well enough for them to hire you, and you ask anyway, you will be put on their “list.” Instead of asking for work, ask them how you can help them. This puts you in the driver’s seat. Now, you are looking out for them and are building a relationship.

2. If you really want people to know they want to hire you, they have to know you can do the job. Either do a freebie for them or come with a powerhouse of recommendations. If you don’t have the opportunity to do a freebie for them OR a powerhouse of recommendations, you’re back to #1 or #3.

3. Mentorship- when you have business advice and guidance mentors, you are not only creating a win/win for both of you, you are also building a relationship where they can get to know, like and trust you. As the relationship grows, they start to care about you, that’s when the shift goes from “being on the list” to “being top of mind.”

Evaluate how you build relationships. Do you take the time to allow people to get to know, like, trust, and care about you? Or do you ask for work the first time you meet them?

Jessica Sitomer,The Greenlight Coach,is a top Entertainment Industry Speaker and Coach and is the author of And…Action! Powerful, Proven, and Proactive Strategies to Achieve Success in the Entertainment Industry. To learn more about her, visit, www.TheGreenlightCoach.com

If you have any specific questions you’d like our Experts to address, please email them to me, John Cox at [email protected].

Questions from our Readers
Answered by Jessica Sitomer

What kind of communication can I expect from a company from resume to final interview?

Every company is going to be different, that’s why, whenever possible, you want to keep the ball in your court. Unless personally requested, when you send a resume, chances are LOTS of people are sending theirs as well. Most companies don’t have time to contact everyone to say, “Thanks, but no thanks.” If you don’t hear within a certain period of time, (you have to decide what time frame feels right to you) you can contact the company to be sure that they received your resume. If you are told yes, you can then ask when candidates should expect to hear from the company about setting up an interview. Then you’ll know that if you haven’t heard by that time, you can either accept that you aren’t getting an interview, or you can call back (anonymously) to find out if interviews for the position have been completed. In rare cases, interviews get pushed and that would make your originally ‘quoted’ date get pushed.

When you get the interview, again, keep the ball in your court. Ask the interviewer when he/she plans to make their decision. You can also ask how he/she prefers you to follow up. Then you’l know (after sending your thank you note) that if you haven’t heard by the decision date, how to follow up to find out if the decision has been made and if so, to thank him/her for the opportunity and to wish them well.  

I understand generalizations are to be taken with a grain of salt, but can I assume the bigger the company, the more interviews until the job offer?

No. Like I said in my answer to the previous question, every company is different. They all have their own system. I’m curious, of all of the questions you could be asking about interviewing successfully, why is this important to you? I’m not being sarcastic, I really want to know why the number of interviews matters? Is it because you get nervous, so you want to be able to prepare yourself for a potentially stressful situation? Is it because you think you’re being strung along by a bigger company? What’s the question behind this question?

Jessica Sitomer, The Greenlight Coach, answers an entertainment industry question daily at www.AndActionBook.blogspot.com .

Have a question for our experts? Send it to [email protected]


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oversees departments in London, New York and Los Angeles and is ultimately responsible for all aspects of the filmmaking process and the delivery of a sizable slate of films each year, filmed in locations as diverse as Africa, Europe, and Asia, as well as the United States

President of Production – Focus Features   2087BR
NBC Universal



oversee the Account Coordinator, Account Manager, Senior Account Manager and Account Supervisor in the day-to-day aspects of digital media execution
Senior Account Director, Client Engagement   9286

provide accounting support to maintain the appropriate levels of controls, assurance and decision support to the business
NBA Corporate

responsible for all financial aspects of Discovery Communications’ Ad Sales Revenue
Senior Financial Analyst – Ad Sales   4075
Discovery Communications

lead, motivate and manage multiple Ad Sales marketing teams (Discovery, Science Channel/ Military Channel)
Vice President – Marketing   4048
Discovery Communications

responsible for delivery of effective advertiser-focused products for the North American market and is the main point of contact between the North American sales organization and the BBC.com global product and delivery teams
Manager Product Strategy
BBC America

play a proactive role in the communications team undertaking publicity campaigns as directed while managing day to day support activity
Publicist – Digital & Home Entertainment
BBC America

drive program publicity campaigns from conception through to execution in the traditional and digital space. In addition, they will also support the communications team with specialized online and social media know how
Publicity & Social Media Manager – Communications
BBC America

responsible for managing television sales activity within the fiction genres  drama, comedy and children’s – with designated clients
Senior Manager Sales & Co-Production – Fiction
BBC America

works as part of the wider communications team at BBC Worldwide America and is responsible for the day to day publicity and PR for the Digital and Home Entertainment business
Senior Publicity Manager – Digital & Home Entertainment
BBC America

drive online advertising sales to meet and exceed all sales goals
Account Executive

create dynamic, multi-platform marketing programs and presentations for prospective sponsors that drive sales revenue and elevate the Hulu brand and intellectual properties
Manager, Sponsorship Sales

build strong relationships with the advertising sales and ad solutions teams, owning all data and insights used to close business during the presale research process
Sales Research Analytics Lead

develop products that grow social engagement with a focus on user experience
Senior Manager, Product  Social Media
MTV Networks
http://www.mtvnetworkscareers.com /

responsible for managing projects from pitch phase to on air delivery – this includes attending all client calls, creating and managing all production schedules & budgets as well as ensuring project scope and clients needs are adhered to
Manager in NCR- Advertising Group
MTV Networks
http://www.mtvnetworkscareers.com /

build and maintain 7-10 web sites in support of MTVN’s TV Everywhere strategy
Director, Product Management – TV Everywhere / Authentication
MTV Networks
http://www.mtvnetworkscareers.com /

oversee projects from the development phase through the production of a pilot or presentation, as well as oversee production and delivery of television series
Director of Development
MTV Networks
http://www.mtvnetworkscareers.com /

responsible for helping rationalize and lead ROI valuations of MTVN’s centralized digital media products including online (infrastructure, social, search, recommendations, broadband) and mobile platforms
Analyst, Digital Media Product Analytics
MTV Networks
http://www.mtvnetworkscareers.com /

maintain programming database to facilitate actual accounting, budgeting, and related cash management
Manager – Programming & Analysis
MTV Networks
http://www.mtvnetworkscareers.com /

define strategies for vendor partnerships  strategic, tactical, niche and commodity
Sr. Director, Strategic Technology Sourcing
MTV Networks
http://www.mtvnetworkscareers.com /

works with discipline leads in creative, online media, engineering, and business development to formulate marketing strategy for new business presentations, lead project teams, create marketing briefs, develop new analytical models, and nurture departmental relations
Director, Strategy

responsible for the successful delivery of large-scale client engagements and/or multiple smaller engagements for a single client
Account Director

responsible for the successful delivery of large-scale client engagements and/or multiple smaller engagements for a single client
Account Director

responsible for working closely with clients on a day-to-day basis to execute digital marketing programs
Account Manager   9298

sales support professional accountable for ESPN’s network’s 8 rate cards
Senior Sales Planning Analyst   308527

assists the Associate Director and Senior Director in the development of overall marketing and advertising strategies for all College Basketball and golf programming
Coordinator, Sports Marketing   308526

provides leadership and direction to a group within Marketing Services that is primarily responsible for bringing our key sales messages to life in a way that resonates with our clients
Senior Director, Marketing Services   307707

prepare the monthly analysis of the worldwide P&L results, including analyses versus budget, forecast and prior year results
Senior Financial Analyst   2299578
Sony Corporation

contribute to high-level, strategic discussions related to programming and new business development
VP, Creative Director   2073BR
NBC Universal

take ownership of all editorial content on the new Conde Nast Traveler.com from idea generation to launch
Web Editor  
Conde Nast

responsible for improving search and browse for the company’s internal digital asset management system and external facing Archive websites
Taxonomy & Metadata Analyst
Conde Nast

responsible for calling on senior decision makers across a variety of industries to maintain and expand client base for sponsorships of C-level meetings/events
Sponsorship Sales Director
Conde Nast

supervise a New Business Manager and Assistant New Business Manager
Senior New Business Manager
Conde Nast

identify and manage vendor relationships and professional services engagements for online marketing initiatives
Product Manager
Conde Nast

work with 3 corporate sales directors on a wide range of accounts
Media Services Manager
Conde Nast

manages the overall marketing strategies, presentations and research in order to secure new advertising accounts, maintain existing business, and expand into new categories
Marketing Director
Conde Nast

responsible for managing all aspects of measurement, tracking, MSA posting and analysis of FSN national Nielsen audience data
VP, Ad Sales Research   FNG0000473
Fox Careers
http://www.foxcareers.com /

provide leadership in developing NBCUniversal’s long term strategic direction and providing context for rationale for opportunities recommended and pursued by Business Development teams
SVP, Strategic Planning & Development   1742BR
NBC Universal

and capabilities to current and potential clients, as well as across all departments, business units and service lines
Creative Director
London England

work with TechOps managers to ensure proper resource alignment and prioritization for multiple projects
Manager, Technical Operations Services   125138BR
Turner Broadcasting
Needham MA

expert knowledge of broadcast methods of measuring audio and video signals to ensure quality control of ESPN endorsed standards on all operations
Content Editor III   307961
Bristol CT

assists the Sr. Director, GXG Content Strategy, and the Executive Director, GXG Content Strategy with bid process logistics, research, evaluation, reporting, and negotiations
Senior Manager, GXG Content Strategy   307711
Bristol CT

provide level 1 technical support and problem resolution for all executives’ pc needs in the office, home and be available 24/7 for support needs
Sr System Specialist   1981BR
NBC Universal
Philadelphia PA

leads and directs the development and execution of all creative strategies.
Dir- Innovation & Urban Partnerships   4085
Discovery Communications
Silver Spring MD

responsible for supporting the revenue growth and relationships with the large urban school systems across the US
VP – Innovation & Urban Partnerships   4083
Discovery Communications
Silver Spring MD

responsible for leading marketing strategy, development and implementation for Techbook’s adoption and sales success
Director – Marketing-Techbook   4061
Discovery Communications
Silver Spring MD

oversee and manage the office of the SVP of Marketing and VP of Creative Marketing and VP Branded Entertainment, to include coordination of travel, calendar, expenses and filing as well as administrative support of the marketing department as a whole
Executive Assistant to SVP   4052
Discovery Communications
Silver Spring MD

identifies revenue assurance opportunities through the analysis of data and assessment of business processes and creates potential solutions
Commercial Revenue Assurance & Billing Analyst   37187
Cox Careers
Chesapeake VA

generates advertising revenues in accordance with budgetary goals
Account Executive   FNG0000433
Fox Careers
Charlotte NC
http://www.foxcareers.com /

responsible for capturing business requirements, objectives and processes, creation of use cases, conducting and supporting system testing
SharePoint and WebCenter Interaction Analyst   36967
Cox Careers
Atlanta GA

establishes a budgeted itinerary of the site’s editorial content on a day-to-day basis
Digital Content Manager   FNG0000477
Fox Careers
Atlanta GA
http://www.foxcareers.com /

strategically identify and document scope; define deliverables, creative requirements and technical constraints; and evaluate project costs
Producer, CN.com   125114BR
Turner Broadcasting
Atlanta GA

responsible for overall technology & business leadership of the Credit Union’s eCommerce presence, including internet, intranet and mobile platforms, as well as integration with other “remote” channels such as ATM and Contact Center
Assistant Vice President, eCommerce   307654
Walt Disney Corporation
Lake Buena Vista FL

develop content strategies based on client business objectives and user needs
Lead Content Strategist
Detroit MI

responsible for the successful delivery of large-scale client engagements and/or multiple smaller engagements for a single client
Manager, Engagement Management
Detroit MI

identify, build, and optimize long-term relationships; establish and nurture third-party relationships
Account Supervisor, Client Service-New York
Chicago IL

own marketing strategy and execution to secure and maintain position as the most recognizable and highly regarded mobile CRM provider in the industry
VP of Marketing
Chicago IL

lead the analytics practice and build out the team
Senior Manager, Digital Analytics
Chicago IL

responsible for establishing Vibes’ Business Intelligence practice through the assembly of the right people, processes, tools and technologies
Director of Business Intelligence
Chicago IL

drive revenue through the development and execution of effective sales strategy, sales process and closing of new business contracts for mobile marketing and advertising programs
Direct Sales- Director, Mobile Sales, Marketer
Chicago IL

consistent on-site resource working directly with Microsoft Advertising Sales, Branded Entertainment Experience, Ad Solutions, and Monetization teams
MSN Partner Sales Manager   FNG0000459
Fox Careers
Chicago IL
http://www.foxcareers.com /

work with News Producers, Program Producers and studio crew personnel in a demanding Ignite production environment
Director/Stage Manager
Walt Disney Corporation
Chicago IL

oversee and nurture relationships between Razorfish and outside vendors
Executive Producer   8831
Chicago IL

responsible for selling Cox telecommunications services to small to mid-sized business clients and is accountable for meeting or exceeding sales goals
Outside Sales Representative   37206
Cox Careers
Tulsa OK

responsible for developing the tactical plans necessary to support the strategic direction, unit performance and revenue commitment for commercial voice and cellular products and services
Product Marketing Manager   37201
Cox Careers
Las Vegas NV

responsible for providing support to sales team, Sales Engineer, and Account Support Manager to ensure customer orders are accurate, complete, and entered in a timely fashion so that appropriate service delivery intervals are maintained
CB Acct Svcs I   37186
Cox Careers
Phoenix AZ

manage multiple projects from development through delivery, advising on overall production plan and negotiating and monitoring production aspects of deal including budget, schedule and program materials
Director – Production Management   4122
Discovery Communications
Los Angeles CA

responsible for the commercial exploitation of all of BBC and its brands in the digital interactive & gaming space
VP Marketing
BBC America
Los Angeles CA

provide general company representation on a wide variety of matters
Corporate Attorney
Los Angeles CA

champion quality by maintaining an atypically high – and consistent – quality bar for online video and its metadata in line with Hulu’s mission to deliver premium video content
Digital Video Publisher
Los Angeles CA

work closely with internal teams (e.g., business development, product, design) and marketing partners to define, implement, and manage product promotions
Marketing Promotions Manager
Los Angeles CA

oversee and coordinate Hulu’s new market launches around the globe from its headquarters in Los Angeles, CA
Product Manager – International
Los Angeles CA

responsible for selling print advertising programs in Money Magazine
Account Manager, Money   125086BR
Turner Broadcasting
Los Angeles CA

design complex software and database objects and new features and functions for software applications
Sr. R&D Software Engineer   FNG0000202
Fox Careers
Los Angeles CA
http://www.foxcareers.com /

responsible for all content coverage on a daily basis and work closely with the copy editor, staff writer, and freelance writers
Sr. Online Content Editor   FNG0000198
Fox Careers
Los Angeles CA
http://www.foxcareers.com /

coordinate projects to service Domestic/International EST/VOD Mobile deliveries
International/Domestic EST/VOD, Mobile Coordinator   FFE0000320
Fox Careers
Los Angeles CA
http://www.foxcareers.com /

manages and drives integrated retail and consumer programs on key franchise initiatives
Manager Franchise Management   123845BR
Turner Broadcasting
Burbank CA

responsible for preparing various reports for ABC Daytime management
Accounting Analyst, ABC TV   308487
Walt Disney Corporation
Burbank CA

oversee International promotions activities for Illumination titles with a strong emphasis on regional deals
VP, International/Regional Promotions   2085BR
NBC Universal
Universal City CA

responsible for directly servicing broadcast and promotional materials to our internal International Network clients
Manager, International Nets, Specials & Live Events   2054BR
NBC Universal
Universal City CA

manage and lead the day to day activities of the Finance Organization in an emerging business segment
Director, Digital Finance  2485904
Sony Corporation
Marina Del Rey CA

responsible for design, build-out, implementation and operations of SONY DADC’s Digital Supply Chain
Production Manager, Business Operations   2482131
Sony Corporation
Marina Del Rey CA

support the CEO & Operations Manager and provide as needed support across departments; answer and direct all incoming calls and enquiries; and to maintain an efficient office environment
Executive Assistant to CEO & Operations Manager   2479279
Sony Corporation
Santa Monica CA

be deeply involved in the game development process from start to finish and have a creative impact and voice in the design of our games
UI Designer   307972
Walt Disney Corporation
Palo Alto CA

high level planning and management of the feature content the digital media team is producing for all its partners
Director of Digital Features
NFL Corporate
Culver City CA

work across the NFL and its business units to identify, evaluate, develop and help plan the implementation of new products and opportunities for our advertising clients, in digital media
Director of Sales Development
NFL Corporate
Culver City CA

identify, negotiate and manage strategic relationships with media partners globally
Director, International Media Business Development
NFL Corporate
Culver City CA

help develop and manage the networks strategic marketing and promotions in support of the company’s business plan
NFL Network Vice President
NFL Corporate
Culver City CA

setup, configure, and maintain enterprise-class web and middleware solutions
System Engineer
NFL Corporate
Culver City CA

handle a heavy volume of production and development-related work for Nickelodeon’s original television productions
Vice President
MTV Networks
Santa Monica CA
http://www.mtvnetworkscareers.com /

define strategies for vendor partnerships  strategic, tactical, niche and commodity
Sr. Director, Strategic Technology Sourcing
MTV Networks
Santa Monica CA
http://www.mtvnetworkscareers.com /

work with clients, agency partners, and internal discipline leads in creative, online media, engineering, and business development to champion new ideas in digital experience
Director, Marketing Intelligence
San Francisco CA

lead QA initiatives including managing QA teams of 2-3 people and contributing to the testing effort in a hands-on role
Quality Assurance Lead   8806
San Francisco CA

develop and direct all aspects of station advertising, promotion and design to deliver on a relevant, differentiated brand for ABC7/KGO-TV in San Francisco
Manager – Creative Service   308490
Walt Disney Corporation
San Francisco CA

identify, create and implement a forward looking social technology and experience roadmap focused on the intersection of media and the social platforms space
Director of Product Management, Digital Devices   125143BR
Turner Broadcasting
San Francisco CA

responsible for the Western territory creating sales strategies, proposals, and presentations for core and new accounts across all advertising categories in the region to run on Epicurious.com and Gourmet Live
Online Ad Sales Account Manager
Conde Nast
San Francisco CA

develop business performance metrics, expense controls, explanations of variances between actuals and forecasts and contribute to ad-h, , oc analytical needs of the business
Financial Analyst   NDM0000143
Fox Careers
San Francisco CA
http://www.foxcareers.com /

directs the development and implementation of projects/programs to meet California business process initiatives, process improvement, transactional analytics and excellence, product launches, other strategies and objectives
Director, Project Management/Operational Effectiveness   37157
Cox Careers
San Diego CA


JOB OPENING: AD SALES/DIGITAL MKTG MGR/BrightLine/NYC: Interactive TV company seeks mgr with 5+ years exp to lead creative team, and launch cutting edge iTV campaigns for Top 100 TV clients. Res to [email protected] (6/18)

JOB OPENING: ACCT EXEC, MEDIA SOFTWARE SALES/INVISION, Inc/NY: Highly motivated. Sell DealMaker Ad Sales & Traffic software to the brdcst and cable network mkt. Media advrtsng ind exp req’d. [email protected] (6/18)

JOB OPENING: ACCT EXEC, DIG. SOFTWARE SALES/INVISION, Inc/NY: seeking highly motivated sales acct exec to sell DealMaker Digital Ad Sales sftwr to dig. publishers. Interactive media advrtsng ind exp req’d. [email protected] (6/18)

JOB OPENING: SHOWRUNNER/TECH EVENT PROJECT/NY: Must have experience w/high end live event projects & tech material. Think: wipeout meets myth busters. [email protected] (6/18)

JOB OPENING: SR RSRCH ANALY/Comedy Central/Spike TV: BS/BA pref; 2+yrs rel exp. Prof w/Nielsen (MultiTrak,NPower/Aud Watch,Mkt Breaks, AdViews). Exp using:(MRI, Forrester, Roper, JD Power)OE/M/F/D/AAP www.mtvnetworkscareers.com (6/18)

JOB OPENING: DIR, STRATEGIC RESEARCH/NY: Provide in depth analysis of TV landscape(broadcast cable & alternative platforms) focus on issues impacting media business. 7+ yr exp. http://www.nbcunicareers.com/search_nbc/ job#2017BR (6/18)

JOB OPENING: VP AD SALES FIN OPS/AMC/NY: Oversee budgets/forecasts/plnning for Ad Sales depts. of AMC/IFC/WE.Needs 10+ yrs industry/financial analysis exp, TM1. MBA a +. Resume to [email protected] (6/17)

JOB OPENING: NETWORK MEDIA NEGOTIATOR/DALLAS, TX: 5+ yrs. exp. network/cable, scatter/upfront, strong rep relationships, collaborative, innovative thinker, cross-platform/emerging tech/digital a plus. [email protected] (6/17)

JOB OPENING: DIG. DND MGR/ HBO/NY: 5 yrs ent and/or digital media exp. MBA pref’d. Strategic thinker. Exceptional interpersonal, orgnzt’l, presentation/comm skills. Resumes: http://bit.ly/kUceMk (6/17)

JOB OPENING: DIGITAL SALES PLANNER/CHICAGO/NBC Universal : Must be able to work directly w/clients, sales account execs & ad operations. Visit www.nbcunicareers.com (#1905BR) (6/16)

JOB OPENING: DIRECTOR, CREATIVE DEVELOPMENT RESEARCH/MTV/NYC: 5-7 yrs hands on exp. in TV research; Pilot testing and pilot-optimization exp.(including scripted) a must; B.A req. EOE/M/F/D/AAP apply www.mtvnetworkscareers.com (6/16) 

JOB OPENING: DIGITAL AE/A & E NETWORKS/NY:  Sell A&E Networks suite of digital ad opportunities within assigned territory to agencies & clients https://www.abso.com/jobboard/Default.aspx?JOBBOARDID=618&JobDetail=100522 (6/16)

JOB OPENING: ACCT EXECUTIVE/TV Guide.com/Chicago: AE w/ 2+ yrs digital ad sales exp a must. Consumer exp preferred. Competitive salary commensurate w/ exp & excellent benefits prgm. [email protected] (6/16)

JOB OPENING: SALES ASST/CT:  BA/BS deg, 1-2 yrs support exp; strong writ/comm skills, efficiency, multi-tasking, attention to detail, exp w/ sales presentations, MS Off, travel arrngmnts & scheduling all a must.  [email protected]  (6/15)

JOB OPENING: DIR, DIGITAL RSRCH/AETN/NY:Direct Dig Rsch initiatives for AETN Strategic Insights. Expert online quant rsch; knwlg of comScore, Nielsen Online, Omniture prefd. 8+ yrs exp, pref Ad Sales. www.aetn.com/careers.html (6/15)

JOB OPENING: SR RESEARCH MGR/Ipsos OTX/NYC: Manage projects for media focused studies. Survey dev’t, sample design, & report preparation. 4-6 yrs supplier/client-side experience in market research. Apply: [email protected] (6/14)

JOB OPENING: MEDIA ASSIST/Beacon Media Grp/Mahwah NJ: Leading kid media buyg/plng agcy looking for media plng assist, inputer, & day-to-day maint of kid buys. Excel a must. Great bnfits. Send resumes to: [email protected] (6/14)

JOB OPENING: RSRCH MGR/NJ: NJ media agcy looking for exp’d Rsrch Mgr with strong Television bkgrd. Proficient in Nielsen, Kantar, IMS, Simmons & Excel. Strong communication skills a must. Contact: [email protected] (6/14)

JOB OPENING: ASST. TRAFFIC MGR/Vme TV/NYC: Mng prgrmng sched, commercial inventory & traffic instructions; coord/create/edit & reconcile logs; monthly billing; 2+ yrs exp; knowledge of ProTrack a big + Res:   [email protected] (6/14)

JOB OPENING: DIRECTOR, ADVERTISING & STRATEGY/Food Network/NY: Est comm strategy & positioning for netwk priorities. 8-10yrs exp agency and/or ent media exp pref’d. Exp Mng multi-million $ budgets. www.scrippsnetworks.com #2345. (6/14)

INTERNSHIPS – These positions are for credit only – nobody gets paid here. These ads are always posted for free , and students work for school credit only. For more information on the specs for posting an Internship ad, email Trish at [email protected].

SUMMER INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: Digital Media Intern/ Digital Media Management: Good understanding of digital and social space. Assisting Digital Managers working across sites and pages for high profile individuals. Strong attention to detail. [email protected] (6/17)

SUMMER INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: Spanish-Language Television Network/NYC Sales Department, learn marketing and all ad sales functions. Marketing/Advertising Major ([email protected])  (6/15)

SUMMER INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: Media firm/Beijing: 20 hrs wkly. Unique/exciting media internship overseas. Fluent Chinese reqd. Fluent English reqd. Apply: [email protected] (put “Beijing” in subject).  (6/15)

SUMMER INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: Entertainment firm/NYC: 15-25 hrs wkly. Fluent read/write Chinese reqd. Fluent read/write English reqd. Apply: [email protected] (put “Internship” in subject).  (6/15)


Effective immediately, Jacqueline Fernandez named Director/Branded Entertainment at Newcast, the branded entertainment unit of ZenithOptimedia.  Jacqueline will devise and implement cross-platform branded entertainment marketing campaigns, working with broadcast and digital content producers on behalf of ZenithOptimedia’s clients. Based in New York, Jacqueline will report to Susan Joseph Smith, SVP/Managing Director of Newcast. 

CBS promoted Sonya McNair as SVP/Communications, CBS News and announced Kelli Raftery will rejoin CBS News as VP/Communications.  Sonya will continue to head all media, talent relations and public affairs for CBS News as well as strategic planning, daily publicity efforts and internal and external communications.  Sonya also manages communications activities for CBS Radio News, CBSNews.com and CBS News Polling & Survey Unit.  Kelli returns to CBS News to work on communications goals across the division and she will further support CBS Communications in its entirety on special projects and strategic endeavors.  Kelli reports to Sonya McNair.

Kingsley Smith appointed VP/News Director at KTTV/Los Angeles beginning June 20.  Kingsley’s duties including managing all editorial, business and administrative activities for the FOX affiliate where he will report to Kevin Hale, VP/GM.  Kingsley succeeds Jose Rios in this position who was upped to VP/Digital News Applications for FOX Television Stations.  KTTV is part of FOX Television Stations.

Aaron Meyerson, President/Programming and Development at CBS Television Distribution announced the hiring of Leigh Collier as VP/Programming and Development.  Leigh will be in charge of developing new original programming in addition to supervising current first-run strip shows.  Leigh is based in Los Angeles.  For the past three years, Leigh worked for Telepictures as Director/Programming.

New York City-based DuArt, a video and film post facility tapped Ron Harris as VP/Production and Sales.  In his new role, Ron will head the company’s expansion into broadcast video and for identifying new clients. 

Cox Media Group elevated Tom Raponi to VP/GM of KTVU and KICU in the Bay Area.  Tom currently serves as VP/GM of KICU and Director/Sales of KTVU and KICU.  Tom’s new position is effective immediately and he follows Tim McVay who becomes VP/GM of WSB in Atlanta. 
Roma Khanna becomes President/Television Group and Digital with MGM joining from NBCUniversal where she had been President/Universal Networks International and Digital Initiatives.  At MGM, Roma will oversee television sales, production acquisitions, licensing, content production and digital efforts for MGM globally.  Additionally, she will manage all current franchises and partnerships as well as identify the development of new franchise and content opportunities via the MGM library and IP.  Roma will report jointly to Gary Barber and Roger Birnbaum, Co-Chairmen/CEOs. 

Gail Ockerbloom Freeman named VP/Marketing and Communications with The Institute for Healthcare Improvement, starting next Monday.  Gail will work in tandem with IHI’s senior management and other teams in charge of marketing, public relations, publications, knowledge management and its website to develop and spur strategic goals.

MediaComm, the production/post production unit of The Inspiration Networks, tapped Kris Binder as Director/Air Operations where he will head the Air Operations departments encompassing Traffic, Scheduling, Master Control and the Media Center.

ION Media Networks appointed three senior sales executives with all reporting to Lisa Fischer, SVP/Network Sales in New York:

  • Kendra Cleary hired as VP/National Sales for ION’s new office opening in Detroit;
  • Corry Hart as VP/National Sales to manage ION’s Chicago national ad sales office and supervise the Midwest region;
  • Laura Diefenbach promoted to VP/Network Sales East Coast for ION’s New York office.

Lee Davis hired by Univision Communications Inc. as EVP/Sales for Univision Radio.  In his new role, Lee will supervise all ad sales for Univision Local Media’s 70 radios stations across the US and Puerto Rico.  Based in New York, Lee reports to David Lawenda, President, Univision Ad Sales and Marketing and to Jose Valle, President, Univision Radio. 

Michael Vamosy, formerly of FOX Broadcasting, joined Stun Creative to head the company’s “Buster INK” team in the role of Executive Creative Director.  Michael reports to Jonas Morganstein, Buster’s CCO. 

The 4A’s revealed its 2011-2012 Board of Directors and Board Officers at its Board of Directors’ meeting yesterday at organization headquarters in New York City:

  • Chuck Porter, Chairman, Crispin Porter + Bogusky, LLC will continue as Chairman of the 4A’s Board of Directors.
  • Chris Weil, Chairman/CEO, Momentum Worldwide elected as Vice-Chairman.
  • Sharon Napier, CEO, Partners + Napier re-elected as Secretary-Treasurer for a two-year term from 2011-2013.

The full list of 4A’s Directors-at-Large and Regional Directors can be found at Cynopsis.com.

The CW advanced Gaye Hirsch and Joanna Klein as Co-Heads/Drama Development starting without delay.  In their new positions, Gaye and Joanna will together manage the creation and development of new drama series for the network while reporting to Thom Sherman, EVP/Development. 

Marco Frazier elevated to VP/Global Distribution, a newly-created position with Rainbow Media Global.  In his new role, Marco will manage global distribution efforts for Rainbow Media’s international assets consisting of Sundance Channel and WE tv.  Located in Europe, he reports to Ed Palluth, SVP/Global Distribution.  

Effective immediately, Jimmy Kim hired as VP/Content Distribution with Viacom International Media Networks (VIMN) North & Southeast Asia, a unit of Viacom, Inc.  Jimmy scope includes optimizing sales and client services for the distribution of VIMN’s channels and programming among business partners throughout North and Southeast Asia.  Based in Singapore, Jimmy reports to Indra Suharjono, EVP/Managing Director, VIMN North & Southeast Asia.

In more international executive appointments, Leopard Films, part of Argonon named Jacqueline Hewer to the newly-minted role as Head/Daytime.  Jacqueline will join Leopard Films in July, reporting to Todd Austin, CCO.

Online technology, content and revenue-solutions company, WorldNow employed Charles Ponger as VP/Distribution and Client Development for the company’s Online Publishing Group. 

Former DC Comics executive, Andrea Shochet joins USA Network in the new position of VP/Business Development, reporting to Chris McCumber, Co-President, USA Network.  Andrea will identify, develop and execute business and franchise opportunities on behalf of the USA brand while increasing additional revenue.  Andrea is based in New York.

After 15 years as producer on The Oprah Winfrey Show, Lisa Morin tagged as Executive Producer of Anderson, the new one-hour daily strip show hosted by Anderson Cooper and launching September 12.  Lisa will work in tandem with Jim Murphy and Anderson Cooper who serve as Executive Producers.  Lisa was most recently Senior Supervising Producer of The Oprah Winfrey Show, a position she held since 2006.

Beginning now, Carolina Godayol appointed Managing Director of The History Channel Iberia, a joint venture of Chello Multicanal and A+E Networks.  Based in Madrid, Carolina reports to The History Channel Iberia Board of Directors.   Carolina will lead daily operations, strategic and financial oversight of the joint venture and its roster of channels including HISTORY, BIO and Crime & Investigation Network in Spain and Portugal. 

Media Storm upped Elizabeth Little as Associate Media Director/Digital in charge of the agency’s digital strategy for its entertainment clients including Food Network, Comedy Central and WE tv.  Based at the agency’s New York office, Elizabeth reports to Julie Diffenbach, Director/Digital. 

Rose Adkins takes on the new position of VP/Business Development with Audio Network Americas where she will manage business development efforts in North America and Latin America. 

Marketing services firm Nielsen Catalina Solutions added Leslie Wood in the new role as Chief Research Officer, effective immediately.  Leslie will supervise the entire research activities at Nielsen Catalina Solutions.  She will be based in the New York area and will report to Mike Nazzaro, CEO. 

Brillstein Entertainment Partners appointed JoAnn Alfano as President/Television.  Previously, JoAnn served as EVP/Entertainment at Lifetime Networks. 

WE tv hired Stacy Kreisberg to the newly-minted position of SVP/Business Affairs.  Stacy will manage the overall strategy and negotiations for the network’s rights involving original productions, acquired content, marketing, digital media and business development.  She will also handle talent deals for WE tv.  Based in Los Angeles, Stacy reports to Kim Martin, President/GM, WE tv and to Jamie Gallagher, EVP/General Counsel, Rainbow Media.

Pulse, an integrated content production company, added Jilly Pearce as Head/TV to work in tandem with Lorraine Heggessey who was also recently hired at the company as a consultant.  Jilly will also work closely with Daniel Glew, Head/Development and Harri Watson, Development AP.

Christo Doyle and Amy Savitsky both were promoted at the Discovery Channel in the production department located at company headquarters in Silver Spring.  Christo will become Managing Executive Director/East Coast working with network planning and goals in addition to supervising programming strategies.  Christo reports to Nancy Daniels, EVP/Production and Development, Discovery Channel.  Amy moves up to VP/Development to develop and manage relationships in the production community as she oversees editorial, budgets and delivery facets of the development process.  Amy reports to Dolores Gavin, VP/Development and Production, Discovery Channel.

MarVista Entertainment tapped Stephanie Slack as SVP/Co-Productions and Acquisitions, starting immediately.  Stephanie, who previously worked for 20th Century Fox in their distribution area, will oversee MarVista’s expanding telefilm and series properties by establishing strategic relationships including co-production partnerships as well as managing programming acquisitions covering all genres.  In her new role, Stephanie will report to Michael D. Jacobs, President, MarVista Entertainment. 

Lisa Clark elevated to SVP/Consumer Marketing and Media Strategy with National Geographic Networks.  Lisa will now supervise marketing functions for National Geographic Channel (NGC) and Nat Geo WILD in addition to her current responsibilities involving the development and implementation of consumer campaigns for both networks.  Lisa continues to report to Kiera Hynninen, EVP/Marketing.  Furthermore, Joyce Romano promoted to VP/Program Planning and Finance where she heads asset and cash program budgets and product placement.  Joyce reports to Heather Moran, SVP/Programming and Strategic Development.

Later — John
 John Cox for Cynopsis: Classified Advantage
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