Tuesday, July 30th, 2013


West LA

Implement social media strategy/best practices across various platforms & SM communities. 4-6? yrs mktg exp w/demonstrated exp in & passion for the SM space.

Apply HERE

Cynopsis: Classified Advantage

Good morning. It’s Tuesday, July 30, 2013, and this is your weekly issue of Cynopsis: Classified Advantage!

Welcome to Leadership Lessons, the column that focuses on conversations with senior managers and leaders in the TV world, speaking candidly about their professional journeys and how that informs what they look for when hiring new employees. Today, meet Marc Etkind, General Manager, Destination America.

What was your first leadership position?
I ran my own production, Pinball Productions. We produced programs for Discovery, Animal Planet and others. We made some classic shows like “Rumrunners, Moonshiners and Bootlegger” and “Custer’s Last Stand” that, even 10 years later, are still airing. We also produced “The Future is Wild” which became the highest rated show in the history of Animal Planet at that time.

What did you learn about managing people when you were in that job?
I started the company when I was 30. I was basically a field producer and all of a sudden I had 30-40 people working for me. While I knew how to make television, I didn’t know much about managing people. I learned so many things the hard way — let’s just say I apologized a lot. Eventually I learned that managing is not the same thing as micro-managing.

What do you know now that you didn’t know then?
Hire good people and then give them the freedom and trust to do their jobs. Encourage everyone to start saving for retirement. And most importantly, wear comfortable shoes and take care of your feet.


Cynopsis: Sports Business Summit
Aug. 14 | Grand Hyatt NYC |

Keynotes Announced
Opening Keynote: Gary Bettman, Commissioner, NHL
A Conversation with… David Levy, President of Sales, Distribution & Sports, Turner Broadcasting System

Hear speakers from: ESPN, CBS Sports, NBC Sports Group, Google, Subway, Comcast, Turner Sports, NFL, NASCAR, the NHL, Neulion, Big Ten Network, MLB Network, MLS, CSE, Univision and more.


JOB OPENING: MGR. PRIMARY RESEARCH/NBCU/NYC: 3+ yrs exp in media research w/brdcast or cble ntwrk or agency. Passion for TV & exp in qual & quan research. Apply HERE (8/3)

JOB OPENING: LOG COORD/TVONE/MD: Mng On-air prgm log, playlist delivery & reconciliation of logs. Resp. meeting delivery sched deadlines & directing sales/promo dept. BA pref’d. 2 yrs exp brdcst cable log ops. Apply: www.tvone.tv (8/3)

JOB OPENING: DIR, SOCIAL MEDIA MKTG/Fandango/West LA: Implement social media strategy/best practices across various platforms & SM communities. 4-6? yrs mktg exp w/demonstrated exp in & passion for the SM space. Apply HERE (8/3)

JOB OPENING: MARKETING COORDINATOR/Crown Media Family Networks/New York: Support the Marketing Dept. (Consumer, Affiliate, Ad Sales). 4 year degree and 2 yrs exp entertainment/cable. Full info/apply HERE (8/3)

JOB OPENING: AD SALES RSCH MGR/NBC UNIVERSAL/NYC: 4+ yrs exp in media (cable ntwk pref’d) incldng ntnl TV ratings analyses & sales positioning. Expertise in Nielsen, TV Toolbox & MRI/Simmons Apply HERE (8/3)

JOB OPENING: DIR, MKTG SOLUTIONS/CLEAR CHANNEL/Sherman Oaks CA: Help support ideation/dvlpmnt of strategic sales prgrms & provide acct mngmnt for advrtsing clients. 6yrs relevant work exp Media, mktg or a related field. Apply HERE (8/2) 

JOB OPENING: DATA & INSIGHTS ANALYST/The Weather Channel/NYC: Preferred candidates should have knowledge of Ad Campaigns, ad sales, ad systems and technologies including DoubleClick. Send resumes to [email protected] (8/2)

JOB OPENING: ANALYST RESEARCH CONTENT/TELEMUNDO/NYC: support programming team with audience insights and measurements. 2 yrs using Nielson req’d. Apply HERE (8/2)

JOB OPENING: RESEARCH MGR/SPROUT/EAST COAST: Responsible for supporting kids network with audience research metrics and reporting. 3 years of TV research exp req’d. APPLY (8/2)

JOB OPENING: AD SALES RESEARCH DIR/GSN/NY: V. strong ind. exp.; 7+ yrs TV/Dig. rsch: ratings/primary & synd.: Mastery of Comscore, Nielsen data (Npower, FOCUS, MktBrks, Startrk/StarEst & Gabriel), Simmons. Presentation skills req’d. Res HERE [email protected] (8/2)

JOB OPENING: WRITER/PRODUCER/Jupiter Ent.: Writers and Field Producers needed for true crime series. Resume: [email protected] (8/1)

JOB OPENING: AD SALES DIR/GSN/NY: V. strong ind. exp.; 7+ yrs TV/Dig. rsch: ratings/primary & synd. Mastery of Comscore, Nielsen data (Npower, FOCUS, MktBrks, Startrk/StarEst & Gabriel), Simmons. Presentation skills req’d. Res HERE (8/1)

JOB OPENING: MGR AD SALES MKTG/TENNIS CHANNEL/NYC: Work w/ Dir Ad Sales Mktg & Ad Sales team on dvlpmnt of multiplatform advrtsing solutions. Min 4-5 yrs exp within Agency or Ntwrk focusing on client srvcs. Resume to & salary req’s HERE (7/31)

JOB OPENING: MANAGER, DIGITAL VIDEO AD SALES/FX/NY: 3+ ad sales exp with a strong kno of digital sales, BS degree req, Excel, Pwrpt, Slide Rocket exp, linear sales exp. Apply: http://goo.gl/TPpws (7/31)

JOB OPENING: RESEARCH ANALYST/NBC UNIVERSAL/SOUTHEAST/SOUTHWEST: Submit & maintain schedules, line-ups & prgrm changes for Telemundo & Mun2 via Nielsen myEVNTS web-based system before strict deadline. Enforcing Nielsen titling. Apply HERE (7/31)

JOB OPENING: DIR PRGM MKTG & ADV/Showtime/NYC: Generate awareness & drive tune-in to SHO series/events. Oversee consumer ad campaigns. 10+ yrs. TV series mktg exp. at network/ad agency req. Apply at careers sec. of www.sho.com (7/31)

JOB OPENING: RESEARCH MANAGER/Discovery/NY: Strategic mind to provide sales positioning rsrch for Discovery Channel/other ntwrks. Create sales materials/ positioning pieces to highlight success. 6+ yrs TV rsrch exp req’d. Apply HERE (7/31) 

JOB OPENING: POST PROD/LA: Mng all post ops of busy boutique prod co. Exc comm skills a must for client liaison. 3+ yrs exp as post producer. Network promo & Avid exp pref’d. Must start immediately. Resume to [email protected] (7/30)

JOB OPENING: CONTRACT ADMIN ASST/Raycom/LA: Orgnz’g licensing agreements/amendments etc., maintaining logs & coord’g correspondence w/group TV stations, various studios, & the corp Legal Dept. BA/BS. 3+ yrs exp in ent. Apply/res: HERE (7/30)

JOB OPENING: SR. MGR CLIENT SOLUTIONS/USATODAY/NY: Develop integrated marketing solutions for USATODAY. Must be creative, with big ideas, digital. Resume to: [email protected] (7/30)

JOB OPENING: NAT’L SALES MGR/NBC Universal/Mid West: Responsible for generating National sales revenue ensuring all financial goals are being met while developing and maintaining relationships with clients. Apply: HERE (7/30)

JOB OPENING: DIR, AD SALES & MKT RSCH/NBC UNIVERSAL/NYC: 5+ yrs ad sales exp with proven knwldg of Npower, Galaxy Explorer, Monitor Plus & MRI. Expertise in PowerPoint a plus. www.nbcunicareers.com (10590BR) APPLY HERE (7/30)

JOB OPENING: RESEARCH MGR/Sprout/Philadelphia: 3+ yrs in media research w/project management exp in media/digital research. Knowledge of MRI & Nielsen req. www.nbcunicareers.com (11097BR) Apply HERE (7/30)

JOB OPENING: SR TRAFFIC MGR/Comcast Spotlight/DC: Mng adv.sales traffic team in all traffic areas incl. inv mngmnt & workflow. Asst sales w/pricing strategies. 5 yrs mgmt exp. pref. Kwldg of media traffic/T&B software a must Apply: HERE (7/30)

JOB OPENING: SR ANALYST AD SALES RSCH/NBC UNIVERSAL/NY: 1-3 yrs media rsrch exp, support Sports & Olympics sales research, proficient w/research software, able to visually communicate insights, provide marketplace insights. Resume: HERE (7/30)

JOB OPENING: DIRECTOR COMMUNICATIONS/OWN: Oprah Winfrey Network/LA:Min 5 yrs exp in publicity, expert in media strategy & messaging, excellent written and verbal skills. Apply at: http://careers.own.tv/ (7/30)

JOB OPENING: MGR, STRATEGIC PARNTERSHIPS/Tribeca Film/NY: 3-4yrs exp, pref cable or digital. VOD product mngmnt & mktg w/focus on iTunes, Amazon & more. Day-to-day mngmnt of DVD line. Email: [email protected] Apply HERE (7/30)

JOB OPENING: SALES PLANNER/CBS Television Distribution/NY: National TV Sales Org. seeks energetic organized individual to join our company. Direct contact w/sales team and agencies. Contact [email protected] (7/30)

JOB OPENING: MGR, Digital CONSUMER INSIGHTS/Discovery/NY: Critical thinker to help w/designing/ managing custom research studies for all digital biz units- sales, programming, product. 5-7 yrs primary rsrch exp req’d. APPLY: HERE (7/30) 

JOB OPENING: FINANCIAL ANYST/NYC: 1- 5 yrs media exp. Assist in key functions that support ad sls billing, revenue recognition, cash reporting, mnthly & quaterly close, budgtng/forecasting & trckng process for the Media Sales grp. Resume TO (7/30)

JOB OPENING: DIR. PRICING AND PLANNING/Fox Cable Ntwks/NY: Dig & Cable netwk experience preferred, strong exp with Ad Sales systems. BS/BA Deg req, must have strong analytical & math skills. http://goo.gl/jAcIh (7/30)

JOB OPENING: MGR, VIACOM COMPLIANCE/Viacom/NYC: Lookng for Big 4 accnting exp. BA in accnting, CPA required, min 6 yrs SOX compliance exp. will manage the SOX program from scoping to execution & final reporting. Apply HERE (7/30)

JOB OPENING: DIGITAL AD SALES RESEARCH ANALYST/Viacom/NYC: MUST have 1 yr dig rsrch exp. Analyze digtl and crss-pltfrm metrics. Exp. w comScore, Nielsen @Plan, NPower and/or Omniture. Apply: HERE (7/30)

JOB OPENING: DIR, PR/TURNER BROADCASTING/BURBANK: 7+yrs TV publicity exp at ntwrk, studio or agency & comprehensive knwldg of ent/cable ind. Strong relationships with key print, brdcst & online media outlets essential. Resume HERE (7/27)

JOB OPENING: MANAGER, CONSUMER MARKETING/National Geographic Channel/ Washington D.C.: Develop ads & media strategies. Manage off-air campaign schedules. 5 yrs exp min. Entertainment/agency exp a must. Apply: http://goo.gl/U7a1P (7/26)

JOB OPENING: GRAPHIC DESIGNER/NBC UNIVERSAL/MID WEST: Design/animate show & live event graphics (opens, lower thirds, transitions, bumps, boxes, billboards, snipes, etc.) Fulfill daily news/live event requests for graphics APPLY HERE: http://www.aplitrak.com/ (7/26)

JOB OPENING: NEWS & EDITORIAL PRODUCER/NBC Universal/NYC: Description: As the News & Editorial Producer for Weekend TODAY you will be responsible for writing opens and teases. You will also produce live segments and write segment intros. Apply HERE (7/26)

JOB OPENING: RSRCH ANALYST AD SALES/NBC Universal/NYC: Description: 1-3 yrs media rsrch exp, support Sports & Olympics sales rsrch, proficient w/rsrch software, able to visually comm insights, provide mktplce insights. Apply HERE (7/26)

JOB OPENING: SENIOR ANALYST, AD SALES RSCH/FX/NYC: 2+ yrs cable research, exp. w/Nielsen products & MRI, Star Media. Strong analytical, writing & verbal skills. Apply: http://goo.gl/0zSWb (7/26)

JOB OPENING: SENIOR ANALYST, DIGITAL AD SALES RSCH/FX/NYC: 2+ yrs exp online or other new media research. Knwldg of Nielsen & ComScore reqd. Strg knwldge of Adobe/Omniture anlytics pref http://bit.ly/11Odb9e (7/26)

JOB OPENING: MANAGER, AD SALES RSCH/FX/NYC: 3+ yrs cable research, exp. w/Nielsen products & MRI, Star Media. Strong analytical, writing & verbal skills http://bit.ly/1aUZPvp (7/26)

JOB OPENING: NAT’L SALES COORD/NBC UNIVERSAL/WEST COAST: Assist VP of Sales and Syndication, Maint nati’l sales orders, revisions, pre-emptions/make goods, post-logs, and discrepancies for the dept. Apply HERE (7/26)

JOB OPENING: MGR, PRGRMNG & ORIG DVLPMENT/FOX INT’L CHANNELS/LA: Identify writers/ prod’s for TV dvlpmnt & TV formats/books/other source material. 5 yrs relevant work exp w/Min 2yrs exp dvlpmnt &/or current prgrmng @ studio. Apply HERE (7/25)

JOB OPENING: DIRECTOR OF TALENT/VIACOM/NYC: Coord talent booking, strategy, plan’g logistics, & oversight at quarterly tentpole events and throughout the year for specific ntwks needs. 5-7 yrs related job exp. Full info/apply: HERE (7/25)

JOB OPENING: SALES PLANNER/Fox Broadcasting Co/Chicago: 2+ years digital media buying exp req, strong Excel skills req, knowledge of Comscore & media sales systems http://bit.ly/18maaC0 (7/25)

JOB OPENING: RESEARCH DIRECTOR/Nashville or KC: You choose. Support GM/Sales/News for multiple stations. Requires strong working kwldg of Nielsen. Ability to estimate/make projections & 1 sheets. Apply online at www.Meredith.com EOE (7/25)

JOB OPENING: EDITOR/Cynopsis/NY: Write daily Digital e-pub covering news for dig. TV ind; write special reports & help produce webinars and award shows. Excellent news reporting& writing & exp in digital industry a must. Resume HERE (7/24)

JOB OPENING: SR DIR RSCH & INSIGHTS, YOUTH & MUSIC/VIACOM INT’L/NY: Overseeing Youth & Music brand rsrch & insights  BA degree. Min 5+yrs media rsrch exp, pref analytical exp TV- ratings & dig data. Full info/apply: HERE (7/24)

JOB OPENING: COORD, ADVRTSNG, DIG & EMERGING MEDIA STANDARDS & PRACTICES/VIACOM/NYC: Daily review of scripted/filmed advertising material to ensure compliance with laws, regulations & ntwk policies. Min 2yrs exp TV/ent. Info/apply: HERE (7/24)

JOB OPENING: COUNSEL/Viacom/NYC: Negotiate/draft/review for execution by mngmnt, intellectual property license agreements for the consumer products bus. Min 3yrs legal practice and a current license. Full info/apply HERE (7/24)

JOB OPENING: LEGAL COORD/A&E Networks/NYC: Provide admin support to 3 attorneys & 1 mgr with focus on Litigation and Trademark matters. 5-6 yrs min legal exp highly orgnz’d & team player. #165878, www.aenetworks.com/careers (7/24)

JOB OPENING: DIGITAL AD SALES RESEARCH ANALYST/NYC: MUST have 1 yr dig rsrch exp. Analyze digtl and crss-pltfrm metrics. Exp. w comScore, Nielsen @Plan, NPower and/or Omniture. Apply: HERE (7/24)

JOB OPENING: INVESTIGATIVE REPORTERS and a DEPUTY EDITOR /The American Independent/DC: Candidates must be based in Washington, DC. Strong investigative and narrative writing skills are a must. Send resume to: [email protected] (7/23)

JOB OPENING: ADVERTISING ACCT MGR/Revolution Media/Woodland Hills CA: must have 6+ years of proven experience in retail advertising and retail marketing environment. To respond to this opportunity, go HERE (7/23)

JOB OPENING: DIGITAL AE/GSN/NY: 2yrs digital sales/gaming; Promote and sell casual/core games across digital properties incl expanding advertiser relationships. Please send res + cl to [email protected] (7/23)

JOB OPENING: INTERACTIVE & ADVANCED TV RESEARCH ANALYST/DISH MEDIA SALES/NYC: Rsch exp. w/TV & digitalmeasurement.Research brands, analyze data, identify trends & findings. Presentation skills needed. Apply: [email protected] (7/23)

JOB OPENING: FRLNC PHOTO COORD/NYC: Long-term to edit/curate/archive photos; support photo needs for all depts; photo asset mgmt. Reqs: 1-2 yrs exp, strong asset mgmt/comm skills, great creative eye. Full descpt http://bit.ly/18jKvdh (7/23)

JOB OPENING: CONTROL ROOM DIRECTOR/CHI: Key member of digital sports netwrk. Direct prod team w/Prod, EP, Talent daily.Ability to call a show is a must. 5+ yrs exp: Digital, Broadcast, Prod. Resume: digisports@hotmail.com (7/23)

JOB OPENING: CONTROL ROOM TECHNICAL DIRECTOR/CHI: Key member of digital sports netwrk. Partnr w/Prod, EP, Talent daily.Control tech prod of programming blocks. 5+ yrs exp: Digital, Broadcast, Prod. Resume: digisports@hotmail.com (7/23)

JOB OPENING: LIVE STUDIO GRAPHIC OPERATOR/CHI: Key member of digital sports netwrk.Able to work indep. Kwldg of variety of prod control room & studio op. 4+ yrs exp; Chyron Duet or equiv. Resume: digisports@hotmail.com (7/23)

JOB OPENING: FOX MGR STD & PRACTICES/LA: Resp for ensuring that guidelines & procedures are adhered to for programming content & advertising. BA/BS. 3+ years exp in entertainment. Read & write Spanish pref. http://bit.ly/1aZLsYd (7/23)


Cynopsis Kids Webinar – REGISTER TODAY
***Just Announced***

How to (Really) Increase Kid Brand Revenue through Licensing
August 27 ~ 1:30-3:00pm ET ~ $295/site

Expert Speakers:
Daisy Kline:
VP, Marketing & Brand Management [Scholastic]
Pete Yoder: VP, U.S. Consumer Products [Cartoon Network Enterprises]
Melissa Segal: SVP, Global Consumer Products [The Jim Henson Company & American Greetings Properties]


develop relationships with decision makers at content providers with a core focus on using Rentrak services to for research, business development, advanced targeting and measurement
Director of Sales, Video on Demand

gathering requirements from stakeholders throughout the organization
Senior Product Manager

oversees all program and schedule research for Program Planning team providing in-depth quantitative analysis on performance and trends that inform long-term plans and ensure short-term schedules are hitting ratings targets
VP, Program Analysis

help create, articulate and shape Manero’s editorial vision and strategy
Manero Executive Editor
Urban Daddy

lead the charge for developing programs around some of our key HR initiatives
Vice President Talent Solutions

be a key partner to the Americas sales management team, particularly leaders in the US LCS (Large Customer Sales) organization
Senior Financial Analyst, Americas Sales Finance

meet regularly with the Deputy Editors, Executive Editor and Zagat Editorial Team to plan editorial calendar and assist in generating story and list ideas
Regional Editor, Zagat

own relationships and associated revenue targets with global holding company and operating companies while maintaining and evolving business dashboards and quarterly account plans
Global Agency Business Manager
NYC NY and Chicago IL

manages and leads Group Creative Directors and Creative Directors in their efforts to deliver thought leadership and innovative work to their clients
Vice President, Creative
Chicago IL

ensure the network meets client objectives and exceeds revenue goals
Director, Media Sales
Chicago IL

working with Executive team, spearhead business development and strategic partnership initiatives and alliances that are consistent with the company’s overall strategy
Sales Director
Austin TX

enhance and further IT operator data checks to ensure the accuracy and completeness of all initial data processing
Vice President, Quality Control
Portland OR

understanding the foursquare brand and have your interface design always reflect that understanding
Sr Visual Designer
San Francisco CA or NYC NY

develop communications plan based on a common corporate template for senior vice president/general manager, Digital Media BU
Sr Manager, Executive Communications – Digital Media
San Francisco CA

ability to sell full suite of all Razorfish services – Owns senior level client relationships and works to contribute strategic value beyond day-to-day operations
Vice President, Client Partner
San Francisco CA

practice agile development by developing in sprints, gathering feedback, and then developing a production quality release
iOS Developer
Irvine CA

work closely with your assigned teams to guide them through Hulu’s strategic talent processes and programs
HR Business Partner – Talent Management
Santa Monica CA

have primary responsibility for all of Hulu’s patent litigation
Patent Counsel
Santa Monica CA

responsible for all aspects of the company’s core technology and infrastructure
SVP, Chief Technology Officer
Santa Monica CA

lead cross-functional teams to scope projects, develop hypotheses, conduct analysis and make recommendations to address strategic opportunities
Principal, Corporate Strategy
San Jose CA


Cynopsis Classified Advertising… We’re not a job board!

“Easy & Hassle Free”

Send your ad to a real person who will handle it with elite customer service.
Contact Trish Pihonak to spotlight your company’s job openings today.

[email protected]


Bruce Perlmutter is giving up his post as E! News senior VP news and online, in what’s described by a network rep as a “mutual decision.” Perlmutter, who joined E! in 2010, is expected to leave in August; no replacement has been named.

Paramount Pictures has promoted Amy Powell to president of Paramount Television. She’ll maintain oversight of the company’s digital arm and InSurge Pictures. Powell’s “skill and experience working across all platforms, at engaging audiences, and, most recently her work at InSurge, will be instrumental as we build a versatile television operation,” said Paramount Chairman & CEO Brad Grey.

No hard feelings here. ABC News President Ben Sherwood sent an email announcing ABC News Senior Vice President Kate O’Brian‘s departure to take on the presidency of new cable network Al Jazeera America that heralded the exec’s leadership ability and excellence in journalism, as well as her “insights, judgment and humor.” … David Doss has been appointed senior vp for news programming, Marcy McGinnis is senior vp for news gathering, and Shannon High-Bassalik takes on the role of senior vp for documentaries and programs at the news channel, which debuts Tuesday, August 20.

Katherine Alford has been upped to senior vp of culinary for Scripps’ Food Network, Cooking Channel and the food category at Scripps Networks Interactive. She will continue to manage the test kitchen, said Brooke Johnson, president, Food Network and Cooking Channel, adding, “her skill and passion will undoubtedly help us continue to feed our audience.”

Switching gears, film exec Kahli Small signed aboard NBC Entertainment as senior vp for drama development. “Today, the distinction between the big and small screen is more and more irrelevant,” says NBC Entertainment president Jennifer Salke. “Instead, there are just good stories  and Kahli has the knack for finding and nurturing them.” Small reports to executive vp of drama development Pearlena Igbokwe.

Michael Levitt will exec produce the 2013 Young Hollywood Awards for The CW. “Michael is a trusted producer with deep relations in the industry,” said Jay Penske, Chairman and CEO of Penske Media Corporation. Past winners include Ryan Gosling, Justin Bieber and Jake Gyllenhaal; the show airs Thursday, August 1 at 8p.

Robert Levin joins LA-based market research company Screen Engine, LLC as its new president.

Diego Fernandez-Martin has been named SVP, Managing Director for Starcom MediaVest Group Latin America. He reports to Monica Gadsby, CEO, US Multicultural & Latin America.

Heather Jagels takes over responsibility for the HGTV and DIY Network creative  team as vp of creative services, reporting to senior vp, marketing and creative Denise Conroy.  Jagels, who joined Scripps in 2004, had previously been director of creative services and media strategies for DIY.

Paradigm‘s television literary department has added Zac Simmons as an agent. His previous position was at Kaplan Stahler.

News channel Al Jazeera has tapped Marc Gatto as executive vp for broadcast operations and technology, ahead of its Tuesday, August 20 launch. Gatto reports to net president Kate O’Brian.

Natalie Osborne has been promoted to managing director of 9 Story Entertainment‘s distribution division, in the wake of the company’s s acquisition of CCI Entertainment‘s Children’s and Family catalogue. She continues to report to president and CEO Vince Commisso.

Michael Teicher will be 20th Century Television‘s new exec vp of media sales, effective September 3, overseeing all sales initiatives for Twentieth Television and Debmar-Mercury. He’ll report to Greg Meidel, president of Twentieth Television. Most recently, Teicher served as Executive Vice President, Media Sales, Warner Bros. Domestic TV Distribution.

Nickelodeon has upped Pamela Kaufman to chief marketing officer and president, consumer products. She continues to report to the president of the Nickelodeon Group, Cyma Zarghami.

MTV‘s making some big changes. Jason Rzepka has been promoted to senior vp, brand communications and public affairs, where he’ll oversee all corporate communications for the net. Jennifer Solari will be vp for program publicity and communications, overseeing publicity and communications for the West Coast office.  Janice Gatti has been promoted to vp of MTV/MTV2/mtvu communications, and Noopur Agarwal was upped to vp, MTV public affairs.

Media agency exec Chris Martin jumps from OMG to Maxus North America as director of marketing and new business. He reports to CEO Louis Jones.

Later — John
John Cox for Cynopsis: Classified Advantage
[email protected]

Roberta Caploe: Editorial Director
Denise O’Connor: Group Publisher, Cynopsis Media
Diane K Schwartz: Senior Vice President, Media Communications Group 

Cynopsis Ad Sales: Mike Farina | VP Sales & Marketing | 203-218-6480
Classifieds Sales: Trish Pihonak | Director of Operations & Content | 888-702-3858

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