Tuesday, July 23rd, 2013



7+yrs TV publicity exp at ntwrk, studio or agency & comprehensive knwldg of ent/cable ind. Strong relationships with key print, brdcst & online media outlets essential.

Resume HERE

Cynopsis: Classified Advantage

Good morning. It’s Tuesday, July 23, 2013, and this is your weekly issue of Cynopsis: Classified Advantage!

Leadership lessons from Warren Packard, Founder and CEO, Thuuz Sports

What was your first leadership position?

I headed up a multi-disciplinary arts (music, drama, dance, creative arts, etc.) exposition as a senior in high school. Along with two other students, I was responsible for mobilizing over 100 students to coordinate a week-long focus on the arts that balanced the varied interests of more than 2400 students while yielding an educational experience that the faculty deemed worthwhile (and valuable enough to justify canceling formal classes for a week).

What did you learn about managing people when you were in that job?

It wasn’t a job… it was an adventure…. Dealing with and pleasing multiple constituencies. Generating growing energy & enthusiasm over an extended period of time. Driving consensus actions among large groups of individuals. Managing by objective rather than directive. On-the-spot, scrappy problem-solving to turn problems into “features.” Maintaining a calm, easy-going demeanor in the face of adversity and stress.

What do you know now that you didn’t know then?

Absolutely anyone can be a leader. Leadership doesn’t require age, doesn’t require experience, and doesn’t require massive intelligence. Leadership requires vision, energy, enthusiasm, ingenuity, gumption, and a high emotional intelligence. Even if one is just starting out in his or her career, one should generate a far-reaching vision for the business that they’re in and use that vision to ensure that one always has the big picture in mind, even if one is executing, day-to-day, down in the weeds on some tactically important, yet not far-reaching, objectives for the business.

What are your go-to interview questions?

What do you know now that you didn’t know then?
What are your favorite outdoor activities?
What was your most disappointing job?
What was your dirtiest/grimiest job?
Do you read Cynopsis daily?


Cynopsis: Sports Business Summit
A u g u s t  1 4  |  G r a n d  H y a t t  NYC

Keynoters Include:
Gary Bettman, Commissioner, NHL
David Levy, President of Sales, Distribution & Sports, Turner Broadcasting System

Hear speakers from: ESPN, CBS Sports, NBC Sports Group, Google, Subway, Comcast, Turner Sports, NFL, NASCAR, the NHL, Neulion, Big Ten Network, MLB Network, MLS, CSE, Univision and more.

To subscribe to any Cynopsis edition(s) click here.
To unsubscribe from this edition, click here. Or for further assistance please email [email protected].


JOB OPENING: DIR, PR/TURNER BROADCASTING/BURBANK: 7+yrs TV publicity exp at ntwrk, studio or agency & comprehensive knwldg of ent/cable ind. Strong relationships with key print, brdcst & online media outlets essential. Resume HERE (7/27)

JOB OPENING: MANAGER, CONSUMER MARKETING/National Geographic Channel/ Washington D.C.: Develop ads & media strategies. Manage off-air campaign schedules. 5 yrs exp min. Entertainment/agency exp a must. Apply: http://goo.gl/U7a1P (7/26)

JOB OPENING: GRAPHIC DESIGNER/NBC UNIVERSAL/MID WEST: Design/animate show & live event graphics (opens, lower thirds, transitions, bumps, boxes, billboards, snipes, etc.) Fulfill daily news/live event requests for graphics APPLY HERE: http://www.aplitrak.com/ (7/26)

JOB OPENING: NEWS & EDITORIAL PRODUCER/NBC Universal/NYC: Description: As the News & Editorial Producer for Weekend TODAY you will be responsible for writing opens and teases. You will also produce live segments and write segment intros. Apply HERE (7/26)

JOB OPENING: RSRCH ANALYST AD SALES/NBC Universal/NYC: Description: 1-3 yrs media rsrch exp, support Sports & Olympics sales rsrch, proficient w/rsrch software, able to visually comm insights, provide mktplce insights. Apply HERE (7/26)

JOB OPENING: SENIOR ANALYST, AD SALES RSCH/FX/NYC: 2+ yrs cable research, exp. w/Nielsen products & MRI, Star Media. Strong analytical, writing & verbal skills. Apply: http://goo.gl/0zSWb (7/26)

JOB OPENING: SENIOR ANALYST, DIGITAL AD SALES RSCH/FX/NYC: 2+ yrs exp online or other new media research. Knwldg of Nielsen & ComScore reqd. Strg knwldge of Adobe/Omniture anlytics pref http://bit.ly/11Odb9e (7/26)

JOB OPENING: MANAGER, AD SALES RSCH/FX/NYC: 3+ yrs cable research, exp. w/Nielsen products & MRI, Star Media. Strong analytical, writing & verbal skills http://bit.ly/1aUZPvp (7/26)

JOB OPENING: NAT’L SALES COORD/NBC UNIVERSAL/WEST COAST: Assist VP of Sales and Syndication, Maint nati’l sales orders, revisions, pre-emptions/make goods, post-logs, and discrepancies for the dept. Apply HERE (7/26)

JOB OPENING: MGR, PRGRMNG & ORIG DVLPMENT/FOX INT’L CHANNELS/LA: Identify writers/ prod’s for TV dvlpmnt & TV formats/books/other source material. 5 yrs relevant work exp w/Min 2yrs exp dvlpmnt &/or current prgrmng @ studio. Apply HERE (7/25)

JOB OPENING: DIRECTOR OF TALENT/VIACOM/NYC: Coord talent booking, strategy, plan’g logistics, & oversight at quarterly tentpole events and throughout the year for specific ntwks needs. 5-7 yrs related job exp. Full info/apply: HERE (7/25)

JOB OPENING: SALES PLANNER/Fox Broadcasting Co/Chicago: 2+ years digital media buying exp req, strong Excel skills req, knowledge of Comscore & media sales systems http://bit.ly/18maaC0 (7/25)

JOB OPENING: RESEARCH DIRECTOR/Nashville or KC: You choose. Support GM/Sales/News for multiple stations. Requires strong working kwldg of Nielsen. Ability to estimate/make projections & 1 sheets. Apply online at www.Meredith.com EOE (7/25)

JOB OPENING: EDITOR/Cynopsis/NY: Write daily Digital e-pub covering news for dig. TV ind; write special reports & help produce webinars and award shows. Excellent news reporting& writing & exp in digital industry a must. Resume HERE (7/24)

JOB OPENING: SR DIR RSCH & INSIGHTS, YOUTH & MUSIC/VIACOM INT’L/NY: Overseeing Youth & Music brand rsrch & insights  BA degree. Min 5+yrs media rsrch exp, pref analytical exp TV- ratings & dig data. Full info/apply: HERE (7/24)

JOB OPENING: COORD, ADVRTSNG, DIG & EMERGING MEDIA STANDARDS & PRACTICES/VIACOM/NYC: Daily review of scripted/filmed advertising material to ensure compliance with laws, regulations & ntwk policies. Min 2yrs exp TV/ent. Info/apply: HERE (7/24)

JOB OPENING: COUNSEL/Viacom/NYC: Negotiate/draft/review for execution by mngmnt, intellectual property license agreements for the consumer products bus. Min 3yrs legal practice and a current license. Full info/apply HERE (7/24)

JOB OPENING: LEGAL COORD/A&E Networks/NYC: Provide admin support to 3 attorneys & 1 mgr with focus on Litigation and Trademark matters. 5-6 yrs min legal exp highly orgnz’d & team player. #165878, www.aenetworks.com/careers (7/24)

JOB OPENING: DIGITAL AD SALES RESEARCH ANALYST/NYC: MUST have 1 yr dig rsrch exp. Analyze digtl and crss-pltfrm metrics. Exp. w comScore, Nielsen @Plan, NPower and/or Omniture. Apply: HERE (7/24)

JOB OPENING: INVESTIGATIVE REPORTERS and a DEPUTY EDITOR /The American Independent/DC: Candidates must be based in Washington, DC. Strong investigative and narrative writing skills are a must. Send resume to: [email protected] (7/23)

JOB OPENING: ADVERTISING ACCT MGR/Revolution Media/Woodland Hills CA: must have 6+ years of proven experience in retail advertising and retail marketing environment. To respond to this opportunity, go HERE (7/23)

JOB OPENING: DIGITAL AE/GSN/NY: 2yrs digital sales/gaming; Promote and sell casual/core games across digital properties incl expanding advertiser relationships. Please send res + cl to [email protected] (7/23)

JOB OPENING: INTERACTIVE & ADVANCED TV RESEARCH ANALYST/DISH MEDIA SALES/NYC: Rsch exp. w/TV & digitalmeasurement.Research brands, analyze data, identify trends & findings. Presentation skills needed. Apply: [email protected] (7/23)

JOB OPENING: FRLNC PHOTO COORD/NYC: Long-term to edit/curate/archive photos; support photo needs for all depts; photo asset mgmt. Reqs: 1-2 yrs exp, strong asset mgmt/comm skills, great creative eye. Full descpt http://bit.ly/18jKvdh (7/23)

JOB OPENING: CONTROL ROOM DIRECTOR/CHI: Key member of digital sports netwrk. Direct prod team w/Prod, EP, Talent daily.Ability to call a show is a must. 5+ yrs exp: Digital, Broadcast, Prod. Resume: digisports@hotmail.com (7/23)

JOB OPENING: CONTROL ROOM TECHNICAL DIRECTOR/CHI: Key member of digital sports netwrk. Partnr w/Prod, EP, Talent daily.Control tech prod of programming blocks. 5+ yrs exp: Digital, Broadcast, Prod. Resume: digisports@hotmail.com (7/23)

JOB OPENING: LIVE STUDIO GRAPHIC OPERATOR/CHI: Key member of digital sports netwrk.Able to work indep. Kwldg of variety of prod control room & studio op. 4+ yrs exp; Chyron Duet or equiv. Resume: digisports@hotmail.com (7/23)

JOB OPENING: FOX MGR STD & PRACTICES/LA: Resp for ensuring that guidelines & procedures are adhered to for programming content & advertising. BA/BS. 3+ years exp in entertainment. Read & write Spanish pref. http://bit.ly/1aZLsYd (7/23)

JOB OPENING: SR ADMIN ASST/AMC/LA: Provide full admin support to Bus Affairs Exec and team. Handle heavy phones, sched, etc. Must be able to multi-task and prioritize. Entertainment or business affairs exp req’d. Submit res http://tinyurl.com/l2795r9 (7/20)

JOB OPENING: MGR, RESEARCH/IFC/NY: 3+ yrs cable/brdcst research, exp. w/Nielsen products & MRI, Simmons, Star Media. Strong analytical, writing & verbal skills. CLICK HERE (7/20)

JOB OPENING: DIGITAL SALES PLANNER/AMCN/NY: Create/maintain digital sales proposals, presentations & analyses across all AMCN, exp. w/ DART, 1-2+ yrs. digital sales planning exp. CLICK HERE (7/20)

JOB OPENING: MGR MKTG/THE PROMOTIONAL EDGE/LA: Dvlp/excte strategic B2B & B2C mktg campaigns in ent indstry; strng wrtng/presentation skills; direct digital asset dev’t. 5-8 yrs. mktg exp. w/major brands. Rez. To: HERE (7/20)

JOB OPENING: MGR, PARNTER MKTG/Viacom/NYC: Develop, recommend and implement strategies to secure distribution and drive distributor revenue. 3-5 yrs exp mktng. Apply: http://tinyurl.com/oxs53mu (7/20)

JOB OPENING: NAT’L ACCT SALES MGR/WORLDNOW/NYC: Support/function as sales lead through constant internal & external customer comm while multi-tasking. Min 2yrs online media, advrtsng &/or acct mngmnt exp. Cvr letter/res: HERE (7/20)

JOB OPENING: DIRCTR LICENSING/CREATA/CHGO/IL: Ownership of IP, Exec leadership, min of 15 yrs ent licsng, cpg, merch & mktng exp. Min 2 yrs digtl exp essntl. Ability to ID new biz; exp negotiatr. Resume to [email protected] (7/20)

JOB OPENING: MGR., CONSUMER CONNECTIONS/Anheuser-Busch/St Louis: Develop/implement strategic media plans for specific A-B brands such as Bud Light, Bud Light Lime, & Lime-a-Rita! Apply here: http://bit.ly/15zcsKi (7/20)

JOB OPENING: MANAGER, MEDIA & ON-AIR PROMO SCHEDULING/Sportsman Channel/NY: Strategic On-Air Promo Planning & Scheduling to meet ratings goals; media buying & placement. Analytical & organized. 5+ Years Network exp. Apply: HERE (7/20)

JOB OPENING: ASSOC MGR, DISTRIBUTION & MKTG/Universal Sports Network/Woodland Hills: 3+ yrs marketing exp., affiliate exp. preferred. Strong analytical, writing & verbal skills. For details and to apply: CLICK HERE (7/20)

JOB OPENING: DIRECTOR, BUS. INTELLIGENCE & SALES ANALYSIS (20TH CENTURY FOX HOME ENTERTAINMENT)/LA: Full info and Apply: http://tinyurl.com/m6vfhe7 (FFE0001844) (7/20)

JOB OPENING: MGR, DIGITAL INTEGRATED MKTG/MTV/NYC: 5 yrs exp mktg major brands. Conceptualize digital and convergent marketing opportunities in response to RFPs and to proactively take to market . Full info/apply HERE (7/20)

JOB OPENING: HBO/MGR, DATA SCIENCES/NYC: Perform statistical and data mining analyses to support HBO digital properties. 5+ yrs of exp performing analytics in media, mkting or digital analytics. Apply: http://bit.ly/18Ne4TH (7/20)

JOB OPENING: HBO/DIR, PROG. STRATEGY & PLANNING/NYC: Programming strategies for HBO and Cinemax Org Prog. 8+ yrs of strategic and tactical exp in prog planning, scheduling or mkting & audience rsrch. Apply: http://bit.ly/18NdwgB (7/20)

JOB OPENING: DIR, AD SALES MKTG/Discovery/NYC: Seasoned leader to manage/motivate a team to deliver mktg elements for OWN Ad Sales deals, creative project mgmt w/high level customer service. 10+ yrs mktg mgmt exp. req. Apply (7/19)

JOB OPENING: COORD, STANDARDS & PRACTICES-MUSIC GROUP/VIACOM/NY: Daily independent review of on-air, online & digital content. Resp for evaluating orig show concepts, scripts, rough cuts & finals. Must be fluent in Spanish. Apply here (7/18)

JOB OPENING: SR. ANALYST, RESEARCH/FX/NYC: 2+ yrs cable research, exp. w/Nielsen products & MRI, Star Media. Strong analytical, writing & verbal skills Apply: http://goo.gl/0zSWb (7/18)

JOB OPENING: ANALYST, RSCH/MUNDO FOX/NYC: 1+ yrs exp in media research. Knowledge of Nielsen products pref, TV or Rep Firm exp pref, strong analytical and writing skills Apply: http://goo.gl/iVQEi (7/18)

JOB OPENING: GM-NTWK OPERATIONS/OLYMPUSAT/FL: 8-10 yrs exp w/all depts. associated w/complete mgt of multiple ntwks w/variety of formats, language & entertainment value. Full desc here. Apply to [email protected] (7/18)


Cynopsis Future TV: Content Innovation and Next Gen Advertising Models
October 17| Grand Hyatt | NYC
**More Info/Website Coming Soon**

This summit will examine what networks are doing – and what they need to do more of – to aggressively evolve to compete, and profit in this shifting landscape. Join us as our experts share the latest business and advertising models for success.

For sponsor information, please contact Mike Farina (203) 218-6480.
For registration information, please contact Pete Romas (203) 899-8483.


research, manage and update the TV market pipeline and database to include every Series available in US and International marketplace, including exhibition and sales history
Director, Content Acquisitions
ION Media Network

lead a team of Strategic Account Directors with the goal of growing revenue from existing MediaMath clients
VP, Strategic Account Management, East and LATAM
Media Math

lead decision making across the organization through financial information, analysis and reporting
Director of Financial Planning and Analysis
Media Math

architect, design and develop, and document system and software application architectures
Senior Technical Architect

build and define Tumblr’s positioning to media and TV audiences
Director of Entertainment and Media Partnerships
Los Angeles CA or NYC NY

provide competitive data and in-depth audience analyses that explore user behavior and highlight BuzzFeed’s value proposition
Research Director

provide direct management of technical individual contributors and/or technical leads and assigns individual contributor resources to various projects and directs their activities to meet the business needs
Enterprise Tools Engineering Manager
Southboro MA

continually inspire our clients with a vision for their brand, game-changing ideas and plans to get them executed
Brand  Strategist, Creative Solutions
Chicago IL

responsible for leading the User Experience team, including Information Architects, Content Strategists and User Researchers, and working collaboratively with Creative, Technology and Strategy to create compelling, insight-driven web-based experiences
Experience Director
Atlanta GA

educate new and existing partners about our community and products
Seattle Brand Strategist
Seattle WA

define and execute BrightRoll’s partnership strategy in alignment with our product development, network development and executive team
VP of Business Development
San Francisco CA

define and lead the execution of field marketing and corporate events plans, ensuring projects are delivered on brand, on time and on budget
Marketing Director
San Francisco CA

advise on regulatory and industry requirements for financial service activities
Counsel – Payments
San Francisco CA

draft and negotiate services, consulting, marketing, vendor, nondisclosure, licensing, and other commercial and technology related agreements
Contract Manager – Commercial and Brand
San Francisco CA

drive end-to-end marketing strategy and execution across a broad range of global stakeholders from product management and field sales teams
Director, Product Marketing
Santa Monica CA

act as first point of contact for general employee customer service needs such as common inquiries, form requests, policy interpretation and procedure clarification
Human Resources Specialist
San Diego CA

drive both transformation and continuous improvement in technology, processes and programs for sales effectiveness, capability and productivity to enable ongoing revenue growth while creating infrastructure to support ACTIVE’s business strategy and operational plans
Vice President, Sales Operations
Active Network
San Diego CA

lead analysis and provide recommendations of publisher traffic and performance with the goal of optimizing efficiency and profitability
Director of Business Operations-Platform
Redwood City CA

provide leadership to the international financial reporting function
International Accounting/Consolidations Manager
Redwood City CA

become a contributing member of the senior management team that effectively embodies and promotes the culture and values of Facebook
Head of Global Recruiting
Menlo Park CA


Cynopsis Classified Advertising… We’re not a job board!

“Easy & Hassle Free”

Send your ad to a real person who will handle it with elite customer service.
Contact Trish Pihonak to spotlight your company’s job openings today.

[email protected]


ABC Family gets a new member, as Kelly Goode hops aboard as VP, Original Programming.

Greg Robertson has been tapped to head up the Asia Pacific office of MGM Television in the newly created role of Senior Vice President, Asia Pacific, International Television Distribution. Robertson comes to MGM after 28 years with Warner Brothers TV, most recently serving as Senior Vice President and Managing director, Warner Brothers International Television, where he was responsible for sales and distribution of Warner Brothers content across the entire Asia Pacific market (except for Japan and China). “We are confident that bringing aboard one of the best in the industry will help MGM grow its business in the region,” said Chris Ottinger, President International Television Distribution and Acquisitions, MGM, in making the announcement.

Nicol Turner-Lee ends her run as President/CEO of NAMIC, an organization that advocates for ethnic diversity in the media industry, effective July 31. She resigns days after being cleared of alleged financial and operational improprieties. “Dr. Turner-Lee is departing NAMIC to pursue other opportunities,” said a statement from the organization. “The NAMIC Board is appreciative of Dr. Turner-Lee’s service and of the many contributions she made to NAMIC and the cable and telecommunications industry during her tenure.”

USA Network appointed Tracy St. Pierre as VP, West Coast Communications. Emily Spitale has been promoted to VP, Communications. Both will report to Hilary Smith, SVP of Communications.

Keith Fenimore jumped from The Howard Stern Show to become Chief Marketing Officer at new social media up-and-comer Yappem.

Ruth Gaviria has been promoted to Executive Vice President of Corporate Marketing at Univision.  She oversees marketing and brand strategies across the company’s portfolio.

Senior entertainment exec vet Pamela Thomas has scored a first look deal with Frantic Films. “Pam will be a huge asset as we build on our success in comedy,” said Frantic’s CEO, Jamie Brown.

Industry vet Jeffrey Schneider joins Shine America as Executive Vice President, Business and Legal Affairs & General Counsel. He will head Shine America’s in-house business and legal affairs department as serve as the company’s general counsel, from the company’s LA office.

NBCUniversal has named Kimberley D. Harris its newest Executive Vice President, General Counsel. Harris will report to CEO Steve Burke. She replaces Rick Cotton, NBCUni’s new Senior Counselor for IP Protection.

Turner Broadcasting Chairman-CEO Phil Kent is leaving in January, the company reports. “He and I agreed that now is the right time to announce the next generation of leadership,” said Time Warner CEO Jeff Bewkes. Kent, who has been at Turner since 1993, was instrumental in restructuring Turner after he was promoted to his current position in 2003, but CNN has been lagging behind Fox News under his watch, and now is often beaten by MSNBC as well. John Martin will take over as CEO; Kent will remain as chairman for a transitional period.

Oxygen Media‘s Cori Abraham has been bumped up to Senior Vice President, Development and International. In addition to overseeing the development group, she’ll now work with the NBCU international sales team. While continuing to to report to Senior Vice President, Original Programming and Development Rod Aissa, Abraham will also report to Oxygen president Jason Klarman.

Joining host Neil Patrick Harris for the 65th Primetime Emmy Awards are Renato Basile as producer, Danette Herman as co-producer, director Louis J. Horvitz and Brian Stonestreet as scenic designer, announced Executive Producer Ken Erlich. And, of course, a slew of TV stars.

Veteran reality TV exec Mike Darnell will start in the newly-created position of president of unscripted and alternative programming for Warner Bros. TV on August 12. TV. He held a similar role at Fox until last month. The respected exec’s track record includes The Ellen DeGeneres Show, The Voice, and a slew of Bachelors and Bachelorettes. Darnell will report to Warner Bros. TV president Peter Roth.

Comcast Cable has tapped BJ Daisey to take the role of Area Vice President for Comcast California’s Sacramento Valley Area. Daisey reports to Vice President of Operations Marty Robinson.

Three programming execs at ABC won promotions to executive VP: Patrick Moran jumps from senior VP of development at ABC Studios to executive VP of the studio; Channing Dungey makes the leap from senior VP of drama development to exec VP, with added responsibility for movies and miniseries, and Samie Felvey, former senior VP of comedy development, will oversee international scripted development.

Later — John
John Cox for Cynopsis: Classified Advantage
[email protected]

Roberta Caploe: Editorial Director
Denise O’Connor: Group Publisher, Cynopsis Media
Diane K Schwartz: Senior Vice President, Media Communications Group 

Cynopsis Ad Sales: Mike Farina | VP Sales & Marketing | 203-218-6480
Classifieds Sales: Trish Pihonak | Director of Operations & Content | 888-702-3858

Cynopsis Media: a division of Access Intelligence, LLC * 10 Norden Place * Norwalk, CT * 06855 * USA

Copyright Cynopsis 2013

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