Tuesday, July 13th, 2010


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Cynopsis: Classified Advantage

Good morning – it’s Tuesday, July 13, 2010, and this is your weekly issue of Cyn opsis: Classified Advantage! This edition includes the top job listings in the Television, Media and Ad Agency markets, professional development advice from national experts, your Q & A’s with our experts, and a summary of executive moves among top companies. 

Avoid Making A Bad First Impression During an Interview
by Snarky McInterviewer

We all have made first bad impressions, and the most important element in fixing a bad first impression is time.  Unfortunately, an interview doesn’t accord enough time to change a first impression, so here are some pitfalls you’ll want to avoid.

Clothing:  This is as easy as it gets–wear a suit.  Men: white shirt and tie, Women: conservative blouse, few pieces of jewelry and remember, your perfume smells much better to you than it does to me, use little or none.

Anything on your face that God didn’t give you, take it off.

If you might be late, call.  If you don’t call and are late, no job for you.  Today, my time is more important than yours. If you don’t understand that, I don’t want you as a co-worker.

If you show up too early, go get a coffee.  Nobody here wants you hanging around for 45 minutes just so you can demonstrate your punctuality and eagerness.  It’s creepy.

Anything you say to anyone in the lobby before we met, I’ll hear about it.  So don’t be a jerk.  If you think the receptionist is beneath you, you’re wrong.  First of all, she has a job.  Secondly, she’s awesome, you are a twit.

If you don’t know how to pronounce my name, or even worse, you have forgotten it, ask the receptionist, nicely.  I like hearing my name, so get it right.

When we meet, shake my hand like a man, even if you are a woman.  If your hand is wet, wipe it on your pants before the shake.

Impress me with your knowledge of the company.  I will give you opportunities, use them.

If you are sick, call and reschedule.  Here’s something I’ve never said, “I hired the guy who gave me the flu.”

You’re probably better off rescheduling if you have a shiner or some other temporary disfigurement.  As good as a person as I try to be, a black eye is hard to overlook.  And if you got the black eye because of a disagreement over flip cup or a game of quarters last night, lie to me.

Throughout the interview, be interested in every word I say.  It could be important.

Good eye contact is important, staring is disturbing.  If you don’t already know the difference, I can’t help you.

Don’t chew gum and don’t smell like cigarettes.  One is distracting and one is gross.

Shine your shoes.  I’ll probably never look at them, I just always wanted to tell someone that.  One codicil to this, if I can hear your shoes flip flopping off your feet, out you go.  I don’t care how expensive your flip flops were, I don’t care if you wore them to the White House while your national championship team was being honored, don’t wear them to my interview.

Next week:  The dreaded Group Interview

We are always on the look out for more Experts to advise our readers – if you’re a headhunter, job coach, career advisor, etc., and may be interested in contributing to this edition from time to time, please contact me at [email protected] .

FLASH FORWARD –  Is working in reverse secretly hurting your career?
by Jessica Sitomer

When a blackout gives everyone in the world a look at their future, FBI agent, Mark Benford, works “in reverse” to get to the bottom of what the future holds. Characters like Bryce had a back-up plan when he thought his future wasn’t going to come to fruition. He decided to settle for Nicole, who wasn’t his dream girl.

What happens when your back-up plan isn’t your dream come true? What if like so many others, your back-up plan is what happens IF your entertainment career doesn’t work out?

As a coach, there are two stands I can take on back-up plans.
One: it’s responsible to have a plan if you haven’t reached certain milestones by certain time frames.
Two: If you know that back-up plan is there for you as a “safety-net, you may never fully risk everything you must, to make your dream come true.

The later is what this article is about. Bryce’s back-up plan failed because he saw his future. When it became clear he still had a chance to meet his dream girl, he took it. Working in reverse resulted in him hurting Nicole.

Is working in reverse secretly hurting your career? Have you ever considered, daydreamed, or even discussed with someone a back-up plan? If so, knowing it exists could be stopping you from taking the business side of your business as seriously as you MUST, to create the career you want. Think about when you make calls for work. Is it while you’re on a job or once the job is over? If it’s once the job is over, you’ve waited too long. Now what happens if you can’t find another job as your money is running out? You get desperate which makes you less likely to get hired. But, you can always fall back on your back-up plan; working at Starbucks, cashing in stocks, selling your house, or worst-case scenario, leaving the business.

Instead of creating a back-up plan to fall back on, why not create a strategic plan that builds toward your dream? Work forward, take risks, take action as if failure were not an option, as if there was no back-up plan.

Don’t take a chance on throwing away your dream for a back-up plan. Treat each day as if it were your last opportunity to make it and see what shifts occur.

Jessica Sitomer,The Greenlight Coach,is a top Entertainment Industry Speaker and Coach and is the author of And…Action! Powerful, Proven, and Proactive Strategies to Achieve Success in the Entertainment Industry. To learn more about her, visit, www.TheGreenlightCoach.com .

If you have any specific questions you’d like our Experts to address, please email them to me, John Cox at [email protected].


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Questions from our Readers
Answered by Jessica Sitomer

Should I write an objective on my resume? I have heard so many different and passionate opinions, what should I do?

You should do what feels authentic to you and your personality. You should also do your research. People in all areas of entertainment read Cynopsis so I’ll say, anyone below-the-line, or talent, should not use an objective. It makes you look green because the professionals aren’t doing it. For people at the executive level, the objective doesn’t really make you stand out because your objective is most likely the objective of most of the applicants. My suggestion is to call the office where you’re applying and ask (anonymously) if objectives are necessary to apply. Your response will most likely be (if you were speaking to me), “But I’m applying online so there is no number to call.” That tells me you’re sending a cold resume. All the more reason to forget about the objective and focus on a very personal cover letter that will get you noticed. That’s my passionate opinion.

I like bow ties and I know that many people do not. Will wearing a bow tie to an interview make me stand out in a good way or a bad way?

Interviews are about creating rapport, therefore you want to do everything you can to be “like” your interviewer. Like attracts like. I had a camera operator client who wasn’t working and who dressed like a biker (full ZZ Top beard and all). He liked it. It was his look. But people who saw him were intimidated and didn’t want to hire him. It’s not what you like, it’s what’s going to create rapport. Bow ties have a stigma, they’re kind of nerdy. You can continue to wear what you like, but the odds are against you that you’re going to walk into an interview in the hip industry of entertainment and find a like-minded bow tie lover. You may. But my suggestion is: get the job first… then sport your bow tie with pride!

Jessica Sitomer,The Greenlight Coach,answers an entertainment industry question daily at www.AndActionBook.blogspot.com .

Have a question for our experts? Send it to [email protected]



develop and execute the monthly program schedules – linear, on demand, broadband -so that they are balanced, distinctive and complementary to other cable services

Manager, Program Planning & Scheduling   5510BR
Showtime Networks



help lead the development and execution of diverse projects for key clients
Account Supervisor
Mr Youth

bring a creative and strategic approach throughout the delivery of a campaign and will help come up with exciting ideas that maximize clients’ ROI
Account Executives
Mr Youth

helping drive client strategy throughout new business pitches to both current and new clients, focused around word-of-mouth, social interactive and experiential
Social Media Strategist
Mr Youth

define and build a marketing planning and management process to increase top- and bottom-line performance of Bloomberg Sports, targeted at both professional and consumer audiences
Business Unit Marketing Leadership: Bloomberg Sports   26664

cultivate and grow new business
Account Executive
Wainscot Media
NYC and Montvale NJ

provide top line and detailed analyses, reports, presentations, and highlights covering Syfy & USA online properties and competitors
Senior Analyst, USA/Syfy Digital Research   1231595
NBC Universal
http://www.nbcunicareers.com /

taking pitches and overseeing multiple pilots, presentations and casting reels, and will report to the VP of Development in Los Angeles
VP, Development, Bravo   1230773
NBC Universal
http://www.nbcunicareers.com /

work with Sales and Marketing Leaders to share Marketing insights and recommendations to optimize Sales Marketing
Strategic Marketing Manager   1229741
NBC Universal
http://www.nbcunicareers.com /

lead the development of consumer-focused marketing activity to build the brand, drive visitors to iVillage and promote Community registration
Director, Events & Marketing Development, iVillage   1229479
NBC Universal
http://www.nbcunicareers.com /

develop new business for WNBC and NBC Local Media through a variety of NBC Local Media platforms including on-air, on-line, and out of home assets
Account Manager, Local Business Development, WNBC   1223902
NBC Universal
http://www.nbcunicareers.com /

develop the HR learning strategy and curriculum in support of the overall HR Development agenda
Program Manager, HR Learning & Development   1223681
NBC Universal
http://www.nbcunicareers.com /

implement staffing strategies to provide a qualified and diverse candidate pool
Talent Acquisition Recruiter  Media Works   1223594
NBC Universal
http://www.nbcunicareers.com /

managing agencies & clients relationships through day-to-day contact
Account Executive, Primetime   1216047
NBC Universal
http://www.nbcunicareers.com /

oversight of all advertising campaigns for NBC Universal’s Digital Media Group’s Television Network Sites
Director, Digital Sales Fulfillment – TVN   1213484
NBC Universal
http://www.nbcunicareers.com /

overall sales support to the sales staff, administering existing deals, coordinating pending deals and following through to closure with all clients
Sales Planner – Oxygen   1212545
NBC Universal
http://www.nbcunicareers.com /

managing agencies & clients relationships through day-to-day contact
Account Executive, Digital Media, Sports & Olympics   1209679
NBC Universal
http://www.nbcunicareers.com /

analyze product categories to develop opportunities
Marketing Associate- MSNBC   1208734
NBC Universal
http://www.nbcunicareers.com /

coordinating and spearheading Sports / Olympics sales efforts for existing and first time television/internet advertisers for NBC Local Media
Director, Sports and Olympic Sales   1204746
NBC Universal
http://www.nbcunicareers.com /

fulfilling research requests from programming, corporate communications, ad sales, strategic marketing, nbc.com site operators and business development
Manager, Digital Research   1203656
NBC Universal
http://www.nbcunicareers.com /

approval of sales deals before they go external (CPM, mix, added-value, reweight, ADU)
Director, Pricing & Planning – Telemundo   1202683
NBC Universal
http://www.nbcunicareers.com /

maintenance of Dealmaker schedule, formats, and sales elements
Sales Planning Analyst – Telemundo   1201732
NBC Universal
http://www.nbcunicareers.com /

develop and identify digital sales marketing opportunities
Manager, Digital Marketing – Telemundo   1199279
NBC Universal
http://www.nbcunicareers.com /

work with new media and research leadership team to evaluate opportunities in the digital and interactive areas
Director, Bravo New Media Research   1198502
NBC Universal
http://www.nbcunicareers.com /

support Syfy, USA, Sleuth and Chiller primary research in fulfilling research requests from programming, consumer marketing, press, ad sales, finance, and new media
Senior Research Analyst, Primary Research   1197114
NBC Universal
http://www.nbcunicareers.com /

planning, designing, overseeing, analyzing, and reporting voice of consumer primary research projects
Senior Director, Primary Research for Oxygen   1197104
NBC Universal
http://www.nbcunicareers.com /

provide top line and detailed analyses, reports, presentations, and highlights covering Oxygen online properties (Oxygen.com, Oxygen Live) and competitors
Senior Analyst, Oxygen New Media Research   1195467
NBC Universal
http://www.nbcunicareers.com /

overall sales support to the sales staff, administering existing deals, coordinating pending deals and following through to closure with all format clients
Digital Account Manager, Universal Audience Network   1190319
NBC Universal
http://www.nbcunicareers.com /

serve as a sales lead for the Telemundo Network Sales New York office
VP, Ad Sales Telemundo Network   1186743
NBC Universal
http://www.nbcunicareers.com /

conduct in-depth market research/analysis and competitor assessments
Director, Strategy   1185831
NBC Universal
http://www.nbcunicareers.com /

recruit hire and manage 200+ students at over 75 universities across the country
Marketing Manager   5770BR
CBS College Sports Network

research, analyze and propose product development opportunities based on market condition
SVP, General Manager of Digital Media   5913BR
CBS Television Distribution

provide Project Roadmap to all involved, including summary of ideas in play, specific direction on platform elements to be included, follow-up responsibilities, deliverables and due dates
Account Services Exec   255698

help define the architecture for Marvel’s interactive digital products, consisting primarily of the Marvel.com collection of Web sites and various mobile offerings
Marvel – Web Software Architect   255667
Marvel Entertainment, LLC

help Marvel enhance its position in the web and mobile marketplace by extending already successful products and spearheading the development of new ones
Marvel – Senior Web and Mobile Application Developer   255666
Marvel Entertainment, LLC

responsible for developing proposals for Account Executives and assisting with developing presentations
Ad Sales- Sales Planner for Logo
MTV Networks
http://www.mtvnetworkscareers.com /

provide consumer products market research data analysis to various lines of business; Toys, Apparel, DVD’s, Video Games, Creative and licensing
Nielsen Research Manager
MTV Networks
http://www.mtvnetworkscareers.com /

devise and execute publicity campaigns for Nickelodeon/MTVN Kids and Family Group digital media and interactive businesses (online, wireless, broadband, gaming, non-advertising and paid content businesses)
Corporate Communications Manager -Digital
MTV Networks
http://www.mtvnetworkscareers.com /

create thoughtful and innovative audience analyses in order to best position and distinguish Comedy Central and Spike TV in the marketplace
Sr Analyst Audience Research-Comedy Central/Spike
MTV Networks
http://www.mtvnetworkscareers.com /

manage the digital user experience research process across all MTVN Kids and Family brands, including Nickelodeon, Nick Jr, Noggin, Nick at Nite, ParentsConnect, Neopets, Addicting Games, and Shockwave
Manager, User Experience Research
MTV Networks
http://www.mtvnetworkscareers.com /

support sales force with all marketing needs (i.e., timely information, quarterly promotional materials and opportunistic requests) for On Demand and HD platforms, as well as HBO “multi-product” efforts
HBO Associate Manager, Affiliate Product Marketing

responsible for continuing the evolution of the online advertising strategy, development and implementation of new advertising products
Digital Advertising Product Manager – LifeStyle Group   118838BR
Time Inc.

assist in the development of new and innovative sales opportunities and customized sales presentations
Business Development Analyst, Telemundo   1198143
NBC Universal
http://www.nbcunicareers.com /

creating marketing plans for books and implementing marketing initiatives under the direction of marketing management
Book Marketing Specialist   0700
BowTie Inc
Freehold, NJ, Irvine, CA

leads development of innovative and breakthrough digital marketing campaigns. Leads digital agencies in strategizing paid media campaigns and optimizing campaign performance for NGC and NGW
Associate Director, Digital Marketing (National Geographic Channel)   FNG20095
Fox Cable Networks
Washington DC

provides creative, budgetary, personnel and administrative direction for all aspects of on site production of assigned sports events
Producer I   255668
ESPN Event Production
Charlotte NC

coordinating multiple projects across multiple groups
Senior Project Manager   118928BR
Turner Broadcasting
Atlanta GA

work with project teams, customers, other Project Managers, and management to prioritize and communicate across all key SAS initiatives
Project Manager   118927BR
Turner Broadcasting
Atlanta GA

establish master plan framework for assigned area program of work and the implementation of tracking and control mechanisms including processes defined by the department
Senior Program Manager   118926BR
Turner Broadcasting
Atlanta GA

work with business units and internal clients to identify new opportunities and unmet needs across Advanced TV, Digital, Data Strategy, Mobile, Sales and Planning initiatives
Senior Director, Strategic Product Development   118910BR
Turner Broadcasting
Atlanta GA

manage all day-to-day strategic operations of the planning & scheduling area
Vice President of Program Planning & Scheduling   1193637
NBC Universal
Hialeah FL
http://www.nbcunicareers.com /

lead the creation of client-specific Marketing opportunities, including scheduling brainstorming meetings, obtaining producer/legal approvals, and providing production costs/talent fees
Manager, Integrated Sales Marketing  Telemundo   1198399
NBC Universal
Hialeah FL
http://www.nbcunicareers.com /

assist Brand Managers and Station Leadership in identifying and outlining media goals, objectives, metrics, strategies, and tactics
Media Strategist    1192572
NBC Universal
Chicago IL
http://www.nbcunicareers.com /

establish the CBS Interactive brands and story with advertisers
Account Manager   5861BR
CBS Interactive
Chicago IL

lead the development, staffing and production of a new one-hour live morning talk, entertainment and information show
Executive Producer   255660
Disney ABC Television Group
Chicago IL

responsible for designing and implementing the game experience
Senior Designer   116803BR
Warner Bros. Entertainment Group
Chicago IL

create project plans including detailed phases of work and timelines to ensure on-time and successful execution of complex programs and numerous concurrent projects
Director, Project Management (FoxSports.com)   FNG19403
Fox Broadcasting Company
Los Angeles CA

provide audience analysis and data to support FX management
Director, Research (FX Networks)   FNG19051
Fox Cable Networks
Los Angeles CA

evaluate market and historical sales to determine where product will fall in pricing grids, and determine product volume caps
Analyst, Sales Operations   FFE19991
Fox Filmed Entertainment
Los Angeles CA

create, design and develop department presentations and marketing promotional concepts
Coordinator, Integrated Sales & Marketing   FNG20302
Fox Networks East Coast
Los Angeles CA

assist the Vice President of Mobile for NBC.com in supporting the department with mobile web development and overall technical expertise
Developer Web   1227151
NBC Universal
Universal City CA
http://www.nbcunicareers.com /

create and execute full media campaigns for scripted and alternative programs for NBC Entertainment
Senior Press Manager   1226299
NBC Universal
Universal City CA
http://www.nbcunicareers.com /

help to forecast costs for various TV/Film productions in various locations in order to determine what projects we may produce
Manager of Budgeting & Estimating   1224548
NBC Universal
Universal City CA
http://www.nbcunicareers.com /

find and pitch new material to senior management
Director, Development   1211053
NBC Universal
Universal City CA
http://www.nbcunicareers.com /

find and pitch new material to senior management
VP, Development   1206879
NBC Universal
Universal City CA
http://www.nbcunicareers.com /

develops concepts to create, incrementally grow or maintain sales revenue by connecting an advertiser’s marketing goals seamlessly with NBC intellectual property and/or distribution platforms
Senior Director, Creative Partnerships and Innovation   1202721
NBC Universal
Universal City CA
http://www.nbcunicareers.com /

writing, editing and proofing short and long form copy for consumer, corporate and trade print, digital and on-air
Copywriter   1197533
NBC Universal
Universal City CA
http://www.nbcunicareers.com /

evaluate business development opportunities, including preparation of business plans and financial models
Manager Business Development   1193817
NBC Universal
Universal City CA
http://www.nbcunicareers.com /

point person for distributing and executing NBC Universal’s Green Production Guidelines on all feature productions
Green Production Manager   1231877
NBC Universal
Universal City CA
http://www.nbcunicareers.com /

developing and managing the strategic and tactical development and implementation of all advertiser, distribution and promotional partnerships, experiential marketing and events for ABC Entertainment Group programming and corporate synergy activities for the ABC Television Network
Vice President, Marketing Partnerships   255703
Burbank CA

coordinate all off-air marketing materials (including, but not limited to national cable spots, spot cable, in-theatre creative, radio creative, etc.)
Production Coordinator   255613
Disney ABC Television Group
Burbank CA

develop a strong understanding of client’s business, market conditions, competitors and affiliate/consumer promotion objectives
Affiliate Marketing Manager   255516
Burbank CA

supports Account Executives, Senior Account Executives and Directors in the development of promotional and related collateral materials
Sales Coordinator   255501
Burbank CA

attends and participates in creative meetings, coordinates and follows up on resulting ideas and projects
Production Executive   118890BR
Warner Bros. Entertainment Group
Burbank CA

responsible for full scope recruitment of professional and senior level open positions
Senior Recruiter   118888BR
Warner Bros. Entertainment Group
Burbank CA

the establishment and maintenance of viable and effective Business Continuity Plans enterprise-wide for Warner Bros.
Manager, Business Continuity Planning (BCP)
Warner Bros. Entertainment Group
Burbank CA

creation and delivery of Disney branded interactive entertainment and informational content across multiple platforms including online, mobile and video game consoles around the globe
Vice President, DOS Product Design & Production   255546
Disney Interactive Media Group
North Hollywood CA

traffic all shoots processed in-house; to Ad Agency, Studios and NY
Photo Coordinator   5871BR
CBS Television Network
Studio City CA

support SVP to implement the music & talent strategy / agenda as well as long term plans for all music talent for MTVN K&F Group
Sr. Manager, Music & Talent
MTV Networks
Santa Monica, CA
http://www.mtvnetworkscareers.com /

write weekly and monthly analyses of site performance for senior management based on both internal (Omniture/Google Analytics) and syndicated (ComScore) data
Manager, Digital Audience Analytics
MTV Networks
Glendale, CA
http://www.mtvnetworkscareers.com /

write weekly and monthly analyses of site performance for senior management based on both internal (Omniture/Google Analytics) and syndicated (ComScore) data
Research Manager Digital Analytics
MTV Networks
Glendale, CA
http://www.mtvnetworkscareers.com /

negotiating and maximizing sales revenue from new and existing clients for the station
Account Manager   1231617
NBC Universal
San Diego CA


Cynopsis CLASSIFIEDSFor More classifieds, visit the Cynopsis.com classifieds page herealso check out our Facebook page where our classifieds are listed the night before the editions are published!

JOB OPENING: SR. PUBLICIST/FerenComm/NYC: Exp: TV Publicist w/ unit exp., strong media contacts and writing skills. Apply to [email protected] (7/17)

JOB OPENING: SALES PLANNER/The Hotel Networks/NYC: 2+ Yrs Exp; Create sales proposals & compelling presentations; Exc media math skills, excel, pwrpoint req.Exp w/ Nielsen, MRI, AdDatabase +++; Resumes: [email protected] (7/17)

JOB OPENING: COORD INT’L MKT/New York: PROMO COORD(Freelance)/AETN/NY: Rsrch/collect dom assets,asst producer.Apply: www.aetn.com/careers.html https://www.abso.com/jobboard/Default.aspx?JOBBOARDID=618&JobDetail=75535 (7/17)

JOB OPENING: FINANCE ANALYST/TVG Ntwrk & Online/NY: Month-end Close & accruals, creating ad rev Pacing & Summary Reprts reviewed by Ad Sls&Mgmt, budgeting/ forecasting processes & streamlining financial processes [email protected] (7/17)

JOB OPENING: DIRECTOR OF INTEGRATIONS/ Branded Entertainment Division of ZenithOptimedia/NYC: Develop and execute non-traditional, cross-platform solutions. Send resumes to: [email protected] (7/15)

JOB OPENING:  FREELANCE SCHED ASST/NYC: Entry Level: Detail/Organiz. Respn incld assist Sched w. logs, data entry, operate (MAPS/Grip IT),create #s for promos/bugs, Operational/strategic plan’g. Exp. Req. Resume [email protected] (7/15)

JOB OPENING: AFFIL MKTG MGR/Halogen TV/Indian Land, SC: 2-4 yrs proven TV affil mktg exp. Innovative & creative thinker w/ refined mngmnt skills. Full description: http://bit.ly/halomarketingjob Cvr/res: [email protected]   (7/15) 

JOB OPENING: ACCT EXEC/MTVN -Entertainment Group. Sell online/digital  pieces for cross-platform ads & promos for ent. digital group. 3-5 yrs advrtsng sales exp specific online ad sales,EOE/M/F/D/AAP. Apply www.mtvnetworkscareers.com (7/15) 

JOB OPENING: TECHNOLOGY DIRECTOR/Syfy/NYC: Network: Responsible for management, hands-on development and implementation of technical projects for the Syfy.Com. Drupal/Movable Type/CMS/PHP. req #1203117 www.nbcunicareers.com (7/14)

JOB OPENING: DIR OF STRATEGIC MARKETING/Syfy/NYC: Network.Responsible for all stages of strategic development & creative execution of revenue generating, integrated marketing solutions for Syfy /Syfy.com.Req#1220022 www.nbcunicareers.com (7/14)

JOB OPENING: RESEARCH ANALYST/ATL:  1+ yrs TV/other Rsrch exp. Nielsen, media math, d-base exp prfrd. Strong analytical, math, MS Excel/Word/Ppt & time mgt skills. Attention to detail. Support Prog Rsrch. Res: [email protected]   (7/14)

JOB OPENING: PRIMARY RSRCH MGR/DISNEY ABC/CA: min 5 yrs exp in TV research, rtg anal & qual tsting, apt at Nielsen, strong analytical & written skills. Apply at: www.disneycareers.com (ID253863) (7/13)

JOB OPENING:  MGR, FINANCE/MTVN NETWORKS/NY: support Content Dist & Mktg group. Prepare Affil Rev budgets/forecasts & provide financial analysis & advice supporting group’s dvlpmnt of new deals/growth strats. www.mtvnetworkscareers.com (7/13)

JOB OPENING:  SALES DIRECTOR/TV Guide Mag/LA: Exp/contacts ent media, specifically ntwrk prgmng.Increase existing bus, generate new ad rev, dvlp strategic plans, negotiate rates &schedules. Apply to [email protected] (7/13)


Keith Tiley was named to newly-created position of Global Director of Trading at MEC, reporting to Alastair Aird, MEC’s Global COO and Juergen Blomenkamp, GroupM’s global head of trading. Keith will be based in London and will work closely with GroupM’s trading community. He will be responsible for developing and enhancing the agency’s trading performance across all markets and will work with MEC Interaction, the digital, social, search and direct response arm of the business.

Whitney Holland was appointed VP/Acquisitions for Hallmark Channel and Hallmark Movie Channel, based in LA and reporting to Michelle Vicary, SVP/Programming, Acquisitions & Scheduling. Whitney will help develop and implement the strategic programming vision of the channels with Michelle and be responsible for extensive analysis of audience research to pinpoint feature film acquisitions, suggest on-air promotional direction and schedule stunts and theme weeks.

BBC Worldwide Channels named Jon Farrar VP/Programming, EMEA. Responsible for the development and execution of the programming strategy for the BBC portfolio — which includes BBC Entertainment, BBC Knowledge, BBC Lifestyle, CBeebies and BBC HD — across Europe Middle East and Africa. He will also join BBC Worldwide’s team of regional programming heads working into the divi, sion’s SVP Programming and TV Channels, David Weiland.

Discovery Education upped Scott Kinney to SVP/Global Professional Development, Policy & Education Outreach.  The announcement was made by Bill Goodwyn, President of Global Distribution and CEO, Discovery Education and Lori McFarling, CMO, Discovery Education. Scott will oversee the international expansion of Discovery Education’s Professional Development line of business.

Joining the staff at Disney Channels Worldwide is Jimmy Blackburn as VP/Programming Research. Jimmy reports to Kelly Pena, SVP/Research, and makes the move to Disney after spending the past 10 years at Nickelodeon.
Pete Ross was appointed Director/Development at IMG Media, overseeing IMG Media’s development slate, advancing the relationship with buyers and creating original programming ideas and formats. He will be based in New York, reporting to Steve Mayer, SVP/Exec Producer of IMG Media.

Eli Leher elevated to VP/Development at Bravo Media, reporting to Andy Cohen, SVP/Original Programming and Development. Eli will lead development for Bravo by identifying series concepts and signature characters that appeal to the network’s most affluent and educated audience. Lehrer will relocate to Los Angeles where he will be based.

Petry Network hired Harry Neuhaus as VP/International. Previously, Harry was Director/East Coast Sales and Operations at LATV Networks.

Bruce Marsh was named Creative Director at HNW Inc. where he will manage the development of integrated brand, interactive and direct marketing goals for the company’s clients.

Shaunagh Guinness advanced to SVP/Research and Marketing with Katz Radio Group in New York.  Shaunagh will take on new responsibility by leading a team of researchers who provide tools and information for Katz’s sales group involving radio format trends, ratings and industry news.

Tom Reeve made a career move to Intersport as EVP/Sales.  Tom, who previously was Southwest Director/Sales at Screenvision, will oversee daily sales operations activities nationwide for Intersport and manage a sales team in charge of sponsorship sales for television, event marketing, corporate hospitality and digital media.

Syfy elevated Karen O’Hara to VP/Original Movies to supervise the development and production of 20+ Syfy Saturday Night Original Movies each year.  In the coming year, Karen will oversee such films as Red, Mega Python vs Gatoroid and Sharktopus.  Based at the network’s New York office, Karen reports to Thomas Vitale, EVP, Programming/Original Movies.

Bonten Media Group appointed Andrew Stewart as VP/GM for two of its ABC affiliates: KRCR-TV in Chico-Redding and KAEF-TV in Eureka.  Andrew’s new position is effective July 19.  Most recently, Andrew was VP/GM of KGUN/Tucson (ABC) and before that VP/GM for KWBA/Tucson (CW). 

Later — John
 John Cox for Cynopsis: Classified Advantage
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