Tuesday, February 2nd, 2010


HISTORY is being MADE on Mondays
with its NEW #1 HIT SERIES
(on Adults and Men 18-34, 18-49 and 25-54)

American Pickers: 4.0MM Total Viewers
Pawn Stars: 3.8MM Total Viewers

Tune in Mondays at 9p/8pC to see why everyone is addicted!

Source: Nielsen: MultiTrak, 1/18-1/25/10; L+SD; Monday Nights: (Mon/8-11p, excluding sports); American Pickers: P2+ total viewers GAA (Mon/9-10p, 1-2a), Pawn Stars P2+ total viewers GAA (Mon/10-11p, 2-3a)

Cynopsis: Classified Advantage



Good morning – it’s Tuesday, February 2, 2010, and this is your weekly issue of Cyn opsis: Classified Advantage!  This edition includes the top job listings in the Television, Media and Ad Agency markets, professional development advice from national experts, your Q & A’s with our experts, and a summary of executive moves among top companies.

Virtual Job Fairs

A virtual job fair is an online version of a normal job fair, but one you can attend from home.  They range in sophistication from a simple online directory to the more complex 3D job fair. 

The 3D fair can have virtual exhibits, seminars, training events and most companies have  representatives to talk to online, often with video.  Almost all virtual job fairs will have information packets you can download, contact information and current job opportunities.

Despite the software costs, a virtual job fair can save both company and attendees a great deal of money.  No one has to travel.  Companies save on flights, hotels, set up and tear down and less noticed costs such as per diems and printing fees. 

Companies can spend significant amounts of money on engineering a 3D experience, but in the long run, virtual job fairs are usually much cheaper, very flexible, can stay in place for months, and create a much larger pool of prospective employees. 

Added bonus, some virtual job fair hosts have software available, so companies only have to pick a theme and insert their logo and particular information.  Some shows charge nothing to exhibit but collect personal information from any visitors to your “booth.”

Virtual job fairs will require registration and your information will be given to the exhibitors.  This does save the attendee from doing this at each company’s site that they visit.  The exhibitors will receive information concerning everything you do at their site, in order to gauge the effectiveness of their exhibit.  Attendees can usually search a virtual job fair by company name, industry or booth number-as these fairs, though virtual, have floor plans to make navigation more convenient.

Every attendee should have their resume and cover letters ready to email, should be dressed as if in a live interview (remember video chats with company representatives), keep track of all the people you have had contact with, follow up with companies you have applied to, and keep checking in, as these job fairs can go on for months.

Google or Bing virtual job fair and your area for a directory of upcoming events.

Next week: What Rules?

We are always on the look out for more Experts to advise our readers – if you’re a headhunter, job coach, career advisor, etc., and may be interested in contributing to this edition from time to time, please contact me at [email protected] .

How to Fill Gaps Between Jobs Productively
by Michael Pollock

I have been asked how professionals who were once in the thick of things should fill in the time between jobs so that employers will still take them seriously.

Just because you don’t have an office to go to every day doesn’t mean that you aren’t in the business. In fact you have more time than you used to have to make yourself the expert on the latest developments. Find out what skills are being sought  ask what are the capabilities that employers are having trouble finding and go get that skill for yourself.

Hirers don’t have time to train new staff any more  they want someone to hit the ground running  so you need to be that person.

Have an answer to the question: “What are you working on now?” (Think of it first as an answer you give to yourself.) Find something that you care about and are interested in  and do it. It could be the new technology that you are learning. You could be writing an article on the latest developments in your field  and the good news is that today you don’t have to worry about not getting it published, you just put it out on your blog and tweet it onwards. Go to meetups in your field and find out what is new and what is going on and who is doing what.

There are things you can write on your resume or in your cover letter: you are blogging on the bleeding edge of your field, you are taking the new skills course, you are contributing your abilities to a nonprofit  put it down  show that you are doing something that is relevant  that you have a job in the field  because you do  even though you may not be getting paid just yet.

But this is still narrow thinking. You can go further. Try to understand what will make you attractive to a hirer. It may be that an international business will appreciate that you spent three months working in retail in Paris. A qualification like that could really set you apart from your competitors.  A company that encourages initiative and bold thinking might be attracted by that fact that you spent the summer sky-diving in the Andes with the condors. Or went to Outward Bound.

Think broadly about what can make you attractive and tailor your activity to that. Present what you have been doing as a coherent effort to make yourself a more valuable person  skills, leadership, adventure, initiative. It will give you something productive to talk about and that will make you a stronger candidate.

Michael Pollock is President of Pollock Spark ( www.pollockspark.com ). He is an Executive Coach and Consultant to Creative and Media professionals. He works with people in film, TV, advertising, design, marketing, music and the Internet, bringing them the experience, techniques and inspiration to take their businesses and careers to new levels of success.

If you have any specific questions you’d like our Experts to address, please email them to me, John Cox at [email protected].


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Questions from our Readers
Answered by Michael Pollock

I currently work for a TV Rep firm in Manhattan as a Senior Research Analyst. Although I love the industry, I find the position is not challenging, especially considering that I feel I am very capable. There are not many opportunities for me to advance, so I have pretty much given up any thought of becoming a Research Director. I am very analytical, but also have managerial experience with a part-time job in which I work as a Supervisor at a Fund-raising company. Another interest of mine is in TV Network Programming.

The problem as you know is with the job market and the fact that I don’t know too many people that I can network with. I have looked into marketing associations that I could join (such as CTAM), but it would be a big investment and I don’t know if the payback would be worth it. I’m not sure if I will be able to find a Research Director’s position that will hire me without having experience as a director.

Should I go to recruiters for assistance? I feel pretty lost right now and frustrated because I know with my 7 years of experience I should be doing much more than I am currently am. On a side note, my reviews have always been stellar.

Thank you and I look forward to any advice you can provide me.

It’s never too late to start building a network.  You should talk to anyone who might have the insight you need. Absolutely talk to a recruiter  a good one will give you valuable advice. Talk to several recruiters. But don’t expect them to place you  they have a hard enough time getting exact matches into jobs and are unlikely to take on the challenge of a transition in title or niche.

Your idea of going to professional meetings is an excellent one. But you don’t have to join expensive associations. Start with meetups of people in the fields you are interested in pursuing. Many of these are free or cost $10 or $15 dollars. Start by looking on garysguide.com or Bernardo’s List. Google search for industry meetups in your area. Go to LinkedIn and connect to people in the fields you are interested in. Follow the relevant group discussions there. See what is being talked about. Join in and ask for advice.

Also you can search Twitter for conversations that relate to your fields of interest. Your objective at the moment should be to make connections and find out what is available and what it takes to get there. Perhaps there is a small firm that would welcome your particular experience but can’t afford to recruit someone already at the director level.

If you can make the case that you know a particular sector, have excellent skills and managerial experience, then present this information in your resume  craft your story – don’t be half-hearted about it, say it with confidence and go for it.

And a quick note from Cynthia: Remember, a good Research Director is very difficult post to fill, so keep an eye on the classifieds. These jobs do come around with some frequency and if you have the skills, you are infinitely hire-able!  Good luck!

How many times should I contact a company after an interview? I have sent a thank you note, should I know call or when do I call it quits and move on?

I suggest a second note after 1 week and another after three weeks. A friendly note that simply reminds them of you and your interest is what is called for. Don’ t ask them to get in touch or update you  they have enough to do already, but remind them that you are serious and still very interested. After those, you should move on. The truth is you should have moved on anyway  don’ t have all your emotional eggs in one basket. Keep track so you remember to send the follow up notes but as soon as you have been interviewed you should be working on finding the next opportunity.

I’ve been reading the Classified Advantage for a few months now. Rightfully so there has been a lot of talk about how to find a job during tough time, but I was wondering what advice you have for those of us starting a new job?

In my case specifically I’m relocating (thanks for that helpful article!) to a new office within my company for a brand new position that has just been created. Any advice you can offer someone who either just got that new job or for someone like me who is starting to carve a brand new path?

One of the big things is to get agreement on goals for the new position. The second big thing is to set up effective lines of communication upwards, downwards and laterally within the organization.

First communicate upwards. Get your manager’s attention and get in sync on priorities and discover what she is really hoping you will achieve. Many tears have been shed because a new hire had their own ideas and had not understood what the expectations were. So be proactive in this regard: present your plan of action so that you can frame the conversation  but be ready to refine it so that it is in line with what the organization is looking for.

Next communicate downwards and laterally  it is usually the case that you need to work with team-mates and with other departments and you will need the assistance of resources within the organization. Figure out who and what you will need and introduce yourself. Tell them what you will be trying to achieve and enlist their help.

Sure you will get a lot of advice  much of it will be helpful  some of it not  so keep your objectivity and freshness. You will learn a lot about who will be helpful and who will need winning over.

Michael Pollock is President of Pollock Spark ( www.pollockspark ). He is an Executive Coach and Consultant to Creative and Media Professionals

Have a question for our experts? Send it to [email protected]


responsible for the management of all off air projects from inception through completion

Project Manager Spike
MTV Networks

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working with the marketing, creative & programming teams within NBCU’s global entertainment brands
Global Brand Director- Syfy Channel   1110384
NBC Universal
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produce research for National Advertising Sales using syndicated research tools to effectively position USA Network in the marketplace
Manager, USA Ad Sales Research   1138662
NBC Universal
http://www.nbcunicareers.com /

produce research for National Advertising Sales using syndicated research tools to effectively position Syfy in the marketplace
Manager, Syfy Ad Sales Research   1138711
NBC Universal
http://www.nbcunicareers.com /

lead brand strategies and marketing communications for one or more shows on the network
Director Brand Marketing   1121136
NBC Universal
http://www.nbcunicareers.com /

generating insights about MSNBC’s consumer segments, programming categories and markets through the coordinated analysis of proprietary and syndicated data sources
Director, Consumer Insights   1120978
NBC Universal
http://www.nbcunicareers.com /

creating, producing and supervising the “The Dylan Ratigan Show”
Senior Producer News Segment   1122561
NBC Universal
http://www.nbcunicareers.com /

assisting with planning, designing, overseeing, analyzing and reporting voice of consumer primary research projects for Syfy and USA Network programming
Manager, Syfy & USA Primary Research   1138723
NBC Universal
http://www.nbcunicareers.com /

creating promos and campaigns for the Chiller Channel as well as collaborating with the Creative Director on overall needs for the network
Writer / Producer / Editor – Chiller Network   1138601
NBC Universal
http://www.nbcunicareers.com /

supporting the sales team in planning, executing and monitoring the online advertising programs of CBS Interactive’s customer base
Account Coordinator   4556BR
CBS Interactive

collect, analyze and interpret Nielsen data for ad-hoc requests and recurring reports
Analyst / Sr. Analyst, Research
MTV Networks
http://www.mtvnetworkscareers.com /

manage day-to-day online content and e-communications needs for MTVN CDM, focusing primarily on mtvn.com and related activities
Coordinator, Business Operations
MTV Networks
http://www.mtvnetworkscareers.com /

manage all day to day DVD production and operation responsibilities of the International Home Video Business
Coordinator, Int’l Home Video
MTV Networks
http://www.mtvnetworkscareers.com /

generates online sales plans under the direction of SVP Sales and account executives
Sales Planner   116555BR
Warner Bros. Entertainment Group

assisting with planning, designing, overseeing, analyzing and reporting voice of consumer primary research projects (i.e. surveys, focus groups, pilot tests) for Syfy and USA Network programming
Manager, Syfy & USA Primary Research   1138723
NBC Universal
http://www.nbcunicareers.com /

plan and implement advertiser initiatives and campaigns across Bravo Media
Coordinator, Ad Sales Marketing – Bravo   1140618
NBC Universal
http://www.nbcunicareers.com /

generate maximum, positive press for Bravo’s programming
Communications Manager – Bravo   1140819
NBC Universal
http://www.nbcunicareers.com /

creating and managing this unique sales process, resulting in more effective business development and a competitive advantage for the Company
Inside Sales Director   116135BR
Time Inc

provide internal and external coordination which supports and advances the annual business plan and strategies developed by the manager within a broad range of categories
Licensing Coordinator
MTV Networks
http://www.mtvnetworkscareers.com /

manage all day to day DVD production and operation responsibilities of the International Home Video Business
Coordinator, Int’l Home Video
MTV Networks
http://www.mtvnetworkscareers.com /

manage day-to-day online content and e-communications needs for MTVN CDM, focusing primarily on mtvn.com and related activities. Support other Business Operations functions as needed
Coordinator, Business Operations
MTV Networks
http://www.mtvnetworkscareers.com /

prepare the operating expense budget, five-year strategic plan and forecasts for Customer Marketing & Sales and Research
Sr. Analyst Ad Sales Operations   227279

interface between the company and our advertising clients  facilitating and executing the advertising sales strategy for the company’s idle screen platform
Director, Advertising Sales
Mobile Posse

PR & marketing for all entertainment brands in the German speaking territories, currently Cartoon Network, TNT Film, TNT Series, Boomerang and Adult Swim
Director PR & Marketing Entertainment Networks   116459BR
Turner Broadcasting
Munich Germany

growing the reach of NBC Universal’s proprietary SVOD services via territory expansion as well as creation of new services
Development Executive   1139301
NBC Universal
London England
http://www.nbcunicareers.com /

planning and implementing subscriber acquisition and retention strategies for a premium on-demand TV service
Marketing Manager   1139279
NBC Universal
London England
http://www.nbcunicareers.com /

growing the reach of NBC Universal’s proprietary SVOD services via territory expansion as well as creation of new services
Development Executive   1139301
NBC Universal
London England
http://www.nbcunicareers.com /

develop, grow and maintain profitable directional business over the long term by providing planning and optimal service to our client base
Account Executive, Directional Media
DAC Group
Toronto ON

provide senior account direction and account management to the local offices’ client base
Digital Account Director
DAC Group
Montreal QC

generate and maintain a strong enough pipeline to ensure that the local offices’ new business revenue targets are met on a continuous basis
Business Development Manager, Digital
DAC Group
Purchase NY

provide senior account direction and account management to the local offices’ client base
Digital Account Director
DAC Group
Purchase NY

managing the day-to-day operations and people of up to several smaller teams of Developers
Manager Application Development    219607
Bristol CT

prospecting and selling Company’s mobile CRM and mobile advertising solutions into new carrier accounts
Director, Carrier Sales and Business Development
Mobile Posse
McLean VA

analyze and synthesize the CRM & advertising needs in the mobile sector
Director of Product Management
Mobile Posse
McLean VA

steward the seamless ideation, production and delivery of linear and digital sponsorships for Turner Sports
Manager, Strategy & Sponsorships, TNT-Marketing   116565BR
Turner Broadcasting
Atlanta GA

train various cable system sales groups on key attributes of HBO/Cinemax as well as attend special events
Sales Development Executive   116579BR
Atlanta GA

manage the design, content, production, circulation, fulfillment and expenses of Now Playing
Mgr, Brand Development TCM Publishing   116509BR
Turner Broadcasting
Atlanta GA

provide senior account direction and account management to the local offices’ client base
Digital Account Director
DAC Group
Louisville KY

working closely with Deportes Digital Sales Manager to take accounts to order and oversee campaign delivery
Sales Coordinator    225027
Miami FL

driving revenue, developing and maintaining strategic advertising accounts, sponsorship deals and corporate level accounts around existing and new station projects
Sales Account Executive – WMAQ-TV   1140817
NBC Universal
Chicago IL
http://www.nbcunicareers.com /

drive and grow AdReady’s revenue by building client relationships
Account Executive
Seattle WA

keep projects moving every step of the way, from strategy to implementation to end-of-project learnings and do it all on time
Account Manager
Seattle WA

3 Positions!
establishing Brickfish as The Social Media Solution™ and driving sales in their region
Director of Sales
Los Angeles, Chicago, NYC

lead online, WAP and all other digital acquisition marketing efforts for the US and Canada
Director WAP and On Line Marketing     FFE15116
Fox Mobile Group
Los Angeles CA

spearheads marketing initiatives that support distribution for the FCN portfolio
Director, Affiliate Marketing   FNG18390
Fox Cable Networks
Los Angeles CA

managing product schedules and availability announcements to global partners (in conjunction with Programming team) and coordination of marketing assets and activities with int’l offices and Burbank-based teams
Manager, Marketing- International   115752BR
Warner Bros. Entertainment Group
Burbank CA

research and reports relating to the national and local performance of The CW Television Network
Director Research   115861BR
The CW Network
Burbank CA

responsible for developing the Green Light Management system (including Portfolio Management capabilities)
Vice President, Project Management & Process   116560BR
Warner Bros. Entertainment Group
Burbank CA

generates online sales plans under the direction of SVP Sales and account executives
Sales Planner   116556BR
Warner Bros. Entertainment Group
Burbank CA

develops and executes deals with new clients. Identifies potential clients, relevant content, and business models. Negotiates and structures deals and works with legal to close transactions
Director, Business Development   116503BR
Warner Bros. Entertainment Group
Burbank CA

creating custom content & administering campaigns & promotions in a turn-key manner for Sales clients over multiple platforms
Director Marketing   1123250
NBC Universal – NBC Local Media
Burbank CA
http://www.nbcunicareers.com /

provide creative support in the production of Theatrical Marketing campaigns for Universal Pictures
Director Creative Advertising   1138618
NBC Universal – Film
Universal City CA
http://www.nbcunicareers.com /

review and analyze contracts related to the production of motion pictures, including above-the-line talent, acquisition of rights, distribution, and financing agreements
Manager Business Affairs Administration   1131294
NBC Universal – Film
Universal City CA
http://www.nbcunicareers.com /

managing all aspects involving the development of strategic programming to maximize Network performance across program properties and promotional efforts for mun2
Director, Programming -mun2   1126679
NBC Universal
Universal City CA
http://www.nbcunicareers.com /

responsible for related proactive media outreach, industry relations
Senior Manager, Communications – Product & Technology   FIM17376
MySpace US
San Francisco CA


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Cynopsis CLASSIFIEDSFor More classifieds, visit the Cynopsis.com classifieds page herealso check out our Facebook page where our classifieds are listed the night before the editions are published!

JOB OPENING: SR ANALYST, RESEARCH /Music Choice, NYC: Support multi-platform sales, mrktng& prgrmng initiatives w/accurate & actionable research. BA/BS 3-5 yrs media rsrch exp. req./1 yr VOD rsrch strongly pref. [email protected] (2/5)

JOB OPENING: NCC DIGITAL MEDIA SALES ASSOC/ATL, DAL, CHI: Online sales & intro, devel & execution of Interactive TV/Mob/VOD campaigns. 2-4 yrs exp in digital; fluency w/ analytics & ad-serving tech. Resume: [email protected] (2/5)

JOB OPENING: ABC RESEARCH TEMP/ABC Burbank. Track/Analyze the perf of ABC prog. across all platforms. Min3 yrs exp TV res.., apt at Nielsen, strong written & analytical skills, college degree req. Resumes: [email protected] (2/5)

JOB OPENING:  DIGITAL CAMPAIGN SPECIALIST, AD SALES PLANNING/AETN/NY:Asst AE in post sale execution & delivery to maximize ad revenue for AETN. Strong comm& org skills. Work well under pressure.Apply: www.aetn.com/careers.html (2/5)

JOB OPENING:  ACCT MANAGER/Sirius XM Radio/NYC, L.A., Chicago: Develops new business for radio advertising sales at client & agency levels. Full sales cycle of radio ad sales. Apply: www.sirius.com/careers Reqs 5005, 5006, 5007 (2/5)

JOB OPENING:  AD SALES PLANNER/DIRECTV/NYC: 1-3 Yrs experience in sales support or media buying. Strong MS Office & communication skills.BA/BS degree. Passion for Ad Sales. Apply: www.directv.com/careers Req. 1000080 (2/5)

JOB OPENING:  MGR COMM / SR DESIGNER/ SR DVLPR /marblemedia/Toronto: All three positions available and can be viewed:  http://www.marblemedia.com/mail/mail_jobs.php Resumes should be sent no later 2/5 to: [email protected] (2/5)

JOB OPENING:  EPG COORDINATOR/CURRENT TV LA: Manage EPG presence. Watch shows, research material to create descriptions/titles that will catch our viewers’ attention. www.current.com for more details. [email protected] (2/2)

JOB OPENING:  SR. DIR, INTEGRATED MARKETING/MTV/NYC: 7+ yrs exp. creating successful 360 mktg campaigns a must; 3 + yrs mgt exp a must; B.A required. EOE/M/F/D/AAP www.mtvnetworkscareers.com (2/2)

JOB OPENING:  AFFL MRKTG, MRKTG COORD/Univision/NYC: REQS: Proactive. Multitasker. A1 Excel & PP skills. Provide: Admin, Creative & Campaign Dept Support. Maintain website. Send resume: [email protected] EOE (2/2)

JOB OPENING:  AFFILIATE MRKTG, INTEGRATED SOLUTIONS MGR/Univision/NYC: Develop/Execute distributor marketing and media partnerships/exp in media and consumer marketing/ Spanish fluent a plus send resume: [email protected] EOE (2/2)

JOB OPENING:  NAT’L ACCT EXEC/NYC: Newly formed Outside Television (partnership between RSN Resort TV & Outside magazine): Ad sales/sponsorship/content/web – 5 yrs TV sales/est’d relationships w/ buyers/clients.  Resume:  [email protected]   (2/2)

INTERNSHIPS – These positions are for credit only – nobody gets paid here. These ads are always posted for free , and students work for school credit only. For more information on the specs for posting an Internship ad, email Trish at [email protected] .

SPRING INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: EDITING INTERNSHIP Nick Davis Productions offers a short-term internship in NYC. Job: Help edit development reels for production company. Editing experience on Final Cut Pro a must. [email protected] (2/5)

SPRING INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: WEB INTERN: Animated, pre-school TV show. Update/maintain our website. Creative skills a plus. Admin duties including heavy filing. 20hrs/wk. Paid commute. Cover/resume to [email protected] (2/3)

SPRING INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY:  PRODUCTION INTERN: Animated, pre-school TV show. Exporting and labeling storyboards, formatting and labeling designs, admin duties including heavy filing. 20hrs/wk. Paid commute. Cover/resume to [email protected] (2/3)


Spike TV elevated John Griffin to SVP/Programming where he will continue supervising all scheduling and media planning on behalf of the network and its programming acquisitions. Based in New York City, John reports to Kevin Kay, President, Spike TV.  Well done John!

Scripps Networks appointed Soheila Ataei as SVP/Human Resources, Travel Channel Media. Soheila will head HR duties for the Travel Channel and its related businesses while based at Travel Channel offices in Chevy Chase, MD. 

Ian Black joins Worldwide Biggies as VP/Corporate Development and Product Strategy. Ian will concentrate on developing new character-based brands via online and mobile entertainment.

Dara Cohen was named VP/Content Strategy with Island Def Jam Music Group. Dara was hired to create original film, television and web content for the company and its artists. Based in Los Angeles, Dara reports to Antonio ‘L.A.’ Reid, Chairman.

VMS added Joseph J. Scotti to the newly created position as SVP/Broadcast Media and Affiliate Relations. Joseph will be the primary contact across all media with an emphasis on television stations and cable and broadcast television networks. Joseph is charged with developing partnerships, affiliations and new business opportunities on behalf of both VMS and the broadcaster.  Welcome back Joe!

John Terenzio was tapped as Executive Producer for CBS Television Distribution’s (CTD) new syndicated program Swift Justice With Nancy Grace. John is also EP for the syndicated court show Judge Joe Brown, also distributed by CTD, and will continue in this position as well.

Tracie Savage, a veteran anchor/reporter at KNBC/Los Angeles, has established Tracie Savage Communications, a firm providing companies with media and presentation training.

Global talent management firm, Korn/Ferry International hired Sean Scanlon as Senior Client Partner/Media and Entertainment Sector. In his new position, Sean will be based in New York. Previously, Sean worked for Sucherman Consulting Group, Inc. as President/Executive Search Business and a senior management consultant.

Stephen Colafrancesco was promoted to Corporate VP/Marketing with Bright House Networks, effective February 8. Since 2004, Stephen was the company’s VP/Marketing for the Tampa Bay Division. In his new role, Stephen will head all marketing efforts for the company nationwide for systems in Bakersfield, Birmingham, Detroit, Indianapolis, Orlando (Central) and Tampa. Based at company headquarters in Orlando, Stephen will report to Kevin Hyman, EVP/Cable Operations, Bright House Networks.

Damona Resnick-Hoffman advanced to VP/Alternative Programming at Syfy up from Director/Alternative Programming, a position she has held since March 2008. Damona will supervise the creative aspects and daily production on the network’s Ghost Hunters franchise in addition to developing new unscripted programming. Based in Los Angeles, Damona continues to report to Mark Stern, EVP/Original Content, Syfy and Co-Head/Original Content, Universal Cable Productions.

Digitas added Ashley Swartz as SVP for the company’s New York office. Ashley, who joins from Ag8, Ltd. where she served as North American Interim CEO, will head Digitas’ Samsung business including Samsung.com. She reports to Seth Solomons, Global CMO, Digitas.

Brie Miranda Bryant was upped to Director/Development at Oxygen Media, effective immediately. In her new position, Brie will oversee the development of original programming as well as supervise brand extensions. Brie reports to Bryan Hale, VP/Original Programming and Development.

CBS Local Digital Media hired Ezra Kucharz as President/Local Digital Media, effective February 16. Ezra will be in charge of developing and implementing CBS’ local online media strategy encompassing digital operations of CBS’ 29 O&Os and CBS Radio’s 36 stations. Most recently, Ezra was President/GM of FiLife.com.

MTV Networks Latin America named Eduardo Lebrija Martinez-Lavin as VP/Country Manager for MTVN Mexico. Eduardo succeeds Carlos Magana, who is departing the company to pursue other opportunities. Based in Mexico City, Eduardo will report to Sofia Ioannou, Managing Director, MTVN Latin America.

Turner Broadcasting named former BBC executive Michael Carrington to the position of Chief Content Officer EMEA to replace Finn Arnesen following his departure last October. Michael will be in charge of developing and creating original series, co-productions and program acquisitions for Turner Broadcasting’s roster of children’s networks in the UK and EMEA including Cartoon Network, Boomerang and Cartoonito.

FOX Broadcasting Company made a few executive changes within its Current Programming leadership team:

  • Shana C. Waterman and James Oh have both been upped to VPs/Current Programming. Both will manage all facets involving production and will serve as the main creative contacts for the network’s slate of new and returning series. Shana and James will report to Marcy Ross, EVP/Current Programming.
  • David Sleven moves into the role of Director/Current Programming. David previously was Manager/Comedy Development at Fox. In his new position, David heads daily management of current FOX programs and will also report to Marcy Ross.

As Madison Square Garden (MSG) spins off from Cablevision Systems Corporation on February 9 becoming a stand-alone public entity, several key senior managers were named. Robert Pollichino was appointed EVP/CFO; Lawrence Burian will be EVP/General Counsel and Secretary; and Joseph Lhota was tapped for the new position of EVP/Administration. All three will report to Hank Ratner, who becomes President/CEO of MSG.

John Redpath started this Monday at Canoe Ventures as SVP/General Counsel, reporting to David Verklin, CEO. Most recently, John was Chief Legal Officer at United States Golf Association and prior to that was SVP/General Counsel at Time, Inc.

Michael Norris joined W Radio in Southern California owned by Grupo Latino de Radio (GLR) as NSM. Michael is charged with boosting national accounts, sales strategy, sponsorships and advertising revenue for the station. Prior to this appointment, Michael worked for ten years at independent radio rep firm, Interep.

LogicLab Inc. hired Lauren Lanzi in the newly created position of Account Management Director. Lauren will supervise the company’s client relations with advertisers, agencies and media buyers. Previously, Lauren was Ad Sales Research Director at National Geographic Channel in New York.

Liberman Broadcasting, Inc. (LBI Media) tapped Bill Acker as VP/New York Network, National Sales. Bill will head national sales in the Northeast region for the Estrella TV network, reporting to Mike Reid, EVP/National Sales and based in New York City.

A Squared (A2) Entertainment appointed several to its executive team: Gregory Payne as CIO/General Counsel; Darren Romanelli as Creative Director; and Sidney Iwanter as Story Editor. All three will jointly report to Andy Heyward, A2 Founder/CEO and Co-Founder Amy Moynihan Heyward.

Flavio Morales was elevated to SVP/Programming and Production at mun2, effective immediately. Flavio will now manage both the West and East Coast Production teams for the network.

Turner Broadcasting elevated Pete Flamman in his position as SVP/Entertainment, Northern Europe to now head Turner’s UK Entertainment business. Pete’s expanded role is effective immediately where he will supervise the UK kids’ channels including Cartoon Network, Boomerang, Cartoonito and CN Too as well as TCM and Adult Swim. Pete presently manages the North Europe region consisting of Germany, Central and Eastern Europe, Pan and Nordic. Pete replaces Dee Forbes who recently left Turner for Discovery Networks UK. Pete reports to Jeff Kupsky, President, Turner Broadcasting Europe.

Janet Han Vissering advanced to SVP/Development and Co-Finance with National Geographic Channels International (NGCI) up from SVP/Strategic Development and Co-Finance, a position she has held for the last seven years. Janet will now be in charge of developing all third party programming and working with financing partners as well as overseeing the company’s relationship with outside production entities in the US, Europe, Asia and Latin America. Janet steps into this position following Geoff Daniels who was just appointed global executive to head programming for Nat Geo Wild.

Later — John
   John Cox for Cynopsis: Classified Advantage
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