Cynopsis: DIGITAL
Good morning, it’s Tuesday, February 22, 2011, and this is your first early morning digital briefing. If you would like to read this or any other Cynopsis edition online, click here.
CEO David Wei and COO Elvis Lee of the Chinese e-commerce site have resigned after an internal probe revealed that more than 2,000 sellers were committing fraud on the site. Online storefronts were set up by fake companies to intentionally defraud global buyers, according to Alibaba, and a number of employees were in on the scams. The company’s board has appointed Jonathan Lu, who is also CEO of sister company (China’s largest domestic e-commerce site) as its new CEO.
Verizon FiOS reached retrans and TV Everywhere agreements with Disney for the carriage of ABC-owned stations and the launch of officially-sanctioned live streaming offerings that will enable FiOS subscribers to watch ESPN, ESPN2, ESPNU and basketball highlights channel ESPN Buzzer Beater live online. The affiliate agreement also fleshes out a plan to make the programming available on tablets and smartphones in the “near future.”
Following the launch of ESPN 3D, 3Net and HBO 3D On Demand, Comcast has sweetened the pot for 3D TV owners with the launch of a new 24-hour Xfinity 3D channel featuring mostly NHL Hockey and music programming. Comcast also announced that there have been more than one million 3D views On Demand since the 3D broadcast of the Masters in April 2010.
Disney is also preparing to test a new premium VOD service that would make new PPV films available to home audiences weeks after they leave theaters, per The NYPost.
In a move to boost overall usage of the platform, The BBC introduced a new feature for its online catch-up service iPlayer that allows viewers to search for on demand content from other broadcasters including ITV, Channel 4, S4C, Five and The content is accessible either via the site’s “schedule widget” or via search.
Fast growing local coupon site Groupon is getting ready to launch a service in China and is currently interviewing applicants in its new Beijing offices, reports the WSJ.
Outside Television, sister network for print publication Outside magazine, has launched a multimedia campaign with Ford to elicit user-generated responses to the question: What kind of adventure trip would you take with your family in a new Ford Explorer? Consumers can submit stories in the form of essays, photos and videos through several websites, including and Facebook. A 10-webisode series will be produced to highlight select stories, which will also be used by Ford in television, print, online, social media and tablet apps.
The Dept. of Justice and the FTC are looking into the reach of Apple‘s new subscription plan, according to reports in the WSJ and Reuters. While publishers and developers are up in arms about Apple’s desire to keep 30% of the revenue from in app publications, regulatory bodies are more worried about Apple’s desire to try and regulate prices outside of the iPad environment. (Apple’s policy states that any subscription deal made outside of the app must also be offered within the app at the same price or at a cheaper price.)
Professional video produced, published and hosted by online-only and cross-platform media brands rose by 47.1% in 2010 to 72.3 billion views, the highest growth rate seen since ’07, according to new research from AccuStream. Episodic TV viewing (over 10 billion long-form views were tallied) made up 14.5% of total views. Video views per unique user per site per month jumped by 51% to 6.2 across all categories, with internet-only brands delivering 9 views – significantly higher than the average. Online-only brands (including those owned and operated by major media) generated 63.1% of total views, an increase of 20% y/y, while cable/premium TV branded sites controlled another 26.3%. Entertainment/Kids video made up 24.4% of the market, followed by television-related content at 23.6%. Video aggregators originated 17.2% of 2010 video views.
The top three web categories in Jan. were (predictably) job sites, travel sites and tax sites according to ComScore, which also released its top 50 visited sites for the month topped by Yahoo, Google and Microsoft. Tribune Interactive sites climbed 9 spots to jump to #32 with 31.8 million visitors while jumped 11 positions to #36 with 29.8 million visitors.
The plethora of Android-based devices introduced in Barcelona last week should make Pay TV operators sit up and take notice. There will be an installed base of 140 million Android portable devices, including smartphones and tablets, by the end of 2011, according to new IMS Research projections, which is encouraged by Android’s new 3.0 Honeycomb operating system and enhancements to the Android Market website.
Facebook Messenger by Hong Kong-based developer Crisp App adds mobile-to-mobile and mobile-to-web Voice-over-IP calling to your iPhone’s Facebook account. The $3 app features a simple interface; when you log onto your Facebook account via Facebook Messenger, you pull up a list of friends that are currently online. In addition to making free VoIP calls, (web users will be directed to a website where they can download a free Flash-based voice app), you can send pictures, view a friend’s wall, use emoticons and receive instant replies.
The new $.99 Oscar Backstage Pass App from Disney/ABC TV Digital Media for iPhone or iPad is offering a range of content before, during and after the Academy Awards show on Sunday. The interface includes a countdown timer and actually transforms itself once the red carpet festivities begin; past clips and preparation videos give way to live backstage camera feeds and video coverage, extending through the Governors Ball after the show.
The rich get richer and the poor get slower, internet connections that is. Data released last week from the Commerce Dept. revealed that faster internet speeds often fall among economic lines in the U.S., and that faster connections can often be obtained for cheaper prices in wealthier communities. To help educate consumers and increase awareness, the National Telecommunications and Information Admin. (NTIA) launched a nationwide Broadband Map that allows you to search for broadband options in your neighborhood, explore the national distribution map of services or analyze provider data by pricing, availability or speed. The map shows that between 5-10% of Americans are still unable to connect at minimum broadband speeds (4 mpbs up/1 mbps down) required to run most basic applications. While the idea here is good, the execution leaves much to be desired; for instance, the NTIA has done little testing to determine what speeds ISPs are actually delivering. I recommend longtime broadband ratings site DSL Reports if you want some real data. DSL Reports (registration required, but it’s free) relies on speed tests performed by users to rank broadband offerings, which are searchable by zip code.
Later – Wayne
Wayne Karrfalt for Cynopsis: Digital
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JOB OPENING: SR ANALYST/BRAVO/NYC: Provide top line, detailed analyses covering Bravo’s online properties & competitors. Produce traffic estimates & rationale for sales.2 yrs online rsrch, exp w/Omniture. 942BR (3/1)
JOB OPENING: ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE/TV Guide Network/LA: AE w/ 5+ yrs national cable ad sales exp a must. Multi-platform sales exp preferred. Competitive salary commensurate w/ exp & excellent benefits program [email protected] (3/1)
JOB OPENING: AFFIL MKTG MGR/ATL: 3+ yrs affil mrkting.Key Industry contacts req. Exp. w/Excel/Ppt/Keynote/Illustrator. Prior exp. with dev. & impl. trade shows. Prov mrkting/sales supp to Affil team. Res: [email protected] (3/1)
JOB OPENING: AFFIL MKTG COORD/ATL: Prior mktg exp.Strong org skills w/event plan’g exp. Exp. w/ Excel/Photoshp/Ppt/Keynote/Illus.Prior exp. w/ dev. & impl. trade shows. Prov admin supp to Affil Mktg team. Res: [email protected] (3/1)
JOB OPENING: STAFF ACCOUNTANT/OVATION/ARTS TV/Santa Monica.Monthly invoicing.Maint Affil DB. JE’s. Monthly closings & financial statements.BA deg Acctg, Finance, Busn Admin. 3-5 yrs exp. Email resume: [email protected] (3/1)
JOB OPENING: OPERATIONS MGR/NewsOne/NY: To support/maintain day-to-day technical ops of the NewsOne systems. Maintain & grow NewsOne affiliate/client website NewsOneNET. apply at: ID 275299 (3/1)
JOB OPENING: DISNEY MEDIA SALES & MARKETING/NYC: Integrated cross platform sales org, create customized ads for assets in TV, Online, Radio & Print has Research jobs: Please apply at: Req # 260250/274875/274920 (3/1)
JOB OPENING: PROJECT MANAGER/MOVIE ADS/NICK CREATIVE ADV/Nickelodeon/NYC. 4+yrs Proj/Prod Mgmt exp in movie promotion, Strng Org & Negotiating skills, Resolve creat/ budg conflicts EOE/M/F/D/AAP.Apply (2/26)
JOB OPENING: SALES PLANNER/ION Media Networks/New York, NY: Seeks Planner for network spot sales. BA, 2 to 3 years network sales planning experience, works with AE & Sales Assistant. Apply at [email protected] EOE (2/26)
JOB OPENING: ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE/ION Media Networks/New York, NY: Seeks AE for network spot sales. 3 to 5 years exp preferred TV adv, est relationships & proven track record. Apply at [email protected] EOE (2/26)
JOB OPENING: PROG RESEARCH MGR/NICKELODEON/NYC: 4+ yrs TV ratings resrch; expertise Nielsen (Startrak, Npower, Aud Watch), Deep knwlg TV ind, ratings, media math. EOE/M/F/D/AAP.Apply (2/26)
JOB OPENING: SALES PLANNER/AT&T Advanced Ad Solutions/LA: Sales Planner-AT&T Uverse (IPTV). 2+ yrs sales and media planning exp. Apply- https://att. =1 (2/26)
JOB OPENING: PROGRAM ADVERTISING MGR (CONSUMER MARKETING)/HBO/NY: Must have 5-7 yrs exp. Studio/entertainment mktg exp preferred and passion for pop culture. Creative briefs, media plans, budgets Apply here: (2/26)
JOB OPENING: INTERACTIVE ART DIRECTOR/HBO/NY: supports team. 5-7 yrs exp web/graphic design. Flash, adobe creative suite, html skills a must. Supervisory exp req. Apply: (2/26)
JOB OPENING: DIGITAL PROJECT MGR/HBO/NY: supports the development, launch and ongoing management of HBO’s digital subscriber products — HBO GO and MAX GO. 3-5yrs pm exp. Apply: (2/26)
JOB OPENING: ASSOC MGR, SALES & MKTG ANALYSIS/HBO/NY: supports Sales, Mktng, Research and sr management with analysis and reporting. 3+ yrs of quantitative analytic exp. Apply: (2/26)
JOB OPENING: MRG, PRGM RESEARCH/AETN/NY: Provide research-based analysis & insight to support AETN Prgmg, Mktg, Sched & PR. 3+ yrs exp in tv research. Must be familiar with Nielsen data. Apply: (2/26)
JOB OPENING: DIR, DIST MKTG/AETN/NY: Dev strategic mktg plans & mng projects in support of Dist across all brands. 7 + yrs cable mktg exp.Apply: (2/26)
JOB OPENING: SR. BUYER LOCAL TV & RADIO /Active Int’l in Pearl River, NY (15 miles from NYC): Min 3 – 5 yrs in major market radio buying exp. req’d. Resumes to: [email protected] or call 845-732-8943 1/19/11 (2/25)
JOB OPENING: ASST. MKTG MGR/truTV/NYC: Assist w/development & execution of multi-platform consumer campaigns; support brand strategy dept in daily activities(develop adv. strategy, briefs, show positioning) 122065BR:Asst. Mkt Mgr (2/25)
JOB OPENING: PRODUCTION ACCOUNTANT/TalkShow/NY: 10 yr+ experience in production accounting/cost reporting/estimating. Apply: [email protected] (2/25)
JOB OPENING: DESIGN DIRECTOR/USA Network/NYC: Responsible for the overall look & feel of network’s on-air design, extending onto new media platforms, Maintain/evolve visual style, mng/sprvs a team. req#1039 (2/25)
JOB OPENING: MOBILE ADVRTSING SALES EXEC/Greystripe Mobile Advertising/ATL: If you have 3+ yrs interactive or mobile advrtsng sales exp you may be our perfect teammate. To apply: (2/24)
JOB OPENING: OUTREACH DIR/HITN-TV/NYC: Oversee local/national outreach for children’s media education initiative. Early childhood education, literacy, fluent in Spanish a +. Apply at: (2/24)
JOB OPENING: MANAGER, CONSUMER MARKETING & MEDIA STRATEGY/National Geographic Channel/DC: Mktg campaigns for off-air priorities. 5+ yrs promo mktg/ ad agency/ media exp. Apply: , FNG0000254 (2/24)
JOB OPENING: SR. WRITER/PROD, CLIENT SOLUTIONS/HGTV/Knoxville, TN: Create innovative content for brand & advertisers wkg w/Ad Sales Mktg & Prgming to drive ratings/revenue. 5yrs promo/commercial exp. #2159 (2/24)
JOB OPENING: AD SLS ACCOUNT EXEC/20TH TV/NY: 4+ yrs sls exp; dev strong relationship w/advertisers, grow existing and new business; prform v. budget/sales; (EOE) for more info/apply: Email: [email protected] (2/24)
JOB OPENING: PROJECT MANAGER/CORP SIZZLES, NIC CREATIVE ADV/Nickelodeon/NYC: 4+yrs Proj/Prod Mgmt exp in video production, Strng Org & Negotiating skills, TV spot prod exp EOE/M/F/D/AAP. Apply (2/23)
JOB OPENING: DIRECTOR PACKAGED GOODS/Nickelodeon/NYC: 4+yrs Licensing/Marketing in CPG Industry, HealthBeau Cat exp A+, Strng Org/Comm/Negotiation/Presentation skills, EOE/M/F/D/AAP. Apply (2/23)
JOB OPENING: SR RSCH ANALYST/DISCOVERY/NY: 2+ yrs exp Nat’l media rsrch from cable, brdcst, synd or ad agency; Nat’l Nielsen systems & data knwlg a must. Detail oriented/strong written/oral comm skills. # 3024 (2/23)
JOB OPENING: VP, DIST MKTG/DISCOVERY/SS: dvlp & oversee implmnt of all DCI Ntwrk strgy; 8+ yrs exp Mrktg, sls &/or acct mgmt.; 5+ yrs client facing role; cable TV exp strongly preferred. # 3240 (2/23)
JOB OPENING: VP, MTVN STANDARDS & PRACTICES/NICKELODEON/NYC: responsible for implementation of brand consistency & risk mngmnt for all Nickelodeon brands on all platforms. BA deg. pref’d. (2/23)
JOB OPENING: DIGITAL SALES PLANNER/NYC: High paced digital advertising music focused company. We are one of largest music centric companies on web. DIGITAL EXPERIENCE A MUST IN ORDER TO APPLY. Email resume: [email protected] (2/23)
JOB OPENING: WRITER, ONAIR CREATIVE/NICKjr/NYC: 3+ yrs copywriting/brand communication. Relate to a preschooler mindset & develop level. Excellent promo writing/org/comm skills. EOE/M/F/D/AAP Apply (2/23)
JOB OPENING: BUS DEV INTERACTIVE VIDEO / Introduce new hyper-interactive video tech to agencies, ad servers & brands; neg. partnership deals; 3+yrs relevant exp. Resumes [email protected] (2/23)
JOB OPENING: SHOWRUNNER/NYC: Needed for home two construction shows. Must have recent construction show experience as EP or Showrunner. Please send resume to [email protected] (2/23)
INTERNSHIPS – These positions are for credit only – nobody gets paid here. These ads are always posted for free , and students work for school credit only. For more information on the specs for posting an Internship ad, email Trish at [email protected].
SPRING INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: PR intern/Los Angeles: For award winning actress.6 months. unpaid, handling all faucets of PR press kits, appearances, keeping in touch with entertainment industry professionals. Contact [email protected] (2/26)
SPRING/SUMMER INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: INTERN/ CG Animation studio Speakeasyfx/Westfield, NJ: needs detail oriented interns for TV show. Must know MS Office. Hrs are flex. Our website is [email protected] (2/24)
SITUATION WANTED ADS, POSTED BY THOSE LOOKING TO BE HIRED … There is no charge for placing your Situation Wanted ad … for more information contact Trish Pihonak at [email protected]
SITUATION WANTED: Dedicated & Experienced ADV. SALES PLANNER (NY) Sales proposals, resolving client discrepancies, quarterly post analysis, special sales service projects, expert computer skills. Contact- [email protected] (3/1)
SITUATION WANTED: MEDIA SALES/MARKETING MANAGER/LA: 17+ years experience in educational, documentary, advertising media sales, content development, biz development True Closer!!!!! [email protected] (2/26)
SITUATION WANTED: ASSOCIATE PRODUCER/NY: 6+ yrs exp at: Food Network, ABC, NBC, CBS, BBC, Nick, MTV, CNN, History Channel, Sesame Street,TLC, NY1. Website: Contact:(917) 692-3229 [email protected] (2/26)
E-mail [email protected] or call Trish Pihonak at 203.381.9096 for rates and specs for Job Openings.
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