Tuesday, February 12th, 2013


Santa Monica

5-7 yrs prod, post & delivery exp; strong studio game, game-show format & docusoap exp. Strong freelance staffing & vendor contacts.

Send res & CL to [email protected]

Cynopsis: Classified Advantage

Good morning. It’s Tuesday, February 12, 2013, and this is your weekly issue of Cynopsis: Classified Advantage!


Being Endorsed by someone in LinkedIn has created much conversation. Many users see it as a gimmick and somewhat annoying. They may be right except for a few facts.

You can only be endorsed by a first degree connection, so if you are getting endorsed by people who you barely know, well, you accepted their invitations and everything that goes along with it.

If people think endorsements are a passing fad, they’re most likely incorrect. Users are giving nearly 10 million endorsements a day. Hardly a fad.

Endorsements are similar to Facebook’s Likes. They are both short and easy ways of letting people know you appreciate them or their products/skills. However, Likes actually help those who receive them more so than endorsements. Likes have an active life that carries on after the initial action, endorsements do not.

Can you hide endorsements? Yes. Profile, edit profile, scroll to skills and expertise then to manage endorsements. From here you can even delete some of your listed skills.

If someone endorses you, should you endorse them back? Not unless you really believe in their work. This is not a site based on being polite, it’s a site based on skill. The more polite we are just for the sake of being polite, the less valued LinkedIn will become.

Do potential employees care about endorsements? Not really, not yet. But if you have endorsements from people they know, most employers will take notice and contact the person who endorsed you.

Too much of social media is based on not trying to make someone else feel bad. Someone friends you on Facebook, you accept, what is the harm. But LinkedIn is’t the same and to call it social media is demeaning. LinkedIn is a professional site for professional people. Maybe one day endorsements will become something other than the social media part of a very professional site.

We are always on the look out for more Experts to advise our readers – if you’re a headhunter, job coach, career advisor, etc., and may be interested in contributing to this edition from time to time, please contact me at [email protected].


Cynopsis Webinar: Maximize Hispanic Market Engagement to Increase Viewership & Brand Lift – Our experts will discuss the newest tactics & strategies to harness and monetize the $1 trillion buying power of the Hispanic consumer.

FEBRUARY 27  * 1:30-3p.m. EST  *  REGISTER

Hosted by: Lisa Ball along with the following:
Christine Maggiore-EscribanoTelemundo Media
Diane Librizzi
La Loca Entertainment
Steve Mandala
Univision Communications
Tony Ruiz
The Vidal Partnership

The Importance of References
by Joel Garfinkle

Not so long ago, a hiring manager could contact the former employers of a candidate and discuss the candidate in question. They could find out: what the person was like to work with, were they team players, did they accomplish tasks efficiently and effectively, why they left the company, and many more qualitative aspects that simply aren’t available on a resume and often can’t be discerned in the interview process. Today, this has changed.

In an increasingly litigious society, it is now common policy for companies to only verify dates of employment, when someone calls for a reference. They may or may not verify their position. Nowadays, they often won’t even indicate if that person is eligible for rehire, which would indicate if the employee left on their own accord or were let go for reason. Some companies will give no information whatsoever.

With former employers becoming more and more tight-lipped, the importance of solid references becomes even greater in today’s hyper-competitive job market. Remember, employers know that past performance is a very good indicator of how you’ll perform in the future for them. Since they are unable to rely on speaking to your past employers, no longer is it prudent to simply list – “References available upon request.” on the bottom of your resume. If you really want the job, those references are incredibly important.

Here are some general guidelines for providing the best references:

Always get permission first, before you list a reference. Not only is this polite, but you want to make sure the person will actually be comfortable giving you a good reference. If they hesitate when you ask them, find someone else.

Even if your previous company won’t give out references, this doesn’t mean you can’t get a reference from them. Speak to your former boss and ask if you can include his direct phone number for hiring managers to speak to them, bypassing Human Resources.

Don’t forget about past co-workers. Co-workers can be a great reference, vouching for critical skills such as leading a team or delegating tasks.

Include past clients as references. If you worked closely with clients or customers and the position you’re applying to is customer-centric, a solid, client reference can really put you heads and shoulders above the other applicants.

Don’t use family and friends as references, unless you’ve worked with or for them. An employer is not going to care that your best friend or mother thinks you’re a good person or hard worker.

Written references are excellent. Ask your former employers for written references, when you leave on good terms. Include these with your resume. It not only saves the hiring manager leg work in tracking people down to follow-up on reference phone numbers, but you know exactly what has been said about you and your work habits.

Dream Job Coach Joel Garfinkle is the author of 7 books and is recognized as one of the top 50 coaches in America. He has over 17 years’ experience in the job search field when it comes to finding your perfect “dream job”. Joel’s 9-Step Job Search Program helps all job hunters land the best job quickly.

Questions from our Readers
Answered by
Joel Garfinkle

Can any job-seeker negotiate a job offer?

Absolutely, any job seeker can negotiate a job offer. In fact, hiring managers often anticipate that you’ll negotiate an offer and therefore leave a little wiggle room when they present the initial offer. Keep in mind though, some positions may be more successful in negotiating than others.

If you’re in a high demand field and have strong skill sets and experience the employer really wants, you have more negotiating power. Key positions, where filling it with the right person is mission critical, gives the candidate more power as well. However, if you’re just starting off your career and your skill set is readily available, you may have less success.

This does not mean you won’t be successful. It simply means you must really differentiate yourself from other entry level candidates, who likely have the same level of experience as you do.

How do I know my market value to prospective employers?

Your market value to prospective employers is based on a variety of facets. First, what is the industry average for someone in your position, with your experience level? You can determine this by either using your previous salary as a guideline or there are several salary tools online that will tell you the average salary for hundreds of positions.

Your value also is dependent on your unique experience and skills and how well it meshes with the prospective employer’s needs. If you have specific industry experience or skills that are unique and the employer wants, this will make you more valuable than other candidates.

Job Coach Joel Garfinkle has over 17 years direct experience in the job search and career transition field. His Career Outplacement Program will help displaced workers find new jobs quickly. Subscribe to his Fulfillment@Work Newsletter to receive FREE e-book “28 Ways to Network Into a Job!”


C A L L   F O R   E N T R I E S !

Like the market it serves, the kids content business emanates creativity. Cynopsis: Kids !magination Awards honor the best in kids programming & marketing – now’s your chance to win a crystal !magination Award.

Entry Deadline: February 20, 2013
Late Submission Deadline: February 27, 2013
Awards Ceremony: June 2013



JOB OPENING: SALES ASSISTANT-DIRECT RESPONSE/New York City: Provide sales support to the Direct Response sales team for Crown Media Family Networks. More info & apply: http://www.hallmarkchannel.com/jobs (2/16)

JOB OPENING: DIRECTOR OF PROGRAMMING/NY: Min 10yrs TV Ntwk exp. Resp for planning/scheduling content for channel. Traffic software exp. req. Sports background a +. Send res/cov ltr Att Rosanne to [email protected] (2/16)

JOB OPENING: COORDINATOR, PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT/CMT/NYC: 2-4 yrs exp. in TV Production, Development, or Casting; BA TV Production or equiv. req. EOE/M/F/D/AAP apply www.viacomcareers.com (2/16)

JOB OPENING: VP, PROGRAM SCHEDULING/CMT/Nashville: 10+ yrs exp. in TV prog/sched; Min 2 yrs @ Sr. Dir level and above; Min 5 yrs exp managing a team. Prog research bckgd desired. B.A req. EOE/M/F/D/AAP apply www.viacomcareers.com (2/16)

JOB OPENING: STAFF ACCOUNTANT/NBC Sports Regional Networks Stamford, CT: 2-7 yrs exp corporate accounting; search nbcunicareers.com, #8516 (2/16)

JOB OPENING: MANAGER, FINANCIAL REPORTING/NBC Sports Regional Networks Stamford, CT: 5+ yrs financial reporting + auditing; search nbcunicareers.com, #7559 (2/16)

JOB OPENING: MANAGER OF ACCOUNTING/NBC Sports Regional Networks Stamford, CT: 5+ yrs accounting or auditing; search nbcunicareers.com, #8577 (2/16)

JOB OPENING: OFFICE MANAGER/EXECUTIVE ASST/CSN Bay Area SF: 2+ yrs office management/ executive assistance, pref in media company; search nbcunicareers.com, #8458 (2/16)

JOB OPENING: ACCOUNTS PAYABLE ADMIN/CSS Norcross/GA: 2+ yrs accounting exp, 5+ yrs preferred; search nbcunicareers.com, #8533(2/16)

JOB OPENING: DIR PROG & SCHEUDLING/Nat Geo Channel/DC: 3-5 Mgmt exp in TV sched, exp in analysis and research of Nielsen ratings, exp with MS Office is req, Degree req. Apply: http://bit.ly/WOFnTg (2/16)

JOB OPENING: MGR COMMUNICATIONS/NBCUniversal/NYC: Generate publicity for Bravo programming. 3-5yrs comm exp pitchng, bookng & coverng media intvs. Exp workng w/talent. Reality exp strongly preferd. www.nbcunicareers.com (8500BR) (2/15)

JOB OPENING: SEEKING WRITER/PRODUCER/EDITOR for MSG On Air Promo department/NYC: Seeking creative, stylized Preditor with 5+ years promo experience for sports related spots. Send links and resumes to [email protected] (2/15)

JOB OPENING: RSCH COORD/WTNH/WCTX/WTNH/New Haven CT: Have analytical drive & interpret data for Sales Dept & enhance mkt posture for all media properties. BA deg or equivalent work exp req’d. Resume: [email protected] (2/15)

JOB OPENING: DIGITAL ACCT EXECUTIVE/A+E Networks/NY: Sell A+E Networks suite of multi-platform advertising opportunities within assigned territory to agencies/clients. Full Info/Apply: http://www.aenetworks.com/careers (2/15)

JOB OPENING: DIR, SOCIAL MEDIA/EPIX/NY: Dev & execute marketing & digital ad campaigns. Create engaging user-directed exp. Trk digital media. 4-6 yrs exp in digital marktg & content industry. Apply at http://www.epixhd.com/ EOE (2/15)

JOB OPENING: EDITOR/EPIX/NY: Prog edit content & all add’l digital platforms; Oversee movie pages creation; Web & Platform QC; Directs Web Dsgnr in Banner and Movie Poster/Image creation 4-6 yrs exp. http://www.epixhd.com/ EOE (2/15)

JOB OPENING: COORD, RESEARCH (LA) WME: Assist Research Dept. with projects, TV/MP tracking, report dist. and work flow. Fast paced, MS Office required. Prefer exp. with Nielsen. BA deg, 1+yr exp. CV to: [email protected] (2/15)

JOB OPENING: CTO/WNET/NY: Identify and implement a technology vision aligned w/business and supports all technical facilities. 15 years exp in prodt’n environ, 5 yrs exp in exec tech leadership role. Resume to: www.wnet.org/careers (2/15)

JOB OPENING: MOBILE PRODUCT MGR/NYC: Asst in leading dvlpmnt of branded products for mobile phones/tablets & new platforms for Ent Group properties.3 yrs exp Dig Media space. 2 yrs exp dvlping products for mobile devices. Apply: here (2/14)

JOB OPENING: MGR COMMERCIAL OPS/BBCWA/NYC: 8yrs exp. in traffic, net ops, or broadcast ops in cable. Mng. bcast logs, copy accounts & delivery of VOD. Ensure log placement and continuity of integrated elements.  [email protected] (2/14)

JOB OPENING:  VP CURRENT PROGRAMMING/GSN/Santa Monica: 5-7 yrs prod, post & delivery exp; strong studio game, game-show format & docusoap exp. Strong freelance staffing & vendor contacts. Send res & CL to [email protected] (2/14)

JOB OPENING: PRICING & INVENTORY ANALYST/THE WEATHER CHANNEL/NYC: Provide wkly pricing & inventory reports/updates. Asst in maximizing inventory. BA Deg, sales plan’g, media math Excel/PP. Apply only to: [email protected] Full job info here. (2/13)

JOB OPENING: AD SALES ACCOUNT EXEC/CSN Philly PHL: 3-5 yrs exp in media ad sales; sell tv ads and promotional programs for PHL sports teams; req #7092, www.nbcunicareers.com (2/13)

JOB OPENING: ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE/CSN Bay Area/San Fran: 2 yrs min, 3-6 pref, tv/radio ad sales; exp in SF important; connections to SF sports teams good; req #6942, www.nbcunicareers.com (2/13)

JOB OPENING: DIGITAL ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE/CSN Bay Area/San Fran: 1-3 yrs digital sales exp pref; DART, DFP, DSM exp a plus; media sales pref; req #8337, www.nbcunicareers.com (2/13)

JOB OPENING: DIR, ON-AIR STRATEGY/Food Network/NY: Est. strat, drv media plns/initiatives across all priorities (digital, TV, new biz…). 8+ yrs strat exp within an agency or ent media needed. Apply: [email protected] (2/13)

JOB OPENING: MGR MEDIA RESEARCH/NASCAR/CLT: Sports viewership, TV ad/exposure analysis and comms. Industry decision support/reporting. Team environment. BS w/min 4yrs Nielsen software Exp. www.employment.nascar.com  EOE (2/13)

JOB OPENING: MGR AD SALES MKTG/NBCUNIVERSAL/NYC: 4 mons consultant role at USA Network. Dev/exec revenue generating, multplatfrm mktg for advertisers. 5+ yrs TV/agency/promo firm exp. Apply: [email protected] (2/12)

JOB OPENING: SALES RESEARCH CONSULTANT/NBCUNIVERSAL/NYC: 6 month role with Ad Sales Research at USA. 1-3 yrs. exp. using Nielsen, MRI/Simmons. CV: [email protected] (2/12)

JOB OPENING: DIGITAL RESEARCH CONSULTANT/NBCUNIVERSAL/NYC: 6 month role supporting USA Digital Research team. 1-3 yrs. exp. Omniture reporting req’d; comScore, Nielsen a plus. CV: [email protected] (2/12)

JOB OPENING: DIR, DIGITAL AUD DEV/A+E NETWORKS/NY: Drive audience growth across A+E sites, apps & games through SEO, SEM, & display/mobile/social advertising; 7-10 yrs dig mktg exp; More info/apply: www.aenetworks.com/careers (2/12)

JOB OPENING: MGR PRICING/NY: Update/analyze models. Provide sales metric updates. Must be detailed/analytical/able to multi-task. Exp. in media req. Excel a must. Apply- [email protected] (2/12)

JOB OPENING: WRITER/PRODUCER/EDITOR/ReelzChannel/ABQ: Conceptualize/write/prod high impact promo campaigns for scripted/unscripted series & movies. Relocation pd to Albuquerque. TV exp. Apply: [email protected] (2/12)

JOB OPENING: SALES ASSISTANT – CSN MidAtlantic DC: 1-2 yrs sales support incl. internships pref; exp in tv, sports, or cable a plus; BA/BS preferred; req#8277 at www.nbcunicareers.com (2/12)

JOB OPENING: AUDIO TECH 2/SNY/NYC: 5+ yrs; audio mixing 5.1 in live news/sports; exp w/RF mic, IFB, PL systems req’s; exp w/SSL boards & ENCO servers a plus; req#7851 at www.nbcunicareers.com (2/12)

JOB OPENING: ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE-NECN/Boston: 5+ yrs sales; tv, radio, online sales preferred; sales presentations, prospecting, cold calling; meet/exceed revenue goals; req#8710 at www.nbcunicareers.com (2/12)

JOB OPENING: MORNING MAINTENANCE ENGINEER/NECN/Boston: MIS/IT/Egr deg; 5+ yrs w/ tv or broadcast corp; install and maintain equipment; cover during live events; req#8410 www.nbcunicareers.com (2/12)

JOB OPENING: SPECIAL PROJECTS EP/NECN/Boston: 5+ yrs segment tv producing; generate, research, shoot stories; conduct intv’s, write scripts, oversee editing; req#7463 www.nbcunicareers.com (2/12)

JOB OPENING: TRAFFIC COORDINATOR/NECN/Boston: 1 yr exp in office enviro; BA/BS preferred, h.s. degree required; prep 24 hr daily log; track commercial sales, trade and promo acct’s; req#8493 at www.nbcunicareers.com (2/12)

JOB OPENING: DIR, AD SALES DEVELOPMENT/AMC/NYC: Drive Digital Ad Ops strategy, yield mgmt, identify/build dig sales platforms partners. Technical & mktplce knwldg of Dig/Advd Platform ad products. Resume: http://tinyurl.com/cmq799m (2/12)

JOB OPENING: EXEC PRODUCER/TLC: Create/produce ground break’g prgms; partner w/internal & external dvlpmnt/prod cos.; Exp’d & Dynamic EP/Showrnr of successful docuseries/soap reality/etc; http://careers.discovery.com/#7200 (2/12)

JOB OPENING: ACCT EXEC/Discovery/Chicago: Seeks a highly motivated, energetic person to mng existing Ad Sls accts & dvlp new business for US Hispanic ntwrks; https://careers-discovery.icims.com/jobs/7212/job (2/12)

JOB OPENING: SLS SUPPORT SPECIALIST/Discovery/NY: Assist National Sls Asst w/day-to-day ntwrk admin responsibilities; 2nd sls support trainer; 4+ yrs biz exp, 3+yrs Ad Sls environment; https://careers-discovery.icims.com/jobs/7252/job (2/12)

JOB OPENING: MGR AD SALES MKTG/NBCUNIVERSAL/NYC: 4 mons consultant role at USA Network. Dev/exec revenue generating, multplatfrm mktg for advertisers. 5+ yrs TV/agency/promo firm exp. Apply: [email protected] (2/9)

JOB OPENING: SALES RESEARCH CONSULTANT/NBCUNIVERSAL/NYC: 6 month role with Ad Sales Research at USA. 1-3 yrs. exp. using Nielsen, MRI/Simmons. CV: [email protected] (2/9)

JOB OPENING: DIGITAL RESEARCH CONSULTANT/NBCUNIVERSAL/NYC: 6 month role supporting USA Digital Research team. 1-3 yrs. exp. Omniture reporting req’d; comScore, Nielsen a plus. CV: EntertainmentCableJobs@nbcuni.com (2/9)

JOB OPENING: SALES PLANNER/TV One/NY: Prepare post analysis, prepare advertiser’s scheds; create presentations, research; track liability schedules. Exp sales/planning preferred. Visit www.TVONEjobs.com (2/8)

JOB OPENING: MORNING NEWS PRODUCER/NECN/Boston: 2+ yrs news production; format show, choose news stories, coord w/assign desk, reporters, directors; prep anchors; BA/BS req’d; more info/apply: job 7684 on www.nbcunicareers.com (2/8)

JOB OPENING: TRAFFIC COORDINATOR/NY: Min 7yrs TV Ntwk exp. Maintain and allocate inventory for channel. Schedule promos, ads & coord. w/Ad Agencies. Traffic software exp. req. Send res/cov ltr Att Rosanne to [email protected] (2/8)

JOB OPENING: DIR, DIGITAL MKTG/20 CENTURY FOX (DOMESTIC THEATRICAL)/LA, CA: Oversee mktg domestic theatrical releases that touch Advrtsng, Mktg, Promotions, Public Relations/sales  Mgr Apply: http://tinyurl.com/b7o2su5 (FFE0000797) (2/8)

JOB OPENING: TEMP DIGITAL PROJECT MANAGER/SHOWTIME/NYC: coordinate online, social and mobile projects while streamlining a workflow process to increase distribution for Smithsonian Channel Min 3 yrs exp. Apply www.sho.com/careers (2/8)

JOB OPENING: BROADCAST ENGINEER/Comcast SportsNet/PHL: 5+ yrs exp, IT/MIS/Broadcast Egr background; support IT/Hardware/Network/VOIP issues; assist ENG, Studio, Remote staff; incoming/outgoing feeds; job #8687: www.nbcunicareers.com (2/8)

JOB OPENING: MANAGER, AD SALES RESEARCH/NBCUNIVERSAL/NYC: Mnge sales research for Cloo/Chiller, support sales research for WWE on USA/Syfy. Expertise with Nielsen, Simmons/MRI, Excel, PPT. Apply at www.nbcunicareers.com (7797BR) (2/7)

JOB OPENING: MANAGER, PRIMARY RESEARCH/USA Network/NYC: Plan/dsgn/report consumer research projects. Min of 3 yrs exp in surveys, focus groups &syndicated research svc. desired. BA/BS Req. Apply at www.nbcunicareers.com (8619BR) (2/7)

JOB OPENING: VP, RESEARCH/HGTV/DIY/Knoxville: 12 yrs syndicated research experience (Nielsen & MRI), with primary research exp to address business critical questions; cable television & new media industry exp preferred. Apply Here (2/7)

JOB OPENING: WRITER-PRODUCER/Travel Channel/Chevy Chase: Responsible for leading and executing promotion and advertising projects and campaigns for the TV channel and company efforts at large. 5 yrs exp. Click Here To Apply (2/7)

JOB OPENING: MARKETING COORDINATOR at The HUB: Marketing Coordinator at The Hub.BA Degree Req’d. Min 2 yrs exp.Cable industry and admin exp.Creative. Exp w/on-air promos. Detail oriented. Apply www.hubworld.com (2/7)

JOB OPENING: SR ACCT EXEC TV and DIG/KILM/FILMONTV/LA: Dev new bus/mng accts, 5yrs TV/DIG adv exp, & 2 yrs video media sales req. Proven track rec dvlpng brand/client contacts/agencies. [email protected] (2/6)
JOB OPENING: SALES DIRECTOR-AGENCY/NYC: Trading Desk & DSP Focused Adap.tv: Must have strong agency side selling experience. BS 5-10 years of sales/biz dev experience. http://hire.jobvite.com/j/?aj=o1VoWfw0&s=Cynopsis_Media (2/6)

JOB OPENING: DIRECTOR, CONTENT PROTECTION/LOS ANGELES CA: Director of Content Protection Architecture and Engineering Apply: http://tinyurl.com/b5ml8hn (FFE0001515) (2/6)

JOB OPENING: PRODUCTION MGR A&E Mktg (Freelance)/A+E Networks/NY: Oversee production/delivery of off-air creative projects for A&E and Bio. Full Info/Apply: http://www.aenetworks.com/careers (2/5)

JOB OPENING: MGR, BRANDED ENT & DIR, BRANDED ENT (2 positions)/ZO Newcast/NYC: Both exp’d with integrated mktg or ad mktg exp within a TV/Dig Nwk or Br. Ent. Agency. Res to [email protected] (2/5)

JOB OPENING: MANAGER, DIGITAL RESEARCH/ABC/NY: strategic and prim/synd research; exp w/ComScore, NetRatings, Omniture apply: www.disneycareers.com req #88911 and [email protected] (2/5)

JOB OPENING: AFFIL MKTG COORD/ATL: Prior mktg exp. Strong org skills w/event plan’g exp. Excel/Photoshp/Ppt/Keynote/Illustrator exp. Prior exp. w/dev. & impl. trade shows. Prov admin supp to Affil Mktg team. Res: [email protected] (2/5)


Cynopsis Sports Webinar
How to Leverage Social Media to Boost Fan Engagement
Tuesday * February 26 * 1:30-3:00 p.m. ET

Hosted by: Cynopsis: Sports Editor, Chris Pursell, along with:
Kate Guerra, Social Media Manager, INDYCAR
Suzie Lokey, Sr. Director Consumer Marketing, Golf Channel
Gabe Lozano, Co-Founder/CEO, LockerDome
Caty Marzi, Manager of Social Media Business Devel., NHL

Register here: http://www.cynopsis.com/webinars/sports-social-media/.


develop and implement risk-based, sustainable, scalable approach to enterprise-wide compliance training
Vice President Global Compliance, Training & Communications  4695

acts as lead producer on the MTV Movies Portal across digital platforms (web, mobile, social etc.)
Digital Producer/Senior Producer – Movies  5283
Viacom International Media Networks

lead development of conceptual treatments, write copy & scripts, direct art direction and post-production of on-air promos spots and campaigns
Sr. Writer/Producer, MTV On-Air Promos  5231

provides high-level administrative support for dynamic CEO in New York office
Executive Assistant to CEO  7313
Discovery Channel

take a leadership role on a wide range of key initiatives including driving the analysis
Director – Program Management  7292
Discovery Channel

build and update financial reporting templates for budgeting and forecasting purposes
Financial Analyst, Worldwide Financial Planning & Analysis  3412731
Sony Corporation

generate revenue and build partnerships across Domestic and International Recreation initiatives by overseeing the global events and costume character businesses
Senior Manager Live Theatricals  4820

responsibility for or exposure to employee relations, recruiting, compensation, benefits, training, and policy input or development
HR Manager
Turner Broadcasting
Atlanta GA

consumer marketing, partnership building and negotiation, digital and social media marketing
Senior Marketing Manager  TBS / TNT
Turner Broadcasting
Atlanta GA

drive overall strategy and operational direction for program scheduling on all screens & platforms
VP Programming Strategy  4519
Nashville TN

perform analyses for the client, develop measurement strategy, define tagging approach, generate insights and POVs, and provide optimization recommendations
Senior Analyst
Detroit MI

brand and Communication Strategy Guard/Champion
VP, Strategy Director  LEO000857
Leo Burnett
Chicago IL

drive significant revenue growth by using general business acumen to uncover prospect business needs
Director, Business Development  1480
Chicago IL

responsible for conceptual development and copy deliverables, including advertising, web sites, email and other forms of interface design
Senior Copywriter  2013-6891
Chicago IL

responsible for partnering with assigned client organizations and Human Resources team(s) to ensure strategies and initiatives are met
Manager Human Resources
Chicago IL

solicits, acquires, evaluates and develops manuscripts and proposals
Editor/Senior Editor – HarperOne
San Francisco CA

provide creative strategies, solutions and ideas to maintain the company’s competitive edge relating to our talent
Director, HR
San Francisco CA

responsible for cultivating and managing new sales activities that result in reaching and exceeding sales targets for the Digital Marketing Platform and Services group
Business Development Director  2013-7205
San Francisco CA

oversee the national and international facilities/experience team
Manager, Experience and Facilities
Los Angeles CA

develop innovative and comprehensive marketing strategies for the portfolio of Hulu Original Series programming
Director, Original Program Marketing
Los Angeles CA

develop and refresh key business strategies, such as Talent Strategy, Digital Strategy, International Strategy, etc
Director, Business Strategy & Planning  134250BR
Warner Bros. Entertainment Group
Burbank CA

broad responsibility for ensuring the smooth and efficient financial operations of the company
Senior Vice President, Finance  132248BR
Warner Bros. Entertainment Group
Burbank CA

provides support for the business and technical activities required to fulfill servicing and distribution deals for DANG and DADT assets to platforms around the world
Senior Project Manager  91583BR
Walt Disney Corporation
Burbank CA

identify required ongoing compliance monitoring processes with external and internal business partners to ensure compliance with contract for all financial payments
Sr. Financial Analyst  243BR
Walt Disney Corporation
Burbank CA

conduct all legal handling of intellectual property and licensing of Miramax’s prominent film library
Paralegal, Business & Legal Affairs
Santa Monica CA


Steve Capus, after two decades with NBC News, is stepping down as President. Steve has been President of NBC News since 2005 and in an email to fellow staffers said, “it is an extremely difficult decision to walk away from a place that has been the backdrop for everything in my life since 1993.” This news comes six months after Comcast consolidated its news properties under a new centralized unit that includes NBC News, MSNBC and CNBC and tapped former NBCUniversal executive Patricia Fili-Krushel to be in charge. Capus will remain at NBC News during a transition period, though there is no word on when Fili-Krushel will name his successor. Steve’s present direct-reports, MSNBC president Phil Griffin and NBC News SVP Alex Wallace will now report to Fili-Krusehl. Wallace will additionally add executive oversight of Nightly News to her scope that already includes Today and the primetime newsmagazine Rock Center with Brian Williams. EP Pat Burkey will continue to manage the news broadcast on a daily basis.

Science Channel promoted Dan Bragg to SVP/Marketing and Chris Finnegan to SVP/Communications.  In his role, Dan heads all strategic, brand and campaign development for the network and Chris manages all communications and positioning for both Science Channel and Velocity networks.  Dan reports both to Debbie Adler Myers, GM and EVP/Science Channel while Chris reports directly to Debbie Adler Myers and also works closely with Robert Scanlon, SVP.

Effective immediately Myia Alston joins American Forces Network’s (AFN) Family Channel at the lead executive overseeing program planning, scheduling and acquisitions.  Myia is based in California and reports to Karreem A. Lowe, AFN Entertainment Programming Chief.  Prior to this appointment, Myia was with Nickelodeon for five years, three years at G4 and three years at Kids’ WB!.

NBCUniversal has reordered its executive hierarchy once again.  NBCU chief exec Steve Burke added several new cable networks to Bonnie Hammer’s scope and Lauren Zalaznick, who formerly supervised Bravo, Oxygen and Telemundo, will now focus on digital goals in the areas of innovation, monetization and emerging technology across the company.  Hammer’s new cable group will be renamed Cable Entertainment Group encompassing Bravo, Oxygen, Style, Sprout and  TV One in addition to Hammer’s previous responsibilities over USA Network, Syfy, E!, G4, Cloo, Chiller, Universal HD, Universal Cable Productions and Wilshire Studios.  Zalaznick’s new title is EVP/NBCUniversal; both she and Hammer assume their new duties immediately.  In addition, NBCUniversal’s new restructuring includes the hire of former Univision chief Joe Uva in the newly-created role as Chairman/Hispanic Enterprises and Content.  Uva will head the company’s burgeoning Hispanic efforts which include Telemundo and mun2.  He begins his new position April 3rd.

Monty Sarhan joins WWE as General Counsel/SVP replacing former General Counsel Michael Luisi who was promoted to President of WWE Studios.  Sarhan will have oversight of the company’s business and legal affairs and will serve as the principal legal advisor to the Chairman, CFO and the management team.  He will additionally serve as Corporate Secretary to WWE’s Board of Directors.  Sarhan reports directly to WWE Chairman/CEO Vince McMahon.

Trisha Pray was elevated to EVP/Network Sales, effective immediately at Univision Communications Inc.  Pray joined Univision in 1989 and will continue to be based in New York, reporting to Keith Turner, President/Sales and Marketing.  Pray will spearhead network sales for Univision, UniMas and Galavision and succeeds Laura Molen who has departed the company. Univision Communications further announced Hilary Dubin joins as VP/Business Development based in Los Angeles and reporting to Jorge Daboub.  Dubin will head the company’s business development initiatives in the movie and gaming categories.  Also Luis Fernandez-Rocha is welcomed back to the Univision Television Group (UTG) as Regional VP reporting to Kevin Cuddihy.  Fernandez-Rocha will oversee for UTG stations in Raleigh and Atlanta and will form sales teams in Tampa, Raleigh and Miami for Bounce TV stations among other duties.

Wendy Williams Hunter and her manager Kevin Hunter have formed Wendy Williams Productions (WWP), specializing in non-fiction programming and additionally tapped veteran producer Lisa Knapp as SVP/Development.  WWP will focus on the development and production of reality, game and talk shows for the cable and broadcast markets.  Williams will be an EP on the projects and may appear on-camera in some.  Williams is also the current host and EP of daily talker The Wendy Williams Show produced and distributed by Debmar-Mercury.  In her new role, Knapp will head all development and production for WWP as well as strategic vision for the company.  She will be based at the Los Angeles offices of Debmar-Mercury which will also be a partner in the new company.  Previously, Knapp managed development at 44 Blue Productions from 2008-10, overseeing reality projects for such networks as VH1, Bravo, truTV and Spike.  Furthermore, Jill Ramsey will become VP of WWP where she will supervise the daily operations of the company.

Smithsonian Media moves Lori Erdos in the new role as Publisher/Media and Business Development.  Erdos joined Smithsonian Media last fall as Business Development Director/Digital.  Her new role will oversee daily operations of the Smithsonian magazine, Air & Space magazine and Smithsonian.com.

The Weather Company (TWC) appointed Gail McGovern, President/CEO of the American Red Cross to its Board of Directors.  TWC has had a long-standing relationship with the American Red Cross and the two entities recently announced a new partnership to promote weather safety and preparedness and to support the disaster relief work of the Red Cross.

Los Angeles-based PBS SoCal, the PBS station serving the Southern California region named Andrew (Andy) Russell as COO.  With 18+ years of experience with PBS and the Corporation of Public Broadcasting (CPB), Russell will be a key player in the development of PBS SoCal’s overall strategic, programming and financial direction.  He will report to PBS SoCal President/CEO Mel Rogers.

Argonon, with offices in London, New York, Vancouver and Los Angeles tapped Laura Bessell-Martin as COO.  Bessell-Martin will report to James Burstall, CEO.

Effective this April, Turner International hired Giorgio Stock as President of Turner Broadcasting System EMEA.  Prior to this appointment, Stock was EVP/GM of Disney Consumer Products, Publishing and Retail, EMEA and in his new role at Turner International he will head the company’s portfolio in Europe, Middle East and Africa.

ShootersTV welcomes Mark Finkelpearl in the role as SVP/Development and Production.  Finkelpearl will report to ShootersINC President Ray Carballada.  Most recently, he was with RLTV network as VP/Development and Production.

Beginning February 1, Heidi Schadler joined Good Company as it expands its strategic partnership consulting business.  In her new role as VP/Strategic Alliances, Schadler will identify, develop and maintain relationships with strategic partners in the areas of new products, cross-platform marketing campaigns and brand development and management.

The Weather Company (TWC) appointed Denise Chudy to the newly-minted role as VP/Local Platform Sales Strategy.  Chudy will be in charge of developing the business model, including product and sales strategy, for the company’s hyper-local platform (HLP), TWC’s new unit focused on expanding its footprint in the local and mobile space.  She reports to Matthew Corbin, GM/Local Platform & Business Development.

Multi-platform entertainment company, Shout! Factory added Jeffrey L. Thompson as VP/Digital Strategy and Business Development.  In his newly-created role, Thompson will head the development of digital strategies and digital video partnerships to continue the company’s growth in this sector. He reports to Co-Founder/President Garson Foos.

Sea to Sky Entertainment, the television production and distribution joint venture between Lionsgate and Thunderbird Films tapped Brett Burlock as VP/Creative Affairs.  Burlock joins from CTV and will be based in Toronto to help Sea to Sky increase its efforts to become a full-service studio alternative for Canadian networks.

Telemundo Media appointed Jesus Torres Viera as EVP/Programming and Content and Daniel Cubillo to the newly-created position as VP/Content Development, Non-Scripted.  Both appointments are effective immediately and both executives are based in Miami.  Torres Viera will report to Emilio Romano, President, Telemundo Media while Cubillo will report to Torres Viera. 

Sony Pictures Television (SPT) named Carrie Ferman to the role of SVP/Business Strategy and Development, International Production.  Ferman will support SPT’s international productions along with its portfolio of 18 production companies in the areas of strategic planning and business growth in key areas.  Based in London, Ferman will report to Andrea Wong, President, International Production, SPT.

Multiplatform media company showcasing healthy lifestyle and wellness programming Veria Living has hired Andrew Struse as VP/Creative Services.  Prior to this new role, Struse ran his own consulting company, Switched-On Inc.

CABLEready bolsters its New York City office by naming Jessica Ahoubim as Sales and Acquisitions Executive where she will report to Maurizio Tavares, VP/Global Sales and Acquisitons.  She joins from New York’s Cine Mosaic. 

Meruelo Media Holdings announced Spanish-language radio veteran Carlos Alvarez has joined its Noticias MundoFox 22 team in Los Angeles as a Senior Entertainment Correspondent.  Alvarez began his new gig yesterday in the 5PM Newscast. 

Later — John
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