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8000+ top media execs, 76 countries, 3 days of buying and selling, 350+ globally recognized exhibiting companies, 1500+ content buyers. That’s NATPE ’08. If you’re involved in creating, funding, licensing or delivering video content of any duration, on any subject, for any platform then you should make NATPE ’08 the very first entry in your 2008 schedule of must-attend events.
Cynopsis: DIGITAL
Good morning, it’s Tuesday, December 11, 2007 and this is your first early morning digital briefing.
YouTube unveiled an expanded version of its Partners Program that will let some smaller producers in on its revenue sharing model. Creators with a “significant audience” on YouTube (as measured by video views, subscribers, etc.) who “consistently comply with YouTube terms of use” are invited to apply this time around. YouTube was taken to task for leaving out the kind of creators that helped make it famous when it first introduced the program, which shares revenue from in-video ads and AdSense video syndication. There are currently 100 accepted partners, from celebrity blogger PerezHilton (2.5 million + views) to BBC World News (25,000+ views.)
Sundance Channel will release an exclusive VOD package for cable affiliates next month, featuring 10 “Festival Favorites” that have screened at previous Sundance Film Festivals, 4 of which will be available in HD. Longtime Sundance Festival Director Geoff Gilmore will introduce each movie. Sundance also announced a new year-long partnership with Stella Artois. The brewer will sponsor the channel’s multiplatform “31 Days of Sundance” package of programming in January.
Starz will debut two original comedies on Wednesday, Jan. 23 at 10 pm ET/PT, also slated to appear on the Bongo broadband service later next year. Head Case chronicles celebrity therapy sessions with clients including Jeff Goldblum and Rosanna Arquette. Hollywood Residential is a fictional and faltering home improvement show featuring makeovers of celebrity abodes.
Speaking of home makeovers, DIY Network picked up a second season of the interactive home building series Blog Cabin. A season-one marathon encore and a citizen design contest on diynetwork.com will kick things off on New Years Day.
Imeem added Universal Music Group tracks to its social networking/music sharing service, giving it deals with all four major record labels. Universal receives a small licensing fee each time an Imeem user streams a song, as well as a share of any ad revenue attached to the clip.
HD-quality video streaming site Vuze acquired distribution rights for the anime series Neko Rahmen, a hit last year on Yahoo! Japan’s video streaming site. Vuze will make the 13-episode series available for free with ads and add Spanish, German and French subtitles next year.
Live video streaming/social networking site Stickam.com announced it is creating applications to utilize Google’s OpenSocial APIs, open source guidelines released to developers last month.
Digitally savvy German supermodel Heidi Klum launched a “Real Celebrity” page on girls virtual site Stardoll.com. Users can use their Stardollars to enhance their MeDoll’s wardrobe with items from the Heidi Klum Runway Collection.
The NBA became the latest major online content player to commit to the Microsoft Silverlight platform. The PC and Mac compatible software plug in will power video and rich media apps on NBA.com, WBNA.com and NBADevelopmentLeague.com with plans to switch the sites’ video player itself to Silverlight next year. The NBA says video streaming increased 95% in Nov. over the previous year, with the site delivering more than 38 million streams.
Internet content delivery company EdgeCast received a $6 million investment from Walt Disney’s Steamboat Ventures. The VC subsidiary also participated in an $11 million round of financing for delivery service provider Move Networks Inc. earlier this year.
IPTV provider Narrowstep announced a partnership with the TSS Cross Media Group to offer solutions for telecoms, broadcasters and advertisers in the Benelux countries.
Microsoft and CNBC announced a partnership that makes the software giant exclusive provider of third-party display and contextual advertising on CNBC.com. Microsoft, which acquired digital services agency aQuantive in May, has similar exclusive ad syndication deals in place with Facebook and Digg.
The Weather Channel Interactive launched three new ad products on weather.com. A map-based geo targeting application enables advertisers to customize creative and target users based on their weather map navigations. Advertisers can also sponsor points of interest on the map such as retail locations.
More connected consumers (65%) watch professionally produced TV programming on PCs and digital devices than they do user generated fare (39%), according to a new ChoiceStream study conducted by MarketTools. A third of viewers who watch TV on alternative devices reported watching at least 4 hours per week. Twenty percent of respondents said they plan to watch more TV on PCs and mobile devices in the next 6 months, and 55% of these viewers said the increase will come at the expense of traditional TV viewing.
The TV industry is improving its digital education outreach but still has a ways to go, according to the results of a new nationwide survey from CTAM. Forty-eight percent of U.S. households are now aware of the Feb. 17, 2009 transition – up from 29% in July 2005. However, those with the lowest level of awareness were non cable or satellite subscribers – the homes that will be most affected by the switch.
Break.com appointed Andrew Budkofsky to SVP/Sales, reporting to CEO Keith Richman. The former Court TV and PodShow executive will oversee sales strategy, client services and business development.
If you’re looking for more video greetings to send, Vidigreet has posted a bunch of new holiday themed shorts. Vidigreet was founded in 2005 and launched in beta format in October by award winning commercial director Jeff Gorman. It charges $3.99 for unlimited greetings for a day and $15.99 for an annual subscription, boasting high production values and plenty of off-color sentiments. It also has a handy calendar feature you can set in advance to remind you of upcoming birthdays, anniversaries, etc.
Later — Wayne
Wayne Karrfalt for Cynopsis: Digital
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JOB OPENING: ONLINE MEDIA SUPERVISOR/NYC: 3+Online media planning/buying exp.; Proven ability to manage an internal team of Media Planners; Entertainment industry client exp. a PLUS! Contact: [email protected] (12/18)
JOB OPENING: MGR/DIR /Brand Strategy Team: Dvlp original digital content experiences within the NBC portfolio site:NY/NJ & Burbank, CA: apply http://www.nbcunicareers.com job #784234, 784230, 784227 (12/18)
JOB OPENING: VP of THEATRICAL MARKETING/Screen Media Films/NYC: Develop/execute marketing plans; Monitor budgets; oversee all theatrical PR. Min 3 yrs experience. Send resume to [email protected] (12/18)
JOB OPENING: RECRUITMENT MGR/Discovery/NY: Recruiter/HR Gen to mng full life cycle efforts; identify/acquire talent for Ad & Affil Sales, Corp Dev, E commerce, Educ, TLC, Animal Planet Ntwrks. Apply: discovery.com/careers Req#6200 (12/18)
JOB OPENING: Seeking MEDIA BUYERS in NY with 1-5 years agency experience. Excel benefits: 401K, Pension, Medical & Dental Send Resume to: [email protected] (12/18)
JOB OPENING: INVENTORY ANALYST /BET, NY: 1-2years experience in sales or traffic; strong analytical skills;Dealmaker,VCI, Excel experience preferred. Email resume to: [email protected]. (12/18)
JOB OPENING: FREELANCE PROMO WRITER/PRODUCER/TLC/LA: Requires Writer/Producer with excellent writing skills. Highly conceptual. Reels & resumes: Discovery, Attn: HR, 10100 Santa Monica Blvd, suite 1500, Los Angeles, CA 90067. (12/18)
JOB OPENING: RECRUITMENT MGR/Discovery Comm/MD: Requires Recruiter/HR Generalist to screen candidates, interview, and refer suitable applicants for open positions in assigned client groups. Apply: discovery.com/careers Req#5722. (12/18)
JOB OPENING: Seeking top notch SR AE for Channel One News-NYC: Must have min. 7+ yrs consultative sales, proven Biz Dev exp; ideally in Broadcast/TV, and/or non-traditional space. see full desc and apply: [email protected] (12/18)
JOB OPENING: MEDIA PLANNER/Disney/N. Hollywood: BS in, Media or related field. 5 yrs + media or Exc PC Skills, Exp working w/ Atlas, DART ,Point Roll and Eye blaster pref’d. APPLY: www.disneycareers.com search for JOB ID: 133265 (12/15)
JOB OPENING: MANAGER AD SALES TRADE MKTG- TV LAND/MTVN-NY: BA; 5 yrs mktg exp. Creative thinker w/ strong proj mgmnt sk; highly organized. Understands brand mgmnt, advtg, promos, resrch. EOE/M/F/D/AAP. Apply www.mtvncareers.com (12/15)
JOB OPENING: LIFETIME: MEDIA CRD (LA): Perf file bsed mdia mgmnt, srvice reqs for edit sess, dup ordrs, & prep shpmts. Avid proj, ISIS strge, mdia protectn, diag ops, bck-up, archive, & tpe libry. Apply: [email protected] (12/15)
JOB OPENING: SENIOR W/P CSTV/NYC: Conceptualize, W/P & Direct on air promo campaigns to launch & support prog., games & ntwk initiatives. 5- 7+ yrs on air exp. College sports enthusiast & creative thinker a must. Res: [email protected] (12/15)
JOB OPENING: SALES ASSISTANT/Hallmark Channel/LA: Work w/ VP & AE to service and maintain agencies and clients on daily basis. See full posting and apply at www.hallmarkchannel.com (12/15)
JOB OPENING: WEB PRODUCER (Freelance) /Hallmark Channel/LA: Creative strategy & mgmt. and on-time, delivery of small to large-scale web-based projects. See full posting and apply at www.hallmarkchannel.com (12/15)
JOB OPENING: WEB DESIGNER (Freelance) /Hallmark Channel/LA: Maintain and create the online identity & marketing materials for the Hallmark Channels. See full posting and apply at www.hallmarkchannel.com (12/15)
JOB OPENING: RESEARCH ANALYST/Hallmark Channel/NY: Analyzes standard and custom reports on all Nielsen systems; MRI and or/Simmons databases. See full posting and apply at www.hallmarkchannel.com (12/15)
JOB OPENING: TRAFFIC COORDINATOR/Hallmark Channel/NY: Edits daily broadcast logs; executes agency traffic instructions; maintains commercial inventory. See full posting and apply at www.hallmarkchannel.com (12/15)
JOB OPENING: DIR OF CONTRACTS/CBS TV DIST/NY: Mng ad sales admin w/ staff of 4 from order thru reconciliation. Finc’l background w/strong Excel, mngrl, & analytical skills pref’d 5+ yrs exp. Res/salary req: [email protected] (12/15)
JOB OPENING: SALES EXEC/NeuLion/LI: (www.neulion.com) new media sales experience preferred. Must be able to prospect, qualify and close new opportunities. Content Delivery Network (CDN) exp a plus. Email Res to [email protected] (12/15)
JOB OPENING: DIR, OPS/ LIFETIME/LA: Oversee tech, creative, client srvc, & admin ops for Post Prod facility. Post prod exp w/ mgmnt/proj plan’g skills. Asst client proj, & liaison to NY & Eng Dept.Apply: [email protected] (12/14)
JOB OPENING: RESEARCH ANALYST/MTV Tr3s/NYC: BS/BA. 1+ yrs exp resrch/data analy cable/brdcast. Exp w/ Nielsen (Explorer, NPower, MarketBreaks, etc). Str analytic sk. Bi-ling Spanish a +. EOE/M/F/D/AAP. Apply www.mtvncareers.com (12/14)
JOB OPENING: ACCT REP/RSRCH ANALYST/LA: Role uses Return Path Data (RPD) for TV audience ratings for interactive svcs. RPD is the cutting edge of audience analysis allowing second-by-second reporting. Apply at TNS-US.com (12/14)
JOB OPENING: ASST, RSRCH/Comcast Networks/NY: Media ind exp pref; Asst in creating reports, maintain Nielsen prog names, retrieve audience data, maintain rsrch library, maintain dept calendars/sched. Contact [email protected] (12/14)
JOB OPENING: PRODUCER, SHOWS/VH1.Com/NYC: 4+yrs prod online media exp, Strg multi task/time mgment skills, Strg Microsoft Word, Visio, Adobe skills. Knwldge of brand/digital prgrming. EOE/M/F/D/AAP. Apply www.mtvncareers.com (12/14)
JOB OPENING: MANAGER OF DEVELOPMENT for TV host and his prod co/LA: Must identify commercial ideas & talent. Strong contacts. Previous development exp a must. Hands-on production exp preferred. Email: [email protected] (12/14)
JOB OPENING: BRAND MGR/CNN (NY): 5-7+ yrs exp in brand mgmt; MBA preferred. Will research market/consumer trends, analyze client brand strategies, develop strategic positioning. Apply online via www.turnerjobs.com , Req# 91872. EOE (12/14)
JOB OPENING: RESEARCH DIR/FOX/NY: Mng daily aspects of Ad Sales Rsrch (tracks/trends & analysis) for channel. Formulate innovative concepts w/regard to sales objectives/goals.6-8 yrs exp media ind rsrch pref’d; www.foxcareers.com (12/12)
JOB OPENING: COORD PROGRAMMING/Comedy Central-NYC: 1 – 2 yrs exp working in television; working knwldg TV programming/scheduling. Detail oriented; good comm sk. Proficient in MS Excel. EOE/M/F/D/AAP. Apply www.mtvncareers.com (12/12)
JOB OPENING: COORD PROGRAMMING MOBILE TV/Comedy Central-NYC: 1-2 yrs exp working in TV; working knwlge TV prog/promo sched; knwldg digital/mobile landscape a plus. Proficient in MS Excel. EOE/M/F/D/AAP. Apply www.mtvncareers.com (12/12)
JOB OPENING: MEDIA PLAN’G COORD/SOAPnet/Burbank: PLAN’G/SCHED’G ON-AIR PROMO. 2+ yrs exp mktg/adv/progrmng. Detail-oriented a must; strategic thinker. Encoda, Grip-it! Filemaker Pro a +. Apply: www.disneycareers.com , Req #127799. (12/12)
JOB OPENING: MEDIA MGR/NY : Work w/ all aspects of TV/radio/outdoor media campaigns. Asst dvlpmnt of media strategies/promos. BA deg mktg. 2-3 yrs agency or at ntwrk within ad sales and/or mktg Res to: [email protected] (12/12)
JOB OPENING: 2 SALES PLANNERS/Galavision/NY: Generate upfront/scatter plans. Handle all aspects of ongoing deal maintenance/stewardship. Dealmaker/VCI/media experience & Spanish a plus. Apply: [email protected]. EOE (12/12)
JOB OPENING: FREELANCE & POSS FT DESIGNER/3d/Animator/Viewpoint Creative/LA: Strong design & comm skills, EXP pref’d in Cinema 4d (or Maya), After Effects, Photoshop, Illustrator.Send reel/res/URL to [email protected] (12/12)
JOB OPENING: ART DIRECTOR/Word World, LLC/NYC: 5+ yrs exp. Branding, digital design, direct mail, print design, video packaging and special projects. Experience in children’s market a plus. Email: [email protected] (12/12)
JOB OPENING: Seeking top notch SR AE for Channel One News-NYC: Must have min. 7+ yrs consultative sales, proven Biz Dev exp; ideally in Broadcast/TV, and/or non-traditional space. see full desc and apply: [email protected] (12/12)
JOB OPENING: MTV Tr3s Research/NYC: /BA. 1+ yrs exp resrch/data analy for cable/brdcast. Exp w/ Nielsen (Explorer, NPower, MarketBreaks, StarTrak). Str analytic sk. Bi-ling Spanish a +. EOE/M/F/D/AAP. Apply www.mtvncareers.com (12/12)
WINTER AND SPRING INTERNSHIPS – These positions are for credit only – nobody gets paid here. They are posted for free, and students work for school credit only. For more information on the specs for posting an Internship ad, email Trish at [email protected] .
WINTER INTERNSHIPS CREDITS ONLY: TALENT AGENCY INTERN/LA: For those interested in learning more about the inner workings of a talent agency. Min or 15/hrs/week. Email cover letter & resume to: [email protected] (12/15)
WINTER INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: TV PROD. INTERN/PICTURE THIS, NY: New season of Emmy winning Reality Show. Rsch, logging, assist post, phones, runs. Exp w/ Word & Excel. Min 2-3 days/week. Local Trvl Stipend avail. [email protected] (12/12)
WINTER INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: ART DESIGN 8 MKTG INTERN/Big Tent Ent, NY: exp with digital photo editing, mkt research, MS Office, Adobe Photoshop, In Design, and Illustrator; good computer skills. Email: [email protected] (12/12)
WINTER INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: MARKETING INTERN/Big Tent Ent, NY: strong MS Office skills, knwldge of mkting and licensing, and good written and oral skills. Email: [email protected] (12/12)
Interested in posting your Video Resume? Contact [email protected] for more information ….
SITUATION WANTED: 11 yr old boy-actor looking for part in TV show. Exp’d dedicated, remember lines in a second, work well under pressure, living in NY but can travel on moments notice. Plz visit me at www.matthewglaser.com my web site (12/18)
SITUATION WANTED: EXPERIENCED STORYTELLER/STORY EDITOR/SCRIPT ANALYST For more information please visit: www.endofstoryinc.com (12/12)
SITUATION WANTED: VIRTUAL PROJECT MANAGER:TV production, admin and personal assistant support. Let me make your life easier. E-mail – [email protected] (12/12)
E-mail Trish Pihonak for rates and specs for Job Openings.
Interested in posting your Video Resume? Contact [email protected] for more information ….
Are you looking for a job? Post your Situation Wanted Ad here — Email Trish Pihonak for specs.