Tuesday, August 14th, 2012





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Cynopsis: Classified Advantage

Good morning.  It’s Tuesday, August 14, 2012, and this is your weekly issue of Cynopsis: Classified Advantage!


It’s tough being unemployed, I know I need a stronger word to describe it, but we have policies I have to follow.  It’s also tough looking for a job, same disclaimer as above.

There are decisions we have to make everyday about the situation, I’m going to make it easier for you.

Do I look for a job today, or do I take today off?  That depends, if it’s a weekday, you look for a job.  If it’s a weekend, you take time off, perhaps just work a little Saturday morning. 

If you take off too many days in a row, and I know how easily this can happen, many people will fall into a self loathing funk that can spiral into something much worse. 

If you gave it your best shot today, there is nothing more you can do.  You should feel some satisfaction with that, even if you’re still without a job.  Some may say why bother if the end result is the same.  Because you tried, and when nothing else is working out, trying is all you have. 

You may have the same end result as the other guy who did nothing, but when he lays down to sleep, his mind will be full of regret, yours will not.

This is extremely important because it will effect what you do tomorrow, and how well you do it.

It’s easy to think that you’ll never get a job, I’ll just stay at home and watch Law & Order.  But if you don’t try, you’ll never know, and that might be the worst part.  Not knowing that if you just tried your best, things might be different.  By the way, the answer is yes.  Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but if you keep doing your best, things will improve.  And I can  guarantee that if you do nothing, not only will your situation not improve, but it will become worse, very quickly.

Should I take time to work out today?  Yes.  Without a doubt, do some kind of exercise.  Working out helps reset your brain, makes you feel better about yourself and when you feel better about yourself, you have more confidence.  When you have more confidence, you interview better, when you interview better, you’ll receive more offers.  So yes, workout.

Should I sit in front of my computer twelve hours a day and work on resumes, cover letters and portfolios?  No.  You’ll burn out and your work will suffer.  People out of work tend to be very hard on themselves.  Nothing productive comes from that.  Work normal hours and feel good about it. 

Should I make a list of what I want to accomplish today, this week, this month, this year?  Yes, and check them off once you’ve completed them.  Organization is of paramount importance during a job search.  Keeping lists is a great way of staying on task and organized.

Should I feel like a failure?  Never.  If you do, that perspective will permeate into every thing you do.  There are a lot of people out of work through no fault of their own.  No one in that situation is a failure.  The question is, what are you going to do about it.  Are you going to be bitter and blame everyone else, or are you going to say, okay, I’ve been dealt a bad hand here, how do I make it into a winner.  The former will be unemployed or under employed for a longer time than the latter.

Should I seek other people’s advice?  Always.  Doesn’t mean you have to heed it, but always listen.  More times than you’d think, you’re going to hear a different approach to the same problem that might help.

Be positive, be industrious, be organized and be smart.  Take time off, take short breaks during the day, do the best you can each and every day, and sleep well at night.

We are always on the look out for more Experts to advise our readers – if you’re a headhunter, job coach, career advisor, etc., and may be interested in contributing to this edition from time to time, please contact me at [email protected].




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The Roadblock and What’s Next
by Jenny Yerrick Martin

It hits everyone at some point in their career, usually multiple times.

Breaking in, at the start of one’s career, can present seemingly insurmountable challenges, especially in a competitive field such as entertainment.

Transitional times, such as trying to make the leap from an administrative position to junior executive, and then from junior to senior executive (or, in the case of creative fields, becoming the department head, booking a big part, getting a short made and then hired to direct a feature, etc.) can be difficult and frustrating.

And then there is a larger roadblock mid-career professionals often face, when the path they have been dedicated to, sometimes for their entire career, is no longer satisfying or challenging or fun or financially viable. Or no longer bearable.

In all of these cases, the individual can face doubt and worry and disappointment. The invisible barrier between themselves and what’s on the other side of that challenge can loom large.

There are two ingredients to forward movement: Confidence and Clarity.


First, there is general confidence that something is on the other side of the wall. This is most relevant when someone is trying to break in- knowing there are positions out there- and when someone is facing a midcareer rut- knowing there is an alternative position or path that will provide the satisfaction (or salary or fun)  the current one lacks.

Then there is confidence in oneself, in one’s ability to land a good position. “I have marketable skills that can lead somewhere good.” Even mid-career professionals who seem like rock stars to the outside world can feel insecure when they are facing a big career change.


Oh, the murky waters of career planning. “What do I want?” “Where is the job for me?” Clarity in this case is made up of defining ones’ passions, talents, and marketable skills and then the logistical parameters of the ideal job, such as length of commute, hours, flexibility, autonomy, salary, etc.

With those elements in place, a picture starts to emerge. A vision, if you will. And with a vision of the next step, a plan can start to emerge, a path around or through or over that invisible barrier between where one is now and what’s next.

Jenny Yerrick Martin is a veteran entertainment executive, a career consultant and expert resume writer through MomentumAdvantage.com and MoveYouForeward.com, and the creator/writer of entertainment career website, YourIndustryInsider.com.

Questions from our Readers
Answered by Jenny Yerrick Martin

I moved from Los Angeles back to Central Florida over six years ago to be a caregiver for my parents. This meant giving up my career in TV production and immersing myself into this new role. I took a year off of work to take care of my Father when he was really ill.

After he passed away, I found a 40-hour a week general administrative position nearby that would allow me to still care for my Mother and take care of the household.After a few years of working at this lower level job and continuing to caregive for my Mother, I began to realize that for my future security and well-being, I should start to search for a higher level position and income here in Orlando.

Within my cover letters, I include a variation of the following statement: “I left Los Angeles and my career in TV production six years ago to move back to my hometown of Winter Park to be a caregiver for both of my parents. To help balance and adjust to my caregiving responsibilities these past few years, I scaled back my professional career to freelance project, production and administrative work.  I am now ready to transition back to a more full-time role. My background includes production coordination, project management, creative marketing for music, film and education, event management experience as well as complex administrative and creative support.”

Is disclosing this personal situation within a cover letter incorrect?  I have rationalized for the last several years that it was necessary to explain why I shifted gears from what was a satisfying livelihood to a more mundane one and I was certain it was necessary to explain the gap in employment.

I thought that sharing this might also quietly indicate positive qualities that maybe didn’t always come through in a resume such as loyalty, kindness, responsibility or dedication. 

Did you have any thoughts on this?

Yes, I do. I believe it’s essential to address any questions that might form in a hiring professional’s mind when reviewing your resume. In most cases, the cover letter is the most appropriate place to do that.

There are two caveats to this advice:

1)     Keep it as brief as possible.
2)     Don’t create more questions in the reader’s mind.

In your case, I think you could pare down your explanation with “Having spent the last few years caring for an ill family member, I am now ready to resume my entertainment career and fully apply my experience and skills to a position such as the one you have posted.” This quickly explains the last six years away and tells them you are committed to getting back on track. And it shifts the focus back to what you can do for them.

If you go on with too much detail about yourself, even about your career path, in your cover letter, they are going to picture you sitting in their office telling them your problems. (I am not kidding. Read this letter to a hiring executive and they will give you a knowing chuckle.) If you make the letter snappy and relevant to them, they’ll be happy to move onto your resume and starting to feel confident that you are someone they want to meet. BUT…

You’ll notice one of the things I do not mention is that you moved back from L.A. to Florida to be a caregiver. Here is why: If the reader assumes the person you were taking care of is deceased, they may wonder if you are going to move back to L.A. If they assume the person you were caring of is still alive, they may think you will be hindered in your ability to do a great job for them if they hire you and the person falls ill again. Best not to mention it.

Is there still a power color for ties, and/or suits? Are there colors I should avoid during an interview? Should I just stick with dark suit, red or blue tie, or can I spice it up a bit to stand out from all the other dark suits and red or blue ties. Nothing too crazy, but just enough to stand out?

I think the only time tie color choice is an important issue  and blue and red the only choices – is during a presidential election. Are you the blue tie guy or the red tie guy?  In job interviewing, the issue is a little murkier.  Whether you get creative with your tie color/style  or your clothing in general – really depends on where you are interviewing and what the job is.

If it is a buttoned-down environment such as a talent agency or a law firm, or your desired position is buttoned-down, such as a financial analyst or head of studio security, I’d go easy on the flair. If, on the other hand, you are trying to become the head of marketing or a development executive, a splash of color might be just the thing to tell them you are creative thinker who knows how to make an impression.

In the case of a creative environment and non-buttoned up job, as long as you don’t wear a tuxedo shirt or fishnet stockings (especially if you are not a woman) which imply a lack of professionalism in an office setting, your outfit should not make or break the outcome of the interview. But you can never go wrong with dressing to fit into whatever environment you are seeking a position in and then focusing fully on what you are going to say to win the job.

Jenny Yerrick Martin is a veteran entertainment executive, a career consultant and expert resume writer through MomentumAdvantage.com and MoveYouForeward.com, and the creator/writer of entertainment career website, YourIndustryInsider.com.





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JOB OPENING: BROADCAST DESIGNER/MLB Network Promos/NJ: Design/animate/edit promos/gfx pckgs. Strong tech. execution & 5 yrs exp w/After Effects, Cinema 4D, Final Cut Pro, etc. Send resume/link to reel to [email protected] (8/18)

JOB OPENING: ACCT EXEC. AD SALES/NY: Growing multimedia sports co. seeks experienced TV ad sales rep. Excellent compensation/benefits pkg. Agency relationships and ratings exp. a+. Send resume Attn: Rose to [email protected] (8/18)

JOB OPENING: DIR AD SALES RSRCH/Ovation/NYC: Proactive, detail-oriented, creative, team player. 7+ yrs exp. with cable or BC sales team req’d. Strategic & hands on w/ Nielsen, MRI, Mendelsohn etc. [email protected] (8/18)

JOB OPENING: EXEC ASST, PRESIDENT/SYFY, NBCUNIVERSAL/NYC: Looking for a talented Executive Assistant to support the Pres of Syfy. Must have 2 years of admin exp as well as a min 1 year working in TV. www.nbcunicareers.com (6201BR) (8/18)

JOB OPENING: DIR, CONSUMER RESEARCH/Showtime Networks/NYC: Resp. for acq, trking and forecasting of consumer info in support of corp. directives. 8+ yrs of primary and second rsch exp in media a must. Apply at www.sho.com #12180BR (8/18)

JOB OPENING: DIR. PROG & SCHEDULING/Nat Geo TV/DC: Prog/Schdling expert will create Chl’s prime/daytime/fringe/late-night strategy. Strg schdl/nielsen exp analysis/strategy. 3-5 yr Cbl TV, Strg Excel/PP, Mgt. http://bit.ly/OY8Ebg. (8/17)

JOB OPENING: DEV/PRODUCTION MGR/DC: Non-fic theatrical product, giant screen films & documentaries. Highly creative & orgnzd & great comm skills. 3D film prod exp a plus.  Apply: www.nationalgeographic.com ID 5273. EOE. (8/17)

JOB OPENING: DIGITAL AE/A+E Networks/NY: Sell A+E Network’s suite of dig advertising opportunities within assigned territory to agencies/clients. Apply: http://www.aenetworks.com/careers (8/17)

JOB OPENING: MGR NAT’L PARTNERSHIPS/HOME TEAM SPORTS SALES/FOX/CHI: Prspt/Sell/Dev multi-platform sponsorships w/Mdwt clients & properties to drive revenue. 5 yrs Ad Sales exp/Sports prog/Stnd Pres skills/Syst/PP. http://bit.ly/MCEYOR (8/17)

JOB OPENING:  Established NYC prod co is expanding its reality development dept. Seek several DEV EXECS with rolodex, proven track record selling shows, finding characters and writing. [email protected] (8/16)

JOB OPENING: VP, PROGRAM STRATEGY/Viacom. 10+ yrs exp. in TV prog/sched; Min 2 yrs @ Sr. Dir level and above; Min 5 yrs exp managing a team. Prog research bckgd desired. B.A req. EOE/M/F/D/AAP apply www.viacomcareers.com (8/16)

JOB OPENING: Hd BUS AFFAIRS/NY: Solid BA bkgrd in TV and Digital Prod. Draft, negotiate, review agreements. Standards & Practices/copyright. JD+3yrs industry exp, network & cable. Resume/credits to [email protected] (8/16)

JOB OPENING: FREELANCE FCPX EDITOR/Uncommon Content/NYC: Experienced and creative FCP X editor with background in creative services, promo and short-form.  Please send resume and link to reel to: [email protected] (8/16)

JOB OPENING:  ACCT EXEC/OUTDOOR CHANNEL/CHICAGO: Dvlp, sell, implmt on-air/online media plns; new biz, mng accts, meet sls gls; 5 yrs media sls ind exp, 4yr deg reqd. Apply @ outdoorchannel.com/employment; EEO/M/F/D/V (8/16)

JOB OPENING: WRITER/PRODUCER/Pac-12/SF: Resp for producing creative content for on/off-air marketing platforms incl promos, szle clips, launch campngs, shoot scripts, image campngs http://hire.jobvite.com/j/?aj=oBbBWfw3&s=General (8/15)

JOB OPENING: DIR, STRATEGIC INSIGHTS, MKTG RSRCH/GSN/LA: primary rsrch leader, aud engagement specialist, multi-platform expe, Nielsen sys knwldg, mktg or agency background a +; 5+ yrs.media exp; [email protected] (8/15)

JOB OPENING: DIR, RESEARCH/GSN/LA: Strong Nielsen system knwldg, responsible for tracking, forecasting and competitive analysis, all digital rsrch, multi-platform exp a +, ; 5+ yrs.media exp; Apply: [email protected] (8/15)

JOB OPENING: EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR RESEARCH/OUTDOOR CHANNEL/LA,CA: Head of resch funct; provd anlytcs; make recomndtns to top mgmt; degree & 7-10 yrs resch exp in TV ind reqd; apply at www.outdoorchannel.com/Employment EOE,M/F/D/V (8/15)

JOB OPENING: RESEARCH MGR/CAFEMOM/NY: Res. studies for ad prgrms, update synd. res. reports, ad hoc reports for mgmt insight. 3+ yrs exp; exp w/comScore or Nielsen NetRating data; Excel, PPoint. More at www.cafemom.com/about/jobs.php (8/14)

JOB OPENING: SENIOR APS/NYC: Seek 2 SR APs for PBS/feature doc. 3+ yrs serious journalism exp. req’d. Strong booking, archive, investigative, research, driver’s license, and good story sense. Res/cov letter to [email protected] (8/14)

JOB OPENING: SALES PLANNER/WB Digital Media Sales/NY: Generate online sales plans under the dir. of VP, Sales and ADs. Creates research-based presentations for sales team to utilize in client/agency meetings. Apply here (8/13)

JOB OPENING: VP, COMMUNICATIONS/MTV/NYC: 10+ yrs exp in Corp Comms/PR or Media Relations; extensive exp. in media industry, particularly entertainment & music; B.A req. EOE/M/F/D/AAP apply www.viacomcareers.com (8/13)

JOB OPENING: ACCT MGR/ONLINE SALES/PCH/NYC: Dev & maintain adv & sponsorship deals & build proposals & media plans req. exp 3+ yrs working w/online ad sale space email res to [email protected] (8/13)

JOB OPENING:  DIRECTOR, STRATEGIC PROGRAM PLANNING/NBCUniversal/BRAVO: Responsible for Program Planning and Scheduling for linear platform and program acquisitions. Strong Research background is a plus. www.nbcunicareers.com #6056BR (8/10)

JOB OPENING:  SENIOR PROJECT MANAGER/BRAVO DIGITAL: 7+ yrs of experience in digital project management. Monitor project risk and define scope. PMP certification and a passion for pop culture is a plus. www.nbcunicareers.com #5495BR (8/10)

JOB OPENING: MKTG & RSRCH DIR/TVG/NYC: Ad sales resrch on prgm perfmce & ntwk hghlghts. Dvlp resrch concpts 4 promo mtrls. Kwldg of syndictn, natl ratings, sales prm & sftware. Media/entmt indstry req, BA/BS pref [email protected]  (8/10)

JOB OPENING: TEMP ASSISTANT/CREATIVE SERVICES/Crown Media/Studio City: Perform administrative duties and provides support for Executives and CS team… More info & apply: http://www.hallmarkchannel.com/jobs (8/10)

JOB OPENING: EXEC PROD/History/NY : Create, develop & oversee quality Prgmng on the Net. Strong development & show runner skills. 5+ yrs prgmng exp in a media environment. Apply: www.aenetworks.com/career.html (8/10)

JOB OPENING: DIG RSRCH ANALYST/A+E NETWORKS/NY: Utilize synd resources (Nielsen Online, comScore) to address ad sales rsrch req’s; compile/analyze data for reports; 1-2 yrs dig media exp; More info/apply: www.aetvn.com/careers/html (8/9)

JOB OPENING: DIR, PROMOTION PLAN’G/HBO/NYC: dvlp on-channel promo plans optimizing promot’l inventory & freq across all linear channels & platforms. 7+yrs exp. TV/cbl ntwrk or agency mngng on-air/media plans http://bit.ly/QjwKSG (8/9)

JOB OPENING: RESEARCH ANALYST/REELZ/Albuquerque: 1+ years Nielsen systems exp. Join one of the fastest growing networks and work directly with the head of programming research. Apply [email protected] (8/9)

JOB OPENING: CONTENT DIRECTOR/SYFY/NBCUNIVERSAL/NYC: Develop Syfy’s digital content strategy and oversee day-to-day editorial operations and updates. Min. 5 years of digital editorial exp. Apply: www.nbcunicareers.com (6376BR) (8/8)

JOB OPENING: SR. SALES ASST/NY: Support SVP + sales execs for a RLTV cable net. Book/main orders, wkly reports, srvc agencies, some admin. Strong math/excel skills, multi-task, self-start. 1+media exp a must: Apply [email protected] (8/8)

JOB OPENING: Established NYC PROD CO is expanding its reality development dept. Seek several DEV EXECS with rolodex, proven track record selling shows, finding characters and writing. [email protected] (8/8)

JOB OPENING: MGR, SALES MKTG/NY: Execute the “go to mkt” strats for Flixster’s Ad Sales team & guide/prepare mktg prgrms & online media plans to support those strats. Focus: key accts/lrger budget RFPs. Strong dig. bckground a must. Apply (8/7)


final implementation of the Cognos Controller financial consolidation application focused on defining the closing process, data reconciliation, report writing, and testing functionality
Senior Business Analyst   12184BR
CBS Corporation

oversees the development and testing of company-wide internal controls and compliance with Sarbanes-Oxley 404, including identifying and monitoring control deficiencies and improvements
VP, Internal Controls (SOX)   12439BR
CBS Corporation

report to the VP Global Real Estate and will be responsible for all aspects of global real estate portfolio lease administration and analysis
Global Lease Administration & Portfolio Manager, Global Real Estate   6323BR
NBC Universal

responsible for leveraging ratings data and other syndicated audience measurement tools to deliver prescriptive insights that drive audience and business development for the Telemundo Stations group
Vice President, Research   5559BR
NBC Universal

create, input, update and maintain scheduling and programming information in DCI systems and department scheduling templates
Scheduler   6317
Discovery Communications

plans and implements effective PR campaigns for all BBC WWA businesses with particular responsibility for BBC America
PR & Events Manager
BBC America

responsible for all client service engineering efforts and delivery within the New York office, and is the resident subject matter expert on presentation layer technologies
Director, Presentation Engineering

responsible for the program management and day-to-day execution and oversight of the Awards Experience festival
Director, Live Events   181
BET Networks

lead and motivate our local programming department and be part of a strong management team leading 6abc into the future
Vice President Program Director   58717BR
Walt Disney Company
Philadelphia PA

responsible for establishing the specific editorial direction and operationalizing the creative vision and voice across all initiatives on the Discovery Channel web site/s under the direction of the VP, Digital Media
Executive Producer – Digital Media   6326
Discovery Communications
Silver Springs MD

manages and leads Creative Directors to improve their work and develop continuous thought leadership for their teams and clients
Group Creative Director   11591
Atlanta GA

lead Razorfish client engagements, from small, innovative projects to larger integrated end-to-end solutions
Senior Account Director   11589
Atlanta GA

counsels, orientates, and trains managers and supervisors on the
interpretation and administration of Human Resources policies
Manager Human Resources
Chicago IL

responsible for developing and implementing a professional development strategy to support Discovery Education’s educational partners in the implementation of Common Core State Standards
VP, Prof Development – Common Core   6352
Discovery Communications
Chicago IL

responsible for devising communication and marketing strategies for Discovery Education’s existing high performance and high potential client relationships
Dir-Strat Comm & Mktg-Urban Partnerships   6322
Discovery Communications
Chicago IL

responsible for designing, developing and improving media-based systems and sites including those that support FOX Sports, FOX Broadcasting, and others
Front-End Developer   FNG0001486
Fox Networks
Los Angeles CA

tracking, analyzing and assessing key trends in the rapidly evolving pay TV industry by compiling data and producing regular and ad hoc market reports
Business Analyst, Distribution Strategy  FNG0001497
Fox Networks
Los Angeles CA

work with Hulu Marketing team to define goals and tailor the message
Senior Interactive Designer
Los Angeles CA

own project schedules and drive deliverables to completion
Senior Program Manager – Mobile
Los Angeles CA

responsible for business and legal affairs functions relating to digital distribution of feature films and episodic content, including all phases of negotiations from term sheet to definitive agreement, for above-the-line and below-the-line deal
Paramount Studios
Director, Business Affairs & Legal   3471
Hollywood CA

collaborate with the Head of Studio to establish and implement the creative strategy, implement policies and manage pilot/series production
VP Creative Development – Keystone   36133BR
Walt Disney Company
Burbank CA

represent NBC Network in its negotiations with third party providers for a variety of programming on NBC Network
Vice President, Business Affairs   6651BR
NBC Universal
Universal City CA

selecting and overseeing outside counsel, in particular developing and accessing case strategies
Patent Litigation Counsel
Los Gatos CA

primary responsibilities relating to scripted development and production matters, but will also be responsible for reality, documentary and animation development and production matters
Vice President, Business and Legal Affairs   4332
Santa Monica CA

drive overall strategy and operational direction for program scheduling on all screens & platforms
VP, Programming Strategy   4519
Various US Locations


Peter Seymour was appointed to the newly-created role as EVP/CFO with Disney/ABC Television Group as announced by Anne Sweeney, Co-Chair, Media Networks and President, Disney/ABC Television Group, to whom he will report.  This move consolidates financial leadership for the entertainment portfolio under the Disney/ABC Television Group including the ABC Television Network, ABC Studios, ABC Owned Station Group, Disney Channel, Disney XD, Disney Junior, Disney Domestic Television, ABC Family, Radio Disney and Hyperion Publishing.  Peter will also retain his oversight of strategy development for The Walt Disney Company’s worldwide broadcasting and cable programming entities in addition to his management of research, customer relationship management, media planning and franchise management. 

Indianapolis-based advertising agency, Young & Laramore hired Cory Furman, Peter Johansen and Zac Neulieb in newly-created positions.  Effective immediately, Cory joins as Brand Action Strategist, Peter as Art Director and Zac as Graphic Designer.

Launching at the end of this year, El Rey Network tapped Antoinette Alfonso Zel as its CEO.  Antoinette brings more than 20 years of television, marketing and media experience to her new position after working at such networks and brands as NBC, MTV Networks and most recently as CEO, President and Partner at her Latino-focused La Comunidad advertising agency.  Dave Cassaro was also added as Head of the El Rey Launch Team.  Dave will manage a team of experienced media executives who will communicate and work with marketers, distributors and partners in the launch of the network.  El Rey Network is a general entertainment cable network focused on young Americans.

Zodiak Rights, the international unit of Zodiak Media elevated Glen Hansen to SVP/Sales, Acquisitions and Co-production North America up from SVP/Acquisitions and Business Development, North America.  Glen will now have expanded duties over all US and English-speaking Canada finished program and format sales from the Zodiak Rights’ catalog containing more than 15,000 hours of content.  Glen will continue to be based out of Zodiak USA’s office in Santa Monica LA and will report to Jane Millichip, Managing Director, Zodiak Rights based in London.

The Inspiration Networks tagged Jeff Arthur to the new role as VP/Distribution and Affiliate Sales.  Jeff will head the development and management of new and current relationships with cable providers to expand distribution and increase brand awareness for INSP, Halogen TV and La Familia Cosmovision.

WNET, parent company of New York’s public television stations THIRTEEN and WLIW21 and operator of NJTV named Samantha Green as Controller.  Samantha will have oversight of WNET’s entire financial planning and daily accounting operations encompassing general accounting, accounts payable, accounts receivable, payroll and grants administration.  Samantha will further make financial reports to the Board and the board committees in charge of Finance, Audit and Investments.  She will report to Caroline Croen, VP/CFO and Treasurer.  Samantha succeeds Frank Pesce who will continue to report to Caroline Croen as an advisor. 

Sydney, Australia-based Flying Bark Productions appointed Rebecca Hardman as Head/Legal and Business Affairs where she reports to Managing Director Jim Ballantine.  Rebecca joins from Screen Australia where she served as Senior Lawyer/Legal and Business Affairs.

Sarah Kustok joins the YES Network as its Brooklyn Nets Reporter where she will cover the team for YES’ Nets game telecasts and pre- and post-game shows, its Nets Magazine series, other Nets programming and via YESNetwork.com.  Sarah will also appear on YES in other capacities in the studio and on remote locations.

A trio of executives advanced at AMC Networks in its Corporate Communications division.  Georgia Juvelis will become SVP/Corporate Communications while Lisa Rogen and Jaime Saberito have been elevated from Directors to VPs/Corporate Communications.  In her role, Georgia oversees all business and trade media relations for the company and its brands including AMC, IFC, Sundance Channel, WE tv, AMC/Sundance Channel Global and IFC Films.  Georgia is also the chief company spokesperson and manages the Corporate Communications department which includes Lisa and Jaime.  Lisa spearheads the daily trade and business media relations for AMC and IFC Films while Jaime facilitates the same duties for IFC and WE tv.  Congrats to all three! Way to go, Georgia, Lisa & Jaime!

Robin Hommel was tapped as Executive Producer for Current TV’s upcoming new one-hour program, Joy Behar: Say Anything!  Previously, Robin was the supervising producer on The Joy Behar Show on HLN and has also served as the co-executive producer of the Harpo/Sony Nate Berkus Show and has been involved in the launch of other shows such as Rachael Ray, Martha and The Jane Pauley Show.  Current TV bows Joy Behar: Say Anything! on September 4 at 6p.

Toronto-based Big Coat Productions hired Lissa Fraser Kerr as Head/Production and Development to supervise the company’s development slate and the production of series, pilots and documentaries.  Prior to this appointment, Lissa was a Production Executive at Corus Entertainment and was Director/Producer for such series as Colour Confidential, Sarah’s House, Property Virgins and Take This House and Sell It among others. 

Worldwide consumer products licensing marketing and brand equity company, Global Pursuit Co. Ltd. added Amanda Wang as Head/Licensing in China.  Amanda’s post is effective immediately where she will oversee licensing and marketing duties in China. 

Head/Entertainment Formats at Remarkable Television, an Endemol company, Tom Blakeson is taking on a new position at Remedy Productions, part of the Argonon group. Beginning in September, Tom will become CCO with responsibility to head Remedy’s continued development into interactive game show formats.

GMC TV elevated Rex Humbard III to SVP/Production and Network Operations up from VP/Production and Operations and Kevin Wagner was promoted to SVP/Creative Services up from VP/Creative Services.  Rex has been with the network since 2005 joining originally as Director/Network Operations and Kevin joined GMC TV in 2007 from Turner Broadcasting.  Rex and Kevin both report to Leslie Chesloff, EVP/Programming.

CNN Worldwide added Ramon Escobar as VP/Talent Recruitment and Development and Lizzie Kerner joins CNN as Director/Development.  Ramon previously was with Telemundo as EVP/Network News and will be based in New York.  Lizzie joins from Sundance Channel and now will be based in Los Angeles for CNN, reporting to Vinnie Malhotra, SVP/Development and Acquisitions. 

Island Def Jam Music Group hired Liza Joseph as VP/A&R Administration, West Coast.  Liza will be based at IDJ offices in Santa Monica where she will supervise all administrative duties for the West Coast A&R Department.  She reports to Karen Kwak, EVP/Head of A&R, Island Def Jam Music Group.

Production company, Pilgrim Studios bolstered its post-production department by adding Lainee Fiorentino Hill as VP/Post Production and additionally is upping its long-time post-production executive Jenn “X” Auth to Director/Post Production.  Lainee joins from Shed Media where she served as Director/Post Production and Jenn “X” has been with Pilgrim Studios since 1999.

JWT New York tapped Ben James as an Executive Creative Director where he will support the creative directives set in place by JWT New York’s Co-Chief Creative Officers, Ryan Kutscher and Matt MacDonald.  Previously, Ben was with CAA (Creative Artists Agency) as a Creative Director/Marketing Agent.

Remedy Productions, part of the Argonon group added former BBC executive, Suzanne Gilfillan as Executive Editor.  In her previous position at BBC for more than 20 years, Suzanne worked with several comedy titles including Have I Got News For You, Mock the Week, Comic Relief, Friday Night with Jonathan Ross and The Graham Norton Show among other programs.  At Remedy, Suzanne will report to Juliet Borges, Joint MD and work closely with Creative Director Ted Hill.

Former VP/International Consumer Products at Discovery Communications, Jo Edwards has been appointed as Random House Enterprises’ (RHE) first Head/Licensing.  RHE is a new dedicated unit of The Random House Group and its goal is to seek out multi-platform business opportunities.  Jo will report to Nigel Waters, Group Commercial Director, The Random House Group.

Justin Falvey and Darryl Frank, Co-Presidents of DreamWorks Television have been elected to the Board of Directors of the “I Have a Dream” Foundation  Los Angeles

Later — John
John Cox for Cynopsis: Classified Advantage
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