All awards recognize the use, creativity and adaptation of technology that improves, enhances or extends the consumer experience with media. Past winners include TiVo, DirecTV, Sony, The N, Showtime Networks, ABC Family, Toon Disney, and Scripps Networks.
NEW Deadline is September 20, 2007 Visit www.emmyonline.org
Cynopsis: DIGITAL
Good Morning, it’s Tuesday, August 14, 2007 and this is your first early morning digital briefing.
The Viacom/YouTube court battle is turning into a celebrity trial full of all-star witnesses and high stakes gambles. Google wants to depose Jon Stewart, Stephen Colbert, Sumner Redstone and Philippe Dauman according to court documents posted on scribd.com. Viacom want to call YouTube founders Chad Hurley and Steven Chen to the stand. Don’t expect an outcome anytime soon, however, as pre-trial motions are expected to drag on until December 2008.
CBS Television Distribution acquired a 50% stake in online talent search Big Shot, reports Variety. The syndicator will attempt to digitize the TV syndication model to create a Star Search vehicle for the YouTube era. The online program, produced by Madison Road Entertainment and Madison Television, will be made available to local CBS stations and promoted heavily on Entertainment Tonight. A weekly ET segment is in the works that will be given a permanent presence on ET.com. FanRocket is also developing an application that will help local station sites play a role.
Looks like the CNN/YouTube Republican Debate is on after all, now scheduled in Florida on November 28. Submissions are being accepted through November 27 on both on YouTube and CNN.com.
ESPN.com is getting ready to relaunch its PodCenter site with new audio and video podcasts, enhanced interactivity and an iPhone-compatible player. Chris Mortensen, former Dallas Cowboy head coach Bill Parcells and former wide receiver Keyshawn Johnson will be hosting their own podcasts. Shows will be archived for 30 days arranged by category and will offer email, poll and conversation functionality. The new PodCenter player will appear on the ESPN.com homepage.
NBCU is close to relaunching the low-rated iVillage Live syndicated TV show and has placed a new sales team to take charge of the iVillage website, according to The New York Times. The website, acquired last year for $600 million, actually saw traffic decline following the launch of the show in December but has since seen visitors and revenues increase. The iVillage team is working to weave products deeper into the site to provide advertisers with more contextual opportunities. NBC is also considering purchasing female-focused Oxygen to add to its portfolio, according to reports.
NBC has produced a multiplatform 30-minute primetime preview show to showcase this fall’s new and returning shows, hosted by Greg Grunberg from Heroes. The show, a mixture of clips and interviews conducted by Grunberg, is being offered to NBC’s 232 affiliates to show on air or on their websites through September 23rd. It can also be seen on demand, on select United Airlines flights, on various NBCU cable networks and on NBC’s own air on Saturday night, September 8 at 8:30 pm ET.
National Geographic Channel is partnering with the Bronx Zoo-based Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) to launch a new programming category on its broadband service NGC Wild! The channel will showcase WCS’s research efforts in New York and around the world beginning with six 5-minute shorts focused on the African continent.
An Access Hollywood channel was added to MobiTV, the tenth NBCU video channel offered on the mobile and broadband service.
Digital content management and distribution firm Polar Frog Digital joined the Digital Entertainment Group, an industry group made up of home entertainment content and consumer electronics manufacturers dedicated to promoting the DVD and other digital formats.
The Net Neutrality debate knows no borders. Leading ISPs in the UK are slugging it out with the BBC, warning they would have to start restricting access to the iPlayer if the public broadcaster does not start contributing to the cost of streaming video over its networks. Tiscali, British Telecom and Carphone Warehouse are involved in the dispute so far.
NBC’s DotComedy.com announced a partnership with Tel Aviv-based Hiro Media to deliver free ad supported downloads of the site’s premium content. The technology is already being used on DotComedy.com’s video sharing section, video-to-go. The system, which asks users to register basic demographic information, enables ads to be swapped out dynamically each time a program is viewed to help advertisers create personalized, time sensitive campaigns. So far the videos are being delivered directly from NBC servers rather than using a P2P model. NBC also cut a deal to feature the work of pop culture blog Gallery of the Absurd on the DotComedy.com site.
VideoEgg opened its Eggnetwork Advertising Platform to Facebook application developers, helping them monetize their content by leveraging VideoEgg’s interactive overlays and the network’s international sales team. Hundreds of large and small companies have developed widgets for the social network following the release of its open source developer’s package.
Time Warner Cable is getting ready to roll out a new Look Back service, allowing subscribers to pull up and watch shows they missed and forgot to record. The service, launching in South Carolina in October before introduced around the country, will be offered to digital subscribers at no extra cost, according to The New York Times. But like Time Warner’s Start Over function, it will disable commercial fast-forwarding.
Tivo announced the results of its Stop||Watch DVR commercial ratings for June. Each spot in the top 10 ran during Fox’s House broadcast on May 29, ranging from a 12.1 rating for a Wendy’s commercial to a 9.4 rating for an ad for MGM’s Mr. Brooks movie. The May 29 episode of House was also the top show in terms of total viewing, scoring a 17.1 rating, followed by ABC broadcast of Boston Legal on the same night (11.1) and NBC’s Dateline on June 18 (10.5).
Microsoft’s $6 billion acquisition of aQuantive has resulted in the creation of a new group in Redmond responsible for building and marketing all emerging ad platforms and integrating them with its new agency arm Avenue A/Razorfish. AQuantive CEO Brian McAndrews will lead the Advertiser And Publisher Solutions (APS) Group, reporting directly to Microsoft Platform & Services Division President Kevin Johnson. The leadership team will include:
- Steve Berkowitz, Online Services Group, responsible for Microsoft’s “audience” business and online services including MSN.com, Windows Live and Live Search
- Brian McAndrews, Advertiser and Publisher Solutions Group, responsible for building the monetization engine to serve the advertising and publishing community
- Satya Nadella, Search & Advertising Platform Group, focused on building innovative search technologies and designing ad platforms to support business and customer goals
- Yusef Mehdi will now serve as SVP/Strategic Partnerships, overseeing mergers, partnerships and relationships with start ups and VC firms.
Qwest filled its vacant chairman position, hiring former Ameritech president and CEO Edward A. Mueller as Chief Executive and Chairman.
Digital entertainment studio Wordwide Biggies has its senior management team in place. Many of the executives are former colleagues of CEO Albie Hecht at MTV Networks:
- Scott Webb, former EVP for Nickelodeon, was hired as Chief Creative Officer, overseeing studio operations, creative development and marketing
- Blaine Graboyes joins as Media Architect, leading interactive game and software production
- Christopher Romero, a veteran of Nick Online, was hired as Chief Technology Officer
- Robert Gibilterra, former CFO at MTV, becomes the studio’s Chief Financial Officer
- Kari Kim was named VP/Production and Development
Former CEO and founder of G4 Charles Hirschhorn was hired as Chief Creative Officer of emerging network Retirement TV, in charge of all programming, production and marketing for the 55+ targeted network. He will report to president Brad Knight.
MSG Media appointed Chris Monteleone to the newly created role of VP/Distribution Marketing for MSG Interactive, reporting to Scott Richman, SVP and GM. Chris will be responsible for increasing traffic and generating revenue through advertising and sponsorships for MSG’s websites, broadband video, wireless, ITV, and VOD platforms.
Go to iFilm.com, one of the original viral video sites on the net. Don’t adjust the dial! Following its acquisition by MTV Networks (and the hiring of iFilm founder Mika Salmi as MTV’s new Head of Global Digital Media,) SpikeTV.com has merged with iFilm to become a community video sharing site slanted toward the male demographic. It looks a lot more like an internet pure play than a cable network site now, featuring user generated clips and offering sharing, embedding, playlists, comments and all the other typical community stuff. What there’s not a lot of is Spike TV programming, as the network is clearly trying to attract and convert new audiences.
Later — Wayne
Wayne Karrfalt for Cynopsis: Digital
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JOB OPENING: DIRECTOR, PRODUCTION/Cartoon Network NEW MEDIA/ATL: Lead team of online site and video producers. New Media & Mgmt exp a must; GAMES/MKTG/Ad Sales/TV/Ent exp a plus. Please apply: www.turnerjobs.com (8/21)
JOB OPENING: ACCT MGR/Petry Int’l/CA: Sell int’l, multi-cultural, & OOH ad time- TV clients. U.S. multi-cultural & int’l mkts & agency knwlg. 8+ yrs exp ad sales/rsrch mat req’d. Fluency in foreign lang. Res: [email protected] (8/21)
JOB OPENING: MEDIA PLANNER/Zenith NY top telecom account! 2 + yrs planning and/or buying exp. Non-trad. exp preferred. Resumes to: [email protected] (8/21)
JOB OPENING: MEDIA PLANNER-entertainment/Zenith Los Angeles: 2 + yrs planning across all media. Resumes to: [email protected] (8/21)
JOB OPENING: STRATEGIC INSIGHTS-ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR,SUPERVISOR/SR RSCH ANALYST- Media research exp, incl primary. Work on all clients, new biz, etc. www.optimedia-us.com . Resumes to: [email protected] (8/21)
JOB OPENING: AMD, BEAUTY ACCT. Client serv, team mgmt, strong analytics, Packaged good exp. www.optimedia-us.com (8/21)
JOB OPENING: MANAGER, PROGRAM SCHEDULING/FREELANCE/ TEMPO/NYC: 4+yrs program/promo scheduling exp in TV/Cable/Multiplatform, Strg interpersnl/org skills, Highly detailed EOE/M/F/D/AAP. Send Resume to: [email protected] (8/21)
JOB OPENING: MGR. AD SALES MKTG & COMM/MTV Networks/NY: 5yr Exp in Media Sales Dept/Strng Writing Skills/Grt PP Skills/Dvlp Sales Presentations/facilitate info between Mktg, Rsch & Sales Depts/apply on-line www.mtvncareers.com/EOE (8/21)
JOB OPENING: SR WRITER PRODUCER/VERSUS/NYC: seeking sports savvy creative hotshot with exceptional writing and producing skills for marquee projects. Must be a team player with a killer promo reel. Apply at www.versus.com EEO (8/18)
JOB OPENING: ADMIN, MKTG/LA: Support VP of Mktg, ABC Family consumer mktg dept. Duties: trvl,calendar, schedule mtgs, etc.BA/BS,prefer. 2+ yrs exp;Computer Outlook, Internet exp. Apply at: www.disneycareers.com job #100996 . (8/18)
JOB OPENING: SR PRODUCER, PRODUCT DEV/VH1.com/NYC: 5+yrs exp in Ent/TV industry w/in digital media, Strng ProjMgmt exp, Knwldg of current digital products, Inventing digital prod A+ EOE/M/F/D/AAP. Apply www.mtvncareers.com (8/18)
JOB OPENING: COORDINATOR, MUSIC PROGRAMMING/MTV/NYC: 2yrs new media exp, Music Prog exp required, Knwldge of MTV brand, current music and heritage EOE/M/F/D/AAP. Apply www.mtvncareers.com (8/18)
JOB OPENING: PROJECT COORD/OFFAIR CREATIVE/MTV/NYC: 1+yrs Proj. Mgmt exp, Strg interpersnl/org skills, Able to work w/variety wrk styles/diverse team, Strng Mac/MSOffice skills EOE/M/F/D/AAP. Apply www.mtvncareers.com (8/18)
JOB OPENING: DIRECTOR, BUSINESS OPERATIONS/MTVN/NYC. 4+yrs Invest Bank/Consult exp, Strg comm/computer skills, Strg detail/time mang skills, Knwldge of GAAP, Knwldge of pop industry. EOE/M/F/D/AAP. Apply www.mtvncareers.com (8/18)
JOB OPENING: EXECUTIVE PRODUCER/VH1.com/NYC: 8+yrs Online Exp, Strg leadership/org skills, Knwldge of interactive products, Strg detail/multi-task skills, able to respond quickly to change, EOE/M/F/D/AAP. Apply www.mtvncareers.com (8/18)
JOB OPENING: MANAGER, AFFILIATED RELATIONS/MTVu/Boston: 4+yrs Mktg/Online Media/PR exp, Strg intrprsnl/org skills, Knwldge of DigiMedia Mkt place, Strg Relationship Mgmt/Presentation skills EOE/M/F/D/AAP. Apply www.mtvncareers.com (8/18)
JOB OPENING: MANAGER, BUSINESS OPERATIONS/MTV/NYC: 2yrs Invest Bank/Finance exp, Strg org skills, Knwldge of business analysis/finance modeling. Ability to Prioritize/Multi task. EOE/M/F/D/AAP. Apply www.mtvncareers.com (8/18)
JOB OPENING: PRODUCER, PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT/VH1/NYC: 3+yrs TV/Digital exp, Strg mgmt skills, Knwldge of social/ tech sites/ pop culture, Strg Problm solving/Flexibility skills EOE/M/F/D/AAP. Apply www.mtvncareers.com (8/18)
JOB OPENING: SR MARKETING MGR, INSIDE MEDIA/ VH1/NYC: 5+yrs Online/Media Mrktg exp (Ret/Acq), Strg written/verb skills, Knwldge of online/digital industry, Knwldge of CanSPAM Act. EOE/M/F/D/AAP. Apply www.mtvncareers.com (8/18)
JOB OPENING: SENIOR DIGITAL PROD/AD SALES/VH1.com/NYC: 4+yrs Online Producer,1 yr Ad Sales exp, Strg communication/org skills, Ability to multi task in high pressure deadline env EOE/M/F/D/AAP. Apply www.mtvncareers.com (8/18)
JOB OPENING: VP, PROG ENTERPRISES MARKETING/MTVN/NYC: 10yrs Cons Prod Mkting & Mgmt exp, Strg written/oral/ presentation skills, Strg creative skills, HomeEnt/Gaming/Retail/Licen exp A+. EOE/M/F/D/AAP. Apply www.mtvncareers.com (8/18)
JOB OPENING: STATION RELATIONS COOR/NYC: Affiliate relations w/PBS stations for WLIW programs. BA/BS, 2-3 yrs Mktg/Comm/PR exp & excellent sales & writing skills req’d. See full posting & apply: http://www.wliw.org/job (8/18)
JOB OPENING: VIDEO PROD MGR/WE tv/NYC(temp-perm): 2+ yrs Video & Web production exp pref in entertainment/cable. Manage dig platform video content, special projects from start to finish. Rez to www.cablevision.jobs #4153BR (8/18)
JOB OPENING: ACCOUNT EXEC/RADIO DISNEY/CHICAGO: Generating network, multi-market and online ad sales revenue according to assigned goals. 2-5 years experience in sales environment. Apply at www.disneycareers.com Keyword 104638. (8/17)
JOB OPENING: MGR, PUBLICITY fuse TV/NY: Resp for promoting awareness of fuse, its prgrmng, talent/special events in local/nat l mrkts w/consumer, business& trade media. Resume: [email protected] Manager Publicity-in subject line (8/17)
JOB OPENING: BROADCAST DESIGNER/Nicktoons Network NY: FT freelance job. Have 2+yrs exp in on-air TV gfx. Equal parts designer & animator, proficient in AE, PS & AI. Must work well in a team. Reply to: [email protected] (8/17)
JOB OPENING: MGR, LOCAL MARKET RESEARCH/National Cable Communications/NYC: 5+ yr Exp analyzing local mkt competitive TV landscape. Strong analytical/communication skills. Rep/station or cable exp. Email: nccr&[email protected] (8/17)
JOB OPENING: DIR MKTG RSRCH/Weather Channel/ATL: 4yr deg & 6+ yrs exp in TV & advertising media rsrch req’d. Provide forecasting, primary rsrch, & rating/usage data analysis for TWC cable ntwrks.Travel req’d. [email protected] (8/17)
JOB OPENING: DIR AFFILIATE SLS/TitanTV (Cedar Rapids): Web savvy Sales Leader to grow online video network of local media affil websites. Manage sls/cust svc team.5+ yrs exp affil or ad sales. BA/BS. CV to: [email protected] (8/17)
JOB OPENING: WRITER/PRODUCER PROMOTION NYC: Nationally syndicated daytime show. Detail-oriented, creative, strong writing skills. Please email cover letter and resume referencing PROMOTION W/P to [email protected] (8/17)
JOB OPENING: DIR., PRODUCTION & DEVELOPMENT/CLASSIC MEDIA/NY: Creative exec to oversee TV/film projects. Great with story and comedy; strong manager. 5-7 years related experience. Resume and cover letter to [email protected] (8/17)
JOB OPENING: VP SALES & MARKETING/SHOW PARTNERS/ORLANDO: Develop, coordinate, lead sales & marketing efforts. Bring portfolio to generate new business. Req 10+yrs in tv/large event sales/marketing. Email [email protected] (8/17)
JOB OPENING: ONLINE MARKETER/Wiredset/NYC: Dvlp/execute/product mng online mrktg campaigns. Job is 1/3 PR, 1/3 new media, 1/3 biz dev. Online exp needed/Ent/web exp pref. Email [email protected] (8/16)
JOB OPENING: DEVELOPERS/PRODUCERS/Discovery Communications: Experienced Developers/Producers for six month freelance project. Please send resumes to [email protected] (8/16)
JOB OPENING: ASST SALES PLANNER/Oxygen/LA: Support 2 AEs, Sales Planner & Sr. Asst w/ all aspects of sales process. Must be detailed oriented w/strong PC Skills and a team player. Cable agency exp a plus. Resume to: [email protected] (8/16)
JOB OPENING: VP RESEARCH/Nickelodeon/NYC: 8 yrs exp. w/ applied research. 8 yrs. mgt exp. Applied research exp. w/ kids ages 2-11 a strong plus; B.A. related field. EOE/M/F/D/AAP www.mtvncareers.com (8/16)
JOB OPENING: RESEARCH MGR/iN DEMAND/NY,NY: Design, execute & analyze primary mkt research. Qualitative & quantitative +syndicated sources. Bachelors + 3-5 yrs exp all phases primary research. Apply at: [email protected] (8/15)
JOB OPENING: RESEARCH ANALYST TNT/TBS Entertainment Mktg Research/ATL: TV analysis & Marketing Research position. Key job req tradtnl mktng rsrch exp or TV rsrch exp. Mktng or media rsrch edu 2+ yrs exp. [email protected] (8/15)
JOB OPENING: SALES PLANNER/Comcast Ntwrks/NY: Generate upf & scatter plans; deal maint & stwrdship; support to sales team. Liason btwn AEs & agencies. 2yrs exp sales/planning prfrd. Contact [email protected] (8/15)
JOB OPENING: MEDIA RESEARCH ANALYST/Univision/NY: Develop/maintain inventory, estimates, viewing trends & presentations with NSI/NHSI ratings for Spot Sales. Detail oriented, analytical. Email res: [email protected] EOE (8/15)
JOB OPENING: RESEARCHER P/T)/LA Daytime Drama: Support writing team.Work from home but must be avail to meet w/ team on an as needed basis.Rsrch of legal matters/medical issues.Rsrch exp pref’d. [email protected] (8/15)
JOB OPENING: NEWS BOOKER/COORDINATOR needed- NY based Nationally Syndicated TV show. Ideally has experience in talk. RESUMES: [email protected] (8/15)
JOB OPENING: RESEARCH DIRECTOR, CARTOON NETWORK/ADULT SWIM-NYC: Identify trends in audience data/analyze/interpret complex data in support of Ad Sales. Nielsen/syndicated rsrch exp. Apply: [email protected] (8/15)
SUMMER or FALL INTERNSHIPS – These positions are for credit only – nobody gets paid here. They are posted for free, and students work for school credit only. For more information on the specs for posting an Internship ad, email Trish at [email protected] .
FALL INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: INTERN /The Montel Williams Show/NYC: Nationally Syndicated talk show seeks motivated interns for the fall semester. Learn all facets of production! Please email resume [email protected] (8/21)
FALL INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: PUBLICITY DEPARTMENT INTERNS/Oxygen Media/NYC: is looking for publicity intern fall 2007. Please email your resume and cover letter to [email protected] (8/21)
FALL INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: MEDIA INTERN/Mid-sized Advertising Twin Cities advertising agency . Responsibilities include: assisting with trafficking, invoice entry, media research, mapping and other duties. E-mail resume to [email protected] (8/18)
FALL INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: CASTING INTERN/CBS Primetime/NYC: Seeking hard-working students with good senses of humor, multi-tasking abilities, and an interest in television for the fall semester. Email res/cover letter to [email protected] (8/18)
FALL INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: INTERNS FOR PRODUCTION, HR, ONLINE CONTENT, etc./NFL Network/ NFL.com/Culver City, CA: Students must be enrolled in a credited course & be Junior or above. [email protected] Subject Line: Intern: Fall 2007 (8/17)
FALL INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: PUBLICITY DEPARTMENT INTERNS. Children’s book publisher Scholastic Inc./NYC is looking for intern fall 2007 and/or spring 2008 Please email your resume and cover letter to [email protected]. (8/17)
FALL INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: BLACK20/Brooklyn NY: A team of young writers & producers who left TV to start a Broadband Network, seeks interns for: Video Prod, Mktg/PR, & Graphic Design. Please email resume & cover letter to [email protected] (8/17)
FALL INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: AWARDS SHOW INTERN – Major awards show LA office seeks savvy intern. Prod rsrch, track media breaks, update contacts. Need PR, media or prod background; MAC, Excel, Internet, organiz’l skills. [email protected] (8/16)
FALL INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: FALL INTERNSHIPS CREDITS/STIPEND: Sesame Workshop/NYC seeks INTERNS for Sesame Street& Inter Prod, MKTG/PR, Educ & Rsrch dept. for various projects. Knwlg of MS Word/Excel/ email Res: [email protected] (8/16)
Interested in posting your Video Resume? Contact [email protected] for more information ….
SITUATION WANTED: FIELD/SEGMENT PRODUCER: LA 17+ years. Looking for diverse job for my many skills. Interviewing/writing/supervising edits/voice overs/coaching new talent. Exp: EXTRA, INSIDE EDITION, FOX NEWS, CBS [email protected] (8/21)
SITUATION WANTED: PA/Production Work: Syracuse University: ’07 Newhouse School Grad in NYC. Creative, responsible & passionate. References at Sesame Workshop, AMC, Radio Disney, NBC/NBC Olympics, Bravo. Contact: [email protected] (8/21)
SITUATION WANTED: Experienced wine, food and travel author/writer seeks opening (part time, freelance OK). Will write, edit, script.Currently creating scripts for multi-segment Internet wine TV show. [email protected] (8/21)
SITUATION WANTED: PROD/MKTG COORD: Education & TV Prod, Rsrch, Sales, Multimedia exp. Very intelligent, media savvy, hard working, dedicated to enhancing career in TV. Diverse skill set Open to various opps avail. [email protected] (8/18)
SITUATION WANTED: Experienced, award winning ART DIRECTOR/GRAPHIC DESIGNER seeking part-time or freelance. Photoshop /After Effects / Invigorator/ etc. Please see website at http://www.eqdesign.com or Email [email protected] (8/18)
SITUATION WANTED: DIRECTOR/VP OF PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT, MERCHANDISING & LICENSING LA: Highly creative award-winning product development & M&L specialist. Former Alliance Atlantis, Mattel, & Hasbro Executive. [email protected] (8/17)
SITUATION WANTED: EXECUTIVE ASST 15 years entertainment experience (Disney, KCOP, Radio, Showtime, Marvel). Looking for extra typing assignments to do at home. Please contact: [email protected] (8/16)
SITUATION WANTED: STORY EDITOR: Exp. story analyst. Used to read/cover material for major actor/comedian. Thorough and detailed note giver. Unmatched knowledge of story. Samples/resume upon request. [email protected] (8/16)
SITUATION WANTED: ASSOC. PRODUCER/WRITER: Seeks employment in Toronto. Experience working in broadcast and multimedia areas of children’s production. Brings tech savvy creative ideas and energy to the team. [email protected] (8/15)
E-mail Trish Pihonak for rates and specs for Job Openings.
Interested in posting your Video Resume? Contact [email protected] for more information ….
Are you looking for a job? Post your Situation Wanted Ad here — Email Trish Pihonak for specs.