Tuesday, August 13th, 2013

Cynopsis: DIGITAL

Good morning. It’s Tuesday, August 13, 2013, and this is your first early morning digital briefing.


Things are much clearer now. At least they are if you’re looking at Skype on the most recent iPhone or iPad. The just-released Skype 4.10 for iOS works to maintain better call quality and stability, but its biggest improvement is that it now supports HD video.

The QVC, Playboy, and Galavision channels have all been tested by DirecTV in recent weeks and it appears the service might be ready to release them to the general public this week. DirecTV has also been found to be testing streams for beIN Sport Espanol and ESPN Desportes. It isn’t official when any of them will be released to subscribers, but it’s being said that the first three will get the go-ahead on August 15.


NBC News has made a deal to buy Stringwire, a startup company that will enable the network to stream user-generated video from cell phones to its studio in New York, who will then push the content to the rest of the world.
In Other Words: NBC will no longer have to wait for a cameraperson to get to the scene. To get their on-the-street camera people, NBC will monitor Twitter to find those tweeting about events as they happen. The network will then send them a message asking them to shoot live video for the network.

Bravo Media is adding some digital extras to its Top Chef. Set in New Orleans this year, the show doesn’t premiere till Oct. 2. But starting Wednesday, the program will launch on BravoTV.com a web-series Cigna-sponsored spinoff, Padma’s Picks, that features host and judge Padma Lakshmi going to some of the city’s best restaurants and selecting 10 chefs to battle for a spot on this year’s Top Chefs. This is in addition to another digital web series attached to the show, Top Chef: Last Chance Kitchen, which is about to launch into its third season and features two eliminated chefs battling for a spot in the Top Chef finale.
In Other Words: Bravo is being tactical in leveraging a strong broadcast entity into an extended digital product and generating a nice stash of sponsorship dollars along the way.

Strategic communications and engagement firm Fastlane Communications has partnered with Latergy Video Marketing and Public Relations. The pairing will allow the two companies to provide clients with a single source to create and distribute content via earned, paid, owned, and shared media.



Women of Action from 4-7pm in NYC at the Yale Club

To take place the evening before the Cynopsis Sports Business Summit (8/14 at the Grand Hyatt NY), join us for a stimulating 2-hrs with a dynamic group of women in senior sports positions talking candidly about the challenges that women still face in landing shot-calling, game-changing positions in the sports world, as well as the opportunities those same challenges present.


League of Legends by Riot Games has millions of gamers singing its praises and most of them are the elusive Millennials. American Express aims to cash in on that fact with a partnership that it will announce Wednesday with Riot, the New York Times reports. The credit-card company will begin offering prepaid debit cards with images of the game’s characters emblazoned on them. Each cardholder will receive 1,000 points that can be used in the game. In addition, another 1,000 points are given to the consumer when he or she puts $20 onto the debit card, and a whopping 10,000 points are given to the user if the card is linked to a direct-deposit account.
In Other Words: Amex is smartly finding a way to not only get its name in front of an audience that is difficult to connect with, but giving gamers actual incentives to use the card that they care about.

Facebook has upgraded its iOS and Android mobile options so that members can find air times, channel info, and content descriptions for their favorite television shows.

Anti-ad startup Disconnect has now debuted an app for parents who don’t like that their kids are being served ads based on their online behavior: Disconnect Kids is a free iOS app that not only helps them control how their online and mobile browsing actions are used and educates them about online privacy at the same time. The technology behind the whole shebang was designed by Patrick Jackson, a former NSA engineer.
In Other Words: Media buyers should look to see how Disconnect works. Consumer attempts at self-protection are bound to rise as targeted ads become even more pervasive.

The word from MobileCasinos.co is that mobile gambling on smartphones is expected to grow 19% annually up till 2016 when revenue from smartphone gambling should hit $13.9 billion. That’s a lot of virtual poker chips.


By the time the PGA Championship ended Sunday with American Jason Dufner bringing home the victory, TNT had averaged a 1.2 U.S. household rating and 1.6 million viewers across four days of broadcasts. Live streaming viewership on PGA.com was up 69% (down from the 83% increase point it had hit after the first two days of golfing) and the hours of live streaming video consumed was up 85% from last year.


Kantar Media, has named George Pappachen executive vice president of strategy and business development for its Ad Intelligence group. Previously, Pappachen was global strategy and business development director at WPP’s Data Alliance as well as Kantar’s chief privacy officer… Gary Perrelli is the new senior vice president, interactive sales-content providers at Ensequence. Perrelli used to hold the title of vice president, national accounts and affiliate advertising sales for Disney and ESPN Media Networks… Tricon Films & Television is making a new push to build its digital sales team and has announced a number of related hires: Karthiga Ratnasabapathy is now the director, digital sales and acquisitions, there. The company also promoted Paul Lancaric to senior director, business affairs Lia Dolente to director, international sales & communications; Nick Solowski to director, international sales and acquisitions; Ashley Rite to director development & international sales; and Liz Coucean to manager, marketing & acquisitions… Social ad company 140 Proof has hired Ed Darmanin as its new chief revenue officer. Darmanin was formerly a vice president at The Weather Channel… A+E Networks is promoting four of its programming execs. Elaine Frontain Bryant is now senior vice president, development and programming, History. Paul Cabana has moved up to become senior vice president, head of programming, H2. Mary Donahue has been promoted to senior vice president, non-fiction programming, Lifetime, and Gena McCarthy has been named senior vice president, programming at Bio… Chris Lederer has been appointed to principal in PwC’s Advisory business.



Cynopsis: Sports Business Summit
Engage Fans. Integrate Brands. Make Money.

Come join us for an exciting day, as we hear leading executives deliver thoughtful, actionable perspectives on how to best grow brands, monetize value and tap into the unrivaled passion and enthusiasm of the sports fan.

Don’t Miss Out! Register Now: Click Here | Questions: Pete Romas.


Secure. Contain. Protect. The eerie SCP Foundation website is a place that has inspired plenty of people to write and submit thousands of pages of new fiction that would be at home on The Twilight Zone. One of those stories, SCP-173, which tells the story of a monster that is perfectly still when you’re looking but moves in for the kill when you’re not, has been made into a live action web series set to launch in September. For those who feel the need to be creeped out right this very minute, though, two short teasers have been released.


How to (Really) Increase Kid Brand Revenue through Licensing
August 27, 2013 | Time: 1:30-3:00 p.m. ET | Price: $295/site

Hosted by: Cathy Applefeld Olson – Editor, Cynopsis Kids

Daisy Kline – VP, Marketing & Brand Management (Scholastic)
Pete Yoder – VP, U.S. Consumer Products (Cartoon Network Enterprises)
Melissa Segal – EVP, Global Consumer Products (The Jim Henson Company)
Sean Gorman – President (American Greetings Properties)

See you tomorrow,
Mark Miller 

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Diane K Schwartz: Senior Vice President, Media Communications Group

Cynopsis Ad Sales: Mike Farina | VP Sales & Marketing | 203-218-6480
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JOB OPENING: ASSOC DIR, VOD SALES PLAN’G/Fox Broadcasting Co/NY: Mng/track/steward/forecast VOD & other dig. convergence deals as well as pricing, plan’g & rev. analysis responsibilities.BS/BA Deg req, Strong Excel skills a must. Apply: http://bit.ly/11MJTHK (8/20)

JOB OPENING: ADDRESSABLE SALES PLANNER/DIRECTV/NYC: Maintain addressable proposals, monitor campaigns, coord btwn client & traffic. Min 2-3 yrs Addressable, TVE or Digital exp. 4-year degree. http://bit.ly/1b3GNV7 (8/17)

JOB OPENING: DIG. SALES EXEC/NCC/Chicago: Min of 3-5 yrs dig media sales exp. Fluent knwldg of online Advrtsng space incl. display, video, tablet/mobile & targeting solutions. Proven sales track record a must – reply HERE [email protected] (8/17)

JOB OPENING: SALES TRAFFIC ANALYST/NY, NY: Mng inventory (all aspects), regular reporting, provide sales support on sales related functions, Mng barter deals, kwldg of wide orbit a+ 3-5 yrs, res & $$ to [email protected] (8/17)

JOB OPENING: AE DIRECT RESPONSE/ION/NY: Reqd 3 yrs DR Ad Sales, strong agency & client relationships, grow & develop new business, increase rates. Team Player. Strong oral/written/computer skills. Apply at [email protected] EOE (8/16)

JOB OPENING: COUNSEL/BURBANK: 4+yrs relevant dev/prod exp @ TV studio or law firm. Animation exp. pref. handling orig. prgrmng matters. Ample exp handling dvlpmnt & prod of origi prgrmng for TV  rights /content clearance matters. Apply HERE (8/16)  

JOB OPENING: ASSIST DIR, BROADCAST SERVICES/NCAA/Indy: Resp: primary contact with ESPN and TURNER, CBS related to programming, production and TV/Dig Ops.  Min 3 yrs exp TV prgrmng/prod req’d. More info/ APPLY HERE (8/16) 

JOB OPENING: PARTNER MGR/HBO/NYC: Oversee activities initiatives related to mgmt & implementation of HBO’s marketing efforts w/designated digital partners in an effort to drive HBO GO & MAX GO awareness. Please apply @ http://bit.ly/1bf68ch (8/16)

JOB OPENING: MGR, MARKET RESEARCH/HBO/NYC: Managing primary quantitative and qualitative mkt rsrch projects. Proficiency in statistical analysis software tools. Min. 5-7 yrs of consumer mkt research exp. http://bit.ly/19Tcr8h (8/16)

JOB OPENING: SR WRITER/PRODUCER/A&E/NY: Develop innovative, break-through creative that drives ratings, revenue & brand image. 5 yrs exp producing first-in-class creative campaigns. Apply: www.aenetworks.com/career.html (8/16)

JOB OPENING: SR ART DIR/Lifetime/NY: Creative lead in art directing & designing advertising, promo, digital & mktg materials. 8 yrs exp in ad agency, graphic design firm or tv/cable. Apply: www.aenetworks.com/career.html (8/16)

JOB OPENING: SR. MANAGER, PARTNER MARKETING/iN DEMAND/NYC: Devlp/execute consumer mktg & ptnrship initiatives, 3-5 yrs mktg exp., strong know of digital & social media. Resume & sal req to: [email protected] (8/16)

JOB OPENING: DIR, PARTICP & RESIDS/AMC/NY or LA: Serve as internal contact for resids & particip obligations and royalties for AMC Studios Owned prgrmmng. 7+yrs exp. Submit res http://tinyurl.com/lvnuvwx (8/15)

JOB OPENING: LIFESTYLE FREELANCE PROD/TV 25/Baltimore area: Passionate! Specialize Food/Entertaining/Home Decor/Real Estate. Dvlp prgrmng & show ideas; has strong writing skills; professn’l producing background for dig. or TV. Reel/res: HERE (8/15) 

JOB OPENING: DIR-ONLINE DEVELOPMENT/AMCN/NYC: responsible for all website & mobile development across all networks, 10+ yrs. exp. architecting & designing Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP CLICK HERE (8/15)
JOB OPENING:  TRAFFIC COORD/Al Jazeera America/NY: 1-3 years traffic or commercial Ops exp./edit commercial logs, rotation of commercial spots, & understanding of Ad-Sales process. Resume/apply HERE (8/15)   

JOB OPENING:  APC OPERATOR/NBCU/SOUTHEAST/SOUTHWEST: Owned Television station in the Dallas/Fort Worth area, KXTX TV, has a rare opportunity for a detailed oriented, multi-skilled, full-time APC Operator  Apply HERE (8/15)   

JOB OPENING:  SALES PLANNER-ACCT MNGR/PEARSON/POPTROPICA/NYC: Int’l pub of major kids’ brand w/leading ad prgm seeks team player to asst w/RFPs and acct mng nat’l campaigns. 2-3 yrs dig exp, knwlg of metrics/tools. Apply HERE (8/15)

JOB OPENING: SALES PLANNER/OVATION/NYC: Create sales proposals, steward accounts, interface w/agency buyers + clients. Min 1+ yrs ad sales  dealmaker, media math. BA/BS req’d send resume to [email protected] (8/14)

JOB OPENING: AD SALES PLANNER/NUVOtv/NYC: Exp’d sales plnr to dvlp customized plans/presentations for Ad Sales clients. Great opp for someone looking to join fast growing bus w/future growth opps. Res/salary history: [email protected] (8/14)

JOB OPENING: EXEC ADMIN ASST, PRGMNG/Crown Media/Studio City: Support EVP, Prgrming/VP, Sched & Acquisitions/VP, Prgrmng for Hallmark Channel & Hallmark Movie Channel. 3 yrs exp supporting Sr execs/prior exp TV/Prod. Info/apply HERE (8/14)

JOB OPENING: DIR ACCT MNGMNT/Origin Digital, an Accenture Co./NYC: Worldwide leader in enabling LIVE events on 2nd screens, seeking star to build revenues. New media/sports/sale/tech. background. [email protected] (8/14)

JOB OPENING: DIR. DIGITAL PRODUCTION OPS/Hub/LA: Resp: planning, dev/design strategic thinker, attn. to detail. 7 + yrs web editorial 4 + yrs mgt. role Exp. Apply at: www.hubworld.com/careers (8/14)

JOB OPENING: INTERACTIVE PRODUCER/Hub/LA: Resp: concept, build, launch & mgr’ing entertaining content exp. on hubworld & various dig. platforms 5+ yrs online content. Apply at: www.hubworld.com/careers (8/14)

INTERNSHIPS – These positions are for credit only – nobody gets paid here. These ads are always posted for free, and students work for school credit only. For more information on the specs for posting an Internship ad, email Trish at [email protected].

FALL INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: Motion GFX Internship: Design & animate GFX in AE and C4D for Fortune 500 companies at a well-established NYC video production boutique. Please send resume, link to reel, & cover letter HERE. mailto:[email protected] (8/16)

FALL INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: PRODUCTION INTERNSHIP: Work with producers on video and animation projects for Fortune 500 companies at a well-established NYC video production boutique. Please send resume & cover letter: mailto:[email protected] (8/16)

FALL INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: POST-PRODUCTION/Library Intern/ Scholastic/NY: Work on video duplication, transcoding, potential for minor editing. Assist with video library &cataloguing. Admin work required. Resume to [email protected] (8/16)

SITUATION WANTED ADS, POSTED BY THOSE LOOKING TO BE HIRED… There is no charge for placing your Situation Wanted ad… for more information contact Trish Pihonak at [email protected].

E-mail [email protected] or call Trish Pihonak at 888.702.3858 for rates and specs for Job Openings.

Are you looking for a job? Post your Situation Wanted Ad here — Email [email protected] for specs.

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