Thursday, June 30th, 2011

Cynopsis: DIGITAL

Good morning, it’s Thursday, June 30, 2011, and this is your first early morning digital briefing.  If you would like to read this or any other Cynopsis edition online, click here

News Corp.’s once-hot social networking site MySpace has been sold to ad network Specific Media for the bargain basement price of $35 million – nearly a third of the $100 million the company was reportedly seeking and just a sliver of the $580 million News Corp. paid for the site in 2005. Many of MySpace’s 400 or so employees were let go on Wednesday. Jack Kennedy, EVP of Operations for News Corp.’s digital group, oversaw the sale process while Allen & Co. marketed the social networking site to buyers. Specific Media has raised $100 million from private equity firm Francisco Partners to date and is no stranger to acquisitions – purchasing online video site Broadband Enterprises (BBE) last October.


China’s largest online video portal Youku signed a deal with Warner Bros. Entertainment‘s local joint venture to license between 400 and 450 Warner Bros. movies for the new Youku Premium VOD service, per Reuters. Youku Premium launched on Tuesday but has processed more than 200,000 paid transactions since beta testing began in Oct., 2010.
has obtained streaming rights from Open Road Films, an indie film studio launched by Regal Entertainment Group and AMC Entertainment. The service will be the only place online that offers “Killer Elite,” starring Robert DeNiro and Clive Owen and scheduled for theatrical release in September.
CMT will premiere a new Rascal Flatts music video, “Easy,” across multiple platforms including the CMT channel,, CMT Pure and, for the first time, within the network’s new Facebook game, CMT Presents Platinum Life: Country. The game enables players to design and customize their own country music avatars then hit the road and tour venues alongside famous bands.
MTV’s bilingual/bicultural network Tr3s is premiering a couple of new web series on its web site this summer: Foodie-targeted “Grillin’ with Rico” begins July 2 while “El Spooky Show,” centered around Spooky, the giant Mexican hamster MTV International introduced during the World Cup last year, appears from August.


The mobile payment service launched by Twitter-cofounder Jack Dorsey, Square, shored up $100 million in financing in a round led by Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers. The company processes credit card transactions without a contract using a free credit card reader app for the iPhone, Andriod or iPad, collecting 2.75% of the sale.
Social web browser RockMelt, available for both PCs/Macs and the iPhone, has closed on a $30 million round of financing led by new investors Accel Partners and Khosla Ventures and existing investor Andreessen Horowitz. (That gives the company two ties to Facebook – both Marc Andreessen and Accel’s Jim Breyer sit on the Facebook board.) RockMelt integrates with popular social networking services such as Facebook and Twitter to allow users to include their friends as they wander the web.
Video slideshow creation tool-maker Animoto has raised $25 million in a new funding round led by Spectrum Equity Investors with Madrona Venture Group and participating. The company is utilize the funds to “capitalize on the imminent convergence of photos, videos, mobile and the digital living room,” according to blog post from CEO Brad Jefferson.
FremantleMedia Enterprises has acquired the worldwide distribution rights (outside of N. America) for the new comedy series, Web Therapy, based on Lisa Kudrow’s wry web series. The show premieres on Showtime in the U.S. on July 19 at 11 pm et/pt.


Mobile video ad company Vdopia unveiled a new technology to enable advertisers and publishers to seamlessly bypass Flash and pesky plug-ins to run video ads on the mobile web across iPhone, iPad, Android and Blackberry. The “.VDO” file format is designed to simplify ad campaigns, allowing marketers to utilize existing assets in a write-once, play everywhere format. Sony Pictures, Universal Studios, Microsoft and Samsung are among the brands to have tested the format during its trial run, according to Vdopia.
The IAB opened the doors of its new IAB Ad Lab by hosting the first of several national privacy roundtables organized by U.S. Representative Marsha Blackburn (R-TN). The roundtable series is designed to head off government regulation by promoting the industry’s self-regulatory privacy efforts.


Advocacy group Consumer Watchdog has asked the FTC to look into whether Facebook’s virtual currency system Facebook Credits, which becomes mandatory on the platform from Friday, violates antitrust laws. Facebook Credits, used to buy virtual goods and other items within the site’s fast-growing social gaming space, skims 30% of revenue generated by gaming companies off the top and prohibits developers from using any other pay system.
Local media digital media vendor WorldNow signed deals with station groups Grant Broadcasting and West Virginia Media Holding to add a total of 18 new sites to its web, mobile and video management platform. As part of the agreements, WorldNow will also provide the groups with local sales training and access to its national advertising sales network.


An overwhelming majority of Americans believe they should be able to remotely access all their digital devices from wherever they are including while on vacation (74%), while in bed (48%) and even while on their honeymoon (17%), according to a new TeamViewer survey conducted by Harris Interactive. About 30% of Americans said they are now using more computing devices than in any prior year and 63% say they use at least two computers, smartphones or tablets on a weekly basis.


Sony announced that Andrew House, who heads the company’s videogame business in Europe, will succeed Kazuo Hirai as President and CEO of Sony Computer Entertainment, effective Sept. 1. Kazuo was upped to Executive Deputy President in March, a move that was believed to put him in line to succeed Sony CEO Sir Howard Stringer when he retires in 2013. Also effective September 1, Hirai will become chairman of Sony Computer Entertainment International (SCEI).
Twitter co-founder Biz Stone writes in a blog post that he is joining fellow company alumnus Evan Williams and Jason Goldman to run San Francisco-based start-up incubator Obvious Corp., the venture that helped found Twitter among other start-ups. Williams had said he was stepping away full time from Twitter in March.
Cinema ad sales firm Screenvision has hired Suzanne La Forgia as SVP/National Sales. She will report directly to Mark Mitchell, Chief Revenue Officer, from July 5, managing sales teams in New York, Chicago, Detroit and LA.
Ian Buxton will be join the website ForScotchLovers as Managing Editor, effective July 1.


Google+ is the search giant’s answer to Facebook, offering the chance to chat or share photos, messages and videos with friends or groups of friends. The company seems to have learned a valuable privacy lesson when it introduced Google Buzz in Feb. 2010. Google+ launches with a superior user interface when it comes to controls and privacy protections. Some 13 settings and options are included to help you control who sees what you post. Your friends and acquaintances can be placed into “circles” of varying access. Most important, options like geo-location tracking of photos can be added, but start out as an opt-in instead of an automatic feature. (IMHO, this approach contrasts sharply with Facebook, which routinely adds radical privacy-eroding features by default and describes its privacy policies in such a confusing manner that it takes a lawyer to understand what you’re getting yourself into.) Google has also redesigned its minimalistic homepage – check out the black bar of options at the top of the page. The new design will soon roll out to mobile apps to deliver the same uniform look and feel across all platforms.

Later – Wayne
Wayne Karrfalt for Cynopsis Digital

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JOB OPENING: ON AIR CREATIVE MGR/Discovery Comm/FL: Supervising/senior producer 5+ yrs exp in TV entertainment, manage budget, responsible for output of Gen entertainment ch. LIV. Speak Eng & Spa a must. #4150 (7/8)

JOB OPENING: SALES OPS ASST TEMP/TV One/NYC: copy & order entry, data validation entry; crspond w/clnts. Attn detail MS Suite min 2 yrs office exp req’d. Brdway Sys; Ad Sales/Sales exp a+; Sal DOE Visit: (7/8)

JOB OPENING: SR MGR OPS/Traffic/NYC: Mng daily operations ensure the timely and accurate upload of inventory; perform tracking and billing process; order approvals 4+ yrs exp traffic/sales ops. Visit (7/8)

JOB OPENING: TEMP TALENT MGR/WEtv/NY: 5+ yrs exp managing talent. Coord sched talent for all net events. Ensure contract compliance. Exc comm skills. Rez:[email protected] (7/8)

JOB OPENING: ACCT SERVICE REP/IFC & SUNDANCE/LA: create proposals/handle all aspects of deal maintenance & prospect new advertisers. Excllnt comp/comm/orgztnl skilz 3+ yrs prior agency/media experience. Rez: [email protected] (7/8)

JOB OPENING:  IT PROJECT MANAGER/NY: Please go to req#94274 for Full Description and to apply!  (7/8)

JOB OPENING: ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE/MD: Mngs 360 ad campaigns for variety of Discovery networks within our in-house creative agency. Strong digital advertising experience a plus. # 4164

JOB OPENING:  SR DIR OF DVLPMENT/MD: Lead development for Science Channel that span from quirky to groundbreaking/craft to appeal to the curiosities of audience; +7yrs exp in broadcast/cable industry # 4020 (7/7)

JOB OPENING: SALES ASST/OUTDOOR CHANNEL/CHICAGO: Create mktg decks; Assist bldg plns and check avls; Review MSAs and track delivery; Self-starter, proactive, media degree/exp helpful; To: [email protected] (7/7)

JOB OPENING: MANAGER NEW BUSINESS MRKTING/FOOD NETWORK/NY: Oversee mkting of brand’s new biz endeavors, driving rev & ratings. Degree req’d. 5 yrs exp in media, brand &/or adv desired. #2411 (7/7)

JOB OPENING: DIR STRATEGIC INSIGHTS/Women @ NBC U/NY: #1827BR  Provide strategic & analytical guidance for integrated mrktng div. sales research w/new ROI research methods. 5+ yr exp. (7/7)

JOB OPENING: SR. COUNSEL, BUS. & LEGAL AFFAIRS-SUNDANCE CHANNEL GLOBAL/NY: Structure/negotiate complex transactions & handle diverse legal issues for ntwrk. 6+yrs JD relevant inhouse &/or law firm exp. Apply: [email protected] (7/6)

JOB OPENING: SALES PLANNER/TV Guide Networks, LLC/Chicago: Build media plans, steward deals, assist AEs in sales process, 2+ yrs agency/sales exp. Support both network & online sales teams. [email protected] (7/6)

JOB OPENING: SR PRODUCER/ANTIQUES ROAD SHOW/WGBH/BOSTON: (P0465) Full time series production. See full job description and apply online at (7/6)

JOB OPENING: DIR, SYFY PRIMARY RSRCH/NYC:  Job#2137BR Plan, design, analyze & report consumer research projects. Min 7 yrs exp in internet surveys, focus groups & syndicated research services. BA/BS Req. Apply: (7/6)

JOB OPENING: AD SALES ASST/Sportsman Channel/NY: Seeking a recent grad w/ previous ad sales/advertising internship exp to asst ad sales dept. Strong Excel & multi-tasking a +. Apply: [email protected] (7/6)

JOB OPENING: SR MGR/DIR, PROMOTIONS/NYC:  Responsible for the creation of mktg/promotions prgrms that enable the sales team to sell advertising solutions. Req’s 8+ yrs exp, 4+ yrs Digital. Resume: (7/6)

JOB OPENING: FREELANCE BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT/HORN INTERACTIVE/NYC: point person on developing business relationships with Agencies & Brands for leading Interactive production / live streaming firm (7/6)

JOB OPENING: PRGRM ACQUISITIONS MGR/Films Media Group/NY: 3+yrs exp acquisi.; factual prgmng knwlg; solid ind contacts; exp: educ & learning; self-starter & deal-maker; BA/BS req, Spanish profic a+. Res: [email protected] EOE (7/6)

JOB OPENING: MGR PARTNERSHIPS/ABC Domestic/NY: create, sell-through and execute in-show/online promo programs for advertisers/brands apply to: req #310583 (7/6)

JOB OPENING: FREELANCER AUD RSRCH/MTVN/LA. TV rsrch mgr/dir; strong conceptual skills. Media Math,Nielsen/Star Media sftwr req’d w/ prof synd. rsrch (MRI) pref.Min 5 yrs. Exp TV resrch/related field. Res: [email protected] (7/2)

JOB OPENING: VP BUS & LEGAL AFFAIRS/MD: Mng business negotiations for a wide variety of prgmmg transaction for Discovery Ntwrks w/focus on documentary & non-scripted reality prmmg. # 3497 (7/2)

JOB OPENING: EMERGING MEDIA TECHNOLOGIST/NBCU/NYC: Full time technical position focused on Mobile (Social Media, QR codes, Tablets, Apps, Augmented Reality, etc.), Connected TVs and Automatic Content Recognition. (7/1)

JOB OPENING: MOBILE VIDEO PROGRAM MANAGER/NBCU/NYC: Technical knowledge of mobile vid/infrastructure including: codecs, transcoding, bit-rates, RSS/MRSS/XML feeds, delivery systems, and device player capabilities. (7/1)

JOB OPENING: COORD, PROD FIN/LIFETIME/NY: Support Prod Mgmnt with invoicing, budgeting, monthly close &analysis.2 yrs exp in fin/acctg/prod within a media environment. To apply: (7/1)

JOB OPENING: HR BUS PARTNER/A+E NETS/LA: Serve as bus partner &resource for LA office in all areas of HR. 7+ yrs HR exp in a media co. Strong recruiting/employee relations/comp/benefits exp. To apply: (7/1)

JOB OPENING: PROGRAMMING DIRECTOR/Discovery Comm/FL: 7+yrs exp. Resp for program strategy, acquisition & scheduling of general entertainment channel LIV, Gen. Ent. background a must, speak Eng/Spa perf. #4147 (7/1)

INTERNSHIPS – These positions are for credit only – nobody gets paid here. These ads are always posted for free, and students work for school credit only. For more information on the specs for posting an Internship ad, email Trish at [email protected].

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SITUATION WANTED:  Recent college graduate looking for ENTRY LEVEL JOB IN PR/PROMOTIONS/MARKETING in television broadcasting. NYC based. Please contact Elissa Henderson at [email protected] (7/8)

SITUATION WANTED:  I’ve written a one-hour modern action/ fantasy, about a fictional island’s revolution against tyranny. ‘Game of Thrones’ meets ’24.’ Looking for Studio Executive Assistance. [email protected] (7/8)

SITUATION WANTED: LA – BIZ DEV/MKT/CONSULTING – 12 years Internet experience, w/ content, retail, eTail, CE  across domestic & international markets for Fortune 500s and start-ups. Rock solid resume/top MBA. [email protected] (7/7)

SITUATION WANTED: CREATIVE MEDIA MIND Seeking to assist, Entry- Junior level positions, B.A. & Communications/Media background, 3-5 years of experience domestically & internationally. NY based. Please contact, [email protected] (7/7)

SITUATION WANTED: NEED A BUDGET DONE?? LINE PROD/EIC – 15+ yrs. exp- budgets done in all formats TV & Features- Accurate, Reasonable fast turn around. Email:  [email protected] (7/7)

SITUATION WANTED:  AUDIO ENGINEERS – SAE graduates seeking internship and staff positions in all fields of audio. NYC based. Contact Job Placement Coordinator Jeff Lanier at [email protected] (7/7)

SITUATION WANTED: CREATIVE HARD WORKING MIND Seeking Assist position, Entertainment law firm exp /Television production background, 3-5 years of experience. NY based. Available NOW! Please contact, [email protected] (7/7)

SITUATION WANTED: Dedicated & Experienced ADV. SALES PLANNER (NYC) Sales proposals, resolving client discrepancies, quarterly post analysis, special sales service projects, expert computer skills. Contact- [email protected] (7/6)

SITUATION WANTED:  RESEARCH DIR/SALES – 20+ yrs Media, Nielsen, Hispanic Mkt, Research, Sales, and Presentation experience. How can I help you? Email: [email protected] (7/6)

SITUATION WANTED: MANAGER/DIRECTOR FINANCIAL PLANNING AND ANALYSIS/LA. 10+ yrs exp in corporate entertainment finance. Extensive background in financial budgeting, planning, modeling and executive presentations. [email protected] (7/2)

SITUATION WANTED: LA…Experienced sales, biz development pro seeking position in educational / home media/advertising . Solid resume and excellent references. email: [email protected] (7/2)

E-mail [email protected] or call Trish Pihonak at 203.381.9096 for rates and specs for Job Openings.

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