Thursday, February 24th, 2011

Cynopsis: DIGITAL

Good morning, it’s Thursday, February 24, 2011, and this is your first early morning digital briefing.  If you would like to read this or any other Cynopsis edition online, click here

The producers of Simon Cowell’s new talent show The X-Factor are currently in talks with Facebook to install online voting into the upcoming U.S. version of the show as part of a worldwide partnership with the social networking juggernaut, per THR. Voting via Facebook would be reserved for the final rounds of the show, scheduled to premiere on Fox this fall, and would not replace traditional land line and cell phone voting. American Idol, which has preferring working with News Corp. subsidiary MySpace thus far, is also expected to add online voting for the first time as soon as next week, as part of this year’s comprehensive overhaul of the show.


YouTube is in talks with both the NBA and the NHL to feature a smattering of live games on the site, reports Bloomberg, citing sources in the Asia Pacific region – Gautam Anand, Google’s Director of Content Partnerships for Asia Pacific and Brian Suh, head of YouTube Partnerships for Google Korea. (However, an NHL spokesperson has denied such discussions.) The Google-owned site experimented with live sports streaming last year featuring live cricket matches from the Indian Premiere League. Google, which shared in the ad revenue generated from the offering, was able to attract 55 million unique visitors from more than 250 countries.
AOL launched a new daily microseries this month dubbed The Urlesque Show, covering internet trends, viral videos and memes. It premieres every weekday at 2 p.m. ET.


Paris-based Dailymotion has released a software developer’s kit (SDK) to the general public, enabling third party sites and apps on multiple platforms to incorporate Dailymotion video viewing. The Dailymotion API uses the OAuth 2.0 standard protocol as an authentication and permission system.
Mountain View, CA-based energy conversion specialist Transphorm has closed on a $20 million round of series C financing led by Google Ventures. The funding more than doubles the total it has raised to try and improve energy efficiency as it’s converted from coal to the electric grid.


Marketers who have complained that Apple’s iAd platform is just too dear may be getting some relief. Apple, which established a $1 million minimum ad spend upon launching the platform, has cut the entry investment in half to $500,000 to try and attract a broader array of brands, reports AllThingsD.
Online video ad exchange SpotXchange introduced a new auto-optimization feature that will automatically improve upon the targeting capabilities of live campaign. The “Otto” system evaluates placements based on site, context, demographic and historical performance and finds suitable replacements for video ads that aren’t performing well.


Content delivery network Brightcove has signed a deal with LG to integrate a software development kit (SDK) on the software suite used for building apps for broadband connected LG TVs. The deal will pave the way for Brightcove customers to easily build video playing apps for NetCast-powered TVs.
shareholders rejected a plan yesterday to require the company to disclose its succession plans to be enacted when Steve Jobs, survivor of a rare form of pancreatic cancer, steps down as CEO. Much ink was devoted to the issue after Jobs’ sudden announcement that he was taking his second medical leave in two years.
Real-time TV search platform Critical Mention is adding Hispanic broadcasters TeleFutura, Telemundo and Univision to its system. The service will now digitize every word spoken from Spanish-language broadcast signals in all major markets and make it searchable in real-time. Marketers will also be able to access Spanish-language terms in customized alerts, widgets and segmented reports.


Portland, OR-based Rentrak has struck a deal with Donovan Data Systems to integrate its TV Essentials, StationView Essentials and OnDemand Essentials databases into DDS data distributed to ad agencies. The arrangement will bring valuable set-top-based viewing data to an enterprise system that is widely used on Madison Avenue, helping agencies learn more about niche TV networks and VOD consumption.
Hispanics are less proficient and less confident than whites and African Americans in using the internet and other digital technologies, according to a new Washington Post/Kaiser Family Foundation/Harvard University poll. While 72% of Hispanics say they use the internet, 57% of those surveyed say they aren’t computer and tech savvy enough to be competitive in today’s job market. Cell phone usage numbers tend show parity across races, but even smartphones lack the computing power and productivity software necessary in business environments.


E! Entertainment Television
is teaming with marketing agency Trailer Park to launch a free iOS app for iPhone/iPod Touch and iPad geared toward live viewing of the Red Carpet festivities at the Oscars on Sunday. In addition to live footage from the Red Carpet, the app will feature multiple data feeds from E! online as well as several third party APIs.
Auryn, Inc. is partnering with illustrator Lisbeth Zwerger to release an illustrated version of “The Little Mermaid” by Hans Christian Andersen on the iPad tomorrow for a promotional price of $.99.  Zwerger has created illustrations for a wide range of books including The Wizard of Oz, Alice in Wonderland, A Christmas Carol, and many others.  The Little Mermaid is the first of Zwerger’s books to be released for the iPad.


Camilla Carpenter has been upped to SVP/Strategy and Network Operations for Discovery Channel. She will report in Silver Spring, MD to Edward Sabin, Group COO for Discovery and TLC Networks.


A new Facebook app from Las Vegas-based Thought Division that enables you to Break Up with your partner from afar has caught fire this week, surpassing 700k users in 48-hours, according to the company. (At least they waited until after Valentine’s Day to launch.) On a more constructive note, dating apps such as Zoosk (which has close to 3 million fans) continues to get a lot of play on the platform. Zoosk allows you to search for likely candidates around the globe by age and location and comes with access to a free messaging application to connect with people in real time. The AreYouInterested? Facebook app from publically traded Snap Interactive has also grown rapidly, catapulting to the #11 spot on AppData’s App Leaderboard with over 15 million users, even after the company started charging (optional) subscription fees. The app, also available for the iPhone, allow you to scroll through photos of potential matches, send messages or exchange virtual gifts such as digital roses. How romantic.
Correction: Break Media’s new show “For the Win” debuted yesterday on the Break site MadeMan, not ManMade. We apologize for the dyslexia.
Later – Wayne
Wayne Karrfalt for Cynopsis: Digital

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JOB OPENING: MULTIMEDIA DESIGNER/QVC/WEST CHESTER PA:  has immediate Multimedia Designer opportunities to support mobile apps, interactive TV, etc. Exp w/mobile a must. View job descr & apply at (3/3)

JOB OPENING: CORP COMM MGR/Univision/NY: 5+ yr exp. TV background pref’d. Generate ratings releases & coverage. Dvlp & execute press materials & strategic media plans. Interest & exp in sports media a +. [email protected] (3/3)

JOB OPENING: PROJ MGR RSRCH/ATL: Mng jr staff members & asst Rsrch Dir in completion of complex special projs. 5+ yrs brdcst and/or cable TV rsrch or another media-related field a must. BA deg req’d. Resume: [email protected] (3/3)

JOB OPENING: DIRECTOR TECHNICAL SERVICES/LA: Saban Brands seeks to lead content mngmnt, asset mastering & operational workflow for WW distribution, vendor relations, near/long term asset storage & security: [email protected] (3/3)

JOB OPENING:  DIRECTOR/NAT’L ACCTS/AFFILIATE/Scripps Networks/KNOXVILLE, TN. Support neg primary agreements/renewals, lead neg on new media/non-linear agreements, collaborate on strategy on Key Acct’s, #2171 (3/3)

JOB OPENING: EXP’D PT MEDIA ADMIN ASST/NYC: Light office mgmt & exec support to CEO & team. Ability to work independently; Must have good written/verbal comm skills; Prof. in MS Office. Send resume: [email protected] (3/2)

JOB OPENING:  AFFILIATE OPERATIONS ASSISTANT/Sportsman Channel/New York office:  Great opportunity for college grad to learn all aspects of back office cable network operations.  Apply (3/2)

JOB OPENING: SENIOR MANAGER, CRM/WWE/Stamford, CT, As critical strategist, drive evolution of CRM programs & capabilities, including targeted advertising & audience marketing, customer retention/loyalty, etc.- (3/2)

JOB OPENING: AD SALES ASST DIR RESPONSE/GMC Cable/NY: We are seeking a recent grad w/ previous ad sales/advertising internship exp to asst direct response & pd prgrmng dept. Strong Excel & multi-tasking a +. Apply: [email protected] (3/2)

JOB OPENING: DIRECTOR COMMUNICATIONS & MEDIA RELATIONS/Hallmark Channel/New York: 12 yrs exp w/PR/Communications. Prior leadership exp managing PR/Communications function. See full posting and apply @ (3/2)

JOB OPENING: SR MGR ADVERTISING SALES RESEARCH /DIRECTV/New York, NY or El Segundo, CA and AD SALES RSRCH ANALYST/DIRECTV/ New York, NY or El Segundo, CA For add’l info: Job# 1100255 and Job# 1100319 (3/2)

JOB OPENING: SR EXEC. WEB PRODUCER/Owings Mills, MD: Mng web proj. & people. Exp: 5+ yrs web prod, online tech for formal/informal  education,  interactive dev using Flash, online course dev. using Moodle. (3/2)

JOB OPENING: SR ANALYST/BRAVO/NYC: Provide top line, detailed analyses covering Bravo’s online properties & competitors. Produce traffic estimates & rationale for sales.2 yrs online rsrch, exp w/Omniture. 942BR (3/1)

JOB OPENING: ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE/TV Guide Network/LA: AE w/ 5+ yrs national cable ad sales exp a must. Multi-platform sales exp preferred. Competitive salary commensurate w/ exp & excellent benefits program [email protected] (3/1)

JOB OPENING: AFFIL MKTG MGR/ATL: 3+ yrs affil mrkting.Key Industry contacts req. Exp. w/Excel/Ppt/Keynote/Illustrator. Prior exp. with dev. & impl. trade shows. Prov mrkting/sales supp to Affil team. Res: [email protected] (3/1)

JOB OPENING: AFFIL MKTG COORD/ATL: Prior mktg exp.Strong org skills w/event plan’g exp. Exp. w/ Excel/Photoshp/Ppt/Keynote/Illus.Prior exp. w/ dev. & impl. trade shows. Prov admin supp to Affil Mktg team. Res: [email protected] (3/1)

JOB OPENING: STAFF ACCOUNTANT/OVATION/ARTS TV/Santa Monica.Monthly invoicing.Maint Affil DB. JE’s. Monthly closings & financial statements.BA deg Acctg, Finance, Busn Admin. 3-5 yrs exp. Email resume: [email protected] (3/1)

JOB OPENING: OPERATIONS MGR/NewsOne/NY: To support/maintain day-to-day technical ops of the NewsOne systems. Maintain & grow NewsOne affiliate/client website NewsOneNET. apply at: ID 275299 (3/1)

JOB OPENING: DISNEY MEDIA SALES & MARKETING/NYC: Integrated cross platform sales org, create customized ads for assets in TV, Online, Radio & Print has Research jobs: Please apply at: Req # 260250/274875/274920 (3/1)

JOB OPENING:  PROJECT MANAGER/MOVIE ADS/NICK CREATIVE ADV/Nickelodeon/NYC. 4+yrs Proj/Prod Mgmt exp in movie promotion, Strng Org & Negotiating skills, Resolve creat/ budg conflicts EOE/M/F/D/AAP.Apply (2/26)

JOB OPENING:  SALES PLANNER/ION Media Networks/New York, NY: Seeks Planner for network spot sales. BA, 2 to 3 years network sales planning experience, works with AE & Sales Assistant. Apply at [email protected] EOE (2/26)

JOB OPENING:  ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE/ION Media Networks/New York, NY: Seeks AE for network spot sales. 3 to 5 years exp preferred TV adv, est relationships & proven track record. Apply at [email protected] EOE  (2/26)

JOB OPENING:  PROG RESEARCH MGR/NICKELODEON/NYC: 4+ yrs TV ratings resrch; expertise Nielsen (Startrak, Npower, Aud Watch), Deep knwlg TV ind, ratings, media math. EOE/M/F/D/AAP.Apply (2/26)

JOB OPENING: SALES PLANNER/AT&T Advanced Ad Solutions/LA: Sales Planner-AT&T Uverse (IPTV). 2+ yrs sales and media planning exp. Apply- https://att. =1  (2/26)

JOB OPENING: PROGRAM ADVERTISING MGR (CONSUMER MARKETING)/HBO/NY: Must have 5-7 yrs exp. Studio/entertainment mktg exp preferred and passion for pop culture. Creative briefs, media plans, budgets Apply here: (2/26)

JOB OPENING: INTERACTIVE ART DIRECTOR/HBO/NY: supports team. 5-7 yrs exp web/graphic design. Flash, adobe creative suite, html skills a must. Supervisory exp req. Apply: (2/26)

JOB OPENING: DIGITAL PROJECT MGR/HBO/NY: supports the development, launch and ongoing management of HBO’s digital subscriber products — HBO GO and MAX GO. 3-5yrs pm exp. Apply: (2/26)

JOB OPENING:  ASSOC MGR, SALES & MKTG ANALYSIS/HBO/NY: supports Sales, Mktng, Research and sr management with analysis and reporting. 3+ yrs of quantitative analytic exp. Apply: (2/26)

JOB OPENING: MRG, PRGM RESEARCH/AETN/NY: Provide research-based analysis & insight to support AETN Prgmg, Mktg, Sched & PR. 3+ yrs exp in tv research. Must be familiar with Nielsen data. Apply: (2/26)

JOB OPENING: DIR, DIST MKTG/AETN/NY: Dev strategic mktg plans & mng projects in support of Dist across all brands. 7 + yrs cable mktg exp.Apply: (2/26)

JOB OPENING: SR. BUYER LOCAL TV & RADIO /Active Int’l in Pearl River, NY (15 miles from NYC): Min 3 – 5 yrs in major market radio buying exp. req’d. Resumes to:  [email protected] or call 845-732-8943 1/19/11 (2/25)

JOB OPENING: ASST. MKTG MGR/truTV/NYC: Assist w/development & execution of multi-platform consumer campaigns; support brand strategy dept in daily activities(develop adv. strategy, briefs, show positioning)    122065BR:Asst. Mkt Mgr (2/25)

JOB OPENING:  PRODUCTION ACCOUNTANT/TalkShow/NY: 10 yr+ experience in production accounting/cost reporting/estimating. Apply:  [email protected]  (2/25)

JOB OPENING: DESIGN DIRECTOR/USA Network/NYC: Responsible for the overall look & feel of network’s on-air design, extending onto new media platforms, Maintain/evolve visual style, mng/sprvs a team. req#1039 (2/25)

INTERNSHIPS – These positions are for credit only – nobody gets paid here. These ads are always posted for free , and students work for school credit only. For more information on the specs for posting an Internship ad, email Trish at [email protected].

SPRING INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: PR intern/Los Angeles:  For award winning actress.6 months. unpaid, handling all faucets of PR  press kits, appearances, keeping in touch with entertainment industry professionals. Contact [email protected] (2/26)

SITUATION WANTED ADS, POSTED BY THOSE LOOKING TO BE HIRED …  There is no charge for placing your Situation Wanted ad … for more information contact Trish Pihonak at [email protected]

SITUATION WANTED:  MANAGER/DIRECTOR FINANCIAL PLANNING AND ANALYSIS/LA. 10+ yrs experience in entertainment. Extensive background in managing people, sophisticated financial modeling and executive presentations. [email protected] (3/3)

SITUATION WANTED: Experienced TV PRODUCER WITH MBA – I have an MBA and 9 years experience as a TV Producer. Ideally looking for a position that integrates content and brands. Also open to other opportunities. [email protected] (3/2)

SITUATION WANTED: RESEARCH DIR/SALES STRATEGIST: Upfronts coming? 20+ yrs media, Nielsen, Hisp, research, sales, and presentation experience. Email: [email protected] (3/2)

SITUATION WANTED: ANALYTICAL AE FOR DIGITAL or TV Ad Sales/NY: I assure you that I am qualified, and will prove to be a valuable addition to your firm. 3 yrs in Finance & 9 yrs in Ad Sales. Let’s grow together. [email protected] (3/2)

SITUATION WANTED: Dedicated & Experienced ADV. SALES PLANNER (NY) Sales proposals, resolving client discrepancies, quarterly post analysis, special sales service projects, expert computer skills. Contact- [email protected] (3/1)

SITUATION WANTED:  MEDIA SALES/MARKETING MANAGER/LA: 17+ years experience in educational, documentary, advertising media sales, content development, biz development True Closer!!!!! [email protected] (2/26)

SITUATION WANTED:  ASSOCIATE PRODUCER/NY: 6+ yrs exp at: Food Network, ABC, NBC, CBS, BBC, Nick, MTV, CNN, History Channel, Sesame Street,TLC, NY1. Website: Contact:(917) 692-3229 [email protected] (2/26)

E-mail [email protected] or call Trish Pihonak at 203.381.9096 for rates and specs for Job Openings.

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