Thursday, April 7th, 2011

Cynopsis: DIGITAL


Good morning, it’s Thursday, April 7, 2011, and this is your first early morning digital briefing.  If you would like to read this or any other Cynopsis edition online, click here

Charlie Ergen’s Dish Network emerged victorious in the auction for the bankrupt Blockbuster chain with a bid of $320 million including $228 million in cash, outbidding Carl Icahn and others. Always on the lookout for ways to expand its TV Everywhere strategy (Dish acquired Sling Media, maker of the SlingBox, in 2007 for $380 million), the company will look to leverage Blockbuster’s kiosks and remaining 1,700 outlets to develop a hybrid satellite/streaming model to compete with Netflix – the company that sent Blockbuster into bankruptcy court. Dish also bought satellite-based communications company DBSD N.A. last month for $1.4 billion, greatly expanding the amount of broadband spectrum at its disposal. The deal is expected to close during Q2 of 2011.


The world’s leading video sharing site YouTube is planning to invest as much as $100 million to develop exclusive original content for the site, according to a WSJ report. YouTube reps are meeting with talent agencies such as CAA, William Morris Endeavor and ICM to entice their clients to create 20 or so thematic premium “channels,” which would produce 5-10 hours of professionally-produced fare per week. 
has pulled off another programming coup of its own for its streaming video service, sewing up the syndication rights for Mad Men following the show’s initial run on AMC. The company will pay producer Lionsgate between $750k-$900k per episode, according to the LATimes. (Given the challenges of syndicating serialized fare on linear TV, expect more such deals to materialize in the future.) The first four 13-season episodes will premier on Netflix Instant on July 27, during a summer when no new Mad Men episodes will appear.
The Yankee’s YES Network is the first programmer to pull its content from Cablevision‘s new live TV iPad app, reports the NYPost. MLB Advanced Media owns the streaming rights to Yankees games.
Eagle Rock Entertainment struck a deal with multiplatform digital syndication service Qello to provide music content for its new cloud-based streaming App. Eagle Rock will supply an initial 250 concert and music documentary videos including Grammy-winning Doors doc “When You’re Strange.”


Twitter is gradually rolling out a redesign of its home page to enable users to search for topics and well as personalities to follow. The microblogging service also introduced a new dashboard for marketers at the Ad Age Digital Conference on Wednesday that allows them to cross reference information about people who are following their branded accounts. The “Follower Dashboard” allows sponsored tweets to be geo-targeted across 210 U.S. cities and 100 international locales. Oh yes, and it looks like Twitter is keeping its headquarters in San Francisco. The city”s Board of Supervisors voted 8-3 to give it an exemption from a citywide payroll tax, in exchange for braving the Central Market Street and Tenderloin areas.
Billy Crystal’s daughter Lindsay got her Pops to star in a new Funny Or Die send up of Billy and Rob Reiner’s pitch for a “When Harry Met Sally” sequel. The moral of the clip is to beware of studio execs’ “tweaks.”


announced a multi-year deal with MLB Advanced Media (MLBAM) enabling digital video ads to be served on across live game streaming, video-on-demand (VOD) content, all individual MLB team web sites, as well as on mobile devices such as smart phones and tablets. Beginning this season, Auditude will help MLBAM manage and monetize digital video content, enabling the creation of custom units and integrated cross-platform campaigns for brand advertisers.


Despite thoughts that the merger of AT&T with T-Mobile may reduce demand for additional spectrum, the Obama administration is still pushing to move forward with its plan to auction off broadcasters under-utilized airwaves. A group of economists convened a panel yesterday to discuss the benefits, led by Google chief economist Hal Varian. Lawmakers also released the witness list for an initial hearing on April 12 before the House Subcommittee on Communications and Technology.
Technicolor has selected Sorenson Media‘s cloud-based Squeeze Solution Pack to power, ShareVUE, its new content management system build for major motion picture and television clients.


will release a smaller 7-inch Wi-Fi only version of the Galaxy Tab for $350 on April 10, undercutting the price of the cheapest iPad by $150. Sprint and Verizon have also cut the price for 10″ Galaxy Tab tablet once again from $300 to $200 with a two-year wireless contract. Samsung is planning to release two slimmer Tab models this summer, both based on Android’s 3.0 “Honeycomb” OS.
introduced an online and Facebook app around its new Seattle-set series The Killing, based on the Danish series of the same name. Use the Suspect Tracker to post your own theories about the case and look to see each Tuesday which suspects are drawing the most suspicion.
Video slideshow app Animoto, which recently launched a partner program with sites such as, has integrated with Apple‘s newly updated AirPlay system to enable Animoto creations to be easily shared wirelessly from an iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch to an Apple TV device. 
Elgato has also updated its EyeTV iOS app to allow wireless streaming of broadcast content to be shared through the Apple TV set top. The EyeTV app costs $5 and requires a $200 EyeTV HD set top box/DVR for your Mac.
Weather Central, AdPay and Inergize Digital are announcing this morning they have signed 11 new media companies to the News Synergy mobile app including multiple Fisher Communications stations. News Synergy distributes locally branded content including news, weather, sports, politics, entertainment, classifieds, photos, videos to iOS and Android mobile devices.


Postproduction equipment manufacturer Digital Vision has completed the acquisition of Image Systems, announced Mikael Jacobsson, CEO of Image Systems, who will take over as CEO of Image Systems from current CEO Bengt Broman on April 15, who is stepping down.
Fixed wireless voice and broadband product maker Axesstel has promoted Henrik Hoeffner to Chief Marketing Officer. The former SVP/Sales will be based in the company’s San Diego headquarters.


This one is very much for the single international traveler. London-based Zodiak Interactive announced that its geo-targeted FlirtMaps dating app for iOS and Andriod already surpassed a half million downloads with users in 91 different countries. The app allows you to browse for singles in your area, build a compatibility profile, chat and exchange photos or drop “FlirtBombs” to the nearest 100 members. Zodiak is preparing to launch a network of 20 virtual meeting spots in 20 world cities where FlirtMaps users can check-in and meet others who are in the area. The company is also working on expanding the platform to BlackBerry and the Mac OS App store, according to Zodiak CTO Marco Franciosa, who designed FlirtMaps.
Correction: Participant in Rovi’s Smart TV ad trial, BrightLine, was misspelled on Tues. BrightLine is a New York-based advertising firm that specializes in interactive ads.


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Wayne Karrfalt for Cynopsis: Digital

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